
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

9.04.2024 4:56:42 law seek legal advice проконсультироваться у юриста (It is always a good idea to speak with an RBC Advisor to help review your banking needs for your specific situation. You should also seek legal and tax advice in considering your options. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:51:45 cliche. take on this responsibility взять на себя такую ответственность (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:51:45 cliche. take on this responsibility взвалить на себя такую ответственность (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:49:37 cliche. clearly understand чётко понимать (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:47:59 gen. manage money обращаться с деньгами (*разумно*: If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:44:59 cliche. have one's best interests in mind руководствоваться интересами кого-л. (Whether you’re appointing an attorney or opening a joint bank account with somebody, it’s important to make sure the person you choose is someone you trust and has your best interests in mind. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:40:21 formal subject to на который распространяется (The Company will treat it as a transaction subject to the blackout rules. • Images may be subject to copyright. • All rights and obligations of you and XYZ under these Terms of Use shall be subject to all rights, policies, guidelines and terms and conditions of Google Inc. and YouTube Inc. • The funds in a joint account could be subject to claims by creditors which did not arise from you. (rbcroyalbank.com) -- На денежные средства на совместном счёте могут распространяться иски кредиторов к другим совладельцам счёта.)
9.04.2024 4:29:09 gen. up to date сохраняющий свою актуальность (А Power of Attorney requires regular review to ensure it is up to date. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:26:48 gen. regular review периодические проверки (А Power of Attorney requires regular review to ensure it is up to date. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:26:48 gen. regular review периодические ревизии (А Power of Attorney requires regular review to ensure it is up to date. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:23:45 gen. when making decisions при принятии решений (Multiple attorneys may disagree causing delays when making decisions or give rise to disputes. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 4:22:19 formal make vulnerable подвергнуть опасности (to sth. – чего-л.: А Power of Attorney may make you vulnerable to financial abuse if your attorney doesn’t make decisions that are in your best interest. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 3:57:30 notar. appoint an attorney назначить доверенное лицо (А Power of Attorney can permit someone to look after your financial affairs if you become unable to do so. It allows you to appoint two or more attorneys, which can help reduce the potential mismanagement of your finances (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 3:53:55 formal expressly недвусмысленным образом (А Power of Attorney expressly authorizes someone to act on your behalf and outlines what they can do. А Power of Attorney can permit someone to look after your financial affairs if you become unable to do so. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 3:51:42 formal expressly с единственной целью (expressly = for a specific purpose; solely: "the deck was expressly built for entertaining": The accused entered the premises expressly to steal the antique items.)
9.04.2024 3:46:46 bank. risks associated with риски, связанные с (It is important to be aware of the advantages and risks associated with a Power of Attorney and/or a Joint Bank Account before deciding whether they are right for you. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 3:45:07 bank. funds in the account денежные средства на банковском счёте (Joint account holders have shared ownership of the funds in the account and can deposit, withdraw or handle the funds in the account—no matter who puts money into it. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 3:30:21 bank. handle one's banking заниматься банковскими операциями (в качестве клиента: The terms of the Power of Attorney outline what an attorney(s) can do on your behalf. For example, they can sign cheques, handle your banking or even sell real estate for you.)
9.04.2024 1:58:22 cliche. make decisions принимать решения (about – по поводу: A Power of Attorney for Property allows someone to make decisions about your property and finances on your behalf. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 1:56:31 bank. share ownership совместно владеть (What is a Joint Bank Account? It’s a bank account held by two or more people who share ownership of the funds in the account. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 1:45:20 cliche. have a желаю (вам: Have a great weekend! – Have a nice day! – Have a good golf game! – Have fun!)
9.04.2024 1:30:48 formal reach out to the public пообщаться с народом (We welcome this opportunity to reach out to the public and discuss issues important to the community.)
8.04.2024 10:23:46 busin. feedback комментарии клиентов
8.04.2024 8:35:16 fig. from a different perspective под иным углом зрения (Seeing Things from a Different Perspective)
8.04.2024 8:10:38 gen. just as you like как хотите (- accepting someone's decision)
8.04.2024 8:06:59 formal advise оповестить ("If we take our sailboat up Indian Arm we have to radio the bridge operator and request a full lift of the train bridge, then advise him once we have cleared. If there is a train scheduled near the time we request the lift, we have to wait!" -- мы должны связаться по рации с оператором ж/д моста и запросить максимальный подъём, а затем оповестить его после того, как мы прошли мост (Twitter))
8.04.2024 1:46:48 traf. solid движущийся сплошным потоком (Hwy 17, solid all the way to the bridge.)
7.04.2024 10:44:41 gen. too late to do anything about it слишком поздно, ничего не поделаешь (Too late to do anything about it now. – Сейчас уже слишком поздно, ничего не попишешь.)
7.04.2024 3:44:46 gen. clear дать разрешение (A dog missing in California since the summer turned up more than 2,000 miles away in suburban Detroit. Veterinarian Nancy Pillsbury examined 3-year-old Mishka, gave her a rabies shot and cleared her to travel home to California. nbcnews.com)
7.04.2024 3:44:46 gen. clear одобрить (A dog missing in California since the summer turned up more than 2,000 miles away in suburban Detroit. Veterinarian Nancy Pillsbury examined 3-year-old Mishka, gave her a rabies shot and cleared her to travel home to California. nbcnews.com)
7.04.2024 3:39:20 NGO animal welfare group группа спасения животных (также используется термин animal rescue group)
7.04.2024 3:38:42 NGO animal welfare group группа зоозащитников
7.04.2024 3:38:42 NGO animal welfare group зоозащитная организация
7.04.2024 1:16:13 gen. over-inflated ego гипертрофированное самомнение
6.04.2024 11:16:35 gen. gun-toting с пистолетом (gun-toting punks who couldn't hit a barn door from 10 feet)
6.04.2024 11:16:35 gen. gun-toting вооружённый пистолетом (gun-toting punks who couldn't hit a barn door from 10 feet)
6.04.2024 11:13:53 cliche. rest in peace спи спокойно (Rest in peace Dom. Love ya buddy!)
6.04.2024 11:13:26 cliche. rest easy спи спокойно (Rest easy buddy. – Спи спокойно, друг. (надпись на мемориале в память о недавно погибшем боевом товарище))
6.04.2024 11:10:53 gen. list of errands список дел (Sorry I can't stay long, I've got a list of errands for this afternoon. – список дел на сегодня)
6.04.2024 11:08:45 welf. social programs социальные программы
6.04.2024 11:05:23 gen. originally written in NN's own hand собственноручно написанный НН
6.04.2024 10:50:49 gen. personal handwritten signature собственноручная подпись (A free signature creator tool that allows you to create personal handwritten signature.)
6.04.2024 10:30:29 idiom. come clean сознаться (on – в: When questioned, he broke down and came clean, admitting that he had murdered his wife, mother-in-law and her dog. – сознался)
6.04.2024 10:21:06 industr. charged with призванный (об исполнении функций: "эксплуатационный персонал, призванный обеспечивать функционирование оборудования")
6.04.2024 8:14:30 mil. technological capability технические возможности ("Typically, their defence industries are relatively new, have a limited but increasing technological capability, have very limited experience and only a few products..." (books.google.ca))
6.04.2024 4:31:07 gen. be within the best interest of отвечать чьим-л. интересам (Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected. youtube.com)
6.04.2024 4:23:12 gen. suit sb's interests отвечать чьим-л. интересам (A dysfunctional and unstable government would perfectly suit the opposition's interests.)
6.04.2024 3:52:03 law, court award compensation назначить компенсацию (The tenant was awarded compensation for any amount they paid over $1,850.00 ($3,250), recovery of their $100 filing fee, and $22,200 representing 12 months of rent at $1,850.00. The RTB granted the renter a total of $25,550 on January 8, 2024. (vancouverisawesome.com))
6.04.2024 3:48:41 formal for staging purposes с целью создания видимости (The RTB wasn't persuaded by the landlord's submissions, which included photos of the home that appeared to be taken for "staging purposes" and did not include personal items like clothing, art, or photos. It also sided with the tenant regarding the mobile phone and low electrical bill, which it noted did not prove the landlord occupied the unit. (vancouverisawesome.com))
6.04.2024 3:45:08 law, court in the approved form в соответствующей закону форме (While the landlord argued that the tenant agreed to the illegal rent increase, "the Act is clear that, even in the instance of an agreed rent increase, the notice of rent increase must be in the approved form as provided for in section 42, in this case, the landlords did not issue a notice in the approved form," the RTB stated in its ruling. (vancouverisawesome.com))
6.04.2024 3:26:50 law, court appropriate form соответствующий бланк (для заполнения: The RTB ruled in favour of the tenant, noting that the landlord never issued a notice of rent increase on the appropriate form and that they raised it during the pandemic rent freeze. (vancouverisawesome.com) -- отметив, что домовладелец не предоставил уведомление о повышении квартплаты на соответствующем бланке)
6.04.2024 3:23:27 law, court rule in favour of вынести решение в пользу (The RTB ruled in favour of the tenant, noting that the landlord never issued a notice of rent increase on the appropriate form and that they raised it during the pandemic rent freeze. (vancouverisawesome.com))
6.04.2024 3:20:55 real.est. list the property for sale выставить дом на продажу
6.04.2024 3:20:55 real.est. list the property for sale выставить квартиру на продажу
6.04.2024 3:17:12 law, contr. give a 10-day notice известить за десять дней (до вступления в силу чего-л.: The landlord provided three options to end the tenancy and A.B. exercised his option to end it early and gave a 10-day notice on June 30. A.B. also received one month's rent in compensation.)
6.04.2024 3:12:20 law, contr. give three months' notice of известить за три месяца до (вступления в силу чего-л.: The tenant contacted the Residential Tenancy Branch for help. She was told that landlord must provide rental increases on a standardized form and give tenants three months' notice of an increase.)
6.04.2024 1:17:21 inet. internet access выход в Сеть (В 2024 году немногие могут себе представить жизнь без выхода в сеть. Интернет стал неотъемлемой частью нашей ежедневной жизни. (из рус. источников))
5.04.2024 10:05:19 formal act in one's professional capacity исполнять свои профессиональные обязанности
5.04.2024 9:29:41 gen. rugged mountainside труднодоступный склон (How the plane was removed is a real mystery, as it would be nearly impossible to carry the still intact fuselage, wings etc. down the rugged mountainside. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 9:29:41 gen. rugged mountainside труднодоступная горная местность (How the plane was removed is a real mystery, as it would be nearly impossible to carry the still intact fuselage, wings etc. down the rugged mountainside. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 9:21:08 gen. similar instance аналогичный случай (What’s more, these types of situations are not at all limited to the United States. We have examined, for example, several similar instances alleged to have taken place off the east coast of the United Kingdom. All in remarkably similar circumstances. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 9:11:44 space alien spaceship инопланетный космический корабль
5.04.2024 9:11:01 space extraterrestrial craft инопланетный аппарат (Еven more disturbing, at least according to some researchers, and certainly something that we should perhaps think about very carefully, are the claims from some that the deaths of such pilots as Lamar Barlow are a consequence of interaction with extraterrestrial crafts. And further still, the military, or aspects of it, not only knew such information but actively covered it up. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 9:04:59 gen. regular occurrence привычное явление (Being abducted and taken to alien planets was also a regular occurrence, Allison added—as well as being contacted and abducted by members of a shadowy US government agency. (coasttocoastam.com))
5.04.2024 9:01:40 gen. regular occurrence заурядное явление (In this day and age it seems to be a regular occurrence when people refuse to help others, they look the other way and refuse to become involved, however the same seems to be the case back in 1821 when Maria froze to death because no one would come to her aid. • As we will examine in a moment, it would appear that such fatal UFO incidents as the Grouse Mountain crash were quite a regular occurrence in the late 1940s and early fifties. (ufoinsight.com) wordpress.com)
5.04.2024 8:59:14 idiom. it is not at all a stretch of the imagination to think that не будет вольностью предположить, что (While there is no proof of a nuts-and-bolts UFO in the skies over the America-Canada border area on the afternoon of the 12th February 1954, given what we know of such incidents, including just how many UFO sightings take place in the state of Washington, it is not at all a stretch of the imagination to think that what ultimately led the young man to his death that morning was an “intercept” mission as opposed to pilot error on an instrument checking mission. (ufoinsight.com) • Так что не будет вольностью предположить, что в каких-нибудь архивах дальних стран можно будет найти и имя владельца этой загородной резиденции. (из рус. источников))
5.04.2024 8:51:08 gen. at a 45-degree angle под углом 45° (A sighting in June almost exactly a month later took place in the immediate vicinity of Mounts St. Helens. A passenger on board a Boeing 737 reported a strange craft traveling at a 45-degree angle before disappearing into the clouds. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 8:11:46 gen. classical type классического типа (характеристика явления: Essentially, their investigation of the picture would ultimately lead them to believe Hannah McRoberts’ picture was a “legitimate classical type UFO photo”. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 4:16:49 gen. have the photograph developed проявить фотографию (-- отдать на проявку в ателье: According to McRoberts, one specific picture she took she noticed a strange cloud around the top of the mountain similar to a “volcano issuing steam”. The rest of the group she was with didn’t see anything unusual and so she simply forgot the incident. That was until she had the photographs developed several weeks later. When she focused in on the strange cloud her attention immediately went to the right of it. There, was an apparent solid, circular object. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 4:10:15 cliche. during the early fifties в начале пятидесятых (по этой модели также 60-х, 70-х, 80-х и т.д.: And while there is not much known of the encounter, it is certainly intriguing. It also further demonstrates an apparent extraterrestrial presence in the upper northwest corner of the United States during the early fifties. (ufoinsight.com))
5.04.2024 4:07:54 gen. early in the war в начале войны (Early in the war bread rationing was introduced, and the system worked fairly well, albeit with shortfalls during the Turnip Winter and summer of 1918.)
5.04.2024 3:01:00 cliche. at one's invitation по приглашению (также at the invitation of sb.: In March, at Dustin's invitation, I went down to Hollywood to see a new project he was in. • Visitors may play there at the invitation of a member, or by written request from their own golf club. -- Гостям позволяется играть по приглашению члена клуба (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
5.04.2024 2:47:43 agric. sheep grazing выпас овец
5.04.2024 2:26:07 cliche. it's not yet clear пока неясно (Plants emit sounds, akin to ‘screams’, when they’re distressed, according to a new study. They allegedly produce clicking noises that humans can’t hear without the use of scientific equipment, research has found. However, it’s not yet clear how the plants produce the noises. The findings show that plants which are distressed have incredibly high-pitched popping noises, while unstressed plants do not emit noises. The study’s definition of distressed included plants that were having their stems cut or were dehydrated. indy100.com)
4.04.2024 8:25:40 cliche. have a particular interest in особо заинтересовать (модель требует изменения конструкции: Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 8:22:54 cliche. have a particular interest in проявить особый интерес к (Then, a sudden “strong rush of wind” hit the witness, while at the same time, a ramp was stretching to the ground from an opening in the craft. On the ramp, three humanoid “men” appeared, each wearing “shiny, silvery coveralls”. The witness heard the “men” speak an unknown language as they seemingly discussed his presence. He would recall how they seemed to have a particular interest in the horse. The account stops there, and while it doesn’t say what happened after that, we have to assume the witness vacated the area as soon as he could. -- проявили особый интерес к его лошади (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 7:18:42 idiom. this was something not lost on sb. это понял, поняли (Quite certain the object was not a United States aircraft, the control tower was collectively shocked when at 8:24 pm a response came back. And what’s more, the code it offered was indeed the correct one. Making the encounter even more concerning was the fact that the object, or whatever the intelligence was behind it, would respond with several more correct and appropriate codes. This was something not lost on those in the three different control towers currently tracking the strange and unknown object. If those that were behind the UFOs increasingly witnessed around the United States had access to such secret codes, it meant that air defense was essentially ineffective. And air space could be breached easily. (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 6:57:15 cliche. sheer уже сам (по себе: усиление: Furthermore, the sheer speed with which the plane descended was at odds with a typical approach for landing, emergency or not. -- уже сама по себе скорость снижения самолёта не соответствовала типичной скорости при заходе на посадку, будь то аварийной или штатной (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 6:50:24 cliche. highly unlikely крайне маловероятный (о возможности чего-л.: Which makes more sense? The radar operators ignored the jet flying off into Canadian airspace until the pilot suddenly realizes he has only 30 minutes of fuel and has no clue about his position OR the radar operators guided the pilot in pursuit of a UFO into Canadian air space, beyond the farthest distance to return to base thinking the pilot would be able to land safely at Vancouver? It is certainly more likely, particularly if we factor in the alertness with which the United States military was kept at throughout the early years of the Cold War, that such lapses of judgment as the former point in Heath’s scenario is highly unlikely. (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 6:44:01 cliche. which makes more sense? где больше логики? (сравнивая два факта: Which makes more sense? The radar operators ignored the jet flying off into Canadian airspace until the pilot suddenly realizes he has only 30 minutes of fuel and has no clue about his position OR the radar operators guided the pilot in pursuit of a UFO into Canadian air space, beyond the farthest distance to return to base thinking the pilot would be able to land safely at Vancouver? (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 6:39:55 gen. stray off course отклониться от курса (UFO researcher, Gord Heath, makes some intriguing and, on balance, convincing proposals as to what happened over Grouse Mountain that morning. For example, he asks why the pilot was allowed to “stray” so far off course, across the border into Canada, without radar control alerting him to the fact? -- почему лётчику было позволено так далеко отклониться от курса (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 6:31:35 gen. if we accept for a moment если допустить на минуту (Especially when we know of the radar echoes that remain unexplained even today, as well as the sudden failure of all instruments and communications. From other similar reports, if we accept for a moment their authenticity, it would appear such a response of jamming and freezing such technical instruments is very much a defensive measure by these strange crafts. -- Если допустить на минуту, что они подлинные (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 6:28:57 gen. know of известно о (Again, while that is pure speculation, it is certainly worth keeping in mind. Especially when we know of the radar echoes that remain unexplained even today, as well as the sudden failure of all instruments and communications. -- нам известно об отражённых РЛ сигналах (ufoinsight.com))
4.04.2024 5:41:50 cliche. dutifully comply безотказно подчиниться (Cops say that the call was the first in a series of fantastical conversations with d'Ettore that ultimately led to him believing that the psychic was genuinely "gifted with supernatural powers." When the mayor was sufficiently spellbound by the strange ongoing experience, the 'otherworldly entity' asked him to give jobs to five of the woman's associates and he dutifully complied. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 5:41:50 cliche. dutifully comply безотказно повиноваться (Cops say that the call was the first in a series of fantastical conversations with d'Ettore that ultimately led to him believing that the psychic was genuinely "gifted with supernatural powers." When the mayor was sufficiently spellbound by the strange ongoing experience, the 'otherworldly entity' asked him to give jobs to five of the woman's associates and he dutifully complied. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 5:26:57 idiom. in hot water with неприятности по части (A French mayor is in hot water with the law after falling under the spell of a self-proclaimed clairvoyant who used her 'powers' to convince him to give jobs to her friends and family. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 5:26:57 idiom. in hot water with неприятная история по части (A French mayor is in hot water with the law after falling under the spell of a self-proclaimed clairvoyant who used her 'powers' to convince him to give jobs to her friends and family. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 5:17:13 cliche. practical aspects практические стороны (Fitchett delved into the practical aspects of plant communication and healing, offering her insights into how individuals can connect with plants on different levels of consciousness. (coasttocoastam.com) • В заключение главы были рассмотрены практические стороны сегментирования рынка и сложности, которые возникают при реализации этого подхода. (из рус. источников))
4.04.2024 5:11:41 gen. within nature в природе (Fitchett explored the relationship between humans and plants, highlighting the notion that remedies for various ailments exist within nature. She emphasized that nature inherently seeks balance and that plants play a significant role in maintaining this balance. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 5:10:09 gen. remedies for various ailments лекарства от различных болезней (Fitchett explored the relationship between humans and plants, highlighting the notion that remedies for various ailments exist within nature. She emphasized that nature inherently seeks balance and that plants play a significant role in maintaining this balance. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 5:03:45 hist. ancient knowledge древние знания (According to Quitt, a profound, ancient knowledge of sacred geometry was passed down through millennia helping to shape our understanding of reality, cosmology, and spirituality. He theorized this ancient knowledge holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of human existence and the nature of the universe. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 4:58:25 hist. time period эпоха (в некоторых контекстах: Quitt traced the transmission of this sacred knowledge through various cultures and time periods, and highlighted its influence on stories, artifacts, and artwork across Anatolia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, and beyond. He emphasized the interconnectedness of these cultures and the consistent presence of sacred numerical sequences, which he believes is a deliberate transmission of this knowledge rather than mere coincidence. (coasttocoastam.com))
4.04.2024 4:49:19 gen. fascinating read захватывающая книга, статья (также reading: The book was a fascinating read and it overwhelmingly deserves the five stars I gave it. • I'm sure that many of you will have seen the new story concerning the Loch Ness Monster: it makes for fascinating reading. (mysteriousuniverse.org))
4.04.2024 4:48:23 gen. fascinating read увлекательно написанная книга (Fascinating read, highly recommended.)
4.04.2024 4:43:55 esot. higher knowledge высокие познания (He stated that "on the most general level of analysis", esotericism represented "the claim of higher knowledge", a claim to possessing "wisdom that is superior to other interpretations of cosmos and history" that serves as a "master key for answering all questions of humankind." (Wikipedia) • На мысль о неких высоких познаниях, уцелевших после катастрофы, наводят и некоторые факты, относящиеся к первым из известных нам цивилизаций. (...) Перечень высоких познаний, которыми обладали древние, можно было бы продолжить. (Александр Горбовский))
4.04.2024 4:31:14 gen. nothing to be proud of нечем гордиться
4.04.2024 3:33:26 gen. go towards расходоваться на (27 residents. 90,000 kilograms of debris and material, 20 propane tanks and six generators. Ok... how can 27 people bring 90 tons of waste to anywhere? How much of our taxes is going towards these people, and the destruction of our parks in which they live? (Reddit))
4.04.2024 2:58:00 rude crap hole дерьмовое место (о грязном, неблагополучном районе или улице, которую отличают преступность, бездомные, наркоманы: East Hastings Street in the early 1970's before it became the crap hole it is now.)
4.04.2024 2:58:00 rude crap hole дыра (о грязном, неблагополучном районе или улице, которую отличают преступность, бездомные, наркоманы: East Hastings Street in the early 1970's before it became the crap hole it is now.)
3.04.2024 8:28:53 cliche. ample reason достаточные основания (a collocation in English (Cambridge Dictionary): We can deny him a visa extension. There is certainly ample reason for that. • There is ample reason for concern. • My client claims he fears for his life. I believe he has ample reason to fear. • Furthermore, the entire area was roped off and protected by armed guards 24 hours a day for several days after the incident. Officially, and understandably, this was to retrieve “most” of the 24 rockets in question. Whether that is an honest assessment or not, it certainly provided ample reason for the military to shield the activities at the crash site from the public. (ufoinsight.com))

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