
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

16.01.2021 6:57:30 brit. stout fellow славный малый (And one had to admit that it took a lot of squaring, for dear old Bicky, though a stout fellow and absolutely unrivalled as an imitator of bull-terriers and cats, was in many ways one of the most pronounced fatheads that ever pulled on a suit of gents' underwear. (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.01.2021 6:55:16 idiom. give in like a lamb безропотно уступать (No one can call me an unreasonable chappie, and many's the time I've given in like a lamb when Jeeves has voted against one of my pet suits or ties; but when it comes to a valet's staking out a claim on your upper lip you've simply got to have a bit of the good old bulldog pluck and defy the blighter. (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.01.2021 4:42:44 idiom. cut to the quick глубоко ранить (To cut someone to the quick means to deeply wound or distress them.: You see, I had decided – rightly or wrongly – to grow a moustache, and this had cut Jeeves to the quick. He couldn't stick the thing at any price, and I had been living ever since in an atmosphere of bally disapproval till I was getting jolly well fed up with it. (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.01.2021 4:39:21 formal account for the fact that объяснить тот факт, что (Really? Then how do you account for the fact that neither witness corroborates your testimony? • ‘Yes, Motty went to Boston.' ‘Then how do you account, Mr Wooster, for the fact that when I went yesterday afternoon to Blackwell's Island prison, to secure material for my book, I saw poor, dear Wilmot there, dressed in a striped suit, seated beside a pile of stones with a hammer in his hands?' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Как вы объясните тот факт, что ...?)
16.01.2021 4:15:51 rude brainless nincompoop безмозглый осёл
16.01.2021 4:15:51 rude brainless nincompoop законченный кретин
16.01.2021 3:29:19 commer. pull up one's order найти информацию о заказе (в компьютерной базе данных: Hold on a sec, I'm just going to pull up your order.)
16.01.2021 0:55:49 formal in relation to this matter по этому вопросу (In a press release, they announced that "following an investigation, the department has concluded that Joe the Pigeon is highly likely to be Australian and does not present a biosecurity risk." Satisfied that its identification band was fraudulent, they concluded that "no further action will be taken by the department in relation to this matter." – дальнейшие меры по этому вопросу coasttocoastam.com)
16.01.2021 0:39:44 econ. severely damage нанести серьёзный ущерб (He also cited how there has been a major exodus out of places like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Francisco, and this, he contends, will severely damage the economy as we are "destroying the wealth-generating mechanisms" that these large cities provide. coasttocoastam.com)
16.01.2021 0:35:55 st.exch. all-time high исторический максимум (In the first half, investment banker and risk manager James Rickards suggested that we are in the midst of a new Great Depression brought on by policy responses to the pandemic. While the stock market is currently at an all-time high, the reality of the lockdown has crushed small businesses, and we'll be seeing the effect of this for years to come, he predicted. coasttocoastam.com)
16.01.2021 0:31:18 st.exch. at an all-time high на самой высокой исторической отметке (be ~ – находиться ~: While the stock market is currently at an all-time high, the reality of the lockdown has crushed small businesses, and we'll be seeing the effect of this for years to come, he predicted. coasttocoastam.com)
16.01.2021 0:19:53 relig. reverend пастор (Smith's narrative began with the story of the Baptist Reverend William Huffman, who was called out to the site of an apparent aircraft crash one night in late April 1941. Huffman recalled wreckage, a fire, and two small bodies of what would now be referred to as alien "greys" laying in the grass. Another nearby was still breathing, but died as Huffman was getting his Bible out to say prayers over them. coasttocoastam.com)
16.01.2021 0:15:32 ufol. perpetrate a cover-up скрывать информацию (от общественности: Researcher and author Paul Blake Smith joined George Knapp in the first half to discuss a pre-Roswell 1941 incident, in which ETs allegedly crash-landed their circular spaceship on a farm just outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Smith reported on a possible cover-up perpetrated by the US government, with evidence from long concealed documents. coasttocoastam.com)
16.01.2021 0:15:32 ufol. perpetrate a cover-up утаить информацию (от общественности: Researcher and author Paul Blake Smith joined George Knapp in the first half to discuss a pre-Roswell 1941 incident, in which ETs allegedly crash-landed their circular spaceship on a farm just outside of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Smith reported on a possible cover-up perpetrated by the US government, with evidence from long concealed documents. coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 23:17:29 sociol. urban flight исход населения из городов (в связи с недоступными ценами на недвижимость: My family moved from Toronto to rural Ontario one year ago, so I've lived and watched urban flight firsthand.)
15.01.2021 7:24:09 inf. get all worked up разгорячиться (get very angry, excited, or upset about something: If Jeeves had been his rich uncle he couldn't have been more chummy. Yet directly he caught sight of me again, he got all worked up and seemed to have only one idea in life – to start chewing me where he had left off. ‘Rollo is not used to you yet, sir,' said Jeeves, regarding the bally quadruped in an admiring sort of way. ‘He is an excellent watchdog.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.01.2021 7:18:26 gen. gay revels веселье (It was shortly after this that young Motty got the idea of bringing pals back in the small hours to continue the gay revels in the home. This was where I began to crack under the strain. (P.G. Wodehouse) – продолжить веселье / весёлую пирушку дома)
15.01.2021 7:18:26 gen. gay revels весёлая пирушка (It was shortly after this that young Motty got the idea of bringing pals back in the small hours to continue the gay revels in the home. This was where I began to crack under the strain. (P.G. Wodehouse) – продолжить веселье / весёлую пирушку дома)
15.01.2021 7:15:52 humor. completely sozzled в стельку пьяный
15.01.2021 7:15:38 humor. fried to the tonsils в стельку пьяный
15.01.2021 7:15:26 humor. stewed to the gills в стельку пьяный
15.01.2021 7:14:30 psychopathol. start at sudden noises вздрагивать от каждого звука (I was beginning to lose weight. Absolutely becoming the good old shadow, I give you my honest word. Starting at sudden noises and what-not. (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.01.2021 4:23:29 media. during these difficult times в это трудное время
15.01.2021 4:22:22 inet. garner millions of views собрать миллионы просмотров (The author shared footage of the wondrous scene on Twitter, where it garnered hundreds-of-thousands of views. coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 4:21:35 inet. get millions of views собрать миллионы просмотров (The YouTube video of a cat saving a boy from a vicious dog got millions of views. – Видео на YouTube, где кошка спасает ребенка от собаки, собрало миллионы просмотров.)
15.01.2021 4:13:36 psychophys. sharpen one's ability заострять способность (к самоорганизации, развитию памяти: In the latter half, mentalist and memory expert Jim Karol discussed what we can do to enhance our mental performance and memory. Interestingly, playing poker is actually a way of developing a higher emotional intelligence, as it sharpens your ability to read other people, and deal with stress, he said. coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 4:08:58 gen. be distracted отвлечься (на что-либо: One of the keys to memory is focus, he revealed. For instance, if you forget where you parked your car, it may be because you were distracted when you were leaving the vehicle. – вас что-то отвлекло coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 3:39:58 archit. residence area жилая часть (здания, особняка: The White House has been called one of the loneliest places on Earth-- even in the residence area, there are windows everywhere, and there is very little privacy. coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 3:36:51 bus.styl. governing experience опыт управления (Barack Obama initially seemed somewhat overwhelmed (he lacked the governing experience that Clinton and Bush had), but both he and Michelle were always very pleasant to work with, Bongino remarked. coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 3:36:51 bus.styl. governing experience опыт руководящей работы (Barack Obama initially seemed somewhat overwhelmed (he lacked the governing experience that Clinton and Bush had), but both he and Michelle were always very pleasant to work with, Bongino remarked. coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 3:32:07 gen. leave уволиться (There are currently about 4,000 Secret Service members, but in recent years there's been retention problems, which was unheard of in years past, he said. It used to be that "you either died or retired, and no one left," but things have really gone downhill in the organization since it was transferred from the Dept. of the Treasury over to Homeland Security (...) – никто не увольнялся coasttocoastam.com)
15.01.2021 3:30:22 HR resign from one's position as уволиться
15.01.2021 3:30:08 HR resign from one's job as уволиться
15.01.2021 3:29:32 gen. quit one's job уволиться (Mike Fox quit his job at Sportsnet 560 last month for a job to start in June. I wonder where? – уволился)
15.01.2021 3:27:14 idiom. take one's toll не пройти даром (Last night I was at a binge with a bunch of people I'd never met before, and these things take their toll. – Такое не проходит даром)
15.01.2021 3:26:10 formal negatively impact отрицательно отразиться
15.01.2021 3:25:41 idiom. take one's toll отрицательно отразиться (on – на: There are currently about 4,000 Secret Service members, but in recent years there's been retention problems, which was unheard of in years past, he said. It used to be that "you either died or retired, and no one left," but things have really gone downhill in the organization since it was transferred from the Dept. of the Treasury over to Homeland Security--- there's been a lot of mismanagement and various scandals have taken their toll on the collective morale, he stated. coasttocoastam.com)
14.01.2021 2:27:29 idiom. come out of nowhere как с неба свалиться (Winds howling, waves crashing at English Bay. Crazy windstorm here tonight. Whole house is shaking. Having grown up in Southern Alberta I'm used to wind, but this gale's just come out of nowhere! Bang. Bang. Flash. Flash. Now we're in darkness. Blown transformers lighting up the sky. Huge wind and rain surge. (Twitter))
14.01.2021 2:27:08 idiom. come out of nowhere как снег на голову (Winds howling, waves crashing at English Bay. Crazy windstorm here tonight. Whole house is shaking. Having grown up in Southern Alberta I'm used to wind, but this gale's just come out of nowhere! Bang. Bang. Flash. Flash. Now we're in darkness. Blown transformers lighting up the sky. Huge wind and rain surge. (Twitter))
14.01.2021 2:26:53 idiom. come out of nowhere появиться как из-под земли (Winds howling, waves crashing at English Bay. Crazy windstorm here tonight. Whole house is shaking. Having grown up in Southern Alberta I'm used to wind, but this gale's just come out of nowhere! Bang. Bang. Flash. Flash. Now we're in darkness. Blown transformers lighting up the sky. Huge wind and rain surge. (Twitter))
13.01.2021 9:12:05 photo. shoot снимать (The bobcat made another unexpected visit around 11 a.m. on Jan. 4. This time, Toombs was ready and had his camera close by when he noticed the big cat relaxing on the shed. "The first pictures I took, I shot through my window, because I didn't want to scare it away – but the pictures didn't turn out very well. – я снимал через окно nsnews.com)
13.01.2021 7:07:00 poetic hitherto unknown доселе неизвестный (The intriguing statue may lead to further insights as experts enlisted to look at the puzzling piece discovered that it actually sat within "a hitherto unknown, but extensive archaeological site." coasttocoastam.com)
12.01.2021 3:45:14 cook. comfort food еда для успокоения нервов (Lasagna is the ultimate comfort food.)
12.01.2021 1:16:09 gen. longingly с тоской (I drove back to the Rancho Descansado, saw nobody awake there, looked longingly at the bed, but packed my suitcase–with Betty's gun in the bottom of it–put twelve bucks in an envelope and on the way out put that through the slot in the office door, with my room key. (Raymond Chandler) – с тоской взглянул)
12.01.2021 1:02:28 esot. high strangeness необъяснимое явление (Daniel in Columbus, Ohio, told George about high strangeness during a camping trip he took with some friends. According to Daniel, the group was sitting around a fire when they noticed a glow across a nearby ridge, which they set out to investigate. "I started to see these shapes, like circles, and my friend said he was seeing triangles," he recalled. coasttocoastam.com)
12.01.2021 1:02:28 esot. high strangeness необъяснимое происшествие (Daniel in Columbus, Ohio, told George about high strangeness during a camping trip he took with some friends. According to Daniel, the group was sitting around a fire when they noticed a glow across a nearby ridge, which they set out to investigate. "I started to see these shapes, like circles, and my friend said he was seeing triangles," he recalled. coasttocoastam.com)
12.01.2021 0:59:21 jarg. high уколотый (high on heroin; обкуренный, уколотый и набуханный)
12.01.2021 0:57:35 gen. take on the husband's last name взять фамилию мужа (после регистрации брака: Wyeth also provided advice about taking the last name of a spouse, which indicates whether one wishes to keep things as they are or wants change to attract different people. "If you take on his last name, will it create violence in the relationship later because that would show up," she cautioned. coasttocoastam.com)
12.01.2021 0:55:38 sport. take on встретиться (на поле: No score yet in the game between France and Belgium. The winner takes on the winner of tomorrow's game between England and Croatia.)
12.01.2021 0:55:23 inf. take on брать на работу (Is your restaurant taking on any cooks at the moment? – Вы берёте к себе на работу поваров?)
12.01.2021 0:55:06 inf. take on нанимать на работу (Is your company taking on any accountants at the moment? – Вы нанимаете к себе на работу бухгалтеров?)
12.01.2021 0:52:13 gen. past experiences пережитое (Sharón Lynn Wyeth, founder of Neimology Science, joined George Noory to discuss how a name can reveal a person's past experiences, future health concerns, unique personality traits, strengths, challenges, and even purpose in life. coasttocoastam.com)
12.01.2021 0:49:56 esot. takeaway impression впечатление, остающееся после общения с человеком (All letters carry a vibration and represent various actions, Wyeth added. As an example, she revealed how the first letter of the first name is initial impression we get of someone, while the last letter of the last name provides the takeaway impression of that person. coasttocoastam.com)
12.01.2021 0:11:12 media. in modern times в наши дни (Located in the community of Fall River, the residence was where Andrew and Abby Borden were brutally slain in 1892, sparking a sensational murder trial of daughter Lizzie Borden, who was subsequently acquitted. In modern times, the house has become a bed and breakfast as well as a tourist attraction featuring guided tours recounting the case as well as detailing purported paranormal activity said to frequently occur in the home. coasttocoastam.com)
11.01.2021 6:02:05 humor. be a fixture не вылезать из (From breakfast on I felt like a bag-snatcher at a railway station. I had to hang about waiting for the parcel to be put on the hall table, and it wasn't put. Uncle Willoughby was a fixture in the library, adding the finishing touches to the great work, I supposed, and the more I thought the thing over the less I liked it. (P.G. Wodehouse) – не вылазил / не вылезал из библиотеки)
11.01.2021 5:49:57 humor. respectable old Johnnie почтенный старичок (A most respectable old Johnnie, don't you know. Doesn't do a thing nowadays but dig in the garden with a spud. (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.01.2021 5:28:34 humor. stir высовываться из (в отрицательных предложениях: He was a rather stiff, precise sort of old boy, who liked a quiet life. He was just finishing a history of the family or something, which he had been working on for the last year, and didn't stir much from the library. (P.G. Wodehouse) – почти не вылазил / не высовывался из библиотеки)
11.01.2021 5:28:34 humor. stir вылазить из (в отрицательных предложениях: He was a rather stiff, precise sort of old boy, who liked a quiet life. He was just finishing a history of the family or something, which he had been working on for the last year, and didn't stir much from the library. (P.G. Wodehouse) – почти не вылазил / не высовывался из библиотеки)
11.01.2021 5:23:42 idiom. skin to the bone обобрать до нитки (of something: Easeby wasn't one of those country houses you read about in the society novels, where young girls are lured on to play baccarat and then skinned to the bone of their jewellery, and so on. The house-party I had left had consisted entirely of law-abiding birds like myself. (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.01.2021 5:18:57 inf. boss помыкать (Something seemed to tell me that, unless I was jolly careful and nipped this lad in the bud, he would be starting to boss me. He had the aspect of a distinctly resolute blighter. (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.01.2021 5:12:44 gen. though правда (added at the end of a phrase: Rain is coming. Tonight it's going to be dry, though. – На нас идут дожди. Правда, сегодня вечером будет сухо.)
11.01.2021 4:58:54 gen. crawl off сползти с (I crawled off the sofa and opened the door. A kind of darkish sort of respectful Johnnie stood without. (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.01.2021 4:55:58 gen. morning head с утра голова раскалывается ("crawling in to breakfast with a morning head" (P.G.Wodehouse))
11.01.2021 4:54:20 gen. open at random открыть наугад (книгу, журнал: I can't give you a better idea of the way things stood than by telling you that the book she'd given me to read was called ‘Types of Ethical Theory,' and that when I opened it at random I struck a page beginning: ‘The postulate or common understanding involved in speech is certainly co-extensive, in the obligation it carries, with the social organism of which language is the instrument, and the ends of which it is an effort to subserve.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
11.01.2021 4:51:01 gen. due back должен вернуться (be ~: Mike's due back at the end of the week. – Майк должен вернуться в конце недели.)
11.01.2021 4:41:21 gen. a day earlier накануне ("Friday morning, a handful of people with business at the embassy were allowed into the building. A day earlier, Russian citizens said they were able to pick up and renew their passports if they had preexisting appointments." nbcbayarea.com)
10.01.2021 8:28:41 gen. look on sb. as считать (кого-либо кем-либо: "For years I have been looking on you as a mere lackadaisical, spiritless young man about town. I see now how wrong I was." (P.G. Wodehouse) – много лет я считал тебя)
10.01.2021 8:25:20 idiom. make allowances отнестись с пониманием ("I believe I spoke harshly to you last night. You must overlook it. You must make allowances. You can't judge a man with a son like Edwin by the same standards as men who haven't got a son like Edwin." (P.G. Wodehouse))
10.01.2021 8:11:35 brit. nose round ошиваться (вокруг кого-либо: "During those two months on the Riviera, it so happens that Angela and I were practically inseparable. If there had been somebody nosing round her, I should have spotted it in a second." (P.G. Wodehouse) – если бы вокруг неё кто-то ошивался)
10.01.2021 7:51:03 idiom. can't stand the sight of на дух не переносит ("She's right off me. Once her ideal, I am now less than the dust beneath her chariot wheels. She became infatuated with this chap, whoever he was, at Cannes, and now she can't stand the sight of me." (P.G. Wodehouse))
10.01.2021 4:47:01 ufol. intelligent species разумные существа (Remarkably, Eshed revealed that President Trump had been poised to reveal this information to the public, but was thwarted when the 'Galactic Federation,' which presumably governs intelligent species in the galaxy, intervened and requested that such a disclosure not occur. Their reasoning, he explained, was that "humanity isn't ready" and that mass hysteria could unfold if the veil of secrecy was lifted. coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2021 4:38:38 ufol. extraterrestrial species виды инопланетных существ, обитателей (Craig Campobasso is a filmmaker and Emmy-nominated casting director, who directed and wrote the short film "Stranger at the Pentagon." In the latter half, he described some of the 82 extraterrestrial species said to populate the universe, including their origins, physical characteristics, technological and mental abilities, and cosmic agendas. coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2021 4:28:49 slang watch your lip знай своё место (реакция на наглый тон, оскорбления: "I don't get called a son of a whore by the help, greaseball. I've got business here and I come around whenever I feel like it. Watch your lip from now on. You might get pistol-whipped. That pretty face of yours would never look the same again." (Raymond Chandler))
10.01.2021 4:28:28 slang watch your lip выбирай выражения (реакция на наглый тон, оскорбления: "I don't get called a son of a whore by the help, greaseball. I've got business here and I come around whenever I feel like it. Watch your lip from now on. You might get pistol-whipped. That pretty face of yours would never look the same again." (Raymond Chandler))
10.01.2021 4:27:57 slang watch your lip не наглей (реакция на наглый тон, оскорбления: "I don't get called a son of a whore by the help, greaseball. I've got business here and I come around whenever I feel like it. Watch your lip from now on. You might get pistol-whipped. That pretty face of yours would never look the same again." (Raymond Chandler))
10.01.2021 4:18:47 inf. how's life treating you? как жизнь?
10.01.2021 4:18:30 inf. how's it going? как жизнь? (распространённая форма приветствия в США и Канаде)
10.01.2021 4:13:06 commer. place an order заказать
10.01.2021 4:12:46 commer. put in one's order for заказать (товар: I've just put in my order for the new Super XTS snowboard, should be here sometime later in the month. I can't wait!!)
10.01.2021 4:12:29 commer. order in заказать (отсутствующий товар через магазин, по просьбе покупателя: I did get a 15 lb bag as you recommended. PetSmart in Greenville ordered it in for me.)
10.01.2021 4:11:48 inf. put in отработать (смену на работе: 'He was middle-aged and had long since outlived both pity and anger. He wanted to put in eight easy hours and he looked as if almost anything would be easy down his street." (Raymond Chandler))
10.01.2021 4:10:23 gen. too bad жаль, что (Too bad you have to work on the weekend.)
10.01.2021 4:06:30 commer. women's shoes женская обувь
10.01.2021 4:03:07 inf. pick one's mood up поднять настроение (Daniel from Wichita, Kansas, talked about positive changes to his life after his television broke. Though he misses MeTV's Svengoolie, Daniel revealed the lack of televised images, along with a newfound appreciation for the small things as well as a pet kitten, has altered his depression. "It has really picked my mood up," he said. coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2021 4:00:12 parapsych. tell sb. his/her future предсказать будущее (Friedberg also recounted his visit to a shaman in Zambia, who threw bones and told him his future. "It was the most extraordinary experience of my life... every single thing she told me has come true," he said. coasttocoastam.com)
10.01.2021 1:46:51 busin. be among one's clientele входить в число клиентов ("There was a string of cars lined up at the gas station, every art director, every hair dresser, every costume designer," he revealed, noting famous actors such as Cary Grant, Walter Pidgeon, Randolph Scott, Katharine Hepburn, and Spencer Tracy were also among Bowers' clientele. – в число его клиентов входили coasttocoastam.com)
9.01.2021 7:56:46 econ. turn sluggish замедлять рост ("Analysts had sounded quiet notes of alarm starting last fall that retail was turning sluggish everywhere in the country, reaching lows not seen since the 2008-09 recession." (BC Business Magazine))
9.01.2021 7:52:38 econ. account for приходиться ("Purchases of leggings, camping equipment, banjos, ceramic teapots, lawnmowers, and sofa beds might seem like simply a metric of bourgeois behaviour to some. But consumer spending, which makes up 58 percent of gross domestic product in Canada, is a prime indicator of a country's economic wealth. And retail trade, which employed 2.2 million Canadians and accounted for 5.2 percent of GDP last year, according to Statistics Canada, is a big part of that spend." (BC Business Magazine) – на которое приходится 58% ..... на которую приходится 5,2%)
9.01.2021 7:51:01 econ. make up приходиться ("Purchases of leggings, camping equipment, banjos, ceramic teapots, lawnmowers, and sofa beds might seem like simply a metric of bourgeois behaviour to some. But consumer spending, which makes up 58 percent of gross domestic product in Canada, is a prime indicator of a country's economic wealth. And retail trade, which employed 2.2 million Canadians and accounted for 5.2 percent of GDP last year, according to Statistics Canada, is a big part of that spend." (BC Business Magazine) – на которое приходится 58% ..... на которую приходится 5,2%)
9.01.2021 5:04:44 idiom. make it on one's own выживать самостоятельно ("Survival would depend, in part, on how quickly they could transform their business models. That's something B.C. seemed well poised to do, with its big proportion of entrepreneurs used to making it on their own." (BC Business Magazine))
9.01.2021 5:04:44 idiom. make it on one's own выживать без посторонней помощи ("Survival would depend, in part, on how quickly they could transform their business models. That's something B.C. seemed well poised to do, with its big proportion of entrepreneurs used to making it on their own." (BC Business Magazine))
9.01.2021 5:00:50 gen. feel that way так считать ("As everyone shut down with no idea of what the future held, early reports tricked out that half of businesses in the province weren't sure they would reopen on the other side. In a May survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, almost a third of retailers felt that way." (BC Business Magazine) – так считала)
9.01.2021 4:54:02 formal exemplified налицо (Thatcher's political acumen won her the election, and the vigour for which she was known is exemplified in this remarkable letter.)
9.01.2021 4:52:02 formal evident налицо (The results of our new approach are evident. – результаты налицо)
9.01.2021 4:49:22 archaeol. cultural deposit культурный слой ("Excavations in the 1970s behind the beach cross-sectioned a deep cultural deposit with the lower layers dating to 8,000 years ago." (Roy Carlson))
9.01.2021 4:31:09 ichtyol. salmon run нерест лосося (Archaeological evidence suggests that Coast Salish tribal groups occupied seasonal camps along the Fraser River to take advantage of the annual salmon run.)
9.01.2021 4:19:04 commer. housewares товары для дома ("McNamee is the guy who took over the empty storefront that had been home to the cherished Wonderbucks on Vancouver's Commercial Drive – an emporium of sometimes trashy, sometimes stylish but always cheap housewares (...)" (BC Business Magazine))
9.01.2021 4:04:12 law claim заявить свои права (на что-либо: claim the cash – потребовать сумму (полагающуюся по закону))
9.01.2021 3:59:23 gen. have a profound knowledge of досконально знать (The officer who interviewed Johnson and Clarke had a profound knowledge of the company's finances and business plans.)
9.01.2021 3:58:08 gen. have a thorough knowledge of досконально знать

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