
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

28.01.2021 5:56:25 formal vast array большое число (array: an impressive display or range of a *particular type* of thing, т.е. однотипные члены группы : Based on his interviews with a vast array of abductees, he noted that there seem to be a number of recurring elements to the experience (...) coasttocoastam.com)
28.01.2021 3:17:00 geogr. neighbouring country сопредельное государство (Canada has 1 neighbouring country. There is only 1 country that is directly adjacent to Canada.)
28.01.2021 2:43:21 inf. tear down the road нестись по дороге (Witnesses saw a black truck tearing down the road after the hit-and-run.)
27.01.2021 6:53:04 lit. hushed притихший (Except for the squeaking of mice behind the wainscoting and an occasional rustling sound as one of the bats in the chimney stirred uneasily in its sleep, Rowcester Abbey lay hushed and still. (P.G. Wodehouse))
27.01.2021 6:50:14 inf. back-chat возражения (‘No, Jeeves, that's out. Nothing will induce me to allow you to go getting yourself mixed up in an enterprise which, should things not pan out as planned, may quite possibly culminate in a five year stretch at one of our popular prisons. I shall handle this binge alone, and I want no back-chat about it.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – не желаю слышать никаких возражений по этому поводу)
27.01.2021 6:26:55 gen. carry through an operation провести операцию (The major instructed us on how the operation was to be carried through.)
27.01.2021 5:30:13 police unprovoked attack беспричинное нападение (Examples of use in the Russian media: Росгвардейца отказались отправлять в колонию за беспричинное нападение на прохожего. • СКР назвал беспричинным нападение ульяновского школьника с ножом на учительницу. • Ямальца судят за превышение самообороны и беспричинное нападение на человека с ножом. | What began as a peaceful morning stroll along a path populated by joggers and people riding bikes turned into a nightmare for the unnamed man when he was suddenly taken down by an ornery goat. The presumably unprovoked attack proved to be rather potent as the man tumbled to the ground and could not regain his footing due to a fairly serious leg injury. coasttocoastam.com)
27.01.2021 5:26:36 amer. ornery драчливый (bad-tempered and combative, having an irritable disposition (Merriam-Webster): What began as a peaceful morning stroll along a path populated by joggers and people riding bikes turned into a nightmare for the unnamed man when he was suddenly taken down by an ornery goat. coasttocoastam.com)
27.01.2021 5:26:36 amer. ornery задиристый (bad-tempered and combative, having an irritable disposition (Merriam-Webster): What began as a peaceful morning stroll along a path populated by joggers and people riding bikes turned into a nightmare for the unnamed man when he was suddenly taken down by an ornery goat. coasttocoastam.com)
27.01.2021 5:19:02 fig. eyebrow-raising вызывающий удивление (The thought-provoking project reportedly unfolded over the course of three years and saw researchers collect approximately 1,200 cases of thylacine sightings from as far back as 1910 and up to 2020. Using this one-of-a-kind database, the group were able to come to some rather eyebrow-raising conclusions. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2021 23:32:37 sarcast. crickets полная тишина (My application was submitted on December 18th, and after receiving the confirmation it has been crickets between then and now. I was never contacted about additional documents (and none are needed), the application just seemed to disappear into the ether. (Reddit))
26.01.2021 6:47:28 esot. the unknown непознанное (As a young man, Williams moved into an apparently haunted house in Halifax and began to experience a host of frightening phenomena that he could not explain. Since then he has had a deep fascination with the unknown, which eventually led him to become a co-editor at the Mystery & Magic Magazine. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2021 4:47:50 gen. be at it all day doing sth целый день заниматься (чем-либо: My goodness! I was here three hours ago. They aren't finished yet? An MoH truck backed into the far crossing gate at 8:34am knocking it down, they have been at it all day fixing it. ​-- они его целый день ремонтируют )
26.01.2021 1:44:02 electric. short-circuit вызвать короткое замыкание (Moments before, a BC Hydro worker had spotted a metallic helium balloon drifting into the power lines on the 100 block of West Windsor Road, according to Mora Scott, BC Hydro spokeswoman. "When a metallic balloon touches a power line, it can cause a surge of electricity that short-circuits equipment, leading to power outages," Scott said. nsnews.com)
26.01.2021 1:20:36 ufol. pictorial glyph пиктограмма (Penniston described a glossy black triangular craft measuring approximately nine feet long by seven feet high from which the light emanated. Upon closer inspection there were globular-like colored lights running through the object (similar to a lava lamp) and it was covered in places with pictorial glyphs which had a rough etched texture, he continued. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2021 1:12:01 formal tree canopy лесной полог (Penniston recounted getting the call and heading to check out reported activity in the woods near the east gate at RAF Woodbridge. He described seeing a dome of light over the tree canopy and lights within the forest, which he initially thought was fire from a downed aircraft. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2021 0:39:30 formal the past several years последние несколько лет (Penniston has spent the past several years working on a definitive and soon-to-be-released edition about the astonishing occurrence titled The Rendlesham Enigma. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2021 0:36:30 gen. share an eyewitness account рассказать о случае, очевидцем которого довелось стать (Retired USAF Sgt. James Penniston joined guest host Connie Willis (YouTube Channel) for the entire program to share his remarkable eyewitness account of the December 1980 Rendlesham Forest UFO incident. – рассказал об удивительном случае, очевидцем которого ему довелось стать coasttocoastam.com)
25.01.2021 7:50:50 brit. become matey подружиться (One of the bank guards used to come to our cafe a lot and we became matey. So one evening he made me an offer...)
25.01.2021 7:38:26 gen. sustain a severe shock пережить сильное потрясение (Your lordship has sustained a severe shock. Happening to be in the vicinity of the ruined chapel at about the hour of midnight, your lordship observed the wraith of Lady Agatha and was much overcome. (P.G. Wodehouse))
25.01.2021 2:55:34 sociol. increased crime рост преступности (I know the media likes to portray this situation where Vancouverites are horrible people who hate the homeless, but I can assure you, this is not the case. The problem Vancouverites are struggling with is the increased crime and the decreased public safety in our neighbourhoods. reddit.com)
25.01.2021 2:34:49 idiom. have a serious toll on серьёзно отразиться на (отрицательно: It's wonderful that OP had this and other nice experiences. But as someone who has been victimized by homeless people on too many occasions to even keep track of, it doesn't feel great hearing someone doesn't care about my experiences, experiences which have had a serious toll on my mental health, simply because they haven't experienced the same first hand. reddit.com)
25.01.2021 2:28:20 idiom. down on one's luck не повезло (Oversimplification and generalizations actually only serve to divide (poor innocent homeless vs. evil mean housed Vancouverites). There's a lot of kind homeless people who are just down on their luck and need a leg up. There's also a lot of kind housed people who suffer from unprovoked theft and attacks by the homeless (recent example, guy with a machete who attacked three people). – которым не повезло в жизни reddit.com)
25.01.2021 2:13:42 idiom. look out for others заботиться о других людях (I don't care what anyone says about the homeless and ‘crackheads' of Vancouver. I've met so many who were incredibly generous and looked out for others. It's a huge community here, and they're not certainly not worse than the rest of the humankind. reddit.com)
25.01.2021 2:04:27 gen. ask for some spare change выпрашивать мелочь (о бездомных, бродягах – panhandlers: Anyways, this older homeless man asks for some spare change, but I didn't have any to give that night. In fact, I didn't even enough change to buy myself a ticket. reddit.com)
24.01.2021 9:31:45 med. pull out the infection вытянуть инфекцию (Raw potato diced up or shredded up, raw only, will pull out the infection, then use hydrogen peroxide to finish pulling out any leftover infection for that week, you will heal, my grandsons boil on his butt was very big and sore I put on the raw shredded up potato into a gauze and taped around the edges so the gauze would breathe, overnight the shredded potato pulled out the core, he felt it hurt at that point, then I checked it the next day and the potato was blackened afterwards, I then proceeded with hydrogen peroxide to keep it cleaned and it healed. earthclinic.com)
24.01.2021 7:25:13 saying. mistakes happen от ошибок никто не застрахован (Staff at a Value Village in Vancouver found $85,000 in a donated bag and with the help of police tracked down its rightful owner and returned it. Store manager Jeffrey Stonehouse thought at first the envelopes inside contained receipts, but when staff opened them, bills poured out. Banking records mixed in with the cash contained a woman's name, and officers with the Vancouver Police Department were able to track her down within a day. "We've saved some marriages through the years," Stonehouse laughed. "Wedding dresses, prized jewellery, valuable family photos. Mistakes happen." dailyhive.com)
24.01.2021 7:14:57 idiom. blow out of the water превзойти (по масштабу: Staff at a Value Village in Vancouver found $85,000 in a donated bag and with the help of police tracked down its rightful owner and returned it. The cash was inside a yellow plastic bag dropped off at Value Village's donation centre on Hastings Street this week. Store manager Jeffrey Stonehouse thought at first the envelopes inside contained receipts, but when staff opened them, bills poured out. This isn't the first time someone has mistakenly donated something valuable, but it certainly will be memorable. "This has blown everything out of the water. I don't think we'll ever beat this record again," Stonehouse said. dailyhive.com)
24.01.2021 2:51:19 formal gain fame прославиться (Patty from Enterprise, Oregon, claimed she was a cousin of Norma Jean Baker, a.k.a. Marilyn Monroe. She lost touch with her cousin after she gained fame and said the family was stunned when Monroe was found dead. Patty told George she believes Monroe was killed. coasttocoastam.com)
23.01.2021 2:03:02 inf. Spot on! Угадал!
22.01.2021 7:07:24 horse.rac. loser лошадь, не пришедшая первой к финишу ('Come clean, Bill. Did you back a loser in the Oaks?' (P.G. Wodehouse))
22.01.2021 6:54:29 formal major issue значительная трудность (Allen detailed some of the limitations of film cameras and how lighting would have been a major issue for the astronauts to overcome on the lunar surface. In order to light a backlit object in shadow, such as an astronaut descending the lunar lander, there must be a secondary source of light, a flash or reflector, which they did not have with them, he explained. – преодолеть такую значительную трудность, как уровень освещённости coasttocoastam.com)
22.01.2021 6:43:11 formal an increasing number of people всё больше людей (Marcus Allen, photographer and the UK publisher of NEXUS Magazine, joined guest host Richard Syrett to discuss why an increasing number of people now question if the thousands of photographs were really taken on the moon or during training exercises on Earth. coasttocoastam.com)
21.01.2021 4:58:07 plumb. flapper valve сливной клапан (В обычном состоянии полностью перекрывает сливное отверстие. Это полусферическая эластичная прокладка, которая соединена с несущей частью шарнирным креплением.: Toilet flapper is situated at the base of the tank, this lifts and triggers a flush of water to the toilet bowl. It is also called a flapper valve. Tank lever is connected to the handle, this lifts the rubber flapper, which triggers the flush. – Home Depot homedepot.com)
21.01.2021 4:52:41 plumb. flapper сливной клапан (В обычном состоянии полностью перекрывает сливное отверстие. Это полусферическая эластичная прокладка, которая соединена с несущей частью шарнирным креплением.: Toilet flapper is situated at the base of the tank, this lifts and triggers a flush of water to the toilet bowl. It is also called a flapper valve. Tank lever is connected to the handle, this lifts the rubber flapper, which triggers the flush. homedepot.com)
21.01.2021 4:40:28 written let out a colorful exclamation разразиться сочным ругательством (As the plane begins what seems to be a rather turbulent landing, the airliner slightly tilts and a curious white object can be seen zipping past the craft. The sight of the somewhat sizeable oddity causes the passenger to let out an understandably colorful exclamation. – разразился сочным ругательством coasttocoastam.com)
21.01.2021 3:09:08 inf. zip past пронестись (As the plane begins what seems to be a rather turbulent landing, the airliner slightly tilts and a curious white object can be seen zipping past the craft. – проносится мимо самолёта coasttocoastam.com)
21.01.2021 3:05:06 avia. come on the loudspeaker объявить по трансляции (на борту авиалайнера: A dramatic video filmed by a passenger aboard an airliner flying over Switzerland shows what appears to be a near-miss with a UFO. The wild incident, which can be seen here, reportedly occurred as a Singapore Airlines jet was preparing to land at Zurich Airport on Sunday morning. Suddenly, in a worrisome moment as the airliner descends, the pilot comes on the loudspeaker and gives elaborate instructions for the passengers to brace themselves. coasttocoastam.com)
21.01.2021 2:41:25 written for reasons one can only speculate on по причинам, о которых можно только догадываться (The strange incident reportedly began on Monday evening when, for reasons one can only speculate on, a cadre of four couples in London decided to eschew travel restrictions and make the rather lengthy two-hour drive to the famed monolith. coasttocoastam.com)
21.01.2021 2:05:05 law.enf. defy the lockdown нарушить локдаун (A group of people in England found themselves in hot water with the law when they defied the country's coronavirus lockdown in order to make a late night visit to Stonehenge. coasttocoastam.com)
20.01.2021 7:32:15 idiom. what would be the use? чего ради? (For what would be the use? What would it profit him to renew their acquaintance? Just twisting the knife in the wound, that's what he would be doing. (P.G. Wodehouse))
20.01.2021 7:32:15 idiom. what would be the use? какой смысл? (For what would be the use? What would it profit him to renew their acquaintance? Just twisting the knife in the wound, that's what he would be doing. (P.G. Wodehouse))
20.01.2021 7:28:19 gen. worth while стоящее (Monica lowered her voice confidentially. ‘A man, dear. Did you catch anything worth while?' ‘I think he's worth while.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Ты подцепила что-нибудь стоящее?)
20.01.2021 7:24:57 gen. said uncertainly неуверенно сказал (He saw Jill, and stopped, gazing at her with wrinkled brow. ‘Oh, hullo,' he said uncertainly. (P.G. Wodehouse))
20.01.2021 7:22:04 idiom. fling themselves into each other's arms броситься друг другу в объятья (They flung themselves into each other's arms. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Они бросились друг другу в объятья.)
20.01.2021 7:10:12 gen. differ very little from очень мало отличаться от (In its general essentials the coffee room at the Goose and Gherkin differed very little from the coffee rooms of all the other inns that nestle by the wayside in England and keep the island race from dying of thirst. (P.G. Wodehouse))
20.01.2021 6:47:17 subl. yearn to share жаждать поделиться (He yearned to share his happiness with someone. (P.G. Wodehouse) – жаждал поделиться с кем-то своей радостью)
20.01.2021 4:29:52 psychol. drive управлять (We are driven by emotions more than we realize, Jawer added, and they seem to be the common denominator in anomalous perceptions. – Эмоции управляют нами в большей степени, чем мы это осознаём. coasttocoastam.com)
20.01.2021 4:26:50 esot. experience of overlapping senses соощущения (Synesthesia, which is the experience of overlapping senses, such as feeling color or smelling sound, is more common among sensitive individuals and artists, and mirror sensing (when people strongly feel others' pain) may be a form of this, he suggested. coasttocoastam.com)
20.01.2021 4:24:41 esot. past life recall память о прошлой жизни (другой вариант: о прежней жизни: There are well-documented cases of children up to the age of six who experience past life recall or another person's memories, which are often traumatic or involve violent deaths. These memories carry intense emotional residue, and because this energy may be stuck, perhaps they are transmitted to the children as a form or release, he hypothesized. coasttocoastam.com)
20.01.2021 4:17:44 gen. theory which argues that теория, согласно которой (A scientist who has spent decades researching the Loch Ness Monster has put forward a fascinating new theory which argues that the creature could be an ancient sea turtle. coasttocoastam.com)
20.01.2021 2:21:06 cloth. puffy jacket дутая куртка (Trina is believed to be wearing a puffy black Northface jacket, with a teal green collar, and purple shoes.)
19.01.2021 6:28:23 idiom. make way for освободить место для (The directive went out long ago that the deadline for military personnel to move out of the sprawling Jericho Lands would be January 2017 to make way for a potentially massive First Nations-led housing development. But the Dill family is still on the property, known as the Jericho Garrison. vancouversun.com)
19.01.2021 5:47:35 brit. I shall be delighted с удовольствием (в ответ на приглашение)
19.01.2021 5:46:56 formal I would be delighted с удовольствием (в ответ на приглашение)
19.01.2021 5:45:06 inf. a couple of hours часа два (for at least a couple of hours)
19.01.2021 5:25:55 formal kindly consent любезно согласиться (+ infinitive: Miss Tomlinson resumed: ‘He has very kindly consented to say a few words to you before he leaves, and I am sure that you will all give him your very earnest attention. Now, please.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.01.2021 5:09:45 gen. since the time when с тех пор, как (Rarely had I observed Mr Wooster more set on a thing. Indeed, I could recall no such exhibition of determination on his part since the time when he had insisted, against my frank disapproval, on wearing purple socks. (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.01.2021 5:00:44 gen. you can tell АА from me that передайте от меня АА (‘Emerson,' I reminded him, ‘says a friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of Nature, sir.' ‘Well, you can tell Emerson from me next time you see him that he's an ass.' ‘Very good, sir.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.01.2021 2:55:26 emerg.care revive реанимировать (пациента, пережившего клиническую смерть: One of the NDEs featured in the documentary is an example of this – Dr. Mary Neal drowned while kayaking in South America, and was underwater for 30 minutes before being revived. Yet during this time, she had vivid experiences of a heavenly realm. coasttocoastam.com)
19.01.2021 2:54:20 emerg.care revive вернуть к жизни (пациента, пережившего клиническую смерть: One of the NDEs featured in the documentary is an example of this – Dr. Mary Neal drowned while kayaking in South America, and was underwater for 30 minutes before being revived. Yet during this time, she had vivid experiences of a heavenly realm. – прежде чем её вернули к жизни coasttocoastam.com)
19.01.2021 2:44:19 esot. travel across time and space перемещаться во времени и пространстве (Longtime paranormal researcher Timothy Green Beckley appeared for the second half to talk about his life and investigations of strange creatures, weird lights, and portal areas. He discussed how extraterrestrials might be visiting Earth by traveling across time and space and enter and exit our world through portals, vortexes, and star gates. coasttocoastam.com)
19.01.2021 2:39:17 weap. in self-defense в целях самообороны ("применил оружие в целях самообороны" • Russo began with the story of his killing of an associate of drug lord Pablo Escobar, who injured a woman in his club and then turned on Russo. In self-defense, Russo "wound up shooting him twice between the eyes." coasttocoastam.com)
18.01.2021 9:55:31 ecol. dump выливать (The yellow fish means that the culvert drains into a fish-bearing creek or stream and the storm drain is for rain water only. So don't dump chemicals such as paint in it as the creek / river has creatures we want to keep alive. )
18.01.2021 6:36:30 commer. pickup by a courier приезд курьера (за грузом: Pickup by our courier can be arranged if you are unable to deliver.)
18.01.2021 6:23:09 theatre. be all worked up in one's part войти в роль (We had just been having a long rehearsal, and the kid was all worked up in his part. He got it right first time. "Kiss Fweddie!" he shouted. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Перед этим мы долго репетировали, и малыш основательно вошёл в роль.)
18.01.2021 6:19:47 idiom. got it right first time получилось с первого раза, с первой попытки (We had just been having a long rehearsal, and the kid was all worked up in his part. He got it right first time. "Kiss Fweddie!" he shouted. (P.G. Wodehouse) – У него получилось с первого раза.)
18.01.2021 6:13:54 idiom. make an ass of oneself сесть в лужу
18.01.2021 6:13:38 idiom. make a complete ass of oneself сесть в лужу (Dear old Richard has made a complete ass of himself. He opened his big mouth in front of Aunt Emma when he should have kept it shut.)
18.01.2021 6:09:28 idiom. make a complete ass of oneself опозориться (Dear old Richard has made a complete ass of himself. He opened his big mouth in front of Aunt Emma when he should have kept it shut.)
18.01.2021 6:07:01 idiom. put one's foot in one's mouth опозориться (The Liberal leader has really put his foot in his mouth with this remark.)
18.01.2021 6:06:37 gen. embarrass oneself опозориться (I've tried this before and I only embarrassed myself. • I thought to myself, "Am I nuts? Will I once again embarrass myself?")
18.01.2021 6:05:41 idiom. make an ass of oneself опозориться
18.01.2021 6:04:43 gen. way выход (For some moments I was at a loss, not to say nonplussed. Then I saw the way. (P.G. Wodehouse) • There is always a way. – Из любого положения всегда есть выход. • Безвыходных положений не бывает.)
17.01.2021 7:32:09 gen. mark исполняться (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: Today marks one week since the shooting massacre in Las Vegas. – Сегодня (исполняется) ровно неделя со дня... • 2020 marks 75 years since the end of the Great Patriotic War (as Russians call World War II); we're expecting big celebrations to mark the anniversary, and have already seen some remarkable incidents.)
17.01.2021 7:27:52 gov. incorporation регистрация в качестве юридического субъекта (ранее уже существовавшего муниципалитета или округа: In 1979, the City of Rossington celebrated 100 years since incorporation.)
17.01.2021 7:24:02 inf. grab забрать (Sorry, I'm just gonna grab my bike. – Извините, я хочу забрать свой велик. (с велостоянки))
17.01.2021 7:20:22 inf. that's weird странно ('That's weird.' 'Yeah. Really weird.' – Странно. – Да, очень странно.)
17.01.2021 7:18:57 gen. odd-looking странный (That's an odd-looking plane, Jeff. It's got no wings and it looks more like a cigar.)
17.01.2021 7:16:40 meteorol. the wind is starting to die down ветер стихает
17.01.2021 7:11:42 folk. a legend states как гласит легенда (A legend states, "After man degenerated from his perfect state and became wicked, the Creator got angry and turned most people to stone. That was how all these tall stones appeared in our land." (a North American indigenous source))
17.01.2021 7:11:42 folk. a legend states легенда гласит (A legend states, "After man degenerated from his perfect state and became wicked, the Creator got angry and turned most people to stone. That was how all these tall stones appeared in our land." (a North American indigenous source))
17.01.2021 7:07:22 gen. have a sketchy idea иметь отрывочные представления, сведения (of something – о чём-либо: We have some knowledge of the art and material culture of these tribes, but only a sketchy idea of their class structure and beliefs.)
17.01.2021 6:50:48 saying. you don't need to have your hand read to know that к гадалке ходить не надо (As he came into the room I backed behind a sofa and commended my soul to God. I didn't need to have my hand read to know that trouble was coming to me through a dark man. (P.G. Wodehouse))
17.01.2021 6:50:48 saying. you don't need to have your hand read to know that к гадалке не ходи (As he came into the room I backed behind a sofa and commended my soul to God. I didn't need to have my hand read to know that trouble was coming to me through a dark man. (P.G. Wodehouse))
17.01.2021 6:46:46 brit. have another dash попытаться ещё раз (at something: ‘She cut me.' ‘Never mind. Be a sportsman. Have another dash at her.' ‘She looked clean through me.' ‘Well, don't mind that. Stick at it.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Попытайся / Попробуй ещё раз.)
17.01.2021 6:45:08 brit. have another dash сделать ещё одну попытку (at something: ‘She cut me.' ‘Never mind. Be a sportsman. Have another dash at her.' ‘She looked clean through me.' ‘Well, don't mind that. Stick at it.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Попытайся / Попробуй ещё раз.)
17.01.2021 6:32:11 idiom. so much the better тем лучше (‘To put the finger on only one leak in the thing, it isn't me these people want to see; it's Mr Sipperley. They don't know me from Adam.' ‘So much the better, sir. For what I am suggesting is that you go to Cambridge, affecting actually to be Mr Sipperley.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
17.01.2021 6:31:59 idiom. this is all to the good тем лучше
17.01.2021 6:27:32 gen. jump on one's lap вспрыгнуть на колени (And at this point old Cuthbert, the cat, having presumably found it a bit slow by himself in the bushes, wandered in with a matey expression on his face and jumped on my lap. I welcomed him with a good deal of cordiality. (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.01.2021 8:14:34 gen. at the moment на сегодняшний день (At the moment, Canada's Wind Energy Association estimates that the entire country has a total installed wind energy capacity of 2,577 megawatts.)
16.01.2021 8:13:54 busin. so far на сегодняшний день (So far, our company has offset over 980 tonnes of carbon dioxide.)
16.01.2021 8:05:59 adm.law. under bylaw на основании постановления ("The City of Vancouver prosecutor's office has approved charges under the city's Heritage Property Standards of Maintenance Bylaw against the owners of a fire-damaged heritage home at 3737 Angus Dr. in First Shaughnessy – the city's first-ever heritage conservation area. The owners have so far failed to put a protective covering on the house, which has left it open to the elements." (The Vancouver Courier))
16.01.2021 8:03:10 formal indefinitely на неопределённое время (Defenceman Jerry Heinz is gone indefinitely with his knee injury.)
16.01.2021 8:02:13 formal for an indefinite period на неопределённый срок ("Informed consent remains valid for an indefinite period, allowing advance consent to be sought, providing that the patient's condition has not changed, and/or new information concerning the proposed intervention or alternative treatments have not come to light in the intervening period. It is good practice, if consent was obtained in advance, to confirm consent at the time of surgery. • "A northern B.C. man who pleaded guilty to unlawfully confining, choking and then sexually assaulting a teenage hitchhiker has been jailed for an indefinite period. nih.gov)
16.01.2021 7:30:36 gen. as far as до самого (speaking of distance: Traffic on Hwy 99 is backed up as far as River Road.)
16.01.2021 7:26:24 inf. I'll give you that в этом я с Вами согласен (It was a little chilly this morning, I'll give you that.)
16.01.2021 7:26:06 gen. I agree with you on that one в этом я с Вами согласен
16.01.2021 7:20:47 idiom. pull the plug on прикрыть ("попытаются такие проекты прикрыть")
16.01.2021 6:59:26 brit. sterling fellow славный малый (I eyed him narrowly. I didn't like his looks. Mark you, I don't say I ever had, much, because Nature, when planning this sterling fellow, shoved in a lot more lower jaw than was absolutely necessary and made the eyes a bit too keen and piercing for one who was neither an Empire builder nor a traffic policeman. (P.G. Wodehouse))

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