
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

4.03.2021 6:40:54 gen. happenings события (the recent happenings in Ottawa)
4.03.2021 6:36:57 gen. speak заговорить (Having given me the look, she spoke, and her voice was like treacle pouring out of a jug. (P.G. Wodehouse) – она заговорила)
4.03.2021 2:47:35 gen. hold for hours продержать несколько часов (в неволе: (...) a riveting episode from 4/22/2017 in which Art spoke to environmental attorney Stanley Alpert who shared the wild story of how he was kidnapped off the streets of New York City by a gang of robbers. He recalled being taken at gunpoint to an apartment and held for hours until he managed to befriend the criminals to the extent that they eventually decided to set him free. coasttocoastam.com)
4.03.2021 2:42:27 gen. nicely dressed man прилично одетый человек (Mahon detailed how, in the 1970s, she encountered a nicely dressed man in his thirties on the street in San Francisco, who told her he was recovering from eye surgery and needed help to find an address. coasttocoastam.com)
4.03.2021 2:42:27 gen. nicely dressed man хорошо одетый мужчина (Mahon detailed how, in the 1970s, she encountered a nicely dressed man in his thirties on the street in San Francisco, who told her he was recovering from eye surgery and needed help to find an address. coasttocoastam.com)
4.03.2021 2:39:26 gen. escort вывести (под конвоем или как под конвоем: They ended up in a deserted conference room, and just as she realized it was a trap, a bellman suddenly walked in and said to her, "Don't you think you should be going now?" He escorted her back into the lobby, but when she turned around to thank him, he was gone. coasttocoastam.com)
4.03.2021 2:34:34 gen. there's a war being waged ведётся война (против – on: In the first half, he presented his contention that there's a war being waged on Christianity and that progressives seek to stifle their opponents and quash religious liberty. coasttocoastam.com)
3.03.2021 7:16:15 fig. wicked-looking зловещий (A line of wicked looking clouds, holding heavy rain showers, hail, and potentially some claps of thunder. (Mark Madryga) – зловещие / зловещего вида тучи)
2.03.2021 8:08:38 gen. get stranded застрять (на шоссе в буран; на склоне горы; на остановке, когда не прибыл рейсовый автобус; на камнях в прилив, когда поднимается уровень воды и т.п. положение: Emergency crews responded to the Capilano River February 27th after a couple and their dog got stranded after evading a bear. They were safely brought up by firefighters and checked by BC ambulance.)
2.03.2021 7:15:54 gen. I have a strong hunch that моя интуиция подсказывает мне (I have a strong hunch that this approach will not work.)
27.02.2021 22:51:37 traf.contr. shoot up проскочить (не уступить на повороте другому транспортному средству: The truck was making a wide right turn and car decided to shoot up the right side, so it got pushed onto the sidewalk. – решил проскочить справа)
27.02.2021 22:46:22 inf. a good не меньше (And this is the huge wave that absolutely drenched me and I was still a good 20-30 feet from the seawall!! – причём я стоял не меньше, чем за 20-30 футов от края набережной)
27.02.2021 6:20:34 idiom. take things to another level выйти на более высокий уровень (This particular concept was conceived after the pair drew a sizeable checkerboard in the snow and then decided to take things to another level with an even more fantastic design. coasttocoastam.com)
26.02.2021 6:26:39 humor. be in a doodah влипнуть (в историю: I sank into a chair and mopped the frontal bone. Not for many a long day had I been in such a doodah. (P.G. Wodehouse) – я так влип )
26.02.2021 6:19:17 gen. take offence at a rude remark обидеться на грубость (His face darkened. He looked like a halibut that's taken offence at a rude remark from another halibut. (P.G. Wodehouse))
26.02.2021 6:15:54 poetic outrageous fortune судьба-злодейка (He and the young master may have had differences about Alpine hats with pink feathers in them, but when he sees the y.m. on the receiving end of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, he sinks his dudgeon and comes through with the feudal spirit at its best. (P.G. Wodehouse))
25.02.2021 8:26:11 gen. stumble случайно наткнуться (upon – на: "Hi, I've just stumbled upon your blog – fascinating!")
25.02.2021 8:18:23 gen. stumble across by accident случайно наткнуться (This is an excellent blog, so much information, I stumbled across by accident. Can't wait to read more! Brilliant!)
25.02.2021 8:14:09 fig. on my doorstep рядом с домом (I have always lived in this area but look forward to reading and learning about places on my doorstep.)
25.02.2021 8:11:54 gen. bird song пение птиц (Many times I have noticed that the bird song seems to disappear the nearer you get to Ludchurch, also I have noticed a lack of animal life near this strange area. wordpress.com)
25.02.2021 7:55:22 idiom. change one's ways исправиться (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com)
25.02.2021 7:54:15 idiom. change one's ways взяться за ум (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com)
25.02.2021 7:54:15 idiom. change one's ways изменить образ жизни (It is said that an old woman who lived in the village here was directed by God to warn the people to change their ways, in some stories the old woman is portrayed as a Nun. When the people ignored the warnings God dispatched a number of Angels who removed the land where the village stood, only sparing the chapel which can still be seen on the edge of the crater. wordpress.com)
25.02.2021 7:20:16 bot. willow tree ива (Salix: For days her grief-stricken father had searched the countryside in vain. Then one day, a man named George Dooley, an employee of Robert Hibbert, of Birtles who was a perfect stranger to the Rathbone family and had never met the child, had a dream. He dreamt that he had seen the body of a child lying under a willow tree surrounded by water. He told his employer of his dream, and it was on the strength of it that six fellow workmen went with him, and after searching several hours amazingly the girls body was found beneath a willow tree as he had seen in his dream. wordpress.com)
25.02.2021 6:16:44 gen. the investigation was going nowhere расследование зашло в тупик (After this she was sighted all over Manhattan and Soho like a ghost, in Starbucks, at various shops, and even at the local sports club, often described as being in a sort of daze, but she never stayed in one place long enough for police to arrive. In the meantime, the investigation was going nowhere, and there were no leads at all except for all of the mysterious sightings of the woman coming in. mysteriousuniverse.org)
25.02.2021 6:08:55 gen. strike with the car сбить машиной (Official reports record Duke accidentally struck Tirella with the car as he was opening the gate. A new forensic analysis, however, suggests Duke hit Tirella with the car, crashed through the gates as he was attached to the hood, and then crushed him when he fell off. coasttocoastam.com)
25.02.2021 6:07:43 gen. hit with the car сбить машиной (A new forensic analysis, however, suggests Duke hit Tirella with the car, crashed through the gates as he was attached to the hood, and then crushed him when he fell off, Lance reported, noting blood and skin were found in the street. coasttocoastam.com)
25.02.2021 5:57:57 gen. drop the lawsuit отказаться от иска (Duke slashed his arm with a chef's knife causing an injury that required 150 stitches, he reported. Castro sued her so Duke hired lawyers and an ex-FBI agent to essentially kidnap Castro to get him to drop the suit, Lance added, pointing out Duke often used such tactics to clean up her messes. coasttocoastam.com)
23.02.2021 0:09:09 gen. good read читается с интересом (The book is a good read and one of my favorites in the genre.)
22.02.2021 23:53:20 gen. my best guess is я склонен считать, что (Does Mr. McDonnell believe that the murder was committed by an outsider? My best guess is "yes," but I do not pretend to speak for him in any way.)
22.02.2021 23:38:32 gen. eminent scientist видный учёный (Over two decades ago, eminent scientist Jacques Vallee wrote a provocative book about UFO cases, folklore, and certain unexplained phenomena. coasttocoastam.com)
22.02.2021 10:25:34 gen. section of the street отрезок улицы (The firetrucks and ambulances are gone now but the police are still here blocking off this section of the street.)
22.02.2021 9:21:07 humor. spine-freezer детективный роман (Mrs Cream, Bobbie said, worked in her room every afternoon on her new spine-freezer and seldom knocked off for a cuppa. (P.G. Wodehouse))
22.02.2021 9:18:41 gen. loosely в широком смысле слова (Well, when I say ‘butler', I use the term loosely. He was dressed like a butler and he behaved like a butler, but in the deepest and truest sense of the word he was not a butler. (P.G. Wodehouse))
22.02.2021 9:09:33 idiom. shoot one's bolt выдохнуться (And one had to remember that most of the bimbos to whom Roberta Wickham had been giving the bird through the years had been of the huntin', shootin' and fishin' type, fellows who had more or less shot their bolt after saying ‘Eh, what?' and slapping their leg with a hunting crop. Kipper must have come as a nice change. (P.G. Wodehouse))
22.02.2021 9:09:33 idiom. shoot one's bolt исчерпать себя (And one had to remember that most of the bimbos to whom Roberta Wickham had been giving the bird through the years had been of the huntin', shootin' and fishin' type, fellows who had more or less shot their bolt after saying ‘Eh, what?' and slapping their leg with a hunting crop. Kipper must have come as a nice change. (P.G. Wodehouse))
22.02.2021 8:59:34 idiom. what's the drill? что я должен делать? (‘And meanwhile what's the drill? Do I kiss you a good deal from time to time?' ‘No, you don't.' ‘Right ho. I just want to know where I stand.' ‘An occasional passionate glance will be ample.' (P.G. Wodehouse) = Что я должен делать?)
22.02.2021 8:54:53 literal. step on the teeth of a rake наступить на грабли (Bobbie is a fun-loving girl, and the memory of her reaction when in the garden at Skeldings I had once stepped on the teeth of a rake and had the handle jump up and hit me on the tip of the nose was still laid away among my souvenirs. She had been convulsed with mirth. (P.G. Wodehouse))
22.02.2021 8:53:01 gen. the whole thing is off всё отменяется (I mean to say, when a girl, offered a good man's heart, laughs like a bursting paper bag and tells him not to be a silly ass, the good man is entitled, I think, to assume that the whole thing is off. (P.G. Wodehouse))
22.02.2021 5:51:35 gen. unwelcome visitor незваный гость (For sale, Fort Gilkicker – sea views, historic Portsmouth close by, no problems keeping unwelcome visitors out. twitter.com)
22.02.2021 5:40:39 ship.handl. broke its moorings сорвало с якоря (This barge broke its moorings in high winds. Last night, wind gusts in the Howe Sound topped 90 mph. – Баржу сорвало с якоря в сильный ветер)
22.02.2021 4:50:31 gen. freeze to примёрзнуть к (On Thursday, train conductor Coby Reid posted a photo of an adorable, but wild bobcat calmly sitting along the inside of a railway track, apparently near the community of Trail. According to Reid's Facebook post, the bobcat "was enjoying his breakfast (duck) and froze to the rail." Reid said "we got some warm water and freed him up." – примёрз к рельсу globalnews.ca)
21.02.2021 0:53:42 cultur. Renaissance figure деятель эпохи Возрождения (Fanthorpe suggested pioneering Renaissance figure Leonardo da Vinci may have invented a time machine which he used to travel back and forth through time. "Things like his helicopter were not things he invented but things he had seen in the future," he said. coasttocoastam.com)
19.02.2021 6:00:43 idiom. make a special effort сделать над собой усилие (‘The only catch is that I don't come down to breakfast when I'm at Brinkley. Still, I suppose I could make a special effort.' ‘Do so. You will find it well worth while.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.02.2021 6:00:43 idiom. make a special effort очень постараться (‘The only catch is that I don't come down to breakfast when I'm at Brinkley. Still, I suppose I could make a special effort.' ‘Do so. You will find it well worth while.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.02.2021 5:53:39 formal hold in high esteem относиться с большим уважением (No doubt, when I apprise him of your call, he will send you his love, for I know he holds you in high esteem. The perfect hostess, he often describes you as. (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.02.2021 5:49:04 written peril lurks кроется опасность (That moustache of mine … (...) Recalling the effect of its impact on Florence Craye, I saw clearly that it had made me too fascinating. There peril lurked. When you become too fascinating, all sorts of things are liable to occur which you don't want to occur, if you follow me. (P.G. Wodehouse) – в них кроется опасность )
19.02.2021 5:33:21 formal believe otherwise придерживаться иного мнения (I believe that somebody else has been involved in Esther's disappearance and against her will. This is a terrifying prospect and I wish I could believe otherwise, but I cannot. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.02.2021 4:58:08 gen. head back home возвращаться домой (This was supposed to be her last big hike and adventure before the two were to head back home and their trip was to come to an end, but Dan had no clue that it literally was to be her last hike, and that she was about to keep on hiking right off the face of the Earth. – перед тем, как пара должна была возвращаться домой mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.02.2021 4:48:09 gen. take up a job устроиться на работу (кем-либо – as: They would end up at Cambridge, where Dan got a position as a postdoctoral research assistant in the department of engineering, Esther took up a job as a personal trainer, and it seemed that life was great until a series of hurdles caused them to reassess their lives. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.02.2021 4:48:09 gen. take up a job пойти работать (кем-либо – as: They would end up at Cambridge, where Dan got a position as a postdoctoral research assistant in the department of engineering, Esther took up a job as a personal trainer, and it seemed that life was great until a series of hurdles caused them to reassess their lives. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.02.2021 4:43:38 scient. take up an academic career посвятить себя научной деятельности (при университете: Esther Dingley and her partner, Dan Colgate, first met as students at Wadham College, Oxford University, and upon graduating Dan took up a successful academic career at Oxford's chemistry research laboratory while Esther pursued a master's degree. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.02.2021 4:43:38 scient. take up an academic career заняться наукой (при университете: Esther Dingley and her partner, Dan Colgate, first met as students at Wadham College, Oxford University, and upon graduating Dan took up a successful academic career at Oxford's chemistry research laboratory while Esther pursued a master's degree. mysteriousuniverse.org)
19.02.2021 4:39:43 inf. shuck off отказаться от (It is in some people's nature to want to go out into the wilds and live a simple life, to shuck off modern conveniences and get back to nature, yet sometimes nature does not want to give them back. mysteriousuniverse.org)
18.02.2021 9:56:51 brit. conk on the bean треснуть по башке (‘Like Sir Eustace Willoughby.' ‘I beg your pardon?' ‘In "The Mystery of the Pink Crayfish". He was conked on the bean in his library one night, and if you ask me it was the butler who did it. But I interrupted you.' ‘You did.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
18.02.2021 9:49:13 brit. brainless poop безмозглый болван (‘Oh, Bertie, if ever I called you a brainless poop who ought to be given a scholarship at some good lunatic asylum, I take back the words.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
18.02.2021 9:44:08 gen. secluded nook укромный уголок (Old Etonians do not brawl in the presence of the other sex. Nor do pukka Sahibs. They wait till they are alone with the party of the second part in some secluded nook. I thoroughly approved of this fineness of feeling, for it had left me sitting on top of the world. (P.G. Wodehouse))
18.02.2021 9:39:56 gen. feel a fondness испытывать нежные чувства (She was looking at me in an odd kind of way, as if at some child for whom, while conceding that it had water on the brain, she felt a fondness. (P.G. Wodehouse))
18.02.2021 9:18:09 gen. peaceful life спокойная жизнь (In a word, Roberta, daughter of the late Sir Cuthbert and Lady Wickham of Skeldings Hall, Herts, was pure dynamite and better kept at a distance by all those who aimed at leading the peaceful life. (P.G.Wodehouse))
18.02.2021 9:12:27 fig.of.sp. in days gone by в былые дни (‘Esmond!' she said in the voice which in days gone by had reduced so many Janes and Myrtles and Gladyses to tearful pulp in the old study. ‘Where have you been?' (P.G. Wodehouse))
18.02.2021 8:47:35 gen. it's all very well to say that легко сказать (‘It's all very well to say that. It's a thing that presents all sorts of technical difficulties.' (P.G. Wodehouse) – Легко сказать. • Легко тебе говорить.)
18.02.2021 8:34:29 gen. show out the guests выпроводить гостей (Silversmith, whom we encountered in the hall, informed us that he had just shown out the last batch of alien guests, the Kegley-Bassington gang, and that apart from members of the family only the vicar, Miss Pirbright and what he called ‘the young gentleman', a very loose way of describing my cousin Thomas, remained on the burning deck. (P.G. Wodehouse))
17.02.2021 7:24:01 gen. free sb. from sb.'s snowbound predicament освободить из снежного плена (With the road outside his home having not been cleared for days following a huge snowstorm, a housebound Ukrainian man came up with an audacious plan to rectify the problem: confess to a fake murder so that police would have to plow his street in order to arrest him. (...) Alas, it would seem that karma quickly got the best of the man as, in the brief window of time between when he placed the call and the police arrived at his home, a plow actually made its way down the street and freed him from his snowbound predicament. coasttocoastam.com)
16.02.2021 5:44:28 gen. for her sake ради неё (‘I sweat myself to the bone for her sake. I allow a mob of homicidal maniacs to kick me in the ribs and stroll about on my face. And then, when I have braved a fate worse than death, so to speak, all to please her, I find that she didn't bother to come and watch the game.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.02.2021 5:37:58 gen. drink a toast to поднять тост за (someone: ‘He was the star of the game. Toasts, I should imagine, are now being drunk to him at every pub in the village.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.02.2021 5:34:15 gen. with an added vim с новой силой (There's nothing like a bit of rest and what you might call folding of the hands for freshening up the shop-soiled athlete. The dirty work, resumed after this brief breather, started off with an added vim which it did one good to see. And the life and soul of the party was young Tuppy. (P.G. Wodehouse))
16.02.2021 5:31:02 formal at the first opportunity that presents itself при первой же возможности (‘It is my intention to insert the Luminous Rabbit in his room at the first opportunity that presents itself. The Luminous Rabbit shines in the dark and jumps about, making odd, squeaking noises.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.02.2021 6:16:57 book. driven влекомый
14.02.2021 5:44:54 folk. rags лохмотья (The king had a beautiful girl locked in his castle. He lavished her with gifts, but dressed her in the most horrible rags. Every night, she would stare out the dungeon window, waiting for a brave knight to rescue her. But every knight who rode up would take one look at her and ride away in disgust. "How can they resist my beauty?" the girl complained. "The king was right," the guard said, laughing. "No knight will rescue a damsel in this dress." (Reader's Digest))
14.02.2021 2:46:02 formal legally required обязанный по закону (Here in Vancouver, we are legally required to tweet about it when it snows. So on advice of counsel, here is my submission in accordance with said legal requirement. (Twitter))
14.02.2021 2:44:06 formal legally required обязан в законодательном порядке (Here in Vancouver, we are legally required to tweet about it when it snows. So on advice of counsel, here is my submission in accordance with said legal requirement. (Twitter))
13.02.2021 4:48:52 idiom. do the square thing поступить честно (There come times in a man's life when he rather tends to think only of self, and I must confess that the anguish of the above tortured souls was almost completely thrust into the background of my consciousness by the reflection that Fate after a rocky start had at last done the square thing by Bertram Wooster. – PGW)
13.02.2021 4:44:33 idiom. do the square thing поступить по справедливости (There come times in a man's life when he rather tends to think only of self, and I must confess that the anguish of the above tortured souls was almost completely thrust into the background of my consciousness by the reflection that Fate after a rocky start had at last done the square thing by Bertram Wooster. (P.G. Wodehouse))
13.02.2021 4:37:15 gen. lover влюблённый (noun: Mixing constantly with Gussie through the years, I had come to know him as a newt-fancier, a lover and a fathead, but I had never suspected him of possessing outstanding qualities as a sprinter on the flat, and I was amazed at the high order of ability he was exhibiting in this very specialized form of activity. (P.G. Wodehouse))
13.02.2021 4:35:06 gen. what a chump you are! какой ты болван! (‘What a chump you are, Bertie,' she said with some heat, ‘pulling a girl's leg and trying to scare her stiff. Everything has gone according to plan. Here comes Sam. I'd know his voice anywhere. At-a-boy, Sam! This way. Come to Mother.' (P.G. Wodehouse)))
13.02.2021 3:56:21 busin. do lots of work много работать (with – с: Although we spend much our time with bigger clients, we do lots of work with small businesses such as craft breweries, daycare centres and bike repair shops.)
13.02.2021 3:43:15 gen. be over закончиться (Does anyone else want 2020 to be over? – Кто-нибудь ещё хочет, чтобы 2020 год закончился?)
13.02.2021 3:22:17 TV documentary filmmaker режиссер-документалист (coasttocoastam.com)
13.02.2021 2:23:47 gen. arrive back at the spot вернуться на место (Alas, after passing the eyebrow-raising oddity on the side of the road, Bates turned around to try to get a better look at it, but it had vanished by the time he arrived back at the spot. "As an avid hunter and fisherman, I spend a lot of time in the woods," he ultimately concluded in his report, "I spent every summer camping in that area as well as a kid. I have never seen anything like what I saw just this evening." coasttocoastam.com)
13.02.2021 2:19:45 auto. drive along a highway ехать по шоссе (A law enforcement officer in northern California claims to have recently spotted what he believes was a Bigfoot resting on the side of a road. The intriguing sighting is said to have occurred on January 23rd as Rick Bates was driving home from Oregon along interstate highway 101 and passing through the community of Garberville. coasttocoastam.com)
13.02.2021 2:19:45 auto. drive along a highway ехать по трассе (A law enforcement officer in northern California claims to have recently spotted what he believes was a Bigfoot resting on the side of a road. The intriguing sighting is said to have occurred on January 23rd as Rick Bates was driving home from Oregon along interstate highway 101 and passing through the community of Garberville. coasttocoastam.com)
12.02.2021 8:06:38 inf. nuts ненормальный (As I was driving in Greenville I saw the sun come out. I knew I needed to get to the beach within mins. I got to Seaview and ran to the beach. Set up my tripod, moved some settings, never messed with focus and started chucking rocks and snapping pics. People are looking at me like I am NUTS! You guys already know I am nuts and now just a few more Seaview residents found out. (Twitter))
12.02.2021 7:58:18 gov. seek bids объявить тендер (City of Greenwood is seeking bids for a 60-year lease or purchase of a 17-acre city-owned site for a film production studio. – Муниципалитет объявил тендер на аренду или продажу)
12.02.2021 5:00:52 med. fit tightly плотно прилегать (Wearing a mask that fits tightly to your face may help limit the spread of the virus.)
12.02.2021 2:25:36 gen. get a pretty decent idea получить неплохое представление (о чём-либо – of something: VPD releases a lot of crime stats so you can decide what your crime tolerance is. Looking at the heat maps, you should get a pretty decent idea of where the pockets of crime are before you move here. (Reddit))
11.02.2021 5:40:03 progr. develop an idea разрабатывать идею (Ron's co-workers often assist him on developing new ideas for the app, usually in the boardroom, where there's a giant whiteboard for all of their schemes.)
11.02.2021 5:32:27 trav. vacation at a resort отдыхать на курорте (During March break, we vacationed at an all-inclusive Caribbean resort with our two young children.)
11.02.2021 1:51:19 formal file a formal complaint обратиться с жалобой (в письменном виде в соотв-щие инстанции: I'll definitely file a formal complaint so this can be investigated.)
11.02.2021 1:50:23 formal file a formal complaint подать жалобу (в письменном виде в соотв-щие инстанции: I'll definitely file a formal complaint so this can be investigated.)
9.02.2021 7:00:12 gen. you'll do fine у вас всё получится (Don't be discouraged. Keep trying, and you'll do fine.)
9.02.2021 6:49:43 gen. within a few days of one another с разницей в несколько дней (They were born in the same hospital within a few days of one another.)
9.02.2021 6:41:30 pharma. current condition данное заболевание (This medication has been prescribed for your current condition only. Do not use it later for another infection unless your doctor tells you to.)
9.02.2021 2:08:34 gen. on nightshift во время ночного дежурства (Never know what you'll find on nightshift. coasttocoastam.com)
9.02.2021 1:58:11 formal theorize выдвинуть теорию (The curious subterranean structure is 20 miles in diameter and nearly 100 feet tall, he explained, adding that it is comprised of various crystals which produce piezoelectrical fields. Reeves theorized that the wall was built about 200,000 years ago by an engineering process we do not understand today. coasttocoastam.com)
9.02.2021 1:55:12 archaeol. curious structure необычное сооружение (Reeves shared his research into a mysterious wall buried under the city of Rockwall, Texas. The curious subterranean structure is 20 miles in diameter and nearly 100 feet tall, he explained, adding that it is comprised of various crystals which produce piezoelectrical fields. coasttocoastam.com)
8.02.2021 6:58:00 idiom. cold nerve нахальство (But, dash it, how could I have been expected to take into consideration the possibility that this cove, headmaster though he was, would have had the cold nerve to walk into Sippy's private office instead of pushing in a normal and orderly manner through the public door? (P.G. Wodehouse) – что у него хватит нахальства)
8.02.2021 6:55:08 idiom. be in the offing находиться поблизости (He went in at the front door, and I started off for a short stroll. It was no part of my policy to be in the offing when things began to happen. (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.02.2021 6:52:56 gen. tackle a job браться за дело (требующее усердия, внимания, опыта и пр.: It was many, many years since I had tackled this kind of job, but the old skill came back as good as ever. Having got the bag so nicely poised that a touch on the door would do all that was necessary, I skipped down from my chair, popped off through Sippy's room, and went into the street. (P.G. Wodehouse) – Прошло немало лет с тех пор, как я брался за такую работу, но ...)
8.02.2021 6:45:28 gen. set a booby-trap ставить взрывную мину-сюрприз (Now, setting a booby-trap for a respectable citizen like a headmaster (even of an inferior school to your own) is not a matter to be approached lightly and without careful preparation. I don't suppose I've ever selected a lunch with more thought than I did that day. And after a nicely-balanced meal, preceded by a couple of dry Martinis, washed down with half a bot, of a nice light, dry champagne, and followed by a spot of brandy, I could have set a booby-trap for a bishop. (P.G. Wodehouse))
8.02.2021 6:43:17 disappr. approach lightly легкомысленно подходить к (Now, setting a booby-trap for a respectable citizen like a headmaster (even of an inferior school to your own) is not a matter to be approached lightly and without careful preparation. I don't suppose I've ever selected a lunch with more thought than I did that day. And after a nicely-balanced meal, preceded by a couple of dry Martinis, washed down with half a bot, of a nice light, dry champagne, and followed by a spot of brandy, I could have set a booby-trap for a bishop. (P.G. Wodehouse))

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