
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

12.04.2024 3:15:18 space outside the solar system за пределами солнечной системы (the challenges of exploring outside the solar system)
12.04.2024 2:30:59 real.est. furnished apartment квартира с обстановкой (в аренду)
12.04.2024 2:25:03 disappr. enslave oneself закабалить себя ("Canada to allow 30-year amortization for first-time buyers' mortgages on new homes... By extending amortization, monthly mortgage payments will be more affordable for young Canadians who want that first home of their own..." – Uh oh Canada, who’s up for locking in 700k mortgage at 6-7% for 30 years? Do you know how much you’re paying? This is a slippery slope! The average person not knowing better, falls for this trap enslaving yourself to the gigantic debt you signed, paying over 50% of your principal in interest!! (Twitter))
12.04.2024 1:57:18 disappr. atrocious безобразный (of a very poor quality; extremely bad or unpleasant (Oxford Dictionary): Absolutely atrocious service and tech support! • Exceptional interiors, world-class location, good food, but the atrocious service overwhelmed much of that for my own experience. 3 out of 5 stars. • Куда еще 2-й маршрут продлевать? Он и так ходит безобразно и битком набитый. (из рус. источников))
12.04.2024 1:56:56 disappr. atrocious безобразно (of a very poor quality; extremely bad or unpleasant (Oxford Dictionary): Absolutely atrocious service and tech support! • Exceptional interiors, world-class location, good food, but the atrocious service overwhelmed much of that for my own experience. 3 out of 5 stars. • Куда еще 2-й маршрут продлевать? Он и так ходит безобразно и битком набитый. (из рус. источников))
11.04.2024 12:13:22 gen. times помножить на (two times six is twelve; three times four is twelve)
11.04.2024 10:35:57 gen. mark a turning point ознаменовать поворот (to sth. – к чему-л.: Today's windstorm marks a turning point to Old Man Winter's weather.)
11.04.2024 10:34:28 sport. athletic rehabilitation facilities оздоровительные спортивные сооружения (as part of a larger rehab centre)
11.04.2024 10:29:27 gen. of the same type такого же типа (Council plans to build more homes of the same type as demand dictates. )
11.04.2024 10:05:27 gen. spray-paint наносить надписи с помощью аэрозольного баллончика с краской (Ялтинский городской суд вынес приговор трём вандалам, испортившим краской фасад одного из зданий ГКУ «Ясная поляна» в южнобережном посёлке Гаспра. (...) Инцидент произошёл в мае этого года. С помощью аэрозольного баллончика с краской двое жителей Ялты и их 23-летний приезжий приятель нанесли несколько нецензурных надписей на фасад и окна здания. (sevastopol.su))
11.04.2024 9:50:23 gen. flit from flower to flower перелетать с цветка на цветок (hundreds of exotic butterflies flitting from flower to flower)
11.04.2024 9:49:00 gen. stray over the fence перелезть через забор (в нарушение правил: "There are signs up there, but unfortunately people do stray over the fence." (Burnaby Now)))
11.04.2024 8:37:06 inf. oh c'mon! да ладно тебе! (т.е. не говори глупостей: "Vancouver is clean? Since when? I honestly think it's just about as bad as New York for garbage everywhere. No matter where I go I see garbage everywhere." "Oh c'mon, it's nothing like NYC. They pile mountains of trash bags on the street every day." (Reddit))
11.04.2024 8:18:54 inf. pin down as определить тип (чего-л.: A beautiful city but also a little melancholy. The population was so mixed, it would be hard to pin it down as a hippie town, a tech town, a college town, an arts town, a retirement town, or something else. I've heard it once described as "a beautiful city with no soul" and that's probably the best way I can think of it. (Reddit))
11.04.2024 8:16:34 disappr. surface-level relationship поверхностные отношения (While people can be very nice here, connections and relationships are all very surface-level. All of my lasting friendships as an adult were forged elsewhere. (Reddit))
11.04.2024 8:10:26 disappr. sweeping judgments широкие обобщения ("What city are you originally from?" "I’m from Atlanta, negative stereotypes abound, some are even true." "Yeah, that’s what I was wondering. I’d like to go to their city for a day and a half and make sweeping judgments about Vancouver." (Reddit))
11.04.2024 7:55:08 gen. historic building старинное здание (Gastown is the oldest part of the city, which is why it has the most historic buildings. (Reddit))
11.04.2024 7:43:26 gen. get the wrong impression получить неверное представление (A beautiful city but also a little melancholy. The population was so mixed, it would be hard to pin it down as a hippie town, a tech town, a college town, an arts town, a retirement town, or something else. I realize we were there a very short time. I also realize this is very subjective, so please excuse me if I got the wrong impression, I’m not trying to call your baby ugly. (Reddit))
11.04.2024 7:37:16 gen. dense residential area густозаселённый жилой район (The train doesn’t go many places, which is surprising for such a dense residential area. (Reddit))
11.04.2024 7:35:20 disappr. generic buildings однотипные здания (I didn’t see much historic architecture beyond Gastown. Many buildings seem new and somewhat generic. (Reddit))
11.04.2024 6:58:53 gen. compromising information компрометирующие сведения
11.04.2024 6:56:55 gen. pummel колошматить (The boxer had pummelled his opponent into submission by the end of the fourth round. (Cambridge Dictionary))
11.04.2024 6:46:49 hobby sports cards коллекционные карточки (с фотографиям популярных спортсменов: trade sports cards – обмениваться коллекционными карточками)
11.04.2024 6:43:17 inet. views количество просмотров (Once you reach our minimum requirements of 15,000 monthly views, please contact us.)
11.04.2024 6:42:38 gen. word count количество слов (в документе, в результате подсчёта: You said there are 10 files to be translated... do you have an approximate word count? • I definitely would need to have a final word count before agreeing to anything.)
11.04.2024 6:40:17 gen. when it came to когда дело дошло до (He had been talking about it for years but when it came to putting his signature on the dotted line, he said he wasn't so sure he wanted to do it .)
11.04.2024 6:36:12 gen. mental issues проблемы с психикой (The man who attacked three people on the Downtown Eastside with a machete had some mental issues.)
11.04.2024 6:35:25 poetic gloaming проблески вечерней зари (Paris enchants the eye from first light to last gloaming. • Послѣдніе проблески вечерней зари, столь краткой въ малыхъ широтахъ, озарили жалкую картину! A. Старчевский, 1858 г.)
11.04.2024 6:34:00 book.bind. screw punch пробойник (a bookbinding tool)
11.04.2024 6:32:38 book.bind. book block книжный блок
11.04.2024 6:31:01 publish. books книжная продукция
11.04.2024 6:27:27 gen. avid reader книголюб (*читака, пожиратель, глотатель... сколько негативных оттенков, нисколько не соответствующих уважительному смыслу этого словосочетания*)
11.04.2024 6:26:02 coll. writing книги (James Rollins is a bestselling author of international thrillers. His writing has been translated into over forty languages and he's sold over 20 million books. -- Его книги переведены ... (coasttocoastam.com))
11.04.2024 6:24:49 gen. book entitled книга, озаглавленная (a book entitled "My Friends the Rothschilds" by Debbie Katz)
11.04.2024 6:24:13 gen. book entitled книга под названием (a book entitled "My Friends the Rockefellers" by Abby Schwartz)
11.04.2024 5:12:16 gen. high-paying client денежный клиент (When a Beverly Hills rich boy is arrested for brutally beating a homeless woman, Mike, a criminal defence attorney down on his luck, has his first high-paying client in years.)
11.04.2024 5:11:08 gen. proceeds денежные средства (вырученные, полученные в результате чего-л.: proceeds from the sale of the home)
11.04.2024 5:04:54 idiom. pull the plug прикрыть лавочку (Looks like they've pulled the plug on this. – Похоже, прикрыли (чью-л.) лавочку.)
11.04.2024 4:39:02 cliche. terse and to the point кратко и по существу ("Terse and to the point." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)))
11.04.2024 4:36:52 bank. arrival поступление на счёт (перечисленной суммы: Estimated Arrival: Dec 20.)
11.04.2024 4:36:15 fig. make a compromise поступиться (чем-л.: We make no compromise for limitation – even if it means modifying our machines to meet our needs. – Мы не можем поступиться качеством из-за имеющихся ограничений ...)
11.04.2024 4:34:41 gen. make the smart choice поступить умно (We made the smart choice and switched to an independent supplier.)
11.04.2024 4:31:06 gen. act in a hot-headed manner поступить сгоряча ("(...) acted in an indiscreet and hot-headed manner" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
11.04.2024 4:30:33 gen. act in a hot-headed manner действовать сгоряча ("(...) acted in an indiscreet and hot-headed manner" – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
11.04.2024 4:30:03 gen. go about it the right way действовать правильно (We support the goal of ending speculation in the real estate market, but are not sure the government is going about it the right way. – не уверены, что власти действуют правильно в этом направлении)
11.04.2024 4:29:25 idiom. walk the fine line действовать очень осторожно (That's the fine line, unfortunately, that we have to walk here.)
11.04.2024 4:29:11 idiom. watch one's step very carefully действовать очень осторожно (You must watch your step very carefully now. When your secretary steps into your office, keep your door open and your voice down if you want to avoid office gossip.)
11.04.2024 3:36:28 gen. draw the ire навлечь на себя гнев (Careful, you don't want to draw the ire of Reginald and the other right-wing trolls who are anxious to put down any progressive ideas that might challenge their entitled white-boy, SUV-driving, women-in-their-place, fossil-fuel-burning, father-knows-best ideologies. (a comment to a newspaper article))
11.04.2024 3:34:53 gen. draw the ire вызвать гнев (Careful, you don't want to draw the ire of Reginald and the other right-wing trolls who are anxious to put down any progressive ideas that might challenge their entitled white-boy, SUV-driving, women-in-their-place, fossil-fuel-burning, father-knows-best ideologies. (an anonymous online comment to a newspaper article))
11.04.2024 3:33:45 inf. make it выжить (When the rain stops, it'll be too late for a large portion of the crop. Farmers rely on the money they make from the crops to feed their families. You may see some that just won't make it. -- не все фермеры выживут)
11.04.2024 3:33:02 idiom. keep one's head above water выжить (We're just a small business, we're trying to keep our head above water. -- пытаемся выжить)
11.04.2024 3:31:59 disappr. tax sb. out of sb.'s home выживать из собственного дома (высокими налогами, применительно к домовладельцам, вполне распространённая практика руководства крупных муниципалитетов в Канаде: 7.5 per cent? Too much. Tax increases way exceed my salary increases. They are taxing people out of their homes. (Twitter))
11.04.2024 3:12:28 disappr. goings-on делишки (reprehensible happenings or conduct (Merriam-Webster): Staff and regulars at the pub believe that the odd events are evidence of the site's resident ghost, dubbed 'Jack,' who is said to be the spirit of a sailor murdered in the early 1900s. "We are very well known for our ghostly goings-on," manager Katy Marriot said, describing the apparition as "quite a mischievous ghost' known for pulling similar 'pranks' over the years to the point that workers are "used to things like this." coasttocoastam.com)
10.04.2024 10:02:07 cliche. all things considered в целом
10.04.2024 9:59:04 gen. as a safety precaution в целях безопасности (A flight instructor had offered to ride along that evening as a safety precaution but Kennedy refused.)
10.04.2024 9:57:22 idiom. light up озариться улыбкой (*one's face lights up* — used to say that someone looks pleased and happy: Her face lit up when she saw him. (Merriam-Webster))
10.04.2024 9:35:01 gen. under ideal conditions в идеальных условиях (In closing arguments earlier Tuesday, prosecutor Brent Anderson said the Crown had proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Zadeh’s conduct was a departure from the standard of care exercised by a reasonable driver. The collision happened at rush hour under ideal road conditions, and the light was red for more than 20 seconds before Zadeh entered the intersection, he said. Zadeh also failed to observe four separate red lights at the intersection, and he failed to brake or steer. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:27:52 gen. lapse of attention ослабление внимания (за рулём, при исполнении служебных обязанностей и т.п.: The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. In acquitting Zadeh of all charges, B.C. Provincial Court Judge Katherine Denhoff noted there were no drugs or alcohol involved, and no evidence of any issues with his driving before the crash. Denhoff ruled that while Zadeh’s single, momentary lapse of attention had a tragic outcome, it was not a criminal act. -- хотя Задэ отвлёкся на короткое время (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:21:39 gen. swerve onto the sidewalk выехать на тротуар (The car on the pavement was zooming down the bus lane, the car still on the road moved right into the bus lane, and then the other car had to swerve onto the sidewalk to avoid crashing. Thankfully no one was standing at the bus stop. (Reddit))
2.06.2024 6:07:22 gen. jump a curb выехать на тротуар (также the curb – при указании конкретного места: Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. Zadeh has admitted he was driving a Ford Escape that ran a red light at the intersection of Hornby and Smithe streets. The SUV hit another car before jumping a curb and fatally striking 23-month-old baby Ocean and her father Michael Hiiva. (globalnews.ca) • Driver jumped the curb by the Gordon truck and went ham on the 2 Tesla’s, trees and van. (Reddit))
10.04.2024 9:20:05 gen. jump a curb вылететь на тротуар (Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. Zadeh has admitted he was driving a Ford Escape that ran a red light at the intersection of Hornby and Smithe streets. The SUV hit another car before jumping a curb and fatally striking 23-month-old baby Ocean and her father Michael Hiiva. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:20:05 gen. jump a curb влететь на тротуар (Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. Zadeh has admitted he was driving a Ford Escape that ran a red light at the intersection of Hornby and Smithe streets. The SUV hit another car before jumping a curb and fatally striking 23-month-old baby Ocean and her father Michael Hiiva. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:17:01 gen. seriously hurt причинить тяжкий вред здоровью (The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:10:27 gen. seriously hurt нанести тяжёлые травмы (The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:10:27 gen. seriously hurt нанести тяжёлые увечья (The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:10:27 gen. seriously hurt нанести серьёзные травмы (The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 9:10:27 gen. seriously hurt нанести тяжкие телесные повреждения (The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. (globalnews.ca))
10.04.2024 6:12:43 cinema Western film вестерн (Mackenna's Gold is a 1969 American Western film directed by J. Lee Thompson.)
10.04.2024 6:07:53 cliche. have fun повеселиться (We had so much fun – tons of fun! – Мы от души повеселились -- до упада!)
10.04.2024 6:06:03 cliche. have fun поразвлечься (в нехорошем смысле)
10.04.2024 5:50:17 poetic keep the memory alive сохранить в памяти (DVDs entitled Destination Canada and Destination Alberta will help keep the memory of your visit alive and are only $29.99.)
10.04.2024 5:49:37 idiom. commit to memory запечатлеть в памяти (A motley crew of men and women set out in search of a canyon full of gold -- pursued by Apaches and the cavalry. A sheriff is entrusted with a treasure map by a dying Indian, which he burns after committing it to memory.)
10.04.2024 5:49:37 idiom. commit to memory сохранить в памяти (A motley crew of men and women set out in search of a canyon full of gold -- pursued by Apaches and the cavalry. A sheriff is entrusted with a treasure map by a dying Indian, which he burns after committing it to memory.)
10.04.2024 3:52:04 gen. take a relaxed approach to легко относиться к (чему-л. – sth.:: take a relaxed approach to online dating)
10.04.2024 3:48:57 humor. certified boob круглый осёл
10.04.2024 3:48:42 rude dumb-ass круглый осёл
10.04.2024 3:48:27 brit. priceless ass круглый осёл
10.04.2024 3:45:33 cliche. go for perfection добиваться совершенства (A 1971 review by Roger Ebert was favourable: "The stories are told simply and directly and with a certain almost clumsy charm. Instead of going for perfection in the dancing, the Royal Ballet dancers have gone for characterizations instead. The various animals have their quirks and eccentricities, and they are fairly authentic: The frog dances like a frog, for example, and not like Nureyev." (Wikipedia))
10.04.2024 3:45:33 cliche. go for perfection стремиться к достижению идеала (A 1971 review by Roger Ebert was favourable: "The stories are told simply and directly and with a certain almost clumsy charm. Instead of going for perfection in the dancing, the Royal Ballet dancers have gone for characterizations instead. The various animals have their quirks and eccentricities, and they are fairly authentic: The frog dances like a frog, for example, and not like Nureyev." (Wikipedia))
10.04.2024 3:42:13 law, copyr. screen rights авторские права на экранизацию книги (John Braborne says Agatha Christie let him have the screen rights to "Murder on the Orient Express" because she liked "Tales of Beatrix Potter". (Wikipedia) -- передала ему права на экранизацию • Права на экранизацию новой книги Яны Вагнер «Тоннель» купили до публикации (vedomosti.ru))
10.04.2024 3:22:24 gen. quite unlike any other совершенно не похожий на другие (Anthony Nield wrote in 2011, "Tales of Beatrix Potter is one of British cinema's true one-offs, a film quite unlike any other. Ostensibly aimed at children, this adaptation of Potter’s various animal-centric stories was mounted by the Royal Ballet and choreographed by Sir Frederick Ashton." (Wikipedia))
10.04.2024 2:55:42 fig. thoroughly English английский до мозга костей (по духу: ("The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle" has been called a “thoroughly English” book. (Wikipedia))
10.04.2024 2:49:12 cinema ballet film фильм-балет (The Tales of Beatrix Potter (US title: Peter Rabbit and Tales of Beatrix Potter) is a 1971 ballet film based on the children's stories of English author and illustrator Beatrix Potter. (Wikipedia))
10.04.2024 2:24:52 gov. pass a ban одобрить запрет (посредством принятия законодательства; on sth. – на что-л.: Tennessee House lawmakers last week passed a ban on geoengineering – or the process of impacting the climate by injecting chemicals or other substances into the atmosphere – after the Senate passed the bill the previous week. Geoengineering has been suggested by some as a solution to global warming; for instance, by injecting small reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect some sunlight and heat back into space before it can reach the Earth’s surface. The Tennessee bill specifically focused on the “intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, (or) substances,” into the atmosphere. (coasttocoastam.com))
10.04.2024 2:23:41 gen. affect one's health отражаться на здоровье кого-л. (But the bill’s sponsor, Monty Fritts, said the bill was a “common-sense” approach, stating, “Everything that goes up, must come down, and those chemicals that we knowingly and willingly inject into the atmosphere simply to control the weather, or the climate, are affecting our health.” (coasttocoastam.com))
9.04.2024 7:55:45 sarcast. has just worked that out? до ... только дошло? ("New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. It has only taken 30 years for finally the penny to drop in NZ." "Lol... the Сentral Вank has just worked that out?" -- До Центробанка только дошло? (Twitter))
9.04.2024 7:51:03 immigr. inflow приток населения (в страну: "New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. Direct parallel for Canada." "This after Auckland's property upzoning experiment launched in 2016 failed to supply enough housing -- or make it affordable -- to accommodate immigration inflows." (Twitter))
9.04.2024 7:36:29 sarcast. it has only taken ... years for не прошло и ... лет, как (что-то случилось: "New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. Direct parallel for Canada." "It has only taken 30 years for finally the penny to drop in NZ and elsewhere in the West. Legal migration needs to be limited, to enable social integration and targeted, to ensure new workers to the economy are filling labour shortages in specific markets/trades." (Twitter) -- Не прошло и 30 лет, как до них наконец дошло ...)
9.04.2024 7:35:29 sarcast. it has only taken ... years for потребовалось всего ... лет, чтобы (что-то случилось: "New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. Direct parallel for Canada." "It has only taken 30 years for finally the penny to drop in NZ and elsewhere in the West. Legal migration needs to be limited, to enable social integration and targeted, to ensure new workers to the economy are filling labour shortages in specific markets/trades." (Twitter) -- Потребовалось всего 30 лет, чтобы до них наконец дошло)
9.04.2024 7:28:31 real.est. rental units съёмное жильё (собирательно: The Residential Tenancy Act does not have any provisions related to listing rental units, as the screening process occurs before the landlord-tenant relationship is established.)
9.04.2024 7:28:19 real.est. rentals съёмное жильё (Post exams is when the city tends to clear out in April-May so it’s higher vacancy then and it’s filled up again in August-September. Greenwood is another hood that I’ve lived in. Lots of rentals there. Otherwise look at Maple Hills.)
9.04.2024 7:28:04 real.est. rental housing съёмное жильё
9.04.2024 7:27:35 real.est. rental accommodation съёмное жильё (New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. (Twitter))
9.04.2024 7:27:35 real.est. rental accommodation арендное жильё (New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. (Twitter))
9.04.2024 7:25:58 immigr. tighten a program ужесточить условия визовой программы (для допуска в страну: New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. Direct parallel for Canada. (Twitter))
9.04.2024 6:26:03 gen. internationally famous всемирно известный (The cathedral contains the internationally famous Mappa Mundi, a map of the world drawn c.1300. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
9.04.2024 6:21:41 cliche. have a profound influence оказать глубокое влияние (on sb., sth. – на кого-л., что-л.: The Brownings and Wordsworth used to visit Ledbury; John Masefield was born there and said that the Hereford scene had a profound influence on his work. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
9.04.2024 5:47:00 gen. act for one's own benefit действовать в собственных интересах (Accountability: An attorney is accountable to you and must act in your best interests. Joint account holders are not accountable to other joint account holders and may act for their own benefit. (rbcroyalbank.com))
9.04.2024 5:43:57 elect. accountable to voters подотчётный избирателям
9.04.2024 5:36:56 gen. money in an account деньги на счёте в банке (Under the personal account agreement, joint account holders are entitled to use the money in a joint account for their personal benefit. (rbcroyalbank.com))

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