
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

6.08.2022 0:55:39 gen. skeptically minded скептически настроенный (Meanwhile, skeptically minded individuals have argued that the entire tale is one long fabrication, drawn out over weeks in a serialized format on TikTok in order to keep viewers coming back for more. coasttocoastam.com)
6.08.2022 0:53:24 fig. the powers that be закулиса (в правительстве, спецслужбах: Some viewers have suggested that his initial 'giant' video was genuine and that the young man either really did raise the ire of the proverbial 'powers that be' or he was so overcome with paranoia that he believed this was the case. coasttocoastam.com)
6.08.2022 0:50:14 gen. grow suspicious подозревать (As Dawson continued to investigate the sighting, he began to grow increasingly suspicious that he had inadvertently stumbled upon something that he was not supposed to have seen. -- начал всё больше и больше подозревать coasttocoastam.com)
6.08.2022 0:47:06 video. film снимать видео (While filming the puzzling oddity, Dawson was asked by his friend what he was watching and he replied with astonishment "it's a person, dude." coasttocoastam.com)
6.08.2022 0:40:19 gen. routine привычный (The very weird case reportedly began earlier this year as Andrew Dawson and a friend were driving to work in the province of Alberta. Their normally routine commute took a strange turn when he noticed something unusual protruding from the massive mountain Whistler's Peak off in the distance. -- привычная дорога на работу coasttocoastam.com)
6.08.2022 0:36:11 gen. drive to work ехать на работу (The very weird case reportedly began earlier this year as Andrew Dawson and a friend were driving to work.)
6.08.2022 0:32:19 elect. run as a candidate выдвинуть свою кандидатуру на выборах (Andrew Wilson took to social media to announce he is running as a mayoral candidate. -- на пост мэра)
6.08.2022 0:31:04 elect. run as a candidate выставить свою кандидатуру (Andrew Wilson took to social media to announce he is running as a mayoral candidate. -- на пост мэра)
6.08.2022 0:27:25 elect. not run as a candidate снять свою кандидатуру на выборах (Andrew Woodward took to social media to announce he is not running as a mayoral candidate.)
5.08.2022 6:26:49 inf. greasy spoon недорогой ресторанчик или кафе (*Называть такие небольшие ресторанчики/кафе всех подряд "гадюшниками" не совсем верно, т. к. во многих из них чисто и вкусно готовят завтрак и ланч, а за стойкой -- приветливые хозяева* | A greasy spoon is a small, cheap restaurant – either an American diner or coffee shop, or a British or Irish cafe – typically specializing in fried foods or home-cooked meals.)
5.08.2022 6:19:38 inf. little spot ресторанчик (This inexpensive little spot offers numerous varieties of pasta made on the premises.)
5.08.2022 5:40:14 railw. railcar грузовой вагон (carrying grain, coal etc.: A train derailed east of Lytton, B.C., Saturday causing a minor fire in the area. A CN Rail spokesperson says preliminary information indicates that approximately 15 railcars containing coal have derailed, spilling some of their contents. globalnews.ca)
5.08.2022 4:32:55 disappr. cover up crimes замалчивать (чьи-л.) преступления (one's crimes: As uncomfortable as it is to see such footage, it does need to be shown if the world is to know the truth of what’s going on in Donbass, to give voice to the locals, killed and terrorized by Ukrainian forces as Western corporate media looks elsewhere or covers up these crimes. (by Eva Bartlett) rt.com)
3.08.2022 5:44:32 gen. get confused запутаться (This is a pretty useless map, you can find a much better map. People will get confused if they use it for driving.)
3.08.2022 5:05:27 scub. dive погружение с аквалангом (I also lost my phone in Indian Arm. Went back with scuba equipment but despite dropping it while entering my kayak from shore it was too deep the cliff wall just kept going down. Did see some interesting wildlife so the dive was enjoyable. (Reddit))
3.08.2022 4:51:22 gen. ancient writing system древняя письменность (One of the toughest codes to break is an ancient writing system. Understanding Egyptian hieroglyphics took the lucky 1799 find of the Rosetta Stone, which translated a Demotic decree (the language of everyday ancient Egyptians) into Greek and hieroglyphics. Even so, French scholar Jean-Francois Champollion labored more than two painstaking decades to make sense of the strange Egyptian symbols. smithsonianmag.com)
3.08.2022 4:45:42 inf. weird image странное фото (With that in mind, what do you make of the weird image?)
3.08.2022 4:22:55 fig. trigger стать причиной
3.08.2022 2:23:00 gen. get directly involved принять непосредственное участие (in: So Biden is a liar in spades for saying that the US will not get directly involved in the Ukraine. With the US firing the missiles the lie is exposed.)
2.08.2022 7:07:45 gen. proper dinner полноценный обед (приготовить полноценный обед из трех блюд)
2.08.2022 4:54:05 inf. sneaky проныра (So I walk into my kitchen and see food strewn all over. Never underestimate a crow. They’re sneaky.)
2.08.2022 4:42:14 gen. strewn all over разбросанный повсюду (I’m the Victim of an Attempted Robbery. It seems that Critters have been Casing my Apartment and Noticed that lately All my Windows have been Left Wide Open. So I walk into my Kitchen and see Garlic Cloves Strewn All Over. Seems the Culprit Dropped them while Escaping. (Twitter))
2.08.2022 3:51:18 gen. squeaky chick писклявый птенец (Hard enough to sleep in the heat near a squeaky baby gull, but now an AC fan on the roof of the City Hall / police station is breaking down and is loudly grinding... *Sigh* (Twitter))
2.08.2022 2:53:24 trav. public trail тропа в парке, пригородном лесу (As a former BC Parks contractor, the number of poo bags just sitting in the middle of the trail absolutely stunned me. How selfish do you need to be to leave a bag of feces in the middle of a public trail? (Twitter))
2.08.2022 2:04:37 gen. we're done всё готово (I think we're done. It's clean now.)
2.08.2022 0:07:45 inf. all these clothes столько одежды (All these clothes and I cannot decide what to wear! -- Столько одежды, а я не могу решить, во что одеться / что надеть!)
1.08.2022 23:51:41 jarg. mega bucks мега-бабки (знакомые поднимают мега-бабки)
1.08.2022 23:51:41 jarg. mega dough мега-бабки (знакомые поднимают мега-бабки)
1.08.2022 23:47:34 mob.com. didn't see this until now только сейчас увидел (текстовку: Sorry didn't see this until now. I think he has passed by already.)
1.08.2022 2:06:33 Canada hydro bill счёт за электричество
1.08.2022 0:30:53 formal be a work of international repute завоевать всемирное признание (One of the best buildings, the Museum of Anthropology, is a work of international repute.)
1.08.2022 0:30:53 formal be a work of international repute получить всемирное признание (One of the best buildings, the Museum of Anthropology, is a work of international repute.)
1.08.2022 0:26:38 formal entries were selected with several criteria in mind отбор производился с учётом нескольких критериев (Entries were selected with several criteria in mind. -- Отбор производился с учётом нескольких критериев.)
31.07.2022 6:59:57 gen. it should be noted, though, that в то же время следует отметить, что (It should be noted, though, that although the creatures are assumed to be one and the same, there is one noticeable difference between the tales that specifically refer to kelpies and those that talk about water-horses. mysteriousuniverse.org)
31.07.2022 6:47:22 gen. centuries-old насчитывающий не одно столетие (Within the folklore of Loch Ness and much of Scotland, there are centuries-old legends and myths concerning supernatural, violent, shape-shifting creatures known as kelpies. mysteriousuniverse.org)
31.07.2022 6:42:48 fig.of.sp. go back centuries насчитывать не одно столетие (Many people may not know that the supernatural side of this practice goes back centuries. -- насчитывает не одно столетие)
31.07.2022 6:42:48 fig.of.sp. go back centuries уходить вглубь веков (Many people may not know that this healing practice goes back centuries. -- уходит вглубь веков)
31.07.2022 5:24:22 disappr. nothing short of bullshit форменное надувательство (I paid $200 to run the ad and it never got published. This is nothing short of bullshit!)
31.07.2022 3:38:20 disappr. show a blatant disregard for халатно относиться к
31.07.2022 3:33:29 gen. be an expert on sth разбираться в вопросе (I'm not an expert on this. -- Я не разбираюсь в этом вопросе.)
31.07.2022 2:43:21 crim. criminal involvement признаки преступления (Police are working to to see if there was any criminal involvement in the death.)
31.07.2022 2:43:21 crim. criminal involvement уголовная составляющая (Police are working to to see if there was any criminal involvement in the death.)
31.07.2022 2:09:43 gen. relationship личные отношения (I had an excellent relationship with the Ambassador. -- У меня были прекрасные личные отношения с послом)
31.07.2022 2:05:20 gen. an excellent relationship прекрасные личные отношения (I had an excellent relationship with the Ambassador. -- У меня были прекрасные личные отношения с послом)
31.07.2022 1:34:40 mil. do отслужить (I did 21 years with the British Army. Had a father who did 33 years as a British Soldier and fought at Salerno and Anzio, was wounded twice and captured and spent the last 13 months of the war as a POW working 14 hours a day in a German Salt Mine. A brother who did 9 years with the Royal Navy and a second brother who did 12 years with the British and 27 with the Australian Army. -- отслужил express.co.uk)
31.07.2022 1:29:31 gen. armed with вооружённый (The British built an Empire that lasted for hundreds of years: Yanks, with their napalm, copters and jets couldn't even win against an army of peasants armed with little more than conviction. express.co.uk)
31.07.2022 1:26:37 gen. be on the losing side проигрывать (As I said, not the job of the USA to bail the British out every time they start a war they can't finish. Always on the losing side and begging for American help. Vietnam was our loss, but I didn't see you staying on in Afghanistan when the Americans left. We all know why; the British military was not up to it. express.co.uk)
31.07.2022 1:23:53 gen. if your pride keeps getting hurt если вам обидно (Any major conflict and the U.S ends up providing most the manpower, equipment and finance, with precious little supplied by the Brits. If your British pride keeps getting hurt because the Americans keep having to save you, take a little advice. Don't start any more wars because you are not good at it. express.co.uk)
31.07.2022 1:19:30 fig. bail out выручать (Why is it the Americans are expected to bail out the Brits every 50 years or so, just because they start wars they cannot finish? WW1 and WW2 the Brits declared war on Germany and proceeded to lose until the Americans showed up? express.co.uk)
30.07.2022 8:41:34 construct. constrained стиснутый (географически: the latest megaproject to be built on the shores of False Creek and the highest density development anywhere in Canada, packed on to a very constrained site. viewpointvancouver.ca)
30.07.2022 8:37:29 fig. indivisible part неотъемлемая часть (But when those who speak of their deep respect for creation, for the natural world of which they are an indivisible part, then the gap between that spiritual world and the brutal reality of Tswawwassen Mills is just too discordant. So we don’t speak of it. -- неотъемлемой часью которого [индейцы] являются viewpointvancouver.ca)
30.07.2022 8:33:09 construct. develop построить (The mall was developed by the Tsawwassen First Nation as a consequence of one of the first modern treaties negotiated when Gordon Campbell was Premier – a breakthrough achievement. -- ТЦ был построен viewpointvancouver.ca)
30.07.2022 8:30:00 gen. paved-over заасфальтированный (It’s that giant auto-dependent single-use shopping complex on the way to the ferries. Over a million square feet of retail sitting on paved-over arable land below sea level on the Pacific Flyway. viewpointvancouver.ca)
30.07.2022 4:29:41 disappr. eye sore уродство (о памятнике, здании: Good riddance! What an eye sore!)
30.07.2022 4:11:50 cycl. ride проехать (через местность, по дороге / велодорожке: I just rode the bike path from Stanley Park to well past Spanish Banks. Wasn't too hot by the water but once you lose the sea breeze -- oooh boy, it's a scorcher!)
30.07.2022 4:03:18 disappr. have the gall иметь наглость (+ infinitive: Amazing that they have the gall to say this is about healing. It’s about money and the Squamish band is already the richest band in BC as it leases out Park Royal in West Vancouver and other valuable land. -- имеют наглость заявлять / утверждать vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 4:01:05 gen. feel different думать иначе (I'm not a Kits resident so maybe I'd feel different if I lived near there, but I don't see an issue with noise, traffic and density.)
30.07.2022 4:01:05 gen. feel different иметь другое мнение (I'm not a Kits resident so maybe I'd feel different if I lived near there, but I don't see an issue with noise, traffic and density.)
30.07.2022 3:57:14 disappr. cloaked by под маской (Another scam getting cloaked by the "spirit of reconciliation". vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:53:54 disappr. my backside как бы не так! (Reconciliation my backside. Just another transparent attempt to line the pockets of band council members who always make out like bandits. vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:48:10 gov. public relations связи с общественностью (Jeremy Braud, whose home is close to the project, said Kits Point residents generally feel “a lot of good will” toward the Sen̓áḵw development. But he worries the lack of transparency is creating a “public relations disaster. If I don’t know what’s going on in my backyard, I think the worst.” vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:48:10 gov. public relations отношения с общественностью (Jeremy Braud, whose home is close to the project, said Kits Point residents generally feel “a lot of good will” toward the Sen̓áḵw development. But he worries the lack of transparency is creating a “public relations disaster. If I don’t know what’s going on in my backyard, I think the worst.” vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:45:03 gov. public relations disaster фиаско в отношениях с общественностью (Jeremy Braud, whose home is close to the project, said Kits Point residents generally feel “a lot of good will” toward the Sen̓áḵw development. But he worries the lack of transparency is creating a “public relations disaster. If I don’t know what’s going on in my backyard, I think the worst.” vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:30:51 construct. scale масштаб (строительного проекта – of a development: Munro said “there is nothing stopping the city from consulting about how the residents of the city would like to have their resources deployed … in support of a development of this scale and density.” vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:26:26 law relinquishment of one's claim отказ от претензий (на – to: Munro, a lawyer, accepts that Sen̓áḵw isn’t subject to the city’s normal consultation process because it’s on reserve land, which was granted to the Squamish Nation in 2000, along with $92 million, for relinquishing its claim to Kits Point and other lands. vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:23:18 law relinquishment of one's claim to отказ от претензий на (Munro, a lawyer, accepts that Sen̓áḵw isn’t subject to the city’s normal consultation process because it’s on reserve land, which was granted to the Squamish Nation in 2000, along with $92 million, for relinquishing its claim to Kits Point and other lands. vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:13:39 disappr. be disingenuous хитрить (Eve Munro of the Kits Point Residents Association said city councillors and officials are being “disingenuous,” including about “the unprecedented level of secrecy surrounding the Sen̓áḵw development.” vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:13:39 disappr. be disingenuous вести себя нечестно (Eve Munro of the Kits Point Residents Association said city councillors and officials are being “disingenuous,” including about “the unprecedented level of secrecy surrounding the Sen̓áḵw development.” vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:13:39 disappr. be disingenuous вести себя непорядочно (Eve Munro of the Kits Point Residents Association said city councillors and officials are being “disingenuous,” including about “the unprecedented level of secrecy surrounding the Sen̓áḵw development.” vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:02:14 polit. hush dissent заткнуть рот недовольным (While Price endorses B.C.’s “new era of billion dollar Indigenous real estate projects,” he laments there was no public consultation a decade ago when the Tsawwassen First Nation built a megamall on precious Delta farmland. He fears the Senakw project will also be pushed through by hushing dissent. vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 3:00:37 polit. push through продавить (решение, вопреки оппозиции: While Price endorses B.C.’s “new era of billion dollar Indigenous real estate projects,” he laments there was no public consultation a decade ago when the Tsawwassen First Nation built a megamall on precious Delta farmland. He fears the Senakw project will also be pushed through by hushing dissent. vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 2:53:57 gen. be sworn to secrecy обязаться не разглашать тайну (говоря о секретной информации, коммерческой тайне, контракте: They describe the city as operating behind a thick cloud of non-transparency, confidentiality, hidden reports, in-camera meetings and councillors being sworn to secrecy — while the city paves the way for roughly 10,000 new residents to pack in closely beside the bridge. vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 2:53:57 gen. be sworn to secrecy взять на себя обязательство о неразглашении (тайной информации, коммерческой тайны, контракта: They describe the city as operating behind a thick cloud of non-transparency, confidentiality, hidden reports, in-camera meetings and councillors being sworn to secrecy — while the city paves the way for roughly 10,000 new residents to pack in closely beside the bridge. vancouversun.com)
30.07.2022 2:46:16 real.est. portion of land участок (земли: erecting 11 highrise towers, with some skyscrapers soaring to 59 storeys, on a narrow portion of land)
30.07.2022 2:28:51 idiom. take one's mind off sth отвлечь (чтобы пациент меньше чувствовал боль и т.п. ситуации: I remember being in a hospital in Vernon 10 years ago with my gf who broke her wrist. We were joking a bit trying to take her mind off it. (Reddit))
30.07.2022 2:23:14 idiom. make noise привлекать к себе внимание (I think these nurses are just trying to make noise to try to get more money from the government, it's the usual union tactic. I remember breaking my arm as a kid 30 years ago and waiting 8 hours to be seen and hospital didn't seem busy. Same with getting stitches.)
30.07.2022 2:10:27 USA thrift store магазин старых, подержанных вещей (не только одежда, но и посуда, фарфоровые сервизы, картины и т.п.; обычно принадлежит благотворительной организации)
30.07.2022 2:05:34 slang bust арестовать (Cops in Brazil Bust Creepy Clown Who Terrorized Town -- Video: Cops in Brazil Bust Creepy Clown Who Terrorized Town --- In a rare case of a creepy clown being caught by the cops, authorities in Brazil arrested a group of young men who had been behind a series of unsettling harlequin sightings that had left a community on edge. coasttocoastam.com)
30.07.2022 1:28:29 inf. That's cool! Здо́рово! (That's cool! Thanks!)
30.07.2022 1:17:12 slang cool! классно!
30.07.2022 0:33:39 gen. achieve unpopularity завоевать непопулярность (The new mayor quickly achieved unpopularity for his decisions.)
30.07.2022 0:27:55 fig. has an air of sth. about it веет духом (This Georgian revival-cum-Jacobean mansion has an air of 19th-century London about it. -- От этого особняка веет духом ...)
29.07.2022 23:53:24 gen. differing opinions разногласия (on – по вопросу / относительно: There were often differing opinions on the merits of particular candidates, which is to be expected given the panel members' different backgrounds.)
29.07.2022 8:36:56 idiom. shift the blame перекладывать с больной головы на здоровую
29.07.2022 5:22:59 inf. fake подделка
29.07.2022 5:22:59 inf. fake поддельная новость
29.07.2022 1:57:25 gen. I'm not arguing я не собираюсь это обсуждать (неуступчивая позиция: I'm not arguing. I'm not arguing with you.)
29.07.2022 1:52:47 gen. touch sth. with one's hand потрогать рукой (Touch it, touch it with your hand. Is it hot?)
29.07.2022 0:18:21 gen. the cost of everything is going up всё дорожает
28.07.2022 7:02:10 formal make significant efforts прилагать значительные усилия (Since 2014, Russia has made significant efforts to secure influence across Africa.)
28.07.2022 3:54:23 disappr. lack of leadership неспособность управлять (эффективно, городом / предприятием: Never have I seen such disgust in this city and such a lack of leadership to deal with it. Our city is disgusting. These people steal from neighbours, destroy business, and the government keeps giving them drugs, money and shelter but doesn’t do anything to the dealers. (Twitter))
28.07.2022 3:54:23 disappr. lack of leadership неспособность руководить (эффективно, городом / предприятием: Never have I seen such disgust in this city and such a lack of leadership to deal with it. Our city is disgusting. These people steal from neighbours, destroy business, and the government keeps giving them drugs, money and shelter but doesn’t do anything to the dealers. (Twitter))
28.07.2022 3:24:19 gen. just under two hours away from меньше, чем в двух часах езды от (The vibrant little artsy community is just under two hours away from the bustling city and has a lot to offer.)
28.07.2022 3:01:46 zool. hatch вылупиться из яйца (Albino alligator hatches at Florida reptile park -- July 26 (UPI) -- An alligator park in Florida announced the hatching of an albino alligator for the third year in a row. upi.com)
28.07.2022 2:58:58 gen. take off into the air взлететь в воздух (A man in Death Valley described seeing a 5ft. tall leathery skinned red-eyed female winged creature that hissed at him before taking off into the air. He also received a report of a similar entity from a pair of photographers in the area. coasttocoastam.com)
28.07.2022 2:44:18 fig. hone in on сузить поиск (Although there were over 4,000 people featured in this family tree, Abbott and Fitzpatrick were finally able to hone in on a particularly promising suspect, an electrical engineer named Carl "Charles" Webb, earlier this year. coasttocoastam.com)
28.07.2022 2:44:18 fig. hone in on сосредоточиться на (Although there were over 4,000 people featured in this family tree, Abbott and Fitzpatrick were finally able to hone in on a particularly promising suspect, an electrical engineer named Carl "Charles" Webb, earlier this year. coasttocoastam.com)
28.07.2022 2:39:33 fig. doggedly pursue упорно работать (над задачей: Derek Abbott of the University of Adelaide has doggedly pursued the mystery for decades and reportedly announced on Tuesday that the newly emerging investigative technique known as forensic genealogy appears to have finally provided an answer to the longstanding question of who, exactly, the Somerton Man was. coasttocoastam.com)
28.07.2022 2:36:11 fig. crack the case раскрыть загадку (In the nearly 75 years since, the identify of the Somerton Man has remained a mystery, though one researcher now believes that he has cracked the case at last. coasttocoastam.com)
28.07.2022 1:08:41 gen. walk off the job начать забастовку (Needs a category to cover Labour Relations: Over 40,000 railway workers have walked off the job over pay and working conditions.)

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