
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

25.08.2022 2:45:03 gen. under a stolen identity под чужим именем (In a bizarre story out of Hawaii, authorities arrested a couple who had been living under stolen identities for decades and there is some suspicion that they may have been Russian spies. -- жили под чужими именами / по чужим документам coasttocoastam.com)
25.08.2022 0:56:58 gen. bad omen дурной знак (It’s believed to be a bad omen if a black cat crosses your path or if it rains on your wedding day. vocabulary.com)
25.08.2022 0:55:15 gen. it is a bad omen не к добру это
24.08.2022 1:34:16 gen. roam outside гулять по улице (о домашних животных, обычно котах: People need to stop letting their pets roam freely outside! There's just too many dangers -- coyotes, speeding vehicles, dogs, raccoons and whatnot. -- выпускать животных гулять без надзора)
24.08.2022 1:07:47 gen. weren't any help ничем не смогли помочь (Certain that she did not see the woman when she captured the image, Steel indicated that she subsequently reached out to the priory in the hopes of getting some answers, but "they weren’t any help." coasttocoastam.com)
24.08.2022 1:04:52 gen. ghostly woman призрак женщины (During their excursion, Steel took several pictures of the ruins and, upon looking at the photos after returning home, she was stunned to see that one of the photos of the site's graveyard features a ghostly woman wearing what seems to be old-fashioned clothes. coasttocoastam.com)
23.08.2022 8:32:46 fig. flavour оттенок (The long, unified façade recalls the terraced buildings of Georgian England. Twin roof pediments and pedimented windows impart a classical flavour. (Ron Phillips) -- придают зданию оттенок классицизма)
23.08.2022 8:17:09 gen. serve a useful end принести пользу (For nearly half a century Gastown steadily declined. Ironically, the lack of economic activity served a useful end; little new construction took place, but at the same time few old buildings were demolished or modernized. (Ron Phillips))
23.08.2022 8:17:09 gen. serve a useful end пойти на пользу (For nearly half a century Gastown steadily declined. Ironically, the lack of economic activity served a useful end; little new construction took place, but at the same time few old buildings were demolished or modernized. (Ron Phillips))
23.08.2022 3:56:15 gen. sorely lacking in сильно недостаёт (How about putting a narrow boulevard of trees down the middle of of 12th St below 6th Ave? Would reduce the heat island effect. The whole stretch is sorely lacking in shade. (Twitter))
23.08.2022 1:01:37 med., dis. carry infectious diseases являться переносчиком инфекционных заболеваний (As cute as they may be, seals can move quickly and can inflict serious injuries if they feel threatened. They also carry infectious diseases. theguardian.com)
23.08.2022 0:57:32 gen. catflap вход в дом для домашнего животного (“The cat would have gone to defend its territory and obviously the seal wasn’t as intimidated as some dogs are, so Coco must have bolted around the side of the house, into the catflap, and the seal must have followed her.” theguardian.com)
23.08.2022 0:46:25 formal postulate предположить (The strange creatures are typically perceived as three-dimensional physical beings like us, yet patterns like sudden invisibility suggest otherwise, he said. Hein postulated that cosmological dark matter might be all around us, and the principles associated with it could allow a different state of matter to co-exist with ours. coasttocoastam.com)
22.08.2022 9:10:05 gen. busy schedule загруженный график
22.08.2022 8:43:54 fash. stiletto heels туфли на шпильках (Remember when she and Prince William visited Victoria in 2016? Shortly after their plane touched down, a functionary rushed in front of the assembled media to breathlessly announce: “She’s wearing Jenny Packham.” Everybody else scribbled this down as though it were vitally important, so I wrote it down, too, though what seemed more remarkable was how Kate, with the cameras and Trudeaus watching from the tarmac below, managed to descend the steep stairs from the RCAF Airbus in stiletto heels, Princess Charlotte in her arms, without taking a YouTube-quality face plant. nsnews.com)
22.08.2022 8:43:54 fash. stiletto heels туфли на высоком каблуке (Remember when she and Prince William visited Victoria in 2016? Shortly after their plane touched down, a functionary rushed in front of the assembled media to breathlessly announce: “She’s wearing Jenny Packham.” Everybody else scribbled this down as though it were vitally important, so I wrote it down, too, though what seemed more remarkable was how Kate, with the cameras and Trudeaus watching from the tarmac below, managed to descend the steep stairs from the RCAF Airbus in stiletto heels, Princess Charlotte in her arms, without taking a YouTube-quality face plant. nsnews.com)
22.08.2022 7:05:02 TV new footage новые кадры (new footage from the scene of the horrific accident in Cedardale)
22.08.2022 6:49:42 transp. cross the centre line вылететь на встречную полосу (Мотоциклист вылетел на встречку и протаранил авто на Садовом кольце)
22.08.2022 4:09:20 gov. dire crisis острый кризис (Two dead, ten injured at a wedding party in Cedardale. This horrific accident comes as the province is dealing with a dire emergency crisis.)
22.08.2022 4:06:22 hockey. score the winning goal забить победную шайбу (Ken Johnson scored the winning overtime goal. -- забил / забросил победную шайбу в овертайме)
22.08.2022 3:59:35 gen. in a modern manner на современный лад (With its bay windows, brick walls, and layered courtyard, Gaslight Square consciously mirrors the vocabulary and scale of the other buildings along Water Street but in a modern manner. (Ron Phillips))
22.08.2022 3:59:35 gen. in a modern manner на нынешний манер (With its bay windows, brick walls, and layered courtyard, Gaslight Square consciously mirrors the vocabulary and scale of the other buildings along Water Street but in a modern manner. (Ron Phillips))
22.08.2022 2:23:31 fig. attitude заносчивость (If you get on her bad side, this girl will make your life a living hell. She's got quite the attitude, so don't make her angry. | Sheila's voice is often compared to Adele's... except Sheila rocks with attitude! She is a blue jeans and heels vocal powerhouse, a Rock Diva in disguise.)
21.08.2022 6:30:06 hockey. World Junior Championship молодежный чемпионат мира по хоккею (Canada edges Finland in OT to capture gold at World Junior Championship)
21.08.2022 6:30:06 hockey. World Juniors молодежный чемпионат мира по хоккею (Canada defeats Finland in OT thriller for gold at World Juniors in Edmonton)
21.08.2022 3:44:54 gen. an explosion has taken place произошёл взрыв (An explosion has taken place at the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea fleet in the Crimean city of Sevastopol. (The Telegraph))
20.08.2022 5:33:52 sarcast. fine пожалуйста (That was one stupid hike. Taking a 112lb dog up and down a mountain in a 35C heat is idiotic. If you want heat stroke, fine. Just leave your pet at home. Same goes for people who run and bike with their dogs in this heat. Idiots.)
20.08.2022 5:28:06 sarcast. fine на здоровье (That was one stupid hike. Taking a 112lb dog up and down a mountain in a 35C heat is idiotic. If you want heat stroke, fine. Just leave your pet at home. Same goes for people who run and bike with their dogs in this heat. Idiots.)
20.08.2022 5:23:52 gen. same goes for то же касается и (That was one stupid hike. Taking a 112lb dog up and down a mountain in a 35C heat is idiotic. If you want heat stroke, fine. Just leave your pet at home. Same goes for people who run and bike with their dogs in this heat. Idiots.)
20.08.2022 5:15:08 gen. tricky terrain сложная местность (“If it’s something like a dog rescue, that’s not what they were set up to do,” he said. However, faced with the prospect of people attempting to carry the dog out themselves over tricky terrain in the dark, provincial funders relented and a helicopter was called in. -- в условиях сложной местности nsnews.com)
20.08.2022 5:03:06 gen. be well-behaved вести себя хорошо (о животных: Unlike some dogs they’ve rescued, Duke was well behaved and seemed grateful to have a helping hand off the mountain, said Jardine. nsnews.com)
20.08.2022 3:53:51 crim.law. drug trafficking сбыт наркотиков (Drug trafficking is selling, transporting, or importing illegal drugs. Another name for this crime is drug distribution. -- т.е. сбыт охвачен данным термином findlaw.com)
20.08.2022 3:53:51 crim.law. drug distribution сбыт наркотиков (Drug trafficking is selling, transporting, or importing illegal drugs. Another name for this crime is drug distribution. -- т.е. сбыт охвачен данным термином findlaw.com)
20.08.2022 3:06:59 inet. share a video on social media поделиться видео в соцсетях
20.08.2022 2:16:12 police fire out of the vehicle стрелять из машины (Looks like the suspect is firing out of the vehicle. He's firing out of the vehicle at our unit. -- ведёт стрельбу по нашей машине)
20.08.2022 1:54:39 gen. do an excellent job отлично поработать
20.08.2022 1:54:39 gen. do a terrific job отлично поработать
20.08.2022 0:17:14 auto. sleep in one's vehicle ночевать в собственном автомобиле (Пассажирам и водителям приходится ночевать в собственных автомобилях. -- have to sleep in their vehicles vz.ru)
20.08.2022 0:13:44 auto. cars and trucks stuck in a traffic jam пробка из легковушек и грузовиков (На данный момент на дороге, соединяющей Йоханнесбург и Дурбан, возникла большая пробка из легковушек и грузовиков. vz.ru)
19.08.2022 6:59:35 polit. make a speech выступить (On his way to Alaska, the 29th president of the United States made a speech before thousands of onlookers in Stanley Park.)
19.08.2022 5:10:32 avia. on an approach на подлёте (a cruise missile was shot down on an approach to Tel Aviv | Piedmont Airlines, Flight 230, Fairchild Hiller 227B, N712U, a regularly scheduled passenger flight, crashed and burned while on an approach to the Kanawha County Airport, Charleston, West Virginia, at approximately 0857 e.d.t . erau.edu)
19.08.2022 3:47:43 idiom. that's out of line ни в какие ворота не лезет ('You ought to be ashamed of yourself,' I said. 'Pulling guns and knives on people that are just looking for a place to live. Even for these times that's out of line.' (Raymond Chandler) -- Даже по нынешним временам это не лезет ни в какие ворота.)
19.08.2022 1:58:16 inf. for a steal почти задаром (Sail on this epic cruise ship from San Diego to Hawaii for a steal!)
19.08.2022 1:48:24 mil. special ops force спецназ (Marine experts in Norway believe they have stumbled upon a white whale that was trained by the Russian navy as part of a programme to use underwater mammals as a special ops force. theguardian.com)
19.08.2022 1:43:48 mamm. highly intelligent высокоразумный (Some marine mammals are highly intelligent. Dolphins have shown the ability to learn complex tricks, and demonstrate problem-solving skills, and whales have similarly large brains that also display advanced abilities. -- высокоразумные существа gizmodo.com)
19.08.2022 1:00:06 biol. consume поедать (The dolphins consumed an array of creatures: bass, croakers, halibut, pipefish, and smelt amongst them. The open-water dolphins also caught sea snakes, jerking their heads to help the serpents down their gullets. gizmodo.com)
19.08.2022 0:41:07 gen. Black Sea naval fleet Черноморский флот (at the entrance to Sevastopol harbor, home to Russia’s Black Sea naval fleet)
19.08.2022 0:38:47 formal enlist the help of прибегнуть к помощи (кого-л.: Russia has enlisted the help of some new marine recruits in its ongoing invasion of Ukraine, deploying trained military dolphins to protect one of its naval bases in the Black Sea. The underwater defense was reportedly revealed in satellite images captured by private space technology company Maxar, and reviewed by the U.S. Naval Institute. gizmodo.com)
19.08.2022 0:31:11 welln. Master Herbalist травник (Master Herbalist and Homeopath Sara Chana will talk about the role plants and herbs have on our health, and how having them around improves mood, stress levels, and depression—and helps people feel secure and relaxed. coasttocoastam.com)
19.08.2022 0:28:58 rel., christ. cast down to Earth низвергнуть на Землю (He suggested that demons are fallen angels who lost their domain in heaven and were cast down to Earth, and now consider it their home. coasttocoastam.com)
19.08.2022 0:24:00 formal enlist help обратиться за помощью (By calling out the name of Jesus, an individual can repel demonic entities, but if someone is under the influence of a full-blown possession, they will need to enlist help to cast out the entity, he said. coasttocoastam.com)
18.08.2022 4:34:28 publ.transp. sailing паромный рейс (The 9:25 sailing to Duke Point has been cancelled due to a mechanical issue.)
17.08.2022 23:26:42 gen. present owner нынешний владелец (The original owner may or may not be the present one.)
17.08.2022 23:21:42 gen. make one's fortune заработать состояние (in – на чём-л.: G.P. Dalton made his fortune in Ontario land speculation.)
17.08.2022 23:21:42 gen. make one's fortune нажить состояние (in – на чём-л.: F.J. Horne made his fortune in Manitoba land speculation.)
17.08.2022 23:05:54 gen. display of fireworks праздничный салют (A clamorous display of fireworks left some downtown residents angry and concerned for their pets on Tuesday night. The residents were not expecting the fireworks, and were left startled and annoyed.)
17.08.2022 23:05:54 gen. display of fireworks праздничный фейерверк (A clamorous display of fireworks left some downtown residents angry and concerned for their pets on Tuesday night. The residents were not expecting the fireworks, and were left startled and annoyed.)
17.08.2022 21:43:43 gen. for peaceful means с мирными целями (In one report from 1947, an informant told an agent that aliens were other-dimensional and that their craft were empty and remote-controlled. Further, they were here for peaceful means, and we should never engage them militarily. -- находятся здесь с мирными целями coasttocoastam.com)
17.08.2022 8:18:46 gen. process sugar перерабатывать сахар (The museum's collection includes machinery used to process sugar as far back as 1715. -- оборудование для переработки сахара, применявшееся ещё в 1715 г.)
17.08.2022 5:58:45 gen. in this particular instance в данном конкретном случае (In this particular instance, a mother from Indiana had reported that her three children were 'possessed' and had been exhibiting all manner of disturbing (and seemingly impossible) behaviors ranging from speaking in deep voices to levitating and walking up the walls of their bedroom. unexplained-mysteries.com)
17.08.2022 4:50:50 gen. break off from a party оторваться от группы (туристов: Jeff went hiking in the Olympic Mountains last month. When he broke off from the rest of his party on a trail near Lake Quinault, he encountered a Bigfoot-like creature who asked him for a cigarette.)
17.08.2022 4:41:11 formal involvement with занятия (оккультизмом, спиритизмом, приём наркотиков и т.п.: Although rebuking these entities in the name of Jesus Christ will repel them temporarily, the more permanent remedy is to go to their "point of entrance" and block access to it. This is usually related to a subject's involvement with the occult or drugs, but can also be traced to an ancestor's activities that have led to the evil being passed down through generations. coasttocoastam.com)
17.08.2022 4:21:50 formal vastly more значительно больше (Ukraine’s commanders and military analysts say that any push forward would require vastly more troops and equipment than Ukraine has in the Kherson theater at the moment, as both armies fight on several fronts. nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 4:19:04 gen. push forward наступление (Ukraine’s commanders and military analysts say that any push forward would require vastly more troops and equipment than Ukraine has in the Kherson theater at the moment, as both armies fight on several fronts. nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 4:15:03 gen. morale of troops боевой дух в войсках (“The prospect of being isolated from the rest of their forces won’t do anything for the morale of Russian troops defending in the Kherson Oblast,” Mr. Barry said. nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 4:10:57 fig. pound наносить удары (Using high-precision weapons such as the American-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System, or HIMARS, Ukrainian forces have pounded the three bridges over the vast Dnipro River that connect thousands of Russian troops to their supply lines in occupied Ukrainian territory east of the river. nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 4:08:38 fig.of.sp. bear fruit принести свои плоды (Though Ukrainian troops have not advanced for weeks in Kherson, their artillery campaign appears to have borne fruit, slowing the flow of Russian arms, equipment and troops into the region, Ukrainian officials say. -- по-видимому, принесла свои плоды nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 4:03:17 mil. getting eaten away перемалывание (“The real limitations the Ukrainians face is that moving forward in the combat environment today is really difficult,” said Phillips P. O’Brien, a professor of strategic studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. “Unless you have total command of the skies and the ability to clear out the area in front of your troops, those moving forward are in real danger of getting eaten away.” nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 3:58:12 mil. advantage in numbers перевес в численности (But he said: “We need the advantage in numbers, we need the advantage in heavy weapons. Unfortunately, this is a bit of a problem for us.” nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 3:54:58 mil. outpost of trenchworks опорный пункт (“Without question we need a counteroffensive; I sincerely believe it will come,” said a 33-year-old lieutenant with the call sign Ada, who commands an outpost of trenchworks in the Mykolaiv region, a few miles from the Russian lines in Kherson. nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 3:42:43 mil. press forward наступать (The cuts to supply lines have not yet eroded Moscow’s overwhelming advantage in artillery, ammunition and heavy weaponry, making it difficult, if not impossible, for Ukrainian forces to press forward without suffering enormous casualties. nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 3:39:49 fig. sunbaked выжженный (But in the sunbaked fields along the Kherson Region’s western border, the Ukrainian fighters who would be called on to deliver the knockout blow in any successful effort to retake territory remain pinned down in their trenches. -- в выжженных солнцем полях nytimes.com)
17.08.2022 3:35:58 mil., artil. precision strike высокоточный удар (In their summer campaign to drive Russian troops from the southern region of Kherson, Ukraine’s forces have decimated Russian command centers and ammunition depots, severed supply lines with precision strikes on key bridges, and sown terror among collaborationist officials with a spate of car bombings, shootings and, Ukrainian officials say, at least one poisoning. nytimes.com)
16.08.2022 3:37:04 water.suppl. poor pressure слабый напор
16.08.2022 3:35:27 water.suppl. poor pressure слабое давление (в трубах)
16.08.2022 1:42:28 fig. piece together a picture составить картину (произошедшего: It was over twenty years before Erik could piece together a more complete picture, when he was able to reach out to others who had undergone a similar ordeal. -- составить более полную картину coasttocoastam.com)
16.08.2022 1:36:04 inf. high-level brass высшее командование (в армии: The abuse, which Erik said was part of a Mind Altering Research Study (MARS), was conducted by military psychiatrists and known only to very few high-level brass. coasttocoastam.com)
16.08.2022 1:36:04 inf. high-level brass верхушка (в армии: The abuse, which Erik said was part of a Mind Altering Research Study (MARS), was conducted by military psychiatrists and known only to very few high-level brass. coasttocoastam.com)
16.08.2022 1:31:41 formal in a different manner иным образом ("More recently, the flowering West Coast style has produced buildings which are exceptionally sympathetic to the scenery in which they are set. (...) In a different manner, but with equal conviction, the art deco Marine Building, among others, achieves a similar status." (Ron Phillips))
16.08.2022 1:31:41 formal in a different manner иным способом ("More recently, the flowering West Coast style has produced buildings which are exceptionally sympathetic to the scenery in which they are set. (...) In a different manner, but with equal conviction, the art deco Marine Building, among others, achieves a similar status." (Ron Phillips))
15.08.2022 8:21:50 gen. public bathroom общественный туалет (в городе)
15.08.2022 8:21:50 gen. public bathroom туалет (в городе)
15.08.2022 1:12:26 meteorol. record-breaking cold temperatures небывалые холода (According to the Farmer's Almanac, record-breaking cold temperatures are expected this winter. Temperatures could plummet as low as -40 degrees Celsius in the Rockies and Prairies.)
15.08.2022 1:08:58 design. interesting feature интересная особенность (The rough granite cornice balustrade is an interesting feature of this building. -- интересной особенностью этого здания является)
14.08.2022 7:31:00 psychol. sensitivity восприимчивость (an awareness and understanding of the feelings of others: Впрочем и я – только стараюсь ужасаться, а по-настоящему не могу, настоящей восприимчивости все-таки не хватает. В этом и весь адский секрет большевиков – убить восприимчивость. (Иван Бунин))
14.08.2022 5:01:29 inf. tiny little крохотный (They have a tiny little kitchen. I wonder how they can eat in it when they get together.)
14.08.2022 4:09:36 disappr. shabby неприглядный (But this year she is missing one of the park’s usual attractions, a 1980s-era water fountain constructed out of stone blocks from which water used to spout. “When it’s dry, it feels so dry down here,” she said. “The park just starts to look shabby.”-- неприглядный вид vancouversun.com)
14.08.2022 3:55:24 fig. have its roots in уходить корнями в (The City of Greenwood has its roots in a strong marine and ship building history.)
14.08.2022 3:37:18 law.enf. receive a prison sentence получить срок (The former teacher received a nine-month prison sentence.)
14.08.2022 3:35:12 law.enf. be given a prison sentence получить срок (The repeat offender was given a six-month prison sentence.)
14.08.2022 3:21:08 inf. cutie симпатяга (What a cutie!)
14.08.2022 2:48:20 auto. at a standstill заблокированный (not moving: Traffic is at a standstill on Hwy 1 between Gagliardi and Kensington. -- движение заблокировано / транспорт стоит в пробке)
14.08.2022 1:12:02 auto. backed up застрявший в пробке (traffic backed up as far as you can see -- машины стоят в пробке, которой конца не видно)
14.08.2022 0:58:52 gen. I began feeling uneasy мне стало не по себе ("I began feeling uneasy, I began feeling like I wasn't alone... I began to sense a presence," she recalled. coasttocoastam.com)
13.08.2022 5:30:59 gen. dive to the ground броситься на землю (при опасности: Soldiers dashed for cover or dove to the ground. After a dozen or so booms, it was over. nytimes.com)
13.08.2022 5:29:04 gen. lie about валяться (An acrid smoke wafted over the courtyard, and shards of glass lay about. -- валялись осколки стекла nytimes.com)
13.08.2022 5:20:29 gen. mill about шататься (без дела: A few trucks were parked in the yard and a dozen or so soldiers milled about. nytimes.com)
13.08.2022 5:20:29 gen. mill about ходить (без дела: A few trucks were parked in the yard and a dozen or so soldiers milled about. nytimes.com)

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