
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

8.09.2022 4:41:09 gen. act on one's behalf действовать от (чьего-л.) имени (о юристе, адвокате, доверенном лице: In addition, I'd been battling for entry to the UK for her three young cousins, having to go so far as take on a legal-aid solicitor to act on their behalf, meanwhile persuading neighbours to agree to house them so Olena could be close by and share responsibility for them. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:34:09 gen. seem unfazed и глазом не моргнуть (I felt angry… and hurt. When I confronted Olena with all of this, she seemed unfazed. -- она и глазом не моргнула dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:34:09 gen. seem unfazed и бровью не повести (I felt angry… and hurt. When I confronted Olena with all of this, she seemed unfazed. -- она и бровью не повела dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:30:45 philos. sense of purpose смысл своего существования (And, yes, in helping them I would be helping myself — gaining a sense of purpose, which perhaps I've lacked for some time. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:27:39 gen. well-schooled хорошо осведомлённый (We are well-schooled in refugee history and, of course, as the Brits we are today, we wanted to do something useful. -- мы хорошо осведомлены dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:18:30 gen. take in поселить у себя (The winter energy bills were certainly on our minds when we took Olena and Katya in, but with the £350 the Government offers to all hosts as a thank you, and dipping into our own funds, we agreed that we would manage. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:14:21 gen. it was the same story всё опять повторилось (Looking back, most of the big decisions in my life have been more heart than head. It was the same story when it came to taking in refugees. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:14:21 gen. it was the same story снова вышла та же история (Looking back, most of the big decisions in my life have been more heart than head. It was the same story when it came to taking in refugees. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:10:19 gen. whatever какой бы ни был (What I understand now is that, whatever your personality, it doesn't change just because your circumstances alter. -- какой бы ни был у человека характер, он не меняется dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:07:53 ed. sit an entrance exam пойти на вступительный экзамен (Clearly bright, I persuaded a good independent school to let her sit an entrance exam and apply for a full scholarship. She's passed the exam and her interview is coming up. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:00:12 ed., subj. do one's home schooling учиться дистанционно (в средней школе: Every morning, the daughter was up at 7am, doing her home schooling and her English classes online. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 4:00:12 ed., subj. do one's home schooling заниматься дистанционно (в средней школе: Every morning, the daughter was up at 7am, doing her home schooling and her English classes online. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 3:48:25 inf. pick up запоминать (When I'm a guest in someone's home I pick up right away how they like things to be and go along with it. – я сразу запоминаю dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 3:45:39 inf. give it a cursory vacuum пропылесосить по верхам (Another thing I didn't expect was to have to ask Olena five times to clean her room before she reluctantly gave it a cursory vacuum several weeks in. My house is clean. I like it that way, and she knew that. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 3:34:21 inf. silly me какая же я была дурочка ('I hate cooking,' she said, and silly me I told her I loved cooking and would be happy to extend the meals I cooked to her and Katya. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 3:30:25 disappr. petty придирчивый (Over the next few days, whenever my benevolence was challenged or I felt taken advantage of because two strangers were taking up space in my beloved home, I castigated myself, not them. You are so petty, I'd tell myself, with your sparkling surfaces and White Company candles, these people have lost so much. -- Ты такая придирчивая, говорила я себе dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 3:21:05 gen. make one's way оказаться (into – где-л.: She deserves her lip gloss, I thought, at least as much as I do. If I had to flee, I realised, my moisturiser and mascara would definitely make their way into my bag. – оказались бы у меня в сумочке dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 3:14:08 gen. sophisticated культурный (We know nothing about their backgrounds, whether they are postmen or philosophers, living in a rural backwater or are sophisticated city dwellers. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 2:57:35 gen. be a tad nervous немного нервничать (When our two Ukrainian guests first arrived, I was a tad nervous. But, feeling sure I was doing the right thing, my heart was warm and the door to my home open wide. dailymail.co.uk)
8.09.2022 2:53:58 gen. provoke debate вызывать споры (Private versus public views and access to the beaches continue to provoke debate in our city.)
8.09.2022 2:49:19 inf. downright terrible хуже некуда (Some critics say the new chips taste good, others claim the taste is downright terrible.)
7.09.2022 3:11:54 gen. chomp on a cigar жевать сигару (Черчилль любил жевать сигару во время курения. • She is renowned for hosting boozy karaoke nights in her Parliamentary office and for chomping on a cigar, but now Therese Coffey faces one of the biggest challenges in government. mirror.co.uk)
7.09.2022 3:07:47 inf. boozy party пьяная вечеринка (He was critised for hosting boozy parties in his Parliamentary office.)
7.09.2022 2:04:31 gen. develop a close relationship коротко сойтись (with: «Начал писать „Мёртвые души“... Ищу хорошего ябедника, с которым бы можно коротко сойтись. Мне хочется в этом романе показать хотя бы с одного боку всю Русь» (Н.В. Гоголь))
7.09.2022 1:55:17 psychol. personality traits душевные качества (People have unique personalities that make them who they are. There are many different types of personality traits, including some that are positive and some that are negative. yourdictionary.com)
7.09.2022 0:55:07 relig. earthbound spirits неупокоенные души (There are also earthbound spirits-- souls that don't transcend, and they can be evil, Fraser said, noting that it's their choice to remain in this state. coasttocoastam.com)
7.09.2022 0:48:36 sociol. without a cause безыдейный (Fishman also announced the name of the next generation that will be born soon-- Generation A or Generation Alpha. "They will be rebels with a cause. Baby Boomers were rebels without a cause," she remarked. -- безыдейные бунтари coasttocoastam.com)
7.09.2022 0:47:03 sociol. rebel without a cause безыдейный бунтарь (Fishman also announced the name of the next generation that will be born soon-- Generation A or Generation Alpha. "They will be rebels with a cause. Baby Boomers were rebels without a cause," she remarked. coasttocoastam.com)
7.09.2022 0:36:49 fig. a far cry from далеко до (While the weird anomaly is a far cry from the picture of a classic plesiosaur that many may conjure in their mind when imagining the famed monster, the movement on the water is undeniably perplexing. -- Хотя странной аномалии далеко до образа классического плезиозавра, ... coasttocoastam.com)
6.09.2022 5:02:43 inf. give something a try попробовать (себя в чём-либо: We purchased our boat this past spring. We needed something to do, so we thought, let's give sailing a try.)
6.09.2022 4:56:39 fig. make the big move сделать решительный шаг (Selling your home to sail the world is a dream for many that only stays a dream, but for one Kelowna couple, they turned it into reality. The couple was inspired to make the big move during the pandemic. nsnews.com)
6.09.2022 4:50:00 fig. turn into reality осуществить (мечту: Selling your home to sail the world is a dream for many that only stays a dream, but for one Kelowna couple, they turned it into reality. nsnews.com)
6.09.2022 3:31:13 econ. price cap on oil потолок цен на нефть (The Ukrainian government is particularly angry at JPMorgan after it published an analyst note warning that attempts to impose a price cap on Russian oil could drive global prices to a “stratospheric $380/bbl”. ft.com)
6.09.2022 3:29:41 inet. download an app скачать приложение
6.09.2022 3:27:35 polit. head a new party возглавить новую партию (The former prime minister will head a new right-wing party.)
6.09.2022 2:16:57 mus. rock n' roll band рок-н-ролльная группа (цитата с аккаунта Aerosmith: Aerosmith is America's Greatest Rock N' Roll Band twitter.com)
6.09.2022 2:16:57 mus. rock n' roll band рок-группа (цитата с аккаунта Aerosmith: Aerosmith is America's Greatest Rock N' Roll Band twitter.com)
6.09.2022 2:00:20 gen. sailor яхтсмен (I was in Nova Scotia visiting family and had the chance to go out sailing with my cousin who is an experienced sailor. She got me at the helm right away and taught me some stuff as we went. (Reddit))
6.09.2022 1:49:03 med. common issue обычное заболевание (During the pandemic waves, there was enormous pressure and crowding in the ER with COVID patients along with those with common issues, and it was a very stressful and trying time for the medical staff, he observed. coasttocoastam.com)
6.09.2022 1:36:56 gen. common problems include к типичным проблемам относятся (Common problems of patients who come into the ER include stomach complaints, serious chest pain, injuries, substance abuse, and mental health issues. coasttocoastam.com)
6.09.2022 1:32:27 idiom. get to the heart of докопаться до сути (The toughest part of an ER physician's work isn't the drama, the mayhem, and the blood portrayed on TV, but rather the actual getting to the heart of the patient's story-- and figuring out how to address it, he explained. coasttocoastam.com)
6.09.2022 0:34:41 forestr. reforestation компенсационная высадка растений
5.09.2022 2:10:04 gen. jog пробежка (Внучку миллиардера похитили прямо во время утренней пробежки)
4.09.2022 10:17:54 idiom. jump in head first с головой бросаться в омут (People astonish me; think through things carefully before you jump in head first. dailymail.co.uk)
4.09.2022 3:43:37 fig. fare сложиться (Historic Granville Street has fared less well than Burrard Street over the years. The Pacific Centre mall sucked shoppers underground in the 1970s. (Robin Ward) -- судьба сложилась менее удачно, чем у)
4.09.2022 1:59:13 idiom. take a hit оказаться в проигрыше (If a car is identifiable, the insurer will go after the owner. If not, your premiums might well take a hit.)
4.09.2022 1:59:13 idiom. take a hit понести убытки (If a car is identifiable, the insurer will go after the owner. If not, your premiums might well take a hit.)
4.09.2022 1:59:13 idiom. take a hit ударить по карману (If a car is identifiable, the insurer will go after the owner. If not, your premiums might well take a hit.)
4.09.2022 1:52:55 gen. not to open fully не до конца открываться (while my car was parked on the road outside work it seems someone backed into it and damaged the bodywork significantly which has also caused the passenger door not to open fully. -- не до конца открывается (Reddit))
4.09.2022 1:49:26 gen. bizarrely shaped необычной формы (Nature is amazingly diverse and almost everything is within its power. According to one version these formations are just bizarrely shaped craters. anomalien.com)
4.09.2022 1:45:13 gen. as is often the case как это часто бывает (The results of those missions are classified, but, as is often the case, former employees of the agency are prone to information leaks, so the public learned about the details of these studies. anomalien.com)
4.09.2022 1:43:32 gen. classified засекреченный (The results of those missions are classified, but, as is often the case, former employees of the agency are prone to information leaks, so the public learned about the details of these studies. -- результаты засекречены anomalien.com)
4.09.2022 1:40:46 gen. make out in the photograph разобрать на фото (подробности: Alas, there is little to make out in the photographs, but several dozen ufologists and astronomers are sure that there is a domed structure that reflects light, which is why it is hard to see in the photographs. anomalien.com)
4.09.2022 1:00:05 gen. massive force огромная сила (The long distances the materials had to have been transported, not to mention the massive force needed to lay them into place, points to a near-impossible feat for the ancient peoples living nearby. Redfern proposed that audio waves and anti-gravity may have been the answer. Through acoustic levitation, opposing sound waves create physical space that would allow for the huge blocks of stone to be manipulated. coasttocoastam.com)
4.09.2022 0:53:45 archaeol. landmark исторический памятник (In the first half, author and researcher Nick Redfern discussed the questions surrounding the construction of mysterious sites like the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the statues at Easter Island, and other landmarks. coasttocoastam.com)
4.09.2022 0:51:47 archaeol. landmark известный памятник (In the first half, author and researcher Nick Redfern discussed the questions surrounding the construction of mysterious sites like the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the statues at Easter Island, and other landmarks. coasttocoastam.com)
27.08.2022 7:38:03 disappr. ill-thought out scheme недостаточно продуманный план (Yet another government ill-thought out scheme that was never going to end well. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:38:03 disappr. ill-thought out scheme непродуманный план (Yet another government ill-thought out scheme that was never going to end well. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:31:53 gen. it just goes to show вот доказательство того, что (Would families have been so keen to offer accommodation to Ukrainians if there were no financial incentive, probably not, it just goes to show the milk of human kindness stops when the money stops. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:31:53 gen. it just goes to show это доказывает, что (Would families have been so keen to offer accommodation to Ukrainians if there were no financial incentive, probably not, it just goes to show the milk of human kindness stops when the money stops. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:29:07 disappr. rush into ринуться в (Too many people rushed into this without proper thought. In too many cases it was virtue signalling as I doubt any of them would ever have considered taking in a young homeless person who are surely just as deserving. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:26:30 disappr. get involved in a war ввязаться в войну (Sorry, we have own problems. Ukraine has cost us a fortune, money that could be helping the British people, charity begins at home, we should never have got involved in this war, it's going to go on for years and bankrupt us. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:21:43 idiom. knee-jerk reaction поспешное решение (This had disaster written all over it from day one, it was a kneejerk reaction. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:21:43 idiom. knee-jerk reaction необдуманное решение (This had disaster written all over it from day one, it was a kneejerk reaction. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:21:43 idiom. knee-jerk reaction необдуманный поступок (This had disaster written all over it from day one, it was a kneejerk reaction. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:16:49 idiom. jump in head first броситься в омут с головой (People astonish me; think through things carefully before you jump in head first. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:16:49 idiom. jump in head first броситься очертя голову в омут (People astonish me; think through things carefully before you jump in head first. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:08:16 sarcast. surely not! быть такого не может! (Are you suggesting that the Tories lied and shirked their responsibilities? Surely not. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:08:16 sarcast. surely not! да что вы! (Are you suggesting that the Tories lied and shirked their responsibilities? Surely not. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:03:44 gen. take in взять в дом (жильца/-ов, постояльца/-ев: Looking back, most of the big decisions in my life have been more heart than head. It was the same story when it came to taking in refugees. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 7:01:04 gen. take in пустить к себе жить (take someone in: So, they took these people in just for the money. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 6:49:29 disappr. great expectations большие запросы (I guess that the citizens of that country are identical to their leader and have great expectations and demand freebies. dailymail.co.uk)
27.08.2022 4:01:48 psychol. emotionally draining эмоционально изнурительный (Tuesday's cancellations and delays by BC Ferries was an incredibly challenging, emotionally draining and an unacceptable experience. No access to water, food or bathroom for hours should never had happened. Alone, I couldn't leave my car for 5 hours because I had 2 dogs with me. (Twitter))
27.08.2022 4:01:48 psychol. emotionally draining эмоционально изматывающий (Tuesday's cancellations and delays by BC Ferries was an incredibly challenging, emotionally draining and an unacceptable experience. No access to water, food or bathroom for hours should never had happened. Alone, I couldn't leave my car for 5 hours because I had 2 dogs with me. (Twitter))
27.08.2022 3:54:20 disappr. how is it that ...? как такое возможно, чтобы ...? (выражая своё возмущение: How is it that your ticket staff don’t seem to have accurate information as to when this ferry is supposed to arrive? We were stuck in a lineup for hours in the heat! (Twitter))
27.08.2022 3:48:20 disappr. unacceptable непозволительный (BC Ferries – It is unacceptable that the food stalls have been closed for the people stuck in a Langdale lineup waiting for hours in the heat. 99% of vending machines are out of service, nearly impossible to even get water. Hungry and overheated waiting for hours, feeling trapped here. (Twitter))
27.08.2022 3:19:11 inf. give sb. a ring звякнуть (What did Mars say to Saturn? “Give me a ring sometime.”)
27.08.2022 2:58:28 inf. scraggy-looking исхудалый (Initially suspecting that the oddity was a "weird looking kangaroo," Milde then came to believe it was a "really scraggy looking dog," before ultimately conceding that she had no idea what the creature could have been. coasttocoastam.com)
27.08.2022 2:58:28 inf. scraggy-looking худющий (Initially suspecting that the oddity was a "weird looking kangaroo," Milde then came to believe it was a "really scraggy looking dog," before ultimately conceding that she had no idea what the creature could have been. coasttocoastam.com)
27.08.2022 2:44:59 gen. tied together связанные между собой (In relation to the secret meetings between European and North American leaders and heads of major banks that recently took place in Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Australia and Canada, I believe that these events are all tied together and we should expect radical reforms in our banking system to fight the global recession. -- все эти события связаны между собой)
27.08.2022 2:24:10 gen. just wait погоди (interfering with someone's action)
26.08.2022 2:35:40 gen. complete construction завершить строительство (Alpha Properties is not expected to complete construction of of the Bidwell Place, on 1277 Bidwell Street, until approximately 2025.)
26.08.2022 2:27:05 gen. sign on as a tenant подписать договор об аренде (помещения: Lululemon signed on this June as the biggest tenant of the building, taking over nine of the 10 office floors, for a total of 120,000 sq. ft.)
26.08.2022 1:37:53 gen. as interesting as не менее интересен, чем (The Alexander Street façade with its rough-surfaced rusticated stonework is as interesting as the front.)
25.08.2022 5:55:26 inf. feel bad about oneself стыдиться (The year is 2024. You walk into your local coffee shop. A latte costs $12. You have the choice of tipping 75%, 95%, or125%. You sheepishly tap "75%" and feel bad about yourself. The barista shakes his head in disgust. (reddit.com) -- вам становится стыдно)
25.08.2022 5:00:34 inf. viral video разгонный ролик
25.08.2022 4:59:24 inf. viral video разгонное видео
25.08.2022 3:53:48 gen. back out of the agreement выйти из договора (The $1 billion feud over the Plaza of Nations started in 2015 when Concord Pacific argued Oei had backed out of an agreement to jointly develop the site. vancouversun.com)
25.08.2022 3:53:48 gen. back out of the agreement выйти из соглашения (The $1 billion feud over the Plaza of Nations started in 2015 when Concord Pacific argued Oei had backed out of an agreement to jointly develop the site. vancouversun.com)
25.08.2022 3:46:16 construct. proceed with начать работы (строительно-монтажные: Canadian Metropolitan Properties Corp. has a conditional development permit to proceed with a 28-storey mixed use building as the first stage of redeveloping Vancouver’s Plaza of Nations now that the company has cleared the last legal hurdle for the proposal. vancouversun.com)
25.08.2022 3:28:34 gen. extraordinarily accurate чрезвычайно точный (Prof Haslett explained that the two islands are clearly marked on the Gough Map, the earliest surviving complete map of the British Isles, dating from as early as the mid-13th Century. "The Gough Map is extraordinarily accurate considering the surveying tools they would have had at their disposal at that time," he said. bbc.com)
25.08.2022 3:07:50 disappr. quick fix быстрое решение проблемы (без учёта последствий: Ruggiero advocates working through such issues as anxiety and depression through talk therapy. He was critical of how the advertising of mental health pharmaceuticals has oriented patients toward the idea of a quick fix-- and yet these medications often don't work long-term, may have side effects, or are difficult to wean off of, he pointed out. coasttocoastam.com)
25.08.2022 3:04:17 gen. act out toward others грубо себя вести (по отношению к окружающим: Expressions of anger and people acting out toward others are on the increase, he stated. Further, many people energize themselves with caffeine products during the day, and then wind down with marijuana or alcohol in the evenings. "That cycle just repeats...taking the nervous system up and down. It's a prescription for anxiety," he remarked. coasttocoastam.com)
25.08.2022 3:00:48 welln. take care of body заботиться о своём организме (*one's* body: He teaches people to achieve balance between four human attributes-- physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual. Among his recommendations are taking care of the body through exercise and getting enough sleep, not overloading the brain with stimuli, and connecting with the deeper part of oneself. coasttocoastam.com)
25.08.2022 2:55:21 law.enf. during the search of one's home при обыске дома (An additional layer of intrigue came about by way of a letter found during the search of their home in which an individual writing to Primrose speculates that he is in the CIA or a Bolivian terrorist. coasttocoastam.com)
25.08.2022 2:50:56 gen. under a stolen identity по чужим документам (In a bizarre story out of Hawaii, authorities arrested a couple who had been living under stolen identities for decades and there is some suspicion that they may have been Russian spies. -- жили под чужими именами / по чужим документам coasttocoastam.com)
25.08.2022 2:45:03 gen. under a stolen identity под чужим именем (In a bizarre story out of Hawaii, authorities arrested a couple who had been living under stolen identities for decades and there is some suspicion that they may have been Russian spies. -- жили под чужими именами / по чужим документам coasttocoastam.com)
25.08.2022 0:56:58 gen. bad omen дурной знак (It’s believed to be a bad omen if a black cat crosses your path or if it rains on your wedding day. vocabulary.com)
25.08.2022 0:55:15 gen. it is a bad omen не к добру это
24.08.2022 1:34:16 gen. roam outside гулять по улице (о домашних животных, обычно котах: People need to stop letting their pets roam freely outside! There's just too many dangers -- coyotes, speeding vehicles, dogs, raccoons and whatnot. -- выпускать животных гулять без надзора)

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