
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

16.09.2022 0:51:19 news zip through the sky пронестись по небу (An odd moment during a French newscast appears to show a UFO zip through the sky behind a correspondent who is stationed in Moscow. – пронёсся по небу coasttocoastam.com)
16.09.2022 0:50:39 news streak across the sky пронестись по небу (An enormous fireball streaked across the night sky over Scotland on Wednesday evening and experts are uncertain as to the nature of the mysterious burning object. -- пронёсся по небосводу coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 9:40:43 news unveil представить на всеобщее обозрение (Mayor Kennedy Stewart has unveiled an ambitious housing plan promising 220,000 new homes over 10 years.)
15.09.2022 6:09:48 idiom. there is no harm done ничего страшного (если что-либо не получится или не получилось: "Yes, I sent wires from Woking station to every evening paper in London. This advertisement will appear in each of them." "You are confident that the thief came in a cab?" "If not, there is no harm done." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.09.2022 6:06:52 inf. it's not a huge deal ничего страшного
15.09.2022 6:06:33 brit. it's all right ничего страшного (It's all right. We can sneak out through the back door and climb over the fence.)
15.09.2022 6:06:10 inf. no problem at all ничего страшного (в ответ на извинения)
15.09.2022 6:05:27 inf. no big deal at all ничего страшного (Hi, this is Alice from Dr. Dwyer's office. No big deal at all, you just need to fax us the consent form before the end of the week.)
15.09.2022 6:05:11 brit. not at all ничего страшного (polite reaction to an apology)
15.09.2022 6:02:11 gen. that's okay это не страшно (The floor gets wet sometimes and that's okay, but the less wet it gets, the better it is.)
1.06.2024 7:41:23 gen. from the very beginning изначально (Путин изначально не планировал ехать на похороны Елизаветы II • Это было понятно изначально.)
15.09.2022 4:16:45 real.est. single-family neighbourhood частный сектор (также во мн. числе)
15.09.2022 1:56:03 folk. transform into an animal превратиться в животное (In the latter half, he shared his work researching the myths, magic, and meaning surrounding shapeshifters – people said to transform into an animal or some other form. The lore for such phenomena is found in ancient literature and dates even further back to a Neolithic cave painting that seems to depict a shaman transforming into a deer with antlers. coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 1:47:37 gen. aquatic wildlife морские обитатели (Vancouver Aquarium is a world-renowned exhibition of aquatic wildlife featuring beluga and killer whales, seals, otters and even a giant octopus.)
15.09.2022 1:41:25 gen. host a TV show вести передачу на телевидении (At this time, he was hosting the Pat Boone Chevy TV show, on the cover of TV Guide, and making records and movies. All the big music stars appeared on his show, including Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole, and Ella Fitzgerald. -- у него была своя передача на телевидении coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 1:34:59 gen. attend church ходить в церковь (регулярно: He recalled how Elvis was his opening act in 1955, and in later years when Elvis was performing at the Hilton in Las Vegas, he asked Boone about attending church. Elvis lamented that he couldn't go because he didn't want to draw attention away from the pastor. coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 1:34:59 gen. attend church посещать богослужения (регулярно: He recalled how Elvis was his opening act in 1955, and in later years when Elvis was performing at the Hilton in Las Vegas, he asked Boone about attending church. Elvis lamented that he couldn't go because he didn't want to draw attention away from the pastor. coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 1:06:27 fig. rival не уступать в популярности (In the years before the British Invasion, only one performer rivaled the chart dominance of Elvis Presley, and that was Pat Boone. coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 1:03:45 gen. call for community vigilance призвать граждан проявлять бдительность (Calling for community vigilance when it comes to protecting the marker, the town supervisor said that they have also "anchored it in some different ways," though he was quick to note "that isn’t an invitation or a challenge to somebody to do something stupid." coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 0:55:20 idiom. vanish into thin air исчезнуть без следа (At least four groups of people who were out that night spotted the peculiar sight, which resembled a set of glowing lights that seemingly slowly spun in the sky until vanishing into thin air. coasttocoastam.com)
15.09.2022 0:03:45 gen. work long and hard трудиться не покладая рук (I worked long and hard to get that opportunity.)
15.09.2022 0:02:37 idiom. keep one's nose to the grindstone работать не покладая рук (to do hard, continuous work (Merriam-Webster) | to work very hard for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary) *ONE'S nose*: It's 11:37 am...just about finished their 2 hour break in time for their 3 hour lunch. Then nose to the grindstone for 15 minutes of solid work and call it a day. Brutal working conditions...)
15.09.2022 0:02:11 idiom. keep one's nose to the grindstone трудиться не покладая рук (to do hard, continuous work (Merriam-Webster) | to work very hard for a long time (Cambridge Dictionary) *ONE'S nose*: It's 11:37 am...just about finished their 2 hour break in time for their 3 hour lunch. Then nose to the grindstone for 15 minutes of solid work and call it a day. Brutal working conditions...)
14.09.2022 7:25:39 idiom. fall for sb. completely влюбиться по уши (To become completely infatuated with someone; to fall in love with someone (idioms.thefreedictionary.com): The moment I met my wife, I fell for her completely.)
14.09.2022 7:24:00 idiom. fall for чувствовать влечение к (To become completely infatuated with someone; to fall in love with someone (idioms.thefreedictionary.com) | to suddenly have strong romantic feelings about someone (Cambridge Dictionary): MacLaine also told Winfrey that she often fell for the leading men she worked with, the exceptions being Jack Lemmon (The Apartment, Irma la Douce) and Jack Nicholson (Terms of Endearment). -- её привлекали / она влюблялась в (Wikipedia))
14.09.2022 4:17:44 philos. spiritual evolution духовное развитие
14.09.2022 3:43:04 disappr. act nasty гадить (о поступках; also "be nasty": She talks classy, acts nasty. • She's being nasty again. -- Снова она тебе гадит.)
14.09.2022 2:59:25 gen. yelp вскрик (a short, sharp cry, especially of pain or alarm (Oxford Languages): she uttered a yelp as she bumped into a table -- внезапно вскрикнула от боли)
14.09.2022 2:55:46 contempt. yap in support подтявкивать (of: "сколько бы им ни подтявкивала рублевская гомотусовка")
14.09.2022 2:03:52 fig. off the beaten track не по проторенной дороге (о действиях кого-либо)
14.09.2022 2:02:18 fig. off the beaten track нетипичный (His approach is a little off the beaten track but quite efficient.)
14.09.2022 1:28:46 humor. bruin мишка (a bear, especially in children's fables: The parents and the other adults at the party rushed to get the kids inside, but the bruin was more interested in the contents of the picnic table. The bear was filmed feasting on cupcakes from the picnic table while the party attendees watched through a window. upi.com)
14.09.2022 1:28:46 humor. bruin косолапый (a bear, especially in children's fables: The parents and the other adults at the party rushed to get the kids inside, but the bruin was more interested in the contents of the picnic table. The bear was filmed feasting on cupcakes from the picnic table while the party attendees watched through a window. upi.com)
14.09.2022 1:25:57 gen. party-goers гости на вечеринке или дне рождения (A bear crashed a 2-year-old's birthday party in Connecticut and was filmed feasting on cupcakes while the party-goers fled inside. upi.com)
14.09.2022 1:20:17 relig. earthly life земная жизнь (Prof. Betty said that spirit mediums almost universally describe the afterlife as a world much like our own, but without things like gas stations, fire stations, etc. and that they do not refer to it as "heaven." He continued that it is reported to be "a vast region of every conceivable type of experience" in which the experience depends on the character you exhibited in your earthly life. • In the midst of an NDE, "the great majority do not want to return to their earthly life. That bespeaks of how powerful these near-death experiences are-- that intense sense of love and peace...and what they often describe as being in their 'real home' at that point," Long revealed. https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2022-09-12-show/ coasttocoastam.com)
14.09.2022 1:16:49 gen. pick up the ability приобрести способность (к чему-либо: People are typically changed after their NDE, becoming more spiritual, not fearing death anymore, and sometimes even picking up psychic abilities, he detailed. coasttocoastam.com)
14.09.2022 1:11:37 sociol. background образ жизни (spoke about his organization's near-death experience study-- the largest in history, involving some 4,000 people from diverse backgrounds coasttocoastam.com)
14.09.2022 1:11:11 sociol. background жизненный уклад (spoke about his organization's near-death experience study-- the largest in history, involving some 4,000 people from diverse backgrounds coasttocoastam.com)
14.09.2022 1:00:58 book. diverse разноликий (a rich and diverse cultural heritage – богатое и разноликое культурное наследие)
14.09.2022 0:49:46 formal be involved in участвовать (Luca Giannetti had been involved in the original takeover plans until Meyer had him killed. • According to Herndon, this breakdown results from human activities, including the manipulation of Earth's climate, otherwise known as geoengineering or chemtrails. "There is a global cabal that wants to take over the Earth," he declared, and he also believes the United Nations is involved in this sinister agenda. -- ООН замешана / участвует в этом зловещем замысле coasttocoastam.com)
14.09.2022 0:42:44 cliche. take an unexpected turn принять неожиданный оборот (A school presentation on unique flora living in Georgia took an unexpected turn when biologists cracked open a carnivorous plant and discovered that it had scarfed down a small lizard. The surprising find was revealed on Sunday in a Facebook post by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources' Wildlife Division. coasttocoastam.com)
13.09.2022 7:07:45 disappr. entitled спесивый (Glad to be off the North Shore now. Got fed up with the affluent types inhabiting it along with their entitlement; not to mention their precious equally entitled kiddies/teens. Used to be an idyllic, affordable, quiet place for the working people. Not anymore.)
13.09.2022 6:53:41 gen. definitely безусловно (Seeing these results, that definitely gives you the confidence to carry on.)
13.09.2022 6:52:11 gen. no question about it безусловно (Const. McLean described the woman who leapt in after the boy being swept out by the tide as a hero on Friday. “This was one incredibly brave woman and a super strong swimmer,” she said. “She is a hero, no question about it.”)
13.09.2022 2:13:09 rude absolutely suck полное дерьмо (Traffic absolutely sucks and there’s bears everywhere but it’s beautiful and that’s where a lot of the nicest neighbourhoods in Metro Van are at. Also it rains more than anywhere.)
13.09.2022 2:06:16 idiom. the best bang for your buck выгодная покупка (offer ~: If you look at real estate listings in the region I would say that Norgate offers some of the best bang for your buck. A $2M house in Norgate seems to be a lot nicer than a $2M house in Frankston or Rockwell.)
13.09.2022 2:00:46 emph. ridiculous отвратительный (Really nice place but traffic is ridiculous. Trying to go anywhere after 3pm is an adventure in itself. I had assumed that the four year long construction project at the north end of the bridge was supposed to fix the traffic problem but that didn't happen.)
13.09.2022 1:43:35 emph. horrendous тихий ужас (Definitely a nice area, but the traffic is horrendous. You have to live and work there because of the bridge traffic.)
13.09.2022 1:21:47 formal inherently по сути своей (Duck Pond is not a healthy environment – inherently. It was dying from the day it was made. We pump municipal water into it just to maintain its water levels. It has a lot of issues inherently. It cannot survive as it is. -- по сути своей / изначально)
13.09.2022 1:19:43 gen. at the core в сущности (At the core, they are all alike.)
13.09.2022 1:18:15 gen. at the core по своей сущности (At the core, they are all alike.)
13.09.2022 1:18:00 gen. by one's very nature по своей сущности (By their very nature, young successful women demand beautiful clothing, which makes them even more irresistible. We are happy to offer such clothing at our award-winning stores.)
12.09.2022 9:53:37 hockey. passing of the puck передача шайбы (“When they started out from their end and or their defence, the passing of the puck was unbelievable,” he said. “They would be going more or less side to side, they weren’t going straight ahead. They were sort of circling and going up the ice at the same time. It was like a new style of seeing hockey being played, so that was most startling.” nsnews.com)
11.06.2024 8:17:58 gen. quite a thing to see необычное зрелище (Jet lag kept waking him up early in the morning, and revealed something of Russian life he’d heard about but hadn’t imagined he’d ever see. “The Russian women, at four o’clock in the morning, were sweeping the streets with willow brooms. It was quite a thing to see. … We’d read about that in books, but to actually see it in progress was much different.” (nsnews.com))
12.09.2022 9:38:47 gen. run down съездить ("I think, Watson, that we must spare time to run down together on Saturday morning and make sure that this curious and inclusive investigation has no untoward ending." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
12.09.2022 9:36:59 trav. make the trip съездить (в – to, over to: If you can’t make the trip to Europe, you can buy this fabulous footwear online. -- совершить путешествие / поездку в Европу • Wayne Hussey was one of only a few thousand Canadians who made the trip over to Moscow to watch the games live. He’d been given four tickets as part of a business deal, and made the trip over with his wife Jacqueline, and two good friends. -- слетал в Москву nsnews.com)
12.09.2022 8:22:21 gen. I wouldn't mind я бы не отказался от (+ gerund: 'Wow! I wouldn’t mind living on that island for a while.' 'Yes. Until you run out of toilet paper.')
12.09.2022 5:53:50 mil. artillery unit артиллерийский расчёт (A Ukrainian artillery unit firing from a frontline position near the town of Bakhmut on Wednesday. nytimes.com)
12.09.2022 5:19:50 gen. move in поселиться (у кого-либо: This cat was just thrown outside to live by somebody. I've been feeding him for a long time and he came to me eventually and then he just moved in. – стал у меня жить)
12.09.2022 4:52:55 gen. and done готово
12.09.2022 4:52:28 gen. all done готово
12.09.2022 4:51:33 gen. this is done готово
12.09.2022 4:48:24 gen. it's all done now готово (It's all done now!)
12.09.2022 4:48:24 gen. it's all done now всё готово (It's all done now!)
12.09.2022 2:49:10 gen. at its best в идеале (Designed by Holbrook Weston & Associates, the award-winning Four Eagles is social housing at its best.)
12.09.2022 2:39:25 news in the wake of these events на фоне этих событий (In the wake of last week's NATO meeting, Russia's reaction was predictable.)
12.09.2022 2:23:23 electric. intermittent power outages перебои с электричеством
12.09.2022 1:56:52 formal community населённый пункт (***Наиболее широко применяемый термин в данном значении***: Evacuation orders were expanded Tuesday for remote California communities near a wildfire that may have been sparked by fireworks or a barbecue on the Fourth of July. • Entire communities in the Fraser Valley were overwhelmed by surging water on Sunday in one of the province's most severe flooding disasters in decades.)
12.09.2022 0:12:48 archit. blend successfully with удачно вписаться в (The third storey, added about a decade later, blends successfully with the original structure. (Ron Phillips))
11.09.2022 3:32:00 gen. I sure hope it never gets to this point надеюсь, до этого не дойдёт
11.09.2022 3:27:11 inf. for sure само собой ('We're very happy about that.' 'For sure!')
11.09.2022 3:26:12 inf. sure thing само собой (Hey, sure thing! -- Само собой!)
11.09.2022 3:24:53 gen. obviously само собой ("What's the better antidote to New York? The answer is Vancouver, obviously." (Kevin Newman))
11.09.2022 3:12:52 gen. from underneath снизу (направление движения: снизу вверх: “We have an upturned boat tipped over by a whale from what we can understand, come up from underneath. We’ve shut the harbor down so that they can carry on working,” Kaikoura mayor Craig Mackle told broadcaster (RNZ))
11.09.2022 3:12:14 gen. from beneath снизу (Local mayor blamed the accident on a sneaky whale, which allegedly tipped the boat, striking it from beneath. (RNZ))
11.09.2022 1:53:50 formal urgently в экстренном порядке (Ministers in Brussels are urgently trying to prepare for a tough winter as Russia chokes off energy supplies and recession fears mount. telegraph.co.uk)
11.09.2022 1:02:41 cliche. make a conscious effort целенаправленно работать (He also talked about the distinctive stylistic unity in the records he has produced, calling the sound "clean and tidy," and how his work with Linda Ronstadt changed the direction of her career. "I made a conscious effort to focus on the brilliance of her voice and her singing," he recounted. coasttocoastam.com)
11.09.2022 0:33:22 gen. as под видом ("That's what puzzles me, Mr. Holmes," said White Mason. "If the fellow did not want the hue and cry raised over him, one would imagine that he would have returned and remained at hotel as an inoffensive tourist." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – под видом невинного туриста)
11.09.2022 0:31:55 gen. as раз уж ('I took a strong line, and everything is all right. Still, stay a day or two, of course, as you're here.' (P.G.Wodehouse) -- раз уж приехал)
10.09.2022 3:46:07 gen. capture footage запечатлеть (A woman in Florida believes that her home security system captured footage of a baby dinosaur dashing through her yard. According to a local media report, the strange scene unfolded outside the residence of Cristina Ryan in the city of Palm Coast. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2022 1:53:27 inf. check out the goods оценивать женcкие формы (особенно ниже талии: 'Is it just me, or does Prince Harry look like he's checking out the goods?' 'Harry, you old dog you!')
10.09.2022 1:29:49 space comet impact столкновение с кометой (Plato said the cataclysm occurred in just a day and a night, and Edward speculated that a tsunami hit the land, possibly due to a comet impact or earthquake. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2022 1:25:00 hist. historical writings исторические труды (Edward also looked at the historical writings of Herodotus, who mentioned a people called the Atlanteans, situated west of Egypt. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2022 1:22:21 lit. writings сочинения (psychoanalyst writings of Carl Jung | the early writings of the Brontё sisters)
10.09.2022 1:21:38 formal writing творчество (писателя: Orwell's experiences as a member of the Indian Imperial Police in Burma informed much of his writing.)
10.09.2022 1:18:19 astrol. astrological chart астрологическая карта (He talked about the similarity in the astrological charts of Queen Elizabeth and Mikhail Gorbachev, who both recently passed away, as well as how Gorbachev's chart related to Nostradamus. coasttocoastam.com)
10.09.2022 1:13:03 gen. you will regret it вы об этом пожалеете (Don't go there, you will regret it.)
9.09.2022 7:15:29 inf. crazy busy with people народу было не протолкнуться (Rice Lake was crazy busy with people today.)
9.09.2022 6:32:45 inf. dupe into выдурить (+ gerund: The elderly victims were duped into providing her banking and personal data to the scammers.)
9.09.2022 6:32:45 inf. dupe into обманом выманить (+ gerund: The elderly victims were duped into providing her banking and personal data to the scammers.)
9.09.2022 5:22:51 publ.transp. run behind задерживаться (отставать от графика: Times posted are all approximate. Buses can run behind due to various reasons, traffic being one of them.)
9.09.2022 4:01:35 cliche. to make matters worse хуже то, что (The problem is so bad that some residents have been unable to sleep, forcing them to change their working hours. Others have even resorted to booking stays at hotels to get away from the noise. To make matters worse, back in August a Calderdale Council meeting was told that "all reasonable lines of inquiry had been exhausted", suggesting that the cause of the hum may never be found. unexplained-mysteries.com)
9.09.2022 3:57:37 gen. humming noise гудение (механического или электрического происхождения: For at least two years, the area around Holmfield in West Yorkshire, England has been plagued by a relentless low-pitched humming noise that endures at all times of the day and night. The problem is so bad that some residents have been unable to sleep, forcing them to change their working hours. unexplained-mysteries.com)
9.09.2022 3:51:11 gen. seasteading постройка городов в океане (in futurism: Beyond bunkers, some of the billionaires are interested in the idea of "seasteading," forming a city-like structure in the ocean, while others are considering escaping in rockets or into virtual realms where their brains are uploaded into silicon wafers. coasttocoastam.com)
9.09.2022 3:46:07 gen. become worthless обесцениться (также be worthless: He detailed how five billionaires hired him to give them advice on their apocalypse bunkers. Among the questions they asked him were: Which location is better for their bunker, Alaska or New Zealand? and "How should I maintain control of my security force after my money is worthless?" coasttocoastam.com)
9.09.2022 3:43:09 gen. worthless обесценившийся (He detailed how five billionaires hired him to give them advice on their apocalypse bunkers. Among the questions they asked him were: Which location is better for their bunker, Alaska or New Zealand? and "How should I maintain control of my security force after my money is worthless?" -- после того, как мои деньги обесценятся coasttocoastam.com)
9.09.2022 3:28:40 inf. die-hard непоколебимый (In the latter half, cognitive neuroscientist and author Mona Sobhani, Ph.D., a former research scientist at the University of Southern California, spoke about her transformation from die-hard materialist to open-minded spiritual seeker. -- непоколебимая / несгибаемая материалистка coasttocoastam.com)
9.09.2022 3:24:45 gen. squabble шумная ссора из-за пустяка (Squabble is a noisy quarrel about something petty or trivial. (Oxford Dictionary) | Squabble is a noisy altercation or quarrel usually over petty matters (Merriam-Webster): Interestingly, each head of Janus has its own personality. "The right head is more curious, more awake, it has a much stronger personality. The left head is more passive and loves to eat," caregiver Angelica Bourgoin told Reuters. Sometimes the two heads get into squabbles, such as which direction to walk in. coasttocoastam.com)
8.09.2022 5:29:27 gen. gather the data заниматься сбором данных (The scientists gathering the data in a project called BioBlitz, led by principal investigator Matt Whalen of the Hakai Institute, have been pleasantly surprised by the life they’ve found underwater with their remote-operated vehicle, including an octopus, salmon, stickleback, Dungeness crabs, spiny dogfish sharks and schools of anchovy. vancouversun.com)
8.09.2022 4:45:46 gen. mutual contact общий знакомый (So when Olena was presented to me through a mutual contact, I thought some of the hurdles had already been bypassed. Another error of judgment. -- через общего знакомого dailymail.co.uk)

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