
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

28.09.2022 0:29:45 gen. various solutions to the problem различные решения проблемы (of + gerund: Our experts offer various solutions to the problem of online fraud.)
27.09.2022 7:45:44 photo. what was this shot with чем ты снимал ('Amazing shot. What was this shot with?' (– Чем ты снимал?) 'Pentax K-1 mk ii, 28-105 lens at 45mm, ISO 200, f/8.0, shutter 1/80')
27.09.2022 7:40:16 idiom. on the rocks расстроенный (о личных отношениях: Tony also insisted that his relationship with Lorna was already on the rocks before he met Sofiia. -- что его отношения с Лорной уже были расстроены до знакомства с Софией dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 7:37:45 gen. pop career карьера в поп-музыке (As their ill-fated relationship made headlines, Tony revealed that he had suffered a torrent of abuse on social media over his decision to leave his family home. He even spoke of his hopes of launching a pop career after recording a rap about their experiences. dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 7:34:54 gen. have children завести детей (The couple later talked of their hopes of getting married and having children of their own, once Tony had his vasectomy reversed. He told MailOnline: 'I want to propose to this beautiful lady,' -- пожениться и завести собственных детей dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 7:31:42 brit. get on brilliantly находиться в прекрасных отношениях (The two them started chatting in a language Lorna did not understand, staying up to watch TV after she had gone to bed and regularly went to gym with each other. They both said that although they were 'getting on brilliantly' at this time, 'it was no more than that' and 'innocent'. But they ended up 'finding excuses to touch and brush against each other' and things got tense in the house. dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 7:28:09 gen. take one's abuse терпеть издевательства (чьи-л.: Tony told MailOnline how he had become 'fed up' with what he described as her irrational behaviour during the four-and-a-half months they were together. He said: 'I can't take her abuse or anger any longer. 'I left Lorna and my two children for her, and I made every extra effort I could to help her keep us together.' -- Я больше не могу терпеть её издевательства dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 7:09:04 inf. bust-up разрыв (с любовницей: A security guard who started a relationship with a Ukrainian refugee after he and his long term partner gave her a place to live has dumped her following a furious bust-up, MailOnline can reveal today. dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 7:04:11 gen. things got tense сложилась напряжённая обстановка (The two them started chatting in a language Lorna did not understand, staying up to watch TV after she had gone to bed and regularly went to gym with each other. But they ended up 'finding excuses to touch and brush against each other' and things got tense in the house. dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 7:03:57 gen. things got tense возникла напряжённость (The two them started chatting in a language Lorna did not understand, staying up to watch TV after she had gone to bed and regularly went to gym with each other. But they ended up 'finding excuses to touch and brush against each other' and things got tense in the house. dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 6:57:03 gen. go into a relationship вступить в отношения (with: Heavily tattooed Tony added: 'I have made a mistake going into a relationship with Sofiia. 'As I have said before, my relationship with Lorna was already over and I was really unhappy. dailymail.co.uk)
27.09.2022 3:43:12 gen. military's logistics operations материально-техническое обеспечение войск (Gen Bulgakov has run the military's logistics operations since 2008 and was responsible for keeping Russian troops supplied after their deployment to Syria in 2015. bbc.com)
27.09.2022 3:18:36 gen. cheating жульничество (accused of cheating -- обвинённый / обвиняемый в мошенничестве)
27.09.2022 2:15:01 publ.transp. transit hub транспортно-пересадочный узел (SkyTrain Commercial-Broadway Station is already one of the busiest transit hubs in Western Canada, and the forthcoming revised proposal of the adjacent Safeway redevelopment will be an attempt to better acknowledge this very fact. dailyhive.com)
27.09.2022 1:44:03 space alien entity инопланетянин (Although Aspin's own experiences—which began with a "lost time" incident in his youth that scarred his face—a surprising element to his story was learning that his mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother were also experiencers. He discovered this during one abduction, when an alien entity told him he was chosen because of these family ties. When he asked his grandmother about this, Aspin said, she replied simply "Those are just pixies." coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2022 1:43:44 space alien being инопланетянин (In the latter half, he shared Desmarquet's account of being abducted by alien beings from his home in Australia and then taken to their home planet, Thiaoouba, where he remained for nine days. Thiaoouba is classified as an advanced "category 9" planet compared to Earth which is a "category 1" lesser-evolved world, Chong recounted. coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2022 1:39:15 gen. meet with skepticism скептически отнестись к (She also talked about the less-than-welcoming reception she's gotten from organizations dedicated to UFO research, recalling a time when her report of an encounter was met with disbelief and skepticism. coasttocoastam.com)
27.09.2022 1:28:22 intell. highly secured facility особо охраняемый объект (On one memorable occasion, she realized that an alien entity, posing as a person, had infiltrated her workplace, which was a highly secured facility where no unauthorized persons would have gained access. coasttocoastam.com)
26.09.2022 4:20:42 gen. take sb. out for a nice meal повести в хороший ресторан (I have friends coming into town and want to take them out for a nice meal. Where should I take them?)
26.09.2022 2:54:03 gen. fight to save one's life бороться за свою жизнь (A small group of men trapped in the Regina Hotel fought to save their lives and managed to save the building as well. (Ron Phillips))
26.09.2022 2:41:29 gen. fundamentally flawed изначально порочный (Not only did the CIA do its level best to destroy me as an individual, but it also conspired to destroy UNSCOM as an institution. The result was one of the greatest intelligence failures of any intelligence service in modern history – the fundamentally flawed CIA case that Iraq possessed WMDs, which was used to justify the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq. swentr.site)
26.09.2022 2:23:49 HR asset достоинство (при утверждении на должность: Apparently, my commendations from the director of the CIA, all based upon analytical work, were not seen as an asset anymore. swentr.site)
26.09.2022 2:17:21 gen. abuse one's position злоупотреблять должностными полномочиями (However, I was shocked at the way a senior CIA official could seemingly abuse his position to try to ruin the life of an American citizen simply because he took personal umbrage over something that had nothing to do with his official duties. swentr.site)
26.09.2022 2:14:06 gen. out of spite из злобы (Господа, я стою здесь не из злобы, а по веской причине! • И если он не сможет подчинить ее, то убьет просто из злобы, и вы это знаете. • After a detailed questioning, Bird admitted that he had no evidence that I had done anything wrong, but that he personally took exception to my marriage to Marina and wrote the memorandum out of spite. swentr.site)
26.09.2022 1:19:58 archaeol. farmers земледельцы (т.е. народы, принадлежавшие к земледельческой культуре: Then, 7,000 to 5,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers with ancestry from the Caucasus region moved to Anatolia. These people mixed with the original farmers from the Levant in a process that created what the scientists call an extraordinary homogeneity that seemed impermeable to outside influence. bigthink.com)
25.09.2022 3:10:56 fig. backlash обратный эффект
25.09.2022 2:46:57 gen. there's no telling нельзя предсказать (There's no telling how long the power will be out for the hardest hit areas.)
24.09.2022 10:45:53 gen. that will be years away до этого ещё много лет (The key unanswered question so far is what will happen to the prime piece of real estate once ABC leaves. So far, there are no firm plans or commitments on the future of this building currently assessed at over $110M, according to their spokesman Phil Moore. “It’s obviously prime real estate space. That will be years away,” he said.)
24.09.2022 2:12:30 gen. nearby communities окрестные населенные пункты
24.09.2022 1:20:29 gen. film footage киноплёнка (found that old film footage – разыскал старую киноплёнку)
24.09.2022 1:15:49 gen. become public выйти в публичное поле (о просочившейся информации: Коль уж вышло в публичное поле, ...)
24.09.2022 1:14:17 gen. public domain публичное поле (Коль уж вышло в публичное поле, ...)
23.09.2022 2:41:00 inf. crummy плохого качества (dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality: Sorry for crummy photos)
23.09.2022 2:41:00 inf. crummy паршивого качества (dirty, unpleasant, or of poor quality: Sorry for crummy photos)
23.09.2022 2:14:19 gen. make a big mistake совершить крупную ошибку (The biggest mistake that people make, he continued, is that they come up with their own plan and then ask God to bless that-- instead, they should pray and ask God what his plan is. -- Самую большую ошибку, которую совершают люди, это ... coasttocoastam.com)
23.09.2022 2:10:38 formal economic downfall разорение (He shared his story of becoming a multi-millionaire by age 30 and going bankrupt by age 40 after he was the victim of an embezzlement scheme perpetrated by his brother, who worked for him as his accountant. (...) After his economic downfall, Paris found that by praying to God, and then listening for a response, he could receive solutions for getting his life back on track. coasttocoastam.com)
23.09.2022 2:07:43 crim.law. embezzle присвоить (He was jailed for embezzling over $350,000 from a non-profit organization. • He shared his story of becoming a multi-millionaire by age 30 and going bankrupt by age 40 after he was the victim of an embezzlement scheme perpetrated by his brother, who worked for him as his accountant. Over two years, his brother embezzled around $2 million. coasttocoastam.com)
23.09.2022 2:05:10 crim.law. perpetrate an embezzlement scheme организовать хищение денежных средств (He shared his story of becoming a multi-millionaire by age 30 and going bankrupt by age 40 after he was the victim of an embezzlement scheme perpetrated by his brother, who worked for him as his accountant. coasttocoastam.com)
23.09.2022 1:52:54 crim.law. recant one's testimony отказаться от своих показаний ("In fact, all of the individuals that were involved in it [the guard's murder] have...said that he had absolutely nothing to do with it," Koehl reported, adding that even the "prison snitches" that had initially pointed the finger at Masters, have recanted their testimonies in recent years, and publicly stated that "Jarvis had nothing to do with it." coasttocoastam.com)
23.09.2022 1:46:03 idiom. set the record straight расставить всё на свои места (There has been speculation about my going to another company but, to set the record straight, I currently have no other offer. • Authorities in Paraguay were forced to set the record straight after a very strange video purportedly showing a cop encountering a legendary goblin-like entity went viral on social media in the country this week. coasttocoastam.com)
22.09.2022 6:13:17 relig. End Times время перед концом света (scrolls and temple artifacts containing prophetic material about end times)
21.09.2022 6:57:21 inf. do it in a snap сделать в два счёта (Our software can do it in a snap.)
21.09.2022 6:54:15 inf. in a snap нараз (Hey Kevin, check this out – with this liquid you can remove wine stains in a snap.)
21.09.2022 4:31:47 gen. nice one отлично (похвала: Nice one! -- Отлично! / Молодец!)
21.09.2022 4:29:08 brit. sterling отличный (He is a sterling chap. – Он отличный парень.)
21.09.2022 3:49:15 fig. up the ante поднимать ставки (increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute: According to him, the West is not going to up the ante in this war. -- Запад не будет поднимать ставки в этой войне)
21.09.2022 1:55:21 idiom. stick in one's head запоминаться ("I didn't come from a family that would have believed in that sort of stuff. Certain things just stick in your head and that's why I remembered the turning the clothes inside out thing." dublinlive.ie)
21.09.2022 1:55:21 idiom. stick in one's head остаться в памяти ("I didn't come from a family that would have believed in that sort of stuff. Certain things just stick in your head and that's why I remembered the turning the clothes inside out thing." dublinlive.ie)
21.09.2022 1:51:03 gen. turn one's clothes inside out вывернуть одежду наизнанку ("Something was just wrong. My first instinct was to run but I didn't even know where to run. I just remember turning your clothes inside out is supposed to help. So, I just tried that. I felt like it was just mental. I just had to do it. I turned my t-shirt inside out, put it back on. I was hoping nobody was looking at me because it was a really weird thing to do in the middle of a forest." dublinlive.ie)
21.09.2022 1:45:46 gen. take a left свернуть влево ("It was going fine then the path leads through two identical trees. I stepped through and put my hands on both trees. People are saying now that this was a mistake. One was really warm and the other was really wet and cold. I walked on and I think I took a left. dublinlive.ie)
21.09.2022 1:41:33 gen. become lost заблудиться (в лесу и т.п.: A Meath woman was terrified when an ordinary walk in a nearby woods took a chilling turn. She took to Twitter to try and explain her supernatural ordeal after walking through two trees. The woman then became completely lost, without being able to find her way back on path. -- окончательно заблудилась dublinlive.ie)
21.09.2022 1:26:17 gen. get lost in the forest заблудиться в лесу (An Irish woman says that a recent walk in the woods took a frightening and possibly mystical turn when she got lost in the forest and then heard an eerie disembodied voice that many have suggested was a fairy trying to lead her astray. -- заблудилась в лесу coasttocoastam.com)
21.09.2022 1:19:59 gen. off in the distance вдали (Downtown Calgary off in the distance)
21.09.2022 1:19:43 gen. off in the distance вдалеке (While on the waters of the Indian River, which runs through the park, the couple caught sight of a large creature that had emerged from the water off in the distance. coasttocoastam.com)
21.09.2022 1:17:00 emph. never have I seen a я в жизни не видел (“The shoulders were terrifying and very powerful looking! Never have I seen a manatee look or act like this!” -- я в жизни не видел / не видал, чтобы miamiherald.com)
21.09.2022 0:49:44 news be left scratching one's head остаться в недоумении (после происшествия: A Florida couple were left scratching their heads when they spotted a mysterious and rather sizeable creature lurching along a river in a truly bizarre fashion. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 2:37:36 gen. cunning liar изворотливая лгунья ("She was a cunning liar and a cold-blooded killer, but if you could look beyond that, she was genuinely delightful," Nadeau wrote. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 2:35:36 formal in an unrepentant manner не раскаявшись в содеянном (Nadeau interviewed Maresca (who passed away in 2021) at age 81 as she reflected back on her life, in an unrepentant manner. While she had some justification for the first killing, the same could not be said for the other murders she was accused of. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 2:32:57 jarg. order a hit on заказать убийство (someone: ... the glamorous Pupetta Maresca, who married a soon-to-be-deceased mobster named Pasqualone. She was pregnant and 18 at the time when she shot the man who'd ordered a hit on her husband, pumping him with 29 bullets. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 2:20:26 gen. go one's separate ways расстаться (Boren said that Sundance (Harry Longabaugh) and Cassidy were initially together in Mexico when they left South America but went their separate ways. Sundance settled in the San Francisco area. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 2:19:20 gen. split up расстаться (о супругах, паре: John and Kelly had a daughter in 2008. The pair has since split up.)
20.09.2022 2:16:21 gen. leader of a gang предводитель шайки (Butch Cassidy was a notorious train and bank robber and leader of the Wild Bunch gang in the American Old West. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 2:16:21 gen. leader of a gang главарь банды (Butch Cassidy was a notorious train and bank robber and leader of the Wild Bunch gang in the American Old West. coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 2:07:37 context. match взаимосочетаться
20.09.2022 2:07:08 gen. match союз (брачный: The bride's father was opposed to the match and hired a gunman to get rid of the entire Rizzotto family.)
20.09.2022 2:06:39 gen. match выгодный партнёр (It's a good match.)
20.09.2022 2:06:14 inet. match выгодный контакт (e-commerce: a website service suggesting matches to users)
20.09.2022 1:41:40 gen. bear a resemblance to проявлять явное сходство с (In the video above, which showcases the possible sighting, Elizabeth thoughtfully contrasts the oddity with sonar returns for a school of fish, a sturgeon, a small perch, and even a whale. None of the prosaic examples bear any resemblance to the anomaly captured by the cryptozoologist at Lake Champlain. -- не проявляют явного сходства с аномалией coasttocoastam.com)
20.09.2022 1:28:32 gen. at a depth of на глубине (at a depth of approximately 52 feet.)
20.09.2022 0:52:19 idiom. pay the bill платить (Who's paying the bill for the new pipe? Am I paying the bill or are they paying the bill? -- Кто будет платить? Я буду платить или они будут платить?)
19.09.2022 7:55:14 disappr. this is beyond comprehension это уму непостижимо (cannot be understood (Merriam-Webster): This action is beyond comprehension.)
18.09.2022 5:22:47 fig. have a chilly relationship относиться с неприязнью (with – к кому-л.)
18.09.2022 5:20:56 fig. have a chilly relationship неприязненно относиться (with – к кому-л.)
18.09.2022 4:38:37 inf. savvy смекалистый (It never happened, he made up that story to promote his new movie. He's a very savvy guy.)
18.09.2022 4:37:08 gen. quick-thinking смекалистый
18.09.2022 2:40:10 formal as part of an initiative в рамках инициативы (As part of a national initiative to plant 70 million trees across Canada, Greenwood residents are invited to participate by joining a list of volunteers.)
18.09.2022 2:04:07 leg.ent.typ. family-run enterprise семейное предприятие (This family-run enterprise has been serving Brampton for 52 years.)
18.09.2022 2:03:43 leg.ent.typ. family-run enterprise семейная компания (This family-run enterprise has been serving Lethbridge for 52 years.)
18.09.2022 2:03:22 leg.ent.typ. family-run enterprise семейное дело (This family-run enterprise has been serving Greenwood for 52 years.)
18.09.2022 1:12:25 TV make horror television снимать сериалы в жанре "ужасы" ("I would say everybody who made horror television, especially in that period of the late 80s and early 90s... all of those series were heavily influenced by The Night Stalker," he suggested. coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2022 6:05:24 gen. rude driver автохам
17.09.2022 6:05:24 gen. aggressive driver автохам
17.09.2022 5:27:45 UN Under-Secretary-General замгенсека (United Nations Under-Secretary-General -- замгенсека ООН)
17.09.2022 4:46:43 gen. these measures don't go far enough эти меры недостаточны
17.09.2022 3:03:34 archit. harmonize well удачно гармонировать (Despite the individuality of its detail, the Termins harmonizes well in scale and texture with its neighbours to the east. (Ron Phillips) -- удачно гармонирует)
17.09.2022 2:12:03 slang flake трепло (A personal favorite slang term for an unreliable person is a flake. A flake says they are going to do something and then they don't follow through. The definition is not limited to promise breaking, however.: "Трепло у нас военачальники, тупое и немощное трепло." stackexchange.com)
17.09.2022 1:58:22 gen. that does not go far enough этого мало (т.е. этих мер недостаточно: The critics say the 100-million-dollar donation is a step in the right direction but does not go far enough.)
17.09.2022 1:56:06 gen. that does not go far enough этого недостаточно (т.е. этих мер недостаточно: The critics say the 100-million-dollar donation is a step in the right direction but does not go far enough.)
17.09.2022 1:54:39 gen. it takes a little more than that этого недостаточно ("Sounds good," I said judicially. "But it takes a little more than that, Grenz. You have to catch him and prove he committed a murder. Then you have to prove I knew it." (Raymond Chandler))
17.09.2022 1:48:12 gen. call-back number телефон для обратной связи ("я даже чуть не поверил, но на всякий случай попросил телефон для обратной связи")
17.09.2022 0:55:21 ufol. interdimensional beings существа из других измерений (Joshua, who is based in Las Vegas, announced that he had bought some land in Rachel, Nevada (near Area 51) and plans to build a machine there that could open a portal. If he succeeds, he hopes to interact with interdimensional beings, and offer a live video feed. coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2022 0:51:10 gen. glowing светящийся (Reportedly, the being looks like a large glowing electric blue jackrabbit that has some kind of electrical force field around it. coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2022 0:47:55 disappr. unable to focus несобранный
17.09.2022 0:46:45 disappr. unable to concentrate несобранный
17.09.2022 0:44:21 formal internationally renowned завоевавший международное признание (as a – в качестве: Bestselling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality, and human potential. – завоевал международное признание coasttocoastam.com)
17.09.2022 0:42:51 formal internationally renowned завоевавший признание во всём мире (for – благодаря: The Capital Regional District is internationally renowned for its leadership in the low impact development field. – завоевал международное признание / завоевал признание во всём мире благодаря)
17.09.2022 0:33:55 ufol. crop formations зерновые формации (A peculiar crop formation recently appeared in Russia near the country's mysterious Lake Baikal and prompted an enlightening TV segment on the strange event. coasttocoastam.com)
16.09.2022 5:40:37 gen. give it some thought that задумываться над тем, что (You must have given it some thought that if you are elected mayor, and don't win a majority, that it will be difficult for you to implement any of what you just told me. What do you say to that? -- Вы наверняка задумывались над тем, что если вас изберут ... vancouverisawesome.com)
16.09.2022 5:32:08 fig. crumble разваливаться (We have crumbling infrastructure in our city -- roads, bridges, pools, community centres. -- Городская инфраструктура разваливается)
16.09.2022 3:52:32 inf. critters животные (Critter is an informal word for any living creature, from a wolf to a spider. (Vocabulary.com) | informal: an animal (Merriam-Webster): During the day the woods are abundant with songbirds, and by night you can watch a variety of critters stop in for a drink of water! youtube.com)

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