
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

15.04.2024 8:00:43 busin. provide funding выделить денежные средства (на проект: Innovate UK recognized its potential and provided funding in 2021, propelling ARRES from theory to practical application. Since then, other organizations, including Horizon Europe, CERN, the Department For Transport in the UK and the CAM UK program, have provided funding. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:54:50 busin. cost savings экономия средств (The new technology promises efficiency and cost savings.)
15.04.2024 7:40:26 tech. navigate streets передвигаться по улицам (The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. Equipped with autonomous driving abilities, it navigates streets independently or under remote human guidance. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:38:31 tech. pivotal component центральный элемент (The ARRES Eye technology, a pivotal component of the system, is strategically installed on various vehicles, including buses, trucks and maintenance vehicles. -- центральный элемент системы (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:37:54 tech. safety feature средство обеспечения безопасности (A waypoint navigation system guides the vehicle from one point to another. As an added safety feature, it can be remotely controlled, monitored or stopped. -- в качестве дополнительного средства обеспечения безопасности (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:36:43 tech. under remote guidance посредством дистанционного управления (The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. Equipped with autonomous driving abilities, it navigates streets independently or under remote human guidance. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:36:11 tech. leverage advanced technology использовать передовую технологию (By leveraging advanced imaging technology, ARRES Eye identifies surface issues such as cracks, potholes and other damage. It identifies their exact location, assesses their severity and prioritizes repair tasks. The collected data is logged into a central database for management. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:35:42 tech. leverage advanced technology задействовать передовую технологию (By leveraging advanced imaging technology, ARRES Eye identifies surface issues such as cracks, potholes and other damage. It identifies their exact location, assesses their severity and prioritizes repair tasks. The collected data is logged into a central database for management. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:34:50 tech. unmanned robotic vehicle беспилотный робот-автомобиль (ARRES Prevent combines artificial intelligence (AI) and an unmanned robotic vehicle to tackle potholes head-on. The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:34:28 tech. unmanned robotic vehicle автономный робот-автомобиль (ARRES Prevent combines artificial intelligence (AI) and an unmanned robotic vehicle to tackle potholes head-on. The compact electric robo vehicle, approximately the size of a small van, patrols roads day and night. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 7:31:32 gen. navigate отыскивать путь (to successfully find a way from one place to another (Cambridge Dictionary): While Dunne doesn't think AI will replace human intelligence, he's concerned about the effect it will have on humanity from a psychological and sociological perspective. "Because if you look at all cases in history where people have sort of stopped trying to use their minds to do things relegated to devices, those capabilities atrophy," he pointed out, citing how people have somewhat lost the ability to navigate without GPS. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 6:17:04 tech. safety features средства обеспечения безопасности
15.04.2024 5:54:31 road.wrk. pothole jolted the car машину подбросило на колдобине (Have you ever been in a situation where you're cruising down the road, enjoying a smooth ride, when suddenly — wham — you hit a pothole? It jolts your car and reminds you of the never-ending battle against these road menaces. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 5:50:31 gen. cruise down the road ехать по дороге (общее значение; на одной скорости:: Have you ever been in a situation where you're cruising down the road, enjoying a smooth ride, when suddenly — wham — you hit a pothole? It jolts your car and reminds you of the never-ending battle against these road menaces. (foxnews.com))
15.04.2024 5:49:36 gen. cruise down a road ехать по дороге (на одной скорости: A Welsh motorist was astounded when they gazed out their window and saw what appeared to be a black panther crossing a field. The remarkable sighting reportedly occurred on Sunday morning in the community of Colwyn Bay as the unnamed witness was cruising down a road. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 5:29:29 gen. potential implications возможные выводы (из чего-л., открытые различным толкованиям: an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly (Cambridge Dictionary) | the conclusions that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated (Oxford Dictionary): he delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 5:29:29 gen. potential implications потенциальные выводы (из чего-л., открытые различным толкованиям: an occasion when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly (Cambridge Dictionary) | the conclusions that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated (Oxford Dictionary): he delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 5:14:44 gen. sentient entity разумное существо (She delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 5:13:51 gen. sentient entity мыслящее существо (She delved into the potential implications of Elon Musk's warning about AI, suggesting that Musk's statement about "summoning the demon" alludes to the dangers of playing with fire. Anderson interpreted Musk's words as a caution against the possibility of AI evolving into a sentient entity with its own personality and potentially malevolent intentions. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 4:58:04 gen. immediate issue актуальная проблема (Tsakiris agreed with Richard's concerns about AI's potential for deception and manipulation, pointing out that these dangers are not distant future scenarios but rather immediate issues. He referenced an incident involving Gemini, Google's chatbot, generating deceptive images that reveal the extent of manipulation already present in AI technology. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 4:58:04 gen. immediate issue актуальный вопрос (Tsakiris agreed with Richard's concerns about AI's potential for deception and manipulation, pointing out that these dangers are not distant future scenarios but rather immediate issues. He referenced an incident involving Gemini, Google's chatbot, generating deceptive images that reveal the extent of manipulation already present in AI technology. (coasttocoastam.com))
15.04.2024 4:35:02 police individual неизвестный (A doctor was shot in the face in Vancouver, which has been confirmed as a case of mistaken identity. The 46y/o doctor, who works at Surrey Memorial Hospital, was walking in Downtown Vancouver when an individual approached him. They exchanged words before the doctor was shot in the face. Police believe the shooting may have resulted from a dispute involving two drug dealers, in which the doctor was mistaken for another drug dealer. (Twitter))
15.04.2024 0:06:57 cliche. that's quite enough этого вполне достаточно (Okay, I think that's quite enough.)
14.04.2024 9:43:43 gen. seek to understand стремиться понять (She had no particular interest in Bigfoot until 2012, she related, when she believes to have seen the creature from a car. Since then, she's sought to understand whether Bigfoot is some variety of a North American ape, as some assert, or a more supernatural and spiritual being, which others believe. coasttocoastam.com)
14.04.2024 9:40:17 gen. bizarre experience странный случай (Julio in Riverside, California, recounted a bizarre experience he had working the night watch for the sheriff's department. • Charlene from Pico Rivera, California shared a bizarre experience she had some years ago while sitting in the lounge with the teaching staff of a preschool. coasttocoastam.com, coasttocoastam.com)
14.04.2024 9:38:37 gen. quirk странность (He had a few quirks but nothing really disturbing. Until now.)
14.04.2024 9:32:16 gen. stand at a podium стоять на трибуне (Standing at a heavy wooden podium, the mayor addressed important issues raised by the residents.)
14.04.2024 9:31:26 gen. stand gaping стоять с открытым ртом (For a moment, he just stood there gaping. – стоял, разинув рот / с открытым ртом)
14.04.2024 9:30:22 immigr. COB страна рождения
14.04.2024 9:28:33 dipl. host country страна-хозяйка («Рассматриваем линию Оттавы в этих вопросах как провокационную и абсолютно безответственную», — подчеркнули в российском министерстве. «Хотелось бы напомнить, что статус „страны-хозяйки“, на территории которой проводятся мероприятия под эгидой международных организаций, предполагает добросовестное и беспристрастное исполнение соответствующих обязанностей, включая оформление виз. Это азы многосторонней дипломатии», — напомнили в МИД РФ. (из рус. источников))
14.04.2024 9:20:26 gen. antique-looking старинного вида (antique-looking pieces of décor – старинного вида предметы обстановки)
14.04.2024 8:57:10 gen. in complete seriousness совершенно серьёзно ("We have 2 cats, or should I say there are 2 cats that live in this house and we're grateful that they allow us to live with them?! In complete seriousness, I love my cats even though I'm not really a cat person, I totally prefer dogs, but after all these years these 2 felines have definitely found a place in my heart." healthstartsinthekitchen.com)
14.04.2024 8:55:29 gen. not understand at all совершенно не разбираться (sth. – в чём-л.: You don't understand financial markets at all.)
14.04.2024 8:47:05 gen. a week from now exactly ровно через неделю (A week from now it'll be Christmas Eve exactly.. – Ровно через неделю в это самое время будет Сочельник.)
14.04.2024 8:43:28 gen. fix traffic решить транспортную проблему (Building a new bridge would just move the traffic bottleneck slightly further south to the Cassiar Tunnel. Fixing traffic by creating more traffic has rarely been shown to work. (nsnews.com))
14.04.2024 8:29:35 sarcast. working stiff пролетарий (normally used in the "elitists vs. tax-paying, hard-working guys" context)
14.04.2024 8:25:21 proced.law. prosecutor's supervision прокурорский надзор
14.04.2024 8:09:03 cliche. it's got nothing to do with me при чём здесь я? (It's got nothing to do with me. I'm staying out of it. – При чём здесь я? Разбирайтесь сами / без меня.)
14.04.2024 6:37:48 gen. by training по образованию (I'm an accountant by training. – Я по образованию бухгалтер.)
14.04.2024 6:34:31 idiom. rub shoulders пообщаться (with sb. – с кем-л.: Here diners can rub shoulders with chefs and fellow foodies.)
14.04.2024 6:30:41 lit. notes written in the margins пометки на полях (a notebook with copious notes in the margins)
14.04.2024 6:30:05 gov. in one's community по месту жительства
14.04.2024 6:28:54 confect. bite-sized помещающийся целиком во рту (bite-sized desserts)
14.04.2024 6:26:53 pharm. fill one's prescription получить лекарство по рецепту (There are several ways to refill your prescription: In person. Go to the pharmacy where you originally filled your prescription and either wait for it or come back to pick it up at a later time.)
14.04.2024 5:57:37 gen. deliver from избавить от (In 1174, four years after the murder of Thomas Becket, Henry II walked barefoot to the cathedral in penance; it was the king's words 'who will deliver me from this turbulent priest?' which had provoked four of his knights to commit the murder. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain))
14.04.2024 5:48:11 inf. give sb. a pointer подкинуть наводку
14.04.2024 5:08:54 disappr. rush toward гонка за (Parsons felt that spiritual truths were being lost in America’s rush toward industrialisation and material gain. – в погоне / в гонке за материальными ценностями)
14.04.2024 4:33:42 gen. talk to sb. on the phone поговорить с кем-л. по телефону
14.04.2024 4:32:00 gen. have a heart-to-heart talk поговорить по душам (a talk or discussion in which two people talk honestly and in a serious way about their feelings (Cambridge Dictionary))
14.04.2024 4:31:39 gen. have a heart-to-heart talk поговорить начистоту (a talk or discussion in which two people talk honestly and in a serious way about their feelings (Cambridge Dictionary))
14.04.2024 4:28:17 gen. take a deeper look поглубже разобраться (Hmm, I don't see that feature in the settings. I have to take a deeper look.)
14.04.2024 4:25:37 gen. wrapped up in one's thoughts поглощённый мыслями (He was too wrapped up in his thoughts to notice me.)
14.04.2024 4:25:08 gen. wrapped up in one's concerns поглощённый заботами (She's too wrapped up in her concerns to care about anything else. – слишком поглощена заботами)
14.04.2024 3:41:26 gen. meet with a mixed reception неоднозначно воспринять (The film met with a mixed reception at the Cannes Film Festival. – фильм был воспринят неоднозначно)
14.04.2024 3:40:04 gen. extend beyond не ограничиваться (The company's service offerings extend beyond refinishing. – не ограничиваются)
14.04.2024 3:34:08 law, contr. shall have no obligation to pay не обязан платить
14.04.2024 3:33:19 cliche. no ordinary не обычный (In the spring of 1905, members of an exclusive club of crime enthusiasts known as Our Society were taken on a guided excursion through Whitechapel, one of London’s most notorious districts, by Dr. Frederick Gordon Brown, the chief police surgeon for the City of London. But this was no ordinary sightseeing tour. The focus of the outing was Jack the Ripper’s reputed murder sites, and among the guests that day was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the world’s greatest detective, Sherlock Holmes. -- Но это была не обычная экскурсия. coasttocoastam.com)
14.04.2024 3:11:39 fig. drained обессиленный (He described vivid dreams or possibly out-of-body experiences involving the presence of a strange entity in his room. These experiences persisted for four consecutive nights, leaving him physically and mentally drained. (coasttocoastam.com)))
14.04.2024 3:05:58 gen. peculiar features странная внешность (Ventre recounted his experiences after attending a UFO conference, where he encountered a woman with peculiar features reminiscent of what he perceived as a hybrid. (coasttocoastam.com))
14.04.2024 3:05:58 gen. peculiar features необычная внешность (Ventre recounted his experiences after attending a UFO conference, where he encountered a woman with peculiar features reminiscent of what he perceived as a hybrid. (coasttocoastam.com))
13.04.2024 9:59:42 trav. take in the sights осмотреть городские достопримечательности
13.04.2024 9:59:30 trav. take in the sights посмотреть город (Those who want to give their feet a rest can take in the sights by catching a tram offering a free tour of the city.)
13.04.2024 9:54:11 gen. venture to contradict осмелиться возразить ("If we insist that we are there by appointment I think he will hardly venture to contradict us." – он вряд ли осмелится нам возразить (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.04.2024 9:52:02 gen. make an examination of осматривать ("We stood at the entrance while Holmes made an examination of the carpet." – Мы стояли у входа, пока Холмс осматривал ковёр. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
13.04.2024 8:37:54 real.est. vacant property пустующий земельный участок (This vacant property right beside Edmonds SkyTrain Station awaits development.)
13.04.2024 8:32:48 gen. carry out a full investigation провести полное расследование (Haq's lawyer Randall Cohn said the CBSA failed to communicate with the university and carry out a full investigation, a procedural shortcut he worries could intimidate other international students. (castanet.net))
13.04.2024 8:32:48 gen. carry out a full investigation досконально расследовать (Haq's lawyer Randall Cohn said the CBSA failed to communicate with the university and carry out a full investigation, a procedural shortcut he worries could intimidate other international students. (castanet.net))
13.04.2024 8:23:19 gen. carry out an investigation вести следствие (of – по делу)
13.04.2024 8:19:14 univer. school attendance посещаемость (также применяется в отношении высших учебных заведений: The lawyer for a Vancouver-based climate activist declared retroactively inadmissible to Canada for failing to make enough progress as a student while attending Simon Fraser University has filed a stay of removal in Federal Court. Zain Haq, 23, was scheduled to be deported to his native Pakistan on April 22, while being nearly a year into a spousal sponsorship application with his B.C.-born wife. Haq pleaded guilty to mischief charges after being arrested 10 times since joining an Extinction Rebellion protest on the Burrard Bridge in 2019. But according to his lawyer Randall Cohn, by the time those charges were heard, CBSA had already begun to carry out Haq's removal based on school attendance. -- КПС уже начала заниматься подготовкой его высылки из страны на основании неудовлетворительной посещаемости им университета. castanet.net)
13.04.2024 4:56:17 poetic timelessness неподвластность времени
13.04.2024 4:42:00 law, contr. out-of-court dispute resolution досудебное урегулирование споров (статья в договоре)
13.04.2024 4:41:02 gen. resolving the dispute out of court досудебное урегулирование споров (процесс, не статья в договоре)
13.04.2024 4:40:26 gen. settling the dispute out of court досудебное урегулирование споров (процесс, не статья в договоре)
13.04.2024 4:38:46 commer. budget-friendly option доступный по цене вариант (из нескольких: A pop-up wedding is a budget-friendly option for couples looking to get married without breaking the bank: instead of the average $40,000 the cost is just over $3,000.)
13.04.2024 4:36:44 gen. out-of-court deal досудебная сделка ("Рядовому американцу за такие дела светила бы как минимум двадцаточка. Однако Эпштейн договорился с прокурором штата о досудебной сделке." (vz.ru))
13.04.2024 4:36:44 gen. out-of-court agreement досудебная сделка ("Рядовому американцу за такие дела светила бы как минимум двадцаточка. Однако Эпштейн договорился с прокурором штата о досудебной сделке." (vz.ru))
13.04.2024 4:34:52 gen. out-of-court settlement досудебная сделка (не моё: "Рядовому американцу за такие дела светила бы как минимум двадцаточка. Однако Эпштейн договорился с прокурором штата о досудебной сделке." (vz.ru))
13.04.2024 4:34:01 law, court out-of-court settlement внесудебное соглашение о отказе от иска (In most human rights cases involving banks, there is an out-of-court settlement.)
13.04.2024 4:33:12 formal clarify language внести ясность по поводу содержания (документа: We are taking this opportunity to clarify language within our "Disclosures and Agreements related to Personal Deposit Accounts" of June 1 that may have implied funds transfers to another account in the same name were free of charge.)
13.04.2024 4:30:28 gen. at some point in the future в какой-то момент в будущем
13.04.2024 4:30:28 gen. at some point in the future когда-нибудь в будущем
13.04.2024 4:29:13 gen. store front витрина (магазина;: Store-fronts get decked out in the lead up to the Olympics. – К Олимпиаде украшаются витрины магазинов.)
13.04.2024 4:14:01 cliche. the same goes for то же самое относится к (the часто опускается: Snow for Regina, the same goes for Winnipeg and Saskatoon. • The red dots are just there to help keep things organised. Same goes for the yellow markers to the left of the columns.)
13.04.2024 4:10:10 cliche. the same might be said of то же самое можно сказать о (Falcon criticized B.C. Premier David Eby, saying Eby has "suddenly woken up" to the housing crisis after a term as housing minister. The same might be said of Falcon, who was Liberal transportation minister for five years, between 2004 and 2009. We note that no new bridges to the North Shore were built during that time. (nsnews.com))
13.04.2024 2:53:32 gen. finest самый именитый (André-Charles Boulle's furniture and pieces made are found in the world's finest collections.)
13.04.2024 2:53:12 gen. finest талантливейший (one of the finest botanical illustrators in the history of the field – один из талантливейших ботанических иллюстраторов)
13.04.2024 2:52:49 gen. finest непревзойдённый (the finest blank journals available)
13.04.2024 2:52:28 gen. finest тончайшей работы (your finest jewellery)
13.04.2024 2:49:38 appr. finest прекраснейший (*the ~*: Stunning Roman frescoes have been uncovered by archeologists in Pompeii, the ancient city destroyed by an eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 AD. Experts say the newly discovered frescoes are among the finest ever to emerge at the renowned archeological site. Two pieces dominate the hall; one depicts the Greek god Apollo trying to seduce the priestess Cassandra. The second piece shows Prince Paris meeting Helen of Troy. cbsnews.com)
13.04.2024 0:47:52 gen. cherry blossoms вишнёвый цвет (The cherry blossoms are everywhere, including the False Creek seawall! (Twitter) • Kуда б ни шёл я, повсюду цвет вишневый разносит ветер лугами краем поля, где соловей щебечет (stihi.ru))
12.04.2024 10:44:06 cliche. in the wrong place, at the wrong time в неудачном месте в неудачное время (в русском языке часто употребляется и обратный порядок: "в неудачное время в неудачном месте": After shots were fired in downtown Vancouver last week, police were quick to say it was not related to the Lower Mainland gang conflict. Details about the shooting and the victim have been sparse, until now. Officers who were first on scene discovered the victim, a 46-year-old man. As Catherine Urquhart reports, the victim was in the wrong place at the wrong time. We’ve also learned the victim is a physician and that he was shot in the face. -- оказался в неудачное время в неудачном месте (globalnews.ca) )
12.04.2024 7:43:24 gen. engrossed in поглощённый (чем-л.: North Bay RCMP shared а video of а driver who was so engrossed in her phone that she didn't realize an officer was standing right there. -- была настолько поглощена своим телефоном)
12.04.2024 6:06:31 cliche. I wish как бы мне хотелось, чтобы (+ simple past forms: I wish Uncle Ted was alive to celebrate today. )
12.04.2024 3:44:51 gen. yet-to-be-identified на данный момент неустановленный (о личности подозреваемого, жертвы: A witness who spotted the woman in the area said that she was with a yet-to-be-identified man and that the duo resembled vampires due to their clothing and appearance. The observer also eerily likened the victim to a "walking corpse," describing her as pale and emaciated. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.04.2024 3:39:59 gen. press charges привлечь к ответственности (по закону; on someone – кого-либо: "He got pretty irate and sent a few choice words my way. And I thought at first it was a prank," Hawkins said. "And then as the phone conversation went on, he had threatened to call the police and press charges on me. Then that's when I kind of realized, OK, maybe he's not pranking then. (...)" – угрожал позвонить в полицию и привлечь меня к ответственности cbc.ca)
12.04.2024 3:38:22 gen. enlist volunteers привлечь добровольцев (к участию в какой-л. деятельности: As with last year's event, the hope is to enlist a considerable number of volunteers.)
12.04.2024 3:28:32 gen. poor weather непогода (The search was hampered by poor weather.)
12.04.2024 3:20:55 gen. join in on присоединиться к (деятельности: A new search for the Loch Ness Monster has been announced for later this year and the organizers of the endeavor are calling on NASA to join in on the hunt. (coasttocoastam.com))
12.04.2024 3:17:50 gen. a variety of topics целый ряд тем (In the latter half, hypnotherapist and past life regressionist Dr. Bruce Goldberg talked about a variety of topics, including the Philadelphia Experiment, whether we live in a matrix, antigravity research, and the theory of biocentrism. -- затронул различные темы / целый ряд тем / ряд вопросов (coasttocoastam.com))
12.04.2024 3:17:28 journ. an array of topics целый ряд тем (Next, we journey back to May 30th, 1997 for a classic edition of Open Lines wherein Art and the listeners discussed an array of topics. Among the calls during the show were a UFO sighting in San Diego that wound up being a rocket launch, the debate over the death penalty, the infamous alien autopsy film, clandestine underground bases, strange weather prior to earthquakes, and unsettling concerns regarding pet food. (coasttocoastam.com))

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