
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

11.11.2022 2:02:20 cliche. there is frost in my bones холод до костей пробирает ("Admiral's telescope says East Wind. I thought as much. There is frost in my bones. I shall wear two overcoats." (Pamela Travers))
11.11.2022 1:59:28 inf. got to go мне пора (Sorry, Rob, got to go.)
10.11.2022 8:32:48 fig. playing-field условия работы (для конкурирующих предприятий в пределах одной отрасли: Our position has always been a fair playing field. All companies should have similar business licences and operate within their limits.)
10.11.2022 8:24:35 cliche. there's just no way around it это неизбежно
10.11.2022 8:24:35 cliche. there's just no way around it этого нельзя избежать
10.11.2022 8:22:19 gen. book a consultation записаться на консультацию (Book a complimentary consultation at Sandberg and Associates and see how you can have a wealthy retirement.)
10.11.2022 8:19:28 cliche. from a ... standpoint с точки зрения (As a criminal defense attorney I can tell you it's a very tough case from a defense standpoint.)
10.11.2022 8:16:18 cliche. from a ... point of view с точки зрения (from a citizen's and taxpayer's point of view – с точки зрения гражданина и налогоплательщика)
10.11.2022 8:16:01 cliche. speaking from the perspective of с точки зрения (Speaking from the perspective of a full-figured woman who's been wearing a bra all her life, I can attest to the associated back pain.)
10.11.2022 7:55:27 polit. pander to special interest groups потакать группам с особыми интересами (The city council only panders to special interest groups and small minorities that whine and demand more and more funding at the expense of taxpayers.)
10.11.2022 7:46:23 polit. national convention съезд партии
10.11.2022 7:43:37 gen. extra cash лишние деньги (Not everybody has extra cash lying around.)
10.11.2022 7:37:38 gen. run a small business управлять небольшой компанией
10.11.2022 7:33:49 disappr. meddle in sb.'s affairs вмешиваться в чьи-либо дела (Premier François Legault called it just another example of the federal government meddling in Quebec's affairs.)
10.11.2022 7:31:20 gen. intrude into one's affairs вмешиваться в чьи-либо дела ("I desired, as I have explained, to keep my visit to you a secret, lest my husband should think that I was intruding into his affairs." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – чтобы мой муж не подумал, что я вмешиваюсь в его дела)
10.11.2022 7:28:43 data.prot. piggybacking бесплатное пользование услугами (through password sharing, e.g. between Netflix subscribers)
10.11.2022 7:21:20 gen. more recently в последнее время (More recently, we've had about a dozen separate sightings of these lights over southern Manitoba and Alberta.)
10.11.2022 7:20:40 inf. over the last little while в последнее время (It's definitely been cool over the last little while, but we could be enjoying sunshine by Friday.)
10.11.2022 7:17:20 cliche. know by heart знать наизусть (The staff at my coffee shop know my order by heart. -- знают мой заказ наизусть)
10.11.2022 6:34:30 mil. supply routes пути подвоза снабжения
10.11.2022 5:20:07 cliche. in the circumstances в данных обстоятельствах
10.11.2022 5:19:49 cliche. in the circumstances в сложившихся обстоятельствах
10.11.2022 5:18:50 cliche. in the circumstances в сложившейся обстановке
10.11.2022 2:10:05 fig. totaled всмятку (damaged beyond repair: The car is totaled, the driver's dead. -- Машина всмятку, водитель погиб.)
10.11.2022 1:07:34 fig.of.sp. gobsmacked глаза на лоб полезли (возможный перевод: I spoke to the deputy chief about it. He said he was gobsmacked, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.)
9.11.2022 7:44:53 disappr. I'm surprised at the audacity я удивлён наглостью (With our deep pockets we would fight you in the courts under "material misrepresentation" and we would win. I'm just surprised at the audacity of this builder to believe this could have ended any other way. nsnews.com)
9.11.2022 7:36:36 construct. pre-occupancy inspection инспекция перед вселением в жилое помещение (Thanks for paying your annual premiums dutifully over the years; however, there's no indemnity when there's no permit or inspections. Without permits or an pre-occupancy inspection it would be akin to driving a car on the streets without a license or registration. nsnews.com)
9.11.2022 7:30:58 gen. dutifully pay добросовестно платить (As an insurance professional I would also like to point out that an unpermitted home or structure destroyed in a fire wouldn't be rebuilt by the insurance company. Thanks for paying your annual premiums dutifully over the years; however, there's no indemnity when there's no permit or inspections. nsnews.com)
9.11.2022 4:31:41 cliche. for all при всех (своих проблемах, недостатках, ошибках и т.п.: Days like today remind me how fortunate I am to live in a place as beautiful as Kamloops — for all its issues, there is no place like it! (Twitter))
9.11.2022 4:08:36 fig. complete picture полная картина (происходящего: While we have a general view of what's going on, we still need to dig a lot deeper to fully understand what's going on and to get a more complete picture. (Ken Sim, Global TV))
9.11.2022 3:22:00 gen. coin a new name придумать другое название (более удачное: We need to coin a new name for women that cause problems. This is the 2nd post that I see referring to Karen as a bad person. My name is Karen and I am anything but a bad person! (Twitter))
9.11.2022 2:54:49 gen. serious miscalculation серьёзный просчёт (неправильно принятое решение: Either way, this proved to be a serious miscalculation as the aspiring thief simply hit the see-through wall with a splat and then crumbled unconscious to the floor. coasttocoastam.com)
9.11.2022 2:51:15 gen. knock out сбить с ног (An attempted handbag heist in Washington state went wildly awry when one of the thieves tried to flee the scene and wound up running into a glass window that knocked him out. coasttocoastam.com)
9.11.2022 2:43:58 gen. initially thought сначала подумал, что (When he later recounted the sighting, the witness said that he had initially thought the eerie interloper was someone pulling a prank on him, but the way in which the oddity moved made him doubt that assessment. coasttocoastam.com)
9.11.2022 2:43:13 gen. at first thought сначала подумал, что (At first I thought ... -- Сначала я подумал, что ...)
9.11.2022 1:45:59 contempt. outstanding scumbag редкостная мразь
9.11.2022 1:45:41 contempt. absolute scumbag редкостная мразь (The heartbroken father of two-week-old baby Ciaran Leigh Morris has branded the dangerous driver who killed his son an "absolute scumbag".)
8.11.2022 9:04:58 inf. fake meat искусственное мясо (Fake meat, genocide, sterilization, worldwide forced vaccines, eugenics, big pharma profits, world control, personal tracking devices, control of the financial markets, etc... a really delightful guy.)
8.11.2022 9:02:48 gen. fake meat products искусственные мясопродукты (Methane from cows has been a publicised issue for a long time relative to global warming and is part of the reason Gates continues to push for fake meat products -- which of course he is heavily invested in. He is also the largest landowner in the US, presumably to control a big portion of the US food supply.)
8.11.2022 8:59:50 bus.styl. per your request согласно вашей просьбе (Per your request, I have booked an appointment for you on Oct 23 at 3:15 pm.)
8.11.2022 8:56:08 inf. overkill переходящий все границы (The overkill fear campaign around “Covid-19” was meant to push us into begging for the literal death jab. This massive fear push turned a large part of society into completely irrational individuals who willingly engaged in and supported behavior and policies that would otherwise have been unthinkable.)
8.11.2022 8:55:37 inf. overkill чрезмерный (The overkill fear campaign around “Covid-19” was meant to push us into begging for the literal death jab. This massive fear push turned a large part of society into completely irrational individuals who willingly engaged in and supported behavior and policies that would otherwise have been unthinkable.)
8.11.2022 8:42:01 cliche. if any issues arise если будут какие-то проблемы (We will be out of town until June 20. My mother-in-law will be around house sitting and dog sitting while we are gone. If any issues arise, please contact my brother Antonio.)
8.11.2022 8:40:41 cliche. if there are any issues если будут какие-то проблемы (If there are any issues, please call the property manager or knock next door at my sister's house.)
8.11.2022 8:19:32 idiom. as crazy as a bed bug чокнутый (The woman's as crazy as a bed bug!)
8.11.2022 8:18:07 inf. lose one's mind чокнуться (Laura, did you see a black zippered vest at my place on Friday? I don't know what I have done with it. I'm hoping maybe you saw it somewhere. .....I found it! I'm starting to lose my mind! – Я тут скоро чокнусь!)
8.11.2022 8:14:25 context. crazy запарка (It's been crazy here all day. • Sorry about the delay – crazy busy day! • Last week was a little crazy for us and we weren't able to make it up to the post office, so I just wanted to say there might be some delay in the time that you receive your pay cheque!)
8.11.2022 6:38:49 formal if you will step this way прошу сюда (If you will step this way, sir.)
8.11.2022 6:36:28 gen. don't be ridiculous не валяй дурака ("Don't be ridiculous. Whatever else he is, he is your father." ("It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World", 1963))
8.11.2022 6:35:53 brit. come off it не валяй дурака (Come off it, Perkins! You can't fool me.)
8.11.2022 6:35:19 brit. don't be a chump не валяй дурака
8.11.2022 6:32:58 brit. don't be an ass не дури (Don't be an ass! You're not going out with George after what he did to you!)
8.11.2022 6:32:58 brit. don't be an ass не валяй дурака (Don't be an ass! You're not going out with George after what he did to you!)
8.11.2022 2:34:56 esot. witch doctor колдун (перевод "знахарь" не всегда подходит, напр., в данном случае деревенский житель использовал именно заклинания, а не снадобья, чтобы вернуть корову: In a strange story out of Kenya, a pair of thieves returned a cow that they had stolen after a witch doctor cast a spell that unleashed a swarm of bees upon them. (...) Connecting the stolen cow to Waithera, cops called the woman, who revealed that she had hired a witch doctor to help retrieve the cow and, apparently, his spell was a success. coasttocoastam.com)
8.11.2022 2:26:39 media. fiery охваченный огнём (Indeed, a fiery object descending from the sky was captured on film by multiple home security systems in the area. coasttocoastam.com)
8.11.2022 2:22:44 gen. akin to сходный с (While visiting the famed home of the legendary cryptid, Dakota Frandsen reportedly caught sight of a strange shape lurking in the waters near the iconic Urquhart Castle which sits on the shore of Loch Ness. Upon closer inspection, Frandsen made the curious observation that the large, dark anomaly seemed to possess skin akin to that of a hippopotamus. coasttocoastam.com)
8.11.2022 2:18:24 gen. be captured on film by a security system попасть на запись видеокамеры (Indeed, a fiery object descending from the sky was captured on film by multiple home security systems in the area. coasttocoastam.com)
8.11.2022 2:14:16 media. peculiar incident occurred необычный случай произошёл (According to a local media report, the peculiar incident occurred on Friday evening as farmer Dustin Procita settled in for the night after feeding his cows. The moment of peace was pierced when something suddenly struck his house. coasttocoastam.com)
8.11.2022 1:43:57 gen. work out details проработать детали (This is good news but there's a lot of details that still need to be worked out.)
8.11.2022 1:37:56 cliche. there's no use нет смысла (There's no use complaining. They will not respond.)
8.11.2022 1:37:13 cliche. there's no point in + object + gerund нет смысла (There's no point in me coming down, I'll just mail them the cheque. -- Мне нет смысла ...)
7.11.2022 9:11:07 idiom. be off one's rocker спятить (What?! Is he off his rocker? -- Он что, спятил / свихнулся?)
7.11.2022 9:11:07 idiom. be off one's rocker свихнуться (What?! Is he off his rocker? -- Он что, спятил / свихнулся?)
7.11.2022 9:06:29 cliche. that's a nice thing to say не ждал от тебя этого (обиженная реакция: That's a nice thing to say. -- Вот уж этого я от тебя не ждал.)
7.11.2022 9:03:12 formal I am happy to have been of service рад стараться (I am happy to have been of service, m'lord.)
7.11.2022 8:59:29 formal in question данный (The sum in question is not adequate to proceed with Phase 1. -- Данная сумма недостаточна ...)
7.11.2022 8:56:49 inf. poor old thing бедняжка ('I've got a headache.' 'Poor old thing. Can I get you anything?' (P.G. Wodehouse))
7.11.2022 8:48:53 idiom. you're pulling my leg вы меня разыгрываете ('You're pulling my leg, Jeeves.' 'I would not take such a liberty, m'lord.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
7.11.2022 8:25:26 idiom. come clean признаваться ('Come clean, Bill. Did you back a loser in the Oaks?' (P.G. Wodehouse) -- Признавайся, Билл)
7.11.2022 6:42:34 gen. I must be getting back мне пора возвращаться обратно (Well, I must be getting back.)
7.11.2022 6:36:29 humor. walk off breakfast раструсить завтрак (If you want to walk off your delicious breakfast, hike up the steep trail to Quarry Rock and enjoy unparalleled views of the city.)
7.11.2022 6:25:23 fig.of.sp. thriving life жизнь бьёт ключом (The city enjoys a thriving cultural life. -- Культурная жизнь города бьёт ключом.)
7.11.2022 6:17:11 gen. highly successful крайне успешный (This approach has proven highly successful. In just two days, we have received over 300 enquiries. -- оказался крайне успешным)
7.11.2022 6:13:40 gen. reduce the strain снизить нагрузку (The lockdown is still ongoing in Ontario as health authorities try to reduce the strain on hospitals.)
7.11.2022 5:35:41 gen. when demand goes up когда растёт спрос (We all know that when demand goes up, prices follow.)
7.11.2022 5:31:22 formal enforce the laws следить за соблюдением законов (In the case of the open drug market on the DTES, when you don't enforce the laws, you get social chaos.)
7.11.2022 5:26:06 disappr. to what end? ради чего (The disruption is going to be enormous, the cost is going to be in the hundreds of millions, and to what end? -- и всё это ради чего?)
7.11.2022 3:49:49 formal in priority sequence в порядке очерёдности (Your call will be answered in priority sequence.)
7.11.2022 3:48:21 publ.util. reduce usage снизить потребление (воды, электроэнергии: The goal isn't to increase revenue, if they wanted to do that, they would just increase the flat rate. The goal is to reduce usage.)
7.11.2022 3:38:01 publ.util. under a flat rate по твёрдому тарифу (Under a flat rate for water and sewer, you pay the same annual fee regardless of how much water you use.)
7.11.2022 3:38:01 publ.util. under a flat rate по фиксированному тарифу (Under a flat rate for water and sewer, you pay the same annual fee regardless of how much water you use.)
7.11.2022 3:29:03 gen. run the washing machine пользоваться стиральной машиной (Make sure you run the dishwasher and the washing machine only when they are full.)
7.11.2022 3:27:46 gen. run the dishwasher пользоваться посудомоечной машиной (Make sure you run the dishwasher and the washing machine only when they are full.)
7.11.2022 1:51:43 cliche. a fair amount изрядно (You might have caught on that it rains a fair amount in Vancouver. It's important to have the essentials as you go about your day-to-day and explorations in the city. (Twitter))
7.11.2022 1:27:05 gen. amply изрядно (The earl was amply rewarded for this service to the king.)
7.11.2022 1:24:37 gen. complicated relationship непростые отношения (I had a complicated relationship with my younger brother.)
7.11.2022 1:24:37 gen. complicated relationship сложные отношения (I had a complicated relationship with my younger brother.)
6.11.2022 5:18:28 gen. I'm on my way я уже еду (Hey honey! I'm on my way. See you soon!)
6.11.2022 5:10:57 media. prices are on their way up цены растут (Gas prices are on their way up again to hit another record just in time for the long weekend.)
6.11.2022 5:01:41 fig. the world is awash in chaos мир захлестнул хаос (The world is awash in chaos, that is why it is so important to secure your financial future.)
6.11.2022 4:59:30 fig. awash усеянный (Tony and Tina's front lawn is awash with coloured lights and has Santa, six LED-lit deer and three snowmen on it. – усеян)
6.11.2022 4:46:28 fig. get untangled налаживаться (The supply chain is getting untangled.)
6.11.2022 4:42:25 fig. people with deep pockets состоятельные люди (We urgently need more social housing in this city. At the same time, there are thousands of empty lots that have not been developed that are owned by people with deep pockets who are just sitting on them.)
6.11.2022 4:38:09 gen. issues of the day насущные дела
6.11.2022 4:38:09 gen. issues of the day насущные вопросы
6.11.2022 4:25:44 proverb the proof is in the pudding чтобы судить о пудинге, следует его отведать (Полная форма пословицы -- The proof of the pudding is in the eating, но обычно в речи используется эта укороченная форма)
6.11.2022 4:25:44 proverb the proof is in the pudding предоставьте доказательства, прежде чем выносить суждение (Полная форма пословицы -- The proof of the pudding is in the eating, но обычно в речи используется эта укороченная форма)
6.11.2022 4:25:44 proverb the proof is in the pudding всё проверяется на практике (Полная форма пословицы -- The proof of the pudding is in the eating, но обычно в речи используется эта укороченная форма)
6.11.2022 4:25:44 proverb the proof is in the pudding обо всём судят по результатам (Полная форма пословицы -- The proof of the pudding is in the eating, но обычно в речи используется эта укороченная форма)
6.11.2022 4:15:04 fig. jump in to help прийти на помощь (I am very grateful to everyone who jumped in to help.)

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