
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

18.11.2022 7:33:58 rude little bastard гадёныш (He patted a pocket. 'I got the magazine,' he said. 'Alfred ain't reliable lately. The little bastard might have shot you.' (Raymond Chandler))
18.11.2022 7:20:54 gen. calm one's nerves успокаивать нервы (Some people say this drink calms their nerves, others claim it stresses them out.)
18.11.2022 7:14:48 gen. used shell гильза (a used shell from an automatic)
18.11.2022 7:09:39 fig.skat. skate выступать на льду (Olympic officials let her skate despite the doping scandal.)
18.11.2022 7:09:39 fig.skat. skate выступать (Olympic officials let her skate despite the doping scandal.)
18.11.2022 3:20:09 cliche. taken aback оторопев
18.11.2022 3:19:40 cliche. taken aback оторопевший (While watching a Coast Guard plane flying overhead, the officer was taken aback when he noticed that there was "a big black thing in the sky" behind it. By his estimation, the object was "at least the size of a car or maybe a small aircraft." -- оторопел, когда заметил coasttocoastam.com)
18.11.2022 2:43:10 gen. a variety of разнообразные (a variety of choices -- разнообразные варианты)
18.11.2022 2:42:04 gen. a variety of различные (choose produce from a variety of local sources • male and female doctors speaking a variety of languages – говорящие на различных языках • luxury condominiums designed in a variety of styles • several projects aimed at a variety of income levels)
18.11.2022 2:38:51 archit. imposing внушительного вида (grand and impressive in appearance: "a large commercial distribution centre with imposing bring and concrete warehouses" (Robin Ward) • an imposing 17th-century manor house)
18.11.2022 2:33:55 idiom. first-rate crook клейма негде ставить (That guy is a first-rate crook!)
18.11.2022 1:49:34 gen. they're meant for each other они созданы друг для друга
18.11.2022 1:49:29 gen. they'd better not пусть только попробуют (a threat)
18.11.2022 1:11:30 gen. unsophisticated неопытный (accused of deceiving unsophisticated investors)
16.11.2022 23:51:07 formal don't smoke, please Прошу вас не курить ("Don't smoke, please. I am subject to asthma." (Raymond Chandler))
16.11.2022 23:51:07 inf. don't you even think about it! и думать забудь! (“Don’t you do it, don’t you even think about it!”)
16.11.2022 23:51:06 inf. don't mess with не трожь (My advice: don't mess with the national anthem. Sing it right.)
16.11.2022 23:51:06 cliche. don't talk such nonsense! не говори ерунду!
16.11.2022 23:51:06 gen. don't get me started on that! давайте не будем этого касаться (- иначе я выскажу всё, что думаю.)
16.11.2022 23:51:05 inf. don't mess with шутки плохи (Don't mess with him. – С ним шутки плохи.)
16.11.2022 23:51:02 inf. don't be a chump кончай валять дурака (Don't be a chump. We know where your buddy's hiding out.)
16.11.2022 23:51:02 inf. don't be a chump кончай ломать комедию
16.11.2022 23:51:02 inf. don't be a chump кончай придуриваться
16.11.2022 23:51:01 gen. don't let it get the better of you! не поддавайся
16.11.2022 23:46:59 gen. you're talking through your hat что за чушь вы несёте?
16.11.2022 23:36:18 gen. on this occasion на сей раз (The final detail added by the man is that he had previously seen a Sasquatch in his youth, but the close proximity to the creature on this occasion led him to conclude that it was not a bear or a person pulling a prank. coasttocoastam.com)
16.11.2022 20:57:20 gen. I can tell from experience that по опыту могу сказать, что (As a former Sergeant in the U.S. Army I can tell from experience that the problem you have with new recruits lies in your method of maintaining discipline.)
16.11.2022 20:57:20 formal it is estimated that по имеющимся оценкам (It is estimated that Brisbane and Perth will double their population size to 4 million and 3.5 million respectively by 2049.)
16.11.2022 20:54:20 gen. you're okay успокойся (успокаивая младенца)
16.11.2022 20:54:20 gen. you're okay всё хорошо (успокаивая младенца)
16.11.2022 20:54:19 humor. you've made my day! вы мне устроили праздник! (в благодарность за приятный поступок или комплимент)
16.11.2022 20:50:46 inf. you're in trouble ты влип ("You're in trouble, boy," Spranklin told me in the elevator. "Heap bad trouble." It seemed to give him a vague satisfaction. (Raymond Chandler))
16.11.2022 20:50:45 inf. you're completely bang on вы попали в точку (I think you're completely bang on. This shows a total lack of judgement on the premier's part.)
16.11.2022 20:50:44 gen. you're right in everything you're saying вы правы во всём
16.11.2022 20:50:44 gen. you're probably looking at Вам это обойдётся примерно в (You're probably looking at $180 plus tax.)
16.11.2022 20:44:00 gen. haven't been here long, have you? вы здесь недавно работаете?
16.11.2022 18:40:42 gen. Need a ride home? вас подвезти?
16.11.2022 18:36:05 tel. I can barely hear you вас почти не слышно
16.11.2022 17:47:36 gen. do you take me for a fool? вы принимаете меня за дурака? ("It is not in my office," he said. "Do you take me for a fool?" (Raymond Chandler))
16.11.2022 17:47:36 inf. Something you wanted? Вы что-то хотели? (= Was there ~)
16.11.2022 17:06:53 law you consent that вы согласны с тем, что
16.11.2022 17:06:50 commer. do you carry ...? вы продаёте ... ? (Do you carry the 19" LCD Flat Panel Display?)
16.11.2022 7:25:47 gen. straight away сразу же (The victim called 911 straight away.)
16.11.2022 7:25:00 gen. right then and there сразу же (When they told me they had five tickets still unsold I bought three right then and there.)
16.11.2022 7:24:44 inf. lickety-split сразу же (Especially with the media reports, we thought if there was anyone else having the same symptoms, we'd hear about it lickety-split.)
16.11.2022 7:22:40 fig. overnight сразу же (If these bureaucrats risked their own money like restaurant owners do, things would change overnight. -- всё бы сразу же изменилось)
16.11.2022 7:17:15 fig. overnight за одну ночь (The homeless shelter has brought drugs, prostitution and public defecation. Residents were horrified after their quiet neighbourhood was transformed overnight.)
16.11.2022 7:13:47 rude get socked in the kisser получить по морде ('You didn't ever get socked in the kisser, did you?' (Raymond Chandler) -- Ты когда-нибудь получал по морде?)
16.11.2022 6:26:20 poetic native land родная земля ("Oh Canada, our home and native land...")
16.11.2022 5:15:17 polit. rock things out of balance расшатать ситуацию
15.11.2022 9:23:01 cliche. enjoy a lavish lifestyle жить на широкую ногу (Hermann Goering's first wife, Carin von Kantzow, came from a family with anti-Semitic views and Aryan ideology. "Carin fell much harder for Hitler than Goering did, and she was definitely the one who really pushed him to get involved in the Nazi movement," he explained. After Carin died Goering married his second wife, Emmy Sonnemann, a well-known actress who enjoyed the lavish lifestyle afforded her by Goering's position. coasttocoastam.com)
15.11.2022 9:18:13 cliche. live in good style жить на широкую ногу ("Some years ago -- to be definite, in May, 1884 -- there came to Lee a gentleman, Neville St. Clair by name, who appeared to have plenty of money. He took a large villa, laid out the grounds very nicely, and lived generally in good style." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.11.2022 9:18:13 cliche. live in good style ни в чём себе не отказывать ("Some years ago -- to be definite, in May, 1884 -- there came to Lee a gentleman, Neville St. Clair by name, who appeared to have plenty of money. He took a large villa, laid out the grounds very nicely, and lived generally in good style." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.11.2022 8:57:21 gen. delicate щекотливый (It is quite a delicate matter. -- дело щекотливого свойства)
15.11.2022 6:13:03 bus.styl. is effective immediately вступает в силу немедленно (Dr. Clayton's appointment is effective immediately.)
15.11.2022 6:00:07 cliche. try harder прилагать больше усилий (You should be trying harder. • We should try harder.)
15.11.2022 5:57:05 gen. leave one's place выйти от (кого-л.) (We met Roger after we left your place. -- после того, как мы ушли / вышли от тебя)
15.11.2022 5:57:05 gen. leave one's place уйти от кого-л. (We met Roger after we left your place. -- после того, как мы ушли / вышли от тебя)
15.11.2022 5:44:43 gen. be shipped доставляться (The majority of goods in this country is shipped by rail, not by trucks. -- доставляется по железной дороге, а не автотранспортом)
15.11.2022 5:40:30 slang get stinking напиться вдрызг
15.11.2022 5:39:23 slang booze hound пьянчуга
15.11.2022 5:39:23 slang booze hound алкаш
15.11.2022 5:32:45 gen. coffee technique метод приготовления кофе ("Very methodical guy, Marlowe. Nothing must interfere with his coffee technique." (Raymond Chandler))
15.11.2022 5:08:16 gen. pay off one's debts рассчитаться с долгами (Now they can finally pay off their debts.)
15.11.2022 5:07:15 gen. pay off one's debt рассчитаться с долгами
15.11.2022 4:59:06 cliche. you should be okay вам не нужно беспокоиться (If you have a reservation, you should be okay.)
15.11.2022 4:57:16 idiom. a piece of cake сущие пустяки
15.11.2022 4:55:37 gen. what did I do to deserve this! в чём я провинился (What did I do to deserve this! -- В чём я провинился?)
15.11.2022 2:58:10 gen. in the middle of rush hour в самый час "пик" (Wild turns here, the suspect is driving at 60 mph in the middle of rush hour, this is way too dangerous to let this go on much further, they have to get some ground units into this area before he does any damage.)
15.11.2022 2:15:10 gen. sell for scrap продать на металлолом (The insurance company sells it for scrap. The insurance man always wins.)
15.11.2022 2:05:49 gen. bring children up single-handed вырастить детей без посторонней помощи (She brought six of us up single handed back in the 1950’s, I’m the youngest. My mum got her priorities right -- roof over our heads, food in our bellies and clothes on our backs. ​No handouts, no food banks. She worked nights at the Royal Eye Hospital in Manchester as a night orderly, not as well paid as a nurse. She taught us the basics -- respect and good manners.)
14.11.2022 5:54:39 idiom. in no time очень быстро (Rain, hail, even a double rainbow -- it was all over in no time. -- всё закончилось очень быстро / в два счёта)
14.11.2022 5:48:49 inf. kind of thing нечто вроде (“Well yeah,” he replied, then quickly added: “Not a facility from the 1950s, a One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest kind of thing.… We can absolutely have dignified, high-quality mental-health services for people that are in distress.” vancouversun.com)
14.11.2022 5:43:57 Canada encampment временный лагерь бездомных (из палаток: “I don’t support encampments,” Eby told Richard Zussman of Global TV this week. “I don’t think they’re a solution to homelessness. I don’t think they’re safe for the people who live in them. I’ve seen too many fires, too many injuries. People have died.” vancouversun.com)
14.11.2022 5:41:58 inf. buck-passer человек, уклоняющийся от ответственности (Instead of joining the legions of buck-passers, Eby proposes that his government take ownership of the troubled area. vancouversun.com)
14.11.2022 5:36:13 gen. formal attire строгий туалет
14.11.2022 5:26:57 gen. come together объединиться (He stressed the importance of coming together in order to deliver a viable alternative at the municipal elections.)
14.11.2022 5:20:30 inf. not give a hoot до лампочки (about: I don't give a hoot. – До лампочки. / Мне это до лампочки.)
14.11.2022 5:19:36 inf. not give a hoot начхать (There's a whole bunch of people out there who don't give a hoot about rules and regulations, so they go out and party on the beach and leave a ton of garbage behind. -- которым начхать / наплевать)
14.11.2022 5:19:36 inf. not give a hoot наплевать (There's a whole bunch of people out there who don't give a hoot about rules and regulations, so they go out and party on the beach and leave a ton of garbage behind. -- которым начхать / наплевать)
14.11.2022 5:11:45 gen. there's still work to be done работа ещё не закончена (There's still work to be done. -- Работа ещё не закончена.)
14.11.2022 5:08:21 inf. do the math подсчитывать (You start doing the math, you get to 1% instead of 3%.)
14.11.2022 4:55:36 inf. get tough грубо вести себя ("Look, don't get tough." • "We didn't come here to get tough, Marlowe." "That's fine," I said. "So you prowl my apartment and handle my property without asking my permission. What do you do when you get tough – knock me down and kick me in the face?" (Raymond Chandler))
14.11.2022 4:51:57 inf. get tough применить жёсткие меры (After years of playing nice, Ottawa is ready to get tough with the provinces that violate this legislation.)
14.11.2022 4:46:08 inf. play nice проявлять терпимость (After years of playing nice, Ottawa is ready to get tough with the provinces that violate this legislation.)
14.11.2022 4:45:52 inf. play nice терпимо относиться (After years of playing nice, Ottawa is ready to get tough with the provinces that violate this legislation.)
14.11.2022 4:44:31 inf. play nice проявлять вежливость, корректность (It means to follow the rules and be kind and courteous when you're doing whatever it is you're "playing nice" in; to behave oneself in interaction with others, in particular refraining from instigating trouble, teasing or being cruel; it means to get along with and be nice to whoever you're supposed to "play nice" with.)
14.11.2022 2:30:52 contempt. false front показуха (It's a sleazy false front. -- дешёвая показуха)
14.11.2022 2:29:04 contempt. false front показушный
14.11.2022 2:29:04 contempt. phony показушный
14.11.2022 1:48:29 contempt. botch an opportunity профукать возможность (He embarrassed himself and botched a big sales opportunity. • Ну, а возможность не биться лбом в донбасские УРы, а сразу окружить Донбасскую армию ВСУ Кремль профукал в самом начале операции, распылив невеликие силы на пять направлений. (MK))
13.11.2022 15:00:45 disappr. he has done it again он опять за своё (He's done it again. -- Он опять за своё.)
13.11.2022 14:20:00 gen. he's got some heavy lifting to do перед ним стоит нелёгкая задача
13.11.2022 14:07:45 rel., christ. He is Risen indeed! Воистину воскресе! (He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!)
13.11.2022 2:38:56 gen. interconnectedness взаимосвязь (НЕ взаимозависимость: The sensation of interconnectedness with billions of other souls eventually faded away, and he awoke back in the realm of the living. coasttocoastam.com)
12.11.2022 8:16:16 gen. moral qualities нравственные качества (Intellectually he's okay. He lacks moral qualities. -- Ему недостаёт нравственных качеств.)
12.11.2022 7:09:22 gen. thoughtful предусмотрительный (showing careful consideration or attention: How thoughtful of him. -- Какая предусмотрительность.)
11.11.2022 11:40:29 gen. highlights суть (Give me the highlights. – В чём там суть?)
11.11.2022 7:48:39 neol. on schedule планово (отвод войск на позиции на левом берегу Днепра, куда планово переправляются оставшиеся подразделения)
11.11.2022 2:13:25 inf. pop one дать по морде (You're gonna let go of my ankle or I'm gonna pop you one! – я сейчас как дам по морде!)

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