
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

22.11.2022 4:56:07 formal beyond a reasonable doubt не оставляющий места для сомнений (There seems to be no serious research being done on what actually happens when such an event occurs. (...) As such, they have launched an essay contest "seeking hard evidence 'beyond a reasonable doubt' that takes us beyond religion or philosophy and provides a body of knowledge to be brought widely into the public arena." • Acquittal is a finding by a judge that a defendant is not guilty of the crime charged. Note that an acquittal does not mean that the defendant is innocent in a criminal case. It means that the prosecutor failed to prove that the defendant was guilty “beyond a reasonable doubt". coasttocoastam.com)
22.11.2022 4:52:08 idiom. be on the hook for обязанный оплатить (What a joke this is! He should be on the hook for all court costs!)
22.11.2022 4:16:08 gen. to top it all up и вдобавок во всему
22.11.2022 3:39:21 gen. how do you make a living? чем вы зарабатываете себе на жизнь? (стандартная формула при знакомстве)
22.11.2022 3:39:20 gen. why can't we be as good as them? чем мы хуже? (Los Angeles has banned gas-powered leaf blowers. Why can't we be as good as them?)
22.11.2022 3:19:16 gen. Cheddar Рыжик (Ginger -- не единственный вариант для кота, хотя и популярный)
22.11.2022 3:19:16 gen. Pumpkin Рыжик (Ginger -- не единственный вариант для кота, хотя и популярный)
22.11.2022 2:08:26 cliche. sort things out навести порядок (It's getting really crazy downtown. The City really needs to sort things out because it's getting very dangerous for all. These random crazy actions are becoming way too normal in Vancouver. (Twitter))
22.11.2022 1:50:52 formal be composed of состоять из (Blood is composed of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc. Plasma is composed of water, proteins, nutrients, clotting factors, antigens, hormones, carbon dioxide, etc. • The sea ice in the Southern Ocean is composed of discrete sheets of packed ice. In between these sheets, small areas of open water allow light to pass through, permitting photosynthesis. msn.com)
22.11.2022 1:30:20 gen. city under siege осаждённый город (After the Summer of Love and the heyday of the Haight-Ashbury in the 1960s, San Francisco mutated over the next two decades into a city under siege by serial killers, radical underground extremists, anti-establishment groups, gangs, and drug wars, according to Frank Falzon, a highly decorated former San Francisco police homicide inspector. coasttocoastam.com)
22.11.2022 0:50:42 gen. please accept my heartiest congratulations Поздравляю от всей души (on the occasion of ... – с / по случаю ...)
21.11.2022 23:10:50 gen. just going for a stroll пойду прогуляюсь
21.11.2022 14:36:41 gen. you ought to know! кому же ещё знать, как не тебе!
21.11.2022 7:50:29 inf. you got it это можно (разрешая: 'Can I have one more guess?' 'You got it.' (Capricorn One, 1978) -- Это можно. / Валяй.)
21.11.2022 7:43:11 inf. you got it угадал ('You're in charge here?' 'You got it!' -- Угадал!)
21.11.2022 7:38:57 rude smart-ass чересчур умный (a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything; a person who is annoyingly or obnoxiously cocky, knowing, flippant, etc.; wiseguy: I bet you can't answer that question, smart-ass.)
21.11.2022 7:38:57 rude smart-ass шибко умный (a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything; a person who is annoyingly or obnoxiously cocky, knowing, flippant, etc.; wiseguy: I bet you can't answer that question, smart-ass.)
21.11.2022 7:38:57 rude smart-ass умник (a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything; a person who is annoyingly or obnoxiously cocky, knowing, flippant, etc.; wiseguy: I bet you can't answer that question, smart-ass.)
21.11.2022 6:55:22 cliche. there's going to be будет ('There's going to be a memorial service on Tuesday, right here in Houston. The President will be there, he's going to speak. I would like you to be there.' (Capricorn One, 1978) -- Во вторник будет / состоится)
21.11.2022 5:47:59 furn. matching той же расцветки (a burgundy sofa and matching chairs)
21.11.2022 5:39:30 furn. matching в тон (7 pc comforter set with matching curtains)
21.11.2022 5:29:01 ed. learning plan учебный план (create a customized learning plan -- создать индивидуальный учебный план)
21.11.2022 5:27:58 ed. education plan учебный план (set up an individual education plan – составить индивидуальный учебный план)
21.11.2022 5:22:34 cliche. number one priority наиважнейшая задача (The safety of our community remains our number one priority. -- остаётся нашей наиважнейшей задачей)
21.11.2022 5:20:27 cliche. be one's number one concern на первом месте (Obviously, the safety of our customers is our number one concern. – стоит для нас на первом месте)
21.11.2022 5:19:29 cliche. number one priority на первом месте (по важности: The safety of our community remains our number one priority. -- остаётся для нас на первом месте)
21.11.2022 5:12:31 inf. an obscene amount of money несусветная сумма (Just one of those robocalls claiming to be from the CRA and that you owe them an obscene amount of money.)
21.11.2022 5:08:13 inf. in a tough spot в сложном положении (He's in a tough spot and he needs help.)
21.11.2022 4:49:55 gen. smarten up поумнеть (If they cannot pay the fine, then 10 days in jail might smarten them up next time. – тогда они поумнеют / тогда они наберутся ума-разума)
21.11.2022 4:49:12 gen. smarten up набраться ума (to become more intelligent or aware (Merriam-Webster): He'd better smarten up or he'll get fired.)
21.11.2022 4:12:04 idiom. step up to the plate принять на себя ответственность (take action when something needs to be done, even though this is difficult (Cambridge) | take action in response to an opportunity or crisis (Oxford):: The prime minister really has to step up to the plate big time and show some courage.)
21.11.2022 4:11:42 idiom. step up to the plate оправдать ожидания (take action when something needs to be done, even though this is difficult (Cambridge) | take action in response to an opportunity or crisis (Oxford):: When push came to shove they didn't step up to the plate. = Когда вопрос встал серьёзно, они не оправдали ожиданий.)
21.11.2022 3:44:02 inf. kick back with a cold one расслабиться с баночкой холодного пивка
21.11.2022 2:55:32 gen. one may ask, ...? можно задаться вопросом: ... ? (One may ask, how did we go from three part-time workers to over 15,000 full-time employees in 25 countries?)
21.11.2022 2:48:13 gen. could I speak to you for a moment? можно с вами минутку поговорить?
21.11.2022 1:40:11 respect. may I ask ...? можно узнать, ...? (e.g.:: "Good-morning, Mr. Holmes," said he; "good-morning. May I ask if you are very busy just now?" – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
21.11.2022 1:40:09 gen. you've got to feel for sb можно только пожалеть (You've got to feel for these passengers who spent three days at the airport sleeping on the bench.)
21.11.2022 1:40:09 gen. you have to feel for можно только пожалеть (You have to feel for these toddlers whose mom spends days smoking on the couch.)
20.11.2022 23:46:41 gen. may I interrupt you for one second? Разрешите вас перебить на секунду?
20.11.2022 23:46:41 respect. May I inquire ...? Позвольте узнать, ...? (" 'Indeed, sir! May I inquire who has the honour to be the first?' asked Holmes with some asperity." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
20.11.2022 18:35:17 gen. oh, I get it А, ясно!
20.11.2022 4:57:27 gen. a little money небольшие деньги ('I'd pay him.' 'Why?' 'It's a question of a little money against a lot of annoyance.' (Raymond Chandler) -- деньги небольшие, а неприятностей масса)
20.11.2022 4:53:33 gen. be well educated получить хорошее образование (ранее)
20.11.2022 4:34:22 formal on the basis of the above facts/information на основании изложенного
20.11.2022 4:32:49 gen. do sth. in one's spare time заниматься в свободное время (What do you do in your spare time? -- Чем вы занимаетесь в свободное время?)
20.11.2022 4:31:37 gen. do sth. in one's free time заниматься в свободное время (What do you do in your free time?)
20.11.2022 4:31:30 gen. I'm not going to go there на эту тему я не буду говорить
20.11.2022 4:23:27 gen. process the paperwork оформить документы (It took just twenty minutes to process the paperwork.)
20.11.2022 4:19:47 gen. get it over with покончить со всем этим (Why not call the police and get it over with?)
20.11.2022 4:05:28 gen. get scammed попасться на удочку (мошенников: The Better Business Bureau (BBB) says be careful where you donate your hard-earned money after earthquakes and similar disasters, because you could get scammed.)
20.11.2022 4:05:01 gen. get scammed стать жертвой мошенников
20.11.2022 4:00:42 gen. from the very beginning, we have been preparing for this мы готовились к этому с самого начала
20.11.2022 3:54:05 gen. treat right поступить по справедливости (treat sb. right -- поступить с кем-л. по справедливости)
20.11.2022 3:50:15 inf. keep it hush-hush помалкивать (In 2010 the Croc made it to Fellfoot at the bottom of Lake Windermere before being captured again by Tim and his nephew District Councillor Ben Berry. Ben said, "We've kept it hush hush because of the tourism benefits of ‘bownessie' and the possible embarrassment of losing him once or twice, but due to pressure from National News outlets that found out we had Snappy and the connection between escapes and sightings, it's time to come clean to the public." englishlakes.blog)
20.11.2022 3:45:26 gen. keep to oneself не болтать ('Between you and me, Silver Lightning doesn't have a chance tomorrow.' 'Thanks. I'll keep it to myself.')
20.11.2022 3:30:46 idiom. Does this make sense? Вам понятно?
20.11.2022 3:30:46 gen. Does this paragraph make sense? Вам понятен смысл этого пункта?
20.11.2022 3:26:14 saying. there is always a way из любого положения всегда есть выход
20.11.2022 3:09:37 saying. there is always a way нет безвыходных положений
20.11.2022 3:09:36 gen. there is no evidence for нет доказательств (чего-либо – something)
20.11.2022 2:39:03 saying. there is always a way безвыходных положений не бывает
20.11.2022 2:39:01 formal there is some evidence that Имеются данные о том, что (Though there is some evidence that crop formations may have appeared in earlier times, the modern phenomenon kicked off in the 1980s, and in some cases, orbs appeared in fields above where the patterns formed, he reported." coasttocoastam.com)
20.11.2022 2:39:01 gen. there is definitely something about her в ней есть что-то такое (Kelly always seemed very nervous and uptight, but there was definitely something about her.)
20.11.2022 2:39:01 gen. there is definitely something about her в ней есть что-то особенное (Kelly always seemed very nervous and uptight, but there was definitely something about her.)
20.11.2022 1:54:55 cliche. it got to the point where дошло до того, что (It got to the point where I really didn't want to go out and meet people. I would panic if the phone rang. It was scary.)
20.11.2022 1:29:39 gen. there is a growing demand for Растёт спрос на (There is a growing demand for organic food and products grown locally on small farms.)
20.11.2022 1:00:48 gen. there is no such thing as не существует (There is no such thing as "just a mortgage" – there are numerous types of mortgages and payment options designed to meet the unique requirements of every home owners.)
20.11.2022 1:00:48 gen. there we go! вот так! (напр., поправляя галстук или добавляя что-то недостающее)
20.11.2022 0:05:54 gen. have it your own way Пускай будет по-твоему (Okay, have it your own way. – Ладно, пускай будет по-твоему.)
19.11.2022 22:56:04 gen. we will be there to support you мы всегда тебя поддержим
19.11.2022 22:56:04 gen. Little did we know that мы и не подозревали, что (Little did we know that our son would decide to come five weeks early and weigh just 4lb 10oz!)
19.11.2022 22:56:04 formal it is our policy мы руководствуемся правилами, согласно которым (It is XYZ's policy not to accept unsolicited materials or ideas...)
19.11.2022 22:52:01 gen. we did nothing wrong мы ничего такого не сделали
19.11.2022 22:52:01 gen. we did nothing wrong мы ни в чём не виноваты
19.11.2022 7:01:37 cliche. send one's best regards передавать привет (to someone: John sends his best regards to you. – Джон передаёт тебе привет.)
19.11.2022 7:00:58 cliche. my best regards to передавай привет
19.11.2022 7:00:45 cliche. say hello to ... for me передавай привет
19.11.2022 7:00:16 cliche. all the best to передавай привет
19.11.2022 6:59:54 cliche. give my best regards to передавай привет
19.11.2022 6:59:32 cliche. give my best to передавай привет
19.11.2022 6:58:32 cliche. send one's regards передавать привет
19.11.2022 6:57:42 cliche. say to say hi передавать привет (Tammy looked lovely as ever and said to say hi to all of you guys. – передаёт вам всем привет. • I saw Laurie the other day and he said to say hi. – передаёт тебе привет)
19.11.2022 6:56:47 respect. give one's regards to передавать привет ('Mr. Vice-President, please give my regards to the President.' 'Oh yes, I'll be very happy to do that, Hollis.' (Capricorn One, 1978))
19.11.2022 6:48:29 subl. regard взирать на (кого-либо; "His fists were clenched, his eyes glittered, and the dullest observer could have divined that in was in no sunny spirit that he was regarding Bertram." (P.G. Wodehouse))
19.11.2022 5:30:41 idiom. hands down one of the best безусловно один из лучших (Hands down one of the best episodes in television history.)
19.11.2022 3:40:24 idiom. put one's foot in one's mouth оскандалиться (The Liberal leader has really put his foot in his mouth with this remark.)
19.11.2022 3:39:45 news scandal-plagued оскандалившийся (The scandal-plagued deputy minister gets a new job)
19.11.2022 2:46:03 inf. just mind-blowing потрясный
19.11.2022 2:43:39 slang kick-ass потрясный (Sunshine and 12°C in mid-November! It’s going to be another kick-ass weather day!!)
19.11.2022 2:43:39 slang kick-ass офигенный (Sunshine and 12°C in mid-November! It’s going to be another kick-ass weather day!!)
19.11.2022 2:16:30 gen. let's go and see пошли посмотрим (Let's go and see who it is. -- Пошли посмотрим, кто это.)
19.11.2022 2:11:39 inf. hanky-panky шуры-муры (behavior, in particular sexual or legally dubious behavior (Oxford Dictionary): suspicions of financial hanky-panky)
18.11.2022 8:00:55 cliche. pay close attention to внимательно следить за (Laurel Burch paid close attention to the details of how department stores marketed her products – T-shirts, enamel jewelry, ceramics, paintings, scarves, and tote bags, which were sold by thousands of stores.)
18.11.2022 8:00:33 cliche. keep a close eye on внимательно следить за (keep a close eye on the situation)
18.11.2022 8:00:05 cliche. keep a careful eye on внимательно следить за (It's a fluid situation, we're going to keep a careful eye on it. -- Ситуация постоянно меняется, мы будем внимательно за ней следить.)
18.11.2022 7:53:01 mil. troops военнослужащие (Thirty Israeli troops have now been killed in the fighting. • hundreds of additional troops)
18.11.2022 7:33:58 rude little bastard гадёныш (He patted a pocket. 'I got the magazine,' he said. 'Alfred ain't reliable lately. The little bastard might have shot you.' (Raymond Chandler))
18.11.2022 7:20:54 gen. calm one's nerves успокаивать нервы (Some people say this drink calms their nerves, others claim it stresses them out.)
18.11.2022 7:14:48 gen. used shell гильза (a used shell from an automatic)
18.11.2022 7:09:39 fig.skat. skate выступать на льду (Olympic officials let her skate despite the doping scandal.)

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