
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

13.12.2022 3:55:59 gen. arduous process трудоёмкий процесс (It would require taking the genome of the mammoth’s closest living relative – an Asian elephant – and introducing all the relevant changes (synthesiing a whole chromosome is an incredibly arduous process and has not yet been performed in an animal; a woolly mammoth had twenty-nine pairs of chromosomes). bigthink.com)
13.12.2022 3:26:51 gen. work out to соответствовать (о количестве: Although it would be impossible to determine how many of the nearly 170,000 reports in the books were genuine instances of UFO sightings, Costa said they were most comfortable with a figure of about five percent. This works out to over 8200 legitimate cases for the period the books cover. coasttocoastam.com)
13.12.2022 3:26:51 gen. work out to равняться (о количестве: Although it would be impossible to determine how many of the nearly 170,000 reports in the books were genuine instances of UFO sightings, Costa said they were most comfortable with a figure of about five percent. This works out to over 8200 legitimate cases for the period the books cover. coasttocoastam.com)
13.12.2022 3:23:32 gen. translates as переводится как (Hengifoss in Eastern Iceland translates to English as Hanging Falls -- переводится на английский как)
13.12.2022 3:20:00 gen. toxic dump свалка токсичных отходов (And contrary to popular speculation, the data doesn't support the idea that UFOs congregate around nuclear facilities—but toxic dumps, heavily polluted areas, fault lines, and coastlines do seem to be of particular interest to our extraterrestrial visitors. coasttocoastam.com)
13.12.2022 2:43:47 Canada Trans-Canada Highway Трансканадская автомагистраль
12.12.2022 17:53:20 inf. rev the engine газовать (repeatedly revving the engine)
12.12.2022 10:10:24 cliche. enjoy life to the fullest получать от жизни всё (I'm a fun-loving guy who tries to enjoy life to the fullest.)
12.12.2022 1:40:34 gen. have a craving захотеться (for – чего-либо: The thief broke into the Dairy Queen because he had a craving for ice-cream bars at 2 a.m. – ему захотелось)
12.12.2022 1:38:14 gen. crave захотеться (о еде: General store closes at 8:30 and Red Rooster at 9:30, so if you’re craving a late night snack, better bring what you like to the cabin. -- если вечером захочется перекусить)
11.12.2022 6:03:19 media. world of entertainment мир эстрады (sad news from the world of entertainment)
11.12.2022 6:00:26 fig. unexplored неосвоенный (о методе работы)
11.12.2022 5:56:11 market. cheap knock-off дешёвая подделка (of a popular brand)
11.12.2022 5:47:20 inf. whole new ballgame совершенно другая ситуация (Working for a large corporation was one thing, but now that we’re in business for ourselves, it’s a whole new ballgame. (Cambridge Dictionary))
11.12.2022 5:34:26 gen. do a bit of cleanup немного прибраться (We did a bit of cleanup. -- Мы тут немного прибрались.)
11.12.2022 5:17:55 cliche. major goal основная цель (One of our major goals is to make sure that classical music is accessible to people of all ages and walks of life.)
11.12.2022 5:08:19 idiom. you snooze, you lose не прозевай (Полная форма идиомы: If you snooze, you lose.: Don't snooze! If you snooze, you lose.)
11.12.2022 5:08:19 idiom. you snooze, you lose не зевай (Полная форма идиомы: If you snooze, you lose.: Don't snooze! If you snooze, you lose.)
11.12.2022 5:08:19 idiom. you snooze, you lose не проворонь (Полная форма идиомы: If you snooze, you lose.: Don't snooze! If you snooze, you lose.)
11.12.2022 4:55:34 cliche. go grocery shopping ездить за продуктами (We go grocery shopping on Saturdays. -- мы ездим за продуктами)
11.12.2022 4:54:36 cliche. go grocery shopping ходить за продуктами (Once a week I go grocery shopping at our local Fresh Foods store in Greenwood. I must say, the staff and management have been great. Some products are limited, but no panic over here. -- хожу за продуктами)
11.12.2022 4:53:31 cliche. go grocery shopping съездить за продуктами
11.12.2022 4:47:22 inf. news junkie помешанный на новостях (My husband is a news junkie. -- помешан на новостях.)
11.12.2022 4:46:57 inf. news buff помешанный на новостях (My husband is a news buff. -- помешан на новостях.)
11.12.2022 4:40:29 cliche. keep going поддерживать (на том же уровне: Exercising routine can become too much after a few weeks, so how do you keep motivation going? -- поддерживать мотиващию)
11.12.2022 4:23:15 gen. government money казённые средства (согласно англоязычному источнику: using government money for personal gain)
11.12.2022 4:19:24 gen. right to privacy право на неприкосновенность частной жизни
11.12.2022 4:13:04 affect. sweetie pie солнышко моё
11.12.2022 4:12:39 affect. sweetie pie лапочка
11.12.2022 4:12:39 affect. sweetie pie лапуля
11.12.2022 4:12:39 affect. sweetie pie лапуся
11.12.2022 4:12:39 affect. sweetie pie лапусик
11.12.2022 4:10:48 ed. living expenses стоимость проживания (Estimated living expenses for two semesters – Примерная стоимость проживания в течение двух семестров)
10.12.2022 5:02:08 formal I remain convinced that я по-прежнему убеждён, что (Martini believes that those in the spirit realm are detached from our time frame and can see into the past or future. (...) He remains convinced that we pass to another realm and can communicate after we die because he says that he has heard corroborating information on various matters from psychics and others who have had no contact with each other. • Considerable work remains in confronting our city's crises, but I remain convinced that we can overcome them, if we all work together with care, compassion, and common purpose to build a Vancouver for all of us. coasttocoastam.com)
10.12.2022 4:50:13 cliche. make tremendous progress добиться огромных успехов (With your support and friendship, we have made tremendous progress on housing and other key issues our city faces. -- мы добились огромных успехов в вопросах жилищного строительства и по другим задачам, стоящим перед нашим городом)
10.12.2022 4:43:24 cliche. I wish all the best to я желаю всего наилучшего (While I am sad to be giving up the mayor's chair, I wish all the best to our new mayor, Ken Wong.)
10.12.2022 4:40:34 cliche. our shared goal наша общая цель (After four years, I am leaving the post as Mayor of Brownsville, and I want to express my sincere gratitude for your support for our shared goal -- building a city for all of us.)
10.12.2022 4:38:44 cliche. common objective общая цель (sharing a space with the common objective of enriching lives of people with disabilities or mobility issues living in our community)
10.12.2022 4:37:44 cliche. express one's sincere gratitude выразить свою искреннюю благодарность (After four years, I am leaving the post as Mayor of Greenville, and I want to express my sincere gratitude for your support for our shared goal -- building a city for all of us.)
10.12.2022 4:37:07 cliche. express one's sincere gratitude выразить свою искреннюю признательность (After four years, I am leaving the post as Mayor of Greenville, and I want to express my sincere gratitude for your support for our shared goal -- building a city for all of us.)
10.12.2022 4:26:37 formal give careful consideration внимательно рассмотреть (a notice posted outside for election canvassers: Please do not knock or ring the doorbell. If you ring the doorbell or knock on the door, an unfortunate cascade of three things will happen: 1. The dog will lose her mind. 2. I will lose my shit. 3. You will lose my vote. Nonetheless, please feel free to quietly leave any campaign literature. We will give the information careful consideration. Best of luck to everyone!)
10.12.2022 4:02:21 formal be pleased to hear с удовольствием узнать (UK: The Queen wishes me to thank you for your letter and kind message of support. Her Majesty was pleased to hear how much you enjoy teaching your pupils English, and I enclose some information leaflets which you may like to have to read with them. -- Её Величество с удовольствием узнала / была рада узнать о том, ...)
10.12.2022 4:02:21 formal be pleased to hear рад узнать (UK: The Queen wishes me to thank you for your letter and kind message of support. Her Majesty was pleased to hear how much you enjoy teaching your pupils English, and I enclose some information leaflets which you may like to have to read with them. -- Её Величество с удовольствием узнала / была рада узнать о том, ...)
10.12.2022 3:51:29 formal meet one's obligations выполнять обязательства (Not all borrowers will be able to meet their financial obligations following the interest rates hike.)
10.12.2022 3:50:59 formal carry out one's obligations выполнять обязательства (carry out one's obligations under this Agreement)
10.12.2022 3:47:51 formal meet one's obligations выполнить обязательства (Not all borrowers will be able to meet their financial obligations following the interest rates hike.)
10.12.2022 3:45:45 formal carry out one's obligations выполнить обязательства (carry out one's obligations under this Agreement)
10.12.2022 3:43:23 traf. past за (после указанного нас. пункта: a new mudslide past Squamish -- (на трассе) за Сквомишем)
10.12.2022 3:36:55 cliche. have a significant impact on оказать значительное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll.)
10.12.2022 3:36:55 cliche. have a significant impact on в значительной степени повлиять на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll.)
10.12.2022 3:36:55 cliche. have a significant impact on оказать существенное влияние на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll.)
10.12.2022 3:36:55 cliche. have a significant impact on в существенной степени повлиять на (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll.)
10.12.2022 3:25:09 food.ind. coating корочка (a crispy golden brown coating)
10.12.2022 3:21:33 idiom. to the fullest в полной мере (Join the Caribbean Club and let's celebrate life to the fullest!)
10.12.2022 3:21:33 idiom. to the fullest на все сто (Join the Caribbean Club and let's celebrate life to the fullest!)
10.12.2022 3:18:54 polit. woke mob ультралевые фанатики (Chris Pratt can’t escape the ire of the woke mob. The man can’t even praise God without being attacked for his Christian beliefs. rt.com)
10.12.2022 3:18:54 polit. woke mob леворадикальные фанатики (Chris Pratt can’t escape the ire of the woke mob. The man can’t even praise God without being attacked for his Christian beliefs. rt.com)
10.12.2022 3:17:41 cliche. sidestep the question уклониться от ответа на вопрос
10.12.2022 3:14:45 cliche. haven't seen in a while давненько не видели (We haven't seen temperatures like that in a while.)
10.12.2022 3:09:29 trucks convoy of trucks колонна пикапов (A convoy of trucks and RVs is making its way to Ottawa.)
10.12.2022 3:03:17 cliche. tackle справиться с (make determined efforts to deal with a problem or difficult task: Subscribe to our podcast to get the latest on tackling stress and boosting your health. -- как справиться со стрессом и укрепить здоровье)
10.12.2022 2:58:18 cliche. is nearly upon us остаются считанные дни до (The year 2023 is nearly upon us. -- До наступления нового года остаются / остались считанные дни.)
10.12.2022 2:50:05 canad. cash окэшить (I cashed the cheque at Money Mart. -- окэшил чек)
10.12.2022 2:41:44 gen. stick around задержаться (The haze from forest fires is expected to stick around for a few more days. – задержится • Can you stick around a little bit? -- Ты не мог бы ненадолго задержаться?)
10.12.2022 2:29:24 gen. documented case подтверждённый случай
10.12.2022 2:04:27 gen. present size нынешний размер (This tidal inlet once covered a thousand acres, nearly four times its present size.)
10.12.2022 2:02:25 cartogr. cover занимать площадь (This tidal inlet once covered a thousand acres, nearly four times its present size.)
10.12.2022 1:46:05 market. highly sought-after opportunity уникальнейшая возможность (This is a highly sought-after opportunity to apply administration experience and client service experience and develop a career in office administration.)
9.12.2022 7:29:20 school community school районная школа (в системе государственных школ: Second Street Community School, Lochdale Community School)
9.12.2022 5:36:50 cliche. make a lot of money from хорошо нажиться на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years.)
9.12.2022 5:36:50 cliche. make a lot of money from хорошо нагреть руки на (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years.)
9.12.2022 5:26:26 cliche. I'm not in any hurry я не спешу (No problem, take your time. I'm not in any hurry.)
9.12.2022 5:20:38 cliche. should you need если вам понадобится
9.12.2022 5:20:38 cliche. should you need если вам потребуется
9.12.2022 5:18:14 cliche. what difference will it make? что это изменит? (File a complaint? What difference will it make? -- Что это изменит?)
9.12.2022 5:12:54 gen. do a terrible job совершенно не справиться (The prime minister has done a terrible job handling this crisis.)
9.12.2022 5:12:54 gen. do a terrible job полностью завалить (The prime minister has done a terrible job handling this crisis.)
9.12.2022 5:12:54 gen. do a terrible job на двойку справиться (The prime minister has done a terrible job handling this crisis.)
9.12.2022 5:12:54 gen. do a terrible job бездарно завалить (The prime minister has done a terrible job handling this crisis.)
9.12.2022 5:06:43 gen. bungled неудавшийся (A bungled burglary occurs at Madonna's London pad – неудачное/неудавшееся ограбление дома)
9.12.2022 5:06:26 gen. bungled неудачный (A bungled burglary occurs at Madonna's London pad – неудачное/неудавшееся ограбление дома)
9.12.2022 4:46:17 gen. prices are up цены выросли (If you're in the market for a used car, the prices are up and it's not easy in many cases to find what you're looking for.)
9.12.2022 4:43:05 gen. may prove to be может оказаться (It may prove to be something of interest.)
9.12.2022 4:42:45 cliche. might turn out to be может оказаться (That she is a sucker for the men and might take up with a stranger who might turn out to be a crook. (Raymond Chandler))
9.12.2022 0:24:14 cliche. based on these numbers исходя из этих цифр
8.12.2022 5:35:05 cliche. put oneself into debt залезть в долги (This is exactly why the people are putting themselves so heavily into debt. -- загоняют себя в долги / залезают в долги)
8.12.2022 5:28:17 cliche. what was the outcome? что из этого вышло?
8.12.2022 4:10:25 inf. ski gear лыжные костюмы, обувь (Arrested 2 males last night after a B&E/theft of $7500 in ski gear from a shop in lower Lonsdale. Spotted running w/garbage bags full of clothes down the Seabus ramp. They obviously hadn't checked the schedule! They had nowhere to go… Well, except the back of a police car.👮(North Vancouver RCMP, Twitter))
8.12.2022 3:50:41 inf. stand in the doorway постоять в дверях (не выходя на улицу и вернуться: That is a lot of rain out there tonight. Had the balcony door open for awhile, the kitty just stood in the doorway and said no thanks. Hope this does not cause flooding out there. -- постоял в дверях (Twitter))
8.12.2022 3:26:37 archit. mock Tudor неотюдоровский стиль (также "неотюдор": Mock-Tudor's enduring appeal continues to this day, long after the decline of the British Empire. (Robin Ward))
7.12.2022 8:18:33 idiom. throw the book at sb. устроить показательную порку
7.12.2022 5:41:14 fig. spike вести к резкому росту (Today there's more currency in the market than in any time in history. All that printed money is circulating and spiking inflation and the government keeps printing money.)
7.12.2022 5:40:29 media. spike резко возрастать (a campaign reminding drivers and pedestrians that accidents spike at this time of the year)
7.12.2022 5:37:03 gen. correlation between соотношение между (There's a correlation between government debt and declining disposable incomes. My parents owned two homes in the 70s, a car and an RV. They wouldn't be able to make it work in today's economy.)
7.12.2022 5:33:59 gen. do extra things дополнительно сделать (что-л.) (In addition to clearing the runways, we did extra things like de-icing the planes and delivering hot meals to all passengers.)
7.12.2022 5:28:18 gen. massive lineup огромная очередь (massive lineups at YVR)
7.12.2022 5:25:50 formal absolutely necessary совершенно необходимо (it is absolutely necessary for all employees to follow these safety rules and safe work procedures.)
7.12.2022 5:23:26 formal absolutely imperative совершенно необходимо (It was absolutely imperative that operations be suspended at this terminal.)
7.12.2022 5:21:02 gen. give a wage increase повысить жалованье (Costco is not planning to give its workers a wage increase.)
7.12.2022 5:21:02 gen. give a wage increase повысить зарплату (Costco is not planning to give its workers a wage increase.)

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