
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

20.12.2022 7:44:56 gen. just past чуть больше (о времени: It's just past 5:30, almost dinner time.)
20.12.2022 7:43:38 gen. just past сразу за (describing a location: It's just past the gas station, on the right-hand side.)
20.12.2022 7:40:36 gen. just past six o'clock сразу после шести часов (He finished and left just past six o'clock. )
20.12.2022 5:03:50 gen. not give much peace не оставлять в покое (in the progressive: Look who was hiding in my backyard yesterday – a Barred Owl! It was trying to hide in the oak tree. The crows weren't giving it much peace. -- не оставляли в покое)
20.12.2022 4:50:31 cliche. get this over with поскорее с этим покончить (I'm all excited to get this over with!)
20.12.2022 4:48:04 inf. get this только послушайте (My brother-in-law is a lawyer and he gets paid – get this – $350 an hour.)
20.12.2022 4:36:35 cliche. might as well можно (без особого энтузиазма: 'Want to stop for a coffee?' 'Might as well.')
20.12.2022 4:29:19 gen. button lights up кнопка загорается (Okay. When the phone is ringing, this big red button lights up, so press it, and you can talk to your wife.)
20.12.2022 4:25:23 inf. you know the drill вам это уже знакомо (работа, процедура и т.п.)
20.12.2022 4:23:28 inf. you know the drill вы уже знаете, как это делать (работа, процедура и т.п.)
20.12.2022 4:18:24 inf. pop in for a minute заскочить на минутку (Hi Dad. I just wanted to pop in for a minute and check in on you. -- Я решила заскочить / забежать на минутку, проверить, как у тебя дела.)
20.12.2022 4:18:24 inf. pop in for a minute забежать на минутку (Hi Dad. I just wanted to pop in for a minute and check in on you. -- Я решила заскочить / забежать на минутку, проверить, как у тебя дела.)
20.12.2022 4:06:56 gen. catch on цепляться (за: Can you shorten that wire? It catches on things. -- Он за всё цепляется.)
20.12.2022 3:53:44 gen. drop off подвезти (I got dropped off by Eric. He had to go to work. -- Меня подвёз Эрик. Ему нужно было ехать на работу.)
20.12.2022 3:50:06 gen. drop off привезти домой (Alison will be dropped off in the early afternoon so we have a couple hours to do some shopping. – привезут домой)
20.12.2022 3:47:04 gen. a few things to do кое-какие дела (Would you mind waiting a little? I've just come on shift and I've got a few things to do.)
20.12.2022 3:44:43 health. kitchen staff работники пищеблока (в больнице)
20.12.2022 3:33:31 gen. has been hammered with snow замело снегом (This area has been absolutely hammered with snow today, there's probably a good 25, I would even say 30 cm, which is absolutely incredible.)
20.12.2022 3:31:48 inf. is that okay? так вас устроит? (I'm going to fix your bed... There you go. Is that okay?)
20.12.2022 3:30:58 inf. is that okay? так вам удобно? (I'm going to fix your bed... There you go. Is that okay?)
20.12.2022 3:30:40 inf. is that okay? так нормально? (I'm going to fix your bed... There you go. Is that okay?)
20.12.2022 3:30:21 inf. is that okay? так пойдёт? (I'm going to fix your bed... There you go. Is that okay?)
20.12.2022 3:30:05 inf. is that okay? вас устраивает? (I'm going to fix your bed... There you go. Is that okay?)
20.12.2022 3:28:38 inf. is that okay? вы не возражаете? (I need to borrow your phone charger. Is that okay?)
20.12.2022 1:46:06 cliche. prominent political figure видный политик (Prominent political figures like the late senator Harry Reid, as well as Barack Obama and former intelligence director John Ratcliffe, did lend credibility to efforts to find answers to the UFO question. coasttocoastam.com)
20.12.2022 1:38:58 gen. major media outlets крупнейшие средства массовой информации (For its part, major media outlets like the New York Times have engaged in the "prebunking" of this report. coasttocoastam.com)
20.12.2022 1:23:37 disappr. officialdom казёнщина (people who have a position of authority, especially in government (...) [who] are slow or not effective (Cambridge Dictionary): Считаю, что новоявленную имитацию пионеро-комсы ждет та же судьба. Мертвящая казенщина. И эти 21,3 миллиарда рублей сегодня можно было бы потратить с гораздо большим толком. livejournal.com)
20.12.2022 1:11:19 gen. unless it is absolutely necessary только в самом крайнем случае (Do not drive today unless it is absolutely necessary.)
20.12.2022 1:10:16 gen. only when absolutely necessary только в самом крайнем случае (This document should be stored in a secure place and carried only when absolutely necessary.)
19.12.2022 4:36:08 inf. all right действительно ("Son, I could use a five dollar bill so rough Abe Lincoln's whiskers would be all lathered up with sweat." I gave him one. I looked at it before I passed it over. It was Lincoln on the five, all right. (Raymond Chandler) – на пятёрке действительно был изображён Линкольн)
19.12.2022 4:33:19 gen. nibble откусывать маленькие кусочки (take small bites out of (Oxford Dictionary): She was nibbling on cheese while cooking pasta.)
19.12.2022 2:54:27 gov. city crews коммунальные службы (муниципальные работники, коммунальщики, осуществляющие уборку снега, ремонт дорог и аналогичные работы)
19.12.2022 2:49:41 fig. snow plow отвал (прицепной)
19.12.2022 2:16:00 fig. survivor сохранившийся (о здании: This small survivor from 1890 shares the block with several office buildings, a parking lot and a postmodern apartment block.)
19.12.2022 2:09:39 gen. baffle сбить с толку (The Avangard gliding warhead is a re-entry vehicle designed to perform erratic hypersonic manoeuvres to baffle defence systems. (ВВС))
19.12.2022 2:07:55 gen. baffle ввести в заблуждение (The Avangard gliding warhead is a re-entry vehicle designed to perform erratic hypersonic manoeuvres to baffle defence systems. (ВВС))
19.12.2022 2:07:55 gen. baffle запутать (The Avangard gliding warhead is a re-entry vehicle designed to perform erratic hypersonic manoeuvres to baffle defence systems. (ВВС))
18.12.2022 1:44:24 gen. level-headed здравомыслящий ("I also consider myself a sceptic, I'm level-headed and want to visit these locations with an open mind to see what I can experience. However, it all kicked off from the moment we got there. We kept hearing voices – they were saying 'get out' and 'go'." somersetlive.co.uk)
18.12.2022 1:37:19 inf. kick off начаться ("It all kicked off from the moment we got there", according to Mr Ferguson. He said the group heard "several disembodied voices", as well as hissing, footsteps and other unexplained sounds, leaving those present "on edge". -- Всё началось, как только мы туда приехали.)
18.12.2022 1:30:47 gen. in a natural setting на лоне природы (Jeremy recommended doing psychedelics with someone who is spiritual and in a natural setting. Plants are here to teach us, he suggested. coasttocoastam.com)
18.12.2022 1:28:09 gen. self-described по его собственным словам (Jeremy in Northbend, Oregon, a self-described '70-year-old hippie who grew up in San Francisco,' talked about what he learned about psychedelics through his own experimentation. coasttocoastam.com)
18.12.2022 1:19:25 gen. gorgeous girl роскошная девица (What a gorgeous girl! She reminds me of Linda Darnell.)
18.12.2022 1:13:59 gen. remarkably beautiful замечательный по своей красоте (The Blue Ridge is a remarkably beautiful area.)
18.12.2022 1:11:00 gen. remarkably good отменный ("There was excellent wild-duck shooting in the fens, remarkably good fishing, a small but select library (...), and a tolerable cook." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – отменная рыбалка)
17.12.2022 10:46:27 gen. head out выезжать (в путь: Snow and frigid temperatures are expected to hit the region, so drivers should check the forecast before they head out.)
17.12.2022 7:49:56 cliche. talk nonsense болтать глупости
17.12.2022 5:31:21 cliche. remain confidential сохранить своё имя в тайне (We have received the order from a customer who wishes to remain confidential.)
17.12.2022 5:21:42 cliche. get rid of выбросить (There's so much junk I should have gotten rid of years ago. -- мне давно надо было выбросить)
17.12.2022 5:21:11 cliche. get rid of повыбрасывать (There's so much junk I should have gotten rid of years ago. -- мне давно надо было повыбрасывать)
17.12.2022 5:19:37 fig. get rid of убрать с дороги (someone)
17.12.2022 4:50:44 cliche. if that works for you если вам это удобно (Call us, text us or shoot us an email if that works for you.)
17.12.2022 4:47:29 media. mount нарастать (As layoffs and termination packages mount and companies feel the pain of the recession, more Canadians are looking for alternative employment. • With the rising Covid cases in schools, anxiety is mounting for both parents and teachers.)
17.12.2022 4:44:00 gen. mental health issues психические расстройства (people with mental health issues)
17.12.2022 4:44:00 gen. mental health issues психические заболевания (people with mental health issues)
17.12.2022 2:03:43 gen. get into an argument вступить в спор (with someone: In July 2017, 22-year-old Michael Page-Vincelli died after being sucker-punched by the boyfriend of a woman he had gotten into an argument with. burnabynow.com)
17.12.2022 2:02:28 gen. get into an argument поспорить (с оттенком "повздорить": Мне немного поспорили. – We got into a bit of an argument.)
17.12.2022 2:01:52 gen. get into an argument вступать в спор (with someone: Let's not get into an argument. – Давайте не будем спорить.)
16.12.2022 5:28:58 industr. begin production начать выпуск
16.12.2022 5:28:58 industr. begin production приступить к производству
16.12.2022 5:17:40 fig. I'm not going to stand in the way я не буду стоять у тебя на дороге (I understand your career is important to you and I'm not going to stand in the way.)
16.12.2022 5:17:40 fig. I'm not going to stand in the way я не буду тебе мешать (I understand your career is important to you and I'm not going to stand in the way.)
16.12.2022 5:11:33 cliche. face challenges столкнуться с трудностями (What challenges have you faced during the pandemic?)
16.12.2022 5:09:42 gen. crispy coating хрустящая корочка (a crispy golden brown coating)
16.12.2022 5:07:20 cliche. the study found that согласно этому исследованию
16.12.2022 5:01:38 inf. dump on обливать грязью (to treat disrespectfully (Merriam-Webster): He’s rightly fighting the globalist Cabal and exposing their corruption, which is why he’s being dumped on 24/7 by the MSM. The global MSM is simply the PR wing of the Cabal.)
16.12.2022 5:01:38 inf. dump on поливать грязью (to treat disrespectfully (Merriam-Webster): He’s rightly fighting the globalist Cabal and exposing their corruption, which is why he’s being dumped on 24/7 by the MSM. The global MSM is simply the PR wing of the Cabal.)
16.12.2022 4:23:56 cliche. ancient history открыл Америку
16.12.2022 4:23:06 cliche. yesterday's news открыл Америку
16.12.2022 4:23:00 cliche. old news открыл Америку (That's old news.)
16.12.2022 4:18:11 formal rapid development ускоренное строительство (Premier David Eby announced the rapid development of two modular housing complexes across two city-owned sites at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.)
16.12.2022 4:11:09 gen. modular housing complex модульный жилищный комплекс (Premier David Eby announced the rapid development of two modular housing complexes across two city-owned sites at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.)
16.12.2022 4:09:41 gen. modular housing модульное жильё (Premier David Eby announced the rapid development of two modular housing complexes across two city-owned sites at a press conference on Wednesday afternoon.)
16.12.2022 4:07:18 gen. modular homes модульное жильё (90 new temporary modular homes will be built in Vancouver to mitigate the proliferation of tent encampments.)
15.12.2022 7:13:06 Canada Indigenous woman представительница коренного населения (At the request of elders we will now refer to the unidentified Indigenous woman murdered by the serial killer in Winnipeg as ‘Buffalo Woman’ instead of ‘unidentified woman’. Until her name is found, we honour her. (Twitter))
15.12.2022 7:02:12 cliche. trap question вопрос на засыпку (My least favourite thing about Vancouver? It's a trap question that I'm not going to fall into. (George Stroumboulopoulous))
15.12.2022 6:47:14 cliche. what's your favourite and least favourite thing about xxx? что вам больше всего и меньше всего нравится в ххх? (Your favourite and least favourite thing about winter?)
15.12.2022 5:26:34 cliche. take your pick выбирай (The Pattullo or the Alex Fraser? Take your pick, Steve, they're both backed up.)
14.12.2022 23:28:14 gen. even more puzzling is why тем более непонятно, почему (I don't understand why our municipal government hasn't learned how to deal with snow. Even more puzzling is why after the forecast was passed on to the city manager he told the crews to stay put and not to go out and prepare the roads for the storm. Perhaps not enough equipment so why bother?)
14.12.2022 7:56:44 inf. you bet! обязательно! (''Keep that beer on ice, Roger.' 'You bet, my friend!')
14.12.2022 7:56:04 inf. you bet! не за что ('Thanks.' 'You bet!')
14.12.2022 7:43:21 gen. off-colour joke пошлый анекдот
14.12.2022 7:34:27 gen. get the prescription filled выкупить лекарство по рецепту
14.12.2022 7:30:27 gen. easily beat заткнуть за пояс
14.12.2022 7:28:37 cliche. work out the issue решить проблему (Until these issues are worked out, most customers won't use your service. -- пока эти проблемы не будут решены)
14.12.2022 6:32:19 formal division of assets раздел имущества (при разводе)
14.12.2022 6:29:06 Canada riding избирательный округ (Harris has represented the riding since 2012. -- является депутатом от этого округа с 2012 г.)
14.12.2022 6:16:13 inf. drive high управлять транспортным средством под воздействием марихуаны
14.12.2022 6:11:58 hist. pass to перейти к (во владение: "The motte and bailey castle was built by one of the early Earls of Chester around 1100. It was rebuilt in 1220 by Ranulph de Blondeville, 4th Earl of Chester, and a curtain wall was added. It passed by marriage to William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby and remained in the Ferrers family until 1453, when it passed to Walter Devereux through his wife, Elizabeth Ferrers. Walter was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. britainirelandcastles.com)
14.12.2022 6:10:54 gen. get on to перейти к (the next item: Okay, one more security tip and then we'll get on to today's product review. -- и мы перейдём к сегодняшнему обзору товаров)
14.12.2022 6:04:34 inf. get hooked up with связаться с (Karen got hooked up with some guy from Prince George. – связалась с)
14.12.2022 6:02:03 formal contact связаться с (Contact us immediately about your gas service. Although the meter at this address shows that natural gas is being used, we have no record of an active gas account. To ensure you continue to receive your natural gas supply, you must apply for service. -- Свяжитесь с нами незамедлительно по поводу ...)
14.12.2022 1:01:18 fig. beat победить (болезнь: Martin has returned to his team having recently beat a lung infection.)
13.12.2022 5:33:58 gen. get through the door занести в дом (We can't get the piano through the door, it's too big.)
13.12.2022 5:33:58 gen. get through the door занести в помещение (We can't get the piano through the door, it's too big.)
13.12.2022 5:28:06 gen. start construction приступить к строительству (Kinder Morgan filed a request with the National Energy Board on Jan. 25, asking if it could start construction on its Westridge portal.)
13.12.2022 5:27:42 idiom. break ground приступить к строительству (They are hoping they might be able to break ground by the end of the year.)
13.12.2022 5:25:24 cliche. set up shop выбрать местом своей деятельности (Many tech companies have chosen to set up shop in smaller cities to lower their operating costs.)
13.12.2022 5:17:52 food.ind. for your order по вашему заказу (freshly prepared for your order)
13.12.2022 5:08:20 proced.law. breach of bail нарушение условий освобождения под залог
13.12.2022 5:03:10 el.mach. malfunctioning heater неисправный обогреватель (malfunctioning используется для любых электроприборов: The victims were using a malfunctioning space heater.)

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