
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

26.12.2022 2:56:03 cliche. I'm just wondering хотелось бы знать (I'm just wondering, how do expect to turn a profit with these operating costs?)
26.12.2022 2:52:58 cliche. let's roll the dice! давайте рискнём! (The Liberals thought, "There's never been a better time to call an election, so let's roll the dice!" -- давайте рискнём)
26.12.2022 2:47:10 cliche. get overwhelmed не справляться (with:: The BC SPCA has taken custody of 45 dogs it says were very neglected and in extremely poor condition at a home just outside Victoria. It turns out the owner has gotten overwhelmed with the number of dogs in her care and absolutely did not even come close to meeting their needs.)
26.12.2022 1:58:59 tax. income tax rate ставка налогообложения (Canadian income tax rates for Individuals – current and previous years • Corporation tax rates • Generally, provinces and territories have two rates of income tax – a lower rate and a higher rate. • )
26.12.2022 0:44:59 gen. tell lies обманывать (“All these people can’t be telling lies," says George. "And the fact the reports stretch over so many years mean there can’t just be one of them.” -- не могут обманывать entrepreneur.com)
26.12.2022 0:34:05 idiom. sent shivers up one's spine мурашки побежали (мурашки бегают <забегали, побежали, поползли, пошли> по спине <по коже, по телу> мурашки бегают по спине от волнения, от страха ... По спине мурашки забегали. (А. Чехов.): And in 1933, the Inverness Courier published the terrifying account of a couple named Aldie and John Mackay who’d been driving along Loch Ness in the April of that year. It's enough to send shivers up your spine... entrepreneur.com)
25.12.2022 9:20:40 cliche. not keep up не справляться (с нагрузкой: The city is growing rapidly but the infrastructure is not keeping up.)
25.12.2022 9:20:01 cliche. be no match for не под силу (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- снег был не под силу автобусам youtube.com)
25.12.2022 9:19:23 cliche. be no match for не справляться (On East Hastings Street, buses were no match for the snow. -- автобусы не справлялись со снегом youtube.com)
25.12.2022 8:22:41 gen. surely better наверняка получше (чем что-л.: What's the market like in Ireland? Surely better than here in London.)
25.12.2022 6:32:43 fig. action-packed стремительный (о спортивном состязании, матче -- возможный вариант перевода: head to the arena for action-packed games)
25.12.2022 6:30:20 hockey. action-packed game стремительный хоккейный матч (head to the arena for action-packed games)
25.12.2022 6:15:03 inf. gobble down слопать (I picked up a package of juicy jumbo hot dogs, put them on the grill, and we gobbled them down. -- и мы их слопали)
25.12.2022 6:12:16 gen. on one try с одной попытки (I called that 877 number. I got through on one try.)
25.12.2022 6:08:49 affect. little face мордочка (Awwww look at that face! Poor baby! Aww poor Сocoa! Omg cutie pie! I love you! Oh, what a good boy! Look at that little face! So so cute. Thanks for taking him in. -- Посмотрите на эту мордашку / мордочку!)
25.12.2022 6:05:34 cliche. you could say можно сказать, что ('Five children from five different mothers?!' 'You could say the children are the flowers of life, and I like flowers.')
25.12.2022 5:58:03 gen. in layman's language простым языком (It is a bit difficult to follow him sometimes because he speaks in scientific terms rather than in layman's language. -- выражается по-научному, а не простым языком)
25.12.2022 5:55:38 gen. in layman's language доступно (What does "subprime" mean in layman's language?)
25.12.2022 5:52:55 gov. budget выделить из бюджета (The Alberta government has budgeted $20 million for this incentive.)
25.12.2022 5:52:55 gov. budget предусмотреть в бюджете (The Alberta government has budgeted $20 million for this incentive.)
25.12.2022 5:46:33 gen. frustrations огорчения (do it now to avoid frustrations later on)
25.12.2022 5:42:35 cliche. deal on an urgent basis разобраться в срочном порядке (with – с: We must deal with this on an urgent basis.)
25.12.2022 5:42:35 cliche. deal on an urgent basis оперативно разобраться (with – с: We must deal with this on an urgent basis.)
25.12.2022 5:39:21 univer. lecture hall аудитория (в университете: sitting in a packed lecture hall)
25.12.2022 5:14:01 idiom. clean up the mess расхлёбывать эту кашу (Now he's gone and you guys are going to clean up the mess. Get it?)
25.12.2022 5:11:20 idiom. chew the rag разводить тары-бары (to converse in a relaxed or aimless manner)
25.12.2022 5:11:00 idiom. chew the fat разводить тары-бары (chat in a leisurely and prolonged way)
25.12.2022 4:11:50 brit. as sweet as a nut превосходно (extremely good / well: 'How's your car? Did you fix it?' 'Yes, I did. Going as sweet as a nut!')
25.12.2022 2:26:41 context. truly с полным правом можно назвать (that is truly one of a kind. – которую с полным правом можно назвать уникальной)
24.12.2022 6:14:22 euph. holy crackers and cheese! ничего себе! (a stunned reaction: A car just drove into the gas station and it just exploded! Holy crackers and cheese!)
24.12.2022 6:13:50 euph. holy crackers and cheese! ё-моё! (a stunned reaction: A car just drove into the gas station and it just exploded! Holy crackers and cheese!)
24.12.2022 6:08:47 inf. wowzers! ничего себе! (выражение восторга, изумления: Wowzers… check out those icicles on the Vancouver lawn club! 😯 twitter.com)
24.12.2022 6:04:53 inf. rip around мотаться (на машине: 'Sad life of Tesla drivers in the snow! Stay home folks. I mean stay home Tesla drivers!' 'This is a tire problem not an EV problem. This driver does not have snow tires. I rip around in my Tesla with snow tires and the awesome traction control.' (Twitter))
24.12.2022 5:49:04 psychother. bonded чувствующий тесную связь (с ребёнком: Sometimes the new mom is unfortunately not perhaps as bonded with the baby and isn't as interested in the baby as the dad. – не чувствует тесной связи с ребёнком и не интересуется им в такой степени, как отец)
24.12.2022 5:47:01 gen. bonded подружившийся (о животных: Tigger and Vitaly are a bonded pair of orange tabbies.)
24.12.2022 5:47:01 gen. bonded сдружившийся (о животных: Tigger and Vitaly are a bonded pair of orange tabbies.)
24.12.2022 5:39:37 gen. sleety, slushy mess on the roads снежная каша на дорогах
24.12.2022 5:38:44 gen. roads are slushy снежная каша на дорогах (Main roads are slushy, but decent. Side streets are occasionally snow covered.)
24.12.2022 4:21:43 gen. unless you absolutely have to только в самом крайнем случае (The message from the province is clear one day before Christmas Eve: Do not travel unless you absolutely have to. And it seems people are heeding that message: there are fewer drivers out on the road today than usual. youtube.com)
24.12.2022 3:16:54 pejor. populace простонародье (Populace is increasingly used as a mere synonym for population, but its other connotations linger: "Population" is neutral, while "populace" often carries a superior tone toward the group it refers to.— The Grammarist •: From the beginning, population referred to the collective inhabitants of a place, whereas populace had the meaning “ordinary people” as opposed to the titled, wealthy, or privileged classes. In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Little Princess (1905), the protagonist has been taught by her middleclass father to be kind to “the populace.” Thrust suddenly from a comfortable life into poverty, Sara learns what it is to be hungry. On the way to buy some buns, she notices a ragged little girl with “hungry eyes”: Sara knew they were hungry eyes the moment she saw them, and she felt a sudden sympathy. “This,” she said to herself, with a little sigh, “is one of the populace—and she is hungrier than I am.” Not only did the word populace refer to the less privileged part of the population, it was also used as a pejorative term for “the mob, the rabble, the unthinking masses.” dailywritingtips.com)
24.12.2022 3:16:54 pejor. populace простолюдины (Populace is increasingly used as a mere synonym for population, but its other connotations linger: "Population" is neutral, while "populace" often carries a superior tone toward the group it refers to.— The Grammarist •: From the beginning, population referred to the collective inhabitants of a place, whereas populace had the meaning “ordinary people” as opposed to the titled, wealthy, or privileged classes. In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Little Princess (1905), the protagonist has been taught by her middleclass father to be kind to “the populace.” Thrust suddenly from a comfortable life into poverty, Sara learns what it is to be hungry. On the way to buy some buns, she notices a ragged little girl with “hungry eyes”: Sara knew they were hungry eyes the moment she saw them, and she felt a sudden sympathy. “This,” she said to herself, with a little sigh, “is one of the populace—and she is hungrier than I am.” Not only did the word populace refer to the less privileged part of the population, it was also used as a pejorative term for “the mob, the rabble, the unthinking masses.” dailywritingtips.com)
24.12.2022 3:16:54 pejor. populace плебеи (Populace is increasingly used as a mere synonym for population, but its other connotations linger: "Population" is neutral, while "populace" often carries a superior tone toward the group it refers to.— The Grammarist •: From the beginning, population referred to the collective inhabitants of a place, whereas populace had the meaning “ordinary people” as opposed to the titled, wealthy, or privileged classes. In Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Little Princess (1905), the protagonist has been taught by her middleclass father to be kind to “the populace.” Thrust suddenly from a comfortable life into poverty, Sara learns what it is to be hungry. On the way to buy some buns, she notices a ragged little girl with “hungry eyes”: Sara knew they were hungry eyes the moment she saw them, and she felt a sudden sympathy. “This,” she said to herself, with a little sigh, “is one of the populace—and she is hungrier than I am.” Not only did the word populace refer to the less privileged part of the population, it was also used as a pejorative term for “the mob, the rabble, the unthinking masses.” dailywritingtips.com)
24.12.2022 3:05:39 cliche. -wise в отношении (Price-wise, the new KM22 model seems to stack up pretty well. – в отношении цены • Among Keller's predictions: The year's first half will be bumpy economically and job-wise, though the second half looks better. -- в отношении рабочих мест coasttocoastam.com)
24.12.2022 2:55:50 polit. be out уйти (с должности: Among Keller's predictions: Putin will be out by this spring, whether through death or a coup. -- уйдёт coasttocoastam.com)
24.12.2022 2:53:53 traf.contr. be out не работать (Traffic lights are still out at Broadway and Main. -- не работают светофоры)
24.12.2022 2:49:51 gen. rough winter суровая зима (Among Keller's predictions: This will be a particularly rough winter with extreme cold, especially in Europe, with power outages and food shortages. coasttocoastam.com)
24.12.2022 2:49:51 gen. rough winter тяжёлая зима (Among Keller's predictions: This will be a particularly rough winter with extreme cold, especially in Europe, with power outages and food shortages. coasttocoastam.com)
24.12.2022 0:39:53 gen. in theory по идее (По идее, этого не должно быть. – In theory, that shouldn't be happening.)
24.12.2022 0:36:12 gen. fundamentally flawed в корне неправильный (Неудача "марша" была, в первую очередь, связана с в корне неправильной оценкой оперативной обстановки. vk.com)
23.12.2022 5:17:00 cliche. second day in a row второй день подряд (Second day in a row one of our New West PD members has seized a replica handgun off a suspect. Cannot stress enough the risk in improperly carrying one of these things around. Police officers have little choice but to treat them as real until otherwise determined. (Twitter))
23.12.2022 5:04:54 Canada Indigenous female представительница коренного населения (New Westminster Police Department – Help us locate high risk missing person Dakotah Jocko. She is described as an Indigenous female, standing approximately 5’1” tall, with a slim build and brown eyes. twitter.com)
23.12.2022 3:53:36 ornit. puff up распушиться (Another day well below freezing, another American Robin puffed up against the cold. -- распушился / распушил пёрышки, стараясь защититься от холода twitter.com)
23.12.2022 3:41:28 affect. clever sweetie умничка (похвала ребёнку)
23.12.2022 3:15:50 humor. gorgeous красавчик (Well hey there, gorgeous!)
23.12.2022 3:15:50 humor. gorgeous красотка (Well hey there, gorgeous!)
23.12.2022 3:12:50 poetic sparkle переливаться огнями (The city that sparkles!)
23.12.2022 3:04:38 fig. beat победить болезнь (Martin has returned to his team having recently beat a lung infection.)
23.12.2022 2:58:35 formal due to the inclement weather conditions в связи с неблагоприятными погодными условиями (Due to the inclement weather conditions and for the safety of our staff, our office will be closed today. We expect to reopen on Wednesday and will update you if there are changes to that plan. )
23.12.2022 2:54:32 fig. rock опора (My rock, my partner, my person for the last 15 years. Any day with John is a great day.)
23.12.2022 2:52:13 fig. come to a standstill замереть (When Mother Nature dumps over 20 inches of snow overnight, the city comes to a beautiful standstill.)
23.12.2022 2:47:37 cliche. go deeper into this topic углубляться в эту тему (I don't want go deeper into this topic right now. -- Я не хочу сейчас в эту тему углубляться.)
23.12.2022 2:46:45 cliche. delve deeper into the topic углубляться в эту тему
23.12.2022 2:40:38 hobby outdoorsman любитель дикой природы (one who spends much time in the outdoors or in outdoor activities (Merriam-Webster): Roger is an avid outdoorsman who likes to hike the trails of the Olympic Mountains and the Oregon Coast Range.)
23.12.2022 2:35:22 polit. forge closer ties сближаться (with -- c: Xi Jinping is standing by Putin despite his invasion of Ukraine, and recently ordered China to forge closer ties with Russia, report says. businessinsider.com)
23.12.2022 2:33:40 archaeol. intact непотревоженный (The Tennessee Division of Archaeology is working with students from Middle Tennessee State University and the Native History Association to preserve two 1,800-year-old burial mounds. The small-scale excavations could show that the two man-made hills, known as the Glass Mounds, are intact and therefore eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. • Overlapping stones form a conical dome, topped by a single capstone. This ceiling has been intact more than 5,000 years and still keeps the inner chambers dry. • «Нам удалось исследовать археологически непотревоженный комплекс, что для скифских курганов — большая редкость: большинство подкурганных склепов скифской эпохи грабили и в древности, и в Новое время», — рассказала научный сотрудник отдела скифо-сарматской археологии Института археологии РАН, руководитель раскопок Ирина Рукавишникова. archaeology.org, newgrange.com)
23.12.2022 2:28:48 airports halt from arriving прекратить приём (авиарейсов: Vancouver International Airport is halting international flights from arriving for the next two days. The move comes after mass cancellations at the airport.)
23.12.2022 2:21:04 gen. smash all records побить все рекорды (B.C. smashes all temperature records as a whopping 40 cm of snow is expected in Metro Vancouver.)
21.12.2022 11:47:27 transp. public lockers камера хранения
21.12.2022 11:47:27 transp. public lockers камера хранения багажа
21.12.2022 9:17:20 cliche. get an eyeful of насмотреться (Chris and Emily told me they had spent two days in Vancouver and got an eyeful of crackheads, drug dealers and panhandlers hanging around their hotel, so they're not planning to come back any time soon. – достаточно насмотрелись на)
21.12.2022 9:16:48 cliche. has seen more than enough of насмотрелся (No thanks. I've seen more than enough of these guys. They make me sick. -- Нет уж, спасибо. Я на этих типов насмотрелся, мне от них уже тошнит.)
21.12.2022 9:07:47 health. shared room палата на двоих и более пациентов
21.12.2022 9:05:21 gen. happen automatically происходить непроизвольно (Sorry, it just happens automatically.)
21.12.2022 9:05:21 gen. happen automatically случаться непроизвольно (Sorry, it just happens automatically.)
21.12.2022 9:00:58 gen. are you warm enough? тебе тепло? (Are you warm enough, pops? Do you want a blanket?)
21.12.2022 8:59:38 gen. more than necessary больше, чем нужно (You don't need more pokes than necessary, no one likes those.)
21.12.2022 8:52:23 cliche. sooner rather than later поскорее (If you're planning to go out better do it sooner rather than later: we've got heavy rain in the forecast for the second half of the day.)
21.12.2022 8:51:59 cliche. sooner rather than later не откладывая в долгий ящик (We need to fix this problem sooner rather than later. • If you notice these symptoms you need to go and get checked out sooner rather than later.)
21.12.2022 8:47:36 idiom. all options are on the table возможны все варианты (All options are on the table at this point.)
21.12.2022 8:41:31 inf. I'll be back in a bit я скоро вернусь
21.12.2022 8:29:52 gen. really close совсем близко (We live really close.)
21.12.2022 8:29:52 gen. really close совсем рядом (We live really close.)
21.12.2022 8:00:56 gen. loose не отличающийся строгостью (Between 2011 and 2016, foreigner buyers played an outsize role in some real estate markets, notably including West Vancouver, which became popular with affluent purchasers from China. At that time, loose lending rules governing foreigners meant it was often easier to get a loan as a foreign student with assets than it was as a Canadian seeking a mortgage, said Yan. nsnews.com)
21.12.2022 7:55:43 polygr. loose нескреплённый (a loose document – нескреплённый документ)
21.12.2022 6:10:23 cliche. I'll be right back with that сейчас принесу
21.12.2022 6:07:16 gen. I'm feeling a bit cold я немного замёрз
21.12.2022 6:02:26 gen. okay, that's your choice как хотите ("I'm not going to pay for that." "OK, that's your choice.")
21.12.2022 5:58:16 gen. be full наесться (Are you full? -- Ты наелся?)
21.12.2022 5:47:37 gen. fill out the application заполнить заявление (используя стандартную форму)
21.12.2022 5:45:43 gen. fill out the application написать заявление (используя стандартную форму)
21.12.2022 5:42:29 cliche. get sb. to do sth. заставлять (Are they getting you to do any exercises in the bed, like lifting your feet? -- Тебя не заставляют ...?)
21.12.2022 5:39:13 gen. motivate заставлять (What motivates you to get out of bed every day? -- Что заставляет вас ...?)
20.12.2022 8:20:44 gen. have trouble breathing кому-л. тяжело дышать (in the progressive: Is he having trouble breathing?)
20.12.2022 8:20:44 gen. have trouble breathing кому-л. трудно дышать (in the progressive: Is he having trouble breathing?)
20.12.2022 8:08:06 cliche. which is fine я не возражаю (Sophie took the bus to school for the first time. She wants to be more independent, which is fine.)
20.12.2022 8:08:06 cliche. which is fine я не против (Sophie took the bus to school for the first time. She wants to be more independent, which is fine.)
20.12.2022 8:03:46 gen. are you feeling cold? тебе не холодно? (Are you feeling cold, Dad? I could get you a blanket.)
20.12.2022 7:59:38 gen. are you doing okay? у вас всё в порядке?
20.12.2022 7:59:38 gen. are you doing okay? у вас всё нормально?
20.12.2022 7:54:05 inf. I'll be back in a bit я сейчас вернусь

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