
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

7.02.2023 4:43:23 cliche. what do you mean? в каком смысле?
7.02.2023 4:09:51 inf. jack the price up взвинтить цену (Now the restaurants will have to jack up their prices by another 7 per cent.)
7.02.2023 2:48:00 gen. men's coat мужское пальто (a nice wool men's coat)
6.02.2023 12:22:20 cliche. voice one's opinion высказаться (Kitsilano residents have voiced their opinion on a proposed highrise for people with mental illness and addiction issues.)
6.02.2023 7:16:49 fig.of.sp. get into high gear набирать силу ("в Европейской части России набирает силу арктическое вторжение" • Holiday shopping is getting into high gear at Pacific Centre.)
6.02.2023 6:59:48 cliche. at a pace темпами (Retail investors are putting cash into the market at a pace unseen since 2020.)
6.02.2023 2:23:57 gen. pace темпы (the pace of privatization -- темпы приватизации)
5.02.2023 9:55:25 inf. pretty nice неплохой (It's pretty nice out there. – неплохая погода • Pretty nice view.)
5.02.2023 5:01:25 cliche. consistently ranked as неоднократно попадать в число (положительная или отрицательная характеристика: Whistler-Blackcomb is consistently ranked as one of the top ski resorts in the world and it's easy to see why! • The Downtown Eastside has been consistently ranked as the most dangerous neighbourhood in the entire Lower Mainland.)
5.02.2023 4:02:12 ed. credentials квалификационные документы ("Credentials" often refer to academic or educational qualifications, such as degrees or diplomas that you have completed or partially-completed. "Credentials" can also refer to occupational qualifications, such as professional certificates or work experience. ( www.settlement.org/ontario/education/): How can I get my nursing credentials evaluated?)
5.02.2023 1:55:28 gen. upper-income дорогой (напр., о жилом районе: Westwood was developed as an upper-income residential community with its own municipal government. -- дорогой район)
5.02.2023 1:51:18 gen. be confused находиться в растерянности (The president is confused and does not know what steps he should take. -- Президент находится в растерянности и не знает, что предпринять.)
4.02.2023 6:26:32 slang smart cookie умный парень (a clever person who makes good decisions (Cambridge Dictionary): Goble turned his head slowly and looked at me. "I thought I was a smart cookie. I learned different. All I want is back to Kansas City. The little guys can't beat the big guys--not ever." (Raymond Chandler))
4.02.2023 4:59:30 humor. morning Joe чашка кофе по утрам (Morning Joe. Just having a coffee with my darling wife. (Twitter))
4.02.2023 4:59:30 humor. morning Joe утренняя чашка кофе (Morning Joe. Just having a coffee with my darling wife. (Twitter))
4.02.2023 4:56:53 humor. stash is getting low запасы кончаются (My darling wife just asked, " Do you need chocolate added to the grocery list?"...I absolutely do. Stash is getting low. (Twitter))
4.02.2023 4:54:26 gen. stash хранить (в надёжном месте, тайно: The gun had been used in two earlier murders. "I thought it was too risky to take inside," explains Higgins, who stashed it on a shelf in his garage. – хранил на полке у себя в гараже)
4.02.2023 3:18:31 gen. free rendering вольная трактовка (The buildings were designed in the collegiate Gothic style, described by the architects as 'a free rendering of Modern Tudor' that clearly recalled the hallowed walls of Oxford and Cambridge. (Harold Kalman, Exploring Vancouver))
4.02.2023 3:18:31 gen. free rendering вольное осмысление (The buildings were designed in the collegiate Gothic style, described by the architects as 'a free rendering of Modern Tudor' that clearly recalled the hallowed walls of Oxford and Cambridge. (Harold Kalman, Exploring Vancouver))
4.02.2023 3:18:31 gen. free rendering вольное толкование (The buildings were designed in the collegiate Gothic style, described by the architects as 'a free rendering of Modern Tudor' that clearly recalled the hallowed walls of Oxford and Cambridge. (Harold Kalman, Exploring Vancouver))
3.02.2023 4:06:26 cliche. be famous for славиться (The Okanagan is famous for its orchards. -- Оканоган славится своими яблочными садами.)
3.02.2023 4:06:14 cliche. be renowned for славиться (– чем-либо: Tribal embroidery from Gujarat is renowned for its stunning designs.)
3.02.2023 2:47:15 gen. intermingled with вперемешку с (A number of low 1910s and 1920s shops along 41st Avenue, intermingled with newer buildings, serve the upmarket retail trade. (Harold Kalman, 'Exploring Vancouver'))
3.02.2023 2:04:16 construct. small lot infill development уплотнительная застройка небольшого земельного участка (тесно примыкающего к соседним: Every small lot infill development involves public input and consultation.)
3.02.2023 2:00:38 construct. densification уплотнительная застройка (в целом о районе, не о конкретном участке, где применяется термин infill development)
2.02.2023 3:30:58 gen. nice enough неплохой ('Winnipeg here... Vancouver is definitely a lot prettier and safer everywhere. Not as friendly though.' 'Yes, most people here are nice enough, not overly friendly though.' 'Hardest place I've lived or been to to make friends or start a relationship.' (Reddit) -- люди в основном неплохие, но не слишком приветливые)
2.02.2023 3:24:00 gen. feels like heaven как будто ты в раю (Yeah I grew up in Saskatchewan. Living in Port Coquitlam feels like heaven.)
1.02.2023 3:54:58 cliche. I must be off мне пора идти (Now I must be off. -- Ну, мне пора идти.)
1.02.2023 3:54:38 cliche. I must be off мне пора (Now I must be off. -- Ну, мне пора.)
1.02.2023 3:54:22 cliche. I must be off мне пора уходить (Now I must be off. -- Ну, мне пора уходить.)
1.02.2023 3:52:03 cliche. nothing much to look at не на что посмотреть (пренебрежительно, о внешности: Plain she was, too, nothing much to look at. (Pamela Travers))
31.01.2023 8:00:43 old.fash. I beg your pardon виноват ("Виноват, сколько всех действий?" "Пять." (А.П. Чехов))
31.01.2023 7:59:24 gen. I beg your pardon прошу прощения (polite expression)
31.01.2023 5:28:59 idiom. hard as nails ничем не прошибёшь (Этого человека вообще ничем не прошибёшь.)
31.01.2023 5:28:59 idiom. thick-skinned ничем не прошибёшь (Этого человека вообще ничем не прошибёшь.)
31.01.2023 1:50:29 pris.sl. sucker фраер (человек неопытный и наивный)
30.01.2023 8:49:16 cinema at the top of the box-office лидер проката (Avatar: The Way of Water continues its reign at the top of the box-office.)
30.01.2023 2:27:03 cliche. fine example прекрасный образец (This is a fine example of the artistic possibilities of poured-in-place concrete that were explored by architects in the late 1920s and early 1930s. (Ron Phillips))
29.01.2023 10:28:48 gen. vinyl collector коллекционер грампластинок (an avid vinyl collector)
29.01.2023 4:37:42 gen. develop a relationship with установить отношения с (Sales were not initially impressive with only $352 coming in after the initial five-hour broadcast, Circosta revealed. Within 90 days we made a million dollars in a single day, he added. Circosta believes it took a while to develop a relationship with the audience and to familiarize them with ordering from television — a concept that was foreign at the time. coasttocoastam.com)
29.01.2023 4:37:42 gen. develop a relationship with наладить отношения с (Sales were not initially impressive with only $352 coming in after the initial five-hour broadcast, Circosta revealed. Within 90 days we made a million dollars in a single day, he added. Circosta believes it took a while to develop a relationship with the audience and to familiarize them with ordering from television — a concept that was foreign at the time. coasttocoastam.com)
29.01.2023 4:34:52 gen. credit the success of sth. to объяснять успех (Sales were not initially impressive with only $352 coming in after the initial five-hour broadcast, Circosta revealed. Within 90 days we made a million dollars in a single day, he added. (...) There were 28 other companies trying to do the same thing during the 1980s, Circosta reported. He credited the success of HSN to its distribution model. You must be in front of the right people with whatever you are selling in order to be successful, Circosta explained. coasttocoastam.com)
29.01.2023 4:30:13 gen. recoup the money окупить затраты ("One day the door of the booth opened up and in walks Buzz... and he was holding in his hands this electric can opener," Circosta recalled, noting one of the station's advertisers had run into money issues and decided to pay their bill with can openers. Circosta was asked to sell the can openers on air so the station could recoup the money it was owed. "We sold 113 electric can openers and that was the beginning of what we all now know as home shopping," he noted. coasttocoastam.com)
29.01.2023 4:02:47 cliche. enhance one's life улучшить свою жизнь (TV's original home shopping host Bob Circosta helped create the multi-billion-dollar home shopping industry, having pitched the first product ever offered. He joined guest host Connie Willis (info) for the entire program to discuss the early days of home shopping and how it has become a billion-dollar industry over the past 44 years, as well as what he has learned about sales and what motivates people to buy things they see on television. "I'm just a guy who's helping people enhance their lives through various products," Circosta said, adding he is currently focused on wellness products. coasttocoastam.com)
28.01.2023 7:42:10 idiom. pull a stunt отколоть штуку (to do something foolish or dangerous)
28.01.2023 6:42:55 cliche. intensely dislike относиться резко отрицательно (I can't imagine how this proposal was adopted if the majority on the council had disliked it intensely!)
28.01.2023 5:54:32 fig. hit job заказное дело (в политике, с целью опорочить: Clinton accused host Chris Wallace of a “conservative hit job” (...) -- A hit job in this context means he is accusing the reporter of trying to make him look bad. He thinks he's misusing facts and other aspects of the situation to make him (Bill Clinton) look bad in a way he doesn't deserve. wordreference.com)
28.01.2023 1:29:49 inf. make easy money срубить деньжат по-лёгкому
28.01.2023 0:57:59 inf. that is awful жуть какая-то
27.01.2023 8:35:41 sociol. nerd culture субкультура (напр., фанаты сериала "Звёздные войны": Racists don't like Star Wars. Good. I hope all nerd culture becomes a no-go area for them. (Twitter))
27.01.2023 6:43:57 formal be within the purview of относиться к компетенции (means to be within the scope of the authority, influence, or knowledge of somebody or something: The case is within the constitutional court's purview.)
27.01.2023 3:03:56 gen. generalize выносить общие суждения
27.01.2023 2:30:28 nat.res. wildlife camera trap фотоловушка (Rangers for a Colorado park system found a surprise when they checked a wildlife camera trap —400 bear selfies. Upon checking one of the camera traps to see what wildlife it captured, rangers found hundreds of photos of a shamelessly curious bear. people.com)
27.01.2023 2:27:04 gen. observe unobtrusively незаметно наблюдать (Boulder, Colorado's Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP) wanted to observe the land system's sensitive wildlife habitats unobtrusively, so park rangers placed nine camera traps across 46,000 acres to see how animals used the area. people.com)
27.01.2023 2:16:09 inf. Oz bloke австралиец (an Oz bloke living in Whistler)
27.01.2023 2:04:53 cliche. you've got something coming to you вы за это заплатите
26.01.2023 6:24:10 gen. in appearance resemble внешне напоминать (Aunt Agatha is like an elephant -- not so much to look at, for in appearance she resembles more a well-bred vulture, but because she never forgets. (P.G. Wodehouse))
26.01.2023 6:19:15 emph. my foot! это ж надо такое придумать! (Cops at every corner, on every bridge and road out of town! 'Easy money,' my foot!)
26.01.2023 6:19:15 emph. my foot! это ж надо такое сказать! (Cops at every corner, on every bridge and road out of town! 'Easy money,' my foot!)
26.01.2023 6:11:04 gen. well, well! это ж надо! (expressing amazement)
26.01.2023 6:09:22 emph. what on earth are you drivelling about? что за чушь ты несёшь?
26.01.2023 6:08:43 emph. what on earth are you drivelling about? что за вздор ты несёшь?
26.01.2023 6:00:06 book. brood глубоко задуматься (о неприятном или печальном предмете: to think deeply about something that makes one unhappy (Oxford Dictionary); to think long and anxiously about something (Merriam-Webster); to think silently for a long time about things that make you sad, worried, or angry (Cambridge Dictionary): "Wait, Jeeves," I said, closing my eyes. "Let me brood." I brooded. (P.G. Wodehouse) • "May I brood, sir?" "Certainly, Jeeves." "Thank you, sir." (P.G. Wodehouse))
26.01.2023 6:00:06 book. brood размышлять (о неприятном или печальном предмете: to think deeply about something that makes one unhappy (Oxford Dictionary); to think long and anxiously about something (Merriam-Webster); to think silently for a long time about things that make you sad, worried, or angry (Cambridge Dictionary): "Wait, Jeeves," I said, closing my eyes. "Let me brood." I brooded. (P.G. Wodehouse) • "May I brood, sir?" "Certainly, Jeeves." "Thank you, sir." (P.G. Wodehouse))
26.01.2023 5:35:53 cliche. you know perfectly well that вам прекрасно известно, что
26.01.2023 5:28:37 context. a peculiar feeling it gave me странное чувство охватило меня ("I read the paragraph again. A peculiar feeling it gave me." (P.G. Wodehouse))
26.01.2023 5:00:54 TV play a clip показать фрагмент (видеозаписи: He'll use any excuse to play a Seinfeld clip.)
26.01.2023 4:53:35 slang fixed подкупленный ("The dick was fixed, of course. So were several other people." (Raymond Chandler) -- Естественно, полицейский был подкуплен.)
26.01.2023 3:34:04 cliche. give oneself permission to позволить себе (He shared several meditation techniques (...). Meditation is giving yourself permission to relax mentally and emotionally, he added. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2023 3:21:19 welln. self-awareness самопознание (There are various levels of consciousness, and we become more sentient as we learn about ourselves through creativity and self-awareness, he indicated. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2023 3:04:55 welln. natural healing выздоровление без лекарств (In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing, along with the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from chronic conditions. coasttocoastam.com)
26.01.2023 1:32:46 lgbt coming out НСО-признание (также "признание в НСО")
25.01.2023 5:34:21 gen. be diverted by trifles отвлекаться на мелочи (from sth.: You mustn't let yourself be diverted from the task in hand by trifles, Bertie. (P.G. Wodehouse))
25.01.2023 5:30:12 gen. time is marching on время идёт (We decided to do it now as time is marching on, and we're going on a trip next month.)
25.01.2023 5:29:55 gen. time was passing время шло (Time was passing and I might expect the owner's return at any minute.)
25.01.2023 5:25:45 brit. it's quite all right всё в полном порядке (It's quite all right, old chap. She has agreed.)
25.01.2023 5:23:19 gen. nothing is so soothing as ничто так не успокаивает, как (I always feel that nothing is so soothing as a walk in a garden at night. (P.G. Wodehouse))
25.01.2023 5:20:54 med. soothing оказывающий успокоительное действие
25.01.2023 5:14:55 gen. there's nobody like you с вами никто не сравнится ('I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- there's nobody like you.' 'Thank you very much, miss.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
25.01.2023 4:40:37 cliche. it's a deal! согласен! (на сделку: It's a deal! -- Согласен! / По рукам!)
25.01.2023 4:33:09 brit. come off получиться ('Let's hope it comes off.' 'It'll come off all right.' -- Получится, само собой.)
25.01.2023 4:29:47 idiom. have a shot попробовать (to make an attempt at (Collins Dictionary): I'll have a shot at solving the problem. • 'You'll do it?' 'I'll have a shot.' -- Попробую. / Попытаюсь.)
25.01.2023 3:54:11 fin. close on the purchase завершить покупку (In June 2014, Stanley Financial closed on the $8.5-million purchase of the 16-acre property at 645 Henning Drive, according to company financial statements.)
25.01.2023 3:53:02 real.est. close a deal завершить покупку (Those two properties, at 2523 and 2539 Rosemont Ave., sold for $2,587,500 each. The real estate deals are expected to close in August.)
25.01.2023 3:49:45 cliche. make a reality воплотить в жизнь (“I am delighted that we are that much closer to the completion of this waterfront park plan. I would also like to express my most sincere gratitude to my friend and longtime resident of Westwood, Jim Green, for helping to make this a reality,” Clements said.)
25.01.2023 3:45:06 gov. non-core несущественный (о статье расходов, напр., в городском бюджете: "How are they going to fund the extra police and nurses??" "Slashing non-core expenditures. Easy to do as the last three councils did nothing but build up those expenditures. Closing the rental office and ditching VANDU money was a good, albeit tiny, start. Ramp it up." (Twitter) )
25.01.2023 2:53:16 med. poor sleep плохой сон (в смысле "неспособность быстро засыпать": Poor Sleep Linked To Paranormal Beliefs Around Aliens, Ghosts, And Demons: According to new research, an inability to sleep well could make the night appear even more alive, leading to stronger beliefs in ghosts, demons, aliens, and the afterlife. iflscience.com)
25.01.2023 2:44:23 gen. work as an informant работать осведомителем (Rothmiller also detailed Sinatra's longstanding connections with various mobsters, and how at one point, he offered to work as an informant for the CIA, but they turned him down. coasttocoastam.com)
25.01.2023 2:41:47 gen. deadly concoction отрава (According to Rothmiller, Lawford revealed that he and Bobby Kennedy were at Marilyn's house, on the day she died, and she and Bobby had been intensely fighting. He said he saw Bobby prepare her a drink in a clear glass and mix something with a spoon into it. Rothmiller believes that it was Bobby who gave her a deadly concoction, presumably because Monroe was going to spill details of their affair to the press. coasttocoastam.com)
25.01.2023 2:39:27 gen. secret dossier секретное досье (Rothmiller said he reviewed the secret dossiers of Marilyn, the Kennedys, and Peter Lawford, and that Fred Otash, one of his informants, revealed that he planted bugs and wiretapped Monroe's and Lawford's home. coasttocoastam.com)
25.01.2023 2:36:01 gen. make it look like создать видимость (The 19-year-old mother who strangled her baby boy with a pair of her thong underwear and tossed him over the backyard fence into a neighbour's yard at first denied any involvement in the baby's death, later she claimed she had given the baby to her boyfriend, and finally she claimed she strangled him to make it look like a murder. • Two plainclothes men showed up just before Lawford and RFK left, one of them known to Bobby. Rothmiller suggested that these two men (one of whom worked for the LAPD) then handled the body [of Marilyn Monroe] and set up the scene to make it look like a suicide. coasttocoastam.com)
24.01.2023 5:50:00 proverb talk is cheap языком нести -- не помелом мести
24.01.2023 5:27:05 construct. highrise cluster высотный микрорайон (massive highrise clusters that are often financed by offshore sources)
24.01.2023 5:24:45 gen. conglomeration of apartment towers высотный микрорайон (growing up in a conglomeration of apartment towers in China)
24.01.2023 5:07:55 inf. a bit pricey немного дороговато (The young engineer was still drawn to the place, however. He had just finished a tour of a 19th-floor view suite, measuring 490 square feet, that was renting for $2,650, with parking. “It’s a bit pricey,” he said, “but it’s luxury.” vancouversun.com)
24.01.2023 4:59:41 fig. lived-in жилой (в смысле "обжитой", об ощущении от помещения: “It’s a bit cold,” Robert Teodoropol, 27, said of the highrise hub. He works in an office tower at Cambie and Marine and was checking out its apartments. “I wouldn’t say it has much character. There is not much of a lived-in feel. All the office staff go home at 5 p.m.” vancouversun.com)
24.01.2023 4:55:22 gen. be completely different from полностью отличаться от (The model has advantages in terms of transit and shopping convenience, said Condon. But one problem is “the tower-district lifestyle is completely different from the one enjoyed in traditional neighbourhoods, like in Kitsilano and at Commercial Drive, where you will see lots of people you come to know and there is a general diversity of interesting landscapes and buildings.” vancouversun.com)
24.01.2023 4:51:07 gen. in the way of в том, что касается (In response to the driver's report, police did check out the area where the encounter allegedly occurred, but found nothing in the way of Bigfoot evidence at the scene.)
24.01.2023 4:46:40 gen. and touching on что касается (And touching on that quarterly report, I'd like to have it on my desk by next Monday.)
24.01.2023 4:42:36 construct. intense-population node жилищный узел с высокой плотностью населения (на ключевом транспортном коридоре и/или вокруг станции метро: The model emerged in North America in the 1980s, Condon said, with the idea that the intense-population nodes would counter the problem of suburban sprawl. vancouversun.com)

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