
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

24.02.2023 6:34:24 fig. swoop on наброситься на (China eyes our Assets: More Chinese investors are preparing to swoop on Aussie property, with a looming housing slump and weak Australian dollar set to open the residential real estate market to more overseas buyers as agents try to offset losses.)
24.02.2023 5:48:21 quot.aph. variety is the spice of life перемены придают жизни остроту ("Variety is the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavour." (William Cowper, 1731-1800): "If variety is the spice of life, ours certainly hasn't lacked savour. (...) We have owned our own fruit ranch; lived in a lumber camp, in cities and in the country. (...) We have lived in neat little suburban homes and rented luxurious apartments with all the newest gadgets." (Gwen Cash, 1938))
24.02.2023 5:09:24 fig. rival не уступать (по аналогии с городом, где все поголовно ходят в белых штанах: "Vancouver's Harbour will soon be spanned by a bridge across the First Narrows, to rival those of San Francisco and Sydney, Australia." (Gwen Cash, 1938) -- С одного берега залива на другой протянется мост, который ни в чём не будет уступать мостам в Сан-Франциско и в Сиднее)
24.02.2023 4:50:37 idiom. stand one's ground не уступать (The premier of Alberta is standing her ground in the ongoing pipeline dispute with BC. – не уступает / стоит на своём)
24.02.2023 4:48:07 gen. span by a bridge соединить берега реки мостом (***не только реки, но и залива: "Vancouver's Harbour will soon be spanned by a bridge across the First Narrows, to rival those of San Francisco and Sydney, Australia." (Gwen Cash, 1938))
24.02.2023 4:44:16 brit. spondulicks деньжата ("Vancouver's mansions surrounded by well-kept gardens, its middle-class homes in their flower gardens, are tangible evidences of British Columbia's wealth. For more of the men who own them than you'll suspect if you dined in Vancouver's swank clubs and hotels, came West with very little spondulicks in their pants' pockets." (Gwen Cash, 1938) -- очень мало деньжат)
24.02.2023 4:38:18 gen. tangible evidence наглядное свидетельство ("Vancouver's mansions surrounded by well-kept gardens, its middle-class homes in their flower gardens, are tangible evidences of British Columbia's wealth." (Gwen Cash, 1938))
24.02.2023 4:32:42 real.est. well-kept grounds придомовая территория в хорошем состоянии (вокруг частного дома: middle-class homes surrounded by well-kept grounds)
24.02.2023 4:32:42 real.est. well-kept grounds придомовой участок в хорошем состоянии (вокруг частного дома: middle-class homes surrounded by well-kept grounds)
24.02.2023 2:45:14 gen. traffic автомобильное движение (The Granville Street Bridge is fully open to traffic after an earlier collision. -- мост полностью открыт для автомобильного движения)
24.02.2023 2:44:15 traf.contr. traffic поток транспорта (на определённом маршруте: heavy traffic on the Lions Gate)
24.02.2023 2:39:30 geogr. uninhabited area безлюдная местность (Летчик погиб, самолет упал в безлюдной местности, разрушений на земле нет. • The vast, northwestern part of Canada contains three territories: Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories. This region has dry, barren, and mostly uninhabited areas.)
23.02.2023 4:01:58 sarcast. deign to visit пожаловать
23.02.2023 4:01:58 sarcast. kindly visit пожаловать
23.02.2023 2:32:59 NATO NATO's eastern flank восточный фланг НАТО
22.02.2023 1:02:26 fig. give a lead into предоставить возможность познакомиться с ("It's very unusual and actually quite exciting in terms of giving us a lead into local history and people who lived in Norwood, which was a very popular place for the upper middle classes in the late 1800s," Stephen Oxford, editor of the Norwood Review, told the BBC. upi.com)
22.02.2023 1:02:26 fig. give a lead into предоставить возможность заглянуть в ("It's very unusual and actually quite exciting in terms of giving us a lead into local history and people who lived in Norwood, which was a very popular place for the upper middle classes in the late 1800s," Stephen Oxford, editor of the Norwood Review, told the BBC. upi.com)
22.02.2023 0:55:59 gen. make out to обращаться к (в письме, к адресату: A London man who received a letter addressed to a former resident of his home was shocked to discover it had been mailed more than a century earlier in 1916. (...) The letter was addressed to "Mrs. Oswald Marsh" and was made out to "my dear Katie." The sender was identified as Christabel Mennel. -- автор письма обращается к upi.com)
22.02.2023 0:53:09 gen. talk to обращаться к ("Are you talking to me?" " Actually, sir, I was talking to your wife." – – "Это вы мне? / Это вы ко мне обращаетесь?" "Вообще-то я обращалась к вашей жене, сэр.")
22.02.2023 0:49:35 gen. it remains unclear why по-прежнему неясно, почему (It remains unclear why the letter took so long to arrive at its intended destination.)
22.02.2023 0:41:25 gen. distinguish between различать (distinguish between A and B – различать, где A, а где Б)
21.02.2023 8:04:29 gen. what's all this? как это понимать? ('What's all this? You can't start swigging brandy just before dinner.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
21.02.2023 7:43:40 cliche. some people believe that есть мнение, что (Есть мнение, что в случае реализации сценария интеграции Абхазии и Южной Осетии, помимо недовольства Грузии, многократно усилится внешнее давление на страну. (km.ru) • Some people believe that violence on television and computer games has a damaging effect on society. Others deny that these factors have any significant influence on people's behavior. writing9.com)
21.02.2023 5:38:05 formal for informational purposes с ознакомительной целью ((Disclaimer: for informational purposes only -- Данная программа подготовлена исключительно с ознакомительной целью ... )
21.02.2023 5:21:54 gen. refined woman интеллигентная женщина ("You are both men and you must know that nothing shocks a man quite so much as to hear a supposedly refined woman use the language of the gutter and the public urinal." – интеллигентная женщина – Raymond Chandler )
20.02.2023 8:55:29 gen. run расположен (some of the biggest muscles that run along the spine – которые расположены / располагаются вдоль позвоночника)
20.02.2023 8:41:18 idiom. tit for tat взаимный обмен ударами (.... enraged Americans start to ban dealings with certain EU companies and off we go into a tit for tat which impoverishes us all. (Forbes Magazine) -- пример от Игоря Мига)
20.02.2023 8:34:37 gen. and what is that? и в чём же он заключается? ("I have an interesting theory on alien visitations." "And what is that?" – И в чём же она заключается?)
20.02.2023 8:31:16 inf. all right в самом деле ("Son, I could use a five dollar bill so rough Abe Lincoln's whiskers would be all lathered up with sweat." I gave him one. I looked at it before I passed it over. It was Lincoln on the five, all right. (Raymond Chandler) – на пятёрке и в самом деле был изображён Линкольн)
20.02.2023 8:27:08 formal make significant strides значительно продвинуться (in – в: We have made significant strides in our ability to serve our clients since then. • Manufacturers have made significant strides in utilizing this technology.)
20.02.2023 8:11:01 gen. -born родом из (a Boston-born writer and poet -- писатель и поэт, родом из Бостона)
20.02.2023 8:10:45 gen. originally hail from быть родом из (She originally hails from New Brunswick. – Она родом из Нью-Брансвика.)
20.02.2023 8:09:33 gen. be a native of быть родом из (Bishop O'Connell was a native of Ireland.)
20.02.2023 8:07:48 gen. hail from быть родом из (He hails from Nevada. -- Он родом из Невады.)
20.02.2023 7:24:26 gen. burly здоровяк (The burly, 230-lb, 32-year-old auto mechanic has been missing since last December.)
20.02.2023 7:24:00 slang big hunk здоровяк ("Who the hell is Moose Malloy?" "A big hunk that killed a man over on Central Avenue a few days ago." (Raymond Chandler))
20.02.2023 6:10:28 univer. on-campus classes очная форма обучения (I am confident the going back to on-campus classes is the right decision.)
20.02.2023 6:10:28 univer. on-campus classes очное обучение (I am confident the going back to on-campus classes is the right decision.)
20.02.2023 5:59:56 archit. survive unaltered сохраниться без изменений (One of the first suburban branches of the Vancouver Public Library, and the oldest to survive unaltered, Collingwood demonstrates the use of modern forms to produce a regional West Coast style. (Harold Kalman) placesthatmatter.ca)
20.02.2023 5:33:01 gen. respectful уважительно относящийся (of – к: The warehouse was superbly converted into twelve suites, four per floor, with the changes, such as the steel balconies, respectful of the original design.)
20.02.2023 5:33:01 gen. respectful с уважением относящийся (of – к: The warehouse was superbly converted into twelve suites, four per floor, with the changes, such as the steel balconies, respectful of the original design.)
20.02.2023 5:15:19 fig. flood заливать (о свете: The large triangular clerestory windows allow light to flood the broad wood-panelled nave. (Harold Kalman))
20.02.2023 5:06:57 gen. vary in отличаться по ("Atmospheric rivers vary in intensity and impacts," states Environment Canada. -- отличаются по своей интенсивности и воздействию)
20.02.2023 4:59:17 gen. characteristic отличающий (Isabelle's initial career as a dance teacher at a private school may account for her characteristic attention to line and internal rhythm in her artwork.)
20.02.2023 4:54:07 gen. characteristic of отличающий (This gilt-decorated cover retained the structural sturdiness characteristic of the era. -- отличает этот период / характерно для этого периода • This bold exaggeration of the modernistic vocabulary is characteristic of late modernism. (Harold Kalman) -- отличает поздний модернизм / характерно для позднего модернизма)
20.02.2023 4:47:22 gen. well-to-do homeowners состоятельные домовладельцы (Trout Lake attracted well-to-do homeowners. However, most of the fine homes have gone.)
20.02.2023 4:47:22 gen. well-to-do homeowners зажиточные домовладельцы (Trout Lake attracted well-to-do homeowners. However, most of the fine homes have gone.)
20.02.2023 4:42:58 gen. be a reminder of one's native country напоминать о родине (Note the curious crow-stepped gable atop the façade of the Church of the Good Shepherd at 808 East 19th Avenue built by Danish Lutherans who wanted a reminder of the architecture of their native country. (Harold Kalman))
20.02.2023 4:39:09 archit. crow-stepped gable ступенчатый щипец (Note the curious crow-stepped gable atop the façade of the Church of the Good Shepherd built by Danish Lutherans who wanted a reminder of the architecture of their native country. (Harold Kalman) wikipedia.org)
19.02.2023 5:50:18 inf. go запропаститься (I can't find my striped tie. Where did it go? – Куда он запропастился?) )
19.02.2023 5:46:31 gen. at the right price за приемлемую цену (As a community-focused company, ABC designs with people in mind by providing the right product in the right place, at the right price. • We design with people in mind by providing the right product in the right place, at the right price.) )
19.02.2023 5:46:07 gen. at the right price по приемлемым ценам (As a community-focused company, ABC designs with people in mind by providing the right product in the right place, at the right price. • We design with people in mind by providing the right product in the right place, at the right price.) )
19.02.2023 5:26:03 gen. spread fear посеять страх (is the usual expression)
19.02.2023 4:51:39 geol. basalt quarry базальтовый карьер (Two abandoned basalt quarries in Queen Elizabeth Park have been transformed into marvellous gardens. -- Два заброшенных базальтовых карьера в Елизаветинском парке были превращены в великолепные сады.)
19.02.2023 4:35:17 geogr. Burnaby Бёрнаби (третий по величине город в пров. Британская Колумбия (220 тыс. чел) с большим русскоязычным населением, расположенный непосредственно к востоку от Ванкувера)
19.02.2023 4:32:44 topon. Coquitlam Коквитлам (город в пров. Британская Колумбия с большим русскоязычным населением, расположен к востоку от Ванкувера)
19.02.2023 4:24:18 fig. blandness непривлекательность (Too many low-income rental housing projects are characterized by blandness. This one is no exception: flat roofs, pale yellow stucco walls, almost no greenery.)
19.02.2023 4:24:18 fig. blandness малопривлекательность (Too many low-income rental housing projects are characterized by blandness. This one is no exception: flat roofs, pale yellow stucco walls, almost no greenery.)
19.02.2023 4:24:18 fig. blandness безынтересность (Too many low-income rental housing projects are characterized by blandness. This one is no exception: flat roofs, pale yellow stucco walls, almost no greenery.)
19.02.2023 4:24:18 fig. blandness скучность (Too many low-income rental housing projects are characterized by blandness. This one is no exception: flat roofs, pale yellow stucco walls, almost no greenery.)
19.02.2023 4:24:18 fig. blandness скучноватость (Too many low-income rental housing projects are characterized by blandness. This one is no exception: flat roofs, pale yellow stucco walls, almost no greenery.)
19.02.2023 4:24:18 fig. blandness малоинтересность (Too many low-income rental housing projects are characterized by blandness. This one is no exception: flat roofs, pale yellow stucco walls, almost no greenery.)
19.02.2023 2:08:59 cliche. give the benefit of the doubt беспристрастно относиться (невзирая на сомнения в невиновности: the state of accepting something/someone as honest or deserving of trust even though there are doubts. E.g.: He might be lying, but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept what he says for now. (Merriam-Webster))
19.02.2023 2:06:29 cliche. benefit of the doubt беспристрастное отношение (со стороны окружающих: We can't foresee getting flat tires on our cars, after all, so how can we be so quick to find fault with companies that fail to prevent major environmental disasters? Major corporations have made our lives so much better, he went on—maybe they deserve the benefit of the doubt in matters of public safety. -- заслуживают беспристрастного отношения к себе coasttocoastam.com)
18.02.2023 6:47:40 gen. there has been an increase имеет место рост (This winter there has been an increase in cancelled appointments to donate blood. -- имеет место рост / наблюдается рост / отмечается рост)
18.02.2023 4:33:30 gen. at the rear of за (at the rear of the building -- за домом)
18.02.2023 3:38:35 gen. hovering зависший (A family driving on a quiet road observed a large black triangular craft hovering in the sky. They stopped their car, and then the ship shot down two strong beams of light, followed by an intense blue light that invaded the surrounding forest. coasttocoastam.com)
17.02.2023 9:23:17 inf. spooky жуткий (In spite of its spooky reputation thanks to a resident ghost, the heritage 1911 Century House bank building on Richards Street is a looker. – есть на что посмотреть)
17.02.2023 9:22:56 inf. freaky жуткий (I found this knife under my bed. It was really freaky! I had no idea how it got there. – Просто жуть!)
17.02.2023 9:18:41 gen. assume an identity жить по чужим документам (Prohorov had assumed an identity of a Canadian and was living in Port Coquitlam.)
17.02.2023 7:22:07 inf. freak out места себе не находить (испытывать беспокойство, тревогу: During his most recent relocation, the cat went missing. Lumabi thought she had jumped out a window. "I was freaking out because she's been an indoor cat her whole life," he told CTV News, adding that his new place is close to the highway. castanet.net)
17.02.2023 7:16:02 gen. put up posters расклеивать объявления (During his most recent relocation, the cat went missing. Lumabi thought she had jumped out a window. He put up lost cat posters, called the SPCA and vets and took to social media to find Marley. castanet.net)
17.02.2023 5:57:41 gen. barely conscious почти без сознания (Rushing to Kraus' side, the tenant found the man profusely bleeding from his leg and barely conscious. coasttocoastam.com)
17.02.2023 5:52:39 gen. cry out for help звать на помощь (According to Corey O'Keeffe, who was renting a room at the residence when the attack took place, he was alerted to something amiss when he heard his 67-year-old landlord crying out for help. coasttocoastam.com)
17.02.2023 5:52:39 gen. cry out for help громко звать на помощь (According to Corey O'Keeffe, who was renting a room at the residence when the attack took place, he was alerted to something amiss when he heard his 67-year-old landlord crying out for help. coasttocoastam.com)
17.02.2023 5:49:24 inf. cry out for проситься (получить что-л.: This fantastic chassis has now got the power it was crying out for in the 4.2 XK8.)
17.02.2023 5:45:31 real.est. rent a room at the residence снимать комнату в доме (According to Corey O'Keeffe, who was renting a room at the residence when the attack took place, he was alerted to something amiss when he heard his 67-year-old landlord crying out for help. coasttocoastam.com)
17.02.2023 5:39:11 gen. particularly aggressive особо агрессивный (In a bizarre story out of Ireland, authorities say that a man died following a violent attack by a particularly aggressive chicken. coasttocoastam.com)
17.02.2023 5:36:46 gov. meaningful consultation содержательное обсуждение (The pact calls for meaningful government consultation with indigenous peoples. -- между правительством и коренными народностями)
17.02.2023 5:16:30 gen. distinctive непохожий на другие (characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others (Oxford Dictionary): Several of the ethnic communities on the East Side -- Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Filipino, East Indian -- have developed distinctive commercial districts.)
17.02.2023 5:16:30 gen. distinctive отличающийся от остальных (characteristic of one person or thing, and so serving to distinguish it from others (Oxford Dictionary): Several of the ethnic communities on the East Side -- Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Filipino, East Indian -- have developed distinctive commercial districts.)
17.02.2023 5:12:13 gen. distinctive заметный (Aside from the Lions, Crown Mountain is the most distinctive peak on Vancouver’s North Shore. – самая заметная вершина)
17.02.2023 5:12:01 gen. distinctive приметный (Aside from the Lions, Crown Mountain is the most distinctive peak on Vancouver’s North Shore. – самая приметная вершина)
17.02.2023 5:06:16 gen. be vastly different сильно отличаться (The way we build and secure websites today is vastly different than how we did it nearly a decade ago.)
17.02.2023 5:06:05 gen. be very much different сильно отличаться (If the elections took place now instead of last November, the outcome would be very much different.)
17.02.2023 5:05:41 gen. differ considerably сильно отличаться (from – от: The area developed much like a patchwork quilt, containing houses of contrasting sizes along a single block. The haphazard appearance of East Greenfield differs considerably from the uniformity of West Greenfield and North Greenfield.)
17.02.2023 5:05:41 gen. differ considerably значительно отличаться (from – от: The area developed much like a patchwork quilt, containing houses of contrasting sizes along a single block. The haphazard appearance of East Greenfield differs considerably from the uniformity of West Greenfield and North Greenfield.)
17.02.2023 5:03:38 real.est. haphazard appearance беспорядочный внешний вид (жилого района: The area developed much like a patchwork quilt, containing houses of contrasting sizes along a single block. The haphazard appearance of East Greenfield differs considerably from the uniformity of West Greenfield and North Greenfield.)
17.02.2023 4:42:17 real.est. lot size размер участка (The neighbourhood allows a variety of lot sizes and setbacks.)
17.02.2023 4:35:35 real.est. detached house with a garden отдельный дом с садом (the ideal of every family having a detached house with a garden)
17.02.2023 4:31:42 gen. frustrated уставший от бессилия (изменить положение дел: This laissez-faire atmosphere drove frustrated West Side residents to secede and form the Municipality of Point Grey in 1906. (Harold Kalman))
17.02.2023 4:28:58 fr. laissez-faire беспечный (a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering. "a laissez-faire attitude to life" (Oxford Dictionary): For more than a dozen years, the municipality refused to issue debentures to finance improvements. Roads often followed the construction of housing. This laissez-faire atmosphere drove frustrated West Side residents to secede and form the Municipality of Point Grey in 1906. (Harold Kalman))
17.02.2023 4:00:44 gen. rural-suburban neighbourhoods сельская пригородная зона (The Greenwood District contains a number of rural-suburban neighbourhoods linked to Ellesmere by the interurban railway.)
17.02.2023 3:44:57 gen. vast area обширная территория (The District of Greenwood, organized in 1897, comprised the vast area between the Green River and Bear Hills.)
16.02.2023 6:42:01 inf. the heck with everything да пошло оно всё далеко-далеко (Sometimes you just gotta say, "The heck with everything!" and chill with your furry friend and a cold one on the sofa.)
16.02.2023 6:12:06 esot. the unexplained непознанное (This episode featured several callers sharing their encounters with the unexplained. -- слушатели делятся рассказами о своих встречах с непознанным)
16.02.2023 5:11:58 gen. topics like these подобные темы (We don't discuss topics like these. -- Мы не обсуждаем такие / подобные темы. • He also described an experience when he watched a man levitate objects, an ability Hein says has been denied and suppressed. The evidence he's gathered also affirms the existence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. Hein continues to research topics like these, and mentioned that the most baffling part of his work is that so many people are resistant to evidence of the paranormal. coasttocoastam.com)
16.02.2023 5:06:24 gen. covered-up information информация, утаиваемая от общественности (Another item Hein offered as an example of covered-up information was extensive confirmation of psychokinesis by remote viewers. coasttocoastam.com)
16.02.2023 5:06:24 gen. covered-up information информация, скрываемая от общественности (Another item Hein offered as an example of covered-up information was extensive confirmation of psychokinesis by remote viewers. coasttocoastam.com)
16.02.2023 5:02:28 gen. cloaking способность становиться невидимым (употребляется как в военных технологиях, так и исследователями паранормальных явлений: The behavior attributed to Bigfoot is very similar to that of humans on the one hand, while Bigfoot are also reported to possess paranormal abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, and cloaking, said Hein. coasttocoastam.com)

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