
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.632  << | >>

22.03.2023 1:44:38 gen. take a poll провести опрос населения ('If anyone took a poll here in Canada, they would find a majority of Canadians would want their own government overthrown.' 'No kidding.' -- Если бы кто-нибудь провёл опрос населения у нас в Канаде ...)
22.03.2023 1:01:35 humor. creepy crawlies насекомые (One area that does not seem to get as much attention as some others is the phenomenon of reports of giant, cryptid insects that defy explanation and seem to have crawled out of our very nightmares. Here we will look at a selection of reports of flying creepy crawlies that most people would rather they never met. – летающие насекомые mysteriousuniverse.org)
21.03.2023 6:48:52 cliche. use best judgement проявлять здравомыслие (use *one's* best judgement": "With movies like this, you really should be using your best judgment as a parent.")
21.03.2023 6:46:04 med. respond проявить реакцию (Rather than just measuring what the brain does when the patient is passively listening, here the patient has to make a response himself.)
21.03.2023 1:59:37 gen. block one's path преградить путь (As the group fled the scene, Bledsoe said that the anomalous lights were following his truck on the highway and, at one point blocking their path. coasttocoastam.com)
21.03.2023 1:56:10 gen. distraught сам не свой (deeply upset and agitated: Bledsoe's son, Chris Jr., was also missing, and he frantically searched for him in the woods. When he found Chris Jr., he was distraught after witnessing two translucent beings about 3.5 ft. tall with red glowing eyes that seemed to paralyze him. coasttocoastam.com)
21.03.2023 1:54:47 gen. distraught сильно расстроенный (deeply upset and agitated: People are warning the public not to give cash to the scam artists who look like a distraught couple.)
21.03.2023 1:26:26 cliche. done deal дело решённое (It's a done deal. • О строительстве нового жилого микрорайона на улице Колобова совсем недавно говорилось как о деле решённом. Однако на самом деле всё, оказывается, не так просто.)
21.03.2023 1:22:44 polit. speechwriter речеписец
20.03.2023 7:40:23 gen. with sensitivity прислушиваясь к мнению собеседника (communicate with sensitivity – вести диалог, прислушиваясь ко мнению другой стороны)
20.03.2023 7:29:27 cliche. native composure прирождённая выдержка (But some amazing experience had disturbed his native composure and left its traces in his bristling hair, his flushed, angry cheeks, and his flurried, excited manner. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
20.03.2023 7:29:27 cliche. native composure прирождённое самообладание (But some amazing experience had disturbed his native composure and left its traces in his bristling hair, his flushed, angry cheeks, and his flurried, excited manner. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
20.03.2023 7:02:14 cliche. talk about something так и хочется (Talk about a punchable face. – Так и хочется вмазать по морде. twitter.com)
20.03.2023 6:11:54 fig. tune in to прислушиваться к (Canadians are tuning in to these trends.)
20.03.2023 6:09:17 inf. throw a scare into припугнуть (кого-либо: The girl she roomed with--in her set any woman who works out is a girl--was taking money out of her purse. A dollar here, four bits there, but it added up. She figured she was out close to twenty dollars in all. (...) She thought I ought to be willing to throw a scare into the roommate just on the telephone like, not mentioning any names. (Raymond Chandler))
20.03.2023 6:06:55 gen. stashed away припрятанный (Fewer deliveries in the winter months. Luckily I have literally hundreds of bottles stashed away. Here's one such vintage bottle from the vault. – у меня припрятано)
20.03.2023 6:06:42 gen. tucked away припрятанный (He's got a decent amount tucked away in the Cayman Islands. – У него припрятан солидный капиталец)
20.03.2023 5:39:17 gen. you can't argue about fellows' tastes о вкусах не спорят (P.G. Wodehouse)
20.03.2023 5:18:37 formal so I trust надеюсь (" "So I trust, Watson, so I trust," said Holmes, gravely." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
20.03.2023 5:18:07 formal I trust надеюсь (I trust we can resolve the outstanding issues in the next few weeks.)
20.03.2023 4:03:05 fig. flavour колорит (After the First World War, Grandview began to take on an ethnic flavour, as well, with the arrival of many Italians, East Europeans, and Chinese. (Ron Phillips) -- также начал приобретать этнический колорит)
20.03.2023 3:52:32 industr. tradesman квалифицированный рабочий (прошедший профобучение и сертификацию для работы в определённом секторе промышленности или строительства: In the boom period of 1905-12, Grandview filled in rapidly and many substantial homes were built, but the area has always had a working-class feel with most development occurring as comfortable tradesmen's houses on small lots. (Ron Phillips))
20.03.2023 3:50:15 hist. tradesmen мастеровые (In the boom period of 1905-12, Grandview filled in rapidly and many substantial homes were built, but the area has always had a working-class feel with most development occurring as comfortable tradesmen's houses on small lots. (Ron Phillips))
20.03.2023 3:42:04 econ. boom period период бурного роста (In the boom period of 1905-12, Grandview filled in rapidly and many substantial homes were built (...) (Ron Phillips))
20.03.2023 3:38:50 railw. building of a railway постройка железной дороги (The building of the Vancouver-New Westminster interurban railway in 1891 opened up the Grandview area for settlement (...) (Ron Phillips))
20.03.2023 3:33:46 geogr. shore of an inlet берег залива (Though Hastings can claim to have had the first hotel, post office, and telephone in the area, the opening of the CPR line to its rival Granville effectively ended its pre-eminent position on the south shore of the inlet. (Ron Phillips))
20.03.2023 3:26:56 gen. fashionable holiday spot модный курорт (Throughout the 1920s and 1930s it was a fashionable holiday spot.)
20.03.2023 3:25:47 gen. throughout the 1920s в 1920-ых годах (Throughout the 1920s and 1930s it was a fashionable holiday spot.)
20.03.2023 3:21:46 gen. change the name to переименовать в (In 1869 a second hotel was added and the name of the young community was changed to Hastings to honour the visit of Admiral George Hastings of the Royal Navy. (Ron Phillips))
20.03.2023 3:18:05 transp. floating wharf плавучая пристань (Oliver Hocking soon added a hotel and floating wharf to his holdings and New Brighton, as it came to be called, became British Columbia's first resort. (Ron Phillips))
20.03.2023 3:12:28 gen. cut a trail прорубить тропу (в тайге: The Douglas Road originally was a trail cut by the Royal Engineers from New Westminster to Burrard Inlet.)
20.03.2023 2:32:27 radio play an audio clip дать прослушать фрагмент (записи, плёнки: Hunt also played an audio clip of his father's deathbed confession. coasttocoastam.com)
20.03.2023 2:27:53 TV entertainment company развлекательная телекомпания (No one from HBO communicated with Hunt about the series they were producing about his family, so he got in touch with the entertainment company and was told they had excellent researchers and did not need his consultation. coasttocoastam.com)
20.03.2023 2:20:04 gen. get something accomplished чего-то добиться (According to Hunt, a common CIA tactic is to kill a target with multiple victims so the ensuing investigation does not single out one person and potentially lead back to the agency. "They make no bones about killing as many people as they need to get something accomplished," he suggested. coasttocoastam.com)
20.03.2023 2:18:41 gen. common tactic обычный тактический приём (*countable*: She had an interview set to blow the lid off of Watergate and Nixon but was killed in a plane crash that Hunt believes was a CIA hit. According to Hunt, a common CIA tactic is to kill a target with multiple victims so the ensuing investigation does not single out one person and potentially lead back to the agency. -- обычный тактический приём ЦРУ coasttocoastam.com)
20.03.2023 2:08:28 gen. was carrying documents при себе были документы (Hunt described Dorothy as a strong woman with a liberal bend, and revealed the day she boarded Flight 553 she was carrying documents that could prove Nixon's culpability in the assassination attempt on Cuban leader Fidel Castro. -- у неё при себе были документы coasttocoastam.com)
20.03.2023 2:02:39 intell. covert agent тайный агент (Saint John Hunt is the eldest son of "super-spy" E. Howard Hunt, the CIA covert agent best known as the leader of the White House "plumbers" black bag team, whose botched burglary and arrest led to the impeachment and resignation of then President Richard Nixon. coasttocoastam.com)
20.03.2023 1:58:14 cliche. we were lied to нас обманывали ("I know and I've seen the body cam footage that was released by the court when the SWAT team entered Stephen Craig Paddock's room... one of the team members, Corey was his name, is going from window to window saying, 'We have no broken window,'" he reported. They enter a connected room and find guns stacked neatly, but no shells anywhere, he continued. According to Mark, after Paddock has been dead for 90 minutes the sound of machine gun fire by commandos can be heard. "We were lied to" about the shooting and Paddock was a Patsy, Mark suggested. -- Нас обманывали. coasttocoastam.com)
19.03.2023 5:38:09 gen. pay off принести свои плоды (Persistence pays off. • Volkswagen diesel scandal is paying off for Toyota.)
19.03.2023 5:23:11 polit. stage a crackdown применить жёсткие меры
19.03.2023 4:34:27 gen. while using при использовании (record your interactions with the Service including clicks on the screen while using the Service)
18.03.2023 7:57:56 real.est. add value увеличивать стоимость (объекта недвижимости: Deep Cove Realtor Garry Valk (...) estimated about half of the waterfront properties in the area don't have docks. (...) "Docks add a tremendous value to a property – if they are licensed," he said "Plus it is a tremendous cost to put a dock in. It is a couple hundred thousand dollars to do it the right way." – частный причал в огромной степени повышает / увеличивает стоимость дома nsnews.com)
18.03.2023 7:54:04 inf. bad guys преступники ("Unfortunately for us, the bad guys don't have that problem. They have unrestricted resources of cash that they can use to fund all different kinds of things, whether it is technology for drug smuggling, whatever they want. That's why law enforcement needs this kind of technology – to keep ahead of the bad guys.' " ("Beep-boop, you're under arrest", Allen Abel, Maclean's Magazine))
18.03.2023 7:49:36 context. make a great gift прекрасный подарок (Orchids are the largest family of flowering plants. With proper care they can live up to 100 years! These make a great Mother’s Day gift! -- Это прекрасный подарок. / Они станут прекрасным подарком.)
18.03.2023 7:46:28 busin. Sales отдел сбыта (структурное подразделение предприятия: She works in Sales on the 3rd Floor. • You should talk to Sandra in Sales.)
18.03.2023 6:35:33 cliche. drop the subject оставить тему разговора (He seemed quite embarrassed, so I dropped the subject.)
18.03.2023 6:35:04 cliche. drop the subject прекратить распросы ("(…) but when I questioned him upon the point he became so offensive that I was compelled to drop the subject." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) )
18.03.2023 6:13:35 Canada First Nations person представитель коренных народностей (официальный термин, применяется только в Канаде: "Johnson (...) is speaking to a lawyer about how to proceed with a human rights case. "If I have to go to court to make this right, not only for myself but for every First Nations person that's been discriminated against by a bank or a big store or something like that, I will," Johnson said." (СВС))
18.03.2023 6:13:15 Canada First Nations person представитель коренного населения (официальный термин, применяется только в Канаде: "Johnson (...) is speaking to a lawyer about how to proceed with a human rights case. "If I have to go to court to make this right, not only for myself but for every First Nations person that's been discriminated against by a bank or a big store or something like that, I will," Johnson said." (СВС))
18.03.2023 6:10:08 food.ind. food manufacturing plant предприятие пищевой промышленности (Our client, a new, local food manufacturing plant, is looking for 20 light-duty labourers to assist them with start-up.)
18.03.2023 5:40:03 formal the one proposed предлагаемый (Cycling along multi-use pathways such as the one proposed will lead to conflicts with vehicles at each of the cross streets, as drivers do not look to their right when pulling up to an intersection.)
18.03.2023 5:22:02 gen. trump превосходить (Does the right to know one's genetic heritage trump the privacy rights of one's genetic parents? – превосходит права)
18.03.2023 5:07:15 idiom. nip in the bud прервать, не дав толком начаться (also прервать в самом начале: "But his narrative was nipped in the bud. There was a bustle outside, and Mrs. Hudson opened the door to usher in two robust and official-looking individuals (...)" (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
18.03.2023 3:57:59 transp. transport cargo by sea перевозить грузы морским путём (Key to the study is assessing potential improvements to transporting cargo by sea over short distances — such as Nanaimo to the Lower Mainland. timescolonist.com)
18.03.2023 3:57:59 transp. transport cargo by sea перевозить грузы по морю (Key to the study is assessing potential improvements to transporting cargo by sea over short distances — such as Nanaimo to the Lower Mainland. timescolonist.com)
18.03.2023 3:56:37 transp. transport cargo by sea перевозить грузы морским транспортом (Key to the study is assessing potential improvements to transporting cargo by sea over short distances — such as Nanaimo to the Lower Mainland. timescolonist.com)
18.03.2023 3:50:40 busin. get operating запустить (Its first goal is to see land returned to First Nations and then an agreement would have to be reached with First Nations as a partner, he said. It’s not known how long that might take. From that point, it would take about 30 months to get the railway operating, he said. timescolonist.com)
18.03.2023 3:50:40 busin. get operating ввести в эксплуатацию (Its first goal is to see land returned to First Nations and then an agreement would have to be reached with First Nations as a partner, he said. It’s not known how long that might take. From that point, it would take about 30 months to get the railway operating, he said. timescolonist.com)
18.03.2023 3:48:24 gen. how long that might take сколько на это потребуется времени (Its first goal is to see land returned to First Nations and then an agreement would have to be reached with First Nations as a partner, he said. It’s not known how long that might take. -- Неизвестно, сколько на это потребуется времени. timescolonist.com)
18.03.2023 3:42:59 transp. load onto rail cars перегружать в вагоны (грузы: Cargo would come into Port Alberni and be loaded onto rail cars. -- Грузы будут прибывать в Порт-Альберни и перегружаться в вагоны. timescolonist.com)
18.03.2023 3:36:21 transp. move cargo перевозить грузы (“Contemporary rail provides a cost-effective and environmental means to move cargo, people and support tourism,” said Dave Hayden, president of Island Rail Corp., who was previously in senior management with Canadian Pacific Railway. timescolonist.com)
17.03.2023 6:19:56 cliche. we will see how it goes посмотрим, как будут развиваться события (We just bought a new weed killer. We will try it for a bit and see how it goes.)
17.03.2023 6:11:16 cliche. run by посоветоваться (Just thought I'd run my proposed article by you to see what you think. Я решил с тобой посоветоваться… • Run this by Ellen before you send it out. – I already did. -- Посоветуйся с Эллен, прежде чем отсылать. – Уже посоветовался.)
17.03.2023 5:58:28 inf. check it out посмотреть (на что-либо, представляющее интерес: 'I headed out to Glen and 12th for a huge arch of trees a few days ago, but they hadn't blossomed yet.' 'Akebono cherries are in full bloom on East 7th west of Rupert. Scores of people snapping photos.' – 'Thanks, will check them out!' – Обязательно посмотрю! (Twitter) • 'There's a new live webcam in the West End just in time for the fireworks. You can watch them in the comfort of your home:' 'Cool, thanks. I'll check it out on Saturday.' (Twitter))
17.03.2023 5:57:25 cliche. let's have a look посмотрим (‘A telegram, sir,' said Jeeves, re-entering the presence. ‘Open it, Jeeves, and read contents. Who is it from?' ‘It is unsigned, sir.' ‘You mean there's no name at the end of it?' ‘That is precisely what I was endeavouring to convey, sir.' ‘Let's have a look.' (P.G. Wodehouse))
17.03.2023 5:51:16 gen. check out online посмотреть на сайте (We have a huge variety of electric bikes. Check them out online at www......)
17.03.2023 5:16:52 obs. ways обхождение ("He won her with his title and his money and his false London ways." – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
17.03.2023 3:03:26 cliche. to his credit нужно отдать ему должное (To his credit, rather than keep the horn as an unusual souvenir, Roundhill dutifully turned the object over to police, who will be enlisting an animal welfare group to dispose of it properly. coasttocoastam.com)
17.03.2023 2:56:53 gen. odd find странная находка (Initially thinking that the odd find was perhaps a piece of wood or a horse's hoof, he subsequently showed it to a friend who had lived in Africa and learned that, in fact, it was a rhino's horn that had been sawed off of the unfortunate creature. coasttocoastam.com)
17.03.2023 2:49:39 wood. sawn-off board отпиленная доска (in carpentry)
16.03.2023 7:44:35 gen. dip понизиться (Ridership within city limits dipped slightly to 487,000 trips per day in 2014 from 492,000 in 2013. -- слегка понизился)
16.03.2023 5:55:48 gen. got it! понял! (Got it! -- Понял!)
16.03.2023 5:53:32 gen. get the idea? понял? ("Anyway in the night, bang, Hench is bugs. So they drag him over to the hospital ward and shoot him full of hop. The jail doc does. That's between you and me. No hop in the record. Get the idea?" "All too clearly," I said. (Raymond Chandler))
16.03.2023 5:39:53 jarg. free stuff халява
16.03.2023 5:35:16 law expenses incurred понесённые издержки (expenses incurred in connection with ...)
16.03.2023 5:34:36 law costs incurred понесённые издержки (recoup all costs incurred by ABC Corp. in the production of any programs)
16.03.2023 2:40:10 gen. back off уступить (Things have improved and, due to the diligence of police and of local residents, things are a little better. But if we back off, these drug dealers will just come back. -- если мы уступим)
16.03.2023 2:38:27 int.rel. back down уступить (Regarding the Russia-Ukraine conflict, he does not see Vladimir Putin backing down. Zelensky and Biden both have "Venusian" energy and want peace, but just tonight, the Moon is in Sagittarius and is crossing Putin's Mars-- and we saw Russia attack a US drone over the Black Sea, Lerner continued. -- не уступит coasttocoastam.com)
16.03.2023 2:34:33 gen. robotic-like как робот (In cases of the Men in Black phenomenon, the MIB are sometimes described as having odd physical characteristics and robotic-like behaviors, he noted. coasttocoastam.com)
16.03.2023 2:32:36 gen. he was struck by a feeling of terror его охватил ужас (He cited an episode of when legendary remote viewer Ingo Swann (who'd previously remote viewed alien beings on the Moon) saw a beautiful woman at a grocery store, but when he got closer, he was struck by a feeling of terror with the knowledge that she was not human. coasttocoastam.com)
16.03.2023 2:30:37 gen. sure давай (разрешение: 'Can I do the end bit?' 'Sure.' -- Ну, давай.)
16.03.2023 2:25:41 adv. end bit заключительная фраза ('Can I do the end bit?' 'Sure.')
15.03.2023 5:29:38 gen. position of affairs положение дел (Such is the position of affairs. – Таково положение дел.)
15.03.2023 2:38:32 Canada community cleaning субботник (I just recently moved to the River District from Kits, and noticed all the garbage spewed everywhere along East Kent, and wanted to see if RD residents would want to help out. (...) Has anybody had any experience creating a community cleaning initiative? Any subsidies from the City? (Reddit))
15.03.2023 2:37:01 Canada neighbourhood clean-up субботник (They do a neighbourhood clean-up every Saturday.)
15.03.2023 2:36:46 Canada community cleanup субботник (A beautiful day to have a cleanup party today! Our volunteers are awesome! Next community cleanup is on March 23!)
15.03.2023 2:27:58 formal matter at hand ситуация (Sheriff's Cpl. Jay Brett secured the use of a mini barge and was able to retrieve the item, which turned out to be a discarded mannequin hand. "We are ready for every matter at hand," the post said. -- Мы готовы к любой ситуации upi.com)
14.03.2023 9:28:28 formal reconfirm подтвердить (Please reconfirm your appointment with me for tomorrow: Oct 2 @ 12:noon.)
14.03.2023 9:22:23 gen. point towards подсказать (We would be happy to point you towards a retailer in your neighbourhood. – Мы будем рады подсказать вам адрес магазина розничной торговли в вашем районе. )
14.03.2023 9:16:51 fig. walk through подробно рассказать ('Walk us through what it was like. Was it easy?' 'It was super easy, I was surprised.' -- Расскажите нам подробно)
14.03.2023 9:04:21 gen. at a reasonable price по доступной цене (great food at a reasonable price)
14.03.2023 8:44:49 gen. troubleshooting guide Возможные неисправности и методы их устранения (раздел в отечественном руководстве по эксплуатации бытового электроприбора)
14.03.2023 8:41:29 idiom. cry foul поднять крик (в ответ на злоупотредления, нарушения правил и пр.)
14.03.2023 8:39:52 gen. be a crybaby поднять крик (Why are you being such a cry-baby?)
13.03.2023 4:51:46 cliche. as opposed to в отличие от (чего-либо: "Predictions as opposed to prophecy, can be subject to changes and are not written in stone, she remarked." coasttocoastam.com)
13.03.2023 4:26:20 gen. get involved вмешиваться (I wouldn't get involved. – Я бы не стал в это вмешиваться.)
13.03.2023 4:24:25 humor. get outside поглощать (a sparrow getting outside a large, tasty, pink worm)
13.03.2023 4:17:02 gen. note взять на заметку (чью-то мысль: "If you have a channel on YouTube, it would be great if you uploaded this to it, because viewers would be able to select a slower playback speed." "Noted for the YT Channel for my videos. I've given it thought, just haven't pulled the trigger. I'll ponder it some more." -- Взял себе на заметку по поводу канала на Ютубе)
13.03.2023 4:07:22 formal encompass включать в себя (Bentall Awards categories encompass everything from construction and design to marketing and energy efficiency. – включают в себя • An urban forest encompasses all the trees in the city, including ones in parks, streets, public spaces, and private property (e.g., backyards).)
13.03.2023 4:06:29 poetic encompass объединять в себе (His work encompasses traditional Japanese iconography, science fiction æsthetic and space-age surrealism. – Его творчество объединяет в себе ...)

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