
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user ART Vancouver: 26.635  << | >>

17.04.2023 5:36:07 gen. in the present circumstances в данных обстоятельствах
17.04.2023 5:35:45 gen. in the present circumstances в сложившейся обстановке
17.04.2023 5:35:33 gen. in the present circumstances в сложившихся обстоятельствах (He believes that Putin is capable of using tactical nuclear weapons in the conflict but doesn't think he would launch them in the present circumstances, as they don't offer much battlefield advantage, and the price of international isolation would be too high. coasttocoastam.com)
17.04.2023 5:30:59 gen. as it stands в сложившейся обстановке
17.04.2023 5:30:47 gen. as it stands в данных обстоятельствах
17.04.2023 5:30:37 gen. as it stands в сложившихся обстоятельствах
17.04.2023 5:30:27 gen. as it stands при данных обстоятельствах
17.04.2023 5:26:06 gen. at this point на данный момент (I'm not sure at this point how much that would cost.)
17.04.2023 5:23:43 gen. at the moment на данный момент (At the moment it's sorted by last name only.)
17.04.2023 5:23:03 gen. as of right now на данный момент (As of right now there are no tails dragging. – На данный момент хвостов нет.)
17.04.2023 5:16:15 gen. as of yet пока (обычно употр-ся с глаголом в отрицат. форме, отрицат. местоимением или прилагательным с "не-": The cause of the fire is unknown as of yet. – причина пока неизвестна • We don't know the cause of the fire as of yet. – пока не знаем • As one might imagine, Eshed's statements have prompted many to seek comment or confirmation from the Israeli government or military, but neither have offered any response as of yet. coasttocoastam.com)
17.04.2023 5:07:50 gen. at this point пока (It's really hard to say at this point. – пока трудно сказать • No, at this point we do not sell a non-fat milk. We have discussed a non-fat milk for the future but are not sure when this will be. • I haven't made up my mind at this point. – пока ещё не решил)
17.04.2023 4:59:01 law, contr. following of the end of по истечении (ABC Inc. will pay You Your Revenue within 60 days following of the end of the month in which the applicable Net Revenue was received by ABC Inc.)
17.04.2023 4:28:01 gen. used to live раньше жил (I'm a born and raised Vancouverite and I've been living in San Francisco for the past 8+ years. I used to live by Yaletown. Sometimes, when my roommate and I were bored, we would grab a coffee and walk over to the McDonalds on Granville St/Smithe around 3AM to watch people make stupid decisions. Without fail, a fight would break out within 20 mins. If we were lucky, it would be a 10 person brawl. Sometimes, we would get to witness 2 or 3 fights a night. (reddit) • I used to live right across from that Italian deli in Pacific Heights. Beautiful area.)
16.04.2023 6:57:18 formal recreation оздоровительный (the Greenwood Municipal Board of Parks and Recreation (охватывает городские парки, спортзалы, бассейны))
16.04.2023 5:04:31 gen. refuse to budge не поддаваться (The tug was pumping more and more black smoke into the air as the escapee logs refused to budge, which brought more onlookers to the beach.)
16.04.2023 5:04:04 gen. not budge не поддаваться (I took my shovel – the sharp shovel, you know, and I kept pounding at the ice, and it wasn't budging at all. – вообще не поддавался)
16.04.2023 4:26:55 idiom. not cut and dried не всё так однозначно (It's not cut and dried, there are a lot of ramifications to it. • The answer to this question is not cut and dried.)
16.04.2023 2:00:13 gen. get frustrated раздражаться (feeling annoyed and impatient because you are prevented from achieving something (MacMillan Dictionary): So I'm sitting on a street in Burnaby behind a guy who is parallel parking on the right hand side of the road and he's looking over his left shoulder while he's doing this and people wonder why I get frustrated with how people drive. (Twitter) -- почему меня раздражает то, как)
16.04.2023 1:57:41 contempt. poverty pimps "сутенёры бедноты" (политические активисты и группы поддержки, спекулирующие на правах бездомных, наркоманов и пр.: "Despite local opposition" – The only opposition is from the poverty pimps! God bless all of you cleaning up this mess! These POS junkies, bums and criminals will get the message sooner or later, and move on....preferably as far away from Vancouver as possible! (Twitter))
15.04.2023 22:37:03 gen. kindness toward others доброта к окружающим (Josh in Texas shared the story of his father's strange experience while giving a stranger a ride in the 1970s. When the man asked to be dropped off in a remote area, Josh said, he vanished after getting out of the car. Josh's father came to believe the stranger was an angel, sent to test his kindness toward others. coasttocoastam.com)
15.04.2023 22:37:03 gen. kindness toward others доброжелательное отношение к окружающим (Josh in Texas shared the story of his father's strange experience while giving a stranger a ride in the 1970s. When the man asked to be dropped off in a remote area, Josh said, he vanished after getting out of the car. Josh's father came to believe the stranger was an angel, sent to test his kindness toward others. coasttocoastam.com)
15.04.2023 8:08:31 gen. hang out at the beach валяться на пляже
15.04.2023 7:32:54 law.enf. secure защитить от взлома (окна и двери: “It is unusual for a break and enter to occur while a home is occupied,” said Sgt. Mark McLean. “This is a good time to remind people that, with warmer weather approaching, it is important to secure windows and doors at night.” vancouversun.com)
15.04.2023 7:32:54 law.enf. secure надёжно защитить (окна и двери: “It is unusual for a break and enter to occur while a home is occupied,” said Sgt. Mark McLean. “This is a good time to remind people that, with warmer weather approaching, it is important to secure windows and doors at night.” vancouversun.com)
15.04.2023 7:26:42 gen. well-known repeat offender известный рецидивист (A well-known repeat offender is behind bars after allegedly breaking into a Greenwood home while the family was inside.)
15.04.2023 5:45:09 gen. glisten заблестеть (о глазах: "Holmes rubbed his hands, and his eyes glistened." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle))
15.04.2023 5:44:55 gen. gleam заблестеть (His eyes gleamed for a moment when I mentioned a snifter. (P.G. Wodehouse))
15.04.2023 5:09:19 cook. cooked buckwheat groats гречневая каша (One cup of cooked buckwheat groats contains the following: ....... • One cup of cooked buckwheat groats is 133 mg of oxalate. )
15.04.2023 5:08:09 ed. spelling грамота (a school discipline: Spelling – Грамота)
15.04.2023 4:36:35 psychol. experience воздействие (the transformative experience of contemplative Buddhist calligraphy – преобразовательное воздействие • "Earlier experiences are better than later experiences even though the later experiences can help catch up with the things that have been lost in early life." (Dr.Thomas Boyce))
15.04.2023 4:35:28 fig. celebrate воздать должное (We are excited to celebrate Shakespeare's genius as part of this mini series. • At Food Heavens we celebrate the wealth of produce grown by Canadian farmers.)
15.04.2023 2:17:35 disappr. it's just fine позволено (+ infinitive: This entitled BMW driver thinks it's just fine to park in the bike lane on Beatty. Even when I banged on her window and told her she was in a bike lane, she still stayed there! (Twitter) -- считает, что ей позволено)
15.04.2023 2:13:37 disappr. entitled обнаглевший (This entitled BMW driver thinks it's just fine to park in the bike lane on Beatty. Even when I banged on her window and told her she was in a bike lane, she still stayed there! (Twitter))
14.04.2023 6:16:06 gen. find it ironic that усматривать иронию (Я усматриваю иронию в том, что ... -- I find it ironic that ...)
14.04.2023 6:02:55 cliche. I hear я слыхал (I hear they just made him vice president of sales and acquisitions.)
14.04.2023 5:59:23 notar. I certify this to be a true copy of the original document я свидетельствую верность этой копии с подлинником документа (соответствует официальной формулировке для РФ ("Верность копии документа"))
14.04.2023 5:51:34 gen. blazing жаркий (a blazing hot day)
14.04.2023 3:18:50 gen. swirling завихряющийся (Mintel also detailed his own UFO sighting while traveling over a bridge on the Delaware River from Pennsylvania to New Jersey. There were five large orbs that looked like swirling lava, he said, and they seemed to be in some kind of search pattern, and then disappeared one by one. coasttocoastam.com)
14.04.2023 2:59:16 gen. historically important имеющий историческое значение (currently derelict but historically important site on the waterfront)
14.04.2023 2:57:12 nautic. take out of service списать судно
14.04.2023 2:56:40 nautic. taken out of service списанное судно (vessel)
14.04.2023 2:54:39 nautic. take out of service списать (судно)
14.04.2023 2:48:47 nautic. vessel is moored судно пришвартовано (The vessel is moored near its original ferry slip.)
14.04.2023 2:46:22 food.ind. nautical ambience морская тематика (в пивной, ресторане)
14.04.2023 2:39:11 cliche. critical factor in the success решающий фактор успеха (The market is linked to downtown Vancouver by the Seabus -- a critical factor in the market's success. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
14.04.2023 2:39:11 cliche. critical factor in the success критически важный для успеха фактор (The market is linked to downtown Vancouver by the Seabus -- a critical factor in the market's success. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
14.04.2023 2:32:15 gen. add to the effect усиливать эффект (With its gleaming white metal cladding, integration of circular and rectilinear forms, and ship-like massing, the Pacific Marine Training Institute looks like a BC Ferry dragged onshore. Portholes, metal railings and staircases, and a cluster of flag-flying 'masts' above the bridge all add to the attractive nautical effect. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
14.04.2023 2:22:36 hydrol. tidal flats приливные отмели
14.04.2023 2:22:36 hydrol. tidal flats грязевые отмели
14.04.2023 2:22:36 hydrol. tidal flats приливно-отливные отмели
14.04.2023 2:17:02 gen. fare little better дела идут немногим лучше (During the depression nearly 75 per cent of all property reverted to the municipalities, who fared little better themselves. (Ron Phillips, Robin Ward) -- у которых дела шли немногим лучше / не блестяще)
14.04.2023 2:10:54 ed. marine training institute мореходное училище
13.04.2023 6:46:48 idiom. be in a pickle попасть в затруднительное положение (These days, the phrase "in a pickle" has an old-timey ring about it. It means: to be stuck in a difficult situation.: If you lose the key you will be in a bit of a pickle because the owners won't be back until after Easter.)
13.04.2023 5:42:53 inf. get the hang of it приспособиться (Living in an RV isn't hard. It's quite comfortable when you get the hang of it.)
13.04.2023 5:41:36 inf. get the hang of it научиться (чему-л.: learn how to operate or do something (Oxford Dictionary): Living in an RV isn't hard. It's quite comfortable when you get the hang of it.)
13.04.2023 5:31:58 inf. shoebox apartment крошечная квартирка (Yeah, I get tired driving 50 miles each way but my wife and three kids keep me going – we'd rather live in the countryside than in a shoebox apartment downtown. • We were living in a shoebox apartment in Riley Park at the time.)
13.04.2023 5:28:23 cliche. frenzy will die down ажиотаж стихнет (The Pokemon Go frenzy will eventually die down. • Next spring he will be released after serving his six-month sentence. We hope the media frenzy will die down by then.)
13.04.2023 5:27:21 gen. business and administrative административно-хозяйственный (for business and administrative purposes – для административно-хозяйственных целей)
13.04.2023 5:26:28 welf. outreach service agency гос. ведомство, предоставляющее услуги лицам на пособии
13.04.2023 5:12:37 cliche. sweep away задвинуть подальше (щекотливый вопрос, неудобную тему: In the meantime, there have been numerous reported sightings of Kamphuis in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and several parts of Norway, although none of these have been confirmed. In the end, his body has never been found, no one knows what really happened to him, and police seem to be eager to sweep it all away. What was going on here? We may never know for sure. mysteriousuniverse.org)
13.04.2023 5:10:18 cliche. there is no real evidence нет никаких оснований (for: Other ideas include that Kamphuis disappeared voluntarily to become a spy or to go on an undercover mission for Assange, that he committed suicide, or that he was recruited into a top-secret hacker organization, but there is no real evidence for any one of these either. mysteriousuniverse.org)
13.04.2023 5:06:04 gen. catch a brief glimpse мельком увидеть (of: McGarvey's father did also catch a brief glimpse of the oddity which they say could not have been caused by a boat as there were none around at the time. coasttocoastam.com)
12.04.2023 8:54:35 gen. make a fortune сделать себе состояние (Fortunes were made in real estate speculation and the city experienced tremendous growth and prosperity. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips) • on the Web / in real estate)
12.04.2023 8:54:35 gen. make a fortune сколотить состояние (Fortunes were made in real estate speculation and the city experienced tremendous growth and prosperity. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips) • on the Web / in real estate)
12.04.2023 8:48:01 fig. turn upward пойти в рост (When the economy turned upward in the early 1900s, the city experienced a phenomenal boom.)
12.04.2023 8:47:51 fig. turn upward идти в гору (When the economy turned upward in the early 1900s, the city experienced a phenomenal boom.)
12.04.2023 8:32:35 idiom. thrash the hide off sb шкуру спустить с (кого-либо: "What can I do, Holmes? Of course, it was that damned fellow who set them on. I'll go and thrash the hide off him if you give the word." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – Я с него шкуру / три шкуры спущу, если прикажете.)
12.04.2023 8:29:05 inf. it's a wrap! шабаш! (I think that's a wrap! Can you send over the invoice when you have a moment? – Мы пошабашили (= работа закончена))
12.04.2023 8:11:25 formal come into possession of завладеть ("When in India, he and I, through a remarkable chain of circumstances, came into possession of a considerable treasure." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) )
12.04.2023 3:52:48 gen. create a buzz online вызвать сенсацию в интернете (Other skeptical viewers have also speculated that perhaps the video is a well-crafted hoax that the model shared on social media in the hopes of creating a buzz online. coasttocoastam.com)
12.04.2023 3:44:42 fig. lure завладеть вниманием (The artist also conjured up piquant details for his still life, such as a ladybug parked on a green leaf or a drop of fresh dew to lure onlookers. – призванные завладеть вниманием зрителя)
11.04.2023 8:53:18 idiom. think on one's feet решать немедленно (have good ideas and make decisions quickly (Macmillan's Dictionary): Think on your feet! -- Решай немедленно! Решай не откладывая! (что делать))
11.04.2023 8:47:03 rude you keep out of this не лезь не в своё дело (You keep out of this! – Не лезь не в своё дело! / Не вмешивайся!)
11.04.2023 7:56:59 gen. vast land area обширная территория (Most of the vast land area from Indian Arm to Howe Sound had been acquired speculatively by Vancouver interests. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
11.04.2023 7:52:17 fig.of.sp. outstrip обскакать (Moodyville outstripped Gastown, its south shore rival, in everything but the number of saloons. It boasted the first school on the inlet (1870) and the first electric lighting system north of San Francisco (1882). (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
11.04.2023 7:52:17 fig.of.sp. outstrip перещеголять (Moodyville outstripped Gastown, its south shore rival, in everything but the number of saloons. It boasted the first school on the inlet (1870) and the first electric lighting system north of San Francisco (1882). (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
11.04.2023 7:41:30 busin. fail разориться (of a business or a person: be obliged to cease trading because of lack of funds; become bankrupt (Oxford Dictionary): Their Pioneer Mills soon failed, as did its successor; but in 1865 an entrepreneur from Maine named Sewell Prescott Moody purchased the operation and turned it into an unqualified success. (Robin Ward, Ron Phillips))
11.04.2023 7:34:04 gen. in contrast to контрастируя с (The landscaped courtyard is tranquil and serene in contrast to the bustle of the streets on both sides.)
11.04.2023 5:33:13 inf. free-for-all неуправляемый (an uncontrolled situation in which people do what they want because there are no limits to stop them (Cambridge Dictionary) | a competition, dispute, or fight open to all comers and usually with no rules (Merriam-Webster): “Henry, who said he moved west from Alberta last June, has found it easy to live on the Downtown Eastside.” -- People across the country need to know it’s no longer a free for all in Vancouver. This is why the decampment is so important. • As executive pay schemes rise, investors worry the new salary proposals will create a free-for-all in the boardroom. (Cambridge Dictionary))
11.04.2023 5:27:19 gen. uncontrollable безудержный (uncontrollable sobs – безудержные рыдания)
11.04.2023 5:24:43 inf. free-for-all кому не лень (an uncontrolled situation in which people do what they want because there are no limits to stop them (Cambridge Dictionary) | a competition, dispute, or fight open to all comers and usually with no rules (Merriam-Webster): “Henry, who said he moved west from Alberta last June, has found it easy to live on the Downtown Eastside.” -- People across the country need to know it’s no longer a free for all in Vancouver. This is why the decampment is so important. • As executive pay schemes rise, investors worry the new salary proposals will create a free-for-all in the boardroom. (Cambridge Dictionary))
11.04.2023 5:24:43 inf. free-for-all безудержный (an uncontrolled situation in which people do what they want because there are no limits to stop them (Cambridge Dictionary) | a competition, dispute, or fight open to all comers and usually with no rules (Merriam-Webster): “Henry, who said he moved west from Alberta last June, has found it easy to live on the Downtown Eastside.” -- People across the country need to know it’s no longer a free for all in Vancouver. This is why the decampment is so important. • As executive pay schemes rise, investors worry the new salary proposals will create a free-for-all in the boardroom. (Cambridge Dictionary))
11.04.2023 4:42:07 formal be fraught with danger представлять опасность (I wonder what these "advocates" would have said if a mass fire (either accidental or deliberate) had ravaged the tents and killed many. Forget about the safety of downtown residents and dwellers -- the encampment was especially fraught with danger for its inhabitants! (Twitter))
11.04.2023 4:29:55 coll. rentals жильё на сдачу (Post exams is when the city tends to clear out in April-May so it’s higher vacancy then and it’s filled up again in August-September. Greenwood is another hood that I’ve lived in. Lots of rentals there. Otherwise look at Maple Hills.)
11.04.2023 4:29:55 coll. rentals жильё в аренду (Post exams is when the city tends to clear out in April-May so it’s higher vacancy then and it’s filled up again in August-September. Greenwood is another hood that I’ve lived in. Lots of rentals there. Otherwise look at Maple Hills.)
10.04.2023 8:27:55 gen. just under чуть меньше (Research shows people tend to gain just under a pound during the holidays. • It will cost just under a half-a-million dollars to bring down the old stadium.)
10.04.2023 8:27:30 gen. a little under чуть меньше (о сроке: The project is expected to take a little under two years to complete, which means there will be some necessary roadwork. But Mayor Darrell Mussel says the city’s doing what it can to keep impact on drivers to a minimum.)
10.04.2023 6:21:38 gen. over-the-top чрезмерный (over-the-top charges, over-the-top security)
10.04.2023 5:44:04 cliche. this doesn't make sense не понимаю, в чём тут дело (you say this when you can't solve a problem)
10.04.2023 5:42:44 cliche. this doesn't make sense концы с концами не сходятся
10.04.2023 5:42:44 cliche. this does not make any sense концы с концами не сходятся
10.04.2023 3:09:34 gen. dig all over перекопать всё вокруг (I always try and find them in the snow and uncover them. I feel like I look a little stupid looking for them, but it helps so much especially when it’s melting fast. In the snow they are hard to find. I have had to memorize where they are on my street. One year I dug all over trying to find one when our street flooded. (Twitter))
10.04.2023 3:05:24 coll. community жители (города или района: Thanks to this ruling, the entire community will get revictimized when this child murderer is released. – все местные жители • "When I go for a walk I have to admit I get amused clearing catch basins with my boots. Just yesterday a little old lady came and challenged me for it! Not completely sure why maybe too long near her home or I dunno but made me laugh. Were friends by the end of it...and a clear basin!" "I love seeing the community unite and work towards a common goal!" (Twitter))
10.04.2023 2:26:24 gen. give a purpose придать смысл (Looking for something to do today? Adopt a catch basin. It can give your daily walk a purpose. -- это придаст смысл вашей прогулке twitter.com)
9.04.2023 9:53:08 slang shitshow бардак (*vulgar* a situation or event that is badly organized, unpleasant, and full of confusion (Cambridge Dictionary); a chaotic event or situation, often one that turns out badly (Dictionary.com); a situation or event marked by chaos or controversy (Oxford Dictionary): The robbery turned out to be a total shitshow: two innocent bystanders were shot, the getaway car slammed into a tree, and the entire gang was quickly handcuffed. • He started doing drugs at 13. From then on, his life was a shitshow.)
9.04.2023 7:47:00 gen. by comparison в то время как (Americans were the thriftiest of all visitors to Canada last year, spending an average of $518 per trip. By comparison, tourists from Brazil were the highest spenders in 2012 with an average of $1,874 spent on their Canadian visit, followed by Australians at $1,781 and Chinese at $1,670.)
9.04.2023 7:40:31 gen. slight infraction мелкое нарушение (The Indigenous area was chaotic with them screaming, slamming things, taunting guards and other arrestees and just generally going crazy but the guards did nothing. My section, on the other hand, was zero tolerance. We had to stand silently beside a wall, look straight ahead and keep our hands out of our pockets. Any slight infraction and you heard all about it. If you pissed them off, they manhandled you and put you back into cuffs. It was pretty harsh. reddit.com)
9.04.2023 7:39:51 gen. slight infraction небольшое нарушение (The Indigenous area was chaotic with them screaming, slamming things, taunting guards and other arrestees and just generally going crazy but the guards did nothing. My section, on the other hand, was zero tolerance. We had to stand silently beside a wall, look straight ahead and keep our hands out of our pockets. Any slight infraction and you heard all about it. If you pissed them off, they manhandled you and put you back into cuffs. It was pretty harsh. reddit.com)
9.04.2023 7:36:21 gen. on the other hand в то время как (Chris offered to give his friend a ride to a screening for a model search. Suffice it to say his friend never became a model. Chris, on the other hand, was immediately picked by Mazda and has appeared in the Gucci, Versace and Zegna shows in Milan, NYC and Tokyo.)

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