
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

30.08.2018 16:11:08 gen. like it was the last chance of one's life как в последний раз
30.08.2018 16:06:33 uncom. like the shit hit the fan как в последний раз
30.08.2018 16:04:29 gen. arms akimbo руки на поясе
30.08.2018 16:04:29 gen. arms akimbo уперев руки в бока
30.08.2018 16:04:29 gen. arms akimbo подбоченившись
30.08.2018 16:00:51 gen. to all appearances с виду (utwardly, externally, on the outside: To all appearances their marriage is fine, but I think she gives him a bad time in private. • He was a small and to all appearances an unassuming man.)
30.08.2018 15:59:12 gen. to all appearances на вид (To all appearances, Daren seemed a very happy, outgoing fellow, so his nervous breakdown took many people by surprise.)
30.08.2018 15:55:11 context. to all appearances внешне (utwardly, externally, on the outside: To all appearances their marriage is fine, but I think she gives him a bad time in private.)
30.08.2018 15:23:01 gen. cock one's head to the side склонить голову набок (He cocked his head to the side.)
30.08.2018 14:59:56 gen. with squinty eyes прищурившись (he looked with squinty eyes)
30.08.2018 14:57:18 gen. squint щуриться (He stood and squinted in the light.)
30.08.2018 14:56:53 gen. narrow one's eyes щуриться (Sunlight filtered through, bright enough to make me narrow my eyes.)
30.08.2018 14:56:03 gen. narrow one's eyes прищуриться (Sunlight filtered through, bright enough to make me narrow my eyes.)
30.08.2018 14:55:59 gen. narrow one's eyes прищурить глаза (Sunlight filtered through, bright enough to make me narrow my eyes.)
30.08.2018 14:49:47 fig. focal point of the universe пуп земли
30.08.2018 14:48:20 gen. cock head наклонить голову (tilt one's head to one side: I cocked my head and listened.)
30.08.2018 14:42:20 gen. wake-up call первый тревожный признак (Sleeve damage is an unpleasant wake-up call and, however subtly it manifests itself, a harbinger of eventual mortality.)
30.08.2018 14:33:18 gen. first sign первый признак
30.08.2018 14:23:06 gen. between finger and thumb двумя пальцами (He picked it up between a well-manicured finger and thumb and looked at it quizzically.)
30.08.2018 14:22:56 gen. with finger and thumb двумя пальцами (I pressed my eyeballs hard with finger and thumb.)
30.08.2018 14:07:17 gen. for all that хотя (The change from his usual corporate attire was so complete it jarred, for all that everyone else was similarly dressed.)
30.08.2018 14:07:17 gen. for all that притом что
30.08.2018 14:04:30 commun. on a discreet channel по закрытому каналу (I'm speaking to you on a discreet channel. • He assumed they were talking on a discreet channel. • I've got a call for you on the discreet channel. Press the green button.)
30.08.2018 13:39:57 gen. hordes and hordes полчища (And there were hordes and hordes of mosquitoes.)
30.08.2018 13:39:49 gen. hordes полчища (Hordes of mosquitoes swarm around power line workers in Texas after Hurricane Harvey.)
30.08.2018 13:25:45 gen. stab a finger ткнуть пальцем (He stabbed a finger at Wardani. • There's nothing on the other side of that thing," she stabbed a finger in the general direction of the rocks, "that we won't be able to build ourselves in a few thousand years.)
30.08.2018 13:16:16 inf. getting anywhere? получается? (в контексте)
30.08.2018 13:11:47 idiom. something made one's spine crawl по спине побежали мурашки (Just the thought of it makes my spine crawl. • An icy chill in the room made my spine crawl.)
30.08.2018 12:57:48 gen. crack-dawn см. at the crack of dawn
30.08.2018 12:56:54 gen. get some sleep поспать ("I'm going to get some sleep," I said, standing up. "You probably better do the same.")
30.08.2018 9:57:57 gen. if you ask me по мне так
30.08.2018 9:57:20 gen. as far as I'm concerned по мне так
30.08.2018 9:33:11 gen. by extension как, впрочем, и
30.08.2018 9:26:24 gen. by extension и в целом
29.08.2018 15:52:09 gen. watch out опасаться (for something: One thing you got to watch out for is people trying to flag you down and block the road unless you pay them a fee.)
29.08.2018 15:39:02 uncom. you can get so начать
29.08.2018 14:37:00 inf. I'm so done right now достало
29.08.2018 13:28:24 inf. drag someone along on a string of lies морочить голову
29.08.2018 11:52:27 inf. just so you know если что (в знач. "на всякий случай")
29.08.2018 11:49:26 inf. just so you know на всякий случай (как вводная фраза)
29.08.2018 11:38:37 gen. add value добавлять ценность
29.08.2018 11:32:40 gen. pat dry промакивать (осушfть чем-либо впитывающим влагу: Constant dribbling can make your baby's chin sore, so make sure to wipe their face and pat it dry every so often to help stop them getting a rash.)
29.08.2018 11:21:17 cook. scallions зелёный лук (перья: Cooks add scallions to a wide range of menu items. In their chopped form, scallions can be used as raw garnishes or as aromatic additions to cooked dishes.)
29.08.2018 11:21:17 cook. scallions зеленый лук (Cooks add scallions to a wide range of menu items. In their chopped form, scallions can be used as raw garnishes or as aromatic additions to cooked dishes.)
29.08.2018 11:19:53 cook. chop into pieces нарезать
29.08.2018 11:19:53 cook. chop into pieces мелко нарезать
29.08.2018 9:42:19 gen. if I can если позволите (If I can explain our position, ...)
29.08.2018 9:36:35 idiom. for all one is worth во всю прыть
29.08.2018 9:34:46 idiom. for all one is worth во весь опор
29.08.2018 9:27:42 idiom. for all one is worth во весь дух (He ran for all he was worth.)
29.08.2018 9:27:42 idiom. for all one is worth изо всех сил
29.08.2018 9:23:48 idiom. keep an air of mystery about oneself окружить себя ореолом таинственности
28.08.2018 16:51:14 gen. let out выдать (тайну или секрет, проболтавшись: For what it's worth, I'm very sorry I let your secret out.)
28.08.2018 16:39:47 действовать наверняка наверняка
28.08.2018 15:04:18 mil., AAA command post пункт боевого управления
28.08.2018 15:00:24 mil. reconnaissance-fire group разведывательно-огневая группа (The reconnaissance-fire group (razvedyavatel'no-ognevaya gruppa/ROG) links dedicated reconnaissance assets to a firing group headquarters and firing battalions to provide near-real time destruction of tactical targets.)
28.08.2018 14:58:12 mil. seize fire superiority завоевать огневое превосходство (Sufficient artillery must be immediately available to seize fire superiority from the very beginning of the conflict.)
28.08.2018 14:55:17 mil. reconnaissance and guidance system комплекс разведки и наведения (A system usually includes four main interconnected components: an automated reconnaissance and guidance system, a mobile ground control center, the high-precision weapons, and a means for the precise determination of the location of all the system components.)
28.08.2018 13:52:46 mil. fire sac огневой мешок (Two mechanized companies defend in the center of the formation and have reserve positions at a depth to which they can retreat and contain the fire sac. The mortar battery is split into two platoon firing positions.)
28.08.2018 13:43:37 mil. internal fire sac огневой мешок (ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Огневой_мешок: The Soviets almost always form internal fire sacs within their battalion and higher defensive positions, and channel the enemy attack into these sacs so that he can be destroyed by fire from three sides. • Combat outposts channel the enemy attack through a false position and into an internal fire sac.)
28.08.2018 13:33:40 mil. heliborne landing высадка с вертолётов
28.08.2018 13:24:44 mil. from the march с марша (The battalion tactical group attacks from the march with a dismounted company team and an antitank reserve to hold the nose of the enemy.)
28.08.2018 13:17:25 mil. armored group бронегруппа (The Soviets feel that a group of BMPs, without their infantry squads, acting as an "armored group" (bronegruppa) on an independent axis is an effective, survivable force. • During the early and mid 1980s, the Soviet military ... adopted such innovative tactical techniques as the use of the bronegruppa (armored group).)
28.08.2018 12:08:54 inf. drive someone up a wall доводить до белого каления
27.08.2018 23:18:19 gen. fully как минимум (as a minimum; at least: Fully a third of them were published after Hubble had left his job at the bank. – добрая треть)
27.08.2018 23:15:39 idiom. a clean добрый (The slug punched him back a clean three metres. • I put on shorts and a t-shirt, stuffed my pack with jeans and a real shirt, and ran over to Susi's house from Wallingford, which is a clean ten miles.)
27.08.2018 16:31:15 inf. drive someone up a wall выводить из себя (Every time I hit a bump I hear a hellacious rattling noise on the left side of the dashboard and it's really driving me up a wall.)
27.08.2018 16:09:58 gen. breakup of the Soviet Union развал Советского Союза (With the breakup of the Soviet Union, U.S. relations with the Russian military have slowly changed.)
27.08.2018 15:17:25 idiom. pay a price in blood заплатить кровавую цену ("France has once again paid a price in blood but will not yield an inch to the enemies of liberty," President Emmanuel Macron wrote on Twitter. • Units which adapted enjoyed relative success while those which did not paid a price in blood.)
27.08.2018 15:11:35 mil. while in the combat zone в боевой обстановке (Like the United States [in Vietnam], the Soviets [in Afghanistan] had to restructure and retrain their force while in the combat zone.)
27.08.2018 15:08:30 mil. lose killed потерять убитыми (The unit fought under General J.C. Moore at Corinth and lost 32 killed, 110 wounded, and 347 missing. • The Soviets invested much national treasure and lost 13,833 killed.)
27.08.2018 15:01:02 gen. of these из них (Approximately 620,000 Soviets served in Afghanistan. Of these, 525,000 were in the Soviet Armed Forces while 90,000 were in the KGB and 5,000 were in the MVD.)
27.08.2018 14:50:10 mil. garrison взять под контроль (в знач. "занять"; только в контексте: stabilizing the country by garrisoning the main routes, major cities, airbases and logistics sites)
27.08.2018 14:33:22 gen. on a percentage basis в процентном отношении (ущерб, страдания: On a percentage basis, the Soviet Union inflicted more suffering on Afghanistan than Hitlerite Germany inflicted on the Soviet Union during World War II.)
27.08.2018 14:10:22 gen. half the size сократить вдвое (The government purges and executions of serving officers, coupled with officer desertions to the resistance, halved the size of the officer corps.)
27.08.2018 14:00:56 gen. join the rebellion перейти на сторону восставших (Most of the Afghan 17th Infantry Division mutinied and joined the rebellion.)
27.08.2018 13:56:14 gen. mutiny отказаться подчиняться приказам (действующего командования/правительства: Most of the Afghan 17th Infantry Division mutinied and joined the rebellion.)
27.08.2018 13:50:26 gen. enjoy popular support пользоваться поддержкой у народа (The new government enjoyed little popular support.)
27.08.2018 13:32:30 gen. political-military военно-политический (Afghanistan aside, the 1980's were a challenging period militarily for the Soviet Union as it struggled to come to grips with changing political-military and military technical realities.)
27.08.2018 13:29:36 gen. militarily в военном плане (Afghanistan aside, the 1980's were a challenging period militarily for the Soviet Union as it struggled to come to grips with changing political-military and military technical realities.)
27.08.2018 13:26:36 context. give in to pressure прийтись (в форме "пришлось"; требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: South Africa's government has given in to pressure to increase financial aid given to university students.)
27.08.2018 13:26:14 gen. be hard pressed прийтись (в форме "пришлось"; требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: The Soviet Army was hard pressed to devise military methodologies suited to deal with the Afghan challenges.)
27.08.2018 13:25:35 gen. be hard pressed быть вынужденным (The Soviet Army was hard pressed to devise military methodologies suited to deal with the Afghan challenges.)
27.08.2018 11:50:51 gen. cessation окончание (Sixteen years after its commencement and six years after its cessation, the Soviet-Afghan War remains an enigma for the Westerners.)
27.08.2018 11:42:16 gen. capture закрепить (To capture the lessons their tactical leaders learned in Afghanistan and to explain the change of tactics that followed, the Frunze Military Academy compiled this book for their command and general staff combat arms officers.)
27.08.2018 11:39:10 rel., islam uncom. mujahed моджахед (один из вариантов написания; встречается реже, чем mujahid)
27.08.2018 11:35:42 rel., islam mujahideen моджахеды (plural of mujahid: Consequently, in Afghanistan the Soviet army found its tactics inadequate to meet the challenges posed by the difficult terrain and the highly motivated mujahideen freedom fighters. wiktionary.org)
27.08.2018 11:32:52 hist. Basmachi басмачи (Unfortunately for their soldiers, as well as the people of Afghanistan, they ignored not only the experiences of the British in the same region, but also their own experience with the Basmachi resistance fighters in Central Asia from 1918-1933.)
27.08.2018 11:11:34 mil. motor officer начальник автомобильной службы (22 vehicles were assigned by the Post Motor Officer to this command.)
27.08.2018 10:37:11 gen. departure исключение (из какого-либо правила, в контексте: Departure from this rule is authorized when suitable rest facilities are not available at these intervals)
27.08.2018 10:31:45 auto. clearance signal требование уступить дорогу (Convoy vehicle drivers will be instructed not to give so-called "clearance signals" to civilian vehicle operators.)
27.08.2018 10:24:43 auto. belt route объездная дорога (вокруг города: Convoys will be routed around urban, residential, and commercial areas whenever possible. Use of available belt routes is encouraged)
27.08.2018 10:22:11 auto. belt route объездная (дорога)
27.08.2018 10:22:11 auto. belt route окружная дорога
27.08.2018 10:16:08 auto. during periods of reduced visibility в условиях недостаточной видимости
26.08.2018 12:58:09 vulg. take no shit не позволять относиться к себе неуважительно (в контексте: не позволять указывать себе, что делать: You work hard, you follow the rules, you don't take no shit from nobody. • She doesn't take shit from anyone.)
26.08.2018 12:58:09 vulg. take no shit не терпеть неуважительного отношения к себе (She doesn't take shit from anyone.)
26.08.2018 12:58:09 vulg. take shit позволять унижать себя (кому-либо – from someone: You work hard, you follow the rules, you don't take no shit from nobody. • She doesn't take shit from anyone. • My mother told me, 'Tony, dont take no shit'.)
26.08.2018 12:58:09 vulg. take no shit не позволять унижать себя (She doesn't take shit from anyone.)
23.08.2018 15:43:19 gen. I'll see to it я распоряжусь

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