
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

19.09.2018 12:52:16 gen. first option преимущественное право (обыкн. на выкуп чего-либо)
19.09.2018 12:43:16 gen. first option первоочередное право (обыкн. на выкуп чего-либо)
19.09.2018 12:05:33 law on reasonable notice заранее уведомив об этом (другую сторону: The Proprietor shall have the right on reasonable notice to the Publishers to inspect all books, vouchers and documents in the possession of the Publishers relating to the Work.)
19.09.2018 0:19:58 gen. one-off fee единоразовая комиссия (The Publishers shall pay to the Proprietor a one-off supply fee for the jacket and cover art.)
18.09.2018 23:30:46 law at a price to be mutually agreed за плату, размер которой устанавливается по соглашению сторон
18.09.2018 22:31:17 uncom. whereby it is mutually agreed between the parties as follows заключили настоящий договор о нижеследующем (вариант скорее для перевода на русский, поскольку требует определенной структуры преамбулы)
18.09.2018 21:55:14 busin. successor in business правопреемник в предпринимательской деятельности
18.09.2018 15:38:36 gen. corporate presence офис (в знач. "филиал": Its company headquarters is in Virginia, but it also has a corporate presence in Bermuda.)
18.09.2018 15:37:22 gen. swathes of territory обширные территории
18.09.2018 15:32:42 gen. anything but можно назвать чем угодно кроме (Sallyport Global was contracted to help keep Balad Air Base orderly, safe, and secure. But employees say it was anything but.)
18.09.2018 15:23:21 gen. under the guise of сославшись на то, что (He left under the guise of getting me some things from home to make me more comfortable.)
18.09.2018 14:58:18 gen. under the guise of под маской (treachery under the guise of kindness)
18.09.2018 14:55:53 gen. under the guise под маской (treachery under the guise of kindness)
18.09.2018 14:20:14 gen. scrape off сковырнуть (What do I do if I scraped one of my moles off?)
18.09.2018 14:02:48 gen. cunningness коварство
18.09.2018 14:02:22 gen. cunningness хитрость
18.09.2018 13:45:51 gen. somehow or other как-нибудь (в знач. "каким-то образом": Maybe we could glue it together somehow or other.)
18.09.2018 13:45:51 gynecol. labour and delivery summary обменная карта (в знач. "каким-то образом": Maybe we could glue it together somehow or other. briggshealthcare.com)
18.09.2018 13:36:16 jarg. knock over взять (банк; в знач. "ограбить")
18.09.2018 13:13:43 gen. fight a war with воевать (At a strangely stilted press conference six weeks ago, just after the annexation of Crimea, Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, was asked if Russia would fight a war with Ukraine)
18.09.2018 11:10:03 law in accordance with the authority vested in someone by на основании (Например: ...in accordance with the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the State of California, in particular sections...)
18.09.2018 11:10:03 law in accordance with the authority vested in someone under на основании (Например: ...in accordance with the authority vested in me under the FMA...)
18.09.2018 10:01:28 idiom. against all odds вопреки всем ожиданиям (Against all odds, the inexperienced new player won the tournament.)
18.09.2018 9:38:47 uncom. in defiance of all expectations чудом (A Queensland woman who gave birth to a baby at 23 weeks was told her son would not survive his first 48 hours, but he defied all expectations and fought on.)
18.09.2018 9:33:15 idiom. defy all expectations вопреки всем ожиданиям (требует изменения конструкции: A Queensland woman who gave birth to a baby at 23 weeks was told her son would not survive his first 48 hours, but he defied all expectations and fought on.)
18.09.2018 9:28:27 uncom. against all odds чудом (10 stories of people who cheated death and survived against all odds. • Tandeka endured and survived, against all odds, a 10-hour trip to Pretoria and subsequently, a 6-hour operation.)
17.09.2018 23:12:55 gen. charity bin контейнер для сбора вещей для малоимущих
17.09.2018 15:46:14 gen. as в лице
17.09.2018 15:15:08 gen. be repeated повториться (в контексте: Behavior that is rewarded is repeated.)
17.09.2018 15:11:14 inf. give a clue сориентировать (to something / as to something, etc.:)
17.09.2018 11:00:50 gen. stray отбившийся от стада
17.09.2018 11:00:50 gen. astray from the fold отбившийся от стада
17.09.2018 10:54:43 gen. stray sheep заблудшая овца (Thus human sinfulness is often compared with running away from God, like a stray sheep.)
17.09.2018 10:52:48 gen. down stream ниже по течению (seeing that he was standing down stream, he could not possibly be disturbing the water higher up)
15.09.2018 20:49:16 ed. be within one year of earning a degree учиться на выпускном курсе
14.09.2018 15:27:05 mil., AAA ground-based interrogator наземный радиозапросчик (напр., ситемы "свой-чужой")
14.09.2018 15:26:53 mil., AAA ground interrogator наземный радиолокационный запросчик (напр., ситемы "свой-чужой")
13.09.2018 21:41:37 gen. wishful thinking склонность выдавать желаемое за действительное
13.09.2018 21:37:47 gen. wishful thinking склонность принимать желаемое за действительное
13.09.2018 16:16:12 gen. not without someone's knowledge c ведома
13.09.2018 16:15:48 gen. not without someone's knowledge с ведома (не без ведома: he himself or somebody who acted, at least, not without his knowledge)
13.09.2018 16:01:01 med. informed consent осведомлённое согласие
13.09.2018 15:57:56 law with the knowing consent of с осведомлённого согласия (Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation begins with ensuring that all information is collected transparently with the knowing consent of the individual from whom it is obtained. – ср.: Обработка персональных данных осуществляется с осведомленного согласия субъекта и немедленно прекращается по его требованию)
13.09.2018 15:39:52 gen. get out of the point уйти от темы
13.09.2018 15:39:36 gen. get out of the point уходить от темы (Aren't we getting out of the point here?)
13.09.2018 15:37:05 gen. that wasn't what I meant я не это хотел сказать
13.09.2018 15:35:43 gen. draw затянуться (on – сигаретой и т.п.: She drew hard on her cigar and plumed the smoke out towards the beach.)
13.09.2018 15:34:30 gen. slur over the shoulder бросить через плечо ("Where you going, man?"Call of nature," I slurred back over my shoulder.)
13.09.2018 15:34:25 gen. slur обронить (в знач. "небрежно сказать")
13.09.2018 15:33:05 mean.2 slur бросить (небрежно сказать, обронить: "Where you going, man?" "Call of nature," I slurred back over my shoulder.)
13.09.2018 15:31:32 gen. nothing but the very best только самое лучшее ("Nothing but the very best for my date," he winked • For many of us, Christmas lunch is the most special meal of the year – and I certainly want nothing but the very best for this celebration.)
13.09.2018 15:28:15 gen. enlist help позвать на помощь (I enlisted the help of our neighbors. • With the launch cradle assembled and working, we enlisted Jiang Jianping's help and lifted the buoy gently into place.)
13.09.2018 15:24:51 gen. pat affectionately любовно похлопать (He slowed the horse to a trot and patted him affectionately on the shoulder. • Hansen finished the last of the systems checks, slapped panels shut along the conical body and patted the machine affectionately on one flank.)
13.09.2018 15:23:21 gen. slap shut захлопнуть (I pulled the keys out of the ignition, jumped out, and slapped the door shut. • Hansen finished the last of the systems checks, slapped panels shut along the conical body and patted the machine affectionately on one flank.)
13.09.2018 14:23:12 gen. with somebody's tacit agreement с молчаливого согласия
13.09.2018 13:50:21 hindi PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry Торгово-промышленная палата "Прогресс, гармония и развитие" (PHD for Progress, Harmony and Development)
13.09.2018 13:42:20 mil. conduct a reconnaissance raid провести разведку
13.09.2018 13:42:06 mil. do reconnaissance провести разведку
13.09.2018 13:41:36 mil. do a scouting mission провести разведку
13.09.2018 13:04:17 gen. vegan веган (follower of the diet or the philosophy of veganism)
13.09.2018 12:47:11 gen. read разобрать (напр., написанное, выражение на лице и т. д.: I tried pressing the buttons, but the pixels were so faint I couldn't read what was written on the screen. • With the bright light behind him, she couldn't read his expression, but she braced herself and approached him.)
13.09.2018 11:51:49 gen. strip down разбирать (механизмы, оружие: The quick release is quite an innovative feature that aids in stripping down the gun for cleaning and maintenance.)
13.09.2018 11:42:20 auto. strip down снимать навесные детали
13.09.2018 11:22:35 gen. why do something in the first place зачем вообще
13.09.2018 11:08:23 mil. run silent соблюдать радиомолчание
13.09.2018 11:05:55 mil. silent running работа в режиме радиомолчания
13.09.2018 10:58:53 mil. transmission silence радиомолчание
13.09.2018 10:57:09 mil. maintain radio silence соблюдать радиомолчание (Sir, we're instructed to maintain radio silence. • In general, ships at sea normally maintain radio silence unless a tactical situation indicates that it should be broken)
13.09.2018 10:42:20 gen. shut one's eyes зажмуриться
13.09.2018 10:36:56 gen. squint прищурить глаза (She squinted at the sign but couldn't read what it said. • He squinted acidly at Lewis.)
13.09.2018 10:21:41 uncom. stray bullets don't care who they hit пуля – дура (в одном из значений, в отрыве от изречения Суворова; т.е. пуля не разбирает своих и чужих, плохих и хороших. Попутно цитата из "Сломанных ангелов" Ричарда Моргана: "Accidents happen, and friendly fire kills you just as dead as the unfriendly kind.")
13.09.2018 10:19:42 idiom. put one's finger on вспомнить (напр., то, что вертится на языке: It's at the tip of my tongue but I can't put my finger on it.)
13.09.2018 10:07:11 gen. accident happens всякое случается (только в контексте)
13.09.2018 9:42:02 uncom. put one's finger on поймать за хвост (мысль и т.п.; обычно в отриц. предложениях: It's at the tip of my tongue but I can't put my finger on it.)
13.09.2018 9:42:02 idiom. put one's finger on поймать (мысль и т.п.; обычно в отриц. предложениях: It's at the tip of my tongue but I can't put my finger on it.)
12.09.2018 21:44:16 gen. know better than понимать, что так делать нельзя (I only learned of this particular bit of social media idiocy two days ago, and am still unable to comprehend how anyone with a functioning brain would want to do this. Even a better-than-dim child of more than four or five years of age should know better.)
12.09.2018 21:35:14 context. know better уже соображать, что к чему (о детях: Two of his pals, who should know better, played a prank on him.)
12.09.2018 21:31:28 context. know better знать, что это не так (know that what someone else says or thinks is wrong: Everyone thought it was an innocent mistake, but I knew better.)
12.09.2018 20:53:37 gen. for confidentiality reasons из соображений конфиденциальности
12.09.2018 20:53:37 gen. for privacy reasons из соображений конфиденциальности
12.09.2018 16:45:43 gen. after all these years по прошествии стольких лет
12.09.2018 16:45:09 gen. after all these years столько лет спустя (So why was he back now, after all these years? • And it turns out, after all these years, he's still at it.)
12.09.2018 16:35:10 idiom. can't put one's finger on поймать (мысль или имя, которые вертятся на языке) When you can't put your finger on something, it means you know something instinctively, but you can't specifically identify it; it could be something that feels wrong to you but you don't know exactly what, or a flavor in a dish you are eating that you can't isolate, e.g.: I know her name, I just can't put my finger on it. • A certain something, but I can't put my finger on what it is. • There's something ​odd about him, but I can't ​quite put my finger on it. • I can't put my finger on why I like it so much. • I couldn't put my finger on what exactly I was tasting.)
12.09.2018 16:26:39 gen. learn понять (только в контексте: And you know what I've learned after all these years in our industry?)
12.09.2018 16:25:34 uncom. after all these years за все эти годы (в знач. "(даже) по прошествии стольких лет"): Haven't you learned after all these years not to go off by yourself with your troubles, when you've got friends who want to help? • And you know what I've learned after all these years in our industry?)
12.09.2018 14:48:14 idiom. put one's nose to the grindstone усердно трудиться
12.09.2018 14:48:14 idiom. put one's nose to the grindstone прилежно трудиться
12.09.2018 14:48:14 idiom. put one's nose to the grindstone не разгибать спину
12.09.2018 14:23:09 idiom. put one's nose to the grindstone налечь на учёбу (She kept her nose to the grindstone all year and got the exam results she wanted.)
12.09.2018 14:20:56 idiom. put one's nose to the grindstone налечь на работу
12.09.2018 14:17:31 inf. put one's nose to the grindstone вкалывать
12.09.2018 12:03:44 gen. hardly с натяжкой
12.09.2018 11:57:23 gen. offer insight знакомить (into something – с чем-либо; только в контексте: The town offers some insight into Finnish rural life)
12.09.2018 11:55:44 media. offer insight into давать общее представление
12.09.2018 11:45:12 media. offer insight давать общее представление (into something – о чём-либо; только в контексте)
11.09.2018 16:47:53 gen. sob story жалостливая история
11.09.2018 16:37:03 gen. unless если только
11.09.2018 16:21:04 mil. arsenal комната хранения оружия
11.09.2018 16:19:31 mil. armory комната хранения оружия
11.09.2018 16:17:24 gen. arms locker шкаф-пирамида

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