
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

13.12.2021 20:12:18 gen. hex wrench шестигранный торцевой гаечный ключ
12.12.2021 14:54:54 gen. intimate friend ближайший друг
11.12.2021 14:39:54 gen. not lose an instant не терять ни мгновения
10.12.2021 15:05:04 mil. of the command в подчинении (Except as provided by subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph, unit commanders may impose non-judicial punishment upon enlisted members of their command. For purposes of Article 15, military personnel are considered to be "of the command" of a commander if they are: ... • To determine if an individual is "of the command" of a particular commanding officer, refer first to those written or oral orders or directives that affect the status of the individual. cornell.edu)
10.12.2021 1:58:24 gen. refuse medical assistance отказаться от медицинской помощи (We've determined the male victim was grazed in the leg area. He has refused medical assistance and is uncooperative with officers. wsvn.com)
10.12.2021 1:58:02 gen. be uncooperative отказываться сотрудничать (We've determined the male victim was grazed in the leg area. He has refused medical assistance and is uncooperative with officers. wsvn.com)
10.12.2021 1:27:22 gen. be mobile быть в пути
10.12.2021 1:12:06 gen. is there/have you any good news to report? есть успехи?
9.12.2021 20:48:33 gen. new members fee вступительный взнос
9.12.2021 18:19:13 gen. lay criminal charges возбудить уголовное дело (We also refer investigations to the Queensland Police Service where appropriate, which may result in criminal charges being laid.)
9.12.2021 18:17:54 gen. civil and administrative tribunal суд по гражданским и административным делам
9.12.2021 18:09:17 proced.law. procedurally процессуально
9.12.2021 18:00:41 gen. be outside of someone's control не зависеть от (note that delays are often outside of the investigators control)
9.12.2021 17:52:27 law decision-making capacity дееспособность (gov.au)
9.12.2021 17:48:59 gen. complexity серьёзность (the number and complexity of the allegation made)
9.12.2021 17:24:30 gen. under legislation в соответствии с законодательством (It's worth noting that under legislation our investigators have extensive powers to back up these processes. This includes being able to gain access to any relevant information, including medical files, and requiring people to produce records and accounts (under cross examination if necessary). gov.au)
8.12.2021 2:26:31 gen. ah, that's what it is ах вот оно что
6.12.2021 12:51:45 gen. any day soon со дня на день
6.12.2021 12:51:45 gen. any day soon в ближайшее время
5.12.2021 23:38:17 gen. be right over сразу вернуться (I'll drop off the dogs and be right over. • I'll get changed and be right over.)
5.12.2021 22:22:14 idiom. inf. get out of someone's hair не мешать (I'll get out of your hair. – Не буду мешать.)
5.12.2021 22:06:08 gen. hit the ground! на пол!
5.12.2021 21:49:59 gen. briefing планирование (в знач. "планёрка")
5.12.2021 20:13:53 inf. all right, then добро (в конце разговора)
5.12.2021 20:11:26 rude get boozed up буха́ть
5.12.2021 19:29:04 gen. motivated аргументированный (об отказе)
5.12.2021 19:21:22 rude the fuck на хрен (If they dont like it, they can go the fuck home. Who gives a shit?)
5.12.2021 19:15:56 slang yowza фигасе
5.12.2021 2:32:01 rude full of shit сраное трепло
5.12.2021 2:29:38 gen. show up ходить (на работу, исправно: The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class, keep them showing up at those jobs. © Carlin)
5.12.2021 1:23:58 idiom. call the shots быть главным (Who is calling the shots in this house?)
5.12.2021 0:50:15 gen. beat to death забить насмерть
5.12.2021 0:50:15 gen. beat fatally забить насмерть (Staff dispute at car dealership ends with man fatally beaten with bat, Florida cops say. • One person is in custody after a man was beaten to death with a hammer during an altercation on his property in South Los Angeles Wednesday.)
5.12.2021 0:46:36 gen. beat fatally избить до смерти (A 76-year-old woman was fatally beaten Monday on Chicago's Northwest Side in what authorities are calling a "domestic-related" slaying. • Baltimore man convicted of fatally beating his wife, sentenced to life in prison.)
4.12.2021 21:58:18 missil. news flight time время подлёта (ракеты: In comments this week, Putin said drills with U.S. nuclear-capable strategic bombers flying over the Black Sea posed a threat to Moscow, along with U.S. missile defense systems in Poland and Romania. He also expressed concern about NATO deploying missiles on Ukrainian territory that could have a flight time of seven to 10 minutes to Moscow – though no such plans have been announced. washingtonpost.com)
4.12.2021 21:56:57 context. encroachment расширение (The possibility of NATO's further encroachment beyond Eastern Europe into former Soviet republics like Ukraine, Moldova, or Georgia is viewed by Moscow as aggression.)
4.12.2021 21:53:45 context. where something is coming from источник ("NATO member countries decide who is a member of NATO, not Russia," Psaki told reporters during a White House briefing Friday. "That is how the process has always worked and how it will proceed. I think it's important to remember where the provocative action is coming from. It's not the United States. It's not Ukraine.")
4.12.2021 21:37:32 context. signed письменный (Putin has demanded the United States and its allies provide signed assurances excluding any expansion of NATO to include Ukraine and Georgia and limiting military activity near Russia's borders, most notably in and around Ukraine. washingtonpost.com)
4.12.2021 21:34:35 gen. all along и так (In his comments in Latvia, Blinken cautioned the Ukrainians not to give Russia a pretext for military action. "We're also urging Ukraine to continue to exercise restraint because, again, the Russian playbook is to claim provocation for something that they were planning to do all along," he said. washingtonpost.com)
4.12.2021 20:30:03 mil. equipment техника (военная: The intelligence document also suggests that Russian forces may be leaving equipment behind at training facilities to allow an attack on Ukraine to commence quickly. "Equipment may be left behind at different training ranges to enable a rapid, final buildup," the document adds.)
4.12.2021 20:28:32 gen. on short order в кратчайшие сроки ("We don't know whether President Putin has made the decision to invade. We do know that he is putting in place the capacity to do so on short order should he so decide," Blinken told reporters in Europe a day before meeting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. "We must prepare for all contingencies." washingtonpost.com)
4.12.2021 20:22:32 gen. contract reservist резервист-контрактник (Речь идёт о резервистах, которые будут заключать контракт с министерством обороны, получать за нахождение в резерве определенные деньги и регулярно участвовать в военных сборах и учениях. Число резервистов-контрактников, которые хочет привлечь министерство обороны, неизвестно. (bbc.com) • Russian officials have defended the reserve mobilization as a necessary measure to help modernize the Russian armed forces. But the administration official raised concerns about the "sudden and rapid program to establish a ready reserve of contract reservists," which the official said is expected to add an additional 100,000 troops to the approximately 70,000 deployed now. washingtonpost.com)
4.12.2021 20:08:46 gen. mass сосредотачиваться (The unclassified U.S. intelligence document obtained by The Post, which includes satellite photos, shows Russian forces massing in four locations. washingtonpost.com)
4.12.2021 19:51:19 mil. news move troops перебрасывать войска (The Kremlin has been moving troops toward the border with Ukraine while demanding Washington guarantee that Ukraine will not join NATO and that the alliance will refrain from certain military activities in and around Ukrainian territory. washingtonpost.com)
4.12.2021 19:37:12 gen. obfuscate внести ещё большую путаницу (You might well wonder whether democracy and republic refer to fundamentally different types of constitutional systems. Or instead do the two words just reflect differences in the languages from which they originally came? The correct answer was obfuscated by James Madison in 1787 in an influential paper he wrote to win support for the newly proposed American constitution. wordpress.com)
4.12.2021 19:19:06 context. obfuscate скрыть (истинные намерения: Russian plans involve extensive movement of BTGs to / from the border to obfuscate intentions and to create uncertainty. washingtonpost.com)
3.12.2021 16:13:07 gen. goodness me Господи! (как вставное слово)
3.12.2021 16:09:52 gen. you quickly develop tingly fingers пальцы быстро начинают неприятно зудеть
3.12.2021 16:09:52 gen. you quickly develop tingly fingers в пальцах появляется неприятный зуд
3.12.2021 16:02:20 gen. tingly с неприятным зудом (Vibration is pretty much there all the time once you hit 5-6 thousand revs, and on the motorway, for exapmle, you quickly develop tingly fingers and feet. – ...руки и ноги быстро начинают неприятно зудеть)
3.12.2021 15:51:54 gen. bumps неровности (на дороге: The suspensiion soaks up the bumps and the tires do a reasonable job of holding on.)
3.12.2021 15:51:36 inf. soak up the bumps глотать неровности (о подвеске автомобиля, мотоцикла и т. п.: The suspensiion soaks up the bumps and the tires do a reasonable job of holding on.)
3.12.2021 15:50:54 auto. inf. soak up глотать (неровности; о подвеске автомобиля, мотоцикла и т. п.: The suspensiion soaks up the bumps and the tires do a reasonable job of holding on.)
3.12.2021 13:20:59 gen. the better part of почти
3.12.2021 13:06:24 inf. down to из-за (I've never dropped the bike before in my life, but I've managed to drop this bike twice in six months. I think this is down to my being unused to the relatively high center of gravity.)
3.12.2021 13:06:12 gen. down to the fact that из-за того, что (I've never dropped the bike before in my life, but I've managed to drop this bike twice in six months. I think this is down to my being unused to the relatively high center of gravity.)
3.12.2021 3:00:44 gen. police liaison officer полицейский атташе (при посольстве)
2.12.2021 2:52:53 inf. steal away увести (девушку: This fancy pants is tryin' to steal my gal away from me!)
2.12.2021 0:08:20 gen. ultimate question главный вопрос (the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything)
1.12.2021 23:29:59 auto. moto. as standard в базе (о комплектации: Like all BMW motorcycles, the new G 310 GS comes with ABS as standard.)
1.12.2021 22:14:41 vulg. fuck about дурачиться (He was just fucking about. – Он всего-навсего дурачился.)
1.12.2021 21:48:25 gen. pull off a feat удаться (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции личной: I've applied to NYU and been accepted. NYU is my dream school. I'm not going to the University of Chicago if I can help it. The mere fact that I've pulled off this feat–under the radar, in spite of the ever-present gaze of my parents–represents a tiny victory, one that fills me with both hope and guilt. .com)
1.12.2021 21:31:24 context. feat чудо (I wish we could keep running, but it's a feat that my legs are even moving at this point. • The international space station is an amazing feat of engineering. • an incredible feat of agility)
1.12.2021 21:29:40 gen. feat of heroism подвиг
1.12.2021 17:33:41 mil. slacker уклонист (a person who seeks to avoid military service)
1.12.2021 16:51:36 taboo fucked-up shit хуйня
1.12.2021 15:51:16 vulg. mean.3 fuck around прикалываться (He was just fucking around.)
1.12.2021 12:18:40 fig. the train has left the station этот процесс уже не остановить (поговорка "поезд ушел" в данном случае является ложным другом переводчика: Environmentalists, meanwhile, argue that industry simply is in a state of denial in lobbying that EPA should not regulate under the Clean Air Act. "I don't think they're really through the grieving process yet," Sierra Club's Bookbinder said. "This train has left the station. They just don't understand that the regulations are coming." • The changes we need to make in Georgia to transform the state are going to take years. But with the changing demographics of the South, our victory is inevitable. This train has left the station. nytimes.com)
1.12.2021 11:21:48 gen. be commissioned войти в строй ("Газпром": газопровод "Северный поток-2" может войти в строй в 2021 году.)
30.11.2021 23:46:50 auto. inf. mushy ватный (о тормозах и т. п.)
30.11.2021 23:45:15 moto. go around the corner поворачивать (о мотоцикле)
30.11.2021 23:07:46 context. stay put никуда не уезжать (Nigel says for the moment he is very happy to stay put in Lyon.)
30.11.2021 23:06:48 context. stay put никуда не поехать (Her job situation in Toronto changed, as did her plans to move, and she's stayed put.)
30.11.2021 23:05:56 mil. stay put оставаться на месте (Delta 1, stay put! I repeat, maintain your position!)
30.11.2021 21:39:30 mil. convoy leader ведущий колонны
30.11.2021 0:40:49 idiom. mix apples and oranges сравнивать круглое с мягким (т. е. сравнивать несравнимое: You can't compare your job as a nurse to mine as an engineer–that's mixing apples and oranges!)
29.11.2021 23:35:48 gen. mildew цвель
29.11.2021 23:35:39 gen. mildew грибок (плесень)
29.11.2021 19:35:55 gen. ask away спрашивай ("Dad, can I ask you something?" "Sure, ask away.")
29.11.2021 19:35:55 inf. shoot слушаю
29.11.2021 19:35:55 inf. ask away слушаю (в ответ на просьбу задать вопрос)
29.11.2021 19:35:55 context. sure, ask away да, конечно (в знач. "спрашивай": "Dad, can I ask you something?" "Sure, ask away.")
26.11.2021 21:56:02 gen. plentier than plenty пруд пруди (of which there are plentier than plenty)
26.11.2021 11:02:44 gen. nice and slow потихоньку
25.11.2021 12:43:16 context. features and functionality функционал
25.11.2021 12:20:41 context. overview коротко о (в заголовках разделов и т. п.)
25.11.2021 2:22:12 context. in the field существующий (в отличие от нового, поставляемого с завода)
25.11.2021 2:08:48 gen. factory fit с заводской подготовкой (к / для)
25.11.2021 1:27:56 gen. no-masker противник ношения масок (My father-in-law was a "no masker," then he ended up in ICU)
24.11.2021 14:59:57 inf. let's hear it ну?
24.11.2021 12:59:14 gen. stand-alone в отдельном исполнении (о блоке или вспомогательной системе)
24.11.2021 4:27:11 oil.lubr. NLGI grade класс вязкости по NLGl (консистентных (пластичных) смазок: Класс вязкости по NLGI оценивают по пенетрации методом ISO 2137 с использованием 60 двойных ходов плунжера при температуре 25 °С (перемешанная смазка). oil-club.ru)
22.11.2021 22:25:36 slang wayament фигасе
22.11.2021 21:17:52 pomp. give out forever навсегда остановиться (о сердце: Severely weakened, Chester's heart gave out forever the next day. • Slim's doctors, he told the cops, had given him only a few months before his heart gave out forever.)
22.11.2021 12:22:11 explan. game-changer фактор, способный кардинально изменить правила игры на рынке
22.11.2021 1:07:22 gen. welcome встретить с одобрением
19.11.2021 21:07:18 polit. inquest committee следственная комиссия (прламента: Bellingcat also verified key parts of the timeline of events with the Adhoc Inquest Committee of the Ukrainian Parliament. This committee has investigated, independently from Bellingcat, the circumstances surrounding the alleged failure of the same sting operation. bellingcat.com)
19.11.2021 21:06:56 polit. adhoc inquest committee временная следственная комиссия (Bellingcat also verified key parts of the timeline of events with the Adhoc Inquest Committee of the Ukrainian Parliament. This committee has investigated, independently from Bellingcat, the circumstances surrounding the alleged failure of the same sting operation. bellingcat.com)
19.11.2021 20:48:27 context. remainder of дальнейший (In the early morning hours of the penultimate day at the hotel, Belarusian special services stormed the hotel. They detained the mercenaries, inadvertently compromising the remainder of the Ukrainian sting operation. bellingcat.com)
19.11.2021 20:41:11 context. develop certain contours обрести какие-либо очертания (In late 2019 and early 2020, several special operation commanding officers with successful rendition experience crossed over from the SBU to GUR MOU. Under their influence, the sting operation developed more concrete – and even more ambitious – contours. bellingcat.com)

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