
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

10.12.2018 10:56:25 gen. uncool немодный
8.12.2018 21:18:15 gen. be on the roadmap быть в планах (The Idea is on our roadmap however a release date has not been set. • I'm just curious if this type of scripting is on the roadmap at all, or if circuits are going to remain the only way to implement custom logic.)
8.12.2018 21:16:15 gen. have on the roadmap иметь в планах (We have this feature on our roadmap and hope to see it delivered in an upcoming update. • We do have it on our roadmap to add speech to text transcripts for more languages as of right now we only support English/Spanish.)
7.12.2018 22:45:13 gen. spar выходить против
7.12.2018 22:45:13 gen. spar выйти против
7.12.2018 13:16:00 gen. be compromised не мочь быть гарантированным (Strict expiry dates are reserved for foods where the composition and nutritional value are compromised after the prescribed time.)
7.12.2018 13:08:53 gen. nice and как следует (Finding M31 is quite easy. At around 9pm, when it's nice and dark, just go out and face the south. • Be sure to lace their boots up nice and tight for maximum ankle support.)
7.12.2018 13:01:40 gen. nice and slow без резких движений (в контексте)
7.12.2018 12:41:10 gen. bill book расчётная книжка (по оплате за коммунальные услуги – вид услуг подставляется по необходимости: utility/electricity/hot water and heating bill book рабочий вариант перевода)
7.12.2018 12:22:16 gen. bill book бланк-книжка с товарными чеками
7.12.2018 11:47:04 school academic diary дневник (ученический)
7.12.2018 11:45:36 school homework diary дневник (ученический)
7.12.2018 11:45:36 school student planner дневник (ученический)
7.12.2018 11:41:40 ed. reading log читательский дневник
7.12.2018 11:38:45 ed. teacher's grade book журнал
7.12.2018 11:36:27 ed. teacher's grade book журнал (классный; teacher's grade book)
7.12.2018 11:35:07 ed. grade record book журнал (классный)
7.12.2018 11:33:11 ed. grade sheet табель (успеваемости в школе)
7.12.2018 11:17:13 saying. the shortest path is the one you know самая короткая дорога – та, которую ты знаешь
7.12.2018 11:17:10 saying. the shortest road is the one you know самая короткая дорога – та, которую ты знаешь
7.12.2018 11:13:53 saying. the longest way round is the shortest way home кружной путь домой – самый короткий (из перевода "Улисса")
7.12.2018 10:53:18 saying. nice and easy does it all the time тише едешь – дальше будешь (from a song of the 60s)
6.12.2018 21:06:51 transp. pavement ends конец дороги с усовершенствованным покрытием (дорожный знак)
6.12.2018 17:40:42 gen. low-cleavage с глубоким декольте
6.12.2018 17:40:28 gen. low cleavage глубокое декольте
6.12.2018 17:17:27 gen. low-cleavage с глубоким вырезом (о платье и т.п.: She moved forward to purposely allow her low cleavage blouse to open further.)
6.12.2018 17:16:53 gen. low cleavage глубокий вырез (платья и т.п.: She moved forward to purposely allow her low cleavage blouse to open further.)
6.12.2018 17:15:43 gen. low neckline глубокое декольте
6.12.2018 16:22:40 gen. buy additional something докупить
6.12.2018 16:21:48 gen. additional другой (For any additional enquiries call us on 131 245 or send us a private message with your details. – ...по другим вопросам...)
6.12.2018 16:21:48 gen. additional остальной
6.12.2018 15:54:17 gen. of с чьей-либо стороны (someone: It would be selfish of me to make you stay.)
6.12.2018 15:53:39 gen. of me с моей стороны (It would be selfish of me to make you stay.)
6.12.2018 15:28:10 context. for one thing например
6.12.2018 15:26:40 gen. for one thing как минимум (used to introduce one of two or more possible reasons for something, the remainder of which may or may not be stated: Celluloid film wasn't perfect – for one thing, it was flammable.)
6.12.2018 15:23:00 gen. for one как минимум (в контексте: We do not condone theft or violence. It is, for one, illegal, and may as such may land you in jail or lead to other punishments.)
6.12.2018 15:17:19 gen. for one так, например (The Android notification shade is also getting some changes. For one, notifications from messaging apps will be grouped into a conversations section that will appear above and separate from other notifications. techradar.com)
6.12.2018 15:09:46 gen. for one начнём с того, что (as the first in a number of examples)
6.12.2018 14:42:56 literal. cover one's eyes закрыть глаза (She covered her eyes with her hands.)
6.12.2018 14:39:24 literal. cover one's eyes закрывать глаза (чем-либо: She covered her eyes with her hands.)
6.12.2018 14:17:22 inf. for one во-первых (в знач. "в частности": I don't like this carpet – for one, it doesn't suit our lounge room at all and it's also much too expensive.)
6.12.2018 13:16:24 idiom. give someone the heave-ho указать на дверь (уволить: The newspaper's foreign editor was given the heave-ho yesterday.)
6.12.2018 13:16:24 inf. give someone the heave-ho попросить (в знач. "уволить")
6.12.2018 13:04:11 inf. rip to shreds порвать (When they put together that it's Bec they will rip her to shreds.)
6.12.2018 12:20:02 gen. confirmation of employment справка с места работы (U.S.; попавший ко мне документ с таким названием был выдан в штате Нью-Йорк)
6.12.2018 12:15:42 gen. letter of confirmation справка из банка (вариант: "letter of verification"). Пример справки из банка: This letter confirms that ABC Ltd has an open account with TD Bank, the company account number is 123456. As of 1/1/2000, the balance on account was USD xxxx.)
6.12.2018 12:14:08 gen. account verification letter справка из банка (о наличии открытого счета и остатке средств на нем)
6.12.2018 12:12:18 gen. letter of employment verification справка с места работы
6.12.2018 12:11:22 offic. income verification letter справка о доходах
6.12.2018 12:11:09 offic. letter of income verification справка о доходах
6.12.2018 12:05:36 inf. doctor's note справка от врача
6.12.2018 12:01:33 offic. letter of confirmation справка
6.12.2018 10:47:11 law statement заявление (в различных контекстах)
6.12.2018 10:44:03 заявление о несостоянии в браке заявление
6.12.2018 10:44:03 заявление о согласии на выезд ребенка за границу заявление
6.12.2018 10:40:14 gen. non-judicial stamp paper гербовый бланк для оформления гражданско-правовых сделок
6.12.2018 10:25:27 notar. affidavit of single status заявление о несостоянии в браке
6.12.2018 10:25:18 notar. statutory declaration of single status заявление о несостоянии в браке
5.12.2018 17:26:48 idiom. close the door on не оставлять возможности для (There are fears that this latest move might have closed the door on a peaceful solution.)
5.12.2018 15:08:44 gen. choose to решить (сделать что-либо: He chose to run for election. • Why I сhose to go with short hair again. New year, new cut. • "I'm very much the marrying kind" – Gwyneth Paltrow on why she chose to tie the knot for the second time.)
5.12.2018 15:01:20 gen. one would be better off лучше (в контексте: You would be better off having nobody than the wrong somebody. • You would be better off living in the middle of the desert than with an angry and argumentative wife.)
5.12.2018 14:43:39 uncom. go with вообразить себя на чьём-либо месте (put oneself in someone else's situation; accept something: "So, for the discussion, let's assume you have slept with a girl whom you met at a bus stop (just go with me on this one, I don't assume anyone here sleeps with a stranger from a bus stop), thinking her to be of age, but it turns out she's a year below the age of consent." "I dunno, it's kinda hard to go with you on this one because I'm not stupid enough to risk sleeping with a minor.")
5.12.2018 13:59:44 ironic. as you do что бы вы думали (вставная фраза; used as an ironic comment on a somewhat unexpected statement: So, today I was standing at a bus stop, waiting, as you do, for a bus.)
5.12.2018 13:40:59 gen. as you do как бы неожиданно это ни звучало
5.12.2018 13:31:22 explan. 100-gram daily ration of vodka фронтовые сто грамм (тж. "наркомовские сто грамм"; неправильная форма "грамм" в данном случае является устоявшейся)
5.12.2018 13:23:47 inf. a hundred of сотка
5.12.2018 12:58:45 inf. go with спать с (have sex with someone)
5.12.2018 12:50:04 gen. bluff блефовать (I'd honestly think she'd be bluffing, but even if she did go to the police, it'd look bad on her, since it really feels more like blackmail on her part.)
5.12.2018 12:46:45 inf. let's assume представьте (So, for the discussion, let's assume you have slept with a girl whom you met at a bus stop.)
5.12.2018 12:28:06 gen. suggestion вариант (предложенный при осуждении; в контексте: I like your suggestion. • Thank you for responding so quickly, I will use your suggestion. • I think it will be something different, but your suggestion is really good.)
5.12.2018 12:23:05 gen. proposal вариант (предложенный при осуждении; в контексте: I also considered Chris' suggestion, but it is not so much a schedule as the list of tasks, so I'll go with your proposal.)
5.12.2018 12:17:02 inf. go with попробовать
5.12.2018 11:30:02 gen. передается через should лучше (If you need a family car you should go with something spacious like a caravan or a van. • If you're not sure, then you should probably work out why that is before you start thinking of settling down.)
5.12.2018 11:04:57 inf. blow off отшить (кого-либо; give the cold shoulder to someone: She's going to blow off John because she's not interested in him.)
5.12.2018 10:58:59 slang say the hell with it забить болт
5.12.2018 10:58:58 slang say the hell with it забить (на что-либо)
5.12.2018 10:56:10 gen. choose to go with остановиться на (чем-либо; в итоге, по некотором размышлении: I chose to go with a design that is, overall, simplistic.)
5.12.2018 10:53:08 gen. choose to go with остановить свой выбор на
5.12.2018 10:39:17 gen. go with идти в придачу (к чему-либо)
4.12.2018 17:58:12 gen. it doesn't take much wits to много ума не надо (Doesn't take much wits to use sneak attacks. • It doesn't take much wits to figure out that it was the serving men and women that kept a castle running.)
4.12.2018 17:38:32 gen. military lingo военный жаргон
4.12.2018 17:26:57 inf. go down the tubes идти под откос
4.12.2018 17:26:57 inf. go down the tubes катиться под откос
4.12.2018 17:22:41 inf. go down the tubes пойти псу под хвост
4.12.2018 16:51:37 gen. take one step at a time не делать поспешных шагов (в контексте: I strongly urge anyone who gets that diagnosis for their cat to just take one step at a time.)
4.12.2018 16:50:09 idiom. be on death's doorstep быть на пороге смерти
4.12.2018 16:45:05 inf. say the hell with it плюнуть (If you're not going to straighten out your kids, who is? I could say the hell with it and let him go down the tubes, but I'm not going to.)
4.12.2018 16:04:11 gen. go with обойтись (чем-либо)
4.12.2018 16:04:11 gen. go with ограничиться (чем-либо)
4.12.2018 15:38:42 gen. choose to go with выбрать (в итоге, по некотором размышлении; "остановиться на": Did we choose to go with forged pistons or factory pistons? • Customer chose to go with fire red stitching and one stack lower heel.)
4.12.2018 14:20:25 gen. reflexively по привычке (When I reflexively took my shoes off at a security line in Berlin, the guard chuckled. • This morning, like so many Americans, I reflexively turned on the news in order to find out what new region of Twitter hell Donald Trump had taken us to overnight.)
4.12.2018 14:20:05 inf. reflexively на автомате (машинально, бездумно, по привычке: Wandering into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee I reflexively switched on the radio. • When I reflexively took my shoes off at a security line in Berlin, the guard chuckled.)
4.12.2018 14:19:06 gen. reflexively невольно (Thank you! It's lovely and, yes, I reflexively took a deep breath seeing it. :))
4.12.2018 13:45:48 gen. reflexively инстинктивно (When he tried to release me, I reflexively grabbed his arms, I still felt like I was dangling in mid-air.)
4.12.2018 13:38:06 gen. close the door on прищемить дверью (Whoa, hang on, I closed the door on my gown! • I accidentally closed the door on my finger.)
4.12.2018 13:36:53 gen. shut the door on хлопнуть дверью перед носом (у кого-либо: We argued for a bit and he finally told me to go away and shut the door on me.)
4.12.2018 13:35:27 gen. close the door on хлопнуть дверью перед носом (у кого-либо)
4.12.2018 13:30:11 uncom. shut the door on ставить крест
4.12.2018 13:24:00 gen. shut the door on прищемить дверью (Whoa, hang on, I shut the door on my gown. • I accidentally shut the door on my finger, and I think it might be broken.)
4.12.2018 13:22:39 idiom. shut the door on не оставлять возможности для

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