
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

6.05.2019 11:32:02 gen. relay передавать (дальше по цепочке, но особ. по радио или другим каналам связи: The FO will naturally relay information back to the battallion or company commander (wichever the FO is attached to) and that information will trickle down to the lower ranks. • The CCTV cameras relay what's going on to the headquarters.)
6.05.2019 11:31:37 mil. relay передать (дальше по цепочке, каналам связи т.п., например: The FO will naturally relay information back to the battallion or company commander. • 'Ask him if there's anything in the middle,' said Wardani. Hand relayed the query. • The CCTV cameras relay what's going on to the headquarters. • Can you relay this message to John?)
6.05.2019 10:27:32 целеуказание по улитке улитка
6.05.2019 10:08:20 mil., lingo hill высота (ср. русское "горка")
6.05.2019 10:07:17 mil. spot elevation высота (на топографической карте)
5.05.2019 12:33:27 law future thing предмет сделки, который не существует на момент её заключения
3.05.2019 23:14:10 gen. spread one's hands развести руками (By the time we got there, they were gone. We looked, but..." He spread his hands. • The merchant spreads his hands and offers an almost guilty smile.)
3.05.2019 23:03:29 subl. die a valiant death пасть смертью храбрых
3.05.2019 22:58:08 inf. let's hear it выкладывай (в ответ на предложение и т.п.: A snort told him what his friend thought of his version of the story. “All right, let's hear it. What do you need?”)
3.05.2019 22:36:03 gen. how does the song go? как там в песне поётся?
3.05.2019 22:21:12 gen. stare open-mouthed смотреть, разинув рот
3.05.2019 13:17:06 mil., lingo attack отработать (по кому-либо – об артиллерии, авиации)
3.05.2019 9:12:28 gen. would you care to не будете ли вы так добры
3.05.2019 8:59:42 gen. elaborate объяснить подробнее (особ. в ответ на уточняющий вопрос: Would you care to elaborate why it takes plural form even though it refers to a unit or a group of US citizens? • What exactly do you mean by "traditional education"? Would you care to elaborate?)
2.05.2019 23:43:49 gen. climb on top of the barricades лезть на баррикады
2.05.2019 23:40:00 inf. lead the parade решать (=командовать парадом: We are the ones leading the parade here, no matter what those arrogant assholes may think. – Тут решаем мы.)
2.05.2019 23:36:53 gen. lead the parade командовать парадом
2.05.2019 23:35:04 gen. demagoguery популизм (в контексте)
2.05.2019 23:33:32 gen. act like изображать из себя
2.05.2019 23:33:18 gen. act like вести себя так, словно
2.05.2019 23:28:12 gen. see for oneself увидеть вживую (There was something special about sitting in class, learning about a specific painting, and then jumping in a cab to the National Gallery to go and see it for myself.)
2.05.2019 16:59:02 gen. would you care to elaborate? можно поподробнее?
2.05.2019 16:35:18 inf. handy под рукой (=at hand, within reach: You wouldn't have a screwdriver handy, would you? – У вас не найдется отвертки под рукой? • I keep a first-aid kit handy in case of emergency. • I can show you about where they are – if anybody's got a map handy.)
2.05.2019 14:09:16 radio come in слушаю (приглашение к ответу в радиообмене)
2.05.2019 14:08:30 gen. come in входить в моду (become fashionable: Orange blouses are coming in!)
2.05.2019 14:05:18 radio TV come in принимать (о каналах – of a broadcast, such as radio or television: to have a strong enough signal to be able to be received well: Most of the neighbors get 14 channels, but only two of them come in well here.)
2.05.2019 14:05:18 inf. come in ловить (of a broadcast, such as radio or television – to have a strong enough signal to be able to be received well: Most of the neighbors get 14 channels, but only two of them come in well here.)
2.05.2019 13:40:17 gen. mesh решётка (в разных значениях, в т.ч. символ #)
2.05.2019 13:28:41 auto. number plate государственный номерной знак
2.05.2019 12:35:31 amer. license plate госномер
2.05.2019 11:57:13 gen. in a short while немного позже
2.05.2019 2:34:49 gen. up until not long ago до недавнего времени
2.05.2019 2:23:00 gen. this isn't for long это ненадолго
2.05.2019 2:22:32 gen. this won't last это ненадолго
2.05.2019 2:12:39 idiom. loose cannon заряженное ружьё (которое может выстрелить в любой момент: Without some friendly control, this loose cannon might fire at any given time.)
2.05.2019 2:04:28 gen. interrupt someone mid sentence оборвать на полуслове
2.05.2019 2:03:21 inf. mid-sentence на середине фразы (оборвать, прервать, перебить)
2.05.2019 1:53:40 idiom. inf. go to the dogs идти псу под хвост
2.05.2019 1:53:40 idiom. inf. go to the dogs катиться к чертям
2.05.2019 1:46:32 inf. how is the situation? как обстановка?
2.05.2019 1:40:27 gen. day in and day out не проходит и дня, чтобы (требует изменения конструкции)
2.05.2019 1:34:17 gen. all day, every day целыми днями
2.05.2019 1:34:16 gen. all day, every day сутки напролёт
2.05.2019 1:32:13 gen. day in and day out что ни день, то
2.05.2019 1:21:54 gen. see to the end досмотреть (фильм, сон и т.п. до конца)
2.05.2019 1:16:20 inf. the hell I know без понятия
2.05.2019 1:14:43 gen. the hell I know а я почём знаю
2.05.2019 1:12:06 gen. scratch the back of one's head чесать в затылке
2.05.2019 1:11:22 gen. scratch the back of one's head почёсывать в затылке
2.05.2019 0:50:16 gen. adjust поправлять (The soldier adjusted the rifle on his shoulder)
2.05.2019 0:43:07 gen. such are the times we live in в такое время мы живём
2.05.2019 0:18:54 gen. I'll be going now я пойду
2.05.2019 0:18:36 gen. I must be off now я пойду
1.05.2019 23:14:35 inf. pick at one's plate ковыряться в тарелке (He used to pick at his plate for ages)
1.05.2019 23:09:43 ковыряться в носу ковыряться
1.05.2019 22:44:29 fig. be glued to поприлипать к
1.05.2019 22:41:25 fig. be glued to прирасти к (экрану, телефону и т.п.)
1.05.2019 22:29:04 inf. bow out раскланяться
1.05.2019 22:11:16 inf. virtuous cycle "добродетельный круг" (как противоположность порочному кругу – vicious circle)
1.05.2019 22:10:56 inf. virtuous cycle замкнутый круг благоприятных событий (a chain of events in which one desirable occurrence leads to another which further promotes the first occurrence and so on resulting in a continuous process of improvement: But the economy is depressed, in large part, because of the housing bust, which immediately suggests the possibility of a virtuous circle: an improving economy leads to a surge in home purchases, which leads to more construction, which strengthens the economy further, and so on.)
1.05.2019 21:04:49 inf. doggy бобик
1.05.2019 18:13:45 uncom. context. like же (в контексте; например: I notified the right people, but it doesn't mean you won't need to use your talents. It's not like I'm paying you for nothing. – Я же не просто так тебе плачу.)
1.05.2019 18:08:06 gen. fill in on the details посвятить в детали (Major Smith will fill you in on the rest of the details.)
1.05.2019 18:08:06 gen. fill in on the details посвятить в подробности
1.05.2019 18:06:34 gen. fill in посвятить (в детали; on something: Major Smith will fill you in on the rest of the details.)
1.05.2019 17:59:44 gen. keep it short and sweet говорить без обиняков
1.05.2019 17:59:44 gen. I'll keep it short and sweet буду предельно краток (I'll keep it short and sweet: I need you to deliver some valuable cargo to the perimeter.)
1.05.2019 16:46:17 gen. be quick-witted не лезть за словом в карман
1.05.2019 14:53:22 fig. coup блестящее достижение (an achievement that is extremely impressive because it was very difficult: Beating Arsenal was a major coup for the club.)
1.05.2019 14:33:40 gen. unseat сместить (в разных значениях: It is a change that will unseat the balance of power many of us enjoy. • Coaker became the eighth member of the party's "shadow cabinet" to resign on Sunday in what is being seen as an attempt to unseat the party's leader Jeremy Corbyn. • Those claims were contradicted by Guaidó, the young opposition leader who has been battling to unseat Maduro since January. • Carefully look for other people when operating a forklift and avoid making fast moves, which could unseat the load and make it crash down on someone.)
1.05.2019 14:26:18 gen. plotters организаторы мятежа (Maduro said the plotters would "not go unpunished" and said they would face criminal prosecutions "for the serious crimes that have been committed against the constitution, the rule of law and the right to peace".)
1.05.2019 14:22:21 gen. millions-strong многомиллионный (In what could result in a flashpoint between the two sides on Wednesday, Maduro also called for his supporters to stage "a large, millions-strong march of the working class" on 1 May, which is also international workers' day.)
1.05.2019 14:22:03 gen. millions-strong миллионный (=многомиллионный)
1.05.2019 0:36:31 fig. go down пойти ко дну (Accept Interim President Guaido's amnesty, protect the Constitution, and remove Maduro, and we will take you off our sanctions list. Stay with Maduro, and go down with the ship.)
30.04.2019 21:02:00 gen. fire into the air стрелять в воздух (Members of the Bolivarian National Guard fire into the air to repel forces loyal to Nicolás Maduro)
30.04.2019 19:58:38 gen. cut the small talk давай сразу к делу
30.04.2019 19:29:47 inf. I've just turned green with friendly envy завидую белой завистью
29.04.2019 14:54:04 polit. president elect вновь избранный, но не вступивший в должность президент
27.04.2019 21:27:34 gen. come out of the woodwork пообъявляться
27.04.2019 16:26:21 uncom. jeopardize усугублять (ситуацию)
27.04.2019 15:55:13 gen. be responsible for сыграть определённую роль в (в контексте)
27.04.2019 15:54:22 gen. be responsible for быть причастным к (в контексте)
27.04.2019 15:53:24 law be responsible for самостоятельно (требует изменения конструкции: The Publishers will be responsible for obtaining and paying for any and all other permissions and clearances necessary in connection with the publication of the Translated Edition. – ...самостоятельно получает и оплачивает...)
27.04.2019 15:34:06 gen. be responsible отвечать (в знач. "быть ответственным (за что-либо)": In this role you will be responsible for ensuring that all points of production adhere to strict QA procedures following SOP's.)
27.04.2019 15:08:42 gen. like one doesn't ... enough и без того
27.04.2019 14:40:26 UN smallholder farmers мелкие фермерские хозяйства
27.04.2019 14:40:26 UN smallholder producers мелкие фермерские хозяйства
27.04.2019 14:10:10 gen. impact последствия (Day-to-day legal activity has ground to a halt as citizens work out what the impact of the overthrow of the government led by Viktor Yanukovych and the ensuing annexation of the Crimean peninsula by Russia means.)
27.04.2019 14:08:35 gen. ever-increasing прогрессирующий
27.04.2019 13:56:41 gen. reverse полностью перечеркнуть (в контексте)
27.04.2019 13:17:36 gen. contribute вносить свою лепту (to something)
27.04.2019 13:12:58 gen. endanger ставить под угрозу срыва (только в контексте)
27.04.2019 12:59:20 nonstand. nail technician маникюрщица
27.04.2019 12:05:54 gen. threaten припугнуть
27.04.2019 11:16:09 idiom. come thick and fast посыпаться градом
27.04.2019 11:13:52 inf. come thick and fast повалить
26.04.2019 21:33:54 gen. have consequences не остаться без последствий (This declaration of semi-independence was bound to have consequences – and it did.)
26.04.2019 21:32:09 gen. have consequences сказываться (на чём-либо – on something)
26.04.2019 21:31:11 gen. profound серьёзный (о последствиях и т.п.)
26.04.2019 15:57:02 gen. by proxy через (кого-либо – through someone else)

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