
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

13.02.2022 1:02:46 gen. little did anyone никто и не (Little did anyone suspect that the military attaché was one of the world's craftiest spies.)
13.02.2022 1:01:50 gen. little did anyone suspect никто и подумать не мог (Little did anyone suspect that the military attaché was one of the world's craftiest spies.)
13.02.2022 0:57:21 dipl. defence attaché атташе по вопросам обороны (В связи с нарушением подводной лодкой ВМС США государственной границы Российской Федерации в Минобороны России вызван атташе по вопросам обороны при посольстве США в Москве. – The defence ministry ... said it had called in the U.S. defence attache over the incident.)
13.02.2022 0:44:50 news cite as saying цитировать (A Russian naval vessel chased away a U.S. submarine in Russian waters in the Pacific after the submarine ignored the ship's orders for it to surface, Interfax news agency cited the defence ministry as saying on Saturday.)
13.02.2022 0:44:50 news cite as saying процитировать
13.02.2022 0:44:50 news cite as saying приводить слова
13.02.2022 0:40:07 gen. chase off выдворить (Russia says it chased off a U.S. submarine from its far east waters)
12.02.2022 15:00:39 gen. bloodcurdlingly душераздирающе
12.02.2022 14:56:36 fig.of.sp. blood-curdling леденящий душу (A blood-curdling scream was heard in the haunted house.)
12.02.2022 12:36:49 inf. info что-нибудь (о чём-либо) Во многих случаях info лучше перевести именно как "что-нибудь о": Have you had any more info about the job yet? • Let us know if you get any more info.)
11.02.2022 23:40:10 gen. that's the end of discussion разговор окончен
11.02.2022 20:52:35 gen. airborne infantry troops воздушные десантники (U.S. airborne infantry troops arrive in Poland amid tensions. go.com)
11.02.2022 20:26:07 gen. order отправлять (President Biden orders 3,000 troops to Eastern Europe.)
11.02.2022 12:05:02 energ.ind. electricity provider энергогенерирующая компания
11.02.2022 12:03:54 energ.ind. electricity provider поставщик электроэнергии (The company is Britain's biggest electricity provider.)
11.02.2022 11:30:12 gen. gross amount сумма без учёта налогов (the amount of sales, salary, profit, etc., before taking deductions for expenses or taxes investopedia.com)
10.02.2022 19:07:38 old.fash. pray прошу ("Pray continue," said Holmes. "Your narrative promises to be a most interesting one." • "Your experience has been a most entertaining one," remarked Holmes as his client paused and refreshed his memory with a huge pinch of snuff. "Pray continue your very interesting statement.")
10.02.2022 19:07:38 old.fash. pray прошу вас ("Pray continue," said Holmes. "Your narrative promises to be a most interesting one." • "Your experience has been a most entertaining one," remarked Holmes as his client paused and refreshed his memory with a huge pinch of snuff. "Pray continue your very interesting statement.")
10.02.2022 17:38:59 gen. complimentary комплиментарный
10.02.2022 15:47:45 gen. to spare лишний (в знач. "свободный")
10.02.2022 15:05:17 news hands on with первый взгляд на (что-либо; в обзорах техники: Первый взгляд на новые смартфоны Samsung Galaxy – Hands on with Samsung's super-flagship, the new Galaxy S22 Ultra)
10.02.2022 15:04:31 news hands on первый взгляд (на что-либо; в обзорах техники: Первый взгляд на новые смартфоны Samsung Galaxy – Hands on with Samsung's super-flagship, the new Galaxy S22 Ultra)
10.02.2022 1:42:02 gen. ...-seater на столько-то мест (The 70-seater 'hybrid electric regional aircraft' (HERA) has a 'whisper-quiet' operation to reduce noise pollution and airborne battery regeneration. dailymail.co.uk)
10.02.2022 1:42:02 gen. that can seat на столько-то мест (After a stronger-than-expected start, Airbus struggled to sell the $446 million plane that can seat more than 800 passengers – the largest and most expensive commercial passenger aircraft ever made. • There is an spectators area, with direct view of the players, that can seat some 150 people. • We had thought of maybe 300 or so and had prepared benches taken from our school auditorium in Cabezas, big benches of 3 and a half meters long that can seat some 8 adults and teenagers, not counting children in the laps of some family member.)
10.02.2022 1:27:07 gen. wipe one's hands on вытереть руки о (Esme tossed the chicken bone into the fire, and it hissed. She wiped her hands on her dress.)
10.02.2022 1:24:49 gen. toss подбросить (монетку в воздух: Let's toss a coin and decide. Heads, I drive; tails, you drive.)
9.02.2022 17:58:22 gen. poverty-stricken nation страна с высоким уровнем бедности (Beijing sees its multi-billion-dollar space programme as a symbol of its rising global stature, growing technical expertise, and the Communist Party's success in turning around the fortunes of the once poverty-stricken nation. telegraph.co.uk)
9.02.2022 13:53:21 USA Second Gentleman Второй джентльмен (муж женщины-вице-президента whitehouse.gov)
9.02.2022 13:18:19 formal accede to NATO вступить в НАТО (официальный термин: The first wave – Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic – might accede to Nato before the end of the century. • Of the 26 nations in NATO or about to accede to NATO membership, 18 of them have troops on the ground in Iraq working alongside Ambassador Bremer and General Sanchez and General Abizaid. Now is that NATO in Iraq, or not? (acronym.org.uk) • As previously discussed, the three invitees will not–as originally envisaged–formally accede to NATO during the Washington Summit itself, but have already completed the protocols and became full members of the Alliance on 12th March 1999. parliament.uk)
9.02.2022 13:18:19 news join NATO вступить в НАТО ("All of this goes against what Ukraine has been striving for," said Anna Wieslander, director for Northern Europe at the Atlantic Council. "It would be a big shift from a long-term political aim of joining NATO and joining the E.U., which is what they have wanted." nytimes.com)
8.02.2022 0:54:15 mil., lingo amer. grunt строевик
8.02.2022 0:45:23 mil. military operative разведчик (Former spies and military operatives write handbook for tourists and hunters, using techniques learned during Soviet era.)
7.02.2022 14:01:04 el.gen. gas genset газопоршневая энергоустановка
7.02.2022 13:48:26 mil., WMD exhaust gas абгаз (условное название выделяющихся парогазовых смесей)
7.02.2022 13:48:12 gen. exhaust gas аспирационный газ
7.02.2022 13:44:44 gen. exhaust gas дымовой газ (Источником производства тепловой энергии является система утилизации тепла газопоршневого двигателя и дымовых газов ГПУ. • Также следующим этапом будут установлены ещё две ГПУ с паровыми котлами-утилизаторами тепла с дымовых газов и утилизацией тепла с рубашек охлаждения двигателя.)
7.02.2022 1:42:28 gen. exhaust gas steam generator паровой котёл-утилизатор тепла с дымовых газов
7.02.2022 1:26:25 context. steam generator паровой котёл-утилизатор (Aprovis)
7.02.2022 1:18:11 el.gen. diesel genset дизель-генераторная установка (Дизель-генераторная установка выполнена на базе двигателя «Cummins» и генератора «Stamford». valdex-energetica.com)
7.02.2022 1:01:24 el.gen. gas genset газопоршневой электроагрегат
7.02.2022 0:56:47 el.gen. gas genset газопоршневая генераторная установка (ГПУ)
7.02.2022 0:34:01 mil., artil. exchange of artillery fire обмен артиллерийскими ударами (Western security officials have been monitoring the shelling in Donbas closely, saying it was “the sort of provocation that has the potential to escalate”, while also stressing that exchanges of fire across the line of control in eastern Ukraine were not uncommon. (theguardian.com) • For the past seven years locals on both sides of the frontlines have got used to what is known here as “badminton” – the sporadic exchange of fire across the front. theguardian.com)
7.02.2022 0:21:14 gen. decentralized power generation распределённая генерация энергии (РГЭ)
7.02.2022 0:17:23 gen. decentralized power generation распределённая электрогенерация
6.02.2022 23:47:15 busin. inf. place an order подписать договор (смысловой вариант для устного перевода: First stage was commissioned in record 10 months after placing the order – с момента заключения/подписания договора)
6.02.2022 23:41:59 context. set in operation завершить пуско-наладочные работы
6.02.2022 21:59:02 gen. EPC contractor генеральный подрядчик полного цикла
6.02.2022 21:58:22 gen. EPC contractor EPC-подрядчик (googleusercontent.com)
6.02.2022 21:23:50 gen. cardboard and paper mill картонно-бумажный комбинат
4.02.2022 11:07:47 refrig. thermal compressor термохимический компрессор (Absorption chillers use heat instead of mechanical energy to provide cooling. A thermal compressor consists of an absorber, a generator, a pump, and a throttling device, and replaces the mechanical vapor compressor. In the chiller, refrigerant vapor from the evaporator is absorbed by a solution mixture in the absorber. // Абсорбционные холодильные установки отличаются от парокомпрессионных тем, что вместо механического компрессора в них используется термохимический; сжатие производится путем применения кроме хладагента второго вещества – абсорбента (поглотителя). В остальном абсорбционная установка в принципе не отличается от компрессионной. mash-xxl.info)
4.02.2022 11:07:47 refrig. thermal compressor термический компрессор
4.02.2022 0:25:01 gen. cotton mill хлопчатобумажный комбинат
3.02.2022 20:54:21 gen. leave the room выйти (из помещения)
3.02.2022 20:54:21 gen. leave the room выходить (из помещения)
3.02.2022 16:42:46 inf. fig. get jumpy начать делать резкие движения
3.02.2022 1:07:55 gen. imminent могущий произойти в ближайшее время (Last week US officials said they had no sign of an imminent attack. • Meanwhile, Russia’s proxies in eastern Ukraine stepped up their claims of an imminent Ukrainian attack on Friday with the evacuation announcement. • Russia has amassed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's border in recent weeks, according to US estimates, raising fears from Western and Ukrainian intelligence officials that an invasion could be imminent. cnn.com)
2.02.2022 12:02:42 gen. imminent близящийся (в нек. случаях будет предпочтителен перевод с заменой части речи: Meanwhile, Russia’s proxies in eastern Ukraine stepped up their claims of an imminent Ukrainian attack on Friday with the evacuation announcement. • With the election imminent, Churchill returned to London. – Близились выборы / Выборы были уже близко... • Reports of negotiations have persisted since the Wall Street Journal reported last month that a buyout was imminent.)
1.02.2022 22:06:20 moto. tip the bike over уронить мотоцикл
1.02.2022 11:58:00 gen. whipping up tensions нагнетание напряжённости (Russia forcefully denied at a United Nations Security Council meeting Monday that it aims to invade Ukraine, accusing the United States of whipping up tensions to foment war. nbcnews.com)
1.02.2022 11:56:37 gen. stoke hysteria нагнетать истерию (Kremlin accuses US of stoking 'hysteria' over Ukraine, as UN Security Council meets cnn.com)
1.02.2022 11:45:50 context. beyond the border у границ (But it is the Russian forces operating beyond the Ukrainian border that are of most concern. Western intelligence services say they number up to 100,000. bollyinside.com)
1.02.2022 11:34:10 context. imminent острый (об угрозе)
1.02.2022 11:30:40 context. become ingrained быть растиражированным (Thus, in the first example, we see that the confusion over the meaning of "imminent" in the context of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, apparently caused by erroneous reverse English-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English translation, has become so ingrained in the media that even the dictionary presents the word imminent as used in the same meaning by Ukrainian and American officials. ukrinform.net)
1.02.2022 2:14:00 gen. the point of absurdity до абсурда (John Gray argues that 'thinking the unthinkable' means exaggerating to the point of absurdity beliefs that are currently fashionable. bbc.co.uk)
1.02.2022 2:11:58 gen. the point of absurd до абсурда ("Because it's the Super Bowl, some brands push the envelope trying to be funny, maybe to the point of absurd," says Sharma. nbcnews.com)
1.02.2022 1:57:00 gen. hump up the stairs затащить (по лестнице на другой этаж: Charlie humped his rucksack up the stairs to his flat.)
31.01.2022 22:17:08 gen. be scared stiff быть до смерти напуганным (Her face was all bloody and she was scared stiff.)
31.01.2022 13:39:38 mil. Canada enemy force условный противник (на учениях; in Canada – a military unit tasked with representing an enemy, usually for training purposes in war game scenarios)
30.01.2022 12:47:24 gen. seamless сглаженный (Это невозможно заметить по ощущениям, все переходные процессы максимально сглажены и линейны.)
29.01.2022 20:46:36 euph. fuck in a bucket! чёрт подери!
28.01.2022 14:41:21 context. believe in быть сторонником (чего-либо: I believe in hard work and not in sitting by the fire spitting fine theories.)
28.01.2022 12:25:11 written note to self не забыть (сделать что-либо или не делать чего-либо; заметка для себя)
28.01.2022 12:19:01 brit. mind the closing doors осторожно, двери закрываются (объявление в метро и т. п.)
27.01.2022 22:56:27 mil. inf. boots on the ground вмешательство наземными силами
27.01.2022 22:56:27 mil. inf. boots on the ground сухопутный контингент
26.01.2022 16:34:22 gen. as is сам по себе (в знач. "без каких-либо добавлений")
26.01.2022 15:37:02 mil. man your stations! все по местам! (в смысле "по своим позициям")
25.01.2022 12:51:08 gen. not be able to shake the feeling не мочь отделаться от чувства
25.01.2022 12:44:47 gen. get back to your stations по местам
25.01.2022 12:29:00 excl. for the love of Господи!
25.01.2022 12:29:00 excl. for the love of чтоб мне
25.01.2022 12:08:01 inf. practical joker приколист
25.01.2022 12:08:01 gen. practical joker шутник (местный)
25.01.2022 11:34:13 quot.aph. if the Mountain won't go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must come to the Mountain если гора не идёт к Магомету, то Магомет идёт к горе (medium.com)
24.01.2022 18:36:36 gen. be hopeful надеяться (Burrow is hopeful he can help architect a winner in Cincinnati. "I'm gonna work as hard as I can to bring winning to Cincinnati. And I know the people around me will as well. The culture that coach Taylor is building, I'm very excited about it," Burrow said. cincinnati.com)
24.01.2022 18:33:43 sport. draft board список желаемых игроков (The Bengals considered Tua Tagovailoa but his injury history concerned the team. Justin Herbert impressed the club at the Senior Bowl and during the draft evaluation process. However, Burrow was Cincinnati's main target all along. The LSU quarterback skyrocketed up the team's draft board during his record-breaking season with the Tigers. cincinnati.com)
24.01.2022 17:53:06 gen. see someone or something coming замечать (You're a perfect hitman; you look like a regular guy. Nobody sees you coming.)
24.01.2022 17:51:29 gen. see someone or something coming заметить (The foul ball hit me on the head. I didn't see it coming.)
24.01.2022 17:49:28 gen. work together сотрудничать (Russia and China are working together more and more, as they strive to set the standards in technologies like artificial intelligence, assert their dominance over the Western Pacific through joint military exercises and in space through closer ties. gov.uk)
24.01.2022 17:48:22 gen. work together объединять усилия
24.01.2022 17:17:13 gen. defensive capabilities обороноспособность
24.01.2022 17:13:35 fig. context. quagmire затяжной конфликт (Invasion will only lead to a quagmire, as we know from the Soviet-Afghan war or the conflict in Chechnya. gov.uk)
24.01.2022 16:53:36 gen. state-sponsored famine голодомор (Ukraine is a proud country with a long history. They have known invading forces before – from the Mongols to the Tatars. They suffered through the state-sponsored famine. gov.uk)
24.01.2022 16:52:01 gen. massive крупнейший (We know what lies down that path, and the terrible toll in lives lost and human suffering it brings. That's why we urge President Putin to desist and step back from Ukraine before he makes a massive strategic mistake. gov.uk)
24.01.2022 16:50:45 gen. what lies down that path к чему это ведёт (The Kremlin hasn't learned the lessons of history. They dream of recreating the Soviet Union, or a kind of ‘Greater Russia' carving up territory based on ethnicity, and language. They claim they want stability, while they work to threaten and destabilise others. We know what lies down that path, and the terrible toll in lives lost and human suffering it brings. gov.uk)
24.01.2022 16:49:03 gen. while а сам (противопоставление: The Kremlin hasn't learned the lessons of history. They dream of recreating the Soviet Union, or a kind of ‘Greater Russia' carving up territory based on ethnicity, and language. They claim they want stability, while they work to threaten and destabilise others. gov.uk)
24.01.2022 16:41:27 inf. get religion обращаться к религии (Many people in rehab, and in defeat, get religion.)
24.01.2022 16:38:58 inf. disappr. get religion удариться в религию (He's a fellah I was at school with who was a gardener, but he got religion so keep away from him.)
24.01.2022 16:11:30 gen. learn the lesson усвоить урок (The Kremlin hasn't learned the lessons of history. They dream of recreating the Soviet Union, or a kind of ‘Greater Russia' carving up territory based on ethnicity, and language. gov.uk)
24.01.2022 16:06:30 gen. inspiration прекрасный пример (As the UK sets out on its future as global Britain, we now have full use of our trade, our defence, our diplomacy, and our development policies, to be able to work with friends and partners across the world. And I see Australia as a real inspiration in that, in it with the work you do to promote free trade, freedom of speech, human rights, and rights for women and girls as a leading nation.)

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