
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

16.07.2019 10:22:52 gen. also known as иные варианты написания (транслитерации, транскрипции и т.п.)
16.07.2019 10:10:48 gen. God be with you с богом!
16.07.2019 0:36:57 econ. payable under the agreement предусмотренный договором (об оплате: All advances and royalties due under the terms of this Agreement shall be paid in US dollars.)
16.07.2019 0:36:46 econ. due under the terms of the agreement предусмотренный договором (об оплате: All advances and royalties due under the terms of this Agreement shall be paid in US dollars.)
16.07.2019 0:15:40 bus.styl. settle производить оплату (For subsequent editions, the Publishers shall advise the Proprietor's agent of the number of copies printed and settle for the entire print-run within 60 days of publication of each re-print edition.)
15.07.2019 23:26:11 idiom. subsist on a diet of bread and water сидеть на хлебе и воде
15.07.2019 23:02:31 law subsist действовать (The Proprietor hereby grants to the Publishers the sole and exclusive right to publish and sell the Work in the Ukrainian language in all countries where copyright subsists.)
15.07.2019 22:27:56 publish. memorandum of agreement издательский лицензионный договор (синоним publishing agreement; иначе – договор о предоставлении права использования произведения)
15.07.2019 16:08:54 subl. bid final farewell проститься (с умершим: to bid final farewell to someone as they are laid to rest)
15.07.2019 15:59:41 gen. see someone to their final journey проводить в последний путь (Thousands of people came to see the adored person to his final journey.)
15.07.2019 15:55:42 gen. welcome in проводить (внутрь, встретив у входа)
15.07.2019 15:37:28 mil. be subjected to fire подвергаться огню (As the Canadians moved into position, they found themselves subjected to enemy fire from all sides. • The tanker trucks were also subjected to enemy fire or strafing from the air by the Luftwalfe.)
15.07.2019 15:23:13 gen. be behind задолжать (Actually, we're several months behind in our rent.- ...задолжали за аренду за несколько месяцев.)
15.07.2019 14:29:57 mil., lingo engage работать (по кому-либо / чему-либо)
15.07.2019 14:26:52 mil., lingo work over работать по (какой-либо цели – об артиллерии, авиации; в знач. "подвергать обстрелу или бомбардировке": Fifth Air Force B26s and P-400s continue raiding Japanese airfields at Buna, while P-40s work over enemy positions at Milne Bay.)
15.07.2019 14:23:03 mil. organize air supremacy обеспечивать господство в воздухе
15.07.2019 14:22:05 mil. air supremacy господство в воздухе (не путать с превосходством в воздухе – air superiority: Air supremacy is the highest level, where a side holds complete control of the skies. It is defined by NATO and the United States Department of Defense as the "degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference." wikipedia.org)
15.07.2019 14:13:11 gen. come into being зародиться
15.07.2019 14:08:17 mil., lingo fire работать (at someone – по кому-либо)
15.07.2019 13:26:38 homie homeboy
15.07.2019 12:25:27 gen. in the past ранее (FBI has conducted counterintelligence investigations in the past to examine the use of private family domains and nongovernmental servers.)
15.07.2019 12:07:26 idiom. not playing with a full deck немного того
15.07.2019 12:04:43 inf. out there неадекватный (crazy; so unusual that it might seem silly or extreme) Ms Plibersek responded there was nothing controversial about suggesting that some of Mr Trump's ideas "are a little bit out there.")
15.07.2019 12:02:22 euph. out there не от мира сего (strange, very different, particularly odd, crazy: She's definitely a bit out there, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.)
15.07.2019 11:59:53 gen. get outside выйти из дома
15.07.2019 11:57:11 fig. out there на публике (in the public eye: If you want to improve your public speaking, you should put yourself out there more. • It has taken her a long time to learn the plays, and she still looks uncomfortable out there.)
15.07.2019 11:55:00 euph. out there оторванный от реальности (strange, very different, particularly odd: His hypothesis is really out there. • Sheila's ideas can be way out there sometimes.)
15.07.2019 11:53:22 inf. a little bit out there немного того (But yeah, mental-wise, I think he's a little bit out there. • She's definitely a bit out there, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.)
15.07.2019 11:30:35 gen. other man's чужой
15.07.2019 11:30:35 gen. other people's чужой
15.07.2019 11:28:58 inf. not "your thing" не "твоё" (Social gatherings may not be "your thing", but don't let that stop you from having a good time.)
15.07.2019 11:24:19 inf. get out there выбираться в люди (As delightful as isolation can be, even the most introverted writer needs to get " out there" once in a while. • Life can be up and down, but the most important thing to remember in the process is to have fun, to get out there once in a while. Social gatherings may not be "your thing", but don't let that stop you from having a good time!)
15.07.2019 11:22:26 gen. out there туда (обыкн. в какое-либо удалённое место: It's a tiny island, just a big rock with a sandy beach on one side. Sometimes we would go out there to have a picnic when I was younger. • Fishing is the most popular purpose for taking off-road vehicles onto the sand, a park service spokeswoman said. Other beach drivers are out there to watch birds or just get away from the crowds.)
15.07.2019 11:14:13 out there get out there
15.07.2019 11:10:26 gen. quite a few значительное число
15.07.2019 11:09:27 gen. quite a few достаточно много (There have been quite a few people who have experienced this, so we understand the issue is out there.)
15.07.2019 11:08:09 gen. be out there присутствовать (в знач. "никуда не деваться, быть актуальным"; только в контексте: I see from this thread that the issue is out there but posted answers don't work for me. • We had the referendum last year but it obviously has not settled things. It hasn't settled things because we have in Scotland a government dominated by the Scottish National Party whose principle objective is to secure the independence of Scotland from the rest of the U.K. The issue is out there all the time.)
15.07.2019 11:06:15 gen. be out there быть (1) передается формой "есть" (в знач. "в мире существует"): There are a lot of things out there that I don't always understand. • But there are many people out there who behave differently from what most people have come to expect as "normal."; (2) передается другими средствами: There are many people out there who enjoy watching birds around the harbour. – Многим нравится...)
15.07.2019 10:42:10 gen. give or take плюс-минус ("Have you been here long?" "About a month, give or take." • It will take you an hour to go, give or take a few minutes. • I pride myself on my Klout score which is right around 64, give or take a point.)
15.07.2019 10:31:04 fig. out there на виду (=на публике)
15.07.2019 10:24:58 be out there out there
15.07.2019 10:14:46 gen. out there где-то (in a place that could be anywhere except here: My real father is out there and one day I plan to find him.)
15.07.2019 10:09:35 fig. out there на свете (in the world at large: There are a lot of crazy people out there. • All the land out there had been under water once.)
15.07.2019 10:09:35 gen. out there в мире (in the world at large: There are a lot of crazy people out there. • All the land out there had been under water once.)
15.07.2019 10:06:35 out there be out there
14.07.2019 9:50:22 gen. wreck разбитый автомобиль (He was still alive when they pulled him from the wreck.)
12.07.2019 15:25:25 low brit. piss someone off свалить (They've pissed off and left us in the lurch)
12.07.2019 15:23:08 low brit. piss someone off сваливать (Piss off early, tomorrow's Saturday!)
12.07.2019 15:09:01 inf. what is that to you? тебе-то что? (до этого)
12.07.2019 15:09:01 inf. what is that to you? тебе какое дело?
12.07.2019 14:54:27 inf. be at loggerheads повздорить (in violent dispute or disagreement: We were really at loggerheads about what to do with the money we found on the side of the road; she said we should turn it in, I said we should keep it. • The twins were at loggerheads over who should take the larger room.)
12.07.2019 14:54:27 inf. be at loggerheads поцапаться
12.07.2019 14:51:48 inf. be at loggerheads over who should take не мочь поделить (только в контексте) The twins were at loggerheads over who should take the larger room. )
12.07.2019 14:49:32 inf. be at outs поссориться (with someone: Can I come crash at your place? I'm at outs with my wife at the moment.)
12.07.2019 14:49:32 inf. be at outs поругаться (with someone: Can I come crash at your place? I'm at outs with my wife at the moment.)
12.07.2019 14:48:47 inf. at outs в контрах
12.07.2019 14:44:33 at loggerheads be at loggerheads
12.07.2019 14:42:15 gen. be at odds over не поделить (At Pleasant Valley sheepmen and cattlemen were at odds over the grazing.)
12.07.2019 14:41:29 gen. be at odds не совпадать (с чем-либо, во мнениях и т.п.: The witness' statement seems to be at odds with the evidence, not a good sign for the prosecutor.)
12.07.2019 14:25:35 inf. context. run something by согласовать с (кем-либо; в знач. "уточнить у": Inevitably they will leave the room to "run the deal by my boss".)
12.07.2019 14:22:48 gen. hmph ну не знаю (conveys skepticism)
12.07.2019 14:12:13 gen. noise возглас ("Eek!" is a noise made on sighting a mouse)
12.07.2019 14:05:26 jarg. hose down завалить (=убить)
12.07.2019 13:55:48 gen. stay safe удачи! (в знач. "береги себя, будь осторожен")
12.07.2019 13:55:13 uncom. try to not to get yourself killed поосторожней там (только в соответствующем контексте: Try not to get yourselves killed out there. – Вы уж там поосторожней.)
12.07.2019 13:51:57 gen. stay safe осторожней там
12.07.2019 13:51:57 gen. stay safe поосторожней там
12.07.2019 12:36:46 gen. be punctuated by перемежаться (о речи: Friesner and Grolle were on watch. Engelke and I were asleep in a hut, not far away. I had drifted off listening to their occasional muffled, sullen voices, Grolle's punctuated by some variation of the word 'fuck'. "He held forth on the fucking artillery fire. Fucking Russians. Fuck them. ... Then we'd see who was fucking with whom...")
12.07.2019 12:33:42 gen. be on watch стоять в карауле (Friesner and Grolle were on watch. Engelke and I were asleep in a hut, not far away.)
12.07.2019 12:32:35 gen. be on watch дежурить
12.07.2019 12:30:47 gen. be on watch нести дежурство
12.07.2019 12:28:37 inf. for Christ sakes чтоб его (Where's that fucking artillery fire for Christ sakes?)
12.07.2019 12:26:33 gen. in both of those places и там и там (вариант: in each of those places: I never wanted to go to Australia or South America, for example, but in the last year I worked in both of those places.)
12.07.2019 11:44:38 gen. put on напустить на себя (на себя какой-либо вид, выражение и т.п.; в контексте: He put on an innocent look and pretended it was nothing to do with him.)
12.07.2019 11:41:28 gen. putting on some look с каким-либо видом (Next time he said, putting on an excessively morose look, "we're in my home town , Bhubaneswar, so I will have to stay at my residence.")
12.07.2019 11:39:48 inf. trigger напустить (someone on someone) (Reverso): Someone triggered Internal Affairs on her before she had a chance to catch her breath.)
12.07.2019 11:34:29 gen. put on изобразить (улыбку, выражение и т.п.: 'In fact,' he said, putting on his gentlest, his most winning smile, 'we were hoping you might be able to help us... | Также переводится по контексту, например: "Hello?"  she put on her most pleasant, carefree voice. – ...придав своему голосу как можно больше беззаботности)
12.07.2019 11:31:18 gen. putting on some voice каким-либо голосом ("Guess who?" he said, putting on a gruff voice.)
12.07.2019 11:14:38 gen. take a vacation устроить себе отпуск (We decided to take a little vacation.)
12.07.2019 10:58:40 gen. as here как в данном случае (Where, as here, a trial court has determined that the evidence indicating that a defendant committed a crime punishable by life imprisonment is great, and that decision is supported by the record, the trial court may order the defendant held without bail pending the outcome of a hearing on whether the defendant may be released on conditions.)
12.07.2019 10:58:15 law order someone held without bail избрать меру пресечения в виде содержания под стражей без права внесения залога (о суде: Where, as here, a trial court has determined that the evidence indicating that a defendant committed a crime punishable by life imprisonment is great, and that decision is supported by the record, the trial court may order the defendant held without bail pending the outcome of a hearing on whether the defendant may be released on conditions.)
12.07.2019 10:17:03 gen. be off ехать (=уезжать: I'm off to DC to spend a little time with my daughter, Molly, and her husband, Justin. • I'm off for New York today and I'll be away for three weeks, so most likely no blog updates.)
12.07.2019 10:16:36 gen. be off уезжать (I'm off to DC to spend a little time with my daughter, Molly, and her husband, Justin. • I'm off for New York today and I'll be away for three weeks, so most likely no blog updates.)
12.07.2019 10:16:26 gen. be off уехать (I'm off for New York today and I'll be away for three weeks, so most likely no blog updates. • I'm off to DC to spend a little time with my daughter, Molly, and her husband, Justin.)
12.07.2019 10:12:27 media. order someone held without bail арестовать без права внесения залога (о суде: A homeless man, 30-year-old Naeem Davis, was charged with murder in Han's death and was ordered held without bail.)
12.07.2019 10:12:15 media. order someone held without bail взять под стражу без права внесения залога (о суде: A homeless man, 30-year-old Naeem Davis, was charged with murder in Han's death and was ordered held without bail.)
12.07.2019 10:06:15 law, court plead not guilty отрицать вину (в суде: A homeless man, 30-year-old Naeem Davis, was charged with murder in Han's death and was ordered held without bail. He has pleaded not guilty and has said that Han was the aggressor and had attacked him first.)
12.07.2019 10:00:30 gen. pull выехать (out of somewhere, onto something, etc.; о машине: I've had the classic car pull out of a quiet side road in Holloway "without seeing me" and luckily the road was quiet so I could swerve to the other side to avoid. • Later it was learned one car stopped in a lane of traffic on I-41 near Breezewood Lane because a family of ducks was crossing the highway, and another car pulled onto the shoulder next to the car. • The car pulled onto the busway despite being "honked and flashed" by the bus driver.)
12.07.2019 9:54:40 gen. pull out of вывернуть (на дорогу с парковки, двора, из переулка и т.п.: I've had the classic car pull out of a quiet side road in Holloway "without seeing me" and luckily the road was quiet so I could swerve to the other side to avoid. • This morning, cycling in the right hand lane of a two lane one way street, car parked on the right hand side pulled out and almost went into the side of me.)
12.07.2019 9:54:12 auto. pull out of выезжать (на дорогу с парковки, двора, из переулка и т.п.: pull out of the parking lot)
12.07.2019 9:53:15 gen. pull out of выворачивать (на дорогу из переулка, со двора и т.п.)
12.07.2019 9:35:21 gen. oncoming train прибывающий поезд (только в контексте: Police Commissioner Ray Kelly says police are continuing the hunt for a female suspect who pushed a man to his death in front of an oncoming subway train.)
12.07.2019 9:31:03 gen. shove in front of a train столкнуть под поезд (The death of a man who was shoved in front of an oncoming New York City subway train spurred a police hunt on Friday for the woman seen pushing him. • On December 3, 58-year-old Ki-Suck Han was shoved in front of a train in Times Square.)
12.07.2019 9:24:40 gen. to one's death со смертельным исходом (переводится по контексту: Man pushed to his death on NY City subway tracks. – В метро Нью-Йорка мужчину столкнули под поезд. Пострадавший погиб .)
11.07.2019 23:28:47 gen. signify доказывать (в знач. "свидетельствовать")
11.07.2019 23:28:38 gen. signify свидетельствовать (о чем-либо) The arrival of Andrei Egunov's prose into the realm of English language once again signifies that the introduction of Russian Modernism to the Western reader is far from complete. – ...лишний раз свидетельствует о том, что...)
11.07.2019 23:03:18 gen. the feeling is mutual это взаимно (в т.ч. с сарказмом: You're tired of my face? The feeling is mutual.)
11.07.2019 15:14:24 на всякий случай если что
11.07.2019 14:17:48 ling. eggcorn эгкорн (особый случай искажения акустического образа лексической единицы, вызванный ослышкой. Термин "eggcorn" был предложен ... Дж. Пулэмом для именования таких смещений материальных оболочек созвучных слов, как, напр., употребление "egg corn" вместо "acorn" (русский источник; англ. Википедия) | Родственный термин: ослышка/мондегрин)
11.07.2019 13:05:01 idiom. be quick with the comeback за словом в карман не лезть (It was not the brain he once knew – always quick with the comeback and able to find the right words. • Always quick with the comeback , Jason was sure to leave you laughing. • Both were masters of wit, specializing in the art of the sexual double entendre, and were always quick with the comeback to any interviewer's question.)

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