
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

19.09.2019 12:10:39 inf. name's меня зовут (Pleasure to serve you, Mr Smith. Name's Bob. • The man straightened up and extended his hand to Smith. "Name's Colin. Sergeant Colin, but very just calls me Colin." • Welcome to Rainshadow, Mr. Jones. Name's Knox. I'm the owner of this here establishment.)
19.09.2019 12:10:39 inf. name's я (в знач. "меня зовут": Pleasure to serve you, Mr Smith. Name's Bob. • The man straightened up and extended his hand to Smith. "Name's Colin. Sergeant Colin, but very just calls me Colin." • Welcome to Rainshadow, Mr. Jones. Name's Knox. I'm the owner of this here establishment.)
19.09.2019 11:47:44 inf. even if I do say so myself см. if I do say so myself
19.09.2019 11:39:38 inf. if I do say so myself скажу без ложной скромности (не хочу показаться нескромным, но...) used to soften praise people are giving themselves: It's a genius idea, if I do say so myself. I'm glad you like it. • I'm a pretty good golfer, if I say so myself. lexicallab.com)
19.09.2019 9:37:55 ling. valence валентность (глагола; number of arguments that a verb can have, including its subject: The number of bonds that a verb has constitutes what we will call the valence of the verb. (статья "Валентность_(лингвистика)" в Википедии))
19.09.2019 9:37:55 ling. valence см. valency
19.09.2019 8:54:21 inf. work уплетать (on something; в контексте: Denise glanced at Conrad but he was busy working on his second helping of fish and potatoes.)
18.09.2019 13:34:03 energ.ind. local power authority РЭС (быстрый вариант для устного перевода)
18.09.2019 13:33:48 energ.ind. local power distribution authority район электрических сетей (как организация)
18.09.2019 9:29:01 fig. escape пройти мимо (someone – кого-либо: For instance, back when we were the Warlocks he turned me on to Coltrane and a bunch of classical music that had completely escaped me. • Going to Disney" is something that escaped me in my childhood. • When I got invited to The BFG red carpet premiere, I hadn't ever read the book. I'm not sure how this escaped me in my childhood, but it had.)
18.09.2019 9:24:44 gen. slip one's mind вылетать из головы (My apologies for the late reply, it completely slipped my mind. • But then when we got there, we were having so much fun it really slipped my mind.)
18.09.2019 9:02:27 inf. gibberish муть (в контексте)
17.09.2019 16:43:13 gen. be punished to death караться смертью (Herecy could be punished to death.)
17.09.2019 16:43:13 gen. be punishable by death караться смертью
17.09.2019 16:39:25 gen. customarily как правило (=normally: Medieval intellectuals undoubtedly were aware of the controversy and would not lightly attempt to paraphrase religious text. Translations of religious documents customarily required permission from an authority.)
17.09.2019 13:55:28 gen. I'll be expecting you жду (your call, your message, etc.)
16.09.2019 22:35:24 inf. low catch shit выслушивать (от кого-либо за что-либо; to be criticized, usually for a specific transgression: Losing things is one of those those events in life that's even worse when you're a kid. ... Not only is the item gone, but you're catching shit from up here.)
16.09.2019 22:35:24 inf. low catch shit получать по шапке (to be criticized, usually for a specific transgression: He's gonna catch shit for leaving work early!)
15.09.2019 20:18:31 gen. hold off подождать (wait to take action: I know you want to start on that project, but hold off until I get these questions answered by the boss. • Apply or hold off until next year?)
15.09.2019 13:44:30 gen. uneducated speech просторечие
15.09.2019 13:44:30 gen. substandard spelling просторечие
14.09.2019 12:00:58 gen. for human use см. medicinal product for human use
13.09.2019 11:05:32 idiom. take something with a grain of salt относиться философски (к чему-либо; требует дополнения: There are many other reasons a reviewer might try to dump vitriol on your business's reputation too. At any rate, my point is that you shouldn't always take a review at face value – instead, grow thick skin and take it with a grain of salt.)
13.09.2019 9:47:59 inf. thorn in one's side головная боль (If routine maintenance of your refrigerator is important to you, but has become a thorn in your side... • No matter where in your home they're spotted, mice will become a thorn in your side.)
13.09.2019 9:40:17 inf. cuddly мягкий и пушистый
13.09.2019 9:04:04 gen. let me see так, посмотрим
13.09.2019 9:01:22 gen. park a while постоять (в машине: Let him park a while and think it over.)
12.09.2019 14:13:14 idiom. take something with a grain of salt не воспринимать как истину в последней инстанции (в контексте, напр.: Just my two cents. Take it all with a grain of salt. – Я не претендую на истину в последней инстанции)
12.09.2019 11:40:31 emph. like hell дудки (ну уж дудки)
12.09.2019 11:39:10 emph. like hell you are только через мой труп ("I don't care what you say, Mom–I'm going to that party!" "Like hell you are!")
12.09.2019 11:30:58 vulg. context. like fuck хрен ты угадал (like fuck you are • do)
12.09.2019 11:30:58 vulg. context. like fuck хрен там (like fuck you are • do)
12.09.2019 11:30:58 emph. like hell черта лысого (He wagged his finger at me and said, ‘Frédéric, I'm going to make a man out of you.' "I thought to myself, ‘Like hell, you are.')
12.09.2019 11:15:12 gen. like hell что есть духу (бежать, нестись и т.п.: He ran like hell to catch the bus.)
11.09.2019 10:08:00 inf. if you want тебе виднее (basically the answer to everything; this simple phrase means you never have to say your opinion about anything ever again.: Girl: "Does this skirt look good on me?" Shortie P: "If you want".)
11.09.2019 10:06:06 gen. stay the night остаться на ночь (Mary says you're welcome to stay the night if you want.)
10.09.2019 21:29:18 gen. works for me меня устраивает
10.09.2019 14:22:21 media. harass оказывать давление на (Pro-Russian rebels have continually caused problems during the investigation, blocking access to the site and harassing recovery workers.)
10.09.2019 11:28:03 idiom. red flag повод насторожиться (Jobseekers sometimes do not mention jobs from which they were fired on their résumés; accordingly, unexplained gaps in employment, and refusal to contact previous employers are often regarded as "red flags" • For example, a translator or interpreter resume that lists 20 or more areas of specialization and 50 Fortune 500 clients raises red flags.)
10.09.2019 11:26:37 idiom. context. red flag тревожный звоночек (There is always a chance that unforeseeable circumstances happen, which can cause rescheduling and longer response times, but if this is happening consistently, it should be a red flag and taken with great caution moving forward.)
10.09.2019 10:42:02 law, contr. the Parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts Стороны настоящим установили, что рассмотрение всех споров и разногласий проистекающих из настоящего договора либо возникающих в связи с его исполнением относится к исключительной подсудности судов Англии и Уэльса (cм. стт. 403, 404 ГПК РФ) Сама формулировка взята из 412 ГПК РФ: "рассмотрение дела относится к исключительной подсудности судов в Российской Федерации"; English courts = HM Courts of Justice of England and Wales)
10.09.2019 10:17:44 law submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of согласиться на передачу споров в подсудность судов
10.09.2019 10:17:44 law submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of установить, что рассмотрение споров относится к подсудности судов
9.09.2019 11:34:43 idiom. disappear into the blue испариться
9.09.2019 11:34:43 idiom. disappear into the blue испаряться
9.09.2019 11:00:16 idiom. go for a Burton отдать концы (=get killed in action; f rom the name of one of the first R.A.F. pilots killed in WWII)
9.09.2019 10:55:31 gen. disappear leaving no trace at all бесследно исчезнуть (We're all puzzled by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared into the blue leaving no trace at all.)
9.09.2019 10:48:46 idiom. into the blue в никуда
9.09.2019 10:45:52 idiom. disappear into the blue бесследно исчезнуть
9.09.2019 10:43:09 gen. blue даль
9.09.2019 0:30:36 gen. oh boy ого!
9.09.2019 0:22:52 rude eat shit переступить через себя (to do something disgusting or strongly undesirable: Kelly Clarkson had bronchitis and had to cancel. I had to eat shit and call Céline.)
9.09.2019 0:16:54 mil. mortar crew member номер миномётного расчёта
8.09.2019 23:47:24 fig. thawing relations оттепель (в отношениях: Russia, Ukraine swap prisoners in first sign of thawing relations.)
8.09.2019 20:42:16 inf. pass on пораздавать (The newer Gerbers I've bought and quickly passed on were of inferior quality, feeling flimsy and cheap.)
8.09.2019 19:12:57 uncom. ranking субординация (Meeting with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was a problem for the Director of the FBI. It was one of those Beltway oddities, a meeting where there was no cast-iron ranking. Who was superior? Lee Child)
8.09.2019 19:10:14 inf. nice and clean чётко (With the M16 everything's nice and clean, there are no little bits and pieces sticking out.)
6.09.2019 12:34:01 gen. be in the top three попасть в первую тройку
6.09.2019 12:33:21 gen. become one of the top three попасть в первую тройку
6.09.2019 12:33:21 gen. be ranked among the top three попасть в первую тройку
6.09.2019 11:43:00 gen. kangaroo court псевдосуд (judicial or quasi-judicial proceeding, or a group which conducts such proceedings, which is without proper authority, abusive, or otherwise unjust: ...those whose relatives were sentenced to the firing squad by Che's kangaroo courts in the fortress of La Cabaña. • Soviet kangaroo courts called 'troika')
6.09.2019 10:41:56 ed. mock court учебная имитация судебного процесса
6.09.2019 10:41:56 ed. mock court см. тж. moot court
6.09.2019 9:57:54 gen. Stalin's purges сталинские чистки
6.09.2019 9:53:55 disappr. put on a whole dog-and-pony show разыграть целое представление (They put on a whole dog and pony show for the investors, but I'm not sure they've convinced anyone.)
6.09.2019 9:39:01 disappr. dog and pony show представление (pejorative – a highly promoted, often over-staged performance, presentation, or event used mainly for promotion or to drive sales: They put on a whole dog and pony show for the investors, but I'm not sure they've convinced anyone. • They put on a dog and pony show in the hope of attracting new investors.)
6.09.2019 9:34:25 disappr. dog and pony show постановка (т.е. постановочное мероприятие: The protest was just a dog and pony show designed to bring in the media.)
5.09.2019 16:56:14 gen. sentence to the firing squad приговорить к расстрелу (Private John Vinson of Company G had also been sentenced to the firing squad for desertion. • During a show trial, in the presence of the whole Soviet press, four of them were sentenced to the firing squad and then executed.)
5.09.2019 16:04:32 gen. invite oneself along набиться в попутчики (When she found out where I was going, she promptly had a temper tantrum and invited herself along.)
5.09.2019 15:57:53 idiom. angle for a position метить на должность (Alistair was angling for the General Manager job and he was furious that Tommy got it over him. • Maybe he was angling for the position Bennen had left vacant.)
5.09.2019 13:52:03 gen. see it coming см. have it coming
5.09.2019 12:33:57 gen. be asking for it самому напроситься (We were dancing and I got horny. She had on a tight bathrobe. Hey, she was asking for it!)
5.09.2019 12:31:18 gen. have it coming см. one had it coming
5.09.2019 12:26:37 gen. have it coming напроситься (A lot of men think that way. They think it's the woman's fault. They like to blame the rape on the woman. Say, "She had it coming, she was wearing a short skirt.")
5.09.2019 12:21:01 gen. one could see it coming дело к этому шло (I wasn't surprised when they divorced – you could see it coming.)
5.09.2019 12:14:19 gen. see it coming см. one could see it coming
5.09.2019 12:14:19 gen. see it coming см. one had it coming
4.09.2019 16:29:15 inf. look too far ahead загадывать (It's been good to get some plaudits, but let's not get carried away. It's one game at a time and don't look too far ahead.)
4.09.2019 11:50:58 gen. feel compelled счесть необходимым (сделать что-либо)
4.09.2019 11:50:58 gen. feel compelled счесть своим долгом (сделать что-либо: felt compelled to write a review after reading the sanctimonious one below which sounds like it was written by a wannabe architect type. • The Hearings before the House Committee on the Judiciary created such a stir that ... President Bill Clinton felt compelled to speak to the issue of religious freedom in the public schools.)
4.09.2019 11:50:58 gen. feel compelled посчитать своим долгом (сделать что-либо: I felt compelled to write a review after reading the sanctimonious one below which sounds like it was written by a wannabe architect type. • The Hearings before the House Committee on the Judiciary created such a stir that ... President Bill Clinton felt compelled to speak to the issue of religious freedom in the public schools)
4.09.2019 11:23:57 uncom. get carried away торопить события (только в узком контексте: It's only a forecast, let's not get carried away.)
4.09.2019 10:44:25 inf. it doesn't take не нужно быть (It doesn't take a great detective to work this one out. • Well, it doesn't take a genius to understand the implication.)
4.09.2019 8:42:51 mil. shellshock см. shell shock
3.09.2019 16:01:31 austral. inf. no worries не беспокойся
3.09.2019 14:55:44 gen. denial отказ от признания (A Russian law implemented two years ago allows for domestic courts to overrule ECHR decisions if they are deemed incompatible with Russia's constitution, meaning it is possible that payments in the cases would not be made, given Russia's denial of its involvement in the war.)
3.09.2019 14:54:12 gen. implement a law принять закон (A Russian law implemented two years ago allows for domestic courts to overrule ECHR decisions if they are deemed incompatible with Russia's constitution.)
3.09.2019 14:47:25 gen. bring a case подать в суд (на – against: The volunteer fighters are also bringing a case against Ukraine at the court, accusing Kyiv of negligent planning of a military operation.)
3.09.2019 14:47:06 gen. bring a case подать иск (к – against: The volunteer fighters are also bringing a case against Ukraine at the court, accusing Kyiv of negligent planning of a military operation.)
3.09.2019 14:15:00 fig. deaths погибшие (метонимия: In the battle of Ilovaysk, which came to a head at the end of August 2014, Ukrainian army units and volunteer battalions on one side were pitted against separatist and Russian military forces on the other, resulting in hundreds of deaths on both sides.)
3.09.2019 14:00:19 gen. inside на территории (The evidence includes numerous satellite images of Russian armed convoys inside Ukraine.)
3.09.2019 13:59:20 law be ruled on рассматриваться (только в опред. контексте, напр.: The evidence will be appended to a case to be ruled on by the European court of human rights.)
3.09.2019 13:57:04 law use as evidence использовать в качестве доказательства (напр., ......: сведения, которые могут быть использованы в качестве доказательств фактов либо обстоятельств, устанавливаемых в ходе досудебного следствия по уголовному делу)
3.09.2019 13:51:40 law enter as evidence принять в качестве доказательства по делу (о суде: Video surveillance footage from cameras installed at the couple's triplex apartment was entered as evidence in court.)
3.09.2019 13:47:53 law append to a case приобщить к делу (Newly collated evidence documenting Russian military involvement in the conflict in Ukraine will be used to bolster legal claims against the Russian state by Ukrainian volunteer fighters. The evidence will be appended to a case to be ruled on by the European court of human rights.)
3.09.2019 13:47:30 gen. bolster подкреплять
3.09.2019 13:40:33 mil. volunteer fighter доброволец (Newly collated evidence documenting Russian military involvement in the conflict in Ukraine will be used to bolster legal claims against the Russian state by Ukrainian volunteer fighters.)
3.09.2019 12:16:35 gen. make one's way into просачиваться
3.09.2019 12:16:35 gen. make one's way into попадать
3.09.2019 11:36:17 gen. only that с той разницей, что (в знач. "вот только")

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