
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

10.10.2019 9:23:53 inf. by the meter на отрез (о тканях и проч. рулонных материалах т.д.; пример: Имеется складская программа, производится продажа тканей на отрез.)
10.10.2019 0:45:03 gen. short-root variety of carrots каротель
9.10.2019 17:20:07 cliche. I won't hide it не буду скрывать (I won't hide it. I was very disappointed by your choice.)
9.10.2019 12:10:43 ed. report card табель
9.10.2019 2:04:47 fig. strike a chord затронуть какую-либо струну (в чьей-либо душе; with someone)
9.10.2019 2:04:47 fig. strike a chord затрагивать какую-либо струну (в чьей-либо душе; with someone)
9.10.2019 2:04:15 gen. touch a chord см. strike a chord
9.10.2019 2:02:10 idiom. strike a chord навеять воспоминания (with someone; trigger a memory)NB. Не совсем то же, что ring a bell.: The woman in the portrait struck a chord with me, and I realized that it was my grandmother. • His name strikes a chord, but I don't know why.)
9.10.2019 1:36:18 idiom. strike a chord прийтись по душе (with someone: His campaign promises seem to have struck the chord with the public.)
9.10.2019 1:31:01 idiom. strike a chord не оставить равнодушным (with someone; to make one respond in an emotional way, usually because one understands and identifies with it: That poem strikes a chord in all those touched by the Holocaust. • The case has shocked America and struck a chord with every parent of a young child.)
9.10.2019 1:26:02 cliche. not only in word, but also in deed не только словом, но и делом (He has already proven his fitness for the role during his election campaign – not only in word, but also in deed.)
8.10.2019 20:18:37 inf. it's all in a day's work это моя работа (the phrase is often used humorously to minimize an aspect of one's job that is particularly good: I said: `How can I ever thank you?' but he waved the question aside. `It's all in a day's work.')
8.10.2019 16:49:19 idiom. get one's bearings собраться с мыслями (I'll be along soon; just wait till I get my bearings.)
8.10.2019 16:32:26 idiom. get one's bearings освоиться (It took me a little while to get my bearings in the new office, but after a week, I felt as if I'd been working there for years. • She's still new to the company and needs time to find her bearings.)
8.10.2019 16:32:26 literal. get one's bearings сориентироваться на местности (We need to get above the tree line if we're going to get our bearings and reach the campsite before dark.)
8.10.2019 0:23:32 gen. set up a meeting организовать встречу (кому-либо с кем-либо)
7.10.2019 23:07:31 subl. venerated достопочтенный
7.10.2019 23:07:31 subl. venerated почитаемый
7.10.2019 22:23:56 gen. ensuing последовавший (happening after a particular action or event, especially as a result of it: Hundreds of thousands of people travelling home or heading out for the evening were caught up in the ensuing chaos.)
7.10.2019 16:23:53 uncom. splutter с шипением зажечься (в контексте: A match spluttered as another cigarette was lit, the glow setting for a parting instant into sharp relief the faces of the men in the group. • There came another little interlude of scraping, a match spluttered undecidedly for a moment and then glowed brightly.)
7.10.2019 15:58:47 gen. splutter отплевываться (to spit or squirt from the mouth with explosive sounds: She coughed and spluttered as she climbed out of the icy water.)
7.10.2019 14:52:13 gen. sputter into life то же, что splutter into life
7.10.2019 14:50:35 gen. sputter to life см. sputter into life
7.10.2019 14:50:10 gen. splutter into life то же, что sputter into life
7.10.2019 14:42:59 gen. splutter to life см. splutter into life
7.10.2019 14:32:57 gen. undecidedly неуверенно (There came another little interlude of scraping, a match spluttered undecidedly for a moment and then glowed brightly.)
7.10.2019 14:28:19 gen. sputter см. splutter into life
7.10.2019 13:59:07 gen. splutter то же, что sputter
7.10.2019 13:59:07 gen. splutter см. тж. splutter into life
7.10.2019 13:42:01 gen. illumined подсвеченный (Even in the darkness illumined by a few cigarettes, he could recognize the man he had come to see.)
7.10.2019 13:40:45 gen. run over подбежать (to someone: An African ran over to him and there was a muttered conversation.)
7.10.2019 13:35:31 gen. kill тушить (свет, фары: Unable to hear scream of the jet above him, [the pilot] flicked on his own lights to see where he was going, and from the darkness a voice cried uselessly, "Kill the lights!")
7.10.2019 13:35:31 inf. kill гасить
7.10.2019 13:33:16 inf. kill вырубить (свет и т.п.: Unable to hear scream of the jet above him, [the pilot] flicked on his own lights to see where he was going, and from the darkness a voice cried uselessly, "Kill the lights!")
7.10.2019 10:50:44 police video identification parade предъявление лица для опознания по видеоизображениям (следственное действие)
7.10.2019 10:20:53 police wiretap investigation оперативные мероприятия (быстрый вариант для устного перевода: Before authorizing a wiretap investigation, a court must find that "normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed or reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried or to be too dangerous.")
7.10.2019 10:04:15 med. investigative procedure исследование (Before coming in for surgery or an investigative procedure at either of our hospitals, we will carry out a preoperative assessment. • Investigative procedures include optical coherence tomography and porphyrin mediated fluorescence spectroscopy.)
7.10.2019 9:55:06 police identification evidence показания опознающего
7.10.2019 9:55:06 police evidence of identification показания опознающего
7.10.2019 9:53:10 police identification parade предъявление для опознания (как следственное действие)
7.10.2019 9:09:10 gen. wide open распахнутый настежь (She walked around to the back door and was surprised that the door was standing wide open.)
7.10.2019 9:08:15 uncom. wide open открытый нараспашку (о двери и т.п.; =настежь: В кабинете, который они делили с Короленко, тяжелая дверца сейфа была открыта нараспашку, а сама Гелена сидела за Милиным столом.)
6.10.2019 11:40:53 gen. crack open приоткрыть на щёлочку
6.10.2019 11:39:28 gen. crack-open приоткрытый на щёлочку (о двери, дверце и т.п.)
6.10.2019 11:37:24 gen. slightly ajar приоткрытый (о двери, дверце и т.п.: The fridge door was slightly ajar, as if Artur had forgotten to close it.)
6.10.2019 3:16:28 inf. your point's taken учту
6.10.2019 3:16:28 inf. your point's taken принято
6.10.2019 3:14:07 fig. haunt преследовать в кошмарах (в нек. контекстах: Its shrieking is bound to haunt me.)
6.10.2019 0:04:13 gen. at the sound of при звуке (After this vision, I shake in fear at the sound of a child's cry.)
5.10.2019 12:07:34 gen. at при (например: After this vision, I shake in fear at the sound of a child's cry.)
4.10.2019 20:58:34 gen. around these parts в этих краях (We newcomers should stick together 'round these parts.)
4.10.2019 14:21:07 gen. high-profile case дело особой важности
4.10.2019 14:01:29 police identifying officer лицо, проводящее опознание (т.е. следователь, ведущий процедуру опознания)
4.10.2019 12:17:22 police record of procedure протокол
4.10.2019 11:48:41 formal persons in attendance присутствующие
4.10.2019 11:42:47 police case officer следователь по делу (следователь, ведущий данное уголовное дело)
4.10.2019 10:05:10 gen. expander nut распорная гайка
4.10.2019 10:05:10 gen. expanding nut распорная гайка
3.10.2019 9:06:03 gen. there is a new opening открылась вакансия
2.10.2019 22:14:34 gen. board up заколотить досками (I boarded up the windows and locked the door.)
2.10.2019 22:14:34 gen. board up забить досками (I boarded up the windows and locked the door.)
2.10.2019 22:07:03 gen. overexert см. overexert oneself
1.10.2019 23:28:40 gen. defy scientific explanation не поддаваться научному объяснению
1.10.2019 19:27:09 gen. in lieu of в качестве компенсации за
30.09.2019 23:37:57 inf. canned staples закатки
30.09.2019 16:29:58 slang make someone's day доставить
30.09.2019 16:03:21 gen. speak up открыто пойти против (to end one's silence and speak negatively and publicly about someone or something: She finally spoke up against her cruel boss.)
30.09.2019 15:27:26 gen. speak up заговаривать (He sat in the back of the class and spoke up only when the teacher asked him a direct question.)
30.09.2019 15:20:25 gen. speak up against выступать против (Several Lebanese groups and individuals continue to speak up against the maintenance by Hizbullah of a military arsenal.)
30.09.2019 15:06:41 gen. speak up against открыто выступить против (She finally spoke up against her cruel boss. • We all felt like we had to speak up and denounce this tyrant)
30.09.2019 15:05:48 gen. speak up открыто высказаться
30.09.2019 14:59:49 subl. speak up возвысить голос (в т.ч. против чего-либо – against something: To those whose spirits uphold the principles of justice and freedom of speech – may Mayyada's story ... embolden you to speak up against the unjust and immoral treatment of women in the Muslim world.)
30.09.2019 14:33:26 busin. networking общение в неформальной атмосфере
30.09.2019 14:33:26 busin. networking общение в неформальной обстановке
30.09.2019 14:31:18 busin. network пообщаться в неформальной атмосфере (Take the opportunity to network with over 10,000 expected delegates from the private, public, municipal and para-public sectors at Americana Montreal.)
30.09.2019 14:31:18 busin. network пообщаться в неформальной обстановке (Take the opportunity to network with over 10,000 expected delegates from the private, public, municipal and para-public sectors at Americana Montreal.)
30.09.2019 13:46:10 idiom. and counting и это число непрерывно растет (This online dictionary has 100,000 articles – and counting.)
30.09.2019 11:43:31 gen. speak up for высказываться в поддержку (кого-либо или чего-либо)
30.09.2019 11:43:31 gen. speak up for высказаться в поддержку (кого-либо или чего-либо)
30.09.2019 11:41:03 gen. speak up не молчать (to end one's silence and speak negatively and publicly about someone or something: If only I had spoken up when I suspected something was wrong, none of this would have happened. • If you think that this is wrong, you must speak up and say so. • We all felt like we had to speak up and denounce this tyrant.)
30.09.2019 11:26:13 gen. speak up for выступить в защиту (I feel that somebody has to speak up for those oppressed by the system.)
30.09.2019 11:22:07 uncom. speak up обратиться к врачу (сугубо контекстуальный перевод; в знач. "перестать молчать о своей проблеме": She first noticed aching pains when she was 14. But she spoke up only when she started to suffer agonisingly sharp attacks while posing on photoshoots for fashion catalogues.)
30.09.2019 11:15:37 gen. stand tall держать спину прямо
30.09.2019 11:15:33 gen. maintain a tall back держать спину прямо (How to improve proper body mechanics: maintain a tall back while standing and sitting.)
30.09.2019 11:10:20 gen. tall back прямая спина (How to improve proper body mechanics: maintain a tall back while standing and sitting.)
30.09.2019 10:56:39 uncom. centre of balance центр тяжести (BrE)
28.09.2019 19:25:31 gen. boxtruck фургон
28.09.2019 16:48:21 dipl. rhetoric нарратив
28.09.2019 11:33:58 gen. research facility опытно-конструкторское бюро (быстрый вариант для устного перевода)
28.09.2019 11:26:18 gen. uncuff oneself освободиться от наручников
27.09.2019 22:47:56 taboo give me a fucking break отъебись
27.09.2019 20:07:33 gen. and yet и тем не менее
26.09.2019 9:37:28 gen. radio transmissions радиопереговоры (в контексте)
26.09.2019 9:33:25 gen. place where something or someone positions место дислокации (or is positioned)
26.09.2019 9:30:44 gen. six-power magnification binoculars шестикратный бинокль
26.09.2019 9:29:21 gen. ten-power magnification десятикратное увеличение (бинокля)
26.09.2019 9:24:52 gen. tenfold zoom десятикратное увеличение
26.09.2019 9:19:53 gen. deployment отправка на фронт
25.09.2019 19:46:34 gen. focus on отдавать приоритет (The Contractor will focus on high-value multi-territory deals in non-traditional product categories so as to avoid potential conflicts with any local territory agent for the Property.)
25.09.2019 19:41:58 gen. high-value deal крупная сделка

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