
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

21.11.2019 10:10:31 context. be partial to питать особенную слабость к (I like all the food here, but I'm particularly partial to the fried chicken. • She's partial to tall men with dark hair. • I'm not partial to red wine.)
21.11.2019 10:06:51 gen. be partial to предвзято относиться к (someone – кому-либо: A good teacher should not be partial to any one of the students. • A parent should not be partial to any one of his children.)
21.11.2019 10:06:22 gen. be partial быть предвзятым
21.11.2019 10:02:48 gen. hate having to не любить (в опред. контексте: Our child hates having to share. – Наш ребенок не любит ни с кем делиться.)
21.11.2019 9:38:56 inf. fellа см. fellow
21.11.2019 0:24:23 idiom. bark up the wrong tree не там искать виновного
21.11.2019 0:24:23 idiom. bark up the wrong tree направлять свои усилия не в то русло
21.11.2019 0:24:23 idiom. bark up the wrong tree искать не там, где надо (If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree.)
20.11.2019 21:01:44 gen. as ... sets in с наступлением (As the winter sets in, warm your senses and bake your own fresh bread. • As the winter cold sets in, it's hard to imagine what life is like for those who do not have a way to keep warm. • As the evening sets in, three mallard ducks call it a day and land in a nearby slough.)
20.11.2019 14:20:01 publish. provisionally entitled с условным названием (т. е. для целей настоящего договора: The Proprietor is the author of an original work of fiction in the English language provisionally entitled xxx.)
19.11.2019 22:37:38 gen. unpaired sock носок без пары
19.11.2019 22:37:22 gen. unpaired без пары (unpaired sock)
19.11.2019 20:34:43 gen. get-go см. from the get-go
19.11.2019 17:54:45 amer. auto-garage complex СТО (на несколько боксов)
19.11.2019 15:31:54 gen. pull the pin выдернуть чеку (гранаты и т.п.: Crouching low, he pulled the pin of the grenade and held it in his right hand, grasping his rifle with his left hand.)
19.11.2019 10:34:37 gen. cutting to the chase если коротко (Cutting to the chase, I will simply say that ultimately, the federal student loan system has become systemically corrupted.)
19.11.2019 10:29:14 inf. cut to the chase покороче (говорить: We don't have much time here. Could you cut to the chase?)
19.11.2019 10:29:14 inf. cut to the chase ближе к сути (говорить: We don't have much time here. Could you cut to the chase?)
18.11.2019 12:51:15 inf. plan accordingly подстраиваться (под кого-либо, чей-то график и т. п.)
18.11.2019 12:45:03 rel., christ. Our Lady Божья Матерь (a devotional title of Mary, mother of Jesus; в частности, в названиях икон, соборов, монастый и т.д. (напр., Our Lady of Kazan))
17.11.2019 16:13:53 gen. not miss an opportunity не упускать возможности (Never miss an opportunity to learn something new.)
17.11.2019 16:09:50 gen. perfection knows no limits совершенству нет предела
17.11.2019 12:14:17 gen. seize the opportunity не упустить момент
17.11.2019 2:23:53 gen. fit into влезть в (одежду: 10 ways to easily fit into your old jeans after childbirth.)
16.11.2019 23:35:24 gen. it is a common fact that как известно (в контексте)
16.11.2019 20:17:11 gen. immersion погружение в атмосферу
15.11.2019 0:57:03 gen. indulge заниматься (чем-либо приятным)
15.11.2019 0:57:03 gen. indulge in вести́ (какую-либо предосудительную деятельность: Proof that this company indulged in dubious, potentially criminal business practices.)
15.11.2019 0:50:20 gen. if you will indulge me если позволите (asking for a permission to do something which ordinarily might be considered in violation of some rule, such as a rule of etiquette: And here I hope you'll indulge me, I'm going to break the time frame of December 1941 but for reasons I think you'll find understandable. • I have no significant reservations in recommending the collection, but symptomatic of)
15.11.2019 0:10:37 humor. indulge one позволить (to permit to do something which ordinarily might be considered in violation of some rule, such as a rule of etiquette ; только в контексте, в фразах типа "если позволите": And now, dear reader, indulge me as I recycle some material I wrote twelve years ago, recounting the events of two years earlier. • And here I hope you'll indulge me, I'm going to break the time frame of December 1941 but for reasons I think you'll find understandable. • Indulge me in reporting a little inside baseball because it illustrates something important. • I have no significant reservations in recommending the collection, but symptomatic of that disease all reviewers share, I do have some smaller ones, if you will indulge me.)
14.11.2019 23:57:10 gen. indulge побаловать (to yield to the desires of: We indulged our daughter on her birthday.)
14.11.2019 23:55:29 obs. indulge пожаловать (to grant as a kindness, favor, or privilege)
14.11.2019 23:20:10 gen. indulge in a nostalgia поностальгировать (We took a deliberate decision to indulge in a little nostalgia.)
14.11.2019 16:31:03 inf. china сервиз (чайный или обеденный)
14.11.2019 0:19:25 gen. in skilled hands в умелых руках (There is a second use for the boomerang – fighting. It is indeed a lethal weapon in skilled hands.)
13.11.2019 23:18:22 sport. turf газон (в знач. "поле": Conley lay motionless on the turf and was strapped to a stretcher and loaded onto a cart for precautionary measures with 5:06 left in the third quarter.)
13.11.2019 22:21:38 inf. fig. turf родные края (a geographical area where one comes from or lives in: Both expressions are used interchangeably in New York City (my turf).)
13.11.2019 12:04:45 context. wreak havoc вызвать расстройство (Travel can often wreak havoc on your stomach. • Fruits and veggies, regardless of how processed, really wreak havoc with my digestion.)
13.11.2019 11:59:53 wreak havoc create havoc
13.11.2019 11:59:53 wreak havoc cry havoc
13.11.2019 11:59:53 wreak havoc cause havoc
13.11.2019 11:59:53 wreak havoc play havoc
13.11.2019 11:32:11 gen. dogs of war псы войны (выражение стало применяться по отн. к наёмникам благодаря одноименной книге Фредерика Форсайта "Another fight, Major Shannon?" "Another fight, sir." "But always somebody else's." "That's our way of life," said Shannon." And you think you will fight again, you and your men?" " Yes. We'll fight again." The general laughed softly. "Cry ‘Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war," he murmured. "Sir?" "Shakespeare, Mr. Shannon, just a bit of Shakespeare." )
12.11.2019 11:24:09 ling. Corpus of Contemporary American English Корпус современного американского английского языка (I didn't know of this usage of ours and yours, so to try and get some data I sifted through lists of hists in two corpora: the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English. )
12.11.2019 11:19:14 gen. to my place ко мне
12.11.2019 11:17:39 brit. to mine ко мне (After dinner we went back to mine to watch TV.)
12.11.2019 10:41:49 AmE upstairs neighbors соседи сверху
12.11.2019 10:41:49 AmE neighbors from upstairs соседи сверху
12.11.2019 10:14:26 humor. bwahaha бугага
12.11.2019 10:01:38 gen. of one's choosing по чьему-либо выбору (Ingredients: 8 breakfast sausages of your choosing, ...)
12.11.2019 9:49:08 gen. be in custody awaiting trial находиться в СИЗО (вариант для устного перевода)
11.11.2019 11:07:55 gen. it isn't going to make any difference толку от этого не будет
11.11.2019 11:06:39 gen. nothing is going to come of it толку от этого не будет (в знач. "ничего из этого не выйдет")
11.11.2019 11:06:39 gen. it isn't going to do any good толку от этого не будет
11.11.2019 1:20:04 gen. be applied retrospectively иметь обратную силу (в контексте)
10.11.2019 22:24:23 misused disencourage см. discourage
10.11.2019 20:20:39 gen. for one's personal benefit в личных интересах (в некоторых контекстах)
10.11.2019 2:11:25 gen. clear or masked явный или скрытый (clear or masked offensive language)
10.11.2019 1:52:44 gen. ad hominem attacks переход на личности
9.11.2019 22:55:28 gen. take away the pain снять боль (The doctor gave me pills to take away the pain.)
9.11.2019 22:55:01 gen. take away снять (боль: The doctor gave me pills to take away the pain.)
9.11.2019 22:55:01 take away take away the pain
9.11.2019 22:53:14 gen. take away лишить (The new law will take away some important rights from immigrant residents.)
9.11.2019 16:03:06 relig. sectarianism межконфессиональная борьба
9.11.2019 15:52:18 gen. sectarian конфессиональный (supporting a particular religious group and its beliefs: He knew, as we all know, that educating children in sectarian schools divides the community.)
9.11.2019 15:51:45 polit. sectarianism конфессиональный принцип распределения должностей (а political system in which power is shared among religious sects based on a constitutional formula distributing public offices among these sects: In Lebanese sectarianism, one half of the members of parliament are Christians and the other half are Muslims. – Особенностью конституционной системы Ливана является конфессиональный принцип, в соответствии с которым при назначениях на высшие государственные посты соблюдается определённый баланс между представителями различных религиозных общин.)
9.11.2019 13:39:06 gen. one has the effrontery to хватает совести (He was ​silent all through the ​meal and then had the effrontery to ​complain that I ​looked ​bored! • She has the effrontery to ask me for more money.)
9.11.2019 13:39:06 gen. one has the effrontery to хватает наглости (He was ​silent all through the ​meal and then had the effrontery to ​complain that I ​looked ​bored! • She has the effrontery to ask me for more money.)
9.11.2019 13:39:06 gen. one has the effrontery to хватает бесстыдства (He was ​silent all through the ​meal and then had the effrontery to ​complain that I ​looked ​bored! • She has the effrontery to ask me for more money.)
9.11.2019 13:36:52 gen. effrontery совесть (в выражениях типа "хватает совести" (синонимы – хватает наглости, бесстыдства): She had the effrontery to ask me for more money.)
8.11.2019 16:45:05 gen. pack one's valises собрать чемоданы (We'll have our valises packed and be off.)
8.11.2019 16:45:05 gen. pack one's valises собирать чемоданы
8.11.2019 16:41:38 gen. be off выехать (We'll have our valises packed and be off.)
8.11.2019 16:38:43 gen. get packed собраться (собрать свои вещи и т.п.)
8.11.2019 15:18:28 disappr. power-trip упиваться своей властью над другими (особ. неожиданно свалившейся)
8.11.2019 15:11:29 inet. get the hammer быть забаненным (What's more, another 4,972 players got the hammer for their abusive in-game behavior.)
8.11.2019 14:46:47 sport. do pull-ups подтягиваться (на турнике/перекладине прямым хватом; обратным хватом – do chin-ups)
8.11.2019 13:28:48 mil. take back отбить (захваченное противником: I was informed by Mr Dampier that he had tried to take the town back in 1684 but without much success.)
8.11.2019 11:31:14 gen. legs gave way подкосились ноги (His aching legs gave way, and he almost fell.)
8.11.2019 11:24:14 gen. knees bent under one подогнулись колени (His knees suddenly bent under him, as if an invisible power suddenly overwhelmed him with the weight of his bad conscience; he fell exhausted.)
8.11.2019 11:18:38 gen. doubled up согнутый (In accordance with custom his body after death was placed in a square coffin with head bowed and knees doubled up and his limbs crossed in front. • Each grave was protected by a single heavv stone, and contained but one skeleton, the knees doubled up as if the space was not long enough.)
8.11.2019 11:05:36 gen. with one's knees doubled подобрав колени
8.11.2019 11:05:04 gen. with one's knees doubled up to one's chin подобрав колени к подбородку (She lay with her knees doubled up to her chin, the nightgown pulled tight under her toes.)
7.11.2019 0:40:42 inf. come now да полно тебе
7.11.2019 0:40:42 inf. come now да будет тебе
6.11.2019 16:47:45 gen. may God grant дай бог (May God grant you and your family many years!)
6.11.2019 16:46:35 subl. grant послать (о боге: May God grant John and his family many years!)
6.11.2019 16:46:35 subl. grant даровать (о боге: Dear God, grant John heavenly rest, eternal peace, love and happiness.)
6.11.2019 16:46:35 subl. grant дать (о боге: May God grant John and his family many years!)
6.11.2019 16:09:45 gen. shed сбросить с себя (в контексте)
6.11.2019 15:41:30 inf. punch in the face дать по морде
6.11.2019 13:21:22 gen. indulge поддаться желанию (He looked at the chocolate but didn't indulge.)
6.11.2019 13:02:43 gen. indulge oneself делать себе поблажку (Even if you're dieting, you can indulge yourself (= eat what you want ) once in a while.)
6.11.2019 12:58:40 gen. if you will excuse my expression извините за выражение (As for my ex son-in-law, if you will excuse my expression, he is lower than rat crap.)
5.11.2019 17:32:51 gen. fall out with разругаться
5.11.2019 15:57:15 gen. secure someone's release on one's recognizance взять на поруки
5.11.2019 15:08:47 uncom. undertake оказать (услугу; исключительно контекстный вариант: The rehabilitation of my former employer's reputation in the neighbourhood was the final service I could undertake for him.)
5.11.2019 14:42:14 gen. undertake приобрести (в контексте: Particular courses of study (e.g. medicine and dentistry) require students to undertake some work experience in their chosen field prior to their application to university.)
5.11.2019 11:23:58 gen. indeed и вообще (Churchill, who always fancied himself a great strategist and tactician, took to ordering individual ships about and behaving as if he was the admiral commanding the Home Fleet – and indeed every fleet.)
5.11.2019 11:11:24 gen. I can do better than that даже больше (I could find out for you. No, I can do better than that. I can show you. • "Can you give me a list of names?" " Actually, I can do better than that. I can give you their names and copies of their composites.")

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