
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

17.03.2020 23:16:07 inf. pull together сколотить (A short time after being released, he managed to pull together a tightly knit group of as many as nine men ..., all willing to die for his cause and keep the plot secret.)
17.03.2020 21:17:02 bank. stand-in processor дублирующий обработчик
17.03.2020 16:52:24 commun. in the clear по открытой связи ("You haven't said why you're in Vienna. Or who you're here to meet." "I don't like to say it in the clear." "You're not in the clear. This line is shielded.")
17.03.2020 16:06:52 inf. sit for an exam сдавать экзамен (Внимание! Пара "sit for an exam – готовиться к экзамену" – это распространенное аракинское заблуждение: sit for означает просто "сдавать" wordpress.com)
13.03.2020 16:40:28 gen. jolt подпрыгнуть (на кочке, ухабе и т.д. (о машине): When the car jolted on a bump the gun fired. • On the way home the truck he was on the back of jolted on a bump and he was thrown off.)
13.03.2020 9:58:34 idiom. thieve out выскользнуть (to walk out of a place stealthily: Isabel and Lottie, who liked visitors, went upstairs to change their pinafores. But Kezia thieved out at the back. Nobody was about; she began to swing on the big white gates of the courtyard.)
12.03.2020 10:29:57 inf. have no inkling не подозревать
12.03.2020 9:56:20 idiom. tell it to the judge расскажи это кому-нибудь другому (idiomatic) I do not believe what you said: "Wait a minute, you don't understand, I wouldn`t kill my best friend!" Robert continued yelling. "Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say, tell it to the judge.")
11.03.2020 21:41:30 gen. with two people вдвоем (Always lift with two people.)
11.03.2020 17:16:59 gen. person suspected of having committed an offence подозреваемый (The final stage of the investigation will usually be to speak to those people suspected of having committed an offence.)
11.03.2020 10:16:10 gov. pay grade position аттестованная должность (рабочий вариант перевода на англ.)
10.03.2020 22:22:35 Beaume degree Beaume
10.03.2020 13:18:23 sport. make the move перейти (to: He remained with the club for the second half of the season before making the move to Manchester United this summer, and he has since gone on to become a firm favourite at Old Trafford.)
10.03.2020 13:06:07 inf. pull the plug прикрыть (to stop an activity, especially by no longer providing the money needed to allow it to continue: to stop an activity, especially by no longer providing the money needed to allow it to continue)
10.03.2020 13:01:38 gen. antiques emporium антикварная лавка (особ. большая)
10.03.2020 12:52:57 fig. pull the plug свернуть поддержку (on something; to stop an activity, especially by no longer providing the money needed to allow it to continue: The Arts Council had pulled the plug on the scheme.)
10.03.2020 12:43:47 literal. pull the plug выдернуть вилку из розетки (to unplug or cut power: Shut off the machine and pull the plug. • He put an end to the loud music by pulling the plug.)
10.03.2020 1:37:40 gen. somehow по какой-то причине
10.03.2020 1:24:42 gen. rehash повторение
10.03.2020 0:58:51 gen. I am under orders у меня приказ (I am under orders not to discuss his mission or his location with anyone. – У меня приказ... • Sergeant, I am under orders to deliver it personally to General Washington and to no other. • "Why do you wish to go to Shunkien? Did you not know that the city is under siege?" "I am under orders," said Mitchell stubbornly." • "Sorry, my Lords. I'm under orders to let only the Captain through.")
10.03.2020 0:55:42 gen. be under orders иметь приказ (I am under orders not to discuss his mission or his location with anyone. – У меня приказ... • Sergeant, I am under orders to deliver it personally to General Washington and to no other.)
9.03.2020 21:31:15 gen. line is breaking up связь прерывается ("Rae?" He glanced down at the phone before holding it back to his ear. "Rae, the line's breaking up.")
9.03.2020 21:31:15 gen. it's breaking up связь прерывается (I'm sorry this is bad line, I can hardly hear you, and it's breaking up.)
9.03.2020 21:05:18 gen. satisfy one's hunger удовлетворить голод (During short winter and fall days, three meals are just enough to satisfy one's hunger.)
9.03.2020 21:05:18 утолить голод удовлетворить голод
9.03.2020 20:55:20 gen. mutter under one's breath говорить себе под нос (He seemed to be muttering something under his breath.)
9.03.2020 1:05:17 inf. shady character мутный тип
8.03.2020 22:33:04 ling. hortative побудительное наклонение
8.03.2020 22:33:04 ling. hortative гортатив (wikipedia.org)
8.03.2020 0:41:42 comp.sec. coll. ransomware программы-вымогатели
7.03.2020 21:05:48 inf. well noted принял к сведению
6.03.2020 22:57:20 gen. Dark Eyes Очи чёрные (название романса)
6.03.2020 16:39:14 gen. patio испанский дворик
6.03.2020 16:08:37 for one for one thing
6.03.2020 16:08:37 for one I, for one
6.03.2020 16:03:01 gen. refuse не давать (Alicia Partnoy in 'The Little School' documents how the guards watched while the women inmates defecated, being refused toilet paper.)
6.03.2020 15:30:41 inf. batter надрать (to defeat soundly; to thrash: Leeds United battered Charlton 7-0.)
6.03.2020 13:41:42 proced.law. interview under caution допрос (подозреваемого)
6.03.2020 13:20:05 gen. charging document обвинительное заключение
6.03.2020 12:01:20 gen. stare after провожать взглядом
6.03.2020 10:13:41 gen. put someone in a better mood поднять настроение (He switched on the engine, slipped into gear, and sat for a few moments staring through the windscreen. "One day I'll kill that bastard," he murmured to himself. But the thought hardly put him in a better mood.)
5.03.2020 23:31:09 bank. ending balance исходящий остаток
5.03.2020 23:30:43 bank. beginning balance входящий остаток
5.03.2020 22:43:54 construct. perimeter concrete paving отмостка
5.03.2020 21:33:40 attorney at law at law
5.03.2020 15:44:52 gen. in the last third of в десятых числах (месяца)
5.03.2020 13:59:57 inf. have enough of it натерпеться (в present perfect; в знач. "с кого-либо хватит")
5.03.2020 12:08:57 common law at law
5.03.2020 12:08:57 common law at equity
5.03.2020 12:05:54 common-law common-law marriage
5.03.2020 12:02:50 gen. give a paper выступать с докладом (на конференции и любом другом научном сборище: He's giving a paper on thermodynamics at a conference at Manchester University.)
5.03.2020 12:02:50 gen. give a paper выступить с докладом (на конференции и любом другом научном сборище: I have to give a paper in New York at a regional conference)
5.03.2020 9:47:21 gen. office footprint численность постоянного персонала (особ. представительства иностранной организации; в контексте)
4.03.2020 13:38:36 soviet. party cadre партийный работник (chiefly in communism) a member of a managing group: After the war, he was a party cadre and worked as a correspondent for the daily newspaper Zeri i Popullit (The People's Voice). • Party cadres must guard against the temptations of power, money and sex.)
4.03.2020 13:13:47 USA district attorney office окружная прокуратура
4.03.2020 12:48:09 gen. Office of the Oblast Prosecutor областная прокуратура (прокуратура .. области – Office of the Oblast Prosecutor for ... Oblast)
3.03.2020 17:07:25 gen. there is an absence of отсутствует
3.03.2020 14:00:46 law.enf. lead investigator старший следователь
3.03.2020 13:21:06 gen. team leader старший группы
3.03.2020 13:17:04 медико-криминалистическая портретная экспертиза фотопортретная экспертиза
3.03.2020 12:11:46 crim.law. heat of passion состояние аффекта (in a criminal case, when the accused was in an uncontrollable rage at the time of commission of the alleged crime. If so, it may reduce the charge, indictment or judgment down from murder to manslaughter, since the passion precluded the defendant having premeditation or being fully mentally capable of knowing what he/she was doing)
3.03.2020 10:15:30 inf. a load of total bullshit чушь собачья
3.03.2020 10:15:30 inf. a load of hooey чушь собачья
3.03.2020 10:15:30 inf. a load of crap чушь собачья
2.03.2020 21:32:03 gen. disembodied лишённый плотской оболочки
2.03.2020 17:44:50 gen. agency-provided служебный (Joe, an employee of Agency XYZ, uses an agency-provided car, for which fuel is provided.)
2.03.2020 17:40:11 idiom. amer. that's all she wrote всё (I get five short beeps when the machine starts to boot, and then that's all she wrote. • All you have to do is point and shoot and that's all she wrote. • The courtroom is in stitches and the judge was trying hard not to smile at that. "Is that it, Mr. Ferramonte?" "That's all she fucking wrote, your Honor." • That's all she wrote for now. • And that's all she wrote for today, folks, because it's time for me to go.)
2.03.2020 17:18:53 formal assign to home временно отстранить от выполнения служебных обязанностей (The officer, who is assigned to downtown's Central Division, was placed on leave and assigned to home as the department launched an internal investigation. • Dave Wilson, principal for Eldorado High School, has been "assigned to home" just a few days away from the start of school. The Clark County School District has confirmed that he has been placed on leave. latimes.com)
2.03.2020 17:14:05 media. assign to home отстранить от службы (The officer, who is assigned to downtown's Central Division, was placed on leave and assigned to home as the department launched an internal investigation. • Dave Wilson, principal for Eldorado High School, has been "assigned to home" just a few days away from the start of school. The Clark County School District has confirmed that he has been placed on leave. latimes.com)
2.03.2020 16:59:00 fig. disappr. open house проходной двор (It's a straight-up open house here today.)
2.03.2020 16:44:53 лафа закончилась прикрыть лавочку
2.03.2020 16:11:32 gen. in the last third of в двадцатых числах (месяца)
2.03.2020 16:11:32 gen. on the twenty-something of в двадцатых числах (месяца: I played my first derby on the twenty-something of September 2000.)
2.03.2020 14:39:06 inf. big fan of сторонник (While I'm a big fan of letting children have freedom to move during their learning, there are times that children will have to sit to accomplish tasks)
2.03.2020 14:39:06 inf. big fan of приверженец (I am not a big fan of Trump. But if a foreign power attacked America, I would rally behind my president. • While I'm a big fan of letting children have freedom to move during their learning, there are times that children will have to sit to accomplish tasks)
2.03.2020 14:37:31 inf. be a big fan of быть в восторге от (Not a big fan of letting this year's Christmas tree rot in the backyard? We don't blame you.)
2.03.2020 14:32:47 inf. be a huge fan of быть в восторге от (I'm not really a huge fan of Megan Fox but this is extremely cool of her.)
2.03.2020 14:21:51 inf. huge fan of сторонник (While I'm not really a huge fan of capital punishment, as a rule, in his case Ican make an exception.)
2.03.2020 14:21:51 inf. big fan of особый любитель (I'm not usually a big fan of carrots.)
2.03.2020 14:21:51 inf. big fan of особый поклонник (I am not really a big fan of Japanese food, but the food from this resturant is fantastic.)
2.03.2020 12:30:47 gen. clearance санкция (в знач. "разрешение")
2.03.2020 12:00:21 gen. of ... ancestry происхождения (Bulat Okudzhava was a Soviet and Russian poet, writer, musician, novelist, and singer-songwriter of Georgian-Armenian ancestry.)
2.03.2020 12:00:21 gen. of ... origin происхождения (Only 34 percent of people of Jamaican origin aged 15 and over were married, compared with about 50 percent for the overall population in the same age group.)
2.03.2020 10:32:08 econ. common tax единый внешний тариф (в отношении товаров третьих стран, одинаковый для всех участников таможенного союза: A customs union is a trade agreement between two countries who decide not to tax each other's imports. They agree, instead, to impose common taxes on goods from countries outside their customs union. For instnace, goods traded between EU countries are free from taxes, but a common tax is applied to goods from outside the EU. simplepolitics.co.uk)
2.03.2020 2:00:39 Ukraine Register of Companies, Sole Proprietorships and Non-Governmental Associations Единый государственный реестр юридических лиц, физических лиц-предпринимателей и общественных формирований (общественные формирования – политические партии, структурные образования политических партий, общественные объединения, местные ячейки общественного объединения со статусом юридического лица, профессиональные союзы, их объединения, организации профсоюзов, предусмотренные уставом профсоюзов и их объединений, творческие союзы, местные ячейки творческих союзов, постоянно действующие третейские суды, организации работодателей, их объединения, обособленные подразделения иностранных неправительственных организаций, представительства, филиалы иностранных благотворительных организаций)
2.03.2020 1:41:24 real.est. apartment specifications sheet технический паспорт (на квартиру)
2.03.2020 1:07:27 real.est. ownership interest in property under construction имущественные права (рабочий вариант перевода) Статья 3 Закона Украины "Об оценке имущества, имущественных прав и профессиональной оценочной деятельности в Украине" определяет имущественные права как любые права, связанные с имуществом, отличные от права собственности, в том числе права, являющиеся составными частями права собственности (права владения, пользования, распоряжения), а также иные специфические права (права на осуществление деятельности, использование природных ресурсов и т.п.) и право требования. Как объекты гражданских прав, не ограниченные в обороте, имущественные права на квартиру могут свободно отчуждаться. В частности, согласно части второй статьи 656 ГК имущественные права могут быть предметом договора купли-продажи.)
1.03.2020 19:00:37 lat. ius in re вещное право (Ius in re, or jus in re, under civil law, more commonly referred to as a real right or right in rem, is a right in property, known as an interest under common law.)
1.03.2020 19:00:37 lat. jus in re вещное право (Ius in re, or jus in re, under civil law, more commonly referred to as a real right or right in rem, is a right in property, known as an interest under common law.)
1.03.2020 16:29:04 gen. overstamp ставить штамп поверх (to apply a stamp over existing text: The submarine blueprints were overstamped with a TOP SECRET watermark.)
1.03.2020 16:19:20 gen. Rh status резус-фактор (wikipedia.org)
1.03.2020 13:28:48 gen. regional office территориальное управление (органа центральной власти в какой-либо провинции (штате, области, крае и т.п.))
1.03.2020 13:28:08 gen. regional office главное управление (органа центральной власти в какой-либо провинции (штате, области, крае и т.п.))
1.03.2020 12:45:18 см. тж. Отдел гражданства, иммиграции и регистрации физических лиц Государственная миграционная служба
1.03.2020 12:35:06 inf. fuck you price ценник "на отвали"
28.02.2020 20:12:44 ну и зря а зря
28.02.2020 20:12:29 explan. you don't know what you're missing ну и зря
28.02.2020 16:20:11 gen. perhaps even едва ли не
28.02.2020 15:55:12 rude fuck yeah! о да!
28.02.2020 13:57:52 rude fuck with менять (Don't fuck with the recipe or else it becomes a completely different dish.)

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