
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

31.03.2020 0:05:56 mil. at one's station на месте
30.03.2020 17:43:31 gen. let out стравливать (пар и т.проч.)
30.03.2020 17:35:36 gen. let someone go home отпустить домой
30.03.2020 17:35:36 gen. tell someone to go home отпустить домой
30.03.2020 15:23:59 soviet. russ.lang. apparatchik аппаратчик (pl. apparatchiks or apparatchiki; full-time, professional functionary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union or the Soviet government apparat. Может употребляться неодобрительное либо в шутку и по отношению к несоветским реалиям:: Do you really think she gave the say so? Some a(p)paratchik in the DoE f*cked up big style! That doesn't mean to say she isn't accountable. wikipedia.org)
30.03.2020 14:30:18 mean.2 say-so слова (ничем не подтвержденные: We have nothing on him other than Martin's say-so. • I'm not reporting him just on your say-so.)
30.03.2020 14:27:59 mean.1 inf. say-so отмашка
30.03.2020 14:27:02 gen. ultimate say-so последнее слово (Has the ultimate say-so on what will be taught)
30.03.2020 14:24:52 gen. give one's say-so дать добро
30.03.2020 14:24:52 gen. give one's say-so дать разрешение (We will not do anything with your personal data unless you know what is being done and you explicitly give your say so.)
30.03.2020 14:24:23 gen. give one's say-so разрешить (I appreciate you vouching for me and I promise I'll not leave the palace until you give your say-so.)
30.03.2020 14:13:54 mean.1 context. say-so одобрение (в знач. "разрешение": Seems like nothing happens around here without your say-so.)
30.03.2020 14:12:25 mean.1 say-so разрешение (an authoritative pronouncement: If you want to borrow the bike, you have to get her say-so. • I promise not to tell a soul without your say-so. • He left the hospital on the say-so of his doctor. • We will not do anything with your personal data unless you know what is being done and you explicitly give your say so. • I'm taking this forward with or without your say-so, Gabriele. • And Luther lives in the Lower Ninth, where not an ounce of narcotics goes through without your say-so. • We're told a vehicle doesn't leave the lot without your say-so.)
30.03.2020 14:09:26 context. without one's say-so помимо воли (Yeah, how about you try dancing when you have parts of your body moving without your say so, then we'll talk about throwing caution to the wind and letting go.)
30.03.2020 13:36:40 rumor has it rumor has it that
30.03.2020 13:34:03 gen. as rumor has it как поговаривают
30.03.2020 0:07:34 mart.arts sumotori сумотори (sing. and plural: This is done if the judges decide that the decision over who won the bout needs to be reviewed; for example, if both sumotori appear to touch the ground or step out of the ring at the same time.)
30.03.2020 0:05:12 mart.arts sumo wrestler сумотори
29.03.2020 22:57:28 gen. cannot be overemphasized невозможно переоценить (The value of criminal information cannot be overemphasized. It not only serves the purposes of investigators but also contributes to the needs of the commander in administering command functions.)
29.03.2020 22:57:04 gen. administering осуществление (The value of criminal information cannot be overemphasized. It not only serves the purposes of investigators but also contributes to the needs of the commander in administering command functions.)
29.03.2020 20:49:18 gen. ask someone a favor попросить кое о чём (Can I ask you a favor?)
29.03.2020 20:01:20 gen. asset приобретение (ценное; для коллектива, компании и т.п.)
29.03.2020 19:39:11 mil. respect the chain of command соблюдать субординацию
29.03.2020 2:43:10 gen. replenishable пополняемый (о запасах и т.д.)
28.03.2020 21:01:44 gen. hack взломать (в знач. "обойти компьютерную защиту": I lost £95,000 in a bank scam after my solicitor's email was hacked.)
28.03.2020 19:59:06 context. in order to fill up a gap для ровного счета
28.03.2020 19:58:02 context. as a makeweight to fill out the numbers для ровного счета (в контексте: He has been signed to the club as a makeweight to fill out the numbers.)
28.03.2020 19:29:32 gen. be the master of the situation быть хозяином положения
28.03.2020 19:29:21 gen. be the mistress of the situation быть хозяйкой положения (о женщине: She appeared to be very much the mistress of the situation.)
28.03.2020 19:18:50 gen. mistress мастер (о женщине: You learn how to chop throats and gouge eyes and stomp insteps … and after eight weeks you're given your diploma, which officially declares you a mistress of unarmed combat. • After penning several apocalyptic books, she became known as the mistress of doom.)
28.03.2020 19:10:32 gen. mistress обладательница (a woman who possesses, owns, or controls something: the mistress of a large fortune)
28.03.2020 19:09:57 gen. mistress владелица (a woman who possesses, owns, or controls something)
28.03.2020 17:52:44 games obs. mistress джек (obsolete) The jack in the game of bowls; также "китти" – маленький шар, служащий мишенью в игре в шары (игре в боулз): She took a bowl, drew up her skirt with her left hand, and rolled the weighted ball with a deft motion. It lightly kissed the mistress and stopped a few inches away.)
28.03.2020 17:42:36 fig.of.sp. change one's colors перекраситься (за вариант спасибо Эрику)
28.03.2020 17:42:36 fig.of.sp. change one's colours перекраситься (за вариант спасибо Эрику)
28.03.2020 15:08:04 gen. now-defunct бывший (в знач. "прекративший существование, упраздненный ": An oblast is a type of administrative division of Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, and the now-defunct Soviet Union.)
27.03.2020 23:06:12 gen. a man named такой себе (в знач. "некто")
27.03.2020 21:09:59 back in town be back in town
27.03.2020 21:00:46 gen. in some numbers какое-то количество (в контексте: I believe a company of the Ulsters had been brought forward from reserve whith orders to extract us and the Belgians, and make a safe passage across the river for us, only to find that the enemy had already crossed in some numbers, the lads taking many casualties in the process.)
27.03.2020 20:22:00 news flip-flop диаметрально поменять позицию (to reverse a stand or position: "With the board having flip-flopped over zoning issues in the last several years, residents are looking to this fall's election for clarity")
27.03.2020 19:14:01 context. overwhelming жуткий (в знач. "невыносимый": In an overwhelming heat, and a single air conditioner down, he lifts weights in front of decrepit walls and almost threatening to collapse, as his motivation, he says to AFP.)
27.03.2020 19:04:58 amer. hellacious жуткий (overwhelming: The hellacious heat was more than we could bear. • There was this hellacious hailstorm.)
27.03.2020 16:55:48 amer. hellacious впечатляющий (remarkably good: The Spectre x360 is verified to be Intel's Project Athena standard, which (among other things) means some hellacious battery life. arstechnica.com)
27.03.2020 16:34:53 gen. mother country своя страна (However, as long as we are staying on foreign soil, what can we do for our mother country?)
27.03.2020 16:34:53 gen. mother country родная страна
27.03.2020 16:25:23 gen. clear согласовывать (On Monday ... I received an email from Martinichev ordering me to clear any future questions I intended to ask at the White House with my editors. politico.com)
27.03.2020 15:45:31 emph. knoblike сам такой
27.03.2020 15:34:20 and the same to you with brass knobs on and the same to you with knobs on
27.03.2020 15:19:36 knoblike and the same to you with knobs on
27.03.2020 15:19:36 knoblike with knobs on
27.03.2020 15:19:36 knoblike and the same to you with brass knobs on
27.03.2020 15:14:50 and the same to you with knobs on with knobs on
27.03.2020 15:14:50 and the same to you with knobs on with brass knobs on
27.03.2020 1:35:49 gen. business writing деловая речь (письменная)
26.03.2020 20:53:24 rel., cath. curate курат (curatus) Название католического священника, которому епископом дано полномочие исповеди и вообще попечения о душах паствы)
26.03.2020 20:42:43 affect. ballie мячик
26.03.2020 20:23:57 gen. over the past years за последние годы (Improved economic conditions over the past years have also led to a positive trust fund balance.)
25.03.2020 0:04:40 mil., lingo rain down накрыть (в контексте: More mortar fire was raining down on the base.)
25.03.2020 0:02:37 gen. outer defenses подступы (к позиции, лагерю и т.п.)
24.03.2020 23:54:25 gen. quarantined находящийся на карантине
24.03.2020 23:54:01 gen. quarantined на карантине
24.03.2020 23:48:09 mil. pickets секреты
24.03.2020 23:47:18 mil. on picket duty в секретах
24.03.2020 23:42:39 mil. picket секрет (a soldier, or small unit of soldiers, placed on a line forward of a position to provide warning of an enemy advance)
24.03.2020 23:06:37 gen. all the same непринципиально (=без разницы: If it's all the same to you, I'd rather stay home tonight. • If it's all the same to you, I don't think I'll go.)
24.03.2020 14:08:41 jarg. take out убрать (в знач. "убить": If you're going to try to take out a politician, you better take him out for sure. • You drive. I'll take out anyone who tries to follow us. • Take out the escort but keep the main guy alive.)
24.03.2020 13:45:39 gen. why к чему? (Why these ultimata and why at this time? • Why all this rental possibilities? How do you justify a 20,000-seat performance stage on a quiet peaceful lake like Tellico? • If these two points are so, then why all this discussion about election to salvation, and the means to that end, and God's reason for electing?)
24.03.2020 13:04:33 gen. be texted получить смс (No security issue found even though I was texted that Google stopped someone getting into my account. • After arriving at the airport, I was texted that my flight would be delayed for 40 mins.)
24.03.2020 12:51:21 idiom. fall in deaf ears не быть услышанным (Thousands of demonstrators clamoring the government's resignation were literally deafening, yet their cries fell in deaf ears)
24.03.2020 12:19:25 gen. have no use for не нужен (вариант требует замены конструкции: If you have no use for the Resume feature, you can disable it in the following way.)
24.03.2020 11:29:22 idiom. pick up the pieces вернуться к нормальной жизни (to try to restore a situation to normality after a tragedy or trauma; to try to repair emotional, financial, or other damage done to one's life: I need some time to pick up the pieces of my life after the accident. • After a while, Fred was able to pick up the pieces and carry on. • People in the high desert communities near Palm Springs, California, are picking up the pieces after last night's earthquake. • Now, 10 days since the hurricane made landfall, residents are struggling to pick up the pieces. )
24.03.2020 3:18:37 fig. root for быть за (to encourage a favored result: I'm rooting for a happy ending to this story.)
24.03.2020 3:02:29 inf. context. on the night of the same day той же ночью (в знач. "ночью того же дня"; для перевода на англ.)
24.03.2020 2:59:48 mil. relieve someone from the encirclement деблокировать (Henderson ordered his marines to relieve ARVN unit from the encirclement, but his units stuck in fights with the VC that lasted all night.)
23.03.2020 22:02:07 sport. cheer up for поддержать (в знач. "поболеть на состязании")
23.03.2020 15:58:31 mil. lay siege to взять в осаду
23.03.2020 15:58:24 mil. lay siege to брать в осаду
23.03.2020 15:35:46 gen. yank from someone's hands вырвать из рук
23.03.2020 15:31:33 gen. snatch from someone's hands вырвать из рук (She tried to give them money, but before she could get it, they snatched the purse from her hands and ran off, Mooney said. • One day on my way to school, as I was eating a small steamed roll, someone rushed up and snatched it from my hands. • The wind snatched it from my hands, flung it into the brush.)
23.03.2020 12:37:01 насколько я понимаю насколько я знаю
23.03.2020 12:37:01 насколько я помню насколько я знаю
23.03.2020 0:30:43 gen. first things first в первую очередь
22.03.2020 15:12:13 auto. inset бэкспейс (параметр колесного диска)
22.03.2020 14:19:05 gen. poke выставить (As he spoke, Luis quickly picked up a stool beneath the porthole and smashed the glass with one of its legs, then poked his hand outside the hull of the ship.)
22.03.2020 14:17:18 gen. poke out высунуть (He poked his head out of the window and saw to his dismay that the truck was slowly sinking into the mud.)
21.03.2020 15:07:55 gen. open a formal investigation into возбудить дело по факту (James Brown Lawyer Speaks Out Amid Potential Death Investigation Buddy Dallas, former attorney for the late singer, released a statement after an Atlanta prosecutor said they were considering opening a formal investigation into Brown's death.)
20.03.2020 0:23:10 gen. arrange for пригласить (в знач. "вызвать, организовать")
20.03.2020 0:22:50 gen. arrange for приглашать (в знач. "вызывать": Do police departments have to arrange for a sign language interpreter every time an officer interacts with a person who is deaf?)
19.03.2020 23:29:57 literal. tuck into one's belt затыкать за пояс
19.03.2020 23:29:57 literal. tuck into one's belt заткнуть за пояс
19.03.2020 23:05:12 gen. let alone не то что (I hardly have time to think these days, let alone relax.)
19.03.2020 23:01:25 gen. let alone так ещё и (в контексте: I don't like spiders in the first place, let alone seeing a guy of this size sitting on my bed.)
19.03.2020 23:00:01 context. guy такой (I don't like spiders in the first place, let alone seeing a guy of this size sitting on my bed.)
19.03.2020 22:20:27 sl., teen. a whale of a обалденный (That's a whale of a story. • We had a whale of a time at the party Saturday night. • I had a whale of a time at Pete's wedding – I danced all night long!)
19.03.2020 14:34:53 news a whale of a отличный (exceptionally great or excellent: This stuffed-shirt epitome of the East Coast Establishment of his day had a whale of a time at Chicago's World's Fair.)
19.03.2020 14:30:40 inf. a whale of a огромный (exceptionally large: Another thousand dollars would make a whale of a difference. • Remodeling the kitchen will make a whale of a difference in the selling price of the home.)
19.03.2020 13:01:50 inf. I thought as much я догадался
18.03.2020 11:27:26 словить кайф словить
18.03.2020 10:36:43 gen. bank-client privilege банковская тайна
17.03.2020 23:17:08 gen. pull together собрать вместе (Diddy is somehow 50 years old, and for this climactic event, he managed to pull together some of the most contentious celebrity feuds into one room to drink, party, and generally stand around ignoring each other.)

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