
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

12.04.2020 17:58:45 gen. as far as something goes сам по себе (satisfactory, but only to a limited degree: His theories are fine, as far as they go. • This self-defense strategy is fine as far as it goes, but it addresses only half of the prevention equation.)
12.04.2020 17:52:45 context. as far as something goes с точки зрения (в знач. "в том, что касается": One of the worst things a woman in the royal family can do – as far as etiquette rules go – is sit with her legs crossed at the knee.)
12.04.2020 17:44:53 gen. as far as something goes в том, что касается (to the degree something is considered or exists)
12.04.2020 17:44:53 gen. as far as something goes что до (regarding; with regard to; about: As far as the weather goes, we've been having nothing but rain for the past week. • As far as gun control goes, I think we definitely need to make some changes. Their action is encouraging as far as it goes.)
12.04.2020 17:44:53 gen. as far as something goes а вот (with regard to something, often as opposed to something else: I'm struggling with French this semester, but as far as math goes, my grades are very good. • As far as the weekend goes, I'm totally free.)
12.04.2020 17:44:53 gen. as far as something goes в плане (with regard to; about)
12.04.2020 17:07:40 gen. one of these days однажды (в один прекрасный день: One of these days, he won't be so lucky.)
10.04.2020 2:21:06 fant./sci-fi. blaster bolt луч бластера
10.04.2020 2:10:02 gen. sapient life разумная жизнь (There was no sapient life on earth for most of its history.)
8.04.2020 22:48:53 gen. pylon стела (напр., автозаправки)
8.04.2020 22:43:22 gen. submit to перейти в подчинение
8.04.2020 19:46:44 pris.sl. keister спрятать в заднем проходе (In the penitentiary, it's a constant struggle to find places to hide contraband like drugs, cell phones, shanks, and tobacco. COs are constantly shaking down prisoners, their belongings, and their cells. So prisoners came up with the ultimate hiding place. They started keistering items in their anal cavities: I got dude going in the VI and getting an OZ in for me. It's already wrapped up and sent to his people. All he has to do is go to the bathroom and keister it. vice.com)
8.04.2020 10:31:27 gen. association of the deaf общество глухих
8.04.2020 5:37:09 mil. under strength недоукомплектованный (личным составом: The rest of the units were under strength and generally untrained.)
8.04.2020 5:37:09 mil. under strength неукомплектованный (личным составом: The rest of the units were under strength and generally untrained.)
8.04.2020 4:02:11 gen. siphon fuel сливать топливо (from/out of a car: Siphoning gas isn't just done by thieves to steal fuel from parked cars. The act of siphoning gas is useful for many legitimate reasons. • Most newer cars are built with emergency anti-leak technology. This is a nice feature in general but it's a pain in the butt when you need to siphon gas.)
8.04.2020 4:02:11 gen. syphon fuel сливать топливо (from/out of a car: Siphoning gas isn't just done by thieves to steal fuel from parked cars. The act of siphoning gas is useful for many legitimate reasons. • Most newer cars are built with emergency anti-leak technology. This is a nice feature in general but it's a pain in the butt when you need to siphon gas.)
8.04.2020 3:21:12 gen. stay behind after hours задерживаться на работе (We often have to stay behind after hours or come into work early without any benefits.))
8.04.2020 2:25:21 gen. battleworthy пригодный к бою ("Oh yes, sir. Seaworthy enough with the weather moderating. And we'll have the holes patched in a brace of shakes." "Seaworthy but not battleworthy," said Krause.)
8.04.2020 2:13:35 inf. getting there практически
8.04.2020 1:40:29 fig. be out of action встать (о технике)
8.04.2020 0:12:34 span.-am. low have no cojones ссать (сделать что-либо)
8.04.2020 0:12:34 span.-am. low have no cojones зассать (сделать что-либо)
8.04.2020 0:12:34 span.-am. low have no cojones кишка тонка (сделать что-либо)
7.04.2020 23:13:50 span.-am. fig. cojones смелость (ср. англ. have balls: Rutgers is looking at an Edsall-esque reunion, and have no cojones to step up to his personality cult. • I as a player can just assume that the des don't know how to repair it and they have no cojones to admit it.)
7.04.2020 12:42:31 mil. demonstration имитация атаки (маневр)
7.04.2020 12:42:31 mil. mock attack имитация наступления
7.04.2020 12:42:31 mil. mock attack имитация атаки (маневр)
7.04.2020 12:41:55 mil. mock offensive имитация наступления
7.04.2020 2:47:57 idiom. AmE be out of gas сдуться (be completely exhausted, fatigued, or without energy or motivation: Let him make those big punches. They'll tire him out quickly, and he'll be out of gas by the fifth round.)
7.04.2020 1:04:20 gram. deverbal отглагольное существительное (а word, especially a substantive, that is derived from a verb)
6.04.2020 13:55:57 uncom. unenlightenedness невежественность
6.04.2020 13:55:57 uncom. unenlightenedness невежество
6.04.2020 2:59:33 gen. belabor with curses осыпать проклятиями (The aroused housewives began to trail Tevye and Nissan through the narrow streets and belabored them with curses.)
6.04.2020 2:58:55 gen. belabor осыпать (проклятиями, ударами: The aroused housewives began to trail Tevye and Nissan through the narrow streets and belabored them with curses. • …ancient battles in which the combatants belabored one another with swords, staffs, cudgels, halberds and other heavy-duty weapons until the blood flowed. )
6.04.2020 2:58:55 gen. belabor засыпать (прошениями и т.п.: During this period he belabored Ferdinand and Isabella with petitions, requests for audiences and entreaties from every influential friend he could muster.)
6.04.2020 0:22:02 inf. do me a solid будь так добр (Hey do me a solid and take out the trash. • Do me a solid and hand me that hammer.)
6.04.2020 0:22:02 inf. do me a solid будь другом (Please do me a solid: lend me your car for one week.)
6.04.2020 0:22:02 inf. do me a solid сделай доброе дело (Hey do me a solid and take out the trash.)
5.04.2020 23:56:06 inf. do someone a solid сделать доброе дело (Do me a solid and hand me that hammer.)
5.04.2020 19:50:43 gen. mop тряпка (для вытирания пола)
5.04.2020 15:19:01 context. be swarming with полно́ (кого-то где-то – для случаев, когда слово "кишеть" не подходит по стилю; вариант требует замены структуры: I'm trying to get to the Diamond District's GCR tower, but the area is swarming with snipers.)
5.04.2020 15:17:23 gen. be swarming with кишеть
3.04.2020 18:13:55 inf. pull someone's leg прикалываться (to make someone believe something that is not true as a joke; to trick or lie to someone in a playful way: I haven't won, have I? You're pulling my leg. • I panicked when he said the test was tomorrow, but then I realized he was just pulling my leg.)
3.04.2020 17:41:23 law public corporation юридическое лицо публичного права
3.04.2020 17:39:25 gov. formal officer of a public corporation должностное лицо юридического лица публичного права
3.04.2020 4:12:07 gen. not the slightest ни малейшего ("Did the enemy offer any resistance?" "Not the slightest.")
3.04.2020 2:03:40 Кремниевая долина Силиконовая долина
3.04.2020 1:50:53 Кремниевая аллея Силиконовая аллея (по аналогии с Кремниевой долиной)
3.04.2020 0:22:09 news be met with resistance встречать сопротивление (from someone – со стороны кого-либо: Facebook's plans to enter the world of cryptocurrency and global finance are being met with resistance on Capitol Hill.)
3.04.2020 0:21:02 gen. be met with resistance встретить сопротивление (from someone – со стороны кого-либо: Yet legislative efforts to level the playing field have met with resistance from manufacturers and others.)
2.04.2020 23:10:46 gen. give someone a hard time доставить немало хлопот (to cause difficulty or make trouble for someone: During WWII, German troops gave the Allies a hard time in Italy, but eventually the Allies broke through.)
2.04.2020 22:38:00 inf. give someone a hard time трепать нервы (Her kids always give her a hard time when she takes them shopping.)
2.04.2020 22:37:08 inf. give someone a hard time потрепать нервы (They reached the border where officials gave them a hard time.)
2.04.2020 22:34:28 gen. give someone a hard time не давать жизни (to treat someone harshly and make things difficult for them: She left the company because her boss was giving her a really hard time.)
2.04.2020 22:33:04 gen. give someone a hard time подтрунивать (над кем-либо; to tease someone about something, often for one's own enjoyment.: I hate talking to Uncle Ned at family parties – he always gives me a hard time about being a poetry major. • I'm pretty sure that Kevin likes Katie, so I keep giving him a hard time about it.)
2.04.2020 22:20:05 inf. context. stop giving someone a hard time отстать (только в контексте: Stop giving the interns such a hard time! They're doing the best they can.)
2.04.2020 16:16:06 inf. get on someone's ass трепать нервы (persistently nag or urge someone to do something)
2.04.2020 15:18:42 inf. freak someone out бесить (This song just freaks me out whenever I hear it.)
2.04.2020 3:03:36 rude dry up! засохни!
2.04.2020 3:03:36 rude dry up! усохни!
2.04.2020 3:02:39 rude idiom. dry up засохнуть (закрыть рот: Sick of her constant complaining, he angrily told her to dry up.)
2.04.2020 0:55:16 auto. scrub radius плечо обката (радиус плеча обката)
1.04.2020 23:02:04 auto. drive out поехать (на машине: Look lets grab your Tacoma and I'll drive out with you.)
1.04.2020 22:59:11 gen. drive out заставить уйти (Finally a bee drove the goats out. • “A very motivated, and then funded, and armed insurgency basically drove the Russians out of Afghanistan,” Hillary added.)
1.04.2020 22:30:04 book. be driven out by сменяться (только в контексте: As we went forward, our fear was driven out by horror.)
1.04.2020 22:30:04 book. be driven out by смениться (только в контексте)
1.04.2020 22:30:04 book. be driven out by уступить место (только в контексте)
1.04.2020 22:28:15 context. be driven out by закрываться под натиском (Downtown stores are being driven out by crime.)
1.04.2020 22:26:45 gen. drive out заставить покинуть (to cause someone to leave: The family was driven out of the neighborhood by rising real estate prices.)
1.04.2020 20:26:13 gen. in the town в городе (с артиклем – только как противопоставление сельской местности: In the countryside there's little to see, but in the town there are several museums.)
1.04.2020 20:21:40 gen. pop by for a visit заскочить в гости (to come somewhere, usually a person's home or residence, for a brief or casual visit: Hey, if you're free this Saturday, why don't you pop by for a visit? I'd love to show you the new truck I bought.)
1.04.2020 18:00:38 gen. I suppose я так понимаю
1.04.2020 3:18:39 context. will it make any difference есть ли смысл (в контексте)
1.04.2020 2:04:28 gen. ... times as much as в ... раз дороже (To kill a priest will cost nine times as much as to kill a layman.)
1.04.2020 2:01:50 idiom. as much as настолько, насколько
1.04.2020 1:47:43 gen. as much as именно столько (Squarespace raises $40M, which is as much as it plans to spend on ads this year.)
1.04.2020 1:46:46 context. as much as достигать (длины, толщины и т.п.: ...Massive white ir cream-colored dolostone overlies this quartzite. The dolostone, which is as much as 20 m thick, contains distinctive channels of crossbedded dolostone marked by rounded, suspended grains of white quartz.)
1.04.2020 1:39:42 publ.transp. alighting point место высадки пассажиров (Passengers can only alight from buses at an alighting point, and cannot board them.)
1.04.2020 1:30:58 gen. pull over остановиться у обочины (He pulled over to help a truck on the side of the road. • A man was carjacked in Arkansas on Thursday after he pulled over to check on a female pedestrian in apparent distress. • He pulled over to the shoulder and I pulled in behind him.)
1.04.2020 1:30:19 gen. pull up at the curb остановиться у обочины (The car slowed down and pulled up at the curb.)
1.04.2020 1:29:17 gen. pull aside остановиться у обочины (Police say the victim was driving along Giley's Road, Cunupia, around 11pm on Tuesday, when he pulled aside to relieve himself.)
1.04.2020 0:23:42 gen. drive to meet someone halfway выехать навстречу
31.03.2020 19:33:19 context. scramble спешить наперегонки (compete energetically with each other for: Business is booming and foreigners are scrambling to invest.)
31.03.2020 19:31:58 gen. scramble забираться (=взбираться, вскрабкиваться: Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle. • I open the door, turn on the light, and see a rat scramble through a hole in the wall.)
31.03.2020 19:29:28 gen. scramble to feet вскочить на ноги (поспешно и/или неуклюже; to rise or move there in a hurried, awkward way: When his boss appeared, Jo scrambled to his feet and hid the cigarette behind his back.)
31.03.2020 18:52:10 context. scramble down слезть на землю (с дерева и т.п. – только в контексте: She scrambled down the tree as quickly as she could.)
31.03.2020 18:46:07 gen. scramble вскочить (на ноги поспешно и/или неуклюже; to rise or move there in a hurried, awkward way: When his boss appeared, Jo scrambled to his feet and hid the cigarette behind his back.)
31.03.2020 18:44:10 context. scramble into спешно надеть (=put on quickly: He scrambled into his clothes and raced to get help.)
31.03.2020 18:42:13 gen. scramble выбраться (откуда-то: Her daughter was able to scramble from the wreckage and flag down passing motorists. • На что-либо (в знач. "взобраться"): Somehow I managed to scramble up the bank. • He scrambled over the car roof to help his colleague.)
31.03.2020 18:30:54 gen. scramble down спуститься вниз по (склону и т.п.)
31.03.2020 17:32:26 idiom. throw in one's lot with примкнуть (to join and steadfastly support another person or group: During the American Civil War, my great-grandfather threw in his lot with the Confederacy. • Simultaneously he continued to negotiate with Charles V, who feared the King of Navarre would throw in his lot with Knolles's army now operating in Northern France.)
31.03.2020 17:32:26 idiom. throw in one's lot with связаться с (to join or become associated with a person, group, or thing that one hopes will win or succeed; decide to ally yourself closely with and share the fate of a person or group: He has decided to throw in his lot with the business venture. • As soon as news of the CEO's scandal becomes public, I doubt that big investor will want to throw in her lot with us.)
31.03.2020 16:46:15 gen. in that case тогда
31.03.2020 16:45:03 gen. don't worry не страшно
31.03.2020 16:43:33 gen. no big deal не страшно
31.03.2020 3:00:48 gen. turn in лечь (спать; to go to bed: I turn in early. • "Have you turned in yet?" she asked but it sound more like a desperate demand. "I was just on my way to my quarters.")
31.03.2020 2:00:16 law.enf. arrive at the scene прибыть на место (о полиции, на место происшествия)
31.03.2020 1:34:09 police let someone off with a warning вынести предупреждение и отпустить (The police officer let her off with just a warning. • Lieutenant, I suggest you let Mr. D'Agostino off with a warning.)
31.03.2020 1:03:33 dog. World Canine Organization Международная кинологическая федерация (FCI, от франц. Fédération Cynologique Internationale)

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