
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

29.09.2020 22:13:21 scot-free be scot-free
29.09.2020 22:12:57 get off scot-free scot-free
29.09.2020 22:07:51 inf. get off scot-free сойти с рук (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: Anyway while I seem to have gotten off scot free, many people don't. • It's not fair. I was punished and they got off scot-free.)
29.09.2020 22:04:34 gen. beam from ear to ear растянуться в улыбке
29.09.2020 22:04:34 gen. beam from ear to ear улыбаться до ушей
29.09.2020 20:50:02 gen. canine friend четвероногий друг (For dog owners it's hard to imagine life without your pet – their little personalities make a house feel like a home, and for many people their dog is the centre of their world. It turns out, for your canine friend, the feeling is mutual. scotsman.com)
29.09.2020 20:43:12 fig. context. be writ large встречаться сплошь и рядом (This shortsightedness might seem like Hamid's own tragic flaw were it not writ large elsewhere throughout history. nytimes.com)
29.09.2020 20:38:12 не выносить терпеть не мочь
29.09.2020 20:38:12 не переносить терпеть не мочь
29.09.2020 20:34:33 не мочь терпеть терпеть не мочь
29.09.2020 20:34:24 терпеть не мочь не мочь терпеть
29.09.2020 20:34:24 не выносить не мочь терпеть
29.09.2020 20:34:24 не переносить не мочь терпеть
29.09.2020 20:33:29 can't stand can’t stand the sight of
29.09.2020 16:55:37 context. writ large on исполненный (вариант требует замены конструкции: Inside, the murals and detailing were exquisite, but perhaps the images that stayed with us the most were those of the monks clad in their red robes – serenity writ large on their seemingly ageless faces.)
29.09.2020 16:47:24 fig. be writ large явственно ощущаться (The pain of crushingly low oil market prices and wary investors is already writ large across the US shale heartlands. theguardian.com)
29.09.2020 16:41:24 gen. writ large вообще (в знач. "в целом": His electrifying run from 2003 to 2005 remains an essential thread in the fabric of Trojans football and college football writ large, impossible to untangle from the rich histories of either. latimes.com)
29.09.2020 16:28:12 coll. voter writ large избиратель (собирательно, т.е. избиратели: "It would be perfectly appropriate if a voter or a voter writ large decided they wanted a person of color to be the next mayor," he said in the interview.)
29.09.2020 16:14:28 real.est. location, location, location место решает все (The Cape Town property experience appears to be the old ‘location, location, location' principle writ large.)
29.09.2020 16:14:28 real.est. location, location, location расположение решает все (The Cape Town property experience appears to be the old ‘location, location, location' principle writ large.)
29.09.2020 16:12:41 gen. writ large в ярко выраженной форме (Bribing people by way of tax allowances is the paternalistic state writ large. • This is a critical incident writ large of the type my colleagues and I have advised about, studied, and written about over a period of eight years.)
29.09.2020 15:33:15 at large remain at large
29.09.2020 15:31:01 at large be at large
29.09.2020 15:30:48 large at large
29.09.2020 15:26:04 large writ large
29.09.2020 15:24:24 writ writ large
29.09.2020 15:24:24 writ writ small
29.09.2020 12:54:41 context. bear witness происходить на чьих-либо глазах (вариант требует замены конструкции)
29.09.2020 12:53:05 gen. bear witness становиться свидетелем (или свидетелями; to something: As we bear witness to the inevitable permutations that characterize human frailty writ large, the recording and preservation of memory is a cultural imperative.)
29.09.2020 12:49:27 gen. writ large явственно читаемый (см. be writ large: The unspoken question was writ large upon Rose's face.)
29.09.2020 12:44:35 be writ large writ large
29.09.2020 12:44:26 fig. be writ large явственно читаться (That desire is writ large across Stevens's recent output. • The unspoken question was writ large upon Rose's face. • Obviously, dejection was writ large on his face, as he could not get more ‘coverage'. • Meantime the old salt ("ex-coasting skipper" was writ large all over his person) had hobbled up alongside in his bumpy, shiny boots. • The anger of victims confronted with the complacency and hostility of local and federal authorities was writ large on their faces and made clear in their comments to reporters. • The pain of losing to their great rivals one of the three trophies they won during their all-conquering 2003 season was writ large on the faces of the Bradford players.)
29.09.2020 12:42:54 writ large be writ large
29.09.2020 12:37:11 fig. writ small только в более мелких масштабах
29.09.2020 12:36:56 writ small writ large
29.09.2020 12:36:46 writ large writ small
29.09.2020 12:29:12 gen. writ large то же, что ..., только в более крупных масштабах (It's a future of even bigger government, even more regulation, higher taxes, and a national version of progressive campus politics – in short, California writ large. • But in fact, Australia's fortunes went up and went down; we won some and we lost some; history is simply life writ large. • Madeleine Albright recently repeated a phrase I often use: "Fascism is not a political ideology." I usually add: "It is mental pathology writ large." salon.com)
29.09.2020 0:49:29 gen. have one's effect сказываться (on – на: In a place where so much was and still is uncertain, one can't really blame Russians for employing everything in their power to ensure good fortune. So, if the environment is having its effect on you, and you're starting to share their worries, here's what you can do.)
29.09.2020 0:24:11 щегольской щёгольский
28.09.2020 22:42:17 на глазах на
28.09.2020 5:17:27 взять штурмом брать штурмом
28.09.2020 5:17:27 штурмовать брать штурмом
28.09.2020 3:56:17 выдвинуться выдвигаться
28.09.2020 3:34:21 gen. in a bit скоро (I'm gonna come over in a bit – want to talk to you about something.)
28.09.2020 3:08:07 силовые структуры силовики
28.09.2020 3:08:07 силовые ведомства силовики
28.09.2020 2:30:38 law, court pending до вынесения (Pending his decision in the injunction, the Judge ordered the meeting's cancellation in a so-called preliminary provision)
28.09.2020 1:47:03 'nuff said enough said
28.09.2020 1:00:31 coin a phrase to coin a phrase
28.09.2020 0:58:48 по усмотрению на усмотрение
28.09.2020 0:58:42 на усмотрение по усмотрению
28.09.2020 0:23:07 inf. mind you на минуточку
28.09.2020 0:21:45 заметьте на минуточку
28.09.2020 0:05:23 inf. for the record попрошу заметить
28.09.2020 0:04:23 можно тебя на минутку? на минуточку
28.09.2020 0:03:33 gen. for a word на пару слов (как просьба отойти в сторонку)
28.09.2020 0:03:01 gen. for a word на минутку (как просьба отойти в сторонку)
28.09.2020 0:02:46 можно тебя на минутку? на минутку
28.09.2020 0:02:20 gen. for a word можно тебя на минутку?
27.09.2020 23:28:12 gen. not your average не какой-нибудь там
27.09.2020 23:20:15 трепач пиздобол
27.09.2020 23:14:55 context. someone who means business деловой человек
27.09.2020 21:29:15 gen. come inside зайти
27.09.2020 20:23:49 дурное предзнаменование плохая примета
27.09.2020 20:23:28 дурной знак плохая примета
27.09.2020 18:25:14 if only if only to
27.09.2020 18:23:08 gen. if only разве что (It won't be much fun if only guys turn up to the party.)
27.09.2020 18:17:20 хоть и хоть
27.09.2020 18:16:08 пенсия по возрасту по возрасту
27.09.2020 18:07:33 относиться с пониманием отнестись с пониманием
27.09.2020 18:07:28 отнестись с пониманием относиться с пониманием
27.09.2020 18:02:06 пожилой в возрасте
27.09.2020 17:59:09 eye of the beholder beauty is in the eye of the beholder
27.09.2020 17:58:49 in the eye of the beholder beauty is in the eye of the beholder
27.09.2020 17:46:41 news no names are given имена не называются (Breaking: MH17 report – origin of 'Buk' stated, no names given)
27.09.2020 17:07:40 gen. bus подвозить автобусами (This video claims to show titushky being bussed by police to a protest site in Kyiv. • Students from surrounding areas are bused to our schools.)
27.09.2020 17:07:37 gen. bus свозить автобусами (This video claims to show titushky being bussed by police to a protest site in Kyiv.)
27.09.2020 16:31:14 выступить с предложением выступить
27.09.2020 16:30:59 выступить с заявлением выступить
27.09.2020 16:30:39 выдвинуться выступить
27.09.2020 16:05:08 взять в займы занять
27.09.2020 16:05:08 дать в займы занять
27.09.2020 15:44:26 центр управления полетами центр управления
27.09.2020 15:05:12 работать над работать
27.09.2020 13:34:24 boom stick boomstick
27.09.2020 13:29:10 boomstick boom stick
27.09.2020 13:22:55 сдать оружие сдать
27.09.2020 12:59:05 своими руками сам
27.09.2020 12:58:08 собственной персоной не кто иной, как
27.09.2020 12:54:06 по доброй воле сам
27.09.2020 12:47:44 собственной персоной сам
27.09.2020 12:38:57 лично сам
27.09.2020 12:35:11 самостоятельно сам
27.09.2020 12:35:11 без посторонней помощи сам
27.09.2020 11:59:25 despatch alternative form of dispatch
27.09.2020 11:49:14 fig. context. come calling явиться, чтобы потребовать вернуть долг
27.09.2020 3:24:23 разрядиться сесть (о батарее или технике, работающей от батарей)
27.09.2020 3:23:20 сесть в тюрьму сесть
27.09.2020 2:47:45 очнуться проснуться
27.09.2020 2:47:45 встрепенуться проснуться

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