
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

23.10.2020 12:46:24 depants pants (в категории "глагол")
23.10.2020 11:40:30 play second fiddle play second fiddle to
23.10.2020 11:37:24 находиться в подчинении у находиться в подчинении
23.10.2020 11:37:14 находиться в подчинении подчиняться
23.10.2020 11:36:59 быть в подчинении подчиняться
23.10.2020 11:34:21 mil. inf. get one's orders from подчиняться (кому-либо)
23.10.2020 1:54:08 gen. lactating кормящая грудью (To describe the imaging evaluation of common benign and malignant breast lesions encountered in pregnant or lactating women.)
23.10.2020 1:22:19 продовольственный паёк паёк
22.10.2020 21:28:10 денежное довольствие довольствие
22.10.2020 12:07:29 gen. stay on побыть на (to continue taking (a medication, drug, etc.): I have to stay on the antibiotics for a full two weeks.)
22.10.2020 12:01:25 gen. totally категорически (Cream cleansers are totally off limits for oily skin.)
22.10.2020 12:01:00 gen. off-limits противопоказанный (Cream cleansers are totally off-limits for oily skin.)
22.10.2020 11:53:36 сами понимаете сами знаете
22.10.2020 11:51:22 gen. scheduled to the minute расписанный по минутам (My life is scheduled to the minute. • Everything is scheduled to the minute; nothing is left to chance. • It may sound obvious, but it's great having the prep/cooking time breakdown – especially if you're a person whose day is scheduled to the minute.)
22.10.2020 11:44:23 вне всякого сомнения однозначно
22.10.2020 11:27:52 обратиться за помощью обратиться
22.10.2020 11:27:37 gen. seek someone's help обратиться (к кому-либо за помощью)
22.10.2020 11:25:57 обращаться в обращаться
22.10.2020 11:25:57 обращаться к обращаться
22.10.2020 11:25:57 обратиться обращаться
22.10.2020 11:25:40 обращаться обратиться
22.10.2020 11:25:19 обратиться в обратиться
22.10.2020 11:25:00 обратиться к обратиться
22.10.2020 2:46:39 if worst comes to worst if the worst comes to the worst
22.10.2020 2:46:27 if the worst comes to the worst if worst comes to worst
22.10.2020 2:40:46 билеты на на
22.10.2020 2:37:29 if worst comes to worst if worse comes to worst
22.10.2020 2:37:19 if worse comes to worst if worst comes to worst
22.10.2020 2:35:20 inf. if worse comes to worst если что
22.10.2020 2:22:49 inf. that's the long and the short of it в общем, как-то так
22.10.2020 2:13:56 сообщить о сообщить
22.10.2020 2:13:43 gen. call in сообщить о (по телефону; в переводе может потребовать трансформации: A secret service agent dramatically interrupted press conference after threat was called in to Washington DC police. – ...после того, как в полицию поступило сообщение о... theguardian.com)
22.10.2020 2:08:20 gen. the long and the short of it в общем
21.10.2020 23:59:57 gen. that's putting it briefly это если вкратце
21.10.2020 23:28:29 остаться оставаться
21.10.2020 23:28:18 оставаться остаться
21.10.2020 23:19:30 obs. polite what do you bid me report что прикажете доложить ("And so, ma'am, what do you bid me report to Darya Mikhailovna," began Pandalevsky, slightly nettled at the fate meted out to his flower, "will you come to dinner? She invites you and your brother." – Так как же-с прикажете доложить Дарье Михайловне, – заговорил Пандалевский, слегка обиженный участью поднесенного им цветка, – пожалуете вы к обеду? Оне и братца вашего просят. (Тургенев, "Рудин"))
21.10.2020 20:07:20 out of bounds off-limits
21.10.2020 20:07:12 off-limits out of bounds
21.10.2020 19:15:49 gen. turn red in the face покраснеть
21.10.2020 19:15:41 gen. turn red in the face краснеть
21.10.2020 19:14:26 gen. go red in the face краснеть (They thought it was funny and liked to see me going red in the face with embarrassment. • You need not go red in the face with embarrassment. Every mother in here has been in your shoes and not one of us looking at you has the right to judge. • I couldn't help but ruffle his feathers by talking about shopping, making him go red in the face with anger.)
21.10.2020 19:13:19 context. go red in the face раскраснеться
21.10.2020 19:13:19 context. turn red in the face раскраснеться
21.10.2020 18:42:40 formal to this effect соответствующий (The Commission has received a commitment to this effect.)
21.10.2020 18:36:43 to this effect to this end
21.10.2020 18:31:11 mil. USA sustainment branch служба тылового обеспечения (formerly combat service support branch)
21.10.2020 18:24:31 quartermaster Quartermaster Corps
20.10.2020 23:59:04 gen. submit a request подать заявку (An adopted person age twenty-one or older may submit a request with the department of health for the department to assist the adopted person's birth parent or birth sibling in finding the adopted person's name by adoption pursuant to section 3107.49 of the Revised Code.)
20.10.2020 23:23:35 corner cut corners
20.10.2020 22:58:24 fig. cut corners чем-то жертвовать (An expensive budget computer is an odd oxymoron. It's understandable to cut corners for a good price.)
20.10.2020 19:49:33 упасть на мороз падать на мороз
20.10.2020 19:46:28 падать на мороз упасть на мороз
20.10.2020 19:43:41 упасть на мороз отморозиться
20.10.2020 19:32:31 dip out bail out
20.10.2020 19:30:19 отморозиться упасть на мороз
20.10.2020 13:28:02 HVAC HVAC system
20.10.2020 13:02:52 pretence pretense ("pretence" is only correct spelling in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, and Commonwealth countries and historical use in the United States)
20.10.2020 12:36:14 drill fire drill
20.10.2020 12:10:03 cash in cash
20.10.2020 12:10:03 cash не путать с cache
18.10.2020 15:06:50 implicate in be implicated in
18.10.2020 14:53:56 implicated be implicated in
18.10.2020 14:47:27 news who has not been named имя которого не называется (Investigators said, from 2015, the priest, who has not been named, carried out repeated "preaching missions" to eastern Ukraine, where government forces have been fighting separatists backed by Russia. "He returned with dangerous trophies, which he sold to friends," the SBU said. theguardian.com)
18.10.2020 14:24:16 privately in private
18.10.2020 13:44:19 news privately на условиях анонимности
18.10.2020 13:21:23 news privately анонимно
18.10.2020 13:21:23 news privately в частной беседе
18.10.2020 12:37:00 gen. little does anyone мало кто (do something: Little did anyone suspect that the military attaché was one of the world's craftiest spies. • Little does anyone know, but during the cold war a few small nuke tests were being conducted by unsuspected countries as shown here.)
18.10.2020 11:34:31 наделять придавать
18.10.2020 11:33:28 gen. bestow upon наделять (someone: Certain strains of the parasite would bestow upon the host mysterious abilities if the body accepted the parasite.)
18.10.2020 11:06:47 gen. stark непростой (о выборе: U.K. companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive. • How stark a choice do you really think it is?)
18.10.2020 11:06:47 gen. stark нелёгкий (о выборе: U.K. companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive.)
18.10.2020 9:55:37 killer killer whale
18.10.2020 9:53:03 gen. killer причина смерти (The biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK is suicide.)
16.10.2020 19:02:36 context. stark яркий (To understand the inequities of student education in this fall of pandemic, few places offer a starker lesson than the Orange County border that divides working-class Long Beach and the upscale suburb of Los Alamitos. latimes.com)
16.10.2020 18:54:26 gen. stark чисто (в знач. "исключительно, полностью": It was a stark political argument, almost entirely divorced from the legal scholarship and constitutional debates that usually characterize high court confirmations. washingtontimes.com)
16.10.2020 18:50:35 context. stark значительный (While college-educated white voters in other Sun Belt states favor Mr. Biden or break even between the two presidential contenders, they favor Mr. Trump 50 percent to 38 percent in South Carolina. Even more stark, and for Democrats downright daunting, is the gap among white voters without a college degree: 77 percent favor Mr. Trump while just 18 percent support Mr. Biden. nytimes.com)
16.10.2020 18:47:48 stark in stark terms
16.10.2020 18:46:42 gen. stark серьёзный (Trump's financial disadvantage was once unthinkable – incumbent presidents traditionally vastly out-raise their rivals – and poses a stark challenge to his reelection prospects.)
16.10.2020 18:04:02 stark stark raving mad
16.10.2020 17:55:49 stark stark naked
16.10.2020 12:41:53 при том, что на минуточку
15.10.2020 20:19:08 gen. hold someone responsible призвать к ответу (кого-либо)
15.10.2020 20:18:51 призвать к ответу спросить с
15.10.2020 20:18:33 спросить с спросить
15.10.2020 20:12:43 inf. quit the talks выйти из переговоров (In separate comments, Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok said the Netherlands "greatly regrets" the Russian decision to quit the talks. net.au)
15.10.2020 20:12:00 gen. make something meaningless лишать смысла ("Подобные недружественные действия Нидерландов лишают смысла продолжение трехсторонних консультаций и наше участие в них". – "Such unfriendly actions by the Netherlands make it meaningless to continue our participation in tripartite talks," the ministry said in a statement. net.au)
15.10.2020 19:23:50 добиться добиваться
15.10.2020 19:23:50 добиваться руки добиваться
15.10.2020 19:23:31 добиваться добиться
15.10.2020 19:18:14 politicized politicised (BrE)
15.10.2020 19:17:12 politicised politicized (AmE)
15.10.2020 18:43:34 gen. -led возглавляемый (=led by: After years of collecting evidence, a Dutch-led international Joint Investigation team (JIT) last year said the missile launcher used to hit the civilian airplane came from a Russian army base just across the border. net.au)
15.10.2020 18:35:37 gen. be held by находиться под чьим-либо контролем (о территории и т.п.: MH17 was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it was shot down by a missile fired from territory held by pro-Russian rebels during fighting in eastern Ukraine, international investigators say. net.au)
14.10.2020 23:59:21 заинтересованный быть заинтересованным
14.10.2020 23:53:03 take up take up with
14.10.2020 23:52:56 take up with take it up with
14.10.2020 12:38:59 gen. European civil law континентальное право
14.10.2020 12:26:40 commissioner не путать с commissionaire

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