
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

4.12.2020 19:49:26 vulg. amer. drag ass валить (I'm dragging my ass out of this place. • It's really late, let's drag ass!)
4.12.2020 19:49:26 vulg. amer. drag ass сваливать (I'm dragging my ass out of this place. • It's really late, let's drag ass!)
4.12.2020 19:48:03 drag ass haul ass
4.12.2020 19:44:37 haul ass drag ass
4.12.2020 19:42:44 vulg. amer. haul ass валить (ехать на большой скорости: trucks hauling ass on the interstate, trying to make up time)
4.12.2020 19:42:44 vulg. amer. haul ass наваливать (ехать на большой скорости: trucks hauling ass on the interstate, trying to make up time)
4.12.2020 19:21:27 what else is new? so what else is new?
4.12.2020 19:21:01 so what else is new? what else is new?
4.12.2020 16:36:04 ударить уебать
4.12.2020 13:05:57 the Parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts submit to the exclusive jurisdiction
4.12.2020 12:50:52 old.fash. you have my gratitude благодарю
4.12.2020 12:50:52 old.fash. you have my thanks благодарю
4.12.2020 4:32:31 mil. force out выбить (противника с позиций: Overall, Tikrit has been much better preserved than the Kurdish town of Kobani, where militias backed by US air strikes forced Isis out but at the cost of the near total destruction of their town.)
4.12.2020 4:09:10 fig. grand poobah пуп земли (an extremely pompous person wikipedia.org)
4.12.2020 4:08:23 poobah grand poobah
4.12.2020 4:04:01 большая шишка важная птица
4.12.2020 3:59:33 важная птица большая шишка
4.12.2020 3:58:26 большая шишка важная шишка
4.12.2020 1:14:22 gen. legislature здание парламента (или другого законодательного собрания: It said that Vladimir Konstantinov, the Crimean parliament chairman, and his deputies later entered the legislature after being invited by the gunmen to hold a session of lawmakers.)
4.12.2020 0:32:21 моя хата с краю, ничего не знаю моя хата с краю
4.12.2020 0:32:13 моя хата с краю моя хата с краю, ничего не знаю
4.12.2020 0:26:37 Am I my brother's keeper? I am not my brother's keeper
4.12.2020 0:26:30 I am not my brother's keeper Am I my brother's keeper?
4.12.2020 0:20:27 fence-sitting sit on the fence
3.12.2020 22:02:42 fig. explan. boldface известный (On New Year's Eve, I found myself in a conversation with two boldface Philadelphia names, and somehow the talk turned from Chip Kelly's stunning flameout to a particularly vexing question: Just what is our city's greatest challenge? thephiladelphiacitizen.org)
3.12.2020 20:29:31 mil. bolster with придать (в знач. "усилить (каким-либо подразделнием)")
3.12.2020 3:24:11 indemnity indemnify and hold harmless
3.12.2020 0:38:03 mil. advance elements передовые части
3.12.2020 0:38:03 mil. advance elements передовые соединения
3.12.2020 0:38:03 mil. vanguard elements передовые части (Unable to keep up with the Germans' rapid battlefield tempo, and faced with vanguard elements of 3. Panzer-Division once again rushing eastwards, 9 DP's rather jumbled units withdrew behind the Brda where the forested terrain provided them with a degree of protection. google.com)
2.12.2020 4:48:29 gen. remand in custody поместить под стражу (Tai, who pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent assault, was remanded in custody.)
2.12.2020 2:12:15 articulated truck articulated lorry (австрал., новозел.)
2.12.2020 1:59:40 перерыть все перерыть
1.12.2020 14:29:09 gen. overrun закончиться позже (The performance overran by ten minutes, which caused some people to miss their bus home.)
1.12.2020 14:19:55 красть воровать
1.12.2020 14:19:48 воровать красть
1.12.2020 14:04:25 асфальтированная дорога асфальт
1.12.2020 13:29:38 иди на хуй! на хуй
1.12.2020 13:06:58 sup what's up?
1.12.2020 13:03:35 как ты? как дела?
1.12.2020 12:58:23 gen. take a nosedive рухнуть ('Other than that, how are things on the watch?' I asked. 'Morale's taken a nosedive since Sandy.')
1.12.2020 12:40:20 inf. what about on your end? а у вас там как? (напр., встречный вопрос на "Как дела?": "Just checking in. How's everything going?" "A few rouges here and there but other than that, it's been prtty quiet. What about on your end?")
30.11.2020 21:46:15 last time I checked last I checked
30.11.2020 21:46:07 last I checked last time I checked
30.11.2020 21:42:37 ironic. last time I checked вроде бы (в знач. "помнится"; с вызовом)
30.11.2020 19:19:35 take the minutes take the minutes of
30.11.2020 19:17:41 take the minutes take minutes
30.11.2020 19:11:55 have pants on fire liar, liar, pants on fire
30.11.2020 19:11:32 pants on fire liar, liar, pants on fire
30.11.2020 19:05:17 Lord willing and the creek don't rise God willing
30.11.2020 19:05:17 Lord willing and the creek don't rise Lord willing
30.11.2020 19:04:34 amer. inf. Lord willing and the creek don't rise даст бог (Lord willing and the creek don't rise, we'll have that new barn finished in time for the harvest.)
30.11.2020 18:56:09 God willing Lord willing
30.11.2020 18:54:35 Lord willing God willing
30.11.2020 18:54:35 Lord willing Lord willing and the creek don't rise
30.11.2020 18:46:09 pants on fire have pants on fire
30.11.2020 17:08:23 amer. canad. sled санки (chiefly North American; contrast "sleigh" (сани), which is larger and pulled by an animal: The child zoomed down the hill on his sled. • "Mush!" he yelled at the dogs pulling the sled.; Santa travels in a sleigh.)
30.11.2020 16:03:03 context. heaving полно народу (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: The bar was absolutely heaving.)
30.11.2020 14:49:11 sarcast. what else is new? ну да, чего это я
30.11.2020 13:47:10 детский сад садик
30.11.2020 13:42:28 be a revolving door revolving door
30.11.2020 13:41:23 revolving door be a revolving door
30.11.2020 13:37:26 heaving be heaving with
30.11.2020 13:15:27 wicked the wicked
27.11.2020 18:43:31 in civvies in plain clothes
27.11.2020 18:37:12 inf. gatecrash вломиться (заявиться без приглашения: We were chatting to a representative of Putin's own party over breakfast in our hotel when a posse of plainclothes cops, accompanied by a cameraman, gatecrashed our meeting and escorted us from the premises. We were taken to a police station, where I was held for seven hours, being interrogated about what I was "really" doing. theguardian.com)
27.11.2020 18:32:58 amer. posse подельники
27.11.2020 18:29:11 posse posse comitatus
27.11.2020 18:13:37 arse arse around
27.11.2020 16:02:31 deceased не путать с diseased
27.11.2020 16:01:28 diseased не путать с deceased
27.11.2020 16:00:34 disease не путать с decease
27.11.2020 14:38:33 brit. for two pins будь моя воля
27.11.2020 13:51:42 hideout hide out
27.11.2020 13:45:07 NATO accession to NATO вступление в НАТО
27.11.2020 13:21:36 Совет Европы Совет Европейского союза
27.11.2020 13:21:36 Европейский совет Совет Европейского союза
27.11.2020 13:20:32 Совет Европейского союза Совет Европы
27.11.2020 13:20:32 Европейский совет Совет Европы
27.11.2020 13:20:15 Совет Европейского союза Европейский совет
27.11.2020 13:20:15 Совет Европы Европейский совет
27.11.2020 13:17:07 inf. news EU Council Евросовет (сокр. от European Council: Не путать с Советом Европейского союза и и Советом Европы)
27.11.2020 2:14:43 gen. make production пойти в серию (You can see it's no longer installed on this vehicle, but it is very cool, and I hope it makes production, of course.)
27.11.2020 2:12:18 gen. address a question рассмотреть вопрос (of – о чём-либо)
27.11.2020 2:10:09 address the question address a question
27.11.2020 1:36:38 весь возможный возможный
25.11.2020 13:35:03 inf. dicey лотерея (вариант требует замены части речи: It's always dicey to use Google Translate, but it does typically pass along the gist of the story.)
25.11.2020 12:44:51 жилищный фонд жилой фонд
25.11.2020 12:43:33 gen. private housing негосударственный жилищный фонд (Private housing is a form of housing tenure in which the property is owned by a private developer or by non-profit organizations wikipedia.org)
23.11.2020 20:24:52 виртуальный оператор сотовой связи виртуальный оператор
23.11.2020 20:23:34 mob.com. news mobile carrier мобильный оператор (в отличие от виртуальных операторов: There are only three Australian mobile carriers; Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. Other providers are known as Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) and these operate on the networks of Telstra, Optus or Vodafone. Information requests should be made to the relevant network, i.e. Telstra, Optus or Vodafone.)
23.11.2020 20:23:34 mob.com. mobile network carrier оператор сотовой связи (в отличие от виртуальных операторов wikipedia.org)
23.11.2020 17:51:22 аттестат о среднем образовании аттестат о полном общем среднем образовании (больше вариантов перевода здесь)
23.11.2020 17:48:29 аттестат о среднем образовании аттестат
23.11.2020 17:43:03 GCE Advanced Level A-Level
23.11.2020 17:31:00 General Certificate of Secondary Education см. тж. A-Level
23.11.2020 17:25:44 ed. UK General Certificate of Secondary Education свидетельство о сдаче экзаменов на аттестат о базовом общем среднем образовании (Внимание, ложный друг переводчика! "General Certificate of Secondary Education" англичанами будет воспринято буквально как "свидетельство о сдаче экзаменов, НЕ дающих право на поступление в университет" (в нашей аналогии – после 9-го класса) – в отличие от A-Level, дающих право поступления в вуз. Более того, в Великобритании документа, аналогичного аттестату о среднем образовании, не существует вообще: All students receive certificates showing their results for any exams taken – GCSE certificates usually at 16 years of age and A level certificates usually at 18 years of age. There is no formal ‘graduation certificate' just for attendance at any school unless that school prints off a certificate that they have devised themselves as a ‘souvenir'. Примечание для коллег из Украины: по сути аналогично нашему сертификату внешнего независимого оценивания)
23.11.2020 17:19:11 аттестат о полном общем среднем образовании аттестат о среднем образовании
23.11.2020 16:52:31 ack-ack anti-aircraft
23.11.2020 16:52:31 ack-ack anti-aircraft artillery

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