
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

9.06.2022 1:49:11 gen. meet знать (в знач. "встречаться вживую с": I never met my grandfather, yet I consider him a hero.)
9.06.2022 1:22:12 gen. tell someone one said hi передать привет
9.06.2022 1:21:46 gen. tell someone one said hello передать привет (Tell Marge I said hello)
8.06.2022 19:12:28 gen. reduce to rubble превращать в руины (Over the past several weeks, Russian troops have slowly expanded their control of territory in the Donbas, pounding Ukrainian defense forces with artillery bombardments and reducing towns and villages to rubble. rferl.org)
8.06.2022 14:08:33 n.amer. notions "всё для шитья" (отдел в магазине: She found the thread she wanted among the shop's notions)
8.06.2022 14:08:33 n.amer. notions швейные принадлежности (Store small notions, such as buttons, pins and snaps, in empty film containers, pill bottles or baby food jars. • Crafters will often use a backpack to transport fabric and other sewing notions to a guild meeting, leaving both hands free to carry the sewing machine. • Also be sure to get such notions as thread, zippers, buttons, and interfacing. • On the ground floor there has been for twenty-five years a little store where toys and notions and stationery are sold. • Keep an eye out for sales on threads and other notions while you're there.)
8.06.2022 13:38:17 chem.ind. stick адгезионные свойства (a glue with plenty of stick)
7.06.2022 23:05:14 context. be easy on не обижать (someone)
7.06.2022 23:05:14 gen. be easy on не быть слишком строгим с (someone)
7.06.2022 23:05:14 gen. be easy on не быть слишком строгим к (someone)
7.06.2022 22:33:50 vulg. euph. choke the bishop душить ужика (Donald never got the nerve to talk to any of the girls in the bar. He just spent the night pussyfooting around and then went home to choke the bishop. • After blowing it with every girl in the bar, Dave had no choice but to go home and choke the bishop. urbandictionary.com)
7.06.2022 22:33:50 vulg. euph. choke the bishop душить одноглазого змея (Donald never got the nerve to talk to any of the girls in the bar. He just spent the night pussyfooting around and then went home to choke the bishop. • After blowing it with every girl in the bar, Dave had no choice but to go home and choke the bishop. urbandictionary.com)
7.06.2022 22:23:57 context. conduit прикрытие (в знач. "средство осуществления": Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) are organizations whose members use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises. archive.org)
7.06.2022 22:02:56 inf. alrighty добренько (Alrighty, let's go then.)
7.06.2022 21:53:13 gen. press briefing брифинг
7.06.2022 21:14:53 oil сокр. от "what you see is what you get" режим полного соответствия
6.06.2022 21:57:33 gen. I had no way of knowing! Откуда мне было знать?!
6.06.2022 15:51:03 brit. mean.3 that's done it с меня довольно (I've had it; that's more than I can tolerate: OK, that's done it, I'm calling the police—it's 2 AM and that party is still blasting music!)
6.06.2022 15:51:03 brit. mean.3 that's done it с меня хватит (I've had it; that's more than I can tolerate: OK, that's done it, I'm calling the police—it's 2 AM and that party is still blasting music!)
6.06.2022 15:51:03 brit. mean.3 that's done it ну всё (с меня довольно) I've had it; that's more than I can tolerate: OK, that's done it, I'm calling the police—it's 2 AM and that party is still blasting music!)
6.06.2022 15:46:56 brit. mean.1 that's done it ну всё ("That's done it!" said Anna as she looked at the damage. "Now I really will have to get a new car.")
6.06.2022 3:01:14 inf. give someone hell наорать на (кого-либо: Her boss gave her hell for coming in late.)
5.06.2022 11:27:23 law, court colloquy дискуссия (He engaged in a 30-minute colloquy with the judge which was entirely unscripted.)
5.06.2022 10:36:45 gen. take it easy не перетруждаться (to relax and avoid hard work or strain: The doctor told her she should take it easy for a while.)
3.06.2022 13:42:34 context. make sure уточнить (в знач. "убедиться")
3.06.2022 13:10:07 gen. break out in бросать в (пот, дрожь: I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about public speaking.)
3.06.2022 13:04:33 gen. break out in a cold sweat бросать в холодный пот (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about public speaking.)
3.06.2022 13:04:33 gen. break out in a cold sweat кидать в холодный пот (вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about public speaking.)
3.06.2022 12:50:55 gen. break out in sweat покрыться потом (When I heard the noise I broke out in a cold sweat.)
3.06.2022 12:28:54 gen. break out with laughter рассмеяться
3.06.2022 12:28:54 gen. break out with laughter расхохотаться
3.06.2022 12:27:02 gen. break out with tears разрыдаться (My mother was fine this morning, but she broke out with tears at the funeral.)
3.06.2022 12:27:02 gen. break out with tears расплакаться (My mother was fine this morning, but she broke out with tears at the funeral.)
3.06.2022 12:14:36 gen. break out завязаться (бое, перестрелке и т. п.: A skirmish broke out after troops ran across a boat belonging to the rebels.)
2.06.2022 18:05:39 gen. one is doing well у кого-либо всё в порядке (We're very happy to know that she's doing well.)
2.06.2022 16:50:48 context. inspectors комиссия
2.06.2022 16:42:04 gen. for a limited time на какое-то время
2.06.2022 11:59:24 mil. law forcible transfer угон (населения; статья 49 Женевской конвенции icrc.org, krymr.com)
2.06.2022 11:05:15 mil. coll. assets техника (The Ukrainian defense ministry shared images showing the aftermath of the fight, with destroyed or disabled Russian tanks and other broken armored assets scattered about the battlefield. msn.com)
2.06.2022 11:04:57 mil. armored assets бронетехника (The Ukrainian defense ministry shared images showing the aftermath of the fight, with destroyed or disabled Russian tanks and other broken armored assets scattered about the battlefield. msn.com)
1.06.2022 9:51:36 gen. it comes that выходит, что (The Duden is usually right. However, in recent times it has been increasingly becoming more descriptive (and disruptive) than normative. And so it comes that even our good old friend, the Duden, doesn’t always nail it.)
31.05.2022 22:42:56 med. podiatrist подолог
31.05.2022 19:34:20 polite it was nice talking to you был рад слышать
31.05.2022 19:34:20 polite it was nice talking to you было приятно пообщаться
31.05.2022 2:24:07 news peace deal перемирие
30.05.2022 16:41:12 radio.amat. how did you copy me? как приняли меня?
30.05.2022 16:36:21 radio.amat. old man приятель (форма обращения, используемая радиолюбителями-коротковолновиками: KL7CO, this is RA9CMZ. Good morning, old man. Thank you for your call. It’s nice to meet you the first time. Your signal is 5-8. My name is Mike, M-I-K-E. My QTH is Asbest. Now microphone back to you. How did you copy me? Go ahead.)
30.05.2022 16:01:42 inf. good buddy хороший приятель (Yeah, I spend a lot of time with Pat, but I'm not dating him—he's just my good buddy.)
29.05.2022 23:09:46 radio mil. I am receiving you приём (ответ)
29.05.2022 22:45:05 gen. check согласовываться (с чем-либо: Her statement checks with most of the eye-witness reports.)
29.05.2022 22:44:39 gen. check with согласовываться с (Her statement checks with most of the eye-witness reports. )
29.05.2022 22:34:47 inf. check that поправка (used to take back or correct a previous statement : "Sir, I don't know why but there must be a foot or two of water coming down Claiborne. No, check that—three feet.")
29.05.2022 22:34:47 inf. check that отставить (used to take back or correct a previous statement )
29.05.2022 22:34:47 inf. check that стоп (used to take back or correct a previous statement : "Sir, I don't know why but there must be a foot or two of water coming down Claiborne. No, check that—three feet.")
29.05.2022 22:16:49 gen. truth is на самом деле
29.05.2022 19:03:42 context. unbridle дать волю (If we unbridle our greed and lust we will be nothing but animals. )
29.05.2022 18:48:45 gen. windblower трепло
29.05.2022 18:35:16 rude Schmucksville Мухосранск
29.05.2022 16:18:53 inf. uncom. thingamy-jigamy приблуда
29.05.2022 15:55:57 inf. whatshername как там её
29.05.2022 15:50:05 inf. whatsaname это самое
29.05.2022 15:50:05 inf. whatsaname это, как там его
29.05.2022 15:50:05 inf. whatsaname эти, как там их (A: We're going to be whatsaname– B: –venture capitalists.)
29.05.2022 10:54:35 gen. shy of не доезжая (A half-mile ahead, I saw it pull off into a truck stop in the middle of nowhere. Near a place called Myrtle. Maybe sixty miles short of the Tennessee state line. Maybe seventy miles shy of Memphis.)
29.05.2022 10:54:35 gen. shy of от (A half-mile ahead, I saw it pull off into a truck stop in the middle of nowhere. Near a place called Myrtle. Maybe sixty miles short of the Tennessee state line. Maybe seventy miles shy of Memphis.)
29.05.2022 10:53:16 context. catch up with вывести на чистую воду (“Shot in the head,” Judy said. “That’s what happens when you mess around. I told him they’d catch up with him, sooner or later.”)
27.05.2022 21:14:20 inf. talk later до связи
27.05.2022 19:45:45 gen. private meeting room закрытый зал (в ресторане, например)
27.05.2022 19:45:45 gen. private dining room закрытый зал (в ресторане, например)
27.05.2022 19:22:00 gen. the way I remember it насколько я помню (You came to *my* rescue? The way I remember it, you had your back to a cliff and a dozen Uzis aimed right at your gut. If I hadn't taken you over that cliff, you'd be pushing up daisies right now. google.com)
27.05.2022 19:21:32 euph. be pushing up daisies быть на том свете (You came to my rescue? The way I remember it, you had your back to a cliff and a dozen Uzis aimed right at your gut. If I hadn't taken you over that cliff, you'd be pushing up daisies right now.)
27.05.2022 18:37:56 commun. inf. go диктуй ("Got the number. Ready to copy?” “Yep. Go.”)
27.05.2022 18:37:56 commun. inf. go диктуйте ("Got the number. Ready to copy?” “Yep. Go.”)
27.05.2022 11:54:19 commun. inf. I am ready to copy записываю (по телефону о диктуемых данных – номере, имени и т. п.: If anything develops, anything, here's my mobile phone number.” “Ready to copy.” Joyce gave Josie Fleming her mobile phone number google.com)
27.05.2022 11:54:19 commun. inf. I am ready to copy диктуй (по телефону о диктуемых данных – номере, имени и т. п.: If anything develops, anything, here's my mobile phone number.” “Ready to copy.” Joyce gave Josie Fleming her mobile phone number google.com)
27.05.2022 11:54:19 commun. inf. I am ready to copy диктуйте (по телефону о диктуемых данных – номере, имени и т. п.: If anything develops, anything, here's my mobile phone number.” “Ready to copy.” Joyce gave Josie Fleming her mobile phone number google.com)
27.05.2022 11:54:19 commun. inf. go записываю (по телефону о диктуемых данных – номере, имени и т. п.: "Got the number. Ready to copy?” “Yep. Go.”)
27.05.2022 11:52:54 commun. inf. are you ready to copy? готов записать? (по телефону о диктуемых данных – номере, имени и т. п.)
27.05.2022 11:52:54 commun. inf. are you ready to copy? запишешь? (по телефону о диктуемых данных – номере, имени и т. п.: Got the number. Ready to copy?” “Yep. Go.” • I have the plate number, ready to copy?)
27.05.2022 2:12:44 gen. scrap dealer приёмщик металлолома
27.05.2022 1:18:10 emph. since when а что, разве (Since when has there been a law against stalking? – А что, разве ходить за кем-то следом – это преступление?)
27.05.2022 1:18:10 emph. since when я что-то не припомню, чтобы (Since when has there been a law against stalking? – Я что-то не припомню, чтобы ходить за кем-то следом считалось преступлением.)
27.05.2022 1:02:54 emph. since when когда это (в знач. "с каких пор": Since when has that ever stopped you? – Когда это тебя останавливало? • Since when has money mattered to you? – Когда (это) деньги имели для тебя значение?)
26.05.2022 16:41:57 tools context. blunt tool ударный инструмент
25.05.2022 18:58:54 inf. grab someone by the ass схватить за задницу
25.05.2022 18:47:47 fig. put down душить (восстания: a tyrant who ruthlessly put down uprisings)
25.05.2022 18:00:39 gen. crack down on объявить борьбу (чему-либо: The school is cracking down on smoking.)
25.05.2022 17:27:06 context. balls to the wall на все деньги
25.05.2022 13:24:29 gen. new addition новый член (коллектива, команды: First of all, we are happy to announce a new addition to our team: Welcome, Sabeth! • This is Oliver [puppy], the adorable new addition to our team!)
25.05.2022 13:08:52 gen. upon closer scrutiny при ближайшем рассмотрении (Certainly, upon closer scrutiny, it becomes apparent that current usage rather than eighteenth-century usage is the basis of the interpretation of fanny as a sexual term. )
25.05.2022 10:36:13 gen. timing время для (Ostensibly, the new shares are needed to meet Russia's capital-adequacy requirements, which say that banks' equity should be no less than a tenth of their assets. Sberbank's equity is 10.7% of its assets, which meets the requirement and seems, on the face of it, adequate. This makes the timing of the issue look odd. economist.com)
25.05.2022 2:14:36 police.jarg. pin down повесить (убийство и т. п. на кого-либо – on someone: The murder was pinned on the wrong suspect.)
25.05.2022 2:04:18 inf. nail someone down додавить (Finally they nailed him down and got him to do a release for the label.)
24.05.2022 21:05:18 gen. scavenge насобирать (среди мусора, на свалке и т. п.: We scavenged a couple of old beer cans for our art project.)
24.05.2022 3:14:46 gen. die on the way to the hospital скончаться по дороге в больницу (Officials say the victim died on the way to hospital. The name of the victim is not being released and police are continuing to investigate the crash. ctvnews.ca)
24.05.2022 2:49:41 gen. open deadly fire открыть огонь на поражение (The Polk County Sheriff's Office is investigating after a deputy opened deadly fire on a man wielding a knife. • Israel's police chief says the attackers used weapons stored inside the compound and opened deadly fire on a police patrol. apnews.com)
23.05.2022 23:09:05 idiom. literal. what price something? какова цена чего-либо ? (The talk of moving accident and emergency services to an area 40 minutes away seems ludicrous. I'm sure they can explain that they have sound financial reasons for doings so and perhaps they have but what price a life? greenocktelegraph.co.uk)
23.05.2022 22:29:37 idiom. what price something? какой прок от ...? (What price justice if he were allowed to go free? • What price wealth, when you sell out everything you believe in along the way?)
23.05.2022 22:15:10 inf. go easy on something быть поаккуратнее с (в знач. "не увлекаться")
23.05.2022 22:15:10 inf. go easy on something быть осторожнее с (в знач. "не увлекаться")

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