
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

27.12.2020 5:57:51 leaps and bounds by leaps and bounds
27.12.2020 5:57:51 leaps and bounds in leaps and bounds
27.12.2020 5:57:37 gen. leaps and bounds в разы (The intelligence with which most designers come at the "why" is leaps and bounds better than it used to be. polygon.com)
27.12.2020 5:57:37 gen. leaps and bounds несравнимо (The intelligence with which most designers come at the "why" is leaps and bounds better than it used to be. polygon.com)
27.12.2020 5:55:24 gen. burgeoning расцветающий
27.12.2020 5:52:44 gen. be true of быть верным для (Again, it all comes back to the "why" and how that "why" fits into the overall purpose. This process is true of cooking, movies, and television. And it might even be the most true of making video games. polygon.com)
27.12.2020 5:49:35 gen. to be clear на всякий случай оговорюсь (To be clear, I'm not knocking the inclination for experimentation, which is critical to the artistic process. polygon.com)
27.12.2020 5:48:53 to be clear be clear
27.12.2020 5:47:51 be clear to be clear
27.12.2020 4:59:34 дистанцироваться от дистанцироваться
27.12.2020 4:59:05 gen. distance oneself from дистанцироваться от (Indeed, lawyers for Mr. Trump's reelection campaign, including Mr. Giuliani, distanced themselves from Ms. Powell last month amid facing scrutiny for her spouting outlandish allegations and conspiracy theories.)
27.12.2020 4:40:49 gen. become thinkable переставать казаться таким уж неправдоподобным (A crash is a moment of panic when events are out of control and outlandish predictions become thinkable.)
27.12.2020 4:31:37 gen. outlandish надуманный (Many people might dismiss this example as being outlandish, but it actually isn't that far off from the absurd design decisions that are made all the time by people who just aren't thinking about what they're doing. • Josh Blackman, a constitutional law professor at the South Texas College of Law Houston, called the premise of the lawsuit "outlandish. polygon.com)
27.12.2020 4:31:37 gen. outlandish высосанный из пальца (Many people might dismiss this example as being outlandish, but it actually isn't that far off from the absurd design decisions that are made all the time by people who just aren't thinking about what they're doing. • Josh Blackman, a constitutional law professor at the South Texas College of Law Houston, called the premise of the lawsuit "outlandish. polygon.com)
25.12.2020 13:33:14 jig template jig
25.12.2020 13:33:06 gen. template jig шаблон (для сверления отверстий)
25.12.2020 13:33:06 gen. template jig кондуктор (для сверления отверстий)
24.12.2020 9:35:14 for all it is worth for what it's worth
24.12.2020 3:30:31 прийти в голову приходить в голову
24.12.2020 3:30:26 приходить в голову прийти в голову
24.12.2020 3:30:14 прийти в голову взбрести в голову
24.12.2020 3:06:56 сложить оружие сдать оружие
24.12.2020 0:51:10 в гостях у в гостях
23.12.2020 23:59:19 ни хрена хрен
23.12.2020 18:47:52 mil. soldier killed in action погибший
23.12.2020 12:17:52 идти вразрез идти вразрез с
23.12.2020 12:11:31 идти вразрез с идти вразрез
23.12.2020 7:58:31 изначально априори
23.12.2020 7:13:41 побеспокоить помешать
23.12.2020 7:10:42 gen. my good sir уважаемый
23.12.2020 6:59:37 gen. love and kisses to all your pink parts целую во все незагорелые места
23.12.2020 6:54:26 gen. heretofore до того (And because of the funny thing that the sun does here, it seemed to burn heretofore untanned places.)
23.12.2020 6:31:41 во что бы то ни стало кровь из носу
23.12.2020 6:31:02 позарез кровь из носу
23.12.2020 6:30:49 idiom. badly кровь из носу (в знач. "позарез")
23.12.2020 6:14:12 formal report to the proper office уведомить соответствующие органы (If you have been involved in an accident with a government vehicle, you should report it to the proper office as soon as possible.)
23.12.2020 6:13:45 euph. report to the proper office сообщить куда следует
23.12.2020 6:13:45 euph. notify the proper office сообщить куда следует
23.12.2020 6:13:45 euph. notify the proper entities сообщить куда следует
23.12.2020 6:12:01 gen. notify the right people сообщить кому следует (I notified the right people, but it doesn't mean you won't need to use your talents. It's not like I'm paying you for nothing. – Я же не просто так тебе плачу.)
23.12.2020 6:03:37 slang fix someone up with подбросить (He said he would fix me up with some money.)
23.12.2020 6:03:09 slang hook someone up with подбросить (something: Can you hook me up with some money please?)
23.12.2020 5:38:01 vulg. beat the fucking hell out of пиздячить (лупить)
23.12.2020 5:38:01 vulg. beat the fucking hell out of пи́здить (в значении "избивать")
23.12.2020 5:35:40 vulg. fuck the hell out of заебать до смерти (I want a girl that can fuck the hell out of me. • These wives may not be able to cook, but they can fuck the hell out of a porn star.)
23.12.2020 4:15:03 решено всё
22.12.2020 23:51:29 compulsory не путать с compulsive
22.12.2020 23:50:08 compulsive не путать с compulsory
22.12.2020 23:32:10 gen. come under bombing подвергаться бомбёжке (переводится по контексту, напр.: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov meets with a Syrian opposition leader in Moscow, as activists say civilians in Aleppo and Homs come under bombing. – ...на фоне бомбежки гражданских кварталов в Алеппо и Хомсе.)
22.12.2020 23:30:22 gen. come under bombing попасть под бомбёжку
22.12.2020 22:14:34 gen. God willing с божьей помощью (We've had a lot of delays, but God willing, we should have the house finished before winter. • "Do you reckon we'll have enough from this harvest to make ends meet?" "God willing." • God willing, once you are safely in Tel Aviv, go see Monsieur Levi.)
22.12.2020 22:11:16 prof.jarg. context. secure пробить (e.g.: to secure a channel)
22.12.2020 22:09:04 gen. outfit одеть (в т. ч. как самостоятельный глагол, не требующий дополнения: My mother runs a salon in Paris, and when Pippa and I are graduated, we're going to Paris where Mama will have us outfitted by the finest couturiers in France. • Park agreed that having everyone outfitted in uniforms, ones not decades old, instills a sense of pride in the students)
22.12.2020 21:56:58 gen. investigate попробовать выяснить, в чём причина (There was an error on this page. The server administrator has been notified and will investigate.)
22.12.2020 21:55:05 gen. investigate пойти посмотреть (что случилось, что за шум и т.п.)
22.12.2020 21:35:05 gen. work промыть (канал, русло в породе – о реке, воде: ...of the Columbia in Oregon, where that river has worked a channel of about one hundred feet in width and fifteen miles long through a table of trap-rock.)
22.12.2020 21:25:03 go round go around
22.12.2020 21:24:57 go around go round
22.12.2020 21:06:06 inf. from "over there" из-за бугра (Websites open the business to the wonderful world of international sales, and sometimes I wonder how they go about learning how to handle any orders they might receive from ‘over there.' Many businesses are retail oriented, so small orders can be easily handled with credit cards and postal international shipping. But often there can be more, much more, to it than that. columbiatribune.com)
22.12.2020 20:19:51 throw in the sponge throw in the towel
22.12.2020 20:19:43 throw in the towel throw in the sponge
22.12.2020 20:01:31 gen. deal with the matters at hand разобраться с делами
22.12.2020 19:57:47 смириться смириться с
22.12.2020 19:57:22 смириться с смириться
22.12.2020 19:55:12 примириться смириться
22.12.2020 19:37:40 gen. man of influence влиятельный человек (And Luke calls him "a certain ruler," indicating he's a man of influence and means.)
22.12.2020 19:31:13 угадать гадать
22.12.2020 19:31:13 угадывать гадать
22.12.2020 19:31:13 гадать на картах гадать
22.12.2020 19:31:13 гадать на кофейной гуще гадать
22.12.2020 19:10:21 ни о чем не беспокоясь спокойно
22.12.2020 18:51:15 собрать чемоданы собирать чемоданы
22.12.2020 18:51:07 собирать чемоданы собрать чемоданы
22.12.2020 18:48:06 собирать вещи собирать манатки
22.12.2020 18:47:56 собирать чемоданы собирать вещи
22.12.2020 18:47:56 собирать манатки собирать вещи
22.12.2020 18:44:42 собирать манатки манатки
22.12.2020 18:42:49 собрать чемоданы собрать вещи
22.12.2020 18:42:49 собирать вещи собрать вещи
22.12.2020 17:44:45 relig. take in vain поминать всуе
22.12.2020 17:44:11 take in vain take the name of the Lord in vain
19.12.2020 20:55:08 gen. rant and rave for a little while повозмущаться (He was quite upset when he came home, so I let him rant and rave for a little while until he calmed down.)
18.12.2020 0:02:18 gen. it's confirmed теперь точно (в соотв. контекстах, напр.: Today I received a scholarship through my college that will cover the remainder of the cost, so it's confirmed: I'm going to Hong Kong!)
17.12.2020 22:53:44 European Council not to be confused with Council of the European Union
17.12.2020 22:53:44 European Council not to be confused with Council of Europe
17.12.2020 22:50:17 EU Council European Council
17.12.2020 22:29:46 brit. on second thoughts хотя знаете (Can I have a cup of coffee, please? – actually, on second thoughts, I'll have a beer.)
17.12.2020 22:27:41 on second thought second thought
17.12.2020 22:27:25 second thought on second thought
17.12.2020 22:27:13 second thoughts on second thoughts
17.12.2020 22:27:03 on second thoughts second thoughts
16.12.2020 20:53:54 хотя бы хотя
16.12.2020 16:37:01 а хотя хотя
16.12.2020 16:35:03 amer. on second thought а знаешь (когда передумал)
16.12.2020 16:35:03 amer. on second thought хотя знаешь что? (когда передумал)
16.12.2020 1:54:45 gen. divert attention отводить внимание (from something – от чего-либо)
16.12.2020 1:54:31 gen. divert attention отвести внимание (from something – от чего-либо: The Kremlin's strategy of targeting external enemies in order to divert attention from domestic problems is ultimately self-defeating. It's certainly no way to boost Russia's stature in the world. washingtonpost.com)
16.12.2020 1:41:43 проверенный временем испытанный временем
15.12.2020 20:39:51 второй слева второй справа
15.12.2020 19:52:10 gen. tackle заняться (проблемой: Microsoft promises to tackle tab overload in Chromium Edge.)

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