
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.550  << | >>

19.01.2021 0:23:28 excl. ew бее (I dumped the sand out and found a colony of little bugs, ewwww.)
18.01.2021 23:49:11 gen. go to see показаться (врачу: However, if you lose more than 10% of your body weight in less than 6 months without trying, you should go to see your physician.)
18.01.2021 23:47:12 gen. go to see сходить к (врачу: If for some reason your tooth cannot be replaced, you should still go to see a dentist.)
18.01.2021 23:47:12 gen. go to see пойти на приём к (врачу: Imagine for a moment, after months of waiting, you go to see an orthopedic surgeon about a knee replacement.)
18.01.2021 23:47:12 gen. go to see идти к (особ. к врачу)
18.01.2021 23:26:42 send-off sendoff
18.01.2021 20:36:15 gen. send off проводить в дорогу (At the pier along Yokohama Harbor about 250 of our classmates, carrying the school flag before them, came to send off Uchimura and me.)
18.01.2021 20:33:21 выспаться высыпа́ться
18.01.2021 20:29:24 gen. hit the ground! на землю! (The fully equipped fighters spilled out of the van, taking aim at Healey with their automatic weapons: "Police, hit the ground!")
18.01.2021 20:11:07 gen. give someone a sendoff устроить проводы (кому-либо)
18.01.2021 20:06:45 gen. send off отправить (отослать: Have you sent off your application yet?)
18.01.2021 19:03:04 main board mainboard
18.01.2021 18:43:42 мобильный оператор оператор сотовой связи (более разговорное выражение)
18.01.2021 18:34:51 оператор сотовой связи мобильный оператор (более формальное выражение)
18.01.2021 18:03:54 common site something is a common site
18.01.2021 18:03:34 gen. something is a common site можно часто увидеть (The picture is a common site in the windows of corner shops and petrol stations in the UK.)
18.01.2021 18:00:47 amer. can I get you a refill? Вам налить ещё кофе? (Americans refill drinks, the British top them up. In the UK, the common American experience of (orig. and chiefly AmE) bottomless coffee (i.e. free refills) is not common at all, but in the US, the (AmE, often jocular) waitron will flit from table to table, coffee pot in hand, asking "Can I get you a refill?" or "Can I warm that up for you"? If this were to happen in the UK, it would be most natural to ask if the customer would like a top-up. blogspot.com)
18.01.2021 3:49:16 gen. someone special близкий человек
17.01.2021 4:42:07 dispensary public dispensary
17.01.2021 4:40:16 afr. India dispensary фельдшерско-акушерский пункт (in Kenya and India – a small setup with basic medical facilities where a doctor can provide a primary level of care)
17.01.2021 3:48:52 auto. Dynamic Chassis Control система динамического управления настройками подвески (в автомобилях марки Фольксваген; активная подвеска, в которой степень демпфирования амортизаторов изменяется в зависимости от состояния дорожного покрытия, параметров движения и запросов водителя)
17.01.2021 3:11:41 context. receive the ire пройтись по (кому-либо, чему-либо; вариант требует замены подлежащего: Also receiving the ire of the four-term senator was the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance [Court], which issued warrants against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. Graham called that acting "a travesty" and noted that former DOJ officials who signed those warrants, such former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, "have acknowledged that if they knew then what they know now, they would not have signed it." foxnews.com)
17.01.2021 3:00:59 auto. inf. run проехать (на запрещающий знак или сигнал светофора; в составе фраз, например: run the red light, run a stop sign)
17.01.2021 2:58:43 fig.of.sp. context. run a stop sign проигнорировать ограничение ("There was a blind eye turned toward any explanation other than the Trump campaign was colluding with foreign powers," he continued. "At every turn the FBI and DOJ ran stop signs that were in abundance regarding exculpatory information." foxnews.com)
17.01.2021 2:53:15 auto. inf. run a stop sign не остановиться перед знаком "стоп"
17.01.2021 2:53:15 auto. inf. run a stop sign проехать знак "стоп" без остановки
17.01.2021 2:48:19 eavesdrop eavesdropping
17.01.2021 2:39:10 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendment Act Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
17.01.2021 2:35:42 USA intell. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Amendment Act Закон США "О внесении изменений в Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act" (дабы не плодить лишние словарные статьи, название основного закона даю латиницей, а его перевод каждый волен сделать самостоятельно или выбрать в этой статье)
17.01.2021 2:28:43 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review
17.01.2021 2:03:37 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
17.01.2021 2:03:29 USA intell. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review Специализированный апелляционный суд по вопросам негласных ОРМ в ходе контрразведывательной деятельности (вариант перевода мой)
17.01.2021 1:58:19 USA intell. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Специализированный суд по вопросам негласных ОРМ в ходе контрразведывательной деятельности (вариант перевода мой) Суд рассматривает ходатайства о выдаче ордеров на проведение оперативно-розыскных мероприятий в отношении агентов иностранных разведок и иностранных лиц, угрожающих государственной безопасности США; создан и действует на основании закона FISA; a U.S. federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies wikipedia.org)
17.01.2021 1:48:53 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
17.01.2021 1:48:42 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
17.01.2021 1:34:11 USA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Закон США "О регулировании оперативно-розыскных мероприятий в ходе контрразведывательной деятельности" (мой вариант перевода wikipedia.org)
17.01.2021 0:58:51 law.enf. news domestic intelligence activities оперативно-разыскная деятельность
17.01.2021 0:56:39 law.enf. intelligence surveillance негласные оперативно-розыскные мероприятия
17.01.2021 0:48:10 негласные следственные действия негласные следственные розыскные действия
17.01.2021 0:24:04 candour candor
17.01.2021 0:23:58 candor candour
17.01.2021 0:23:12 context. withhold не обнародовать ("I consider the Crossfire Hurricane investigation a massive system failure by senior leadership, but not representative of the dedicated, hardworking patriots who protect our nation every day at Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice," Graham said in a statement Friday, saying his committee has released "as much material as possible," but noted that "some classified material has still been withheld." foxnews.com)
16.01.2021 22:02:28 hunt. trapline силковый путик
16.01.2021 21:26:46 context. look out for ждать появления (Their guys were told to look out for us.)
16.01.2021 21:24:06 look out look out for
16.01.2021 21:21:11 look out for be on the lookout
16.01.2021 14:50:19 not bat an eye not turn a hair
16.01.2021 14:50:11 not bat an eyelid not turn a hair
16.01.2021 14:46:30 глазом не моргнув и глазом не моргнуть
16.01.2021 14:39:59 idiom. not bat an eyelid и бровью не повести (She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't bat an eyelid.)
16.01.2021 14:33:33 not bat an eyelid not bat an eye
16.01.2021 14:33:24 not bat an eye not bat an eyelid
15.01.2021 13:41:03 gen. detour пустить в объезд (Along with the physical fortification of the Capitol, the D.C. government has closed a large section of the city to traffic, shut down subway stations and detoured public buses. bloomberg.com)
15.01.2021 3:49:07 gen. lawful orders законный приказ (The memo also made the critical point that "the US military will obey lawful orders" from civilian leadership. This may be the most important line to remember. The chiefs and combat commanders around the world have given thought to what they'd do if Trump issued an illegal order, and the answer is simple: They would not follow it, according to several Pentagon officials directly familiar with their thinking. cnn.com)
15.01.2021 3:42:27 gen. National Guard members бойцы национальной гвардии (More than 20,000 National Guard members could be in the nation's capital to help secure President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration. cnn.com)
15.01.2021 3:42:24 gen. National Guard members служащие национальной гвардии (More than 20,000 National Guard members could be in the nation's capital to help secure President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration. cnn.com)
15.01.2021 3:40:54 gen. National Guard troops бойцы национальной гвардии (20,000 National Guard troops expected in Washington for Biden's inauguration cnn.com)
15.01.2021 3:40:54 gen. National Guard troops служащие национальной гвардии (20,000 National Guard troops expected in Washington for Biden's inauguration cnn.com)
15.01.2021 3:38:33 gen. National Guardsman нацгвардеец
15.01.2021 3:38:33 gen. National Guardsman национальный гвардеец
15.01.2021 2:04:03 скот-производитель производитель
15.01.2021 1:38:48 gen. makers производитель (In Moscow, the makers of Buk missile systems, Almaz-Antey, held a press conference on Tuesday morning.)
14.01.2021 21:50:27 Financial Services Authority Prudential Regulation Authority и Financial Conduct Authority (С 1 апреля 2013 года)
14.01.2021 21:30:43 scient. publication труд (опубликованный: The ranking took into account factors like visibility on the Internet, amount of data, number of confirmed publications, and current number of hits on Google Scholar.)
14.01.2021 21:27:00 public company state-owned enterprise
14.01.2021 21:16:08 articles articles of agreement
14.01.2021 21:14:16 articles articles of association
14.01.2021 21:11:56 memo memorandum
14.01.2021 21:11:47 memorandum memo
14.01.2021 21:01:10 не путать с Международные стандарты бухгалтерского учёта Международные стандарты финансовой отчётности (IAS – МСБУ)
14.01.2021 21:00:25 International Accounting Standards не путать с Международные стандарты финансовой отчётности (МСФО – IFRS)
14.01.2021 20:54:36 холдинговая компания холдинг
14.01.2021 20:53:26 Russia faux ami group of companies холдинг (в российских реалиях слово "холдинг" часто употребляется в значении "группа компаний")
14.01.2021 20:21:19 gen. under the age of младше (стольки-то лет)
14.01.2021 19:31:38 corp.gov. extraordinary general meeting внеочередное собрание участников
14.01.2021 15:06:53 formal through a phone call по телефону (None of your data, passwords, or other sensitive information can be transmitted through a phone call.)
14.01.2021 14:56:49 to cut to the chase cut to the chase
14.01.2021 14:56:25 cut to the chase to cut to the chase
14.01.2021 14:31:44 меня зовут я
14.01.2021 14:16:11 I'll get right on it I'll get right on that
13.01.2021 3:39:20 черника черница
13.01.2021 3:38:20 голубика голубица
12.01.2021 21:23:12 gen. A-frame дом-шалаш
12.01.2021 18:59:22 Companies Law Cap. 113 Companies Law, Chapter 113 of the laws of the Republic of Cyprus
11.01.2021 17:58:18 do someone a favor do someone a favour
11.01.2021 17:58:07 do someone a favour do someone a favor
11.01.2021 16:30:15 fig.of.sp. gush разливаться в (Randy Thornton, a producer with Walt Disney Records, put it this way: "Walt was not a man who gushed praise. His biggest words of approval were, 'That'll work.')
11.01.2021 16:16:15 антипомпажная система регулирования антипомпажное регулирование
11.01.2021 2:43:38 inf. child. kitty-cat ки́са
8.01.2021 21:41:15 cook. sausage bread roll сосиска в тесте
8.01.2021 21:32:38 gen. sausage wrap сосиска в лаваше
27.12.2020 22:46:44 gen. tartan throw плед (клетчатый)
27.12.2020 22:31:22 add insult to injury to add insult to injury
27.12.2020 22:30:30 gen. to add insult to injury как будто этого было мало
27.12.2020 22:30:11 add insult to the injury to add insult to injury
27.12.2020 6:19:47 gen. rushed спешка при (вариант требует замены конструкции: And please understand that everything I am talking about is not a simple matter of "bugs," which are usually the result of conflicting code and rushed development. polygon.com)
27.12.2020 6:09:23 gen. lo and behold оказывается (We thought that an industry so into media and trends, wouldn't be so stuck in its ways. But lo and behold, it is.)
27.12.2020 5:58:21 in leaps and bounds by leaps and bounds
27.12.2020 5:58:13 by leaps and bounds in leaps and bounds
27.12.2020 5:57:51 leaps and bounds by leaps and bounds

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