
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

25.01.2021 17:27:08 inf. context. get one's act together зашевелиться (It's about time the authorities, who are supposed to dispose of this rubbish, got their act together.)
25.01.2021 17:20:53 gen. get one's act together собраться (собрать себя в кулак: In the second half the home side got their act together and Tommy Bolger led the way when he scored in similar fashion to Lawlor, beating two defenders before slotting home in the 65th minute.)
25.01.2021 17:20:53 gen. get one's act together взять себя в руки
25.01.2021 17:10:59 привести в порядок навести порядок
25.01.2021 17:01:51 трезвонить наяривать
25.01.2021 16:58:19 плешивый лысый
25.01.2021 16:44:49 product. OHS lost time injury травма, приведшая к потере рабочего времени (в данном случае речь идёт не об утрате трудоспособности работником, а о потерях рабочего времени, которые наступили вследствие нее)
25.01.2021 16:29:59 lost time injury не путать с lost time accident
25.01.2021 16:28:26 lost time accident не путать с lost time injury
25.01.2021 15:43:57 gen. off-the-books employment неофициальная занятость
25.01.2021 15:25:43 peter out be petered out
25.01.2021 15:06:48 cardiac arrest cardiopulmonary arrest
25.01.2021 15:06:17 cardiopulmonary arrest не совсем то же, что cardiac arrest
25.01.2021 4:25:54 gen. sympathies симпатии (Many people in Hollywood were blacklisted merely because they were suspected of Communist sympathies.)
25.01.2021 4:11:34 gen. falsely неправдиво (Jeffrey Clark ... had advised his bosses, both Rosen and acting deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, that he was meeting with Trump to discuss sending a letter to Georgia officials, falsely saying that the department was investigating serious fraud claims and to withhold final certification of Biden's victory. cnn.com)
25.01.2021 4:06:17 gen. win the presidency победить на президентских выборах (Rosen, along with former Attorney General William Barr and former acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall, refused to file the Supreme Court case citing that there was no basis to challenge the election outcome and the federal government had no legal interest in whether Trump or Biden won the presidency. cnn.com)
25.01.2021 4:04:43 news briefed on the matter знакомый с ситуацией (об источнике: The effort was part of Trump's pressure on the Justice Department in his final weeks in office to overturn his election loss which also included plans to fire then-acting Attorney General Jeffery Rosen with a relatively unknown Justice Department lawyer who was willing to use the department to support Trump's false claims about election fraud in Georgia, two people briefed on the matter told CNN. cnn.com)
25.01.2021 4:03:44 news familiar with the matter знакомый с ситуацией (об источнике: The CIA and other spy agencies gathered intelligence on Rudy Giuliani's dealings with alleged Russian intelligence agents last year and passed that information on to the White House, a source familiar with the matter told NBC News. • Former President Donald Trump pushed the Department of Justice to directly ask the Supreme Court to invalidate President Joe Biden's election win, people familiar with the matter told the Wall Street Journal. • An outside lawyer working for Trump drafted a brief the then-President wanted the Justice Department to file, people familiar with the matter told the Journal, but officials refused. cnn.com)
25.01.2021 4:00:06 неминуемый неминучий
25.01.2021 3:51:41 gen. sex act половой акт (Finally, last December, guilty verdicts were handed down to a priest and nun who had gone to extraordinary lengths to protect their illicit relationship. The court found Sister Abhaya had walked in on them while they were engaging in a sex act in the kitchen, and killed her to conceal their sins. cnn.com)
25.01.2021 3:48:15 gen. vaccination passport паспорт вакцинации (This week, Zurab Pololikashvili, the secretary general of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, called for the global adoption of vaccination passports as part of wider measures he said were essential to get the world in motion once again. cnn.com)
25.01.2021 3:47:34 immunity passport vaccination passport
25.01.2021 3:47:29 vaccination passport immunity passport
25.01.2021 3:46:41 иммунный паспорт паспорт вакцинации
25.01.2021 3:39:11 gen. sex act половое сношение (Finally, last December, guilty verdicts were handed down to a priest and nun who had gone to extraordinary lengths to protect their illicit relationship. The court found Sister Abhaya had walked in on them while they were engaging in a sex act in the kitchen, and killed her to conceal their sins.)
25.01.2021 3:34:40 walk in walk in on
25.01.2021 3:10:38 близкий человек близкий
25.01.2021 2:11:38 be dealt a good hand someone was dealt a good hand
25.01.2021 1:35:42 letter of authorization letter of authority
25.01.2021 1:35:30 letter of authority letter of authorization
24.01.2021 23:10:06 king prawn whiteleg shrimp
24.01.2021 23:10:00 whiteleg shrimp king prawn
24.01.2021 19:39:01 inf. ussie групповое селфи
24.01.2021 19:38:43 ussie groupie
24.01.2021 19:38:15 groupie ussie
24.01.2021 2:56:54 P.O.Box post office box
24.01.2021 2:56:13 PO box post office box
24.01.2021 2:24:42 масленый масляный (масленый, прил. (пропитанный, покрытый маслом: масленые блины; льстивый; чувственный) || масляный (из масла: масляное пятно; работающий на масле: масляная лампа, масляный фильтр; о красках, живописи; масло масляное) )
24.01.2021 1:48:43 a man's man man's man
24.01.2021 1:10:52 hindsight with hindsight
23.01.2021 22:47:09 central canal не путать с spinal canal
23.01.2021 22:46:57 spinal canal не путать с central canal
23.01.2021 3:20:27 oy oy vey
23.01.2021 2:48:29 jerk off fuck off
23.01.2021 2:48:16 jack off jerk off
23.01.2021 1:38:38 inf. my! ничего себе! (My, what big teeth you have!)
23.01.2021 1:26:44 my my! my!
23.01.2021 1:07:00 залоговое обеспечение обеспечение
23.01.2021 1:07:00 обеспечение займа обеспечение
23.01.2021 1:07:00 обеспечение обязательств обеспечение
23.01.2021 0:19:25 chat. email ASAP при первой возможности
23.01.2021 0:18:58 chat. email ASAP срочно (в опред. контекстах: Tom, if you're reading this, call me ASAP.)
22.01.2021 23:51:20 gen. be out for a good time искать развлечений (Well, Martha's that way, but Sam's just out for a good time.)
22.01.2021 23:45:51 gen. that way такой (in or into the condition described or suggested: He is a very successful man and it is easy to see how he got that way. • I realized that I always get that way when I drink, so I've decided to give up alcohol altogether.)
22.01.2021 23:26:27 context. that way чтобы (требует изменения структуры: If your issue is more complex, we will assign a staff member to assist you. That way you'll know who is handling your complaint and have a single contact point to answer your questions.)
22.01.2021 22:20:23 zip zip past
22.01.2021 22:19:50 zip past zip
22.01.2021 20:26:53 uh er
22.01.2021 20:26:53 uh erm
22.01.2021 20:26:53 uh um
22.01.2021 20:26:53 uh oh
22.01.2021 20:24:30 ling. space filler слово-заполнитель ("Uh" is used as a space filler or pause during conversation: Uh, let me see...)
22.01.2021 20:24:30 ling. space filler заполнитель пауз
22.01.2021 20:02:25 cook. Danish pastry изделия из слоёного теста (тж. danishes)
22.01.2021 19:56:20 danish Danish pastry
22.01.2021 19:52:11 amer. inf. danish слойка (булочка из слоёного теста; от Danish pastry)
21.01.2021 3:28:01 далёкий далёкий от
21.01.2021 3:27:08 далёкий от далёкий
20.01.2021 18:09:24 gen. sizzle шкворчание (The noise in the kitchen was almost deafening, filled with the shouts of cooks, the clatter of pans, the hissing sizzle of some food deep-frying. • She goes into the kitchen and I hear the sizzle of ham competing with the murmur of talk from the other room where I've already heard a fellow praying, leading prayer. • There was a sizzle as Jack poured the batter onto the griddle. • Heat on top of the stove to a good sizzle, season well and sauté for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.)
20.01.2021 17:52:17 gen. begin to sizzle зашкворчать (The bacon began to sizzle in the pan.)
20.01.2021 17:40:51 cook. lamb chop каре ягнёнка (Примечание. Распространившийся, по-видимому, в советсткое время перевод "chop" как "отбивная" абсолютно неверен. Изначально в России, как и на Западе, под котлетой понимали мясо с рёберной костью, однако теперь под котлетой подразумевается изделие из фарша (рубленая котлета – minced-meat patty) или отбивная котлета без кости (tenderized steak, cube steak, chicken-fried steak и т.д.))
20.01.2021 17:39:39 gen. veal chop телячья корейка на кости (Внимание, ложный друг переводчика! Пара "отбивная – chop" является ошибочной! Сhop – это неотбитое мясо на кости. Распространившийся, по-видимому, в советсткое время перевод "chop" как "отбивная" абсолютно неверен. Изначально в России, как и на Западе, под котлетой понимали мясо с рёберной костью, однако теперь под котлетой подразумевается либо рубленая котлета (изделие из фарша, minced-meat patty), либо отбивная котлета без кости (tenderized steak, cube steak, chicken-fried steak и т.д.)
20.01.2021 17:39:08 cook. butterfly chop стейк-бабочка
20.01.2021 17:37:13 gen. butterfly chop шницель, нарезанный "бабочкой" (нем. Smetterlingsschnitt)
20.01.2021 17:30:58 cook. Vienna-style veal cutlet венский шницель (он же Wiener Schnitzel)
20.01.2021 17:28:56 cook. veal cutlet телятина на кости
20.01.2021 17:24:37 cook. bone-in pork chop корейка на кости (Внимание, ложный друг переводчика! Пара "отбивная – chop" является ошибочной! Сhop – это неотбитое мясо на кости. Распространившийся, по-видимому, в советсткое время перевод "chop" как "отбивная" абсолютно неверен. Изначально в России, как и на Западе, под котлетой понимали мясо с рёберной костью, однако теперь под котлетой подразумевается либо рубленая котлета (изделие из фарша, minced-meat patty), либо отбивная котлета без кости (tenderized steak, cube steak, chicken-fried steak и т.д.)
20.01.2021 17:13:54 отбивная котлета отбивная
20.01.2021 17:09:40 sizzler sizzling
20.01.2021 17:08:53 sizzler sizzle
20.01.2021 3:56:57 bundle of sunshine ray of sunshine
20.01.2021 3:55:42 idiom. ray of sunshine лучик света
20.01.2021 3:55:42 idiom. ray of sunshine радость
20.01.2021 3:49:10 inet. inf. gugliks результаты в гугле (466k gugliks give it with an "a," but that doesn't make it correct.)
20.01.2021 2:49:45 self-employed не путать с индивидуальный предприниматель
20.01.2021 2:29:34 law prof.jarg. natural person "физик" (физическое лицо, в отличие от "юрика"; сленг юристов)
20.01.2021 2:21:07 индивидуальный предприниматель частный предприниматель
20.01.2021 2:21:07 не путать с самозанятое лицо частный предприниматель
20.01.2021 2:15:45 частный предприниматель индивидуальный предприниматель
20.01.2021 2:15:45 не путать с самозанятое лицо индивидуальный предприниматель
20.01.2021 2:09:25 log in log on
20.01.2021 2:09:25 log in sign in
20.01.2021 1:09:27 gen. by virtue of по (She's permitted to vote by virtue of her age.)
20.01.2021 1:04:20 gen. by virtue of потому, что (But is it true that we learn just by virtue of being busy and having lots of experiences? • And never once did I find myself the center of collective stares, simply by virtue of being a gaijin)
20.01.2021 0:51:40 gen. by virtue of поскольку (Sir Isaac Newton was the first person to theorize that any two objects would be attracted towards each other by virtue of their masses, and that strength of the force of attraction – the gravitational force – would depend on the masses of the two objects and their distance apart.)
20.01.2021 0:48:46 in virtue of by virtue of
20.01.2021 0:48:37 by virtue of in virtue of
19.01.2021 13:28:03 in public domain in the public domain
19.01.2021 3:30:58 inf. a cold one пивко (Why should a guy having a cold one in his backyard have to listen to his windows rattle because some people are so inconsiderate with loud exhaust?)
19.01.2021 1:51:02 OP original poster

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