
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

3.03.2021 11:35:47 smooch smutch
3.03.2021 2:22:06 собрать вместе собрать в кучу
3.03.2021 0:38:27 context. tip-off знак (He began cutting classes – a tip-off that he was in trouble.)
2.03.2021 23:57:47 упрятать за решётку отправить за решётку
2.03.2021 23:53:10 за решёткой решётка
2.03.2021 13:48:59 по-хорошему по-плохому
2.03.2021 13:48:52 по-плохому по-хорошему
2.03.2021 13:08:40 устроить вылазку предпринять вылазку
2.03.2021 12:45:22 inf. yes, and? ну?
2.03.2021 12:45:22 inf. yes, so what? ну?
2.03.2021 12:42:58 run-in have a run-in with
2.03.2021 12:40:15 have a run-in with have a run-in with the law
2.03.2021 12:40:02 news context. have a run-in with the law попасть в поле зрения правоохранителей (During that time he had two more run-ins with the law. One involved the sale of stolen property. The other was for a series of hot checks. – ...она попадала в поле зрения правоохранителей ещё дважы)
2.03.2021 12:17:37 hist. Ukraine otaman атаман (Otaman in Ukrainian Cossack forces was a position of a lower rank [than Ataman in Russian Cossack forces] wikipedia.org)
2.03.2021 4:58:40 разворачиваться развиваться
2.03.2021 4:01:29 разить нести
2.03.2021 3:25:27 inf. someplace else куда-нибудь ещё
2.03.2021 3:25:27 inf. someplace else куда-то ещё
2.03.2021 3:12:57 context. nothing sensitive ничего такого
2.03.2021 3:12:57 context. nothing incriminating ничего такого
2.03.2021 2:51:13 go on with to go on with
2.03.2021 2:49:18 для начала вообще
2.03.2021 2:44:19 mil. embus грузиться по машинам
2.03.2021 2:15:07 inf. go right ahead да, конечно (если без сарказма или раздражения: "Сan I take this?" "Go right ahead.")
2.03.2021 2:13:47 sarcast. rude go right ahead флаг тебе в руки
2.03.2021 2:06:16 успеть к успеть
2.03.2021 1:28:42 драпать чесать
2.03.2021 1:28:42 удирать чесать
2.03.2021 1:28:04 зудеть чесаться
2.03.2021 1:27:37 пошевеливаться чесаться
2.03.2021 1:27:19 low hurry up one's ass шевелиться (Tell him to hurry his ass up. We don't have all day. • He heard Chad down the hall telling Duane to hurry up his ass.)
2.03.2021 1:27:19 low hurry up one's ass пошевеливаться (Tell him to hurry his ass up. We don't have all day. • He heard Chad down the hall telling Duane to hurry up his ass.)
2.03.2021 1:02:10 mil. set up all-round defense выставить круговую оборону (As had become instinctive with us, the company set up all round defense and prepared to bed down for the night.)
2.03.2021 1:01:06 mil. context. bivouac for the night расположиться на ночлег (The 3624 Ord. MM Company bivouaced [alternative spelling: bivouacked] for the night at another site.)
2.03.2021 0:23:26 auto. be parked up стоять (As we have seen, the twelve tanks were parked up at the bleak spot known as Bellevue, but it was impossible to conceal them in such featureless terrain.)
2.03.2021 0:11:06 роковой феральный
2.03.2021 0:11:06 злосчастный феральный
1.03.2021 23:39:59 gen. the next day послезавтра (если в фразе уже есть слово "tomorrow": Check your schedule for tomorrow and the next day.)
1.03.2021 22:07:08 главное, чтобы лишь бы
1.03.2021 22:05:36 лишь бы не лишь бы
1.03.2021 22:05:30 лишь бы лишь бы не
1.03.2021 20:18:08 gen. with God's help с богом (With God's help, guys.)
1.03.2021 20:11:40 gen. call in for вызвать (транспорт: If you wait for more than 10 minutes, the bus attendant will ask you which park you're going to and will call in for a bus on their walkie talkie. • I always took taxis straight off the street but if you want to be more cautious, call in for a taxi. • Or else, you can always call in for a taxi. Also, between 10 PM and 7 AM on holidays and weekends, the prices are usually hiked up.)
1.03.2021 20:01:20 почти что почти
1.03.2021 19:36:03 пропасть без вести бесследно исчезнуть
1.03.2021 19:35:57 бесследно исчезнуть пропасть без вести
1.03.2021 18:46:34 упасть падать
1.03.2021 18:46:23 падать упасть
1.03.2021 18:14:28 послать за позвать
1.03.2021 16:23:39 inf. idiom. it must be a cold day in hell что-то в лесу сдохло
1.03.2021 16:21:38 cold day a cold day in hell
1.03.2021 16:14:21 gen. essentials всё самое необходимое
1.03.2021 16:12:47 должен быть должным
1.03.2021 16:12:13 быть должным долженствовать
1.03.2021 16:07:44 auto. stationary стоя́щий (об автомобиле и проч.: In a rear-end collision, a stationary vehicle is hit from behind by another vehicle.)
1.03.2021 15:52:03 весь всё
1.03.2021 15:45:55 context. change загореться (о сигнале светофора; вариант сугубо контекстуальный и требует переделки предложения: We were stationary waiting for the lights to change. – Мы стояли на светофоре и ждали, когда загорится зеленый.)
1.03.2021 15:14:16 работать по работать
1.03.2021 1:37:42 lifeboat не путать с rescue boat
26.02.2021 20:38:01 be confirmed to be confirmed
26.02.2021 4:34:10 нельзя просто так взять и нельзя просто взять и
26.02.2021 3:14:46 еще чего щас
26.02.2021 3:10:25 черта с два щас
26.02.2021 3:10:25 держи карман шире щас
26.02.2021 3:10:25 разбежался щас
26.02.2021 2:49:36 inf. for crying out loud! я не понял! (возглас возмущения: For crying out loud! What are you still doing in bed?)
26.02.2021 1:00:42 съехать выехать
26.02.2021 0:53:10 inf. idiom. hold one's water потерпеть (о малой нужде)
26.02.2021 0:23:52 hold water not hold water
26.02.2021 0:22:32 gen. excrete отправлять естественные потребности
25.02.2021 21:01:02 book. refuse one's office отказаться повиноваться (Allanson made some sound in his throat, as if attempting to speak, but his tongue refused its office, and he only jabbered. (1829) • Job essayed to speak, but his tongue refused its office, and in another moment the clang of an iron door, and the harsh grating of a key in the lock, told him he was the inmate of a prisoner's cell.)
25.02.2021 20:56:36 talk ten to the dozen talk nineteen to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:56:36 talk ten to the dozen talk twenty to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:56:36 talk ten to the dozen talk thirteen to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:54:18 talk thirteen to the dozen talk nineteen to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:54:18 talk thirteen to the dozen talk twenty to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:53:59 talk nineteen to the dozen talk thirteen to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:51:25 talk nineteen to the dozen talk twenty to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:51:14 talk twenty to the dozen talk nineteen to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:51:14 talk twenty to the dozen talk thirteen to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:50:33 nineteen to the dozen talk nineteen to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:49:44 twenty to the dozen talk twenty to the dozen
25.02.2021 20:41:54 тараторить строчить как из пулемёта
25.02.2021 20:34:57 gen. for all the good it will do you с тем же успехом (You can argue with a racist; you can argue with a Labrador retriever, too, for all the good it will do you. • Going to church every Sunday morning doesn't make you a good Christian unless you're committed to learning and applying the values that are being taught at the service. Not even the most inspiring hymns will be able to stir your soul if your only reason for being there is to make yourself look good in front of the community. You might as well stay in bed at home for all the good it will do you. • If fighting with your friends on Facebook were a professional sport, this week would be the Super Bowl-meets-the-World Series-meets-the-NBA-Finals-meets-the-Stanley-Cup. ... I'm not saying you shouldn't participate. Who am I to tell you how to spend your days? I'm just saying you might be better off shouting into the wind for all the good it will do you and your friendships and your blood pressure.)
25.02.2021 20:03:27 gen. hand-deliver лично вручить (We targeted the company's managers and hand-delivered invitations to them.)
25.02.2021 20:02:14 gen. hand-deliver принести лично ("Karen, I'm expecting a letter from Klein & Associates. I want it on my desk as soon as you get it." "No problem. When it comes I will hand deliver it to you." (пример ART Vancouver))
25.02.2021 19:31:58 for short of in the absence of
25.02.2021 19:31:58 for short of otherwise than
25.02.2021 16:32:57 gen. fare-hopper "заяц" (Someone who jumps over or crawls under a turnstile to avoid paying the fare: ‘Putting dozens of lives at risk over $2.75': NYPD slammed for pulling guns on fare-hopping teen.)
25.02.2021 16:31:26 безбилетник "заяц"
25.02.2021 14:06:01 gen. hate to не хотеть (I hate to be repetitious but...)
25.02.2021 14:05:30 gen. I hate to не хочу (I hate to be repetitious but...)
25.02.2021 14:04:46 uncom. be repetitious повторяться (I hate to be repetitious, but... wordreference.com)
25.02.2021 4:17:24 no pressure so no pressure then!
25.02.2021 3:06:33 фура седельный автомобильный поезд
25.02.2021 3:03:41 седельный автомобильный поезд фура
25.02.2021 3:01:41 brit. inf. artic фура (от articulated lorry)
25.02.2021 2:45:15 созвониться созвониться с
25.02.2021 2:43:31 созвониться с созвониться
25.02.2021 2:18:22 иметь связь c есть связь c

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