
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

26.02.2014 2:53:26 gen. breaking through time время пробоя
25.02.2014 16:28:30 media. boo and whistle освистать (The mayor of Sevastopol appointed from Kiev, Vladimir Yatsuba, was booed and whistled on Sunday when he told a pro-Russian rally that Crimea was a part of Ukraine.)
25.02.2014 16:26:11 media. police chief начальник УМВД (It was not immediately clear whether local security forces would back Chaliy, but earlier in the day Sevastopol police chief Alexander Goncharov said that his officers would refuse to carry out "criminal orders" issued by Kiev.)
25.02.2014 16:14:41 media. public coffers государственная казна (Ukrainians want those in power and their accomplices who used their positions to pillage the public coffers held to account, and measures taken around the globe to make sure this cannot happen again.)
25.02.2014 15:15:57 gen. between now and then за это время (The situation continues to develop, an early presidential election is set for May, and much can change between now and then.)
25.02.2014 14:08:08 gen. grouped payment объединённые платежи
25.02.2014 12:21:31 gen. registration holder субъект регистрации
25.02.2014 11:59:10 gen. surfacе всплывать (тж. перен.: Ukrainian journalists are going through thousands of papers they say were found near Yanukovych's opulent residence near Kiev after he fled the capital, and some documents have already started to surface in the internet. (The Guardian))
25.02.2014 11:55:27 gen. have you seen this man? внимание, розыск
25.02.2014 11:55:08 media. have you seen this man? разыскивается
25.02.2014 2:59:27 media. Statement of Grant of protection акт о предоставлении правовой охраны товарному знаку
24.02.2014 18:25:45 media. the hunt is on объявлен розыск (The hunt is on for Ukraine's fugitive president, Viktor Yanukovych, who is allegedly hiding out in the pro-Russian Crimean peninsula.)
24.02.2014 18:21:26 gen. spoil the fun подпортить удовольствие (Vladimir Putin ... supplied seven guards for every athlete. Fanatical security ensured there was no repeat of December's Volgograd bombs to spoil the fun.)
24.02.2014 18:14:47 gen. whereabouts местопребывание (His current whereabouts is unknown.)
24.02.2014 18:05:27 law ransack разграбить
24.02.2014 18:05:23 gen. distance oneself from отмежеваться (The Russians also appeared to distance themselves from Yanukovych. "He has run away… What a pathetic end for a president, " wrote Alexey Pushkov. The German government was forced to distance itself on Tuesday morning from the Social Democrat who led the country between 1998 and 2005. "He does not represent the German government‚" a senior government official said when asked about the Schröder pictures. "It should be clear to everyone that Mr Schroeder left active politics some time ago.")
24.02.2014 17:56:04 gen. toppling свержение (The largely Russian-speaking eastern and southern regions of Ukraine have been shaken by events in the Ukrainian capital over the last week that have led to the toppling of President Viktor Yanukovych.)
24.02.2014 17:56:04 gen. illegal state entity незаконное государственное образование
24.02.2014 17:53:22 gen. not a ни одного (Demonstrators waved Russian flags – there was not a Ukrainian flag to be seen – and chanted "Russia, Russia, Russia" during the gathering.)
24.02.2014 17:51:29 gen. consolidated one's grip over power закрепиться у власти (As a new regime consolidated its grip over power in Kiev on Sunday, calls for secession in the pro-Russian south of Ukraine were growing louder.)
24.02.2014 17:32:46 gen. grave mistake крупная ошибка (Susan Rice, the US national security advisor has said it would be a “grave mistake” for Russia to send forces to Ukraine.)
24.02.2014 17:28:14 gen. pathetic жалкий ("Сам он сбежал, охрана сбежала, персонал разбежался... Жалкий конец президента", – написал Пушков в своём твиттере в субботу. ... The Russians also appeared to distance themselves from Yanukovych. "He has run away, his security and staff have run away – What a pathetic end for a president," wrote Alexey Pushkov, the hawkish head of the Russian parliament's foreign affairs committee, on Twitter. theguardian.com)
24.02.2014 17:19:20 gen. University diploma диплом о высшем образовании
24.02.2014 16:54:32 gen. executed as a deed оформлено в виде сделки в особой письменной форме (Deeds can also be advantageous even when they are not strictly required by law. For example, if only one party under a contract is receiving a real benefit from an agreement, it would be advisable under English law to execute the contract as a deed so that it is not void for lack of consideration. Another potential advantage of deeds is that they have a longer statutory limitation period than contracts: twelve years. A deed is any legal instrument in writing which passes, affirms or confirms an interest, right, or property and that is signed, attested, delivered, and in some jurisdictions sealed. It is commonly associated with transferring title to property. The deed has a greater presumption of validity and is less rebuttable than an instrument signed by the party to the deed. A deed can be unilateral or bilateral. Deeds include conveyances, commissions, licenses, patents, diplomas, and conditionally powers of attorney if executed as deeds At common law, to be valid and enforceable, a deedб in particular, must state on its face that it is a deed, using wording like "This Deed..." or "executed as a deed". It must indicate that the instrument itself conveys some privilege or thing to someone. This is indicated by using the word in the clause indicating the gift.: hereby or the phrase by these presents olswang.com)
24.02.2014 16:29:54 law in the name and on behalf of от имени и в интересах
23.02.2014 20:17:36 gen. added functionality новые возможности
23.02.2014 18:17:01 gen. broker выступать посредником (A furious Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, reflected these worries when he voiced "most serious concern" over Ukraine in a flurry of calls to the French, German and Polish foreign ministers who brokered Friday's short-lived deal.)
23.02.2014 18:16:07 gen. pugnacious воинственный (As it stands, what Moscow views as a western-backed "coup" is a personal humiliation for Russia's pugnacious leader. He will not take it lightly.)
23.02.2014 18:12:01 gen. well beyond уже не (Yanukovych's grip on the capital is well beyond salvation. – ...уже не удержать.)
23.02.2014 18:05:54 gen. stilted высокопарный (In an extraordinary symmetry, as Tymoshenko's plane was landing in Kiev, there were rumours that ousted leader Viktor Yanukovych's jet was being denied permission to leave the country. In a stilted television address earlier in the evening, he announced he was still the president, but few others seemed to believe him.)
23.02.2014 18:04:11 gen. aged постаревший (Although Tymoshenko appears far more frail, aged and incapacitated than she did when she was last in the public eye, she clearly still retains her fiery political ambition.)
23.02.2014 17:59:50 gen. strip someone of their powers лишить полномочий (Yanukovych fled the capital on Saturday as the country's parliament voted to strip him of his powers. // The Guardian)
23.02.2014 17:27:24 gen. far from everyone далеко не все (Not everyone in Ukraine likes Tymoshenko; indeed, far from everyone on Independence Square likes her, as could be divined from the lukewarm reaction she was given.)
22.02.2014 22:35:22 gen. step-by-step guide пошаговая инструкция (to something)
22.02.2014 21:23:16 gen. do guesswork гадать (Please share with us any troubleshoting you have done so far, so that we have less guesswork to do. • Armed with that kind of information, you could take a lot of guesswork out of big decisions and plan strategies with confidence. • This test will work out the acoustics of your car interior so you don't have to do guesswork.)
21.02.2014 22:05:21 gen. primary and secondary general school средняя общеобразовательная школа 1-3 ступеней (u.to)
21.02.2014 21:58:01 gen. science естествознание (Science This may be taught at 3 separate sciences: Biology, Chemistry and Physics)
20.02.2014 13:24:00 gen. absolutely accept полностью допускать (I absolutely accept that... , but ...)
20.02.2014 13:13:02 gen. you will note как вы заметили
20.02.2014 1:02:46 law bring into force вводить в действие (Companies Act 2006 was brought into force in stages)
19.02.2014 19:04:33 gen. corporate restructuring реорганизация (компании, предприятия)
19.02.2014 19:01:29 gen. Competition regulator антимонопольный комитет (A competition regulator is a government agency, typically a statutory authority, sometimes called an economic regulator, which regulates and enforces competition laws, and may sometimes also enforce consumer protection laws. In addition to such agencies there is often another body responsible for formulating competition policy.)
19.02.2014 18:41:39 gen. Antitrust Committee антимонопольный комитет
19.02.2014 17:58:39 law hearsay производные доказательства
19.02.2014 13:53:23 gen. not the kind не из тех (напр., Not the marrying kind / She's Not the Cheatin' Kind / I'm Not The Loving Kind /// Также можно использовать в фразах типа "это не про нас")
19.02.2014 13:45:23 gen. security paper бланк с элементами защиты
19.02.2014 1:30:46 gen. Xchanging Ins-sure Services Эксченджинг Инс-шур Сервисез (компания, предоставляющая страховщикам различные услуги, связанные с документальным сопровождением страховых операций и реализацией других бизнес-процессов; создана в 2001 г. при совместном участии корпорации "Ллойд", компании "Эксченджинг" и Лондонской международной ассоциации андеррайтеров; заменила Службу Ллойда по страховым требованиям и Лондонский процессинговый центр // Xchanging Ins-sure Services (XIS) is the provider of back-office processing services to the London market // On 1 May 2001, Xchanging Ins-sure Services (XIS) was created as a separate company (owned by Xchanging, Lloyd's and the International Underwriting Association) to provide a comprehensive policy signing bureau. XIS provides services in four broad categories: – Outsourcing; – Processing; – Business process services, including the Market Wordings Database (MWD); – IT infrastructure. // см. тж. Xchanging Claims Services)
19.02.2014 1:29:36 gen. screwdriver bit бита (шуруповерта)
19.02.2014 1:24:47 gen. London International Insurance and Reinsurance Market Association Лондонская международная ассоциация участников рынка страховых и перестраховочных услуг (London International Insurance and Reinsurance Market Association // ныне International Underwriting Association)
19.02.2014 1:23:57 gen. LIRMA Лондонская международная ассоциация участников рынка страховых и перестраховочных услуг (London International Insurance and Reinsurance Market Association // ныне International Underwriting Association)
19.02.2014 1:15:03 gen. apostille проставлять апостиль
19.02.2014 0:51:21 station. correction fluid штрих
18.02.2014 18:40:37 law inroad вмешательство (this addition is important to avoid the Defendant's lawyers making any further inroads into privileged matters)
18.02.2014 14:44:00 law until the expiration of any period of cellular confinement во время нахождения в карцере
18.02.2014 14:15:27 law formally accepted and entered onto the School Register зачислен на учёбу (This is to certify that Dover College, has formally accepted and entered onto the School Register, the following student for the Academic year 2013/14)
18.02.2014 14:05:57 penitent. time in the open air прогулка (в тюрьме // см. UK Prison Rules 1999)
18.02.2014 13:46:03 law out of hearing but within the sight of под визуальным наблюдением, но в у условиях, исключающих возможность прослушивания либо подслушивания (The legal adviser shall be afforded reasonable facilities for interviewing the prisoner ... and may do so out of hearing but in the sight of an officer. // see UK Prison Rules 1999)
18.02.2014 13:30:15 law within the sight под надзором
18.02.2014 13:28:46 law within the sight под визуальным контролем (Every visit to a prisoner shall take place within the sight of an officer or employee of the prison authorized for the purposes of this rule by the governor // The legal adviser shall be afforded reasonable facilities for interviewing the prisoner ... and may do so out of hearing but in the sight of an officer. // see UK Prison Rules 1999)
18.02.2014 13:26:24 law waive counsel отказаться от адвоката (наприер, здесь: u.to)
18.02.2014 13:24:43 law waive the right to counsel отказаться от адвоката (слово counsel употребляется без артикля pacode.com)
18.02.2014 13:10:52 law cellular confinement помещение в карцер (see UK Prison Rules 1999)
18.02.2014 13:07:49 busin. release on licence освободить под расписку
18.02.2014 12:55:59 law thrice три раза (за какой-либо промежуток времени) // Reinstalling Ubuntu on my laptop (which I have done thrice in a period of 6months)...)
18.02.2014 12:27:48 law on the understanding that с тем условием
17.02.2014 19:44:39 pris.sl. hard candy заточка (The term "hard candy" derives from prison slang for the appearance of a jail-made knife that's been keestered and then removed. Inmates claim it looks like a chocolate candy bar. u.to)
17.02.2014 19:36:13 crim.jarg. court правилка (воровской жаргон: The covert and underground inmate code of conduct has few fines, probation or demerit systems in place. Physical discipline is the general rule. The violator is rarely warned about his perceived mistake. He'll be treated normally until his peers have "held court" and determined a discipline appropriate to the crime. This system is sometimes called "marching," "check courting," or "discipline." // Для воров в законе предусмотрены три вида санкций, которые могут быть вынесены только на основе решения воровской сходки в результате так называемой "правилки", на которой сход воров в законе определяет, были ли нарушены воровские законы и какое наказание положено, если нарушение имело место.)
17.02.2014 19:25:45 gen. welcher должник (который не в состоянии заплатить // Drug debt "welchers" must be dealt with violently as an example to other inmates considering defaulting on their debts.)
17.02.2014 19:21:00 pris.sl. turn out опускание (заключённого сокамерниками // This could involve three or four home boys attacking him with saps made from socks filled with soap bars or batteries. Small shanks or broom stick clubs might be used to overcome any resistance. This is seen as minor discipline. Continued violations of this type might result in a "turn out." This discipline involves several gang members sodomizing the violator. He is then "excommunicated" from his street gang and considered an unprotected female. The gang might sell him, or one of the group might claim him as his "girlfriend." As horrible as this discipline might seem, it can get worse.)
17.02.2014 19:15:12 gen. marvel поражаться (I've always marveled at this irony. Young men who rebel against authority and parental control, who commonly hate school, hate memorizing verses and symbols, hate reading history, hate learning new languages, and hate participating in physical education, enjoy doing all these things for their prison gang leaders.)
17.02.2014 19:13:38 gen. juvenile hall детская колония
17.02.2014 14:58:43 gen. quoted speech прямая речь
17.02.2014 13:20:49 gen. dive нырять (One can dive in a pool (this wording refers to one's location) or dive into a pool (this wording refers to one's movement))
17.02.2014 0:00:00 gen. workhouse работный дом
14.02.2014 13:41:14 gen. mitigate an offense смягчать тяжесть правонарушения (см., напр., Rule 3.8 of the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct)
13.02.2014 16:53:12 gen. non-competitively вне конкурса (Hiring people with disabilities into Federal jobs is fast and easy. People with disabilities can be appointed to Federal jobs non-competitively through a process called Schedule A. // USA)
12.02.2014 21:10:40 gen. eavesdropping warrant разрешение на прослушивание
12.02.2014 17:34:28 gen. Pinot grigio пино-гри (The clone of Pinot gris grown in Italy is known as Pinot grigio. // В США: The Pinot gris from California is often called Pinot grigio because of its similarity in style to the wine of Italy. // In Victoria, Australia, wines from the grape are labeled both Pinot gris and Pinot grigio, depending on the sweetness of wine with the drier wines being labeled Pinot grigio. // см. тж. u.to)
12.02.2014 14:37:44 gen. set sights on присматриваться (Hogan Lovells became the latest Am Law 100 firm to set its sights on Brazil with a report that it plans to open a Rio de Janeiro office later this year)
12.02.2014 14:12:09 gen. headcount growth рост численности сотрудников (The firm is aiming to open for business in the city before the end of 2012, with the intention to have 15-20 lawyers of varying seniority from launch, with long-term headcount growth based on demand. // Simmons)
12.02.2014 13:57:50 gen. play gooseberry играть роль девохранительницы (Два-три раза в году Деспина навещала своего жениха. Она появлялась в Большом Доме в сопровождении худенькой, шустрой старушки в черном сатиновом платье, тетушки Хрисулы, которая играла при своей племяннице роль девохранительницы, хотя пыталась иногда довольно наивным образом скрывать эту роль. // Ф. Искандер)
12.02.2014 13:57:06 gen. play gooseberry сопровождать влюблённых для приличия (играла при своей племяннице роль девохранительницы)
12.02.2014 2:13:23 делопроизводство деловодство (деловодство – украинизм в русском)
11.02.2014 19:15:26 gen. detention motion ходатайство о взятии плод арест (подается прокурором)
11.02.2014 17:42:45 news context. by covert means при помощи спецслужб (только в контексте; пример: Blaming the Russians for leaking a conversation that was presumably obtained by covert means poses problems for the US, as documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal that the US has in the past listened into the communications of its allies, as well as enemies.)
11.02.2014 17:42:45 law.enf. by covert means негласно (т.е. в ходе негласных следственных действий)
11.02.2014 17:27:01 gen. stooge ставленник (Loskutov, however, on Friday denied that either he or the Russian government had leaked the tape. The recording appears to have been released to drive a wedge between the EU and Washington, and to discredit Ukraine's opposition as US stooges.)
11.02.2014 17:25:19 fig. drive a wedge вбивать клин между (кем-либо; Loskutov, however, on Friday denied that either he or the Russian government had leaked the tape. The recording appears to have been released to drive a wedge between the EU and Washington, and to discredit Ukraine's opposition as US stooges.)
11.02.2014 17:16:21 intell. news eavesdropping прослушивание (Speaking in Kiev, after meeting Yanukovych, Nuland refused to be drawn into the row. "I will not comment on a private diplomatic conversation," she said. But she implied she had been a victim of a sophisticated eavesdropping operation carried out by Russia's spy agencies. The embarrassing tape surfaced with Russian subtitles. "It was pretty impressive tradecraft. [The] audio quality was very good," Nuland said on Friday.)
11.02.2014 17:13:32 gen. sit it out отсидеться (To sit it out in the rear, a soldier will do anything, sell anyone out, and especially us officers, even with pleasure. • The violent clashes might have ended for now, but it is hard to see how Yanukovych can dismantle the barricades and reclaim the centre of the capital. His best option may be to sit it out until spring, when the snow in the sandbags will melt. theguardian.com)
11.02.2014 17:13:32 gen. sit it out переждать
11.02.2014 13:23:16 gen. it's all well это, конечно, хорошо (Pride is all very well, but a sausage is a sausage.)
10.02.2014 17:42:34 gen. municipality гмина (сельское или городское поселение в Польше // Сельское поселение – один или несколько объединённых общей территорией сельских населённых пунктов; городское поселение – небольшой город или посёлок городского типа || wikipedia.org)
10.02.2014 17:38:44 gen. municipality сельское или городское поселение (Сельское поселение – один или несколько объединённых общей территорией сельских населённых пунктов; городское поселение – небольшой город или посёлок городского типа wikipedia.org)
10.02.2014 17:36:31 gen. God's Acre погост (в значении "кладбище")
10.02.2014 16:50:24 gen. be back picking up emails добраться до электронной почты (I should be back picking up emails from about 8.30 pm tonight your time.)
10.02.2014 13:22:50 gen. if held in detention whilst awaiting trial в случае назначения меры пресечения в виде содержания под стражей (English wording by Winston & Strawn LLP)
7.02.2014 17:31:45 gen. ECHR Конвенция о защите прав человека и основных свобод (ныне Европейская конвенция по правам человека)
7.02.2014 17:16:13 gen. see eye to eye сходиться во взглядах (with someone on something // Ayn Rand is certainly a polarizing person of interest. I will admit, while I don't see eye to eye with her on everything, I find that she's often more right than not (which many don't like because she paints a pretty dark future))
7.02.2014 12:01:33 gen. poorly worded неграмотно составленный

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