
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

17.03.2014 16:12:27 gen. akin сродни (Mr. Obama acknowledges, at least in private, that he is managing an era of American retrenchment. History suggests that such eras – akin to what the United States went through after the two world wars and Vietnam – often look like weakness to the rest of the world.)
17.03.2014 15:01:06 law secured creditor обеспеченный кредитор (по новому закону Украины "О банкротстве"; In the event of the bankruptcy of the debtor, the secured creditor can enforce security against the assets of the debtor and avoid competing for a distribution on liquidation with the unsecured creditors)
17.03.2014 14:59:13 law have no standing in the law незаконный (The referendum that took place in Crimea is both irrelevant and deeply significant. Irrelevant because it has no standing in the law of the country to which it applies, and because it took place while the autonomous region was under military occupation. International bodies are unlikely to recognise its outcome: the UN security council voted by 13-1 to condemn it on Saturday, with only Russia voting against.)
17.03.2014 14:17:39 law competition act закон о защите конкуренции (как вариант)
14.03.2014 20:17:46 gen. public or private независимо от формы собственности (выделяется запятыми; см. тж. статьи "независимо от организационной формы" и "независимо от формы собственности и подчинения")
14.03.2014 14:54:23 law balance of competences внутренний баланс (как соотношение кол-ва сотрудников и руководителей и объёма их обязанностей)
14.03.2014 14:19:46 law negligence преступление, совершённое по небрежности (см. тж. преступление, совершенное по легкомыслию – reckless misconduct)
14.03.2014 14:19:46 law negligence преступная небрежность (см. тж .преступная самонадеянность)
13.03.2014 14:44:05 busin. not counting не считая (Western aid to Russia from 1992 to 1997 alone totaled $55 billion – not counting private charity and business investment.)
13.03.2014 14:20:27 oil outline map контурная карта (wikimedia.org)
12.03.2014 21:48:14 gen. directly or indirectly, in whole or in part так или иначе (в официальных контекстах по обстоятельствам; англ. варинат – реальный оборот из постановления Совета ЕС)
12.03.2014 12:59:20 notar. notary public нотариус (слово "public" в данном случае означает, что нотариус действует в качестве агента публичной власти – носителя публичной функции ("осуществление нотариальных функций от имени государства предопределяет публично-правовой статус нотариусов" • В случае с США (кроме штатов Луизиана, Флорида и Алабама, а также территории Пуэрто-Рико) и Канады (кроме провинций Квебек и Британская Колумбия) правильным переводом будет "публичный нотариус" – желательно со ссылкой на то, что объём полномочий notary public в этих юрисдикциях не соответствует таковому в "латинском" нотариате (см. статью ladyjane85). • Однако вариант перевода "государственный нотариус" неверен в любом случае. • Для перевода с русского: поскольку (насколько я могу судить) разделение на государственных и частных нотариусов характерно в основном только для стран бывшего СССР (за редкими исключениями – напр., Панамы), то в случаях, когда это разделение не имеет принципиального значения (напр., при переводе обычных "заверок"), лично я считаю вполне допустимым не отражать в переводе, является ли нотариус государственным или частным, а в обоих случаях писать просто Notary Public (а если известно, что перевод пойдет в США, то можно и Civil-Law Notary). Если хочется сохранить колорит или необходимо показать различие, можно перевести соответственно как "State Public Notary" и "Private-Sector Public Notary".)
11.03.2014 12:41:51 gen. day care уход за детьми (чужими) Child care or day care is the care of a child during the day by someone outside the child's immediate family. Day care is typically an ongoing service during specific periods, such as the parents' time at work.)
11.03.2014 0:12:17 gen. economist экономист (Jim O'Neill, the Goldman Sachs economist)
10.03.2014 23:54:46 school.sl. homeroom teacher классный руководитель (Еach class gets a homeroom teacher (klassny rukovoditel). This homeroom teacher schedules the homeroom period approximately once a month and uses it to make announcements and lead students in deciding various matters by voting. (Wikipedia) • Еще пояснение: А teacher that has a certain class assigned to him/her and he/she looks after that class in terms of organizing special events, collecting fees for some activities that the class might be involved in. Homeroom teacher always meets with the class at the beginning of school year to help "his" students find themselves around in terms of new classrooms, meeting new teachers, etc. I had my homeroom teacher meet with us once every three to four weeks. It's a good way of putting it...it's a social teacher. He/she makes sure that everything runs smoothly. usingenglish.com)
7.03.2014 14:59:09 gen. behind closed doors тайно
7.03.2014 14:58:43 gen. behind closed doors при закрытых дверях
7.03.2014 14:57:25 gen. secessionist сепаратистский (The speaker of the Russian Parliament said on Friday that Russia would embrace a decision by Crimea to break away from Ukraine and become part of the Russian Federation, the first public signal that the Kremlin would back a secessionist move that Western leaders and the government in Kiev have denounced as a violation of international law.)
7.03.2014 14:17:07 gen. bellicose агрессивный (The last time Mikheil Saakashvili spoke to Vladimir Putin, the Russian President gave him some advice. It was 2008, and Putin's military was mobilizing to take control in northern parts of Georgia, the small nation south of Russia where Saakashvili was then President. Saakashvili warned his counterpart in Moscow that the Western world was outraged by Putin's bellicose posture.)
7.03.2014 14:15:07 gen. grant a request удовлетворить запрос (The Associated Press and several other new organizations requested this and other videos from the Miami Beach Police Department under public records laws. Miami-Dade County Judge William Altfield granted the request early this week on the condition that some segments be redacted in order to protect the privacy of the pop star.)
6.03.2014 17:16:22 gen. third-grader третьеклассник (США // Third-graders at a school in northern California were caught smoking marijuana in a boys' bathroom recently, in what police are calling the youngest people they've ever busted for pot.)
6.03.2014 13:22:41 gen. far-right wing ультраправый (Far-right wing ultranationalist groups, some of which were involved in open clashes with security forces during the EuroMaidan protests, are not represented in the Rada.)
6.03.2014 13:18:04 gen. without insignia без опознавательных знаков (Strong evidence suggests that members of Russian security services are at the heart of the highly organized anti-Ukraine forces in Crimea. While these units wear uniforms without insignia, they drive vehicles with Russian military license plates and freely identify themselves as Russian security forces when asked by the international media and the Ukrainian military. Moreover, these individuals are armed with weapons not generally available to civilians.)
6.03.2014 12:20:59 gen. strong evidence suggests есть веские основания полагать (The Facts: Strong evidence suggests that members of Russian security services are at the heart of the highly organized anti-Ukraine forces in Crimea)
5.03.2014 19:54:37 gen. at what price какой ценой (But the development presented a tricky conundrum for President Obama and his European allies. Even if Russia does leave eastern Ukraine alone and avoids escalating its military intervention, can it effectively freeze in place its occupation of the Crimean Peninsula? Would the United States and Europe be forced to tacitly accept that or could they find a way to roll it back – and, if so, at what price?)
5.03.2014 19:38:23 gen. vie for the governorship идти в губернаторы (Davis Clinches Primary – The Democratic state senator known for her long filibuster of an anti-abortion law vies for the governorship)
5.03.2014 19:36:31 polit. filibuster чинить препятствия принятию закона
5.03.2014 12:38:35 gen. raising sow свиноматка
5.03.2014 12:18:26 context. be scheduled to собираться (в знач. "иметь в своём графике": US secretary of state John Kerry is scheduled to hold a news conference shortly in Kiev.)
5.03.2014 12:08:03 polit. overwhelmingly подавляющим большинством (голосов: Kerry: The Rada, representing the people of Ukraine, ... overwhelmingly approved the new government. • The U.S. House of Representatives took up and overwhelmingly passed the Iran Sanctions Extension Act.)
5.03.2014 12:05:14 gen. at the instruction по поручению (Kerry: I come here today at the instruction of President Obama to make it absolutely clear that the United States government would rather see this de-escalated. ...)
5.03.2014 10:05:29 gen. overstated rhetoric преувеличенные высказывания (Overstated Rhetoric Shorn of Political Context)
4.03.2014 14:59:24 corp.gov. secretary корпоративный секретарь (в принципе, "слизанный", но в то же время действующий казахстанский аналог для перевода должности в кипрских компаний. // Корпоративный секретарь – работник Банка, не являющийся членом совета директоров и (или) правления, который назначен советом директоров и подотчётен совету директоров, а также в рамках своей деятельности контролирует подготовку и проведение общего собрания акционеров и совета директоров, обеспечивает формирование материалов по вопросам повестки дня общего собрания акционеров и материалов к заседанию совета директоров, ведет контроль за обеспечением доступа к ним. Главной задачей корпоративного секретаря является обеспечение соблюдения прав и законных интересов акционеров Банка)
4.03.2014 14:32:00 gen. eat away отнимать (to reduce something by a little at a time // These bank fees eat away at my savings every month. // So far, the antiwar protests in Moscow have looked almost pathetically temperate. But sociologists have been saying for years that Putin’s core electorate is dwindling. What underpins his popularity – roughly 60% approved of his rule before this crisis started – is a total lack of viable alternatives to Putin’s rule. But this decision is sure to eat away at the passive mass of his supporters, especially in Russia’s biggest cities. | TIME.com)
4.03.2014 14:14:28 gen. jump into встревать (Even the adherents of the Communist Party, who tend to feel entitled to all of Russia's former Soviet domains, said with a broad majority – 62% – that Russia should not jump into Ukraine's internal crisis. | TIME.com)
4.03.2014 14:08:21 gen. whitewash очковтирательство (For weeks, the Kremlin's effective monopoly on television news has been sounding the alarm over Ukraine. Its revolution, they claimed, is the result of an American alliance with Nazis intended to weaken Russia. And still, nearly three-quarters of the population oppose a Russian “reaction” of any kind, let alone a Russian military occupation like they are now watching unfold in Crimea. The 2008 invasion of Georgia had much broader support, because Georgia is not Ukraine. Ukraine is a nation of Slavs with deep cultural and historical ties to Russia. Most Russians have at least some family or friends living in Ukraine, and the idea of a fratricidal war between the two largest Slavic nations in the world evokes a kind of horror that no Kremlin whitewash can calm. | TIME.com)
4.03.2014 14:05:32 gen. fratricidal war братоубийственная война (For weeks, the Kremlin's effective monopoly on television news has been sounding the alarm over Ukraine. Its revolution, they claimed, is the result of an American alliance with Nazis intended to weaken Russia. And still, nearly three-quarters of the population oppose a Russian “reaction” of any kind, let alone a Russian military occupation like they are now watching unfold in Crimea. The 2008 invasion of Georgia had much broader support, because Georgia is not Ukraine. Ukraine is a nation of Slavs with deep cultural and historical ties to Russia. Most Russians have at least some family or friends living in Ukraine, and the idea of a fratricidal war between the two largest Slavic nations in the world evokes a kind of horror that no Kremlin whitewash can calm. | TIME.com)
4.03.2014 14:00:33 news pollster центр изучения общественного мнения (напр., в примере ниже речь идёт о ВЦИОМ: At home, this intervention looks to be one of the most unpopular decisions Putin has ever made. The Kremlin's own pollster released a survey on Monday that showed 73% of Russians reject it. time.com)
4.03.2014 13:54:51 news pollster социологический центр (центр, проводящий социологические опросы: At home, this intervention looks to be one of the most unpopular decisions Putin has ever made. The Kremlin's own pollster released a survey on Monday that showed 73% of Russians reject it. • According to recent research by independent pollster Levada Center, over 50 % of Russians believe in omens and good luck signs. time.com)
4.03.2014 13:52:13 bank. rally значительно повышать курс ценной бумаги после падения (Stock markets rally as Putin ends some military exercises -)
4.03.2014 13:16:57 gen. bogus надуманный (The British ambassador, Sir Mark Lyall-Grant, called Russia's justification "bogus," while the envoy from Lithuania, Raimonda Murmokaite, told the Council it "resurrects the memory of darkest pages of the 20th century.")
4.03.2014 13:10:25 fig.of.sp. book. carpet раскинуться (напр., о городе: Sevastopol, which carpets the hills surrounding Black Sea bays and inlets... nytimes.com)
3.03.2014 16:45:48 gen. navy chief командующий ВМС (Ukrainian navy chief Denis Berezovsky swears allegiance to Crimea on Sunday, the day before failing to persuade fellow officers to defect.)
3.03.2014 15:57:31 gen. however much как бы ни (However much they are provoked, then, the new members of the Kiev government must tread carefully.)
3.03.2014 14:24:14 gen. lose the plot потерять связь с реальностью (Ukraine crisis: Vladimir Putin has lost the plot, says German chancellor // US reports said Merkel phoned Barack Obama on Sunday evening after speaking to the Russian president to press him to back down from his invasion of Ukraine and occupation of the Crimean peninsula. "She was not sure he was in touch with reality, people briefed on the call said. 'In another world,' she said," the New York Times reported.)
3.03.2014 13:23:54 inf. knock flat on butt огорошить (Used literally, the phrase means that he knocked you down so that your buttocks hit the ground. John wasn't looking where he was going when he came around that corner. He ran right into me, and knocked me flat on my ass. Used figuratively, it means that what he did so surprised or shocked or impressed or startled you, that you might be expected to have such a reaction. I had no idea that Tony could speak any language besides English, but when he started speaking to Mr. Patel in Hindi, and then turned to Mr. Wong and repeated the conversation in Cantonese, he just knocked me flat on my ass!)
3.03.2014 13:23:20 gen. knock flat on one's butt утереть нос (Some of those demonstrators came to the base on Sunday, carrying Russian flags and cheering for the Russian forces. Among them were even a few retired officers of the Ukrainian military, including Viktor Davydenko, a colonel who served at the Perevalnoye base before retiring in 1995. “The presence of these foreign troops doesn't bother me,” he told TIME at the gates of the base where he once served Ukraine. “They are doing their duty, preventing conflict and bloodshed in the Crimea.” The Americans, said Davydenko, are just finishing up sowing chaos in Syria and have now turned their attention to the south of Ukraine. “And wouldn't they just love to knock Russia flat on its butt on this land,” he said. “Sure they would. But is Russia supposed to stand back and let that happen?” | TIME.com)
2.03.2014 12:21:30 mil. full combat alert полная боевая готовность (Ukraine has put its armed forces on full alert and warned Russia that military intervention will lead to war shortly after Vladimir Putin gave the green light for an invasion as the upper house of the Russian parliament unanimously approved his request to send troops into the neighbouring state. theguardian.com)
28.02.2014 14:20:33 gen. armoured vehicles бронетехника (Russian armoured vehicles were reportedly seen outside the limits of Russia's military base in Sevastopol.)
28.02.2014 14:11:02 gen. operate flights выполнять полёты (Armed men are reported to have seized Simferopol airport early on 28 February. Although the airport is reportedly operating as usual, we do not advise British nationals to try to leave from there until the situation becomes clearer. Sevastopol (Belbek) airport is also reported to be blocked by military and flights are not operating.)
28.02.2014 14:07:41 gen. sabre-rattling демонстрация готовности применить силу (Putin ordered the urgent four-day drill of armed forces in western Russia, which borders some parts of Ukraine – though not the Crimea region, to the south – on Wednesday. Moscow is insisting the exercises are routine drills, but they have been widely interpreted as sabre-rattling by Putin. Russia also reportedly put fighter jets near the border on alert as it warned of “a tough and uncompromised response to violations of compatriots' rights”.)
28.02.2014 13:51:53 mean.3 downplay опровергать (However, the Obama administration is seeking high-level contact with Moscow over the crisis, and has been downplaying suggestions of a cold-war style confrontation with Russia.)
28.02.2014 13:48:21 gen. rеportedly как сообщается (Earlier on Thursday heavily armed men, some holding rocket-propelled grenade launchers and sniper rifles, reportedly took over the local parliament in Crimea’s regional capital, Simferopol.)
28.02.2014 13:46:13 gen. sovereignty суверенность (“We strongly support Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said. “We expect other nations to do the same. And so we are closely watching Russia's military exercises along the Ukrainian border … We urge them not to take any steps that could be misinterpreted or lead to miscalculation during a very delicate time.”)
27.02.2014 21:25:55 gen. so here it is отсюда вывод
27.02.2014 20:57:52 gen. license to practice law свидетельство о праве заниматься адвокатской деятельностью (чаще просто "license" // см. тж. call to the bar)
27.02.2014 20:57:52 gen. law license свидетельство о праве заниматься адвокатской деятельностью
27.02.2014 20:34:40 gen. be robed быть назначенным судьёй ("I firmly believe that when Judge Frank was robed, he left his political leanings at the door," said Minneapolis attorney Robert Weinstine.)
27.02.2014 19:40:47 law court of general jurisdiction суд общей юрисдикции (A court of general jurisdiction is one that has the authority to hear cases of all kinds – criminal, civil, family, probate, and so forth.)
27.02.2014 19:33:26 gen. cleanse oneself самоочиститься (The planet will be here for a long, long, long time after we're gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, 'cause that's what it does.The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we're gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, 'cause that's what it does. It's a self-correcting system.)
27.02.2014 18:44:42 gen. 20/20 единица (о зрении Normal visual acuity is commonly referred to as 20/20 vision (even though acuity in normally sighted people is generally higher), the metric equivalent of which is 6/6 vision. At 20 feet or 6 meters, a human eye with nominal performance is able to separate contours that are approximately 1.75 mm apart. A vision of 20/40 corresponds to lower than nominal performance, a vision of 20/10 to better performance. wikipedia.org)
27.02.2014 18:18:18 math. in the foreseeable future в обозримом будущем (If Russia and the western powers are to work together, they both need to make some concessions to each other's point of view. The US and the EU could acknowledge Russia's security concerns by making it clear that Ukraine will not be offered membership of Nato in the foreseeable future.)
27.02.2014 18:15:06 gen. henchmen приспешники (Both Russia and the western powers have a conspiratorial view of the other side's role in Ukraine. The Russians see the hand of western intelligence agencies behind the demonstrations in Kiev. The west tends to assume that Mr Yanukovich and his henchmen were simply the puppets of Moscow.)
27.02.2014 17:47:45 gen. human-rights ombudsman уполномоченный по правам человека (Vladimir Lukin, the man sent by President Vladimir Putin’s government, is Russia’s human-rights ombudsman and somebody with a background in liberal politics – not a Kremlin stooge.)
27.02.2014 16:39:38 gen. provisional временно исполняющий обязанности (Обращаю внимание на то, что acting – просто "исполняющий обязанности", а не "врио": Arsen Avakov, Ukraine's provisional interior minister, said the national guard and other police squads were being deployed to put down the uprising. • Тем не менее, самым надежным вариантом перевода является interim: Late on Thursday the US vice-president, Joe Biden, spoke with Ukraine's interim prime minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk.)
27.02.2014 16:38:05 временно исполняющий обязанности врио (acting – просто "и.о.", а "врио" – обычно interim)
27.02.2014 16:30:57 gen. sabre-rattling бряцание оружием (NATO defence ministers were meeting in Brussels on Thursday, with the crisis high on their agenda. Chuck Hagel, the US defence secretary, was expected to address Russia's sabre-rattling at the end of the day's meetings, and Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the alliance's secretary-general, cautioned the Kremlin against acting precipitously)
27.02.2014 16:29:34 gen. envisioned предусмотренный (“I appeal to the leadership of the Russian Federation's Black Sea Fleet: all military personnel should remain on the territory [of the base in Sevastopol] as envisioned by agreements,” Mr Turchynov said on Thursday.)
27.02.2014 16:26:39 gen. legislature законодательный орган
27.02.2014 16:24:07 gen. respond by saying в ответ заявить (“Considering that President Yanukovich has appealed to the Russian authorities to ensure his personal security, this request has been granted on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Interfax, Itar-Tass and Ria Novosti quoted an unnamed government source as saying.Arseniy Yatseniuk, scheduled to be voted in as Ukraine's next prime minister later on Thursday, responded by saying: “He is no longer president”.)
27.02.2014 16:19:55 gen. assume power принять власть (The raid in Simferopol, Crimea’s capital, raises the stakes in an east-west struggle over Ukraine as fears mount that separatists could prevail in the largely pro-Russian peninsula after a pro-western leadership assumed power in Kiev following last week’s toppling of Mr Yanukovich.)
27.02.2014 16:10:22 gen. few people are taking advantage мало кто выиграл ("There's all these plea bargains going on, and a lot of great criminal changes that few people are taking advantage of, instead of prosecuting to the maximum," Frank said in the courtroom.)
27.02.2014 14:08:29 gen. chambers судейская (Frank can also be unusually personable for a federal judge, occasionally coming down from the bench to talk and shake hands with defendants. In 2005, during a particularly tense moment in the lengthy trial of a teenager who went on a shooting spree on the Red Lake Indian Reservation, Frank called the attorneys into his chambers and had them watch an inspiring online video of an autistic boy, nicknamed "J Mac," who made a series of three-point shots in the final moments of a high school basketball game.)
27.02.2014 14:06:02 gen. leave at the door оставить за порогом (“I firmly believe that when Judge Frank was robed, he left his political leanings at the door,” said Minneapolis attorney Robert Weinstine.)
27.02.2014 14:05:25 gen. be robed получить судейскую мантию (“I firmly believe that when Judge Frank was robed, he left his political leanings at the door,” said Minneapolis attorney Robert Weinstine.)
27.02.2014 14:04:19 gen. zero tolerance policy короткий разговор (He has a “zero tolerance” policy for offenders who violate their court-ordered treatment, requiring them to appear before him within 36 hours after testing positive for drugs.)
27.02.2014 14:00:13 gen. pigeonhole повесить ярлык (While Frank was originally pigeonholed as a liberal, his rulings as a federal judge have been anything but lenient.)
27.02.2014 13:55:12 gen. with one's face hanging out с разинутым ртом (Friedberg recalls facing off against Frank in a trial involving a shootout with police at an Ely drugstore. The defendant claimed in court that his partner was the shooter and that he didn't know he had the gun. Frank waited until the final days of the trial before disclosing that the man had made a similar claim in a robbery case a decade earlier. "Needless to say, that left us with our faces hanging out," Friedberg said. "It killed our case.")
27.02.2014 13:49:34 gen. right-down-the-middle-of-the road непредвзятый (But those familiar with Frank's history of apolitical judicial restraint, and his tough-but-fair approach to dealing with criminals, suggest he may stop short of the radical revamping of the MSOP sought by some civil liberties advocates. Frank has been tougher on convicted criminals than his colleagues on the federal bench during the past five years as a federal judge, according to court data. “Anyone who thinks that [Frank] is going to go easy on someone just because of who appointed him is absolutely nuts,” said Joseph Friedberg, a Minneapolis defense lawyer. “[Frank] is a right-down-the-middle-of-the road judge who never lets his personal politics get in the way.”)
27.02.2014 13:47:04 gen. apolitical аполитичный
27.02.2014 13:41:07 law constitutionality конституционность (In the latest case, Illston sided with the FBI after Google contested the constitutionality and necessity of the letters but again put her ruling on hold until the 9th Circuit rules // Frank [the judge], who declined to discuss the case, has promised to rule on the constitutionality of the program by Feb. 16.)
27.02.2014 13:35:45 gen. determine fates решать судьбу (Voters to determine fates of incumbents. // Now, this former prosecutor – who tried and won a landmark case against a child molester – is about to determine the fates of hundreds of civilly committed rapists, pedophiles and other violent sex offenders across Minnesota, in a case being closely watched by criminal justice advocates nationwide.)
27.02.2014 13:34:47 gen. closely watch пристально наблюдать (Now, this former prosecutor – who tried and won a landmark case against a child molester – is about to determine the fates of hundreds of civilly committed rapists, pedophiles and other violent sex offenders across Minnesota, in a case being closely watched by criminal justice advocates nationwide.)
27.02.2014 13:21:25 gen. gunmen вооружённые люди (Dozens of pro-Russia gunmen have seized government buildings in Ukraine's Crimea region, which houses Russia's Black Sea fleet, and hoisted a Russian flag. They have also put up a sign saying "‘Crimea is Russia".)
27.02.2014 13:21:25 gen. gunmen боевики
27.02.2014 13:15:14 gen. entourage окружение (President Trump and his entourage have steadfastly denied that Russia interfered with America's election. • It was corruption by Yanukovych and his entourage, which sucked an estimated $8bn to $10bn from the economy.)
27.02.2014 11:36:01 hist. World War Two Вторая мировая война (The Tatars, a Turkic ethnic group, were victimised by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin in World War Two and deported en masse to Soviet Central Asia in 1944 on suspicion of collaborating with Nazi Germany. // The Guardian)
26.02.2014 19:10:07 law commercial court of appeal апелляционный хозяйственный суд
26.02.2014 18:52:48 gen. servants of Themis служитель Фемиды
26.02.2014 18:25:11 gen. Superior Panel of Justice высший совет юстиции (как вариант)
26.02.2014 18:16:14 gen. it was widely assumed многие считали
26.02.2014 18:02:50 gen. judicial executives судьи, находящиеся на административных должностях (наприер, председатели судов)
26.02.2014 17:37:00 gen. judicial candidate кандидат на должность судьи
26.02.2014 16:24:12 gen. inclusive government правительство, в котором представлены все политические силы (Ukraine must form inclusive government, says William Hague. Hague says a new Ukrainian government must command a political consensus across a divided and economically ravaged nation)
26.02.2014 14:22:21 gen. my hat's off снимаю шляпу (to someone or something)
26.02.2014 14:14:08 gen. roll past проехать мимо (A crowd of about 100 people gathered outside the local administration in Sevastopol cheered when a Russian armoured personnel carrier rolled past – an apparently routine occurrence in the port city where Russia's Black Sea fleet is stationed.)
26.02.2014 14:14:08 gen. go past проехать мимо (А также вариации: roll past (A crowd of about 100 people gathered outside the local administration in Sevastopol cheered when a Russian armoured personnel carrier rolled past.), cruise past (The same vehicle has cruised past her building six times in the past week.) и т.п.)
26.02.2014 14:01:22 gen. armoured personnel carrier БТР (A Russian army officer waves on an armoured personnel carrier on Tuesday in the Ukrainian Black Sea port of Sevastopol.)
26.02.2014 3:14:37 gen. follow-up повторный (о приёме у врача)
26.02.2014 3:09:39 gen. Disability Determination Services медико-социальная экспертная комиссия (орган, устанавливающий факт инвалидности)

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