
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

7.02.2023 19:50:59 gen. capacity мощности (Russia owned 40% of the total uranium conversion infrastructure in the world in 2020, and 46% of the total uranium enrichment capacity in the world in 2018, according to the report.)
7.02.2023 13:08:15 gen. restful and fulfilling sleep полноценный сон
7.02.2023 10:25:24 mil. ad hoc внеплановый
6.02.2023 17:59:14 expl. landmine наземная мина
6.02.2023 12:38:10 psychol. behavior change communication коммуникация, направленная на изменение поведения (рабочий вариант перевода)
6.02.2023 12:37:46 psychol. social and behavior change communication коммуникация, направленная на социальные изменения и изменение поведения (рабочий вариант перевода)
5.02.2023 21:20:22 context. one wants to стоит
3.02.2023 0:30:17 context. in a timely fashion оперативно (...linking community’s unmet needs with mine action interventions in a more timely fashion)
2.02.2023 23:43:10 context. legality правовые основы (какой-либо деятельности: humanitarian mine action legality)
2.02.2023 23:35:35 mil. stockpile destruction уничтожение запасов (какого-либо вида вооружения)
2.02.2023 17:00:22 expl. manual clearance разминирование ручным способом
2.02.2023 16:59:21 expl. manual land clearance разминирование территорий ручным способом
1.02.2023 15:37:11 house. power station зарядная станция (большой павербанк с инвертором)
1.02.2023 11:12:04 context. be content не иметь претензий
30.01.2023 18:33:39 station. squared exercise book тетрадь в клетку
30.01.2023 18:33:39 station. quad-ruled exercise book тетрадь в клетку
27.01.2023 18:59:04 gen. interpersonal training прямое обучение (в отличие от подготовки тренеров/инструктлоров (training of trainers))
27.01.2023 18:58:34 gen. well-used часто используемый
27.01.2023 18:04:12 gen. reckless пренебрегающий правилами
27.01.2023 17:50:26 gen. commercial company коммерческая организация
27.01.2023 17:00:28 publ.util. context. basic services системы жизнеобеспечения (имеются в виду водо-, тепло- и электроснабжение, канализация и т.д.)
27.01.2023 11:05:22 gen. baseline assessment предварительная оценка
23.01.2023 16:23:51 gen. purchase request form бланк заявки на приобретение
23.01.2023 14:33:37 gen. refresher training подготовка для поддержания квалификации
21.01.2023 14:23:41 groc. brit. caster sugar сахар экстрамелкого помола
21.01.2023 14:23:41 groc. brit. castor sugar сахар экстрамелкого помола
17.01.2023 8:34:48 ammo mil., artil. obturation band обтюрирующее кольцо
17.01.2023 1:17:24 ammo tilt rod штыревой датчик цели (противотанковой мины)
15.01.2023 16:58:41 context. stand together быть солидарным (с кем-либо)
15.01.2023 16:58:41 context. stand together выражать свою поддержку (кому-либо: We stand together with the families of the victims.)
13.01.2023 12:52:21 context. evaluation опрос
11.01.2023 12:01:10 context. out of town на природу (And so it was decided that the hardworking folk of FC would go out of town to picnic.)
10.01.2023 15:04:28 gen. post-survey выходной опрос
10.01.2023 15:04:19 gen. pre-survey входной опрос
10.01.2023 12:18:24 relig. United Methodist Committee on Relief Комитет Объединённой методистской церкви по гуманитарной помощи (перевод мой)
9.01.2023 18:47:52 gen. validated by проверил
5.01.2023 19:53:14 gen. until the early hours до рассвета (We talked until the early hours and consequently I overslept.)
5.01.2023 19:39:04 gen. have a sleep-in поспать подольше (I didn’t have anything to do Saturday morning, so I decided to have a sleep-in. )
28.12.2022 19:33:30 mil. amphibious operation операция по высадке морского десанта
20.11.2022 9:59:42 mean.2 would-be несостоявшийся (unfulfilled; frustrated in realizing a goal, ambition, etc.: Would-be film stars often become waitresses.)
15.11.2022 13:06:02 gen. trickery жульничество (Detect whether images on Craigslist posts have been used elsewhere on the internet. Avoid fraud, scams and other trickery. • They teach children to be wary of smooth talkers and other trickery.)
15.11.2022 12:56:21 context. trickery ухищрения (A medical fraud in which a practitioner creates the illusion of performing surgery with his/her bare hands, using fake blood and other trickery. • Yes, you can use JavaScript libraries and other trickery, but, being the purest that I am, I’ve dove into the subject, checked out current solutions, learned the math behind it all, and built a CSS elastic ease generator that outputs a pure, clean, and accurate CSS animation code.)
30.10.2022 0:30:49 traf. austral. silent policeman лежачий полицейский
21.10.2022 0:00:41 inf. grocery-getter поповозка (of a vehicle for regular everyday use)
16.10.2022 11:36:44 idiom. context. short end of the stick кукиш с маслом (“[W]orking people are sick and tired of the bosses getting million-dollar bonuses and the workers getting the short end of the stick.”)
13.10.2022 16:20:23 typogr. book quotes фигурные кавычки
13.10.2022 16:20:23 typogr. curly quotes фигурные кавычки
12.10.2022 16:21:09 gen. occupation authorities оккупационная власть (There are continuing abuses against foreigners and the local population by the occupation authorities in Crimea, particularly against those who are seen as challenging their authority on the peninsula.)
11.10.2022 18:11:44 gen. torture room пыточная (Ukrainian boy held hostage by Russia tells of cleaning up torture rooms theguardian.com)
9.10.2022 21:36:46 gen. representative дающий представление (о чём-либо – такой перевод треубет введения дополнения)
6.10.2022 19:05:33 avunc. knucklehead балда
6.10.2022 19:05:33 avunc. knucklehead балбес
5.09.2022 22:04:41 gen. for humor в шутку (The page does use the term “hack” for humor (eg. “name your file first.hack”).)
5.09.2022 22:04:41 gen. for humor шутя (The page does use the term “hack” for humor (eg. “name your file first.hack”).)
3.09.2022 18:52:59 inf. context. big time по гроб (с owe: He owes her big time for all she has done for him • Listen, I owe you. Big time!)
23.08.2022 11:57:45 inf. concern вопросы (cause concern for the accuracy of the data)
23.08.2022 11:57:45 inf. cause concern вызывать вопросы (к, по поводу и т. п.: cause concern for the accuracy of the data)
22.08.2022 19:01:10 excl. Long live Ukraine! Слава Украине!
19.08.2022 15:17:59 idiom. news clean house провести кадровые перестановки (U.S. and other officials said they have seen no evidence that Putin has cleaned house at the top of Russia’s spy agencies or held senior officials to account for costly misjudgments. washingtonpost.com)
15.08.2022 17:38:55 gen. reverse phone lookup кто звонил? (частое название страниц, где можно проверить телефонный номер на предмет мошенничества и т. п.)
14.08.2022 15:52:19 gen. go viral получить вирусную популярность (The New York Times объявила о покупке онлайн-игры Wordle, получившей вирусную популярность в соцсетях. forbes.ru)
14.08.2022 15:49:50 gen. go viral приобрести вирусную популярность (Газета The New York Times объявила о покупке онлайн-игры Wordle, которая приобрела вирусную популярность в соцсетях, за “семизначную” сумму. epravda.com.ua)
13.08.2022 16:30:02 med.appl. news be on a ventilator находиться на ИВЛ (искусственной вентиляции лёгких: Sir Salman Rushdie remains on a ventilator after being attacked on stage at an event in western New York state on Friday morning. theguardian.com)
13.08.2022 16:28:52 gen. take someone hostage взять в заложники (In March, Russian forces seized it [the nuclear plant], as part of Vladimir Putin’s blitzkrieg operation to capture the whole of Ukraine. They rolled into the nearby city of Enerhodar and took the station’s local staff hostage. theguardian.com)
13.08.2022 16:21:48 mil. context. ensconce устроить себе базу (The distance between them is seven kilometres. Or, measured in rocket terms, about 15 seconds: the time it takes for a Grad missile fired by Russian soldiers ensconced in the atomic station to slam into Nikopol’s chestnut tree-lined boulevards. theguardian.com)
11.08.2022 22:10:47 gen. away from keyboard не у компьютера
11.08.2022 22:10:47 gen. away from keyboard не за компьютером
9.08.2022 11:17:36 gen. feel like казаться (I followed him for what felt like forever.)
5.08.2022 16:21:24 idiom. laugh all the way to the bank посмеиваться и считать денежки (People thought his invention was ridiculous, but now he's laughing all the way to the bank.)
3.08.2022 22:38:37 fig. half-baked сырой (о чём-либо, не доведённом до ума: Apple’s new Home app in iOS 16 is better but still half-baked)
13.07.2022 12:39:58 context. background национальность (в знач. "происхождение": South Australians of all freedom-loving backgrounds – including Russians – stand with Ukraine.)
8.07.2022 18:42:36 gen. especially тем более (Mike's never been one to go back on his word, especially when given to a friend.)
8.07.2022 11:38:46 inf. a load of полный (о чуши т. п.: a load of bullshit • a load of total hooey • a load of baloney)
8.07.2022 11:31:23 gen. for а то (в знач. "потому что")
7.07.2022 11:16:08 slang fix забацать (Oh, Emma dear, can you fix us some coffee? • Can you fix us some supper?)
6.07.2022 22:15:28 mil. turn over to someone's command передать в подчинение (Subject, a Navy E4, was apprehended and turned over to his command pending disciplinary action. • Rommel sent a message to Kesselring on February 18 asking that Arnim's battlegroup be turned over to his command.)
6.07.2022 22:15:28 mil. turn over to someone's command передать в распоряжение (Subject, a Navy E4, was apprehended and turned over to his command pending disciplinary action. • Rommel sent a message to Kesselring on February 18 asking that Arnim's battlegroup be turned over to his command.)
6.07.2022 17:05:10 inf. context. the whole nine yards всё, как полагается (My goals include a degree, career, marriage, children – the whole nine yards.)
6.07.2022 12:49:53 gen. well into вглубь (Flying at night, well into Russian territory, to launch an attack on an enemy fuel depot would have required extraordinary bravery — as well as finely-honed flying skills. thestatesman.com)
6.07.2022 11:42:01 gen. something that one has intended намерения (Somehow I offended him, which wasn't what I'd intended. – ...хотя это не входило в мои намерения.)
4.07.2022 20:30:03 gen. be mid-way through наполовину закончить (I was mid way through restoring my iPod touch 3rd Gen when the screen went white and has stayed like this I am unable to do anything.)
4.07.2022 20:22:39 gen. who wears a moustache с усами
1.07.2022 20:50:45 context. humor. Mr. Handsome красавец-мужчина
1.07.2022 19:16:12 mil. demarcation line линия разграничения (Russian-backed mercenaries deploy more tanks to demarcation line in eastern Ukraine defence-blog.com)
30.06.2022 16:53:17 gen. keep someone on hold продержать на линии (They kept me on hold for an hour and a half.)
30.06.2022 11:14:27 inf. oh well ну такое
30.06.2022 10:55:52 inf. context. like a normal human being по-человечески
30.06.2022 10:38:46 inf. like normal people по-человечески (Maybe they're just happy someone's treating them like normal people.)
30.06.2022 10:20:40 mil. intelligence update сводка (разведывательной информации)
29.06.2022 20:22:48 inf. hey there! здоро́во!
29.06.2022 13:16:01 gen. give someone a kiss on both cheeks расцеловать (Vicente clasped Sharpe and then, to the rifleman's embarrassment, gave his friend a kiss on both cheeks.)
29.06.2022 13:10:59 mil. inf. night-vision sight тепловизор (тепловизионный прицел)
29.06.2022 13:06:18 mil. inf. night-vision goggles тепловизор (прибор ночного видения)
19.06.2022 11:39:25 sport. news repeat champion завоевавший титул чемпиона два и более раза подряд (переводится описательно: MLB has not had a repeat champion since the 1998-2000 Yankees. – С тех пор, как "Нью-Йорк Янкис" выигрывали турнир [трижды] с 1998 по 2000 год, ни одной команде лиги не удавалось удержать титул чемпиона более одного года подряд. • But with San Francisco out of October this time around, this much is certain: Major League Baseball will remain sans a repeat champion since the New York Yankees won three straight from 1998 to 2000. bleacherreport.com)
10.06.2022 19:01:10 context. dye job окраска волос
10.06.2022 18:12:06 jarg. you smell what I'm cooking? сечёшь?
10.06.2022 16:55:18 gen. stand by for ... to end дождитесь окончания
10.06.2022 15:46:03 gen. newest novelty последняя новинка (movie industry's newest novelties)
9.06.2022 10:55:20 fig.of.sp. love language способ выражения любви (My mother-in-law's love language is food.)
9.06.2022 2:04:17 context. as it were простите за каламбур (She gave all of the women seated at the restaurant food for thought, as it were.)

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