
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

12.03.2015 12:16:36 law, court enforce обратить к исполнению (решение суда)
12.03.2015 12:16:06 gen. act upon привести в исполнение (In a speech before MPs, Nikos Paraskevopoulos, the justice minister, went so far as to say that Greek authorities might seize local German properties in a bid to compensate Nazi victims. "I believe the order should be given," said the minister, adding that Greece's supreme court had ruled in favour of state authorities seizing assets to compensate survivors 15 years ago. The court decision was never acted upon.)
12.03.2015 11:34:15 gen. community center общественный центр (открытие новой библиотеки "Наследие" в Зюзино, ставшей локальным общественным центром)
12.03.2015 1:50:34 gen. guard of honour почётный караул (напр., Lieutenant General J. Northcott CB MVO, Commander In Chief, British Commonwealth Occupation Force, inspects the guard of honour at HQ 9th New Zealand Infantry Brigade)
11.03.2015 21:27:08 law overturn a decision отменить решение суда (or judgment) как нижестоящей инстанции, так и собственное // Spain’s supreme court has dismissed a paternity suit against former king Juan Carlos, overturning its previous decision to hear a legal challenge lodged by a Belgian woman who claims to be his daughter.)
11.03.2015 20:54:30 gen. dismiss a suit отказать в удовлетворении иска (Spanish court dismisses paternity suit against former king Juan Carlos)
11.03.2015 17:55:07 gen. highly traveled с интенсивным движением (Residential streets, for their part, would not be so highly traveled that the residents would have an incentive to charge tolls. // Вариант предложен пользователем 00002)
11.03.2015 13:07:02 slang tossy каскадёр (UrbanDictionary // An underground filmmaking term for "stuntman". // We had to bring in a tossy to do that fight scene.)
10.03.2015 16:01:05 mil. at attention по стойке смирно (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/At_attention)
10.03.2015 15:57:29 gen. from time immemorial с незапамятных времён (Soldiers from time immemorial up until the late 19th century fought in formation)
9.03.2015 15:15:11 comp.sl. crash выбивать (My phone crashes my wi-fi connection – Проблема с выбиванием WIFI на роутере во время подключения телефона)
9.03.2015 14:28:46 inf. outburst тирада (особенно гневная // Sorry for this outburst, but I am really extremely pissed off by now. – Прошу прощения за такую тираду, просто накипело (английская фраза взята с американского форума))
9.03.2015 14:26:26 inf. sorry, I just had to rant about that извините, накипело
9.03.2015 14:26:26 inf. sorry for the outburst извините, накипело (Sorry for the outburst, but I'm really extremely pissed off by now.)
4.03.2015 14:56:33 в корне на корню
4.03.2015 13:07:21 gen. red zone районы, прилегающие к линии фронта
4.03.2015 1:05:01 gen. Saoirse Сирша (ирландское женское имя)
3.03.2015 18:22:54 gen. scaleman весовщик (one who repairs scales, or one whose work is weighing goods or ingredients sometimes with automatic scales)
2.03.2015 17:15:16 gen. take away лишать возможности (Crutches also take away the use of the patients hands.)
2.03.2015 15:50:51 gen. creed символ веры
2.03.2015 11:31:45 gen. certain windowless room домик неизвестного архитектора (With my cell phone glued to my hand, I am always "available" but not always "reachable" (particularly when I'm in a certain windowless room!))
2.03.2015 11:18:47 med. subside сходить
28.02.2015 14:45:11 gen. killing floor бойня (тж иносказательно)
27.02.2015 19:50:25 gen. no much longer! уже все! (напр., когда успокаивашь ребенка)
18.02.2015 1:38:43 gen. provide feedback высказывать замечания и пожелания (напр., по поводу проделанной работы)
13.02.2015 16:44:50 busin. compliance departments внутренняя инспекция
12.02.2015 23:48:37 gen. riveted с заклёпками (original riveted Levis jeans)
8.02.2015 12:27:55 gen. politburo Политбюро
8.02.2015 12:22:25 gen. ill-fated злосчастный (Russia's ill-fated Afghan adventure)
6.02.2015 1:51:13 gen. constituency представленные страны (напр., в международной общественной организации)
3.02.2015 22:19:00 gen. witness interview допрос свидетеля (AFP)
3.02.2015 22:17:30 law record of witness interview протокол допроса свидетеля (Не путать с "witness statement" и "transcript of the interview" – самими показаниями и их стенограммой соответственно)
3.02.2015 22:14:41 police photoboard фототаблица (набор фотографий разных людей, среди которых потерпевший или свидетель должен опознать подозреваемого)
26.01.2015 9:16:22 gen. flow temperature температура растекания угля
23.01.2015 13:08:59 scient. religious studies религиоведение (англ. термин встречается в публикациях Yale University и Harvard University, США; религиоведение изучает религию, включая все её формы, прежде всего как феномен культуры в контексте мировой истории развития мысли. Религиоведение существует как междисциплинарная отрасль науки со своей структурой – социологическим и политологическим, культурологическим и этногеографическим, историческим, феноменологическим и философским контекстами. Задача религиоведа, – наблюдать и исследовать явления и процессы в религиозной сфере жизни общества – по сути, как религии влияют на мир, а мир на религии)
14.01.2015 0:52:13 gen. Commercial Law – Private хозяйственное право
14.01.2015 0:51:53 gen. Commercial Law – Public коммерческое право
14.01.2015 0:41:57 ed. industrial economics and management Экономика и менеджмент промышленного производства
13.01.2015 21:55:02 inf. braindead безмозглый (Alright, I'll tell you what, genius, I'll tell you fucking what. Tell it to the judge. Tell him I only sent you to kill one guy... so it ain't your fault. I wonder what he'll say? Maybe he'll let you walk – on account you being braindead and totally fucking mentally retarded.)
13.01.2015 9:10:27 gen. warn off отпугнуть
12.01.2015 2:54:36 gen. what's your problem? Проблемы?
12.01.2015 2:36:18 fig. inf. pin повесить (преступление на кого-либо: A: What's in it for me? B: Two things. One, you don't get a hundred murders pinned on you. Two, maybe I will help you.)
12.01.2015 2:27:38 gen. real deal мужик что надо (Man, you the real deal. I owe you.)
12.01.2015 2:15:57 inf. same old всё по-старому (How's it going? – Same old, you know, getting by.)
12.01.2015 2:13:42 inf. finish прикончить (These Russian fucking bastards are trying to finish us! Niko He tried to convince me to let him go. Said he's get out of town. I finished him anyway.)
12.01.2015 2:08:55 jarg. take out завалить (=убить: "Along came the Kliner kid and four of his pals. ... I took them out," I said. "You took them out?" he said. "You took the Kliner kid out?")
12.01.2015 2:05:45 mil., lingo take out снять (особ. из снайперской винтовки: There was some shooting when we took out the lookouts. • If you're carrying a sniper rifle, take out the snipers on the towers first.)
12.01.2015 2:03:17 slang lowdown информация (If you can take out the main cats then the rest of them shouldn't be a problem. When you in there, I'll give you the lowdown on where these main cats is at.)
12.01.2015 2:01:01 slang heat пушки (I left some heat for you in that car, money. You going to be strapped – sniper rifles, grenades, all that shit.)
12.01.2015 1:52:14 slang bump into пересечься (Hey, man! I'm just down in Florida, but I'm back soon. Hopefully bump into you.)
12.01.2015 1:43:44 slang come down on задать жару (someone); It's a real mobbed up area and they'll come down on you damn heavy.)
12.01.2015 1:41:52 slang pay heavily отстёгивать (денег // Now listen, Nicky... I need you. And I will pay heavily for this.)
12.01.2015 1:30:05 slang lockup бокс (гараж // The van is driving around South Broker. Pull it over, take it to our lockup on Dukes Drive.)
12.01.2015 1:24:26 inf. only вот только (I need you to whack some people, only they're in hiding.)
12.01.2015 1:12:48 slang I get that понял (Sure, sure, I get that.)
12.01.2015 1:09:07 slang put oneself in harm's way подставляться
12.01.2015 0:59:19 inf. hang in there! держись!
12.01.2015 0:53:56 fig. to complete the set в довершение
12.01.2015 0:49:24 slang cut in делиться (в значении "отдавать долю" // This guy has been making porno in his basement and he didn't cut the boss in.)
12.01.2015 0:39:14 inf. cower in fear дрожать от страха (Fifteen minutes ago you were cowering in fear because you didn't know what was going to happen.)
12.01.2015 0:37:08 gen. what's wrong with you? да что с тобой? (What's wrong with you? Fifteen minutes ago you were cowering in fear because you didn't know what was going to happen. Now, you know everything is shit and we are going to be killed, and you're all cheerful. I don't get it!)
12.01.2015 0:36:45 gen. be perfectly frank если откровенно (Well, I'm shit, to be perfectly frank, buddy. Fuckin' shit.)
12.01.2015 0:32:46 gen. get out of my sight вон с глаз моих (What are you still doing here? I said get out of my sight!)
12.01.2015 0:30:31 gen. get out of my face вон с глаз моих (Niko: Can I go now? / Vlad: Sure, get out of my face.)
12.01.2015 0:27:00 gen. city funds городской бюджет (I hope the cash for this didn't come out of city funds.)
12.01.2015 0:23:31 gen. throw oneself бросаться (If women weren't throwing themselves at me, life would be easier.)
12.01.2015 0:19:12 slang horse героин (If Derrick was alive he'd need a shit load of horse to deal with the stress of this situation.)
11.01.2015 21:18:52 gen. you brought this on yourself сам виноват (You brought this on yourself. You pushed things too far.)
26.12.2014 16:44:53 gen. slow down говори помедленнее
26.12.2014 16:42:56 gen. punched pocket файл (тонкий прозрачный пакет для бумаги, имеющий отверстия для подшивания в папку-скоросшиватель)
26.12.2014 16:42:56 gen. punched pocket мультифора (тонкий прозрачный пакет для бумаги, имеющий отверстия для подшивания в папку-скоросшиватель)
26.12.2014 16:41:39 gen. in rough terms приблизительно (приблизительно объяснить)
26.12.2014 15:27:40 gen. tactical knife тактический нож (In popular usage the terms "fighting knife" and "tactical knife" are frequently employed interchangeably, despite the fact that a tactical knife is principally designed to be used as a utility tool, not as a weapon.)
25.12.2014 18:04:31 radio how do you receive me? как слышите меня? (в гражданской радиосвязи)
25.12.2014 12:36:41 tel. I'm losing you ты пропадаешь (во время телефонного разговора; также you are breaking up / you're cutting up: It was a broken phone connection. "Kenny? I'm losing you," Gracie said. • "Please speak louder. I'm losing you," Pastor Bill shouted.)
22.12.2014 23:16:28 gen. with god on our side с нами бог
22.12.2014 12:43:02 chem. as is неподготовленный (об образце для исследования / анализа)
22.12.2014 0:02:20 law public good общественное благо (Mozilla puts the public good and user privacy before profit.)
20.12.2014 19:47:43 gen. push in лезть без очереди
19.12.2014 3:35:58 life.sc. Drug Master File Методы контроля качества (МКК) – нормативный документ на лекарственный препарат (является частью регистрационного досье); The European Drug Master File (DMF) procedure may be used when the active substance manufacturer (ASM) is not the applicant for a product marketing authorisation (applicant), with a view to protecting valuable know-how on the manufacture of the active substance. A DMF is a document containing the information required to demonstrate that the quality of the active substance is adequately controlled by the specification proposed by the applicant.)
18.12.2014 22:37:37 pharma. human drug см. medicinal product for human use
18.12.2014 22:37:37 pharma. human drug см. human medicinal product
18.12.2014 22:34:31 med. medicinal product for human use лекарственное средство для медицинского применения (в непрофессиональных переводах ввстречается вариант "для применения человеком", однако единственно верный термин – "для медицинского применения")
18.12.2014 22:12:16 gen. print name имя, фамилия разборчиво
18.12.2014 7:30:42 amer. gothic type то же, что и sans serif (гротесковый, он же рубленый, шрифт, он же шрифт без засечек // напр., Century Gothic)
16.12.2014 0:21:46 gen. current due amount очередной платёж
14.12.2014 21:04:19 gen. workout gear спортивный костюм (Kim Kardashian puts her famous assets on display in skintight workout gear as she hits the gym in LA)
14.12.2014 20:06:25 gen. assets прелести (A person's body, as in boobs, butt, hips, etc. // Kim Kardashian puts her famous assets on display in skintight workout gear as she hits the gym in LA)
14.12.2014 19:53:12 gen. wish away надеяться на то, что все разрешится само собой (As Russian forces now mass on the Ukrainian border, the debate has now shifted from how to work with Mr. Putin to how to counter him. "He's declared himself," said Tom Donilon, President Obama's former national security adviser. "That's who you have to deal with. Trying to wish it away is not a policy.")
14.12.2014 14:02:51 corp.gov. law, com.law non-executive director наблюдательный член совета директоров (мой вариант перевода)
10.12.2014 0:29:47 gen. a world away бесконечно далеко
8.12.2014 1:46:00 law certificate of admission свидетельство о праве заниматься адвокатской деятельностью (to bar)
8.12.2014 1:43:31 law certificate in legal practice and advocacy свидетельство о прохождении адвокатской подготовки (Certificate in Advocacy is available for students who have a serious interest in the art, science, and law of advocacy. The Certificate is an acknowledgment by the Faculty that the student has successfully completed a focused course of study in advocacy.)
7.12.2014 23:53:19 offic. drafted by исполнитель (письма, документа, т.е. человек, физически набравший документ для подписания начальником)
7.12.2014 23:41:53 gen. suitably qualified соответствующей квалификации (In any case where the prosecutor considers it necessary for the witness to have the assistance of an interpreter or intermediary, (whether or not the original statement was taken in such manner), the prosecutor shall arrange for the attendance of a suitably qualified person to attend the pre-trial interview.)
7.12.2014 23:39:13 law confer посоветоваться (в знач. "посовещаться": If, as a result of something said in interview, the officer and prosecutor need to confer about an evidential point, the interview should be suspended and the discussion take place in the absence of the witness.)
7.12.2014 22:43:40 gen. end where they started закончить тем, с чего начинали (Conclusion: This report ends where it started.)
7.12.2014 21:27:02 gen. get booked быть приглашённым (They got on well together and after continuing the contact via social media it didn't take long before they got booked to play at a party.)
7.12.2014 21:21:46 gen. it didn't take long before вскоре (точнее, "вскоре уже", "уже вскоре") // They got on well together and after continuing the contact via social media it didn't take long before they got booked to play at a party.)
7.12.2014 21:15:42 gen. the other half вторая половина (He robs a British Army captain, and then dashes home to his other half with Captain Farrell's money.)

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