
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

20.04.2015 1:23:41 mil. transporter-erector-launcher-radar самоходная огневая установка (в ЗРК)
20.04.2015 1:21:48 mil. radar vehicle станция обнаружения и целеуказания
20.04.2015 1:21:17 mil. target acquisition radar станция обнаружения и целеуказания (СОЦ / TAR)
20.04.2015 0:58:51 inf. all you can steal что украл, то и твоё
20.04.2015 0:57:13 mil., lingo all-you-can-steal uniform форма номер восемь (сам придумал, потому как, к сожалению, английского варианта не нашел)
20.04.2015 0:53:00 auto. bоw дуга (элемент тентованного кузова // This truck has an all-steel cargo body with an optional canvas cover over bows.)
20.04.2015 0:51:35 gen. canvas брезент (Mack NM cargo body had troop seats, a canvas cover, and a spare tire on the front right side. • The GAZ-66 basic cargo/utility model has an all-steel cargo body with an optional canvas cover over bows.)
20.04.2015 0:21:26 mil. TELAR самоходная огневая установка (transporter-erector-launcher and radar / транспортно-подъёмно-пусковая установка с РЛС)
20.04.2015 0:21:26 mil. transporter-erector-launcher and radar самоходная огневая установка
20.04.2015 0:18:50 mil. TEL пуско-заряжающая установка (transporter-erector-launcher)
20.04.2015 0:18:50 mil. transporter-erector-launcher пуско-заряжающая установка
17.04.2015 15:26:35 gen. fight устраивать бои (животных // The soldiers even play football in their chemical suits in the middle of dry heat, fight captured scorpions while placing bets and pick on each other by telling each other their girlfriend's are cheaters.)
17.04.2015 15:24:44 gen. rice paddy рисовая плантация (No longer are soldiers caught in the jungles of Vietnam, entrapped by gunfire and mortars, emblazoned by enemy's shelling the dense foliage or sneaking out of rice paddies.)
17.04.2015 15:07:04 mil., lingo dismount пеший (Two BMPs and 20 enemy dismounts in the open, out.)
17.04.2015 15:07:04 mil., lingo dismounted не на броне (Ahead of us was an element of Bravo Company that had gone in dismounted.)
17.04.2015 15:07:04 mil., lingo dismount сидящий не на броне (Two BMPs and 20 enemy dismounts in the open, out.)
17.04.2015 15:00:20 mil., lingo drop ближе (при корректировке стрельбы wikipedia.org)
17.04.2015 15:00:03 mil., artil. add дальше (при корректировке стрельбы wikipedia.org)
17.04.2015 14:01:10 inf. in the long run в перспективе
17.04.2015 13:50:18 inf. give an update скорректировать
17.04.2015 12:10:26 fig. around the corner за поворотом
17.04.2015 12:10:14 inf. round the corner за поворотом (of the road)
16.04.2015 17:43:16 amer. Hollywood or bust пан или пропал (staking total success or failure on one high-risk event)
16.04.2015 16:53:56 slang vulg. have someone's balls in a vice-grip зажать яйца в тиски (кому-либо: His wife had his balls in a vice grip and only allowed him to keep the LLTs long enough to take a few pictures.)
16.04.2015 15:46:14 mil. embus погрузиться (в автобус или армейский грузовик)
16.04.2015 14:42:54 inf. brit. not a blind bit of difference ни жарко ни холодно (But it ain't gonna make a blind bit of difference to me. – Вот только мне от этого ни жарко ни холодно.)
16.04.2015 14:36:34 inf. brit. not a blind bit of абсолютно не (But it ain't gonna make a blind bit of difference to me. • He didn't take a blind bit of notice of what I said.)
16.04.2015 14:32:56 gen. blind bit никоим образом (But it ain't gonna make a blind bit of difference to me. – Вот только мне это никаким местом не поможет.)
16.04.2015 11:59:46 gen. broke разбитый (I'm broke as a wet cigarette.)
16.04.2015 11:31:09 gen. cracked it! эврика! (Cracked it! Scientists solve puzzle of why knuckles pop when pulled)
15.04.2015 16:55:51 mil. utility truck хозяйственная машина
14.04.2015 10:29:23 gen. that's what you get when you take on a job like this Работа такая!
14.04.2015 0:26:16 law Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Конвенция о защите прав человека и основных свобод
14.04.2015 0:25:36 busin. further to в ответ на (ваше письмо)
14.04.2015 0:08:55 pharm. certificate of a pharmaceutical product паспорт лекарственного средства (ОСТ "Паспорт лекарственного средства. Общие требования)
14.04.2015 0:02:46 gen. EEA Agreement соглашение о создании Европейской экономической зоны
13.04.2015 23:59:23 gen. layman неспециалист (самый адекватный вариант перевода)
13.04.2015 23:57:58 inf. be in the driver's seat командовать парадом
13.04.2015 23:51:31 busin. subordinated claim субординированная претензия (удовлетворение которой производится только после полной выплаты долгов, относящихся к более ранним очередям)
13.04.2015 23:48:30 law examining magistrate следственный судья
13.04.2015 22:15:43 gen. be responsible fulfilling his duties ответственно относиться к выполнению своих обязанностей (из справки, выданной US Department of Veteran Affairs)
11.04.2015 23:44:14 gen. doesn't look anything like и близко не похож
11.04.2015 23:40:17 gen. make negative statements отрицательно отзываться (Some of the buildings have been destroyed by Isis as reprisal attacks for not having paid protection money, siding with Baghdad or making negative statements about Isis.)
11.04.2015 23:39:11 gen. as a reprisal for в отместку за (The attack was allegedly meant to serve as a reprisal for American participation in Operation Restore Hope in Somalia. • Some of the buildings have been destroyed by Isis as reprisal attacks for not having paid protection money, siding with Baghdad or making negative statements about Isis.)
11.04.2015 23:33:38 uncom. across from по другой берег от (частный случай значения "по другую сторону от": People have started going back to districts on the east side of the river across from Tikrit.)
11.04.2015 23:33:38 gen. across from по другую сторону от (People have started going back to districts on the east side of the river across from Tikrit.)
11.04.2015 23:33:12 gen. across the river from по другой берег от (just across the river from Cincinnati)
11.04.2015 23:31:36 gen. internal refugees вынужденные переселенцы (Nearly two million Iraqis fled their homes last year and are living as internal refugees in other parts of the country, and the government is keen to help them return home where possible.)
11.04.2015 23:31:36 gen. internal refugees внутренние беженцы
11.04.2015 23:28:49 gen. outlying districts пригороды (As the battle for the centre of Tikrit rages, some families have started returning to outlying districts under the protection of a government security escort.)
11.04.2015 23:23:55 gen. something remains under investigation продолжается следствие (The crash remains under investigation by the Iowa State Patrol.)
11.04.2015 23:20:34 gen. northbound в северном направлении (The pickup was hit by a northbound semi-trailer truck driven by Jack R. Youde, 56, of Sutherland, sending both vehicles into the north ditch and leaving the semi blocking both northbound lanes.)
11.04.2015 23:20:06 gen. be northbound двигаться в северном направлении (The pickup was hit by a northbound semi-trailer truck driven by Jack R. Youde, 56, of Sutherland, sending both vehicles into the north ditch and leaving the semi blocking both northbound lanes.)
11.04.2015 23:19:15 gen. enter the intersection выехать на перекрёсток (A crash report from the Iowa State Patrol says a pickup driven by 19-year-old Quentin Ary, of Vinton, was traveling west on 55th Street around 4:10 p.m. when it entered the intersection with Highway 150.)
11.04.2015 23:15:30 gen. twisted покореженный (For almost all of them, it was the first chance to see the twisted and charred wreckage that lay for months in the battlefields of eastern Ukraine after the plane plunged to the ground on 17 July, most likely after being hit by a missile.)
11.04.2015 23:14:47 gen. charred обугленный (For almost all of them, it was the first chance to see the twisted and charred wreckage that lay for months in the battlefields of eastern Ukraine after the plane plunged to the ground on 17 July, most likely after being hit by a missile.)
11.04.2015 23:09:02 gen. face off столкнуться (However, if Islamic State loses control of the city and Iraqi fighters pursue them north towards Mosul, the two sides will be facing off in areas where many more people are still living in their homes and could be at risk during battles.)
11.04.2015 23:05:49 gen. pursue гнать (в знач. "гнаться")
11.04.2015 23:04:27 news fighting боевые действия (Last week more than 300 civilians had been killed in the recent fighting. • Large numbers of civilians living north of Tikrit could be at risk if the Iraqi city is liberated and fighting moves towards their towns.)
10.04.2015 0:08:06 gen. be announced подлежит уточнению
10.04.2015 0:05:36 gen. be announced будет объявлено дополнительно
9.04.2015 14:34:59 inf. fuckbrain тормоз (Someone who has been fucked/fucked up in the brain, thus making them totally stupid, foolish, or just ignorant. / A person who impedes the flow of traffic on two lane highways by driving far below the speed limit.)
9.04.2015 6:43:56 offsh.comp. certificate of incumbency справка о государственной регистрации, составе участников и органов управления юридического лица (если в справке представлены соответствующие сведения)
8.04.2015 17:55:08 gen. not a something goes by не проходит и (not a moment goes by that I don't think about you)
8.04.2015 17:53:35 gen. keep right on walking иди, не останавливайся
8.04.2015 17:45:45 gen. reach out связаться (to someone)
7.04.2015 17:09:41 mil. within the perimeter на территории (охраняемого объекта) Although suffering multiple injuries to his chest and his right shoulder and arm, G/Sgt. Kellogg resolutely continued to direct the efforts of his men until all were able to maneuver to the relative safety of the company perimeter. / Most anything of tangible asset value is most likely stored on a server somewhere within the perimeter of the enterprise.)
7.04.2015 13:58:42 mil. come under fire попасть под обстрел (The U.S. troops came under fire in the town of Marjah while accompanying Afghan special operations forces. // The unit came under a heavy volume of small arms and automatic weapons fire from a numerically superior enemy force.)
7.04.2015 13:58:42 mil. take fire попасть под обстрел (Bravo Company still was taking heavy fire on the other side of the village. • A minute later the mortar platoon reported that it was also taking artillery fire.)
7.04.2015 13:48:39 inf. ready to roll на старте (в значении "быть готовым выдвигаться" // We're packed and ready to roll. // Give me a call when you're ready to roll and I'll meet you outside.)
7.04.2015 1:14:46 hindi office of the commissioner of income tax налоговая инспекция (в Индии) только для направления англ. –> рус.)
6.04.2015 23:46:55 gen. notarize нотариально заверить (The United States does not legally certify translators, unlike many other countries. If a client requires certification of the translation of a diploma, the translator will get it notarized, certifying that the translator believes the translation to be full and accurate. Any charges for notarization are to be borne by the client. (с) Susan Welsh)
5.04.2015 0:10:53 pharm. small volume parenteral парентеральный препарат малой дозировки
4.04.2015 21:57:59 gen. support vehicle машины обеспечения (Armoured personnel carriers and support vehicles cross the border, while the 280-truck convoy comes to a halt separately)
3.04.2015 12:07:45 gen. marinade замариновать (It is always easier to marinade meat and veggies and barbecue them over a good discussion than ordering food or cooking at home.)
2.04.2015 11:42:44 gen. this past прошлый (This past February 19 made a year since I lost our home.)
2.04.2015 11:29:56 gen. armed men вооружённые люди (Armed men have hoisted a Russian flag above the Crimean parliament building in Simferopol.)
2.04.2015 10:30:16 gen. the trumpet calls труба зовёт (goo.gl)
2.04.2015 7:51:33 busin. domestic passport отечественный паспорт (отечественный паспорт)
2.04.2015 7:51:33 busin. domestic passport внутренний паспорт (см. общегражданский паспорт)
2.04.2015 0:08:30 gen. force выбивать (force (в т.ч. что-либо из кого-либо // It has been a problem for many years that law enforcers have physically harassed people to force testimony out of them. // Later, he would claim they beat the confession out of him, and that he was innocent)
1.04.2015 13:56:40 gen. get lost иди ты!
1.04.2015 10:32:00 gen. beat the testimony out выбить показания
1.04.2015 10:07:18 gen. loosen the reins ослабить вожжи (как в прямом, так и в переносном смысле)
1.04.2015 10:05:33 gen. hand things over передать дела (I want to make sure everything's running smoothly before I hand things over to the new manager)
1.04.2015 10:04:20 gen. hand over the reins передать дела (In the coming months, I hope to hand over the reins to my replacement as I begin an internship in financial services.)
1.04.2015 0:58:18 inf. go whack сдохнуть (в т.ч. в переносном смысле: Had an earlier version running, but it went whack after it wouldn't work without upgrading)
31.03.2015 11:43:57 construct. single-family home частный дом (одноквартирный жилой дом)
31.03.2015 9:48:26 gen. just you wait погоди (used as a way of threatening someone: Just you wait, Maria, till I get my hands on you!)
31.03.2015 9:45:31 gen. second last предпоследний (It's my second last day here)
31.03.2015 1:19:11 gen. business income доход от занятия предпринимательской деятельностью (встречается и такая формулировка)
30.03.2015 23:42:53 gen. well short не доезжая (the trucks came to a halt well short of Ukraine's border.)
30.03.2015 23:39:59 gen. well short на подъезде (the trucks came to a halt well short of Ukraine's border.)
30.03.2015 16:29:15 inf. get this into your ears заруби себе на носу (From here on in, there'll be no more kidding around. Get this into your ears, all of you.)
30.03.2015 14:08:38 context. not overly не то чтобы (She's not overly happy nor overly sad. In between.)
30.03.2015 11:08:39 inf. nuh-uh не-а
30.03.2015 10:54:45 inf. nothing much ничего (в ответ на "what's up?" и т. п.: "Hey, what's up with you?" "Nothing much." • “How are things?" "Nothing much,” I answered.)
30.03.2015 10:33:55 inf. get off отключаться (similar to "hang up" the phone, in other words, to finish the call // If you don't mind, I have to get off now.)
30.03.2015 10:32:21 inf. stuffed дел по горло (требует изменения структуры приложения: I don't wanna rain on your parade, but I can't make it. Today I'm stuffed.)

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