
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

6.05.2015 11:30:03 rude willing податливый (Why, Stingo and her are in bed and he had actually mounted that tender willing little Polish piece an' they're jus' fuckin' their fool heads off – А вот она и Стинго в постели, и он уже залез на эту нежную податливую польскую сучонку, и они трахаются что есть мочи, как дурные. // Новый Англо-Русский словарь современной разговорной лексики Глазунов. 2003)
6.05.2015 11:13:57 rude get out of my fucking face проваливай
6.05.2015 11:13:57 rude piss the fuck off проваливай на хрен
4.05.2015 10:23:15 gen. sell like hot cakes быть нарасхват (Many pyramid schemes will claim that their product is selling like hot cakes.)
1.05.2015 18:48:43 gen. lousy bum урод
1.05.2015 18:42:55 gen. crossed wire каждый о своём
1.05.2015 18:37:26 gen. rat jackass крысеныш
30.04.2015 14:01:02 gen. move on проехать (немного вперед) // My vehicle stopped at the top of the hill and then moved on about twenty yards.)
30.04.2015 13:45:15 gen. battle formation боевой порядок (We drove up a hill and came on our tanks which were deployed in battle formation at the crest of the ridge.)
30.04.2015 13:40:38 mil. chamber камора (I put a cartridge in the chamber of my rifle)
30.04.2015 13:36:31 gen. make oneself as small as possible съёжиться (we all sat huddled together in the half-track trying to make ourselves as small as possible and trying to keep our heads down below the quarter inch thickness of armor plate that formed the sides of the half-track.)
30.04.2015 13:34:06 gen. explode рваться
30.04.2015 13:31:33 gen. whine протяжный свист
30.04.2015 13:30:56 mil. whine свистеть (напр., о снаряде: The German shells were exploding only a short distance away and you could hear the shrapnel whining through the air.)
30.04.2015 13:25:36 gen. begin to get light светать (It was just beginning to get light, that gray sort of dawn.)
30.04.2015 13:21:28 gen. advance outpost аванпост (I noticed a few tanks peaking out behind a stone building as we went by and there I soon learned were our advance outposts.)
29.04.2015 17:19:21 gen. UBGL подствольник
29.04.2015 16:37:24 gen. tarpaulin брезент (A tarpaulin, or tarp, is a large sheet of strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material, often cloth such as canvas or polyester coated with urethane, or made of plastics such as polyethylene.)
29.04.2015 16:36:37 tech. clay pit глиняный карьер (A clay pit is a quarry or mine for the extraction of clay, which is generally used for manufacturing pottery, bricks or Portland cement.)
29.04.2015 16:27:52 mil., lingo brit. hootch брезент (In some places such as Australia, and in military slang, a tarp may be known as a hootch.)
29.04.2015 15:54:38 mil., lingo open открыть огонь (on someone; эллипсис от "open fire on": They opened on us with mortars. • At 2.30 the enemy opened on us with rifles.)
29.04.2015 15:54:38 mil. open with fire открыть огонь (Federal artillery opened with fire on the Baltimore Battery)
29.04.2015 11:53:55 gen. professional спец
29.04.2015 11:46:31 mil. kitchen truck полевая кухня (At 4.30 a.m. I rolled my bed roll and took off for the kitchen truck.)
29.04.2015 11:33:54 mil. mean.2 at your orders как прикажете
29.04.2015 11:33:54 mil. mean.2 at your orders так точно
29.04.2015 11:29:54 mil. rus.usg. I wish you good health здравия желаю! (a military salute in Russia and some other countries, usually followed by "comrade" and rank; в случаях, когда по тем или иным причинам нужен буквальный перевод: I wish you good health, Comrade Junior Lieutenant. You haven't forgotten me, have you? • "I wish you good health, Comrade Minister." "Good health to you.")
29.04.2015 11:29:54 mil. rus.usg. I wish ye health здравия желаю! (a military salute in Russia and some other countries, usually followed by "comrade" and rank) В случаях, когда по тем или иным причинам нужен буквальный перевод)
29.04.2015 10:49:42 gen. chow time шамовка (I walked away with a hollow sickening feeling in my stomach. It was chow time but I had no desire to eat.)
29.04.2015 10:45:40 mil. pull out the pockets вывернуть карманы (GI’s had already looted the body. Some one had already confiscated his fleece lined air corps boot and he lay in his stocking feet. The pockets of his uniform had been pulled out and startling to see was the stump of his middle finger. A GI had cut it off to get the ring he wore.)
29.04.2015 10:42:33 mil. bivouac бивачное расположение
29.04.2015 10:33:34 mil. bivouac расположиться (на отдых, на ночь – стать лагерем: Late in the afternoon my Company B, of the 21st Armored Infantry Battalion, pulled oft the road to the left. It was on a hill which made an ideal place to bivouac. • The 3624 Ord. MM Company bivouaced for the night at another site.)
29.04.2015 10:30:58 gen. spit плеваться (тж. в переносном смысле:The guns would cough and spit and belch their flame and then relax.)
29.04.2015 10:27:57 gen. point muzzles skyward задрать стволы вверх (Finally we passed artillery with their muzzles pointed skyward. // As one they pointed their muzzles skyward and howled.)
29.04.2015 10:26:11 gen. skyward вверх (Finally we passed artillery with their muzzles pointed skyward.)
29.04.2015 10:24:12 mil. rear тыл (своих войск; для обозначения тыла противника используется выражение "behind enemy lines": We had met many supply trucks on the road headed for the rear. • His men smiled from ear to ear. They were obviously excited to finally get some payback for all the harassing artillery fire they'd had to endure the past week while being holed up in the rear, waiting for their chance to pounce.)
29.04.2015 10:23:29 gen. column колонна техники (автотранспорта (наряду с convoy) // Our column of tanks and half-tracks, representing Combat Command B, 11th Armored Division, U.S. Third Army, commanded by George Patton Jr., had been rolling north.)
29.04.2015 10:12:58 gen. by permission of the author с разрешения автора (reprinted by permission of the author)
29.04.2015 10:09:27 gen. bed down for the night расположиться на ночлег (As had become instinctive with us, the company set up all round defense and prepared to bed down for the night.)
29.04.2015 9:34:51 mil. HMX phlegmatized флегматизированный октоген
29.04.2015 9:33:54 mil. OKFOL окфол (OKFOL is an explosive, used in a variety of applications. It is particularly suitable for use in shaped charges. It normally consists of 95% HMX phlegmatized with 5% wax.)
28.04.2015 17:27:55 mil., lingo combat drone беспилотник (боевой)
28.04.2015 14:06:27 metro UK mind the gap пассажиры, будьте внимательны при посадке в вагон (т.е. не оступитесь и не попадите ногой в промежуток между посадочной площадкой вагона и платформой; предупреждение, ставшее визитной карточкой лондонского метро)
28.04.2015 13:58:08 gen. stand behind yellow line не выходите за жёлтую ограничительную линию (until the train stops – до остановки поезда)
28.04.2015 9:44:57 mil. ready-to-fire боеготовый (напр., о ЗУР)
27.04.2015 16:33:35 gen. drop ramp заездной трап (автовоза, трала)
27.04.2015 16:29:40 auto. drop ramps лапы (заездные трапы/аппарели у автовоза, трала и т.д.)
27.04.2015 16:29:40 auto. ramps лапы (заездные трапы/аппарели у автовоза, трала и т.д.)
27.04.2015 16:08:52 pris.sl. blatnoy блатной (a member of Russian criminal underworld / a member of the highest of four criminal castes in Russian prisons)
24.04.2015 22:07:42 gen. shrink-sleeve термоусадочная этикетка (для бутылок)
24.04.2015 10:52:58 gen. why in the world would I want с какой стати (Why in the world would I want to talk to anyone about my faith?)
24.04.2015 10:51:38 gen. opt решить (to do something: Why Microsoft opted to remove this feature for users is beyond me. • After that near catastrophe, they opted to reinstate the telephone service.)
23.04.2015 19:35:39 IT embedded in the double quotes заключённый в двойные кавычки (помещённый между открывающими и закрывающими двойными кавычками)
22.04.2015 16:24:39 gen. bladed combat боевое применение холодного оружия (This means unless you have experience in bladed combat, the gang members are more proficient than you are in a knife fight.)
22.04.2015 16:18:20 pris.sl. turned out person опущенный ("Manhood", however, is an unstable condition as it is alwayschallenged by some reason, such as rape or close social contact with a "turned out" (i.e., sexually abused) person, especially if they used the same chair, plate, food, or even cigarettes. • In adult prisons "turned out" inmates are even kept in separate barracks, and even have their own hierarchy.)
22.04.2015 15:26:33 mil. signal platoon взвод связи
22.04.2015 0:14:54 mil. embed приписанный корреспондент (A reporter who is accommodated by the military command to observe operations firsthand. Security, food, shelter and transportation is provided by the military for the embed.)
22.04.2015 0:14:54 mil., lingo embed прикреплённый корреспондент (A reporter who is accommodated by the military command to observe operations firsthand. Security, food, shelter and transportation is provided by the military for the embed.)
22.04.2015 0:02:07 mil. executive officer замполит (в некоторых контекстах)
22.04.2015 0:00:07 gen. wood line лесополоса (a row of trees at the edge of a field or rice paddy)
21.04.2015 23:58:47 gen. wood line лесопосадка (когда употребляется в значении "лесополоса") a row of trees at the edge of a field or rice paddy)
21.04.2015 23:54:48 auto. canvas top брезентовый верх
21.04.2015 23:51:56 gen. short-timer дембель (soldier nearing the end of his tour in Vietnam)
21.04.2015 23:43:00 mil. officer candidate school офицерское училище
21.04.2015 23:37:56 gen. marker round пристрелочный снаряд (the first round fired by mortars or artillery. Used to adjust the following rounds onto the target.)
21.04.2015 23:31:18 gen. career officer кадровый военный (Все военнослужащие, которые не относятся к военнослужащим срочной службы, являются кадровыми. Грубо говоря тот, у кого военная служба – профессия.)
21.04.2015 23:17:09 mil., lingo lifer кадровый военный
21.04.2015 23:15:18 mil. kill zone зона поражения (the radius of a circle around an explosive device within which it is predicted that 95 percent of all occupants will be killed should the device explode)
21.04.2015 23:12:05 gen. fuel tablet сухое горючее (flammable tablet used to heat C-rations)
21.04.2015 23:11:27 gen. heat tab сухое горючее (flammable tablet used to heat C-rations.)
21.04.2015 23:09:26 mil., lingo hand frag граната (ручная осколочная)
21.04.2015 23:04:07 mil. forward observer корректировщик (огня) Официальное название ВУС – "разведчик-корректировщик артиллерийского огня". Термин "spotter", судя по всему, универсален и может применяться, кроме того, к гражданским коректировщикам. // A person attached to a field unit to coordinate the placement of direct or indirect fire from ground, air, and naval forces. /// Также см. forward air controller – офицер боевого управления, или "авианаводчик" – корректировщик ударов штурмовой авицаии)
21.04.2015 22:59:47 amer. if I ever get a hold of you вот попадись ты мне
21.04.2015 22:50:38 inf. miss-call пустить вызов (someone) Еquiavalents are in England and Australia: to drop call (someone) in the US, to beep/flash in Africa, and to prank stackexchange.com)
21.04.2015 22:50:38 inf. misscall пустить вызов (someone) Еquiavalents are in England and Australia: to drop call (someone) in the US, to beep/flash in Africa, and to prank stackexchange.com)
21.04.2015 22:46:16 inf. brit. one-ring пустить вызов (someone) and cut stackexchange.com)
21.04.2015 22:45:49 gen. take my word for it уж поверь
21.04.2015 22:29:56 mob.com. brit. top up пополнить счёт (мобильного телефона; "In the UK and in some parts of Australia you need to top up. In the UK, the reason you can't make any calls until you recharge will always be understood to mean your mobile's battery is running out, not your talktime credit." (english.stackexchange.com) • But the other common use of top-up these days is what you do to a pay-as-you-go mobile phone. The picture ('top-up') is a common site in the windows of corner shops and petrol stations in the UK. blogspot.com)
21.04.2015 22:29:56 mob.com. brit. top up one's phone пополнить счёт (italki.com)
21.04.2015 22:28:11 mob.com. amer. refill пополнить счёт (one's phone) "Top up" is known in the U.S., being the terminology used by MetroPCS, Boost Mobile, NET10, and of course Virgin Mobile. The major prepaid providers, however– T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon Wireless– all use refill. Because pre-paid mobile plans are not as prevalent in the U.S., I would always specify that it is your phone whether you are topping up, refilling, adding credit, or adding minutes." (english.stackexchange.com) • But the other common use of top-up these days is what you do to a pay-as-you-go (BrE) mobile/(AmE) cell phone. ... Which led me to wonder: what do Americans say for that? Pay-as-you-go phones are much more common in the UK than in the US, but from what I can gather from the interwebs, refill is used in this context too. Here's a 2004 news release about an American "prepay" phone service: "As always, Verizon Wireless prepay service allows customers to refill their minutes over the phone, at a Verizon Wireless Communications Store, online, as well as at RadioShack, Circuit City and other authorized agents." blogspot.com)
21.04.2015 22:26:53 gen. см. top off под горлышко (filling something completely that was already mostly full, for example pumping more gas into the tank after it's clicked off)
21.04.2015 22:21:38 gen. tell off отчитывать (to tell someone that their behavior is not acceptable // I didn't find irritating when people answered saying their names in Germany. The irritating thing for me was that I was told off a few times by my German colleagues for not doing it myself.)
21.04.2015 22:21:38 gen. tell off выговаривать (to tell someone that their behavior is not acceptable // I didn't find irritating when people answered saying their names in Germany. The irritating thing for me was that I was told off a few times by my German colleagues for not doing it myself.)
21.04.2015 17:36:30 gen. amongst other things и это тоже (в т.ч. в качестве ответа: That's what you are chasing? Cold cash? – Amongst other things.)
21.04.2015 16:54:08 inf. wipe out умять (to use up all of something: I wiped the cookies out – not all at once, of course. • Who wiped out the strawberry preserves?)
21.04.2015 10:40:23 mil. in ambush в засаде (American soldiers waiting in ambush in the foliage and pointing across the meadow)
20.04.2015 3:02:51 mil., lingo expectant безнадёжный (expectants are casualties who are expected to die)
20.04.2015 2:48:36 mil. obs. C-ration сухпаёк (сокр. от combat ration)
20.04.2015 2:43:50 mil. gunship тяжеловооружённый вертолёт (In case of rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters), the term gunship is synonymous with heavily armed helicopter.)
20.04.2015 2:30:07 gen. decoration награда
20.04.2015 2:27:27 mil., lingo boonies поле (infantry term for the field // jungles or swampy areas far from the comforts of civilization)
20.04.2015 2:18:00 mil. forward observer разведчик-корректировщик (артиллерийского огня. Термин "spotter", судя по всему, универсален и может применяться, кроме того, к гражданским корректировщикам. A person attached to a field unit to coordinate the placement of direct or indirect fire from ground, air, and naval forces. Также см. forward air controller – офицер боевого управления, или "авианаводчик" – корректировщик ударов штурмовой авиации)
20.04.2015 2:14:36 mil. Army regulation устав
20.04.2015 2:13:57 mil. area of operations район ведения боевых действий
20.04.2015 2:12:59 mil. airborne авиадесантный (в т.ч. о технике: airborne tank)
20.04.2015 2:09:46 gen. disguised замаскированный (M551A1 Sheridan light tank disguised as opposing forces)
20.04.2015 2:04:47 mil. enter service быть принятым на вооружение (Several possible replacements for the M551 were tested as a part of the XM8 Armored Gun System effort of the 1980s, but none of these entered service.)
20.04.2015 1:59:34 mil. retire снять с вооружения (The Sheridan was retired without replacement.)
20.04.2015 1:46:10 mil. ammo dump оружейный склад (location where live or expended ammunition is stored // I recall being in one of our machine gun bunkers, watching out the aperture as the perimeter to our front was pulverized by both incoming rounds and rounds coming out of our lit-up ammo dump.)
20.04.2015 1:25:38 mil. launcher and loader пуско-заряжающая установка

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