
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

6.07.2015 16:37:24 gen. blat-blat-blat тра-та-та (см. goo.gl)
6.07.2015 16:34:36 gen. snap cap башка (What the fuck wrong with you nigga, step back / Hundred shots, aim straight at your snap cap.)
3.07.2015 15:17:01 gen. sure as hell без вариантов
1.07.2015 16:48:59 auto. pull over штрафовать (в некоторых случаях такая трансформация себя оправдывает: Young black men, who in many towns in St. Louis County are pulled over at a rate greater than whites, routinely find themselves in the patchwork of municipal courts.)
1.07.2015 15:01:58 theatre. off to the side в сторону (говорить в сторону: The narrator speaks off to the side with the action taking place center stage.)
26.06.2015 14:50:58 mil. scout vehicle БРДМ (как пояснительная расшифровка, само название БРДМ желательно оставлять в транслитерации – BRDM| The reconnaissance patrol returned to report that the enemy force consisted of some 20 tanks, a large number of BRDMs, BTRs and trucks. | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconnaissance_vehicle)
26.06.2015 14:31:05 gen. trucking yard АТП
26.06.2015 14:29:29 amer. inf. semi truck фура (In North America, the combination vehicles made up of a powered truck and one or more detachable trailers, are known as semi-tractor-trailers, tractor-trailers, semis, big rigs, semi trucks or eighteen-wheelers.)
26.06.2015 14:13:28 gen. run перегонять (He's got a boat and he's doing OK. He runs stuff up across the border)
26.06.2015 14:11:29 mil., lingo friendlies наши (в знач. "свои войска": The other PTSD comes about not through contact with the enemy but contact with friendlies.)
26.06.2015 14:08:30 mil., lingo friendlies свои (The other PTSD comes about not through contact with the enemy but contact with friendlies.)
26.06.2015 13:55:58 gen. orders of magnitude more на порядок больше (Both only get 2-3K Google hits when in quotes. I get orders of magnitude more hits for pretty meaningless things)
26.06.2015 10:18:23 gen. take the lazy way out идти по легкому пути (Such people are taking the lazy way out, and forgetting that "a political crisis is not a virus" which spreads from one place to another, but rather reflects specific problems)
26.06.2015 10:16:15 gen. make fit a pre-existing framework подгонять под привычные рамки (That is the conclusion Sergey Markedonov of the Russian State Humanities University offers in his latest commentary, one that constitutes a clear warning to the Kremlin, as well as analysts inside Russia and abroad, about misreading the situation on the ground by trying to make everything fit a pre-existing framework.)
26.06.2015 10:04:27 gen. throw out отклонить иск (Barack Obama celebrated a decisive victory for his healthcare reforms after the US supreme court threw out a Republican-led legal challenge that could have gutted the legislation and stripped millions of Americans of their health insurance.)
26.06.2015 10:02:59 gen. survive intact остаться нетронутым (Six-to-three decision on federal subsidies all but guarantees Obamacare will survive intact until at least the 2016 election in major victory for Barack Obama)
25.06.2015 20:34:39 mob.com. inf. there's no signal нет связи (в знач. "нет сети": He prodded at his cell phone and held it to his ear. "No goddamned signal. Anybody else got a signal?")
25.06.2015 20:34:39 gen. there's no coverage нет сети (в знач. "нет сети") Mobile network doesn't work at all in that area – perhaps temporarily, in which case it's a glitch in a system that normally works there, or it's just an expected/documented gap in the system's reach (c) Liv Bliss)
25.06.2015 11:44:38 gen. clear oneself of something отмыться (He spent months trying to clear himself of the charges.)
24.06.2015 11:26:07 brit. flag down a car поймать машину
24.06.2015 11:25:34 amer. thumb a ride поймать машину
23.06.2015 11:51:34 gen. hitch a ride поймать машину
23.06.2015 11:44:09 gen. drop бросить (в т.ч. в переносном смысле: Drop everything and get here!)
22.06.2015 17:13:42 gen. hit a bump наскочить на кочку (Vincent: Chill out man, I told you it was an accident, you probably went over a bump or something. Jules: Hey look, I did not hit no motherfucking bump.)
22.06.2015 17:04:07 gen. what time you got? сколько на твоих? (Jules: What time you got? Vincent: [looks at his watch] 7:22 in the a.m.)
22.06.2015 16:54:55 context. I hope to God не дай бог (при этом конструкцию предложения нужно перестроить:: I hope to God I don't meet him but if I do... – Если, не дай бог, я его встречу... • When John Gotti Junior was asked, "Do you think they'll be a fifth trial?" He answered, "I hope to God not, but if we have to be prepared for it, we'll be prepared for it." – "Не дай бог, – ответил он, – но...")
22.06.2015 14:49:42 gen. slam прихлопнуть (прищемить дверью: I swear to God, Richie, I didn't know it was you. I would never slam a door on your hand. Knowingly.)
22.06.2015 13:37:07 gen. crooked продажный (You think you're going to heaven because your "honest." You're not. You're going to the same hell as the crooked cops you can't stand. // Now Bangkok cops ain't the most reliable in the world seein' as they're all crooks.)
22.06.2015 12:02:41 jarg. wipe out завалить (=убить: Wipe them the fuck out and take their shit.)
22.06.2015 10:02:57 gen. repair shop СТО (Don't go to that repair shop–they screwed me out of $500 for a brake job I didn't need.)
22.06.2015 10:00:57 fig. up the ante повысить градус
22.06.2015 10:00:57 fig. up the ante ещё больше накалить ситуацию
21.06.2015 11:26:52 gen. SOP типовая инструкция (несмотря на то, что РАМН в своём "замечательном" переводе решила не заморачиваться и легкой рукой ввела в обиход довольно уродливый термин "стандартные операционные процедуры", я бы предложил использовать наш родной вариант "типовая инструкция" ("СОП" при этом можно давать в скобках, чтобы не запутались). Тем более что далее в том же РАМНовском переводе читаем, что есть СОП: "подробные письменные инструкции, предназначенные для достижения единообразия при осуществлении определенной деятельности")
19.06.2015 17:17:53 inf. gangrape пустить по кругу
19.06.2015 16:30:56 inf. listen up слышишь
19.06.2015 15:58:55 inf. all at once толпой
19.06.2015 11:42:14 inf. piggy bank касса (Back then, the Thai cops reckoned that Smokey should be makin' a nice contribution to their piggy bank every month, seein' as Smokey is a foreigner an' all. Now Bangkok cops ain't the most reliable in the world seein' as they're all crooks.)
18.06.2015 19:06:06 gen. Field of Miracles Поле Чудес
16.06.2015 15:32:38 prop.&figur. on all fronts по всем фронтам (We are being attacked on all fronts. • In the fall of 1944, the Allies were driving hard and the Germans were falling back on all fronts. • Second, I pledge to you that we will keep this economy growing, as I have indicated, moving forward on all fronts, as it has not moved forward ever in our history.)
16.06.2015 15:19:47 inf. have enough of someone's shit задолбать (требует замены конструкции: I've had enough of your shit! • I've had enough of you treating me like shit!)
16.06.2015 15:18:39 gen. who do you think you are обалдеть (Who do you think you are?! – Ты обалдел?!)
16.06.2015 15:08:19 inf. be tired as fuck of someone's shit задолбать (требует замены конструкции: Как же ты меня задолбал! – I'm tired as fuck of your shit!)
16.06.2015 15:08:19 rude fuck off задолбать (It really fucks me off when you do that! • You're fucking me off, dude!)
16.06.2015 15:08:19 low jarg. piss someone off харить (It really pisses me off when you do that! • This search pisses me off, but go ahead.)
16.06.2015 14:26:37 law constitute квалифицироваться (во фразах типа "деяние квалифицируется как", в принципе, подойдут любые синонимы слова "являться" или "составлять")
16.06.2015 14:24:52 law rank as квалифицироваться (his crime ranked as an act of terror)
16.06.2015 14:22:32 law constitute приравниваться (в некоторых случаях, пеоревод контекстуальный // Service upon such counsel or representative shall constitute service upon the party)
16.06.2015 14:21:21 law be deemed to be something and be treated as such приравниваться (из устава компании БВО // An application of any such person to be registered as a shareholder shall be deemed to be a transfer of shares of the deceased, and the Directors shall treat it as such)
16.06.2015 13:51:01 notar. imprint of the coat of arms гербовая печать (imprint of the seal containing coat-of-arms // Сравни: All paper apostilles and/or legalisation certificates issued by the Legalisation Office bear a raised embossed imprint of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office crest. // При расшифровке печатей (и если факт наличия герба на печати не играет особой роли, т.е. в большинстве случаев) лучше писать просто "official seal".)
16.06.2015 13:51:01 notar. seal bearing a coat of arms гербовая печать
16.06.2015 11:32:25 gen. there is nothing more permanent than temporary нет ничего более постоянного, чем временное
16.06.2015 11:18:43 gen. on the employee's part по инициативе работника (Termination may be voluntary on the employee's part, or it may be at the hands of the employer.)
15.06.2015 16:24:52 gen. probable adversary вероятный противник
15.06.2015 13:40:30 gen. abandon all hope отчаяться (His young wife had abandoned all hope of bringing him to heel, by means of her cunt, that trump card of young wives.)
15.06.2015 11:45:12 inf. dead fuck бревно (о женщине в постели // A girl who does nothing the whole time while having sex (ex. moan,move,etc....) // "that was the worst sex of my life, that girl was a dead fuck")
15.06.2015 10:20:37 commun. flexible готовый пойти навстречу
15.06.2015 7:38:34 law Certificate of Good Standing справка о состоянии юридического лица
15.06.2015 2:04:15 gen. days dismissed из них по болезни (в табеле)
15.06.2015 1:33:13 gen. Our Lady of the Lake озёрная божья матерь
14.06.2015 22:36:07 ed. diploma of graduation аттестат о среднем полном общем образовании (для России // Diploma of graduation – так называется в Америке (также встречаются варианты "High school diploma" и "General diploma" // The minimum requirements for police officers are a high school diploma or GED and police academy training. // В Великобритании подобного документа не существует вообще: All students receive certificates showing their results for any exams taken – GCSE certificates usually at 16 years of age and A level certificates usually at 18 years of age. There is no formal ‘graduation certificate' just for attendance at any school unless that school prints off a certificate that they have devised themselves as a ‘souvenir'. // Вниманию любителей проводить аналогии: "General Certificate of Secondary Education" будет англичанами воспринято буквально как "сертификат о сдаче экзаменов, не дающих право на поступление в университет" (в нашей аналогии – в 9-м классе). // см. тж. A-Level wikipedia.org)
14.06.2015 22:12:45 ed. middle school diploma свидетельство о базовом общем среднем образовании (в Украине)
14.06.2015 22:11:56 ed. middle school diploma аттестат об основном общем образовании (в России)
11.06.2015 14:14:41 gen. hitch-towed на жёсткой сцепке
11.06.2015 11:32:48 inf. cloth. run разойтись (особенно о колготках: ...when your pantyhose gets caught on something sharp or pointy, causing it to tear and run.)
11.06.2015 11:32:48 inf. cloth. run пойти стрелкой (особенно о колготках: ...when your pantyhose gets caught on something sharp or pointy, causing it to tear and run.)
11.06.2015 11:32:48 inf. cloth. run пустить стрелку (особенно о колготках: ...when your pantyhose gets caught on something sharp or pointy, causing it to tear and run.)
11.06.2015 1:21:22 gen. Business Companies Act Закон БВО "О хозяйственных обществах" (принят в 2004 году взамен Закона БВО "О внешнеэкономических обществах (компаниях)")
10.06.2015 22:28:48 cleric. now, and ever, and unto ages of ages ныне, и присно, и во веки веков (For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.)
10.06.2015 20:02:11 gen. office of the secretary of state канцелярия губернатора штата (в штатах США // secretary of state – глава канцелярии губернатора штата)
10.06.2015 20:00:37 USA secretary of state глава канцелярии губернатора штата
10.06.2015 19:42:33 USA secretary of state начальник канцелярии губернатора штата (когда речь идёт об одном из штатов США) Secretary of state is the chief clerk of the state, and is often the primary custodian of important state records. In the states of Alaska, Hawaii, and Utah, there is no Secretary of State; in those states many duties that a secretary of state might normally execute fall within the domain of the lieutenant governor. wikipedia.org)
10.06.2015 15:28:15 fig. decently по-человечески
10.06.2015 15:22:53 inf. like a normal person по-человечески (Why can't you do anything like a normal person? Are you ever going to behave like a normal person?)
10.06.2015 15:13:57 gen. pack собрать вещи (We packed quickly and set out shortly thereafter. // The place was so bad, we packed up and left.)
10.06.2015 15:13:57 gen. pack up собрать вещи (Last September we packed up and headed south to New Zealand's North Island.)
10.06.2015 15:11:07 gen. pack one's bags собрать чемоданы (In December 2012 we packed our bags and set out for an adventure throughout Egypt and Jordan.)
10.06.2015 15:11:07 gen. pack one's bags собирать чемоданы
10.06.2015 14:19:56 gen. look out высматривать (for: The CO said for me to look out for the tanks. • Their guys were told to look out for us.)
10.06.2015 13:48:11 mil. context. defector дезертир (The others killed include army defectors, Isis militants, foreign fighters and members of Lebanon's Hezbollah group.)
10.06.2015 13:45:07 gen. offer logistical support обеспечивать тыл (The Free Syrian Army’s Southern Front is an alliance of rebel groups backed by the US and its allies, including Syria’s southern neighbour Jordan, which offers the group logistical support.)
10.06.2015 13:22:24 gen. cuss ругаться матом (To be clear, I don’t give a shit if people cuss)
10.06.2015 10:02:34 context. be killed in land mine blast подорваться на мине (Ukrainian soldiers killed in land mine blast.)
10.06.2015 9:55:46 context. be blown up by a land mine подорваться на мине (We have lost eight servicemen. One was killed during fighting with rebels while another seven were killed when their vehicle was blown up by a land mine)
10.06.2015 9:51:07 gen. sprawling крупный (по площади // Syrian rebels have seized a sprawling military base in a lightning assault, marking the latest in a series of defeats for President Bashar al-Assad’s increasingly embattled forces, rebels and activists said.)
9.06.2015 16:17:09 gen. in mint condition в идеальном состоянии (в т.ч. об автомобиле // This car is in mint condition / The car runs and looks mint!)
9.06.2015 16:08:47 gen. come at a price встать в копеечку (Even at its most affordable, loyalty to the Mercedes star comes at a price.)
9.06.2015 15:44:20 gen. guzzle жрать бензин
9.06.2015 15:33:03 auto. news run период выпуска (Changes were minimal during the Suzuki Reno's run. Model year 2006 brought the addition of a standard tilt steering wheel and new seat fabrics, while '07 saw the inclusion of a standard tire pressure monitoring system for all trim levels. Unfortunately for audiophiles, the formerly standard eight-speaker stereo was dropped altogether for '08, leaving a meager four-speaker unit in its stead.)
9.06.2015 15:23:21 gen. lumbar-adjustable с регулировкой поясничного подпора
9.06.2015 11:54:59 gen. house будка (напр., экскаватора // Excavators are heavy construction equipment consisting of a boom, stick, bucket and cab on a rotating platform known as the "house".)
8.06.2015 14:30:25 police undercover agent внедрённый оперативник (оперативный сотрудник, внедренный в преступную среду: Перевод "полицейский под прикрытием", как уже неоднократно говорилось, является крайне неудачной калькой с английского, возникшей во времена кустарных переводов американских фильмов. Ни о каком прикрытии речь не идёт.)
7.06.2015 23:05:31 gen. viral suppression подавление вируса (в отношении ВИЧ см. "высокоактивная антиретровирусная терапия")
4.06.2015 10:26:41 inf. duck out выскочить (в знач. "ненадолго отлучиться": I ducked out for a cigarette.)
4.06.2015 10:24:02 inf. duck out свалить (по-тихому) to leave, especially in a manner which does not attract notice and before a meeting, event, etc., has concluded | Wiktionary)
3.06.2015 15:09:29 inf. outfit контора (an association of persons, especially a military unit or a business organization: a small advertising outfit in San Diego)
3.06.2015 15:02:37 gen. field staff оперативный штаб
3.06.2015 13:50:16 gen. work -around обходной путь
3.06.2015 13:49:52 gen. work-around обходной путь (The issue is however that the app wants to make port changes and of course the device doesn't allow this. I'm still surfing for a work around but have found nothing yet.)
2.06.2015 17:46:53 auto. tank up заправиться (в прямом смысле – with something , в переносном – on something: Just short of Bismarck my van's gas gauge hits the orange stripe informing me that I need to tank up. • She allowed our boys to tank up on food in their lobby. • To cut to the chase, we all had a few drinks at my house to get tanked up a little, then went into the club.)
2.06.2015 17:46:53 auto. fill up заправиться

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