
 English-Russian dictionary - terms added by user 4uzhoj: 25.549  << | >>

18.05.2021 11:47:15 botch botch up
18.05.2021 10:29:34 context. in small increments дозированно
17.05.2021 17:02:31 thread depth не путать с tread depth
17.05.2021 17:00:50 auto. tread depth остаточная глубина протектора (шины)
17.05.2021 15:04:43 gen. in small increments понемногу
17.05.2021 15:04:43 gen. in small increments по чуть-чуть
17.05.2021 14:51:35 gen. drill into вбивать в голову (And if you learned to ride in America, you probably had the phrase 'slow, look, press and roll' drilled into by your rider coach.)
17.05.2021 14:38:08 gen. crazy as it may sound как бы странно это ни звучало (And, as it turns out, this is also what safe riders do too. Slower is smoother, slower is safer, and crazy as it may sound, slower is faster.)
16.05.2021 11:44:24 hallo hello
13.05.2021 18:31:43 humor. context. die-hard упоротый (фанат и т. п.)
12.05.2021 21:54:27 police motor officer сотрудник мотопатруля
12.05.2021 21:54:27 police inf. motor officer мотобатовец
12.05.2021 21:54:27 police motor officer сотрудник мотобатальона
12.05.2021 19:43:12 вот это я понимаю вот это
12.05.2021 19:03:44 moto. lane filtering езда в междурядье
12.05.2021 17:20:55 traf. formal violate someone's right of way не предоставить преимущества в движении
12.05.2021 17:20:55 traf. violate someone's right of way не уступить дорогу
12.05.2021 17:10:37 countersteer countersteering
12.05.2021 17:09:32 moto. countersteer применять контрруление
12.05.2021 17:09:32 moto. countersteer пользоваться контррулением
12.05.2021 16:59:17 inf. talk about something! что называется ("He survived, partly because he hit a fire truck with trained medical staff and medical supplies". Talk about good bad luck.)
12.05.2021 16:52:07 яркий пример наглядный пример
12.05.2021 16:52:02 наглядный пример яркий пример
11.05.2021 1:58:57 hang up hang up on one
11.05.2021 0:08:19 mil. inf. give a snappy salute козырять ("For now, just ride herd on the squad, and make sure things get done." "At your orders, sir." Kuijpers gives a snappy salute and turns away.)
11.05.2021 0:06:11 ride herd ride herd on
10.05.2021 23:06:59 at your orders report as ordered
10.05.2021 21:53:38 mil. context. at your orders слушаю (‘Liaison,'' he called, ‘‘liaison.'' Remberto Davis's agile and thin body approached, splashing in the mud.‘‘At your orders, sir,'' he said.)
10.05.2021 20:33:55 brick in one's hat with a brick in one's hat
10.05.2021 19:53:44 gen. over one's shoulder через плечо ("Where you going, man?" "Call of nature," I slurred back over my shoulder.)
10.05.2021 19:35:32 ни за что на свете ни за какие коврижки
10.05.2021 19:35:23 ни за какие коврижки ни за что на свете
10.05.2021 19:18:17 ни за что ни про что ни за что
10.05.2021 19:17:46 vulg. no fucking way черта с два
10.05.2021 19:04:55 ни за что на свете ни за что
10.05.2021 18:57:13 завязать бросить
10.05.2021 18:57:04 обронить бросить
10.05.2021 18:41:32 gen. the way судя по тому, как (сокр. от by the way that: The way you sound, I'm not so sure that I shouldn't just turn and run before I get myself into trouble.)
10.05.2021 18:40:26 gen. the way to go хороший вариант (For those after an adrenaline-pumping experience, the Cage of Death is the way to go as you're lowered into the same enclosure as some of the largest Saltwater crocodiles on the planet for a unique fifteen minute, face to face encounter.)
10.05.2021 18:17:17 подсесть на подсесть
10.05.2021 17:48:13 context. cutoff перебой (временное прекращение: s dialysis had to be suspended at many dialysis facilities due to a cutoff of the water supply as a result of the earth-quake, main activities consisted of operation confirmation and repairs of dialysis machines after recovery from the water cutoff.)
10.05.2021 16:45:56 smokeasy speakeasy
10.05.2021 16:43:31 speakeasy smokeasy
10.05.2021 13:48:34 gen. you do you вам решать
10.05.2021 13:48:34 gen. you do you тебе решать
10.05.2021 13:47:55 inf. you do you дело ваше
10.05.2021 13:47:55 inf. you do you дело твое
10.05.2021 13:24:19 trav. hydration pack питьевая система
10.05.2021 13:24:00 camel pack hydration pack
10.05.2021 13:23:12 trav. slang camel pack питьевая система
10.05.2021 11:56:18 in the market be in the market for
10.05.2021 11:55:17 be in the market be on the market
10.05.2021 11:54:27 be in the market be in the market for
10.05.2021 11:47:37 другое другой (как сущ.)
10.05.2021 11:47:37 другие другой (как сущ.)
10.05.2021 11:46:08 gen. replacement другой (в знач. "новый на замену": We just gave one of our cars (a 2004 Honda Element) to our daughter so I've been in the market for a replacement vehicle.)
10.05.2021 11:43:29 gen. be discontinued больше не выпускаться (My regular balm (different brand) was discontinued so I've been in the market for a month or so looking for a new one.)
10.05.2021 11:38:25 gen. replacement новый (Personally, I've still got an ancient Samsung laptop and a slightly less ancient Surface Pro 5, and I've been in the market for a replacement for a few months. • I've been in the market for a replacement schooling helmet for a while now, ever since I accidentally abandoned mine.)
10.05.2021 11:16:55 sissy bar sister bar
10.05.2021 10:53:02 cloth. moto. riding shirt моторубашка
10.05.2021 10:51:18 крупно влипнуть влипнуть
10.05.2021 10:51:11 вляпаться попасть
10.05.2021 10:51:11 влипнуть попасть
9.05.2021 21:42:27 gen. farm machinery сельхозтехника (After a few blocks the main street goes onto two hard, muddy tracks into a field, past a quonset hut full of farm machinery and repair tools, and then ends in a field.)
9.05.2021 14:52:19 наглеть хуеть
9.05.2021 14:52:09 быть в шоке хуеть
9.05.2021 13:45:05 gen. quonset hut арочный ангар (After a few blocks the main street goes onto two hard, muddy tracks into a field, past a quonset hut full of farm machinery and repair tools, and then ends in a field.)
9.05.2021 12:28:12 idiom. get in over one's head стараться прыгнуть выше головы (In business, start small and don't get in over your head.)
9.05.2021 12:17:13 over one's head get in over one's head
9.05.2021 12:15:58 be in over your head be in over one's head
9.05.2021 12:11:17 be in over one's head get in over one's head
9.05.2021 12:11:06 get in over one's head be in over one's head
9.05.2021 12:05:27 get in over your head get in over one's head
9.05.2021 11:57:36 auto. moto. break a tyre разбортировать колесо
9.05.2021 1:24:26 context. unhelpfully что никак не помогает делу
9.05.2021 1:24:26 context. unhelpfully что совсем не вносит ясности
9.05.2021 1:03:08 moto. slang road rash асфальтная болезнь (раны в виде содранной кожи на незащищённых экипировкой участках тела, которые образуются при скольжении мотоциклиста по асфальту)
9.05.2021 0:13:27 Федеральная служба государственной регистрации, кадастра и картографии Росреестр
8.05.2021 20:51:10 over-head overhead
8.05.2021 20:48:41 over one's head be in over one's head
8.05.2021 20:47:10 gen. way over one's head слишком сложно для (This is way over my head. Can you explain it more simply?)
8.05.2021 20:33:03 idiom. have not the foggiest не иметь ни малейшего представления (сокр. от have not the foggiest idea: I haven't the foggiest how, but this piece of plastic with three holes that you stick your fingers in, spin around and hurl across the room in a horribly annoying fashion, has captured their imaginations to the point that Raffi won't even have a bath without his.)
8.05.2021 20:31:52 not the foggiest have not the foggiest idea
8.05.2021 20:29:09 have not the foggiest have not the foggiest idea
8.05.2021 20:27:50 inf. have not the foggiest быть без понятия (сокр. от have not the foggiest idea: Honestly, I've got not the foggiest what day of the week it is, let alone week of the month.)
8.05.2021 20:26:56 not the foggiest have not the foggiest
8.05.2021 12:46:10 поставить под угрозу репутацию скомпрометировать
8.05.2021 11:37:54 run in break in
8.05.2021 11:37:46 break in run in
8.05.2021 11:33:47 обкатка произвести обкатку
8.05.2021 11:33:47 обкатать произвести обкатку
8.05.2021 11:31:38 произвести обкатку обкатать
8.05.2021 11:30:47 обкатка производить обкатку
8.05.2021 11:30:47 обкатывать производить обкатку
8.05.2021 11:29:21 производить обкатку обкатывать
8.05.2021 10:41:06 prepopulate populate
7.05.2021 21:09:17 cheap ass cheapass
7.05.2021 21:09:17 cheap ass cheapskate
7.05.2021 21:09:17 cheap ass cheap bastard
7.05.2021 21:08:29 slang n.amer. cheapass дешманский

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